Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITT. jlic wajco cocjorr. would never come np onlv for lees. When all officers are salaried they will no: be hunting for crime, and will per form their duty under the law none the less. SUBSCRIPTION' RATES. 1Y BAIL, rOSTAGK rainlb, IN ABTAHCX. WefclT. 1 TWIT. . . 6 south. I Dlly, 1 year. 6 tscrnlhv. - j-er " Address all communication to ' ICLE," The Dalles, Oresros. . 0T5' . . 0i . 6 TO; SCO , 0 THE CHRON- t'oat-OSre. omci Horn Gaenl IVlHerr Window a. a. to T jv. a. Moary Order " mu a. to -t p. a. Sunday U n. " .9 . m. tolOa. m. cumxse or miif .9 p. d. and 11 -.45 a. si. 9ke:. and 6;3 p. a. T:JOa. trains going East. West 3ta lor Gold fa dale rTtnevuie - '"Dulur aud arte Springs " fLearlns for Lyle Jt Hart land " " JAntelope Eifftit Snndav. f Tri-weetlv. Tceadar Thorrfay and j-atnroav. i ... . , , . "Monday Wednesday and Friday. ' rectly from a book when the pape ' i i r i T-i i SnBV'rr from "OIhhrlli Aphasia." The Edinbnrch Medical Journal pub lishes an article which, amon; other thir.rs. iiscs?s the qnesti -3 of the effect, of brain chnnce oa poeeh. A patient is mentioned who suffered from what is called "gibberish aphasia.' This poor man knew as well as any body ele exactly what was going: on around him. He was perfectly sane in all respects and. if his tongue would have obeyed his understanding, all ivrmltl havr? been well. Hut when he. began to speak nothing whatever but wJcTA'jKLES, absolute "gibberish" would come out ! nrJ hollow cheeks, and dull, sunken , THK Oldest Agrieoltwtl Piper Id Hmtriei. (CSTABLISHCO 1810.1 To all cash "nicril?rs of Tin: Citiioxtcu: J , paying one year in advance. The American Farmer, 1729 Hew York Avenue, WASHINGTON. D. C. Tite Americas Kakmer, which U now cuter Ing upon It TMh year, is the pioneer farmer's pair in me country. i It l a lanre eight-page Jiaper, nnd contains M I tw,l,m,i nt the rhntnnit tf4Kn(,iihil ni, ll,n. New York feekly Tribune' arr matter, plentifully Illustration, it i embellished with fine m-. i.i U1V..ULU. '"vuui.) wu .- eyes, don t mwavs mean tnat a wu- IJ-E-' he fouia u? fr' Rad 1 , 'V at , raes ' man's old. Half the time thev only IrSto. and by accident, were: "If you please. fa fa , overworked 0r suf. SUMa.a.tsir ' Another patient - a was ; To such women, to every i OT.ltr. J c tivtfl rT- nfflintnrl T")r. for ex- rierces ravonte rrescnpuon suwv XATIOXAL IX CHARACTER, S, and doal with Jrral:i: and farmer' Interest on briwd, practical Hue, it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IX THE COUNTRY, and cverythlnc that appears in Its columns Is of the h!jrhe-tcharactT Every department of the farmers bttslurw l dIcmeU in nu earnest, practical way, kxitliij to the createat profit and licneMt to the fanner and til" family. It appear on the 1st aud IMti of ench month, ami Is furnished at the tow price of TUESDAY, DEC. DEHOCRA TIC lyvOXSISTEXCIES. Calhoun was in favor of protection in 1S16 and 1S24. He said: "Afford to in genuity and industry immediate and ample protection and they will not fail to give a preference to this free and happy country.' In 1S31, however, rhen he got tbe presidential bee in his ' .... . ,c, i ample, to read aloud the passage: "It and certamlv brim back hcaltli anu Miui in; iu tiie jwwe. ih uir vuiiei.'f w Birvagiu. iLk;iviuuiv uivuniui; examine or not to examine any lieen- ' that corrects and cures : a tonic that tiate.' he invariably read it thus: "An ' invicorates and builds up ; a nervine acrieuiturai jmprr in the country kiic- irv niwi u iiic wwuniai ' thot onnthae oirl KtTfiTt rrt hone V OT majorum. This pa- , , wnm-menLi irron-ularities throthotodoo to tient recovered in due time like other people. 