1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle, OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WACO COUNTY. SCBSCRIITION RATES. 8T KAIL. roSTAQI PRXrAlB, tN ADVANCX. Weekly. 1 Tear. 1 1 M 6 month?. " s Daily, l jwt. 6 months. r Address all communication to tCLE." The Dalles, Oregon. THE CHRON- orncc hours General iMllvery Window S a. in. to ilocrr Order Bandar u n. n. in s a. m. to 4 p. ta. 9 a. in. to 10. tn. CiOSINQ Or XiIL trains goinp East .5 p.m. and 11 a. in. West riu?e (or Gotdendale " rrtnevlllt .9 p. at. and 5:SO p. m. 5.3)l m. iiutrvs mo in say that should you be the ' advocate of n measure to which our in terest is evidently opposed, the zeal with which you have hitherto supported , will be relaxed.' To which the ceneral replied . "You usk my opinion on the tariff. 1 answer ! I am in favor of a judicious examination and revision of it. and so far as the tariff j before us embraces the desien of foster-' oiojinc, protecting and preserving within ourselves the means ot national defense and independence, particularly within the state oi war, 1 would advocate and support it. Heaven has designed our mountains aud climate and soil for the crowing of hemp and wool. In short, sir, we have' been too long subject to the policy of ' the British merchants. It is time we . should become a little more American- j 0 75 o 6 to 3 co i ! THE ! Oldest Agricultural Paper in America, j .C5TAUUSHCD 1010.' ' To all cash sultfonlwrs of TiikChuo.vjoli: ! paving one year in advance. The American Farmer,! ! 1729 New York Avenue, 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. Tlir AMBKU'AN K.lUHKR, Which l llOr Mltl'T We xn-'n It? ?.th car. I- the plonter farmer iaie- in the eotintry. . ; i larae etsht past" inpor. and imhIuIiis v r i imii if the ehoireit iirirulttirai and liter h- natter, plentifully cmbelll'died with tine ..i.trattii. It ii NATIONAL IN CHARACTER. u- deaU with tannine and farmer Interval" WRINJZZES, l" ad. practical lute .t and hollow cheeks, and dull, sunken Euj'L0YS Ttir: ilEST WRITERS IX eves, don't always mean that a wo- -'n COUNTRY, man's old. mill uic time wicy oniv A t E DulnratidSarmsprlnM ..5:9a.nj. i ,zed and tnstBUd of fewnig the paupers ' "utu ' . , , j ' ami ervthlnp that appiir In lt columns t of tLesring tor Lyle Hartland 5:3) a. in. . ' ' show that she's overworked Or Mlt- tt!, , ushest character fcvery department of the " "lAntelore s.33 a. a. (and laborers of Europe, feed our own,' , women to everv ti-mv u iii i di-cuvied 'in mi earnest. Except Sunday. , j ;n a short time bv continuinc our I ICn"" . . . , V j r iwiini! way. looking to the emitd pr-Jht mid Tri-weetly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. tlse in a snori lime, dv coniuumit, our t t . , J or afflicted. Dr. t. the fa uier and hi- fami! " Monday Wednesday and Friday. SATURDAY, - PEC. 2, 1593 ; present policy, we shall ue pauper our-, p. , F3Vorile Prescription safelv i stives. nri iirin' hack health and These were the outspoken words of' trttntrth lt's a lerritimate medicine ,ipjicur on the lt am! 1 th m eaei: r ntli ; i furuiihed at the low prlev of w CENTS A YEAR T , General Jackson, in favor of the protec-1 tbat corrects and cures ; a tonic that .i mee Thi. nmke. it the eUvuvt ' DEXOCEATIC IXCOKSI$TESCIES.tion principle. Under the protection :nv:oratcg 3Ucl builds up : a nervine .icricuiturai vVOr in the e.iuutry. , principle embraced in the tariff of 1S20, . s00thes and strcnstliCDS. For , Fr.KI ,T.nv Cukoxicle Inasmuch as the 1 1S24 and 1S2S manufacturers nourished . ajj (erancements, IrreciilnritieS ! party of the nation in its j and the public debt was rapidly ; and weaknesses peculiar to