1 to n The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WAJCO COCSTY. 8CBSCRIPT10N RATES. BT MAIL, rOJTAOK rRliPAlD, I.V ADTAC. Weekly, 1 jt MSO " 6 mouths . . 0 75 3 . . . ... 0 JO Dally, 1 year. . . . . 6 CO " 6 month. 3 00 per " ... 0 fO Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. iot-mc. orncK hocrs General Delivery Window .8 a, Mocev Order Sunday a U m. to p. m. : . m. to 4 p. m. 9 a.m. to 10a.m. i cwjt.vo or MAILS trains going East .9 p. m. and 11 ;& a, m. " " West . 9p-n. and 3:30 p.m. Staie for GoMemiale .... T:SOa.m. " Prinevillc- 6:SOa.m. " "DufuranU Warm Spring .5:"0a. m. " fLeavlng for Lvle A Hartland 5:30 a. m. " " JAntelope 5:30a.m. Except sunday. tTri-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. ' THE CHURCHES. Services at the First Christian church in the morning at 11 o'clock and nt 7 :30 i p. in., preaching by the pastor, I H. McGuffey ; Sunday School at 0 :30 a. in. Methodist Episcopal Church, lev. J. , Whlslor pastor Preaching at 11 a. in. i and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. All other' services as usual. A cordial welcome t to all. The Baptist church, Kev. O. I). Tay lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school' follows this service. There will be no evening service. If the weather is cold or inclement the service will be neUi in the prayer room, as the furnace is not completed. The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth streets. Sunday sor- anti-bilious granules, scarcely larger vices as usual. At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. than mustard seeds. Every child m. worship, and a sermon by the pastor, is ready for them. U . C. Curtis. Topic of the evening i 'I'lien. nftpr tiinv'ro r.iknn insm-tri THE Oldest Agricultural Paper in America. (ESTABLISHED 101(1,1 To all cash sutM,rilH!rs of Tin: Ciiiiosiclk pitying oiii. year in advance. The American Fanner, 1729 New York Avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C. SATURDAY, DEC. 1S93 The fullest answer that science can yet give to the three most interesting questions, perhaps ever asked in the world, are explained in an interesting article in the December Forum, by Dr. Daniel G. Erinton, the ethnologist. These questions are: "When did the first man appear?7 "By what process did he appear?" and, "Where did he appear?" Summing up all that geo logists and anthropologists know he ap peared certainly 50,000 years ago, and it may bo as many as 200,000 years ago. The evidences of his existence which date back 50,000 years are unmistakable. By jwbat process he came into being, science has no definite answer. If it re fuse to accept the doctrine of specific creation, it must refuse also, for lack of complete evidence, to accept the doc trine of gradual evolution the old Dar winian doctrine. Dr. Brinton thinks the theory of "evolution by a leap" is as good as any other theory. According to this, man sprung from some high or der of mammal, the great tree-ape per haps, by a freak, just as men of genius are freaks, and as all the vegetable and animal kingdom show freaks. As to where man first appeared, it is beyond doubt that his earliest home was in Southern Europe, or Asia, or North Africa. No earlier traces of him have been found than those found in the area that is now England, France and Spain. JUST FULL of improvements Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. To beein with, they're the smallest, and the easiest to take. Thev'rc tinv, sucar-coated sermon, "The Well of Bethlehem; or, I Qr disturbing mid shocking tho kvs- The Value of Pleasant Early Associa- tenij they act in a mild, easv and tions." Sunday school immediately natural way. There's no chance for after the morning service. Meeting of any reaction afterward. Their help the Young People's Society of Christian , lasts. Constipation, Indigestion, Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. Topic, "Keep-' Bilious Attacks, Sick or ""Bilious ing Unspotted From the World ;"' James j Headaches, and all derangements i-27: llom.xiM,2. All persons not wor- j of the liver, stomach, and" bowels shiping elsewhere are cordially invited are promptly relieved and pertna to unite with us. nently cured. t They're put up in glass vials, which keeps them always fresh and reliable, unlike the ordinary pills in Iteul Entate Truuafer. During the eleven years in which an income tax was imposed iu this country as an unavoidable war measure the amount collected averaged a trifle over 130,000,000 per annum, and in 1S6S the tax was paid by only 250,000 out of a total population of almost 40,000,000. There would be jio objection to the prop osition to impose a special tax upon those who are in receipt of the largest incomes and can best afford to bear an additional burden of taxation, if that would be the result of levying an income tax. Experience has shown, however, that it does not work that way. Those who are honest and those who draw salaries would pay the tax, but those