is Dn OUR SpsE;L'L This Bay My. Saturday, December 2, 1893. Rubbers, Rubber Boots, ArrtirQ -w . ) bnow bxciuders, 20 per a, discount. IE. W. HELM Sc CO. NEWS OF THE STATE. "vnuvi luni u ariuiiL i. 'iki m i lllanf. I...f '.'7 ....w......, noa iiu in-u ncimoiB huh yenr. 1-v w . . Dunbar's trial is progress in Port- U UgS, lVieQlCineS aild UhemiCalS, Fine Toilst Soaps, Combs, Brnslics, Perfnmcry, Elc, Puro Wlnos and Liquors for Medicinal Purposos. Compounding Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. No. 105 Second Strait, The D.illes, Oregon. ()kHo C'otmnbtn C'ntuly Knctnry. 3 All goods Marked in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, ntepil h tin) i'nstDttlnu ut The Haiku, Oregon, nt. m-coikI'KIhm raitttur. Local AitrirtUtuc. 10 Cviit" wt line for llrnt liinurltan, mid fi Cent ir line (or twill hiibei)iiunt timcrtlou. mtcs for long time notluux. All Iim-h. notice nt'olved later Uimi a o'clock "111 Mtnr t!ie folluwlug day. SATntDAY DEC. 1893 The Pail) and Weekly Chronicle may y. found on mile at J. V. Nickehen,n store. in value. Tlie boys were cleverly caught by the assistance of the professor at school, and all showed contrition hut one. He seemed to only regret being caught, and unless he changes his tac tics is booked for the pen. A CLOSE "CALL. Euclnrrr l.mij; I'lilU n Truln .lint up to n 1:1c Ilnck. PERSONAL MENTION. DECEMBER DOTS. "I'ttj .VxvNlt lnrin-rl from a Ito iorttr'a 'ot Itook. "Either hml only li;u u tiny 'ft turn- nliu w i in lit hit vr Cmiivii tlio Juy ine litter Joy each ymiiigHtcr know Of neariiiK lHtpjmr'H ciitiloun clothed Wilt iih )ii' Ik ii Klrl. fori-Kiioth, h he'll wear the outgrown Units of Kuth. H. Glenn received a largo invoice of cement today. City council meets tonight, as the I!d oi tin mouth comes on Sunday. Messrs. IJ. and L. C. Kelsay shipped 1S0O sheep thie morning to Troutdale Violator. MiwcurHion train of conductors was MpWwl here at noon today, but for fiomettason was delayed. Word Jjaj not arrived yet from Evans ton j'n r-urd to the Biisjiected murderer, but a telegram is hourly expected. Tlie ladies of the Good Intent Society w Making preparations for their an nual Xev Year's entertainment and upper. The river raised three inches at I'ma till" Itvnt night. At The Dalles the river Mieetl 1,1 feet during tlio night, and stands 11 feet above low water mark. If the lady or gentleman who took the fung umbrella from St. Mary's Aca ''''' hall on Thursday uvuning'will call this otlico their own will lie returned bthem. J- Stuttr. is one of the most indo- Ptulunt actors on the Amorluan stage. "anyone through ignorance or for the moment forgets himself to the extent of 'filing nt u clenth scene, Stuttz is 1"' the man to remind him of his lapao v,puginent. Stuttz com puny have a wide ;wity, ttnd have played in tho prin Clfl cities in the United States for a "nK term of years. It is only through n accident that we got them, us they jo not wlah too to Portland until the ut which time they will open Urtlrav'R. W. .T Nnnrlmnn KrsilWvltt Iti tl of tho Archangel otitH today, whicii e truly a marvel of productiveness, '"6 Hamuli. a . I. ii. lit.... t 'I'.... ''"BO.SiCii.K ....i. t..W t ' u seem that any farmer is foolish Plant inferior varieties, when he can "lo Archangel A War wan the figure head to tho J MlWlallUU MI I L. 1111 1. II II I Ln , ,lt"li six fM, tt O " tifl nlat stltnf rwwl i. y "18 CHnillHHliit) milHlflraiitv Unit "5 lllii u I n UvH If Ml ttlliMr ti tiAimh IID IUKV I1H.VH IMIMII liitllflur J if K of the fact, like the kid in Tlie labt wet spell lias caused numer ous slides on the Union Pacific roadbed, and it is hard to imagine just where the next slide will occur. The engineers, however, know every dangerous place and slow up and proceed with great cau tion till the point is passed. In this way many accidents are averted and both life and property saved. Hut not withstanding nil possible caution, there are sometimes narrow escapee. Thursday evening as the second sec tion of o, 28 was bowling along this side of Arlington, Engineer hang noticed, while rounding a curve, a huge rock on the track, about 50 yards ahead He reversed the engine and applied the air brakes, and barely stopped before reaching the rock. It was oblong in shape about eight feet long bv three wide and thick. If the engine had struck it, it would surely have been pre eipitated into the Columbia, and the entire trail)' would have been pulled down with it. Tlie train irang got out with levers' and rolled it down the bank and the train went on. The first sec tion had eafelv passed over this point but ten minutes before. Some years age below Viento it hap pen'ed that a large rock weighing sev eral tons came