women. ..S'XJT )T mVtii VTh ili : i -n 1 3 Just w front new Ton Sl'I.KNDJD ASSORTMENT Of Ladies' Jackets, FROM $3.50 UPWARDS domino & Furnisninn EDrror. democratic platform of IS92 has denounced repub lican protection as "a fraud and a rob bery of the great majority of the Ameri-, can people for the benefit of the few," I and that "the federal government ha? no constitutional power to enact such a . law," and that "the McKinley tariff j law was the culminating atrocity of ; At Keniurkubly jov Prices. xSplendiu ChincMllaJlvercoats $5.50, FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ET0. diminished T. A. HI-D50S Concludtd tomorrow. it is the onlv guaranteed remedv. i If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your monev back. IUchelor and Spinster. A parliamentary blue book relating to the last censW lor England and "Wales shows that there were taken . rift Kits immiHTiwl males nuu b.'.HIb.bOO class legislation;' and inasmuch as the unmarrie(i jemales, married males and 4.910.WS) married females. 4S4.09O widowers and 1.124.310 widows. Gentlehen Havme suQeml a preat deal from headache lor year and belnr unabli- ti ret relief until It would wear mrar of lt-lf I yaw Krauze's Headache Cajoles dvertisHl. I mt Uiem.and now am never without them. Qmllns: I: the oniyTemedy that will clve rellel. When I now rind a headache comln? on I tjiSe a capitile and always nnd the relief intantaueiwu. R spcctfuliy your. o H. Wright, Boston. Ma.. The above letter i only one of the many which jro to prove the remarkable benefit received from the u-e of Kraue"s Headache Capsules Any person jurt'eiins irons headnche should procure thev; nirrtulej at ouee. Beware of imltotinm. The senulne are old only in boies and have the won! Knuieon the label, none other genuine jild by tiiTie v'c KlBersly Jtucklen' Arnica naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain.1-, corns and al! skin eruptions, and posi tively cure piles, or no pay required It is uar.intsl to uive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Iwt. For saie by Snipes a Kin erfcjy Hot ciarn broth at J. O. Mack's every day at 4 o'cloek. NOT CUIIC Anprva slirative an i NfcltVL Itj.S iC. ind $1 . it riekaye Samples free TTTi-. TX Too Favorite ZZZ7Z iiiVJ'fortheTe.ttiaadBreatn For cult !)" Hnln A" Kiiit-Ij VI60R " U3)C MVS EzsUj, Quick!;, Ferinansr.ti; Htitortd. wavs and means committee is formulat ing a tariff act to be reported at the com ing session of congress, free from uncon stitutional .provision, their action is a legitimate subject for criticism. The orators of the democratic party profese to be guided by the principles of their predecessors, and especially the doctrines of Jefferson and Jackson, and ; hence it becomes a iair matter of in quiry how far the demoeracv has been iaithful to the principle? of iheir dis tinguished apostles. As Don Quixote charged fall tilt ou a flock of sheep, enchanted into Alifaa "laron, Lord of Taprobana, so did the Quixotic democrat oi the national con vention charge with fury against the McKinley law, because, amongst other things, it afforded protection to woo!, coal, lead and other artieles, and they followed in the footsteps of the eccentric John Eandolph, who is reported to have said he would go twenty yards out of his way to kick a sheep. Let ns see how General Washington, who had the proud title of "the father of his country," regarded the constitu tional question repudiated by the na tional democracy in the aforesaid plat form : The first act of congress passed after the adoption of the constitution was an act to provide for the manner of ' taking the oaths of office at the begin- i ning of the