50 CENTS A YEAR j In advance ThU Diikn It tlie rhriMit 1 I FARMER LEGISLATION. i j AND ! noffoDWoofrfn Phrnninfri uauuo iioquiu umuuiii n IMPERSONAL BREVITIES. cap, he was opposed to the principle of I Yale college. protection. Mr. Clay's compromise bill in 1S2S for the preservation of the manu facturers of the country was on trial. It provided for a redaction of ad valorem Unties of 20 per cent- every two years Hntil the 30th day of June, 1S42, when all duties should be reduced to a maxi mum of 20 per cent. The object of Air. Clay was to save all he could of the pro tective policy, and to postpone all further action on it till a more auspicious day." Mr. Clavtoa insisted that Mr. Calhoun should vote for the bill, which with ! great reluctance he did, but previous j thereto he went all lengths against the i protective principle, stigmatizing it asj Hnconsiirntional, oppressive to thei south, an evil "inveterate and dan-; gerous." Two Firr.rn.v-VEAr.-OLD girls have passed the entrance examination to ! it is the only guaranteed remedy. ; If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. A sjreat many medicines " relieve " Ilors at Racine, Wis., 2v a kite ten , wwb u fau. iu feet hich bv sever, wide, which carries that it's driven from the head into a tail eighty feet lone. the throat and lungs. But, by its The last lineal descendant of the au- j mild, soothing, cleansing and healing thor of "Robinson Crusoe" is a pauper, ; properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uem- seventy years of ace, nearly blind, and I edy perfectly and permanently ewea. in receipt of outdoor relief. t " ' Ajtek ndxnrr on a carrousel at Alex-1 andria. La., recentlv. an aged colored A OEVTS make liroa day Greats: titr hen , , , t I - utensil ever Invented. Ketall 35 cts ;t6 woman dropped dead, rnystcians pro- Nia ta t.verv hous--. Sample, txwtaie jiA. ave nounced her death due to the excite- cents. ilcJlatln and Co.. Cincinnati, utuu. xaent. Imrlnr the comlnc year there will lw an Im mense numtxsr of matters of the most vital lu teres to lumier dealt with by Coiifri'ss and the Kxecutlve IVpartuients at Wnshlneton. It U highly important that the farmer be kept promptly and fully Informed as to what Is being planned and done attcctine them at the National Capital. They should alt, therefore, take The akekican r'AiiKEK. which, twlivK on thesTTOund, has. better faclltUes than any other tiers for cettini; this information, and devote Itself to i thU duty They will nnd In It nmstantlr a great amount of valuable information that ttiey , can cet lu noother isiper. The akekican Farmkr aud Tur Cikomclk , will b sentoncyear for II b. I Itncklen'a Arnica salrtt. The best salve in the world for cute, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It ts guaranteed to five perfect satisfac tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents So incensed was Jackson at Calhoun that in his last sickness he declared that in reflecting upon his administration be chiefly regretted that he had not exe cuted Calhoun for treason. "My country," said the general, "would have sustained me in the net and his fate would have been a warning to traitors for all time to come." ' I 'l- r r nnnAnws .tin, Taw . V. n It one hundred vears tne protection pnn- . tWWEtsft u C. lz5 t, i- - ciple has been maintained, the only 5 w J a 15 Ifi nfi & :? p o efforts to abrogate it having been made j WTEy' jf daring Calhonn'e efforts at nullification, EctA. SjpW'x "VsC' and the late new doctrine announced by J 55ctaM ana yJ j A the Chicago platform