The naiies Daily Chronicle. EatcrWl at tae ifflcv at liie Dalle eco:id-cUs. matter. Onxon, TtlK K.V1.LES OKKOON Closing Out Sale OF JEWELER'S GOODS. 1 I'uturc". Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles. 1ms unexcelled pasturnce I and any one who desires to avail them-, selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. I7t: TV 1 W1C Week From NOW Until Mexican duat. i'ver Stove Po!t?h cause? no . "ntlcu. The lanre stock of sroocls at l I Garrefeon's Jewelry Store. December 31, 1894, YOIJP ATTEHTIOH U c.ll"d to ibt- fm t thnt Hugh Glenn, Df aUr m mid Ituil-i -- ('Mill JJiiv, I'-.,. Ut-H' v "iifns to be closed out at price? to suit the times. icii is a twin to "Sf'iS; Everything Musi Be Sold, Regardless of Cosi. I N'CLUDING To Ali Whom It Jlaj Ccntera tt.. 1 -l it -1 Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d day of Xovenitier, 1S0S, notice is herebv ' civen that said cstv council is about to proceed to order and make rueiit ot tecond street m hereinafter stated, and th improvement wit! be levied upon the uro&ertr adiacent thereto, nnd said im provement will be made unless within fourteen days from the tinal publication ' of this notice, the owners of two-thirds j xd the property adjacent to said street . "W" A TOH VIS remonstrance against said improvement j as by charter provided. Trie improvement contemplated and about to be made i ns follows, to-wit : Tc improve Second street in said city. ; irora Union street to the foot of the 1 brewery grade by filling the same the entire length thereof between said jints 1 with crushed rock. o as to brine said j street up to the established grade thereof . as heretofore established by ordinance , No. 247. Which grade iu the middle of the street is supjiosd to be of the same elevatiaa as the side walks aloE said; street, except where said side walfes are ! not oua nnitorm trrnde from square to square, and said street shall be tilled in ! such a manner that when said improve j meat is completed the center thereof ; shall be on the established grade and , and snail slant to each side toau eleva tion of S inches Vlow said established irrades. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes For CLOCKS. CHAINS. RINGS. CHARMS. PINS. TABLE - WARE. Now is tiie Time io Buy Christmas Presents. ETC. R. Thompson, Assignee IE. W. HIEIlLl & CO., - - i i:a;.kus in - Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fine Toitet Snaps, Combs, Brashes, Pefflnnerr, Etc WE DON'T WflflT YOUP, LIFE! Said improvement shall be made v.Ith xcts of such size as shall be furnished to the property owners by the authorities 1 of Dalles citv. and sua'il be hauled and f placet! on said street at the expense of the respective property owners abutting upon said street, and spread on said street so as to le of even surface and as directifd and under the supervision of the committee on streets and public property, DorGLA? S. Dcfcr. Kecirder of Dalles City. TJated this i'4tii day of November ison dl4. Compounding- Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty. Co 10") Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Opiyltt i uurcibia Caniiy Factory s. L. YOUNG, : u Second St. L C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or WntciteM JesceL-7 tej-aued to orCer on Abort notice, uatl f.itisf JCdon uarantetJ tr I. MpS.I'Mi. Sil st.lhf Halle Business Change. The undersigned has boutrht the Chinese merchandise basi net's heretofore conducted by YS3 HO? cSc CO. and wii! nay aii bills owin'.' by asid firm if presented to them before December 1H, 1SW. CHEW KEE & CO., 130 Main ht Tlir Halle. Or. When the Train stop at THE DALLES, set oil' on the South Side AT THE fiEW COLtUJVlBlfl HOTELi. This larj,' and popuir !i 1 the pri:ieipa: hotel buintt. and li prepared ii furmsi. tin.- lfernt Acconitmxlatioii of any Hwuse Is. the city, ar.'l a', the ;' rate $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Heals, 25 Certs. OfUce for all Sta-f- I.lnt- lcavlns The l)artf for all points In i;a;Tii ()r-K and Katru M'anltlutun, in tMi Ilutul- Comer r.f Yr,-,. and t'r.i';r. T. T. NMCHOLAS, Propr. MINHNS HE NEW TOWK biu plnttwl on the old camp scrauwl, nt the Forks aud rze,si climate, the central attraction at a mmuiuin nunuier rtnort lor all Oregon. Fall of Hood river, with brsv.sizhtlv lots. brood utreetiand alleys, ifwxl toll and pure water.wlthsharteln proiuilon. p.Tfec:dralnaKeellslitlul mountain J Caveiti,ad Trade-JIaiics obuined, and all PuJ esi buuoess cocducted (or moocratc Fees. 1 oub Office is Opposite U. S. pTinrOriecJ J acd neon secure patent in less ussc lm taoie J rcaotslroin Wajimjtoc. 0 Sesd taodel, drawine or photo., vriln deter rp-J Jticcu We adrise, i.' patentable or cot, iree ol J charge. Our lee not due till patent is secured. t cost ot tame in the U.S. and foreign countries J ent free. Address, ;C.A.SNOWcLCO.: OP p. rTtnT urribL w'sninurun, w Just Landed A FKW t ASK.