government. The second had for its title the following words "Whereas, it is necessary for the sup-, port of government, for the discharge of the debts of the L'nited States, and the encouragement and protection ofj manufactures that the duties be laid on goods, wares and merchandise imported, , be it enacted, etc., etc." Washingtor ' wore a coat of domestic cioth on the day j of his inauguration, thus giving an ob ject lesson to the legislators of after I times as to the means of promoting our : national prosperity. Fresh from tii national convention, can any one no: blinded by party bteotry believe that ' Washington would have signed the hill I if he bad any doubt about its constitu-1 tionality? ! In his second annual message Thomas ' Jefferson, to whom the democratic ora tors refer as proof of the orthodoxy of their political sentiments, stated his views as follows : "To foster our fish eries as nurseries of navigation for the nurture of man and protect the manu- i factures adapted to our circumstances." "By continuing to make these the rule of our action we shall en dure to our countrymen the true princi ples of their constitution and promote a union of sentiment and of action eouallv auspicious to their happiness and ' safety," thns affirming the constitu-1 tionalitv nf a turlfT. 1 In a letter to Joseph C. Cabe'J, dated March 18th, 1827, Mr. Madison writes as followe r "The meaning of the power to regulate commerce is to be sought in the general use of the phrases ; in other D!U SANDER'S ELEGTfllC BELT words, in the obiects trenerallv under-1 With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY. ' , , , . WWI fMtiUI JJt laiproi cmcaU I stood to be embraced bv the power! WMetjrowitfcwtBiidnii rnniuar wuen it was tneerteu in tne constitution. The power has been applied in the form of a tariff to the encouraging of particu lar domestic occupations by every ex isting commercial nation." It has been bo used and applied particularly and syitematically b Great Britain, whose commercial vocabulary ie a parent of I ours. Every president, from General Wash ington to Mr. J. Q. Adams inclusive, has recognized the (tower of a tariff in favor of manufactures, without indicating- that a doubt existed anywhere. A construction of the constitution practiced npon or acknoledged for nearly forty years has received a national sanc tion sot to be reversed, bat by an evi dence at least equivalent to the national will. When GesMral Jackson was s candi date for presidency the first time, he re ceived s letter ftom L.H. Col man, dated April, 24th, 1124, which reads as follows : "We am anti-tAxif here, sod candor re- A great many medicines "relieve" Catarrh in the Head. That means that it's driven from the head into the throat and lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy perfectly and permanently cirw. VuEKTS make mo n day. Greatest kitchen uteniil ever invented. Kctall i5ct.. 2 lr old in every hrus . Sample, txxtase paid, fivt rents. iicJiaitn nnd Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio WE WANT VOT TO WORK FOR US. thu mufinc fli.fO TO 1.T5.CO I'KR WEEK Parties preferred who can furnish a hureand travei thrijush the country; a team, though, l not neery. A few vacancies in towu ami cities spare hours may tie ued to cjd ad vantase. R r. JOHNSON' A eo lith and Main Sts., Richmond, V SHERIFF'S SALE. IK virtue o! ar. execution and order f iai iu!outoi tne ( ireuit Court of the State (result, for the C mty of Wasco, to m" directed rommandinc me t- mate sate of thu land in iar said wit. devrit-.ti towit Those pte-es aii'l jjarel of land in Wac County. State nf Orv S'in. known and de-eribed a the -outh half of section ei;:ht " . and the outh half of seen :i ntut- and the east half aud the southnrs! quarter and the east half of the unrthwwt 'juur ter and the smittmre't quarter of the nort(ies: .tiar:u of .