The Mes My Chronicle. SM YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED Twire P Wepk Enwud n: the PoMtnce at The Italic. Orvson, t second -class matter Till: UALl.ES IIKFOON A Kicti but iriiutprtmrhiiti1a Country. Thrrv are said to bo five counties ia Ulsoari aud olovnu in Arkansas, coa prising a strip of country 12o utiles tqunre. that have no railroad comrmmi cation with the otitsitle world, and are yet wonderfully rich in zinc ore. This section of the country lies south and west of the Memphis railroad, north aud west tf the Irou Mountain, south an i east of the St. Louis and San Francisco and north of the Arkansas river. The zinc carbonates of this region yield S3 jxrr cent, and the "jack" GO per cent, of pure zinc ore. A traveler. Mr. W. i;. Wi.mer. of Kansas City, eay that he found in the mountain a evo even larger ihan the ' Mammoth cave. The manner of life of the people is estreniely primitive. They live in log houses without windows. Bacon is their main staple of diet aud tobacco their only solace. They seldom ' work sa long as they have food and to bacco in the house. But they are virtu- .' due. peaceable and kindly disposed to the stranger. Pittsburg Dispatch. Are your children subject to croup? If so, you should never bo without a bottle ot" Chamberlain's Cough Kemed . It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fait. If given i freely as soon as the croupy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It ib ' the sole reliance with thouantls of mothers who have croupy children, and ' never disappoints them. There is no' danger in giving this Remedy in large j and frequent doses, as it contains noth- j ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A Houghton, drnctrists. i l'atiira;p. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturase and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. Notice. To All Whom It May Concern By order of the common council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d day of November, 1S93, notice is herebv given that said city council is about to proceed to order and make the improve ment oi Second street in said citv as hereinafter stated, and the cost of such improvement wiii be levied upon the property adjacent thereto, and said im provement will be made unless within :5ccrteea days from the final publication of tiiis notice, the owners of two-thirds of she property adjacent to said street about to be improved shall file their rem.'ietranee against .aid improvement as tiy courier provided. Ttie improvement contemplated and afcout to be made is as follows, lo-w it : To improve Second street in said city, j from Union street to the foot of the ' Jbiewerv grade by nliing the same the entire ;ength thereof between said points with crashed rock, so as to brins said I Bire-ir up to the established grade thereof, a?ieTetofore established by ordinance j ?io. 247. Which trratle in the middle of j lite street is supposed to be of the same ! elevation as the side walks alon' said I ' street, except where eiiid side walks are J not on a unilorm rade from square to j square, and said street shall be tilled in j eucit a manner tnat witen saiu improve ment is completed the center thereof ha!! be on the established grade and and shall slant to each side to an eleva tion of b inches below said established grades. said improvement shall be made with rock of such size as shall be furnished to the property owners by the authorities of Dalles city, and shall be hauled