djrmrick VOL. VI. The Dalles Datty Chronicle. I'liMI'tuil Dully, SiiJiflH- Kxroplcl. THF CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBET 1893. NO. 145. (uini'T "won't nil WBKhltiBWm Strintt.. Tlie linllch, Oregon. t't'l'in of liitliin rtt Year 16 00 jor month, by rarrlor 60 iutW wr 6 TIMi: TAIIl.I.'H. liullriiMil-. Ill riled AllRtlt 0, WXl KAFT IIUtJNII. urtvw. 10.C5 l M. Dt'pHru l; :(H) r u. WKhT IIOUNIl. i Arrive, n ftu a. m. Dujuirtx 8. II a. m. ruolix'iu Irc!clit tbat carry iMUKengurH leave nttnt tbu wct at b'UU a. m. uiitl one for the n: at , :ui a. m. via. Hale Oven, leave dally FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., TIlANKACT A OKKKP.Ali HAKK1NO BDHINKStj he Letters of Credit issued available In Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Incw York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oresron, Seattle Wash., and various points inOr egon nnd Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - - Better Z. F. Moony Hilton M. A. Moony Uf I'miUVlllO !t X SI Fur Anteloi:. Alltclioll, Canyon City, leave mil- i,: ft a si For Duliir, Kinsley, Wamle, Wnptiiltln, Warm pntiK "lid Tych Vulley, leave dally, except iih1kv. Ht r a. a. fin l.oldondalo. Watih., leave every day ot the mi except Monday at A. M. uaicoK lor all linen at the Umatilla ihuiKe. KKOI'USrUONAL. II II I'l . i:ourt street, The DalleH, Oregon. D' .1 n It .If M KNKFEK ATTOKNEYH AT aw-kih)iuii a ana , over iwi JSiw ItulldlliK, Kulrnnce on v aumuRiou oireci Ine Halle, OrcKOti. . , II K N KTT. ATTOUN'K Y-AT-LA W. )! A. lire in rrlinuiio'i. bulldlnc ui kUilr. The Mli, Oregon. t r KAYS. , K.HCMINOTOM. h. a. wano.'i, AY-. Hl'NTlSCiTON .t WILSON ATTOK- 31 niyh-at-law umcuo, French', Mocx over Slat .S'atloua! Hank. ' 'i ' Dalles. Oregon. W I! WlIjiON-ATTorj;r.r-AT-LAW -Iloom. M . French i Co.'c nan nuuuiUK, second itrw:. The Dalle, Oregon. 1 brTHKUI.AND, M O. M I' iiinl S O., D., (' M. : K. T. M. C: rhvHlrlaii mill Mir- ei'iui. Kooms a mid l, rnajiniau mwk. KwMcnco Mm Thiirnbury t, west cud ol fivoud n&EMIrXUAN (Hom j:oiathic riivniciAN iViad bUUOKUH. C'iiIIh auered promptly, y. umce .iuhiuuuu liror niclit. cltv X'lmiimin hUx:k. r country. wtl Hh O. U HEON IJOAKK I'llVBlClAS AND SUU- EON. OIllCO. r(M)inK u UIIU n lllBilunu 3 m k Kmlduncii K. corner i.ouri aim fourth utreotH, hvi- tul door Irom the eorm-r. OJlco hours 'J to VJ A. M., - to 5 and T to s I', m. General Kankint; Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YOItK, SAN FltANClSCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR Collections made on at all accessible points. favoreble terms , bCHCHCS. 1'renldent. .1 M. I'ATTKIiSON, Caiihier. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Ranking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port-laud. UIKKCTOKS. D. 1'. TllOMi'HO.V. J.N'O. S. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. II. M. Beall. ;ciienck. LlEItE. "As old .as tho lulls" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven " tho verdict o f millions, Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act ing directly on tho Liver a n.d Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to bo taken dry or made into a tea. Tho King ot- Liver Medicines. " I have used your.Slmmons Liver Itepu latorund can consclenciously say It Is tho ):l!U! of nil liver medicines, 1 consider It a medicine chest In Itself. Gto. W. JACK son, Tucomu, Washington. WKVEUY I'ACKAGE-5 Has tho 7. Stamp hi red on wrapper DDCCinrAIT'C HrCC i ri?lal,lein,unti0,1 na "Ircady stated in my 1 lUiJlUr.iU J 1 UEJJAIiE lust manifesto, is to establish the repub an Pills ltraMnc I I Tlmc inakc it nil L. neeefcsary to ndvertls-e. the more That 1r bnt the iuhh lirocrektivc of our ss men think, and flic' Mimi1kiu. inessmcn are the movt prostn-rous at all time.". If you wish to reach all the reoiile !n this neiRh borhfKid you can't do better than talk to them throuch the columns of the Daily Chbonicle. tha more than double the circulation ol any other paiier, and advertitliiR in It pays Mr. "Tk Regulator Line" W. H. YOUNG, Be Dalles, PorUaoi ii Astoria Navigation Co. to the Congress United States Today. of the DUXHAK GUILTY OF SMUGGLING The Jury Decides Against Him on Six Cotmts Big Fire in Baltimore. w AS1MNGTO.V, D. C, Dec. 4. The president submitted his message to con gress today. It i9 a very lengthy