of the democracy, j SUP par Battl at0 AT; The crv of "Polk, Dallas and the tariff, Cures Cnnfc, itot.r r .....sure -'a.os-. r-,o..., j .i' -.r , ' Croup ,.r. -Tjt, r: n cvc-3 tvLocpln-Coi'Si. of 1542," and the crv oi "Polk is a better , and A-t.im J. ! - t onnmt t;Ti tt hn tariff man than Henrv Clav," was not P'"0??;? ' railed; vru, ct.ij: Y C.'l.CZ .::l.tr.c. c3J made on the constitntionalitv of the ! by Dru?;U:t on a r.rntee. Firlaclto:!: 'per bjx. For sale by snipes Km- I erslv ! I !! mm m m m mm i. . reduction of duties, made by the demo cratic party. It will also appear by the foregoing I summary that all the predecessors of the : democratic orators of the present day 1 were in favor of protection, and none j more than McKinley of Ohio, and Reed j of Maine. Tbe fact is that the republican party, ) under whatever name it appeared, was always in favor of protection, whilst the j democratic party was not, and now that the party has thrown off all its disguises it is more than ever necessary to nss all legitimate means to turn it out of power. This ought not to be difficult to do. The people have become aroused to the in capacity of the present administration. The Hawaii question has become en tangled through the operations of two or , three diplomatic agents and requires a , wisdom beyond that of the present ad- i ministration for its solution. There is likely to be bloodshed there. The declaration that the federal govern-, ment has no constitutional power to im-. pose and collect tariff except for the pur pose of revenue only, "and that the Mc-' Kinley tariff law was the culminating atrocity of class legislation" are not likely to get entire credence even in the demo cratic party. Many democrats do not wish to be coupled with Calhoun and null ification. The democrats of Alabama, who have iron ore and iron manufacturers to protect ; lead miners of Missouri, who want protection for their lead ; the coal miners of West Virginia, who compete with Nova Scotia coal, and the woof growers of Texas, Ohio, Oregon and Cal ifornia, all have such an interest in the protective principle that their voices will be heard when the tariff bill comes before congress. There will then be music in tbe air. T. A. Huuho.v. 1 you i warm? Ta reraen- It raaras- teetl to cure von. iricu Xtru. li sector tr-i Tor ale br nlpe Kiriar!)-. P 1I87C "TE WAXT YOU TO WOItK FOR fs, thni matlnc J12.C0 TO A).CO l'KK WEEK. Partle preferred who eta lurnlb a hnre aud travel through the country; a team, thmjsh. 1 not neceaary. A few vacancies tn town and cities. Spare bourn may be ued tn sood ad vantage. R. F. JOHNSON iui. 11th and .Main ats., Klchmoud. V. SHERIFF'S SALE. He virtue of an eiecuUon and order n ml'. ; ined on: of the I ircult Court of trc .-'ute of Orecon. for the County of Wbjco. ti. me diTt,tl ) commandlnc me to make sale of the aud iii the j aid writ, deCTiN.-d to-wlt Th(ve es and I pnrtelt of land lu vtatco County, atatr '. ore- , pnn. tnnvn miri ib.e?ihl n th,1 ntL half uf ' section eighth , and the jouth half i! vetioti i nine !t and the eaut half nnd the Miuthet i I quarter and the east half of th northwest quar- , . ler aud the outhwe-t quarter of the nortl wet quarte' of section ten (10) nnd the tmrth hal! of the northwest quarter and the southm.t quarter I of the north west quarter of urtior. rifts n . i uli In Township one 1,, north of Kaus- fonrtt2b U east of the Willamette meridian. ti make 'id iv the ram of money, in aid court adjudz rd : jxild to the plalutifT in .ud nctiiin. in j vt.(r action Tbe Solicitors Ijnar. uii Trust, 'i iiu wcr; plaintiff and Jaraei Roiiri. Mar thr-. 31 -.