and placed on said street at the expense of the respective property owners abutting upon said ftreet, and spread on said Rtreet so us to be of even surface and as directed and under the supervision of the committee on streets and public projerty. Doigi.a s. Drri K. Recorder of Dalles City. Dated this tMth dav of November 1S03. ' dl4. TO FIND A CCKK KOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KSDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, uc. YOUR ATTENTION Is oallrn to the fact that From NOW Until 5? n DE. SKITS ELECTRIC BELT DR. SANnr.X'j EI.TXTTtlC m:i.T nrltfa t'.lcctro ."WiiLMu-tlr-'Iuxiht. miry mil euro withuut mcdlrltii' nil lit ttm aboTntroutii). Tni H" j mrror wont rtrrvou ltcltllty. l.omrH, iirnlnn, l.ot niniiiioml, Ba N rrvm bmv MipiIpmih"., jri'oor .iiemorr. nit i-oinrw. urn- IHUIIIIHI lll'li tiCUUtlll 111 111 .1111' tlie effect of, ntumM. exeujses,w - t orexpuro.tlltndrcIle;aivirr- , euro In our marvelosa inn . which minlres but c trial to errv the mcrfl skeptical, ltilinorani . recta you may haro unduly da yaurrysteruoSnarveforceauijTit . ' which Ik clrctricltr flt' -i . caused yourwcaSnejiorlacX' , . If you replace Into your ays: . clement thus drained, trfc;ch u.-v " quired Mr TltcorontstMnutu, - u w '! TemoTotho cnusoaua tietUb.a:reri." i. attd TUror'Ttlil lulton at once Tti. is our ttan nnU treatment, and . cuatanteo a euro or rctuml niot.ey OnrOOn paP book "TnitKE CT.ASSES OF MEN," iNMJ; njart tjr mUJIr-ncrd and old man. ent sealed. freflTnr. 8andrn',klMtric Ilelt la no ozpunctenr awehaTo7estorlthonsandito robust healthaad Tutor, miter all other jtreauiienta failed. cai V a :oc by hundred of exses tlirviuehout thlsandotaer states.who would uladly teatltT, ainilrux naaj CT wijs we tire atrocs letter? tfearlcjr tcsUaiony to their recoTcry alter tuls our ile!t. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE VO'J: LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. Portland Oiccon, Sxptrnibnr SJ, lip iHaab Glenn, December y., I8(HJ KJ iHrit... tl.r ni....t I 1 1 1 hi For ONLY $1.50. Tfiese aie Soil rips! trureai nccil ITV rilDFn taat'rinciwo. Cal., A usnt lt.KC TV. A.T Auiilnn. lr!lrr BefomI ud jour blt 1 ;i iroabl-d with lot Tlior. ltl noalnwi, and Plciore leuinis, To be foancl in the City. 72 UUashington Street. From TERfIINAIi or INTERIOR Points Til F. Tr- A T 9anitn. lteur rfir: YfirxDf McotaM - tid tuud work, combls'd with ths strain cosilaj (rocs tho n.-. a;acoaiult8 1OM0I power. 1 TOiu k: up wim , of n enaiM. nnueBunimcamal baU(l vr irM tMltarf.bon. ashina, eu.jatnce u.lni! irom which 1 uSrfd for "Tsnjoarv. I w -o bad - .rfit I hjthadanwIMe of lil. I nowatUoyith;at j malA notband my back, tvuill d.ii.!.t.I up f.-vtlua I hT fortea ytarprt. 1 hare the wlUl lt I buntfht on of your blt. Kl"lt.dr-.o zc nfideao la .your trsittuant. on can .rnt-'i,1j.Q , jdtr-and I contlnncl toKxrl1 lor f ur j ia:Hn:ea:,alHi ha.otcr?.WTiteor csiu oa,month. (ioc pr(rctlr curwl. That watwn ;-jlTToar. I1.A. HOVVtlN. aiand2TurkSl ' itUMATISM AND, LAMENESS CURED Pur:land. Orecon. Ar.rll Is ISti T. San Jen. IirStR Irk on ot your belt two. and I am a. wl tiday as I Air wu-i inzm Ule know roar tMlt wu. aau 1 kn w loteor t ;. . haie ben curd bj It. Jinny othum ned It, ..m: if therwoald tnr tt they would find ll theiamf. n. I I i v . ., w.nn..,... whlK 1 Mndirit r ki hMI r tTl .i! T in t Hh nnlfl. 1 nra 'ni'ilm! ' r -ri j-sirs. Forthetki.talx tnontha I had not r'm4nen!Iy,andwilIbosladtotalkw;Uasjonenuo be. - I tow rk. idor twit ha placed mn In olnimt r-rt . : r.