down tlie mountain side, striking a moving freight train about tho center. So great was its velocity the rock was scarcely checked in its course, and it cut out two cars loaded with railroad spikes, and with them all went into the bottom of the river, hev eral hundred feet beneath the surface. The train closed up again and coupled together as if nothing had happened, but no trace of the lot cars or load were over seen. Mr. Frank Fulton of Biggs is in the city. Mr. John Crate went below this morning. Mr. ill Condon went to the Locks today by boat. Mrs. J. K. Kellar for Portland bv river. left this morning Ail viTllHtid Letter. bull . (able, I'bftO b0V nfol M- 1.' T I i OllllOadliV mn. .....I ...I. II.. Rt i """ti nilllB , Hium niarln u in.,. ....!. rl " .u UVII. IIUIUHMUi rBulod articles aggregating about $1 Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofHeo at The Dalles un called for, Friday, Nov. "J-Ith, 1893. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : Costello, Martin Cone, Adolph Donuldson. D F 0 Felhn, W L Fountain, Henry V Engersoll, Mrs Mary Ingerfioll, I) W Matthens.MsrSusen Kuinus, Thomas Smith, Mrs Newton Walker, Mrs Elmer Wutters Emel J M. T. Nolan, P. M. Mr. W. M. 'Terry, who has been in the drug business ut Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Kemedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi cine J have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure u cold so quickly no other is so certain u preventive und cure for croup ; no other uflbrds bo much relief in sases of whoop ing cough. For aule by Hlukeley & Houghton, druggists. From tlin Uovri-uur of Mouth JJukotu. Uknti.kmkn KnuliieI pleniie Mud )oittHl note for 11.00 fur Krauiiu'ii lloaducliu CapMilr. Allow mo to nay that they lire uplt'iidUl: never failed to mire my heudiicheH and ouve me a world of underline, I am reeumiiiondliiK them every where. 'I'liLMlrUKKlxti Aberdeen, llecla and Hrltton, Mumhall county, all jiroinUed me logtit them and keep them 111 utook. I am roIiib to t'olorado In June, and I i-liall du you koxI Hierw ainouK thr iiilnem, iiurfrly nil of whom miller from licadnehu.1 In that IiIkIi altitude Yuurs.utci,, J. II. Klbtciibii, Lieut. Oov. Hnii'ii Cliiiii.ri, Dak old hy Huliw i: KlherHly- vol Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver Sheriff Ward is attending the sheriffs convention at Astoria. Mr. J. C. Lucky was a down-river passenger this morning. Mr. G. A. Thomas came up from vt nue fcaimon last nigtit. Miss Ella Joles went to Portland this morning on the Regulator to visit rela tives anu menus. liev. J. W. Jenkins went to the Locks this morning, where it is said he will hold meetings for a time. Mr. Samuel Lister of the Warm Springs reservation left for Washington tins morning on uusiness. Deputy Sheriff Jackson has been ill for several days. He is again around out lias not fully recovered. Hev. P. II. McGuffev and family will arrive on tomorrow morning's train and will take up his residence in the house formerly occupied by Leslie Uutler, on Fourth between Union and Libertv streets. HOTEL AKllIVALS. Umatilla House H S Shoemaker.Chas utianuier. J V .MclJonnoll v. John 1'arker. John A Mohr, Hood Kiver; Washby, W A Coates, J D Pariah, H D Levindale, J iiievius, Antelope; Win Jiruin. Jiock land; L D Stackhouse, A McDermitt, Hood Kiver; L C Kelsay, Kent; ,T W McAtee, K li Degoe, F M Seeley, Sain Swinskey, Sam Winheim, McGomev. Capt J A Staden, Portland; II M Drew, Jioston; li o liocli, tean i-rancisco; l'rank Jbulton, Isiggs; r N Patterson. Grant; W H Jones, J W Sterling, Geo heeley, Anuy hteel, win Jackson, (Jity ; W A McAtee, lygh; bred JJee, Arling ton; G W Ihornton, Heppner; Kenneth McKae. Dayville; Mrs Officer. K L Gil- crist, Oregon City; J Park Henderson Seattle. Columbia Jules Jomsdcn, C Stren- man, Denver; Atliel Fralev, Kingslev; Nettio Fraley, K E Slinger, W H Uroivn, Minneapolis; A E Wogeus, Salt Lake; F Ii Reynolds, E Hayes, Goldendale; J D Nister, James Murren, S J Drvden, Wveth; M S Eastman, Citv: C! W Canco, W A Sltngerland and wife, Mrs Coffenberg, Hood River; WH Watson, I) Johnson, J Kayburn, J-rank (Jaur- sulo, Peter Jiurrell, E Anderson and wife, William Rees, 0 Stornian, Jack Ronstrom, James Gonuelly, T Auams, G A Thomas, White Salmon ; A D John son, M S Eastman, J. Ji Jioiuer, .uoro; W II IJeckmau, D V White, Seattle. IliickleiiV Arn 1111 nulve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per Iwx. f or sale oy snipes rm- ersiy . . (loud .lob rrlutliiic. If you have your job printing done at The Chhoniclk you will nave me au- untage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep contiuually supplied. All jobs under tho direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. linn Ime Imrxn. branded W on left Hlimiliinr. linn star in forehead, and sad dle marks on side, was left by unknown parties in mv Hold about nepiemuer 10th. Parties owning tho same will please cull for the hors?. '.. Ill II LIMHI. Jt, . II. minor. Karl's Clover Root, mo now blood purifier, gives froshness and cli'tirm-MH to the complexion and cures constipation, 23c, 60c. und 1.00. Sold by Snipes & lvinersly, druggiets. land for smuggling. A great deal nf evidence was produced at the trial against him. Messrs. Louis, Henry and Chas. Schadewitz, of Kent, recently lcaec-1 3,100 sheen from S. Houer, of Tygh vaney, also tlie Houpcr ranch in Wasco county. Messrs. Schraderwitz will run their sheep on tho home rango near Kent nnd on the Wasco county range Moro Observer. out of Jl varieties of Oregon wheat exhibited at the world's fair, Sunt. W. Savage, of the agricultural department, says tho judges found that 19 averaged 02 pounds to the bushel, ono weighed G3X pounds and another (spring wheat) went 58 pounds. Tho judges said that not one-half of tho wheat bv the other states was holding up to tho standard weight 00 pounds. Two samples of Oregon oats went 52)j. This is certainlv a grand showing when it is remembered that tlio standard weight for oats is 30 pounds. Oregon barley went 51 pounds on the scales, being 3 pounds above the standard weight. The exploit of tho freight train tourists in foraging upon the gardens, hen-roo9ts and orchards of Southern Oregon which are luckless enough to lie near the railroad track have been mentioned from time to time in the local press, but the most picturesque piece of piracy yet noted was reported the other day from Chub Nichol's place a wood station south of Riddles. While the south freight stopped there to wood-up, tho tramps picked up one of Nichol's 200-lb, nogs, Bmotuereu its squeals, carried it into a cattle car where they were congre gated, and killed, cleaned, cooked and ate 11 in me car. rney piieu stones on the floor of the car on which to build the fire, and cooked the meat in in the regular hobo-coal-oil-can stew kettles, You Who Lead Sedentary Lives win una great relief from the constip ation by taking Simmons Liver Regula tor. It is a simple, harmless, vegetable compound, sure to relieve vou, and can do no injury. A Leader. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter ativescontaining nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the be3t and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive maleria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price onlv 50c. per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinerslv. mm: 'ft; Just flrrjved from Kenr York SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF hadies' Jackets, . . . FROM $3.50 UPWARDS Clolig & Furnisfiing Hoods At Remarkably Ijw Prices. Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5,50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. A9 we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuit (like he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the verv lowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to examine our goods and prices before purchasing. Closing Out Sale OF JEWELER'S GOODS. The large stock of goods at W. E. Garretson's Jewelry Store, to be closed out at prices to suit tlie times. WOOD! WOOD! WOO 1)1 Best grades oak. fir, pine and wood. Office 133 Second street. orders promptly attended to. tl .m.uek & 1ji:xton' slab All I Everything Must Be Sold, Regardless of Cost. Cloning Ont Sale of Oroceriei). Owing to a contemplated change of business, tho undersigned will clo&e out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. uan early while the stock is unbroken. Jolks Rkothuks. INCLUDING WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, RINGS, CHARMS, PINS, TABLE-WARE, ETC. Samantha at tbs World's Fair," And be 11 1 to the times THE LATEST OUT reatest Work of the Nineteenlli Century y JOSIAIl ALI.K.N'S WII'J-:. A. G. Hoering, Ical Aiiuiit, Tlio IMllss, Or. s Now is tlie Time to Buy CMstnias Presents. A. R. Thompson, Assignee PECIAL PRICES ON- Just Landed Baby Caps and Cloaks. -A KKW CASKS OK Oilskin, .Mackintosh, and Kubbor Clothing, Umbrellas, Etc. Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER S CO. FREE! Freeh Hub iilko rccolviil from Jtnito'i and I'lilliidulplilu, till Krmio of Underclothing, mi'l a chok'u iiiKortnii'iit of Neckwear, III tlio Intent UeKim. BOOTS AND SHOES From tlio Hfnt Miiki-m Only. All goods inarKed id plain Ggtim. With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o OfeSi5:e Crayon. o Call at the Gallery and sgg samples. My work speaks for xtseh TflE DALI.LKS, OK.