(Kith. Everett . Hall. J 1. l lure. ' .-;irHt. H McClurc. It. 0. Alter. Halpb Kiwen.Jn- i lu N H'-eer. I'rl Embodr, J. M lay or aud J , I- Kdnards were defcncanU, tfi-wlt. tlieuni of " ' -jk .M' with Interest thereon, from Ju' 1. l-w. , ' n t.i rate of sli pr cent jair annum nad 1 An.UJ . atbirin fee?1 tn isald action and ctt and tllf- hur-e ents therein taxed, I havelcn (tij levied uin. the land afonald and on Saturday the 23rd tiny of l-c.iuln-r I 3, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. in fr-.nt of the court h'inte dor. In the City of The 1m1h, in aid County :id State. 1 will el! said land at public auction, to the highest bidder thereinr. T A. IViwi. .-hCTlffof Waieo County. State of Oregon. .til This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. a-ONLY- $1.T5. H. H. CAMPBELL. Successor to LESLIE BUTLER. U ill c-oantntitly Leep on hand n complete Hue of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Huvtiic purrhnu'd Mr. Butler' entire ktock, I idml! endeavor to maintain tlie reputation 6f tho houo, which ban been BEST GOODS AT L0WETT PKItES. - SQUARE DEALING TO EVERVOXE. Call and see me, next door to Postoffice. Clothier and Tailor. novti VI60R F HE!, SHERIFF'S SALE. -NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lund, Act June 3, lSTe-1 1. : Euilj. Qclckly, Perrasr.entij Restorti. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNCSC, DEBILITY, ' I By vjrttir of an execution and ord.r .if ale, j iffliiMl i u.of the Circuit Court of tie Mate n I OrcKuts, fur the County of W,ei-. t. n:- dtrreted ' conmandlns rne to mute ! oi th- land in the .ld writ dectlbl to-wlt. thoaepio-e and i-ur-jeelaoi land In Waco County, titate ( (irezim, 'known and described n the wutnwei'' quarter j of Motion fwir H, und the north half ,', -eUun nine ;9i, und the northwest quarter of etion i seventeen 171, In Township one fi m.rtb of ; I'.nne fourteeu 11. eiuit of the Klamette Merl ' dian, to make and pay the um of numy, in I said Court adjudel to w lald lu the plalntlirlu irf-iti' said aetl'in. I i which action The p'llif itr 1-oiiu ii!; "nd Trunt Company veie philntitr. an t iamen ne Hwith. Murthe M. Uo-.th, Everett K. Hall. J V. . . ... ' r ... i r iiniMti.fi fi i - il,.. . t . i. v?heumat!smf Lumbago, Selattca. KJdnsy Complaints, Lame Back, c and all the train oi rrl! tromtarlrerrursor iiet-iure. rnrnn it. jicviure. i. u Aiier, liiiipn derelopment and tone Kuffer Julia J Ki)er, In Kmlxl ti In. KlTta to erer7 organ aid ' ior und J F Kdwaid were defetidaiit. to-wlt portion of the body. ne aurn of tDMtM with Inteiest thffwm. from il?lvS?lnJ Ju"r 1. 1'W' nt the rate of lx jeetit -rontuim iSS oirSihiV un MM ntM.rneyV !e. iu eaid nrU,.ii and rrf"ren.ft-,t: cojt. and dhbumemenU therein ta,-d. ! have explanation and pr .ta fhlx day levied upon thelnnd aformiid, und on mailed wealed) trtv. j Saturday, K3rl luy of l)rtml.iT, 1HU3, ERIE MEDICAL C3. 1 the hour of 10o rlw.-k a. m. in front of the ( court nome coor, iu ine i.iij n toe n-uty, in t eald (.ouniy nnd atnle. I will Wi nttdund at I pub lc auction to the hifihcit bidder therefor. T. A Nakii. Hberifrof Wateo County, state of Oregon. ilril l.A.vp Orncc, Tlie DhIUk, Or.,( ov. h. Iiusl i Notice U hereby Riven that in conipliuuce with the provilon of the act of concrete- of J JuneS, 1ST'), entitled "An act for the utile of tini- j ljr landi In tbe mate of (,'uiifuniia, OrcKOn, ) .