-ilih In the two wka X hay umu It. J can .ui c ni.ort.ih.'T. and feel like a new man mnrallr. il t nt'OllEd, Proprietor Intarnalional Hotel. HSRVOUS DEBILITY LOSS OF V1COR. Tw lT Cinbn.Tkup Kti . I h.r rwn rufm Yntjr rrrir ft retumllLCl and after & monthV U ' jnctric belt forst-nerAlnerroca debility, and lo-iarblt I tiud myelf iwicw viicorou u bo fa re Mr (wi cttr than 1 qatb tor nre year. 1 narecauwu memory i now awr pnc-, ana vmd 0-7 in - Your truly. MZXLLZl. UOOllirr rURi.EnsinecrnctalPortlasi3. LOST W1TAUTYAND STRENCTH. . I.yrtt. U.h. June I, fi. Dr. A. T. Pande-, IWt tiirt ,-lnc wearims i u oIt I nan. nen wrnitiy twjnonieu. I iimsi my 011 vt.rllW. jni? nm trrtn in TrT twirt- I fop the battel Yours cratafally. CHAS. LCETKA-luJlas the belt. THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT Uaecci?letessfTanlebj.ttery.madelntoabe!tao aj to be eully worn durltar work or ntlMt.M !t irtve fotbihff. pruloused curreuta which ara laitautly Ic.t mroushout all weak parts, or f"rK:: SS.tlOO. Ucasaa Improved F.lectrlc nunpeoaorT, '.hocreatest boon ever plTen weak m. we "arrant tt tu cure any of the aboTe weaknesici, and to enlAriro shrunken limbs, or parti, nr 3lum"i Krl'undeil. They are (Traded in strength to meet all sum of weakness In youns. mtddlo-aeduruC - -iL. od 1.. core the wors; cases in two ur three months. Address for full Information. SANDEfi ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St PORTLAHD, QKEG3H. WE DON'T WRNT : YOUR i i LIFE! Miusic Stationery Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or Qolumbia jote!. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Ha: lately bteii tlioruinrhly renovated and newly furnished throiit'liout, and i now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodation;- of any house in the eity, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Uihre of the fau-t and commodious opposition tae to Dufitr, Kin;rtey, Tyijh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and Prineville is in the Hotel and persons gains: to I'rineville can save by tfjin-." on this Staee line. All trains stop here. IaZINHNS . L. YOUNG. : : JBWBLEB : : Vtch.- and Jewelry repaired to order ou ihurt notice, nud aatlsfsction KilaraiUctil AT THE M..rv uf 1. 1.'. Mck..lnii, bt. The ilalle Business Change. The nrulerriiiriied has Ixiught the Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted by YSB HOP &c CO., and will puy nil bille owing by eaid firm if presented to them heore December 1st, 18!):. CHEW KEE & CO., i:iO Main Ht., The Jlalla. Or. HE .VEW TO N has !en ijlatwl o" the old curat, ground, at the Fork and i FalU of llocd river, with Inrtfe.malitlvlou.lrfJUlfitreetJiand Mlleyn, wxA (Oil and pnrewater.withshadeiri nrufuiton. i;rfe;tdralua,v,dellghtful mountain climate, the central attraction hh xnounuin umraer report lorull Oregon, bjinr the ntartit town to Mt. Howl. It i unpariillele1 ui a manufacturing center, b;ing tlie natural center for te -junre iniiea of the text cetlarnml fir timber, rie..ii:g rn.lltons of horv-(mer Ih ita dashing stream and water falls, unify hanitad. N here t-heop motive imiwct exists, there the manu factories will center. surrounded by ol! and climate thatcmiuot Le excelled anj-wbere for fruit and agriculture, and with traiirtation already tuiurec you will tind this the place to make a '.-rfect home or a paying lnvtstmeu- TITLE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River "Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the uii-OH Sale d -m Mm k Mi JCaveaU,ndTr3de-MarkobUind,tndall PiM- Jent busiows conducted for Moot n arc Ftct . 