-etion ten !lo) nd the north half the northwest ijunrter nnd the southeast quarter of She northwest quarter of section tilttn i . 1. i! Township one 1.. north of Range fourteen , ; .ljt of the Wiiijciette rnoriillnn. to make tervst t'1 fainiers uwtit mvt bv Cimcre anil the i.eout!vc rerfl::tnonts at Washington. It l high nniMirtunt that the farmerT tx- kept ) nipfy and fully informed as to what is tielllP Vhmtit-d and done Hitts'tlnc them at the National .nntai. The Khoutd all. therefore, take Tm: WSKI an Kauwei.. which. Ir'Hir on the ground, ha- N'tter faelllttes than any other papers lor ; tlinc this tuformHtlon, and itevotis IlvII ti. t.v, tlut They will tlnd in it wmstautlv a :reat amount of valuable information that they ihii net in no other l ajn-r. THK AHEUll an Kvr.xKR and TllR CltllQNlCLr. , i.: be -entone year (or (1 7 , M we nre iotrud to SKLL FOK CAftH 111 Order to 'tvoiil Inwsuit9 (like he famoue A. ColHliH inul wifeV suit ) nnd liuil tlehtn, our pricen will alwayy ) fouml the verv loweHt in the market. Wo Invite our friend? nnd cuitmnerg to exniHino our t'(Mds nnd prices before ptirchuniiit.'. tne sum oi nviney, in -uiu cimri hujuus : - mid to the iil.iliitiffin said act'.ot.. !i. 'i. ction The ."nUcitnrs Ian and T?':c. ntiffin said act'.ot.. ti. tors Loan and T?':c. tM v.ere iilatntin and Jame Jiiitc. Jisr ): th. Everett E. Hall, J r. McC.urv. - ..i '.' ' lure. I), (i. Alter. Ralph Rotters, iv . :. s. I ri EmbMly, J. M. 'lay. or and ' ' ,h .-ci- were defemsnts. to-wit. the urn .' . interest thereon, from Jul 1. l-v. 'if six jer cent ier annum and j"' i fee in (ld action and eunt and 4: -lit therein taxtd, I hav;thl da '.: i d "Pii. the land aforesaid and on iati:rilay tli- "Ilrd day of leciulir 1 K1I3. at the hour of 10 o'clclt a.m.. in front -j' tl r u-t hnie di-or. in th" city of The Itali-i. i:. id Connty and statu. I will ell said land t T'UIjUc auccou, to thehUhes: bidder tlwrvfor T A Wai:U -neritfof Wer County, State of Ortipir. nov'tit This Is the Season Of the Year cjQhen Judicious Advertising Pays. New York Weekly Tribune -AND Dalles weeRiy enronide NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Timber Lntid, Act June 3, SHERIFF'S SALE. 1-. virtue of an execution and order of ai... 1-ui.d u: of the circuit Court of tne Stat, ' xetf-iu, fur the County of Vae, to mi- directed ' r.iinr.iainlltitr ir.- in mase ale oi tne uinu n. tut sid wrude-etibvii tif-wit. thotiei-e and tir V Lani 'jrrtCE, The linllwi. ')r . Nov. ls'u; , ; Notice i hereby given that in eoinpliuneo with the prwiM'ins of tne act o iniigri. of ' June 3, is:, eutitinl "An act for the ul,- fir tim j i!T Uivi" In the state of latlfomia, (reujn, Nevada and W itMhitignm l. mtjry. N'iil t Sti vt'iimui, tif Kingsley, county of V.'hhd, ite of Oregon. ' ha this day tiied in tills otllce hl sworn stale inent for the purchu-..' of the UK't of NV4, 1 of seotJon. No 'Si. in Townanlp No. 3 h , range . N i;i K. M . and wi'l offer tirool t show 'd j that the land sought is tnorv valiiaiile for it timlwr or stone than for agricultural pun. and to (sslnblUb his cUiiin to ald land ONLY- $1.75. NERVOUSN2t, DEBILITY. i said court ailjudirul and all the tral.-. rr r-in ,-e.-..i Mild lt wnjCotMir. , state ! urw.1.. i ,,. HrrflHer and Receiver of thl. ulUceatThv known ami described n the Miuthwest uu.jn.