-evaun ana ant!igto!t jerrnory, Nriil HteriiAon, Of Kinstley, county of Wnnoo. ntntc of Oregon. bu tnUdny tiled in thin orllre lil xworu ntnte ment for the purchase of the SE'j f of nectlon. No 23, in Towimhip No. :i h , rause No 13 K. W. SI., und will oiler proof to nhow thal the laud hought Is more valuable for lu timber or atone tbuu for nsrlculturnl imniw. S and to cntublHh hi claim to xnid land before j the KeRUter and Kereivcr of thin omeuHtThe i Dnlli, Or., on the I.ith day of January, ls'l. lie namek u wltneiuien (i..iri:e IIcUmiU. Ja I;r Etiley Um lUiudeuu und ltfayctte liavis, an oi hiuirmey, ur. Any and uli wrrnou claiming adverw'Jy th above-decriln.'il land are requeitted to lile their clulmx lu thlftofllco ou or U-fore aid 15th day of uaiiuur , i-'i. wlo JOHN V. LKWIH. ItetrUter. Decitlwlly the Finest Uric of Gents' PiarnishLing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COP., SECOND ANJ) WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. SHOE FACTORY r I NOTICE FOP. PL' BLI CATION. i For Sale at a Bargain. BUFFALO. N. Y. nori SHERIFF'S SALE. i IJy virtue of nn esecutifn aud order 1 of Mle iiitl out of the Circuit Court ' of the atate of Oreson for the county t of Wrinco, to me directed, cornrnandlnB me to make a!o of the land iu ald wrttideicril. 1 to-wlt; thotcplecen and parcel of laud in " Uueo County, nutte of Orejrou, known nim! de- tcrlbvd aa uli of kection thrc:(;ij, and the outb nan oi tne oiitncu.it quarter oi ection lour IJ, and the nouth half of section five :, and the north half of ttolion eiKht (;, ull in Townithip one fl). north of Itanve fourteen '1 1 eat of tin. i . -. ... . . orrr-tuatlouof train nrre tortni attmtmm Ind. i Willamette meridian, to make nno y the Hum 03. SAWEI'S ELEOMIC BELT With Eteetro-Magnetlc SUSFKMORT. LalMt I'unur Uut IatraveaKat I There U little itrictly original matter in the president's message. He rather lsre tbe Hawaiian matter, and brings oat for periodical dusting the old tariff fltrore. One or two catchy noveltiee are introduced, and tbe balance of the niee- coge is chiefly mode Bp of government documents heretofore pablisbed. Tbe rcoBimBdBiIofi of tbe president to BBlias the foe syatBi in federal lit asjwal tfa atBBBg points in bis i Jtj fkmtii be favored by tbe vf all parties. There is no elMBi that tb present syttosa works via istiwAuff ibeisMks to OBjBil'ssBBM im om of tbe tt le qliy swislii tbt .it 1smbjs1 fate ecwrt tlMt WID aire iriltout cwilldn all Haliw moUuur from eretlcn, as ttrwrn dfMIKy. tlatpwanMa. Uasmor. jumnwiMm, xuiiurj, jitct aw wkoan compujnu, lanw laek. lumtMo, KiaUna, all fcmalfl eomptamu irmnil 111 btaUh. etc. toetnc liit cunuiui WwMil Uriiiwnli orr ail MiMT. farrot U imtutlr fit by anr or rorftlt Si,Mu.o. and willeurnallof thm rnutn dlMIH or Do ar, Hum ZiU tmn Ugro rand by Una mamloaa lartnlMju .'! ill otter rrmtOkm fikd. and w trite h'irrtr-1' m Katlmooula la tala aod rry otbtr tuu. Our ImM lainMi BUKIOIC RVHIMT. h grralMt Una rrrr offrrftl nk mn. ntR wtUali Bli. MmIiH mt la in m IHwH StaaiWMtt la la Mar Ikad for llWd runlet, naill,aMkd,U ANNS SJLSCTftiO 00 Bo. ITS 'Ira Mroel. niMTLMB SMKX. John Pashek, I. The Merchant 1 ailor 7 CeuM .wMt jfezt deor to fuw San Oflee. of money, in aid court najuaKtn, p, r paid to me pmintiii in aia action, in wuicn ncuon The bolicitom Loan nnd Trtit Compunv were plain. tiff und James liooth, Martha M. Ittxith, Kverett K. Hull, J. K. McClure, haruh II JlcCluru. I). G. Alter, llalpb lioxeri, Julia X HoKerii, L'rl Kin lxly, J, Jl. Taylor and J, '. Kdwmdt were de femianu, to-wlt, Itienum of t.W),U) with Inter eat thereon from July 1. at the rale of tlx percent per annum and taxi UJ attorney feea lu Mid action and coauand ditburtemenu therein taxed, 1 have tbi day levitd upon the laud above dewerlbed and on NatnrdartkXMdav of Ilttcornlxir, 1HI3, at the hour of 10 a. tn.. In front of