4 ioun Omce is Ooarrc U. S. TtrrOrriec J mil we can secure patent in k lime titan those J bent) node), drawics or photo,, with deter in- J Uon. We adviae, if patentable or not, free of; CulTEC, usr IIP aia uue tin bcvuicu 9 A fMMltrr. "How to Ob tain fatesbt," with' e of aae in tbc U, . tad foriu countixsj Stent irec AtUfaw, C.A.SNOWbCO. Off. fTtNT Orriec, WNIMeT0N, 0, C. J imlinwwwwwwmiia at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MIOIIELBACH MUCK, - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs ana Hooting MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubb Blacksmith Shop. Just Jloia, And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. OUH j Circulation must be doubled. and to do this we propose to nx:rlnrlX furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a lit 11 Pal RHI LROKD i 'lie line to takt TO ALL POINTS LAST AMI S l$l panl and A IHO CHANdF. OF CAia Composed nf Dining Car tiuurtMet. r&U tnau Drawing Itoomalvci-entof latwttiBtpanv TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Heat that call conntrtlRtcd, and In whto accnmniiKlatloiti iut tKith Fnt: and KnraUia! for bulderanf Firat aud Hecoud-claiuiTlckcU.uJ GEflT ELEGANT DAY COACBS BUT WOULD LIKE YOUH IKOflEY, amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this A continuous line, cnmiectliiK with all Un aQordlus direct and uninterrupted nerrlce I'ullumn Hl(vp.:r rinctvatlnn cu lie n4 lu advance thriiURh any agent of the road THROUGH .TICKETS jHitnw in Actria F.UKlaud and Kurot; can Ik purchatiil at ut ticket office of the company Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Wel V Chronicle Full Information conccrntnit rutin, ttm trains mule uud other dutalln Iimilifit-d cc appilcr-.tlon to W, C. ALLAWAY, Attuttt I, A Nav Co., ItcRUlalor oi, Tflt Dh'.lr. Or., or A I: riIARl.TO.V, A. : ..ii-a Ch.m'Kw Asrt. rnftlnd, Jju Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignment For Sale on Commission. Mouse CD Part I, will rea day evening, Saturday evenin Wednes- j TI oni Rotes Reasonble. mai.k (.tn ; w. w. CO- T1IK OA!.!.!'..'"1 OUR GHEAT FOR 1894. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coast. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. 5 3 WEBSTER'S Turn kk A TIOKAL riir,bn. DICTIONASI' 1 h hi " Tta i ..M.fmrlv i)lctloi" : lnnJ ;...., nctw'fr nr -. "If ,ad llllHIllt'h ' . . A Library in Itfew- 'vt the nfton dcalred Inf.intiatl' l , finlnont lairwmHi fact '""."rilfw riMintrlca, Bltltn, town, n ' "f "reinS turca of tho IciImjj iitirtlcttlan tn latloit nr InrnlKli Mliitan'"i iiriivvrlm; etc., utc, etc. i,TlntbJ Thin Work in In valm Wg lntiiM)liol(l,niHl to tlin t '10M luaaioiiui man, umi win" HoUl OlUhHilMllirii O. tt- C. Merrlum Co. i'ltllUlier. Sprliiulli .. CjrI xi not litiyfliwjl' I'M": Ijntiilili! repnuta nf ancient Ejj'-Snd forf rco prwiirftiu. The Dalles Daily CliromA HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. ' They read The Chrniilclo to h'ct U l- , moat rullablo i.ftt. Ail tlit')' V' in I In the i.Hlr. That In w if .. unl. ' . I II IT 111"' ( The nuwapiiiKT tliat . K" 1 ..u-erlU of today patroulio Wirf reach tuo iatplc When they '"M, their i ii.iK.i.iiccinwita will ',lUI,dJ ... Uaik ovur oiircoluiiiht ,1",I""U 11,.mcmKt' lion of tho truth of IhU "-''' ' A w w trade of family f V'TZo la worth MklM fr Hitous " T ST, NMilfllly ' "ur U , m nJi.icinA Rat? i-mvvrv " w w