-' iu.n. 1. ,i. ...... .. til.l v f ' iji. """ ue iiamex a witnesMss (leorire Jicljni , 9J: ; I'.V'.r. TiSi. V.mVn'l:::;'":!: U.m Rondau and Ijifayette ' Range Mirusji. .HI, ea-t of the lllnmett, r. All). nn,i alf ,;r,, claiming iul "nan i. rauie ano iiy me ro i mun". ); ,v...f..Ht.l I.uhI. nr.. ,n..t t .. c,i.. ,i rr. r.' t.miii ri.int.riiniii'.r'tii... ... , ... ... . . ..... H. H. CHMPBELL, SuccuaHor to LESLIE BUTLER. Win constant' vei. i. Iiiud a o miplcU inn GROCERIES. CROCKERY! Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c. ' nl.iima in rti ,.m tJ. .... i '., ,1... : . . a. i i i . l. .i :.. -ri... t rtiii . i "mii-v writ i-i.ai i, mm ami u n wild iK'tlMii. i:i uiitcn actiun Tne hoitcttir l.mu i i-,.,-. t.ui i r r- im , . ... -irt- t t . . - , ... t , IrT.mearlyTr-,ror.a; , - """".. "!'.u. '"."T wlO JOHN W. ' I- Rrwiater. cxcrt. ttic rnult of ! i"''", iiar.na n. lio-nn, r.vere;; r.. na; . j r . - i overwort. ti auin, Mcclure. r-arah H. JlcClure, 1 G. Alter. iuii;4. Ktwfnu vnv tl'ti m l'Pir iv ' vrorTT.cte. FtilutrecgiL. : Ren., Julia N Roger. Lri Kmb.xl . M 1) -NUIlV. rUl. 1 L l.UUl 1U.N. j CBTeiopniea-. ami ioce mrandJ. t hdwaid were (leieuoanu, tiwit , given toeery crsanand ' me ijdi of taivi to with intoiwt theteor.. from1 LaKD Orncj:, The Uallw. Or., Eiff-f. JiC,h;?-J," ' Jul' a! r W ' fix lrceutl!rarinilfn ', Nov. U, I'M. lSSStaSMlmoSynl WOU mtonicy'ii feci, ill ald aetlrm and1 Notice Is hurebr Klveu that the foilowitlK Fall'ire fn:rxMt''e. OKt and dihtiremuntJ therein tJiaul, 1 liave j mimed ttler hao tiled notice of hia Intention to 2jru refertnev 1 - a. , day levied upon the land toreuiii. ami oi. , mrtxe filial proof In support of hi claim and that explanation ana .u .Suturiia) , :;:Jrtl day uf Hcr-inlicr, 1 Kim, ""(iprool win s made ojiore trio remitter mid ;... ..- n'-the tHIt IKtUIUAL UU. 'court tald pub.ic uuctior. to the bighutl bidder therefor J . A. AMI'. ih'-ritr .,; v.hmo County, aMte of cticv'oi, norStftd HnviiiK pnf ,ail Mr, Jlutler entiro t.'i. the hoiii' I dlu.Ii ciidiiiMir t maintain the rep'iUUon nl W i.i' !i I betii BUFFALO, M.Y. iriiaj, :;:Jril day r ncr-inbcr, 1 ki:i, ""'I I'riMil wil made ivfore thu reyiiter and hour of luo'clook . m. iu front of the , nuU "X"'1' W t,1,lwl"jr'' lhou,edoor,intheCity of The ImUm. in I lv-"num -" C- untv ami State. 1 will cl aldlnd at I Hewitt KIiik, SHERIFF'S SALE. Uome'teni! Appllcntinii No. 'JsiS, for the NU of i sK4 ami K' of liW t-ec. 10, Tp. '.' c. R. 1 1 Eut. ! He names the follnwliit; wltnjen to prove Ida : contlmiouK renldeiiee upon and cultivation nf .aid land, viz II. vs. Wellii, of The Dalle, (Jr., Charlex i Kaston, Jame Katton and 1'aul Mmeroth of j Nunene, Or. John W Lewiii, RccUtcr. HEST GOODS AT LONVETT I'KICBS - .-JlAKE DEALING TO E EKV OXE. Call and see me, ne::t door to Postoffice. Clothier and Tailor. ii virtue uf uti execution and order of saie iniied out of the Circuit our. or toe jute ot urevon lor the county 'j! vaco, to on to jutiKf a,t; cd t" wit thwe .Decidedly the FineHt Lino of i ... ... . . I uwj '.uuuiT, T3WIIC oi virvKoo, .iiii ii noil oe- ( n:w vJUiii.jr iii jifUVAlVf CAVtiUiriX Wltll critd an all o' utetloii tbree(::j, and the touth , the will annexed of the extute of .Inmi halfi.1 thB.outheiut .jtlartcrof fcflttnn four ' ' ' Y l"elltullJ 01 i.mi the uinih half r' wtinn fWH m. hii.i ti,'.. . l Jiderlilll oeceafieti. All rmri-ona havini? .Notire ia herehv Kiven that the under. LeniS IT tlT OlS XlinPr CtOOUS, e Trunks and Valises ; clc, etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THJi DALLKS, OK. oi urevuii iwt me county , .'uiire io nu(t:ii v;ivuu null, me under. ; pieces nnd pareeifi of land in 1 IjOUiitv Court of the .State of Oregon for orv. north half of action eiKht (, nil In Townilnp cluiniH RKiiinHt said efltate are herohy re- If "r"; 'lt tiiirth nf RatiKe fourteen Ml ea.1t of the ' uuired to nrescnt them to mil with Ssrfrem Wlllametu.