- OF - Oilskin, Mackintosh, and Rubber Clothing, rmbrellas, Etc. being the nnueat tovru to 3!t. Hoo2. It ii nnparallelec as a rrjamiUcturiiif center, being the natural center lor U (uare miles of the best cedar and hi timber. piis3dns tnillforn of horu-potrer in Its daahlns stream and vratet falls, easily baniesei. Where cheap motive power exist, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by oll and climate that cannot be eicellec anywhere for irultand agriculture, aud with trntifportatlon already aure: you will lind this the pUce to make a perfect home or a paylug InvestneD See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITLE PERFECT W. RossWinans. I Him Has alo receiveil from lloton'ntid Fhlladelpliia, all grade of Underclothing, and n choice assortment of Neckwear, In the Intent (il;r!i. BOOTS AND SHOES from the Ikit Makers Only. All iu miM lfi (laic fizarei. "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Clisi-l Sale of Mil tmU Caris t! at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MIGHELBAOH BRICK, - - UNION 8T. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and Roofifij MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubs Blacksmith Shop, Jost fioui, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR PJ1EY, OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. ONLY $1.50. TliBse are Dull ficliiie Times f To tit foand in the City 72 LQtishington Street. From TERMINAL op INTERIOR Po THE And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. Circulation must be doubled, and to do this -ve propose to furnish the Weekl? Edition for the balance of this v and one 3rear beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, andjjr especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist. and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this lira Fa p ui RAILROKD ! the Hue to ttt fO ALL POINTS EAST AXH 8 It l the Ulltttii: f'nr Itouti- It ruu Ttonr "tftl!iiilcl 1 raltiM-vcr) iny in th) '..pi paul and Gfago (NO t HANi.K OK ( AKil C.'om)Mvl of liitilnr Cars unanriHt'Hd. W.I man lirawlnc I'.mim tUvrs of latent tqnljiQtav TOURIST SLEEPING GARS lleitt thnt can U; ronntrurtitj, and lu wfcla Hrfoinm.MlKtlotiii iuu both Fni) and I'umlibei fur huldeniif Kimt and hecoiid-cIa.iKTlcieU.u4 ELE&ANT DAY COACHES A t'ntitluiiou Hue, cuutiectltii; with all Hci adiitillut; direct mid uullitvrrupUit ocrrlce l'u.'lmnu jlevpvr tcwnratlnu Chii v ecuM lu ndvnnct) thriiUKti ntl)' aeut ot the mult THROUGH TICKETS polnnta Amerl, r.UHWUu nu't i.'!f r.e call u". jiurctiuM-fl t aj ticket ottlrr ot it jiiitiiiif h'lili 1 1. lorn train k routi niip!ic'ii!lim U i coucerutiir mtn, time ol .1 other detaili- lurnhlin) on Acont Ii 1 I'.le. Or '. A w. c. Nv Co ALLAWAV, , liesulatnr ofict. T.1 CIIAKLTO.V. i ci-r Aut hmtiu.1. enousB Is not enough, our plan to is- Receives G-oods on Stor- sue the Weekly in instalments age. and Forwards same to their destination. of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. ReCGlVeS Consignments Sunday's, Monday's. Tuesday's , For Sale on Commission, and Wednesday's NEWS eets, stale by Saturday night, and! hereafter the We?l V Chronicle , i Part I, will rea ' Wednes- j i day evening, II oni Saturday evenin The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to( please, which is considerable,! we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced.! Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of thisj special rate, which is the bests offer ever made on this coast. Ra fes Reesonble. - M KK .oi!., X'V. W. Oo. THK I, M., "It i WEBSTER'S I INTERNATIONAL i !:M., DICTIONm' 'VuaUtidtrt-' Tn T" 'R?. In roWita.S iiKirn tluitl espeliile'l' Every? atiouU! own " liunclatl..!.. niKlllllli: Ol " Halsofii'" concenilBS mitlnent tKjrwmii; facta wuuwri""? :ountrle, cltUm, towiw, and t'aW'L,!z. ture of tiio Kloboj lartlutiUra f'1"""1' noted UctltloUH iietoiui mid place, i Utlou of forolpi ijuotatloin, vo"'s- auu ptovcrldt; otctitc, etc. . Thin Work in Invaluable m lioutolioM.niid to tlio tcaclair, Mliolar, i"- feanlonal man, and eir-!(iuc-aii I'ublUhcr. I iiflCWffl'KS SprluJlcl(!,Aliu. IjjrfERSATlON'J jilitioiw. ty SdU fur free pn-ctiu. Librarvin Itself. tUo often lernsil Infonnatlon con; Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. The Dalles Daily Chroniele. 4v HAS A FAMILY OF 6 2000 BEADEEB. Thoy tcul Tliv (Uiroulclo to H" lnU'", inont iuIIhIjIu i.iwk. Ami Hi)' rnl w'1,jr !tc Hint In In tlio pnir. 'flint Ih wliut ' (lliroiilolt) mi inviiliiiiilt uilvertIliB ' " Tho iiumpuixT that k""' "!" 1 NiMlilt U tho oi.u Hint tlm '''t',(t1'! of toelnr juttronUo when Hu')' ,"1,r,,i'.' nufili th iplc. Wliun Hioy want your m tlmlr uiuifmiicuincntu will lo founU In tlm Uxik dvoroiireuliimiiti mid nlmirvt- ,iuverl , Hon of Hid ttiitli of thla wmoMIoii. llciiiemt" iitrMUoofufmnllyof two tliouia u In worth wtkliiK for tlirougl" tlie" 'Ts tolnnitu, ailnlly t our to7