the court houte door, In tne city of The linlle, In aaid count." aud tate. 1 will ell Mid Und at nubile auction, to tbe lilgbeit bidder Uierefor T. A. Wabd, HherifTof Waaco county, Stale of Oregon, novitd 1.A.NO OrncE, The lmllen. Or., Xov. u, 1KW. Notice in hereby jrlven that the following liamel aettlerliaji diet! noticeof bin intention to muke lluul pmof In nuiiirt of hi claim and Unit miid proof will be made before tho riitlxter and rweiver at The IjuIIcr, Ortvon, on Wedmnduy, DecemlA-r -7, 1VJS, viz. llfwltt Ulnc, Hometeiid Appllcntlrm No. arjj, for the J"U of 8K. and Eli " eec. 10, 1 p. b. It 1 1 Knitt. He nuiiies the followluir wltueMKex to prove bin coiitliiuoim residence upon und cultivation of aald Inn(,vl7. H. v. WelU, of The jMlles. Or., Charle Katon, Jamea Kaaton and 1'uui Llmcrutb of Xuiiieue, Or. Joil.i W. l.twit, llcRlKtcr. BUaji juit received the la teat itylca In Suitings for Gentlemen, axil iiaa a Urge aMOrtmeut of FoMfam and Amor- viowi, wuicn no can anun to uiuer ior uat favor hliu. C1m1j Dw HfpsiriDf Specialty. EXMUtOf'S Hwtirff tt CMwitftfi. Notice U hereby irivu (bat tbe County Court tif the htale tif Ortgou Un Wnco Couutr naa uuiy apiMiioito mo unueruKi.tii me exaeuuir of the lait will and teilameut of Cifirae f. lUera, drcaaMtd. All pernonn bavins clalmi asaitwt theatalof aula dtceaMol am hereby required to pretMit them, with the proper vouuhm, within ix month from the date of tbli uottae, to tald axaeutar at al plaee of mldeuee, aaar Palla City, !n Mid eoniity, or at the oOUc of H'.iL WIUoii, In Mid Uallt City. HCIIAKI 1IOV1JK, KxaauW. JiMad tMa tot day of foveuiUr, 1U6. Mw EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tlmt the under Higued has been duly ajijiolntfd by the County Court of the Btnto of Oregon for Wasco County in probate, executrix with the will unnexed of the estate of James Underbill deceased. All ttersons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with projifcr vouchers at the Inw office of Con don &. Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from tiie date of this notice. November 11, 1893. Cl.AliA Z. UXDEUIIll.L, Executrix of the Estate of James Under bill, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The undersigned, having secured the niaehinervji1 fixtures of what was intended ibr a lirstclass shoeJactoO" willsell tlie same at aljargainT HenrisTn engine" boiler of 40-odd liorse power, "and" ii larmouofP6 machinery, las:ts, line shafting, pulleysr linJini ingfj almost acomj)lete shoe factory. Here is also one of the best sites for successfuUE' atiiig a factory of jLliis kind to he found in this country Write for" particulars at once, to Uikd Omci, The Uallex, Or.,) Oct. 4M, itm. I Xotlce U hereby Klven that the followlua namd aettler fcaa flltal uotiee of bla 'Intention to Bake Dual uroef In upport of lila claim, and 9-1U Tla. Dalloia, or. that MM proaf will be made before the KeKUter anu mswTer i UilMJ,vtz: at Tb JJlle, Or., on Ueceinlr BaJaaalo . raks. wascJoks Uugba,dcaMd. deriaaa HoraMtaad AbpllMBon No.tCW for the HU BKti and ti'A WX& tMc. Si, Tp. 1 N Jt. 13 K. ' Ue iiaiaw ta following- wltneutw to prove bla contlnuoua waldwice upon and cultivation ol Mid laud, via; 0. W.:ook, W. A. Miller, Frank Crelghtoii and Hath Morgan, all of tbe I)alla. Or. g&-l I- Haewv pica. take nonce. tVFs JOMN W, IJiWIH, KtTclater. Ertravy Taken Up. Ope black pony, branded either Bj or S on loft hip and Mt Jaw. Owner can bavo tamely mov lug pruyartf id yaylag for thu uotioe. , JJKU, C. WU.DEK, MUalHi foatogtce, The Dalla, Or. Job JOB FIRST CLHSS pi i CAN BE HAD AT THE TI' "Tim CHRONICLE OFFICE lUaftoaably uiooa Ht.