docu ment, covering a wider range of subjects than the one submitted to the special congress in September. Of paramount interest is his attitude on the Hawaiian question. He stoutly maintains his former position taken, nnd intimates that developments will vindicate all his actions. Of special importance is his advocacy of the abolishment of all fees pertaining to federal courts. He is an tagonistic to the fee system and urges congress to formulate the necessary leg islation looking to its abolishment. The subject promises to become fruitful. Dunbar Convicted. PonTLAxn, Or., Dec. .".William Dun bar has been convicted on six of four teen counts contained in the first two indictments against him for opium smuggling. His case went to the jury at 9 :30 o'clock last evening, and an hour and a half later the verdict was returnea. Elaborate arguments, both for the prose cution and defense, were made fcatur- y, and the judge gave his charge to the jury, concerning the evidence and what to do with it. McGinn for the de fense, set up a claim of great respecta bility for Dunbar, and exhausted the vocabulary of approbrious epithets in his search for synonyms to apply to Blum. KIG J'IKK IX HAIriMOHE. D PliALL Dr.NTtcT. l,u.s Riven lor tho . tHtuilesH extraction ol teeth. Also teeth . .lowed uluminut-'i lilate. Koouu: alcu ol at , itdeu Tooth, hecond citreet. MOOIKTIKS. WAhl'O LODGE. NO. 15, A. F. ii A. M. Mifth Y tlrnt and third Monday of each month at 7 D0.r. UOYAL Al'.Cll CIIAl'TF.K NO. 6. Mwt tn MiiMinlc Hall the third Wudnendny "! tt month at" 1'. M. f0hKl:. WOODMLN OF TIIK WOULD. M ill Hood CamvNo.M.Meuth'IueMluyeveu lacofaeh week In Fraternity Hall, at 7 ::w y. m. Biacksmitn k wagon sis p0U'3U:lA I.OD(iK, NO. 6, I. O. O. F.-Meete ciurv Krldav evenlm: at 7 :K0 o'clock, In K. o! I' hall, corner beconil and Court eoloiirfotii lird, nr.. u-t.lpnmc. H. Cwt'uii, hi!'y. H. A. 1HI.I.M.N. O. tfHIKNDSHIl' LOIKiE.NO. !)., K.ot I'.-Meot I, every .Monday evening at 7;30 o clock, In sclwniiot,ulldliiK, corner ot Court and Hecond itrwu. tiolournliiK inemUTH uru cordially In HM, " W. H. Cham. Jl. W Vauhk, K. of K. and H. !. C. A erf KM II LY NO. 4'.7, K. OF L-Mtjt In K. . oil' hall thonecond and fourth Wedue T ot each mouth at 7:3U j. m. VyOMKN'H CHKIHT1AN TKMl'EUENCK ' I'NION will meet every Friday afternoon Ho'cloek at the readltiB riann. Allure Invited. IJurmnu UkIkc No. &U1. I. 0. O. T.-KeKUlur 11 week I v meetlnim Friday at b I'. M., a' fntenilty Hall. Allan) Invited. C. ClIHIHMAN, C. T. It. 0. FLKCK, bo Ttim.K LODOK NO. 8, A. O. V. W. MiftH In Fraternity Hall, over KeUerti, mi Boamd w, i uurauay oveniuK" v . . . H. HANSEN, JS;B Mykb, Klnnncler. M. W JA8. NKSM1TII 1'OHT. No. ir.'. 0. A. U. Meeta V tTl.Pi- U..t(irHu. .. rHI f U til tllU k. Of l1 ft OF I.. K.Mcew every huiuliiy nftcrnoou In Hie K. ot 1', Hall. fiWANu VKKEIN Meota overy Sunday if TeuliiK 111 the K. of 1'. Hall. jj Of L. F. DIVISION, No. 107-MeoU In I ii.,., ' 'a "i" lr"' Blm iu I 70I ettc), mimtli. t 7!!l V. M. Wednen- TIIK UlIUltUIIKH. vT.r-KTF.KB OHOHOH -Uev. Fi Y oliT t'aator. UW Mann ovui If.'x "'Kl' MlUk ,lt lO.'SO A. M. Father Hkonh- ury Hitnday tit vcniierii ai KT JJ'UW OIIUKOII Union Street, oppoMto Ititr L ' . 'lov. r.u u. nuieiiuii nei:iui. pmiw ffii,"!(,"y t M. nud 7:SJ0 p. m. Hiinday j-awiicu A. m. EvculiiK l'myor on Friday tit M'TIHT OIIUUOH-Uuv. 0. D. Tay- MoruliiK nervlecH ovory hat; inv at 11 A. M. bablmtll Irnn... ""'nwllatoly eftor inoruliiK norvleon. kervlccn lit the court Iiuuhu at P'llHTll li.nli, 1'aytor. Iefc7i ncimomy at 11 A Ir jiT" Union no (J.V IKOATIONAL OHUKOH-ltov. W. 0. 4. w .V T'. l'ator. HoryiccH overy Sunday at 11 "rtin, u! ''' Hundy School uftor mornliiK . .". HtraiiKoricorUUlly Juvltcd. BouUfroo. M. c',UKC"-'v. J. Wiuhlkk, tiuntor. . r.t'rvii... c . . . ... .' ... m ii u. in. Ktiworth uieutlliK every E5iid ulV0 uvory Buiiday morning lrui "i'liioi at raw o'clock p m. ll. " tnact by both jnutor and ioile ,ltf,li,ir ii .. .. , luxiiiiiii kiitii. 