- meridian, to make nnd iy the nin i ' , " ' " . ,. lf j, ' , 1 ) ,o?r!dS of money. In ald Court ndJuilKcd, t b, paid p. J vmichera at the aw office of Con- f 1 .rJr'"'. "'""j. iryiJVu;a- w'. tne piaiutni in iaiu notion, ih wnicn cuim The i (ion i-onuon in uaneH tJity, ureuon. lliaK'&afii'tt SS I XTX fi,thnMi?ffnilJ!ffir,-Va,V; ! within six month from the date of this R2S.l"JrS55& JKZJ. y.". notice. inujurNuVr eMer or jorf.H i,ow.o. Alter. Ralnh lUxtxn. Julio N. Rreri. Lri Y.m. Noveinlter 11. Iflfi.l. ZlVTMlM fcfAr-i f .; ' I CUBA '.. Undkrium,. llrr 11 tAixr rrm.ni tlltl. axul u inrs U-ivUvli "'". u-wu, u,o u m oi i;u uu liner L'-Kcufrir nf 11,., f.'a..r,f Tanw.ii ITrwIor ot toUfaouwuiatnuandaTtrrotiwrtutr. . eat thereon from July 1, WM, at the late of ,ir 1 executrix oi tne nutate oi J auieo Under twrrwrt.i tafrM4juscTMc nwinjMBT. tho j per cent ir annum and fJJO oo attorney fee in! hill, deceased. k - -Tr.: . . . , UJ17 .... .. 7.1 ' '" action auu cinuiami iiiioureiueiiv mere n touts T!rinl!lJSl.SkS1"S I taxed, J have thl. day levied un the land mmdeu iLierne en. auive uacnwn miu mi Be. 17 klr Mlrcct, romrxULXM OJKJK. John Pashek, huturday tlae!i3il liar of'llecenilinr, 1HU3, "at the hour of 10 . m., In front of the court tiouw: door, In tne city of The Uallen, in .aid county nnd Ute. I will ell ld land at public . auction, to the hlKheat bidder theiefor T, A. Waiip, ritierirTof Wiuco county, Ktntunf OteKon. NOTICE FOil PUBLICATION. Tie Merchant Tailor ) ! Executor's Notice to Creditors. 76 Court Stt, Next door to Wmoo Ban Office. flit Juat received the latest ntyle in Smtings for Gentlemen, Uni Umcn, The IjhIIck, Or.J Oct. iil. WSi. i Notice i hereby Klvcu that the following nainul Mttler ha II led iiullceol hli intention to make final proof In mipport ( hU claim, and that ald pr(of will be mude before the lUirlatcr and Uecelver ut The Dalle, Or,, on Deecmlier 11, Wjts, vU Kolaiido (1. Krooha, devlceo( John IliigheK.dtteiued, llomeatead Ai'pllcatlon No. h3. for the HU HVM and H4 W,(it bee. Zi.Tp. 1 K It. 13 K. lie ii.uiie thu following witnee to prove bin t'outliiiioiu renldcnce Uhiii and cultivation uf Mild land, viz u. ".t.iMiK, . a. Jtiiier, riuiiKt;reiKHton and l Notir-,, (m liifffhe L'lvftfi thnt tin, Cointv (".,,., ' duly apiailnu.il the uni rk!gntl thu ejecutor of gfT1 JollN V I FWlfc' R?i,n,r , the but will and tealament of UeorKe V. ll,jr, w ur. 'fc "vKu,r- 1 deeiued AH ktiioiu liavliid claims Knliit 1 . SHOE FACTORY For the e.tatu of joild dcceiMcd uru hereby reuiieij Estray Taken Up. fit l it Irmm t-ltli irtft t..ii '., ..I , and hli a Iartre tuortment of Pn lr, ,.,.,1 a .. . V.L .. " .,. .V" . VwZ.wT. .IT? 1 1 w cun """" 10 ",(ler Jr, to ald executor at Ilia place of residence, near- One black pony, brandwl either 6 or Sou left inoiK. mat lavor mm. j lalle city, In ald county, or nt the otllco of hip and left Jaw Owner can have ame by proy. . iliK yiuvviy -iu iiNiiiiK ior iiin nonce, ' HY.I.X.V.. Wll.UKU, I lU-IJirlm I'oatomce, The jJMlica, Or. 1 V, Ji. WIUoii, In .aid Ualloa City. Cteinlng iod firing a Specialty. muuxl tUh M Sale at a Bargain. The underBined, having socurod JonSSJi"'-aU fixtures of what was intoiidod 7or a iirst-class shoo factory, will "soil the same at a Ijargain? H ere i'Ts " aif .gngj,"" " -toiler of40od(I ho'rs(j"j)Owor7 and a '"largo jaraount of n0 machinery, lasts line shaftingV piyC Tjoltiiig an3 ings almost a compiete shoo factory. Jioro is also one ot the best jutes lor succossiuiry yy? atiijig' a factory of" thiV'klnd to"be found nrtlils country. Write for plioufanT at "onco to 0.12