1 r. iTwichliiK In tho L'QiiKrcKutlouul rHy invitwT K'p'lOAL LUTIIEUAN Ninth utreot, tjwx 5fi8 Pm A cordial welooino General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TMrd Street, opp. Liebc's old Stand. THROUGH Hpuse Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. Has the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.ThoDalles J. I. I0ED, date ot Dei, Moitic. lown. write iiuder March '.'3, 1HU3: S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , , , , . On arriving home last week, I found all well nnd anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had waated away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of tho children like it. Your 8. B. Cough Curo has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for nil. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mit. & MitH, J. F. Foiti). If you wlh to feel f retdi and cheerful, and ready for the Spring' work, cleanse your (.ynteni with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking twooi three done each week. Bold under a ponltlvc guarantee. 00 ceut per bottle by all druggiMt.. C. F. STEPHENS, ID ISA LICK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing Freigni 3na Pssssnnsr Line Through daily service 'Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Jyjcks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock') at 0 a. m. con nectiii'.' with steamer Regulator for The DalU-f. I'A MSKNIi Kit It A TKn. One way. . . . Bound trip. . ..00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueunral Aicont. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (lenerul Alauugur. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E CANDY FACTORY ARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts Vir "Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster in The Dalles The I.oks Is Kktlniuted at Nearly Haifa Million I)ollur. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 2. Fire con sumed .400,000 worth of property in West Baltimore tonight. A general alarm was sent in from Lombard and Paca Etreets about 5 o'clock. Within two hours the commercial world was 55 i bereft of some of its stellar enterprises, and a locality renowned for its historic surroundings and imposintr edifices was wiped out bv the dreadful lire. Hun- I dreds of wage-earners had just been dis missed for the day when the cry of fire rang through the six-story double build ing at South Paca street and Cedar alley. Number 34 South Paca street was occu pied by three firms, the Deutsche Lith ograph company, the drawers and over all factory of Juhn & Co., and the shoe factory of Charles Jleiser. Nearly all the employes had departed before the lire alarm had been sounded, but when the flames were discovered eating their way along the ceiling Annie Taylor bo came frenzied and leaped from a second story window to the ground. She is dangerously injured. The firemen worked lia'rd to save the Langfelder building, hut were battling against so much tinder. The (lames spread to lib' South Paca and that building was doomed. Sheet after sheet of flame swept in tho direction of the university of Maryland buildings, but were fought back each time until tho rear walls of the Heiser building fell upon tho roof of the dissecting building with a ciash. This decided the fate of the lalwratory, and in a short time tho entire building was gutted. For live hours tho city was Illuminated by tho blaze. The four story double warehouse and factory of M. S. Levy A Son, manufacturers and wholesalers of straw hats, Lombard street, was partly damaged by lire, while the stock is also injured by water. The rear part of John Dotterweicho's three-story saloon and dwelling was crushed by fulling walls. Several other adjacent buildings weio more or less badly damaged. The total loss is es timated ut .$400,000, with insurance of jj-'-'oO.OOO. MKI.I.O A A IN TALKS. hcan constitutional government, which was destroyed by Peixoto ; to promote national peace in all tho states of Brazil and to substitute a civil government for militarism nnd the awful system devel oped by an actual dictator, who prepares for our country in this way tho tremend ous misfortune common to Spanish com monweaitns. ah reports about mon orchia! plans as to tho navy revolution are absolutely false." KlngNloy nnd Vicinity 2 38 2d Street j. FOLCO A I right nlde Mr. Obair' restaurant. Hoot, Hhoe, HaU, Kto. Fancy GioodfS, plotionfS. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON This old, popula tlreiy n . Hi,., t. ........ r unci rouauio nuuou ly refurnished, ami every room haB been ropaporod una repaint and newly carpeted throughout. Jho ihxllca Kto., Uiu., Etc. Tin- lti'lxl lliallliin AiIiiiIiiiI HUM Another MunltVit". Ni:v YoitM, Dec. IL Tho Herald this Sunday) morniug prints u communica tion lecelved through Senator Buy Bur hosn, tho exiled Brazilian, who is tho leader and recognized mouthpiece of tho Brazilian insurgents. It is front Mollo, tho rebel admiral, and was wiitten on board tho Afjiiidaban, just before leav ing the harbor ofBlo. It reached tho Herald through that paper's correspond ent at Buenos Ayres. The cominunica- house contains 170 rooms nnd ta supplied tion dollues, in Admiral Mello's o-ni with every modern "venV00. Kat wordri( Ul0 ,.sut.t jmrposoof the revolu reiiBonttme. a UDMV""' r.T"" . i,i ,i iHKv,lt to the house, rrer trains, i Klsosley, Dec. 1, 1803. Krora our Klngsley correspondent. The neighborhood of Kingsley is hav ing a long spell of rainy weather. It has rained almost without ceasing for the last six days. It is not often that tho Tygh Ridge people get too much rain, but now they are all crying for a halt. Those religiously inclined are sending petitions up to tho Ruler of the universe to halt, while the timid ones are pro phesying a second flood. AVe hardly think Tygh Ridge will be flooded, but we believe that the liberal supplv of rain we have had will bo the making o the country, for the ground being scarce ot moisture for the last three or four years, needed a thorough soaking, and it certainly has got it. Both grain and grass are doing well. Stock is looking better than I have ever seen them look this time of the year. The health of the neighborhood is good. The Kingsley Sabbath School is closed for this vear. Mrs. Remi Rondeau of Kingsley has returned home from a four weeks' visit with friends in the Willamette valley. Mrs. Rondeau says that she enjoyed her visit very much, but she would not ex change her Kingsley home for any place she saw in the Willamette valley. UNO. Ladlca Must ltpmovo Their Ilatl. It will seem strange to the American woman, with her Declaration of Inde pendence traditions, to hear that the director of the French opera has as sumed the authority to make a hard and last rule with respect to ladies bonnets. Even small bonnets are for bidden altogether for the occupants of the pit stalls on Saturdays, that being1 tho only night when ladies are admit ted to this part of tho house. Formerly the stalls at tho French theaters were invariably reserved for men only, but one after another their rules have re laxed until the only one where it is re tained absolutely is the Theater Fran caise. Ever since the question of bon nets has been constantly mooted, but hitherto without any actual result, it being' so much against tho habit for ladies to appear in evening' dress in htich places that no one under the rank of an opera director could have ven tured on their adopting it. THE ORIENT. Thk Chinese have an academy of manners that prescribes etiquette for the whole empire. 'Filial'-; are over six thousand persons fed three times a day at Dolma liagtch palace while the sultan of Turkey is there. Tin; orlinary folding fan is supposed to have been invented in .lapan, in the seventh century, by a native artist, who derived the idea from the way in which the bat closes its wings. It has hitherto been the law in .lapan that if a woman was not married by a certain ago tho authorities picked out a man and compelled him to marry her. The mikado has just ubolished this usage NOTED IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Kosjw.d.w jam is a common dish in Roumania, where roses are grown by tho million. Mamtiiiia is encouraging the emi gration to Its own liorders of fanners from Iceland. Tin; roofs of Egyptian temples are composed of huge blocks of stone laid from column to column. Tin; smallest republic in the world is France; ill'', one of the islands of the New Hebrides. The inhabitants consist of forty Europeans and five hundred black workmen employed by a French company. WOOD, H'OOII, WOOD. Beit grades of oak, ilr, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. I'eters A Co. (Ollieo Second ami J offer sou streets. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth streut. (i-L'ildaw. Uso Mexican Silver Stove Polish. PERSONAL MENTION. Rev. P. H. McGnffuy arrived last night with his family, consisting of eight persons. Mr. N. G. Blalock of Walla Walla is in tho city attending tho contest case at the land office. Mr. Wilbur Hendricks of Dufur called on Tin: Chiionicle today. He says the fall rains have been unusually copious and the ground is thoroughly saturated. Stock is doing fino and the farmers have put in a great deal of fall grain. HOTEL AltltlVALS. Skibbe Leo Rondeau, Kingsley; .1 Suler, Gilmore, Wash ; John R Hall, Dutch Flat; Thomas Phillips, Salt Lake; 15 II Haynes, Dufur; W J McDonald, Portland. Umatilla House, Saturday B S Kel say, Win Gilcrist, Kent; Frank Fulton, J P Neece, Biggs; W H Jones, J W Sterling, A W Steen, Citv; Jas O'Brien, W N Coates, Jack Craft, 'Prineville; J P Abbott, Wapinitia; Adam Appell, G B Hamilton, R Hunter, Capt J A Sladen, J L Chandler, Chas Evans, Chas Hart, Portland; F E Horton, Locks; G Springer, II Smith, Haystack; J W Moore, Nanseno; E Long, Po.cunine: Jno D McGowan, Cwsaropolis ; H L Cowan, UPEK, Sunday M H Jones, Calif; J v Ster ling, Geo Seely, Frank Bash, City; G W Smith, Win Bruin, Rockland; John King, H A Page, F E Matchert, Moro; J M McKinney, wf and 2 chid, Blalock; Geo Derniid, Antelope; J M Cummins, Centerville; A M Bunnell, Henry Roth, Fyernby; N Weinstein, J George, TD Condon, H L Curran, Win Morum, Port land ; Chas F Heath, Lowell ; Fred Dee, Arlington; Stuttz Theater J G Stuttz, Mrs istutz, JHiss Kico, ti A ueluon, Mrs Beldon, Alberta Beldon, J Ed Carlton, Mrs Carlton, Francis Greene. Earle Clifton Moore, W J Peters, Ed Bennett, P P rrietnith,Prof Barnter, I? red Cutler; W H Hendricks, Dufur; B F Swift, Geo Miller. Jas R Woodcock, A C Sanford, P W Knowles, T J Driver, J M Ledford, HW Powell, S B Driver, Wamic; Dan Bowers, Mud Flat; H Love, Minne apolis; G C Meyer, La Grande; Jos Harmon, Lvle; J M Berrv, St Louis; W C Cox, Everett; N G Blalock, F D Boyer, Walla Walla; C W Briggs, Oak- dale; W J Sherman, Umatilla; F Rice, countrv, and tho tourist conductors mentioned elsewhero in this issue. Easy to take Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets. Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best. They're tiny, inn:ar-eoated, anti bilious granules, a compound of refined and concentrated vti. ile extracts. Without disturbance m n,iible, ton-'i- nation, Indigestion, ii niis U'iek.8, Sick and Bilious Head.n be.-, nnd all de rangements of the liver, ft unaeh and bowels, are prevented, relieved and cured. J'crmuuently cured, too. liy their mild and natural action, these lit tle Pellets lead the system into natural wavs again. Their influence lasts. Everything catarrhal in its nature, catarrh itself, and all tho troubles that come from catarrh, are perfectly and permanently cured by Dr. Sago s Ca tarrh Remedy. No matter how bad vour rate or how long standing, you can jo cured. Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensivo real es tate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow- escaped one of tho severest attacks of pueumoniu while in tho northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says tho Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several nines during tho storm and was so thoroughly chilled that ho was unable to get warm, and in side ol an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Blai.y sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, ol which he had often heard, and took a number of largo doses. Ile says tho ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. Ho kept on taking the medicine and the next lay he was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Hluizu regards his cure as simply wonderful. For salu by Blakeley A Houghton. (liiiiniiiteod Ohio. Wo authorize our advertised druggist to so )r. Klin: h New Discovery ior Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are uillicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and win uso una romeuy as directed, giving it a fait trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return tho bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this oiler did we not know that Dr. King's Now Discovery could bo relied on. Jt liovordisappoints. Trial bottles free at SnlpoH A Kinorsly's. NlltUM Lout. Lost, two notes payublo to J. C. Meins. All persons are warned not to purcbiise said notes. dlw J. MlSINH. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. uirant uiuicuw - , ..,., t bus to and from till 1 uon, "nu ihjwiiuou v i Herald. Tlio communication says Baking Powder