not over scrupulous and whose exact in comes cannot be readily ascertained wonld either escape entirely or pay much less than their just snare of the tax. An inquisitorial tax of this char acter gives rise to fraud, perjury and trouble of all kind, and outrbt to be Pi sorted to only when all other means of raising revenue prove inadequate to the necessities of the government. One reason which makes the proposition popular with the democratic congress men is the belief of the southern mem bers that practically all of the tax will be paid by the people of the north, and they enjoy the idea of unloading their share of the burdens of the government upon those who vanquished them in "the late unpleasantness." But the argument which commends this odious tax to the democrats without regard to sectional lines is that an army of agents will be required to look after its collec tion and that places will thus be made for thousands of thefaithiul who nre still hungry and thirsty for the spoils of office. J. O. Divers to A. S. Blowers nw.4 nw-4 sec. 29, tp2 north, range 10 east; $300. J. O. Divers to A. S. Blowers sw4 se1 sec. 20, n nej, e1.- nwL4 and se nwt-4 sec. 20, tp 2 north, range 10 east; 13,000. Wm. T. Rogers and Celia Rogers fifth interest ne sw-4 and lots 3, 0 and 7, sec. 5, tp 1 north, range 13 east; $200. Henry S. Ward to Eliza J. Ward un divided" b3lf of lots E and F, block -10, Ft. Dalles Military Reserve; $1. Larkin and Mary Vanderpool to Jose phine I. Johnston, lot 1, block 6, Dufur; 150. E. B. Dufur and A. J. Dnfur and wives toT. H. Johnston, block 3, 2d addition to Dufur; $225. Shiloh's cure, the Great Couch and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold ry Sni jes s Kinersly. Vf Tin: Amkuumn Fahmkk, wlitcli l mm enter Im: upon It 7Mh year, U the pioneer farmer'n pai-or In the country. It I" a lame eight-page aier, mid contain' V. column of the choicest iiKtlculturnl nail liter a ry mutter, plentifully cuibelliahed with lino illustrations. It Is NATIONAL IX CHARACTER, niul deals with farming and farmer- Interests mi broad, practical Hue-, it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IX THE COUNTRY, niul "verythltig that appears In its rolunin In of the hiahest character, livery detriment nl the farmers busltu- U dK'Ucd In iin corucU. unu-tli-al way, looking to the grva lint protlt mid heuetlt to the fii.mcr Hint hl In mil v . it nimiir- on the lit unit lAtli of cueh month, unit 1 furuhthcil at the low price uf 50 CENTS A YEAR i!i Ktl.ilicv Till luuki-a It till" clitHtrit agricultural utin r In llin eoumry. FARMER LEGISLATION". llurltiK the comltiK yenr there ivillbciin im-meii-c number of mutters of the most vital In tereit to farmer dealt with by ( nmrrr" and the IxceutUe iK'txirtmetits at Washington. It I highly tmpirtrtiit that the furmum be kept 1-rnmpt'y mill fully Inlormul ili to what In foelnr lilamuil mid ilone utlt-cliuc them nt the National i apltal. They Khoiilit all, therefore, take Tut: or.i:it an Kauhck, whleh.heiui; on tliufrrounil, tm tK'tter faellltii's than iiuy other par!t for Return: thin Information, and devote Itnelf to New York Weekly Tribune wooden or Dasteboard boxetf. X ll.l H. Tl.ov ..III 1.. Ir ,b,...l...,ll.. tilt- IIMit. I IIV; tll !(! (II it U !.- tlt 14 It And they're the cheapest pills vou . 5rtn!n!thlm" ",f"t"",Uo" ,""trt'cr can buy, for they're ttiaranteed to' the ambkican KAUMKnami thk cmkokicli: 'fi0f,B.inB"n, Jc wli: Ik enti)iie year lor II Tj. returned. l ou good yon get. pay only for the 4 GENTS make KxOOn day. (irentit kitchen rV utensil ever inveutetl. Uetail 3.. cLt. ;to". sold in everv housi. Sample, xxwtase jild. live cents. McM&kln and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio w E WANT VOl TO WOKK FOIt thus ' makmc Jl'CO TO VCO 1'KK WKKK Parties preferreii who can furnish a hor-' ami travel throush the country: team, though. t tint neeeary. A few vacancies In town ami I cities. Spare hours raav tx ued to col ad vatiuse. K. F. JOIINsON" A Co., 11th and Main SU., Uichmoml, V,i ; 1' . i I' U( Curo rortrlx, Hoarien'.sJiore ihront. Croui'-r .p.i'tr'- WK Vt"liorp.n(lCoiili nnd Aitum.i. I r C'orisnnij tlon i has nr rival: hdaOurcitt.iouAariUsi. icioatl others faiHi: will ctrc voc if taJten in tlcic. SoM by Drug?ttts onncicrsntec. Forljtrac Kaclc orcnejt,u aamuica I'lako ix.ii, soca. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of on execution ami onler of al . . i'juedoutof the lircult Court of tte State t I Orvv'on, for the County of Wiucn, to me directed , commamilnc me to make alc of the land in me i said writ, decribl to-wit Thetso piec and parvels of land In Vuco County, State of lire , iron, kiinwti and decrirx-il as the .mth half '. ' stction eiithti.i , and the jouth half of wtion ' nine f'J and the ea.st half and the .-outliivea! quarter and the east half of the northwest )uar ' ter and the outhwest quarter of the northwest I ouarte- of s-ction ten f I0) nnd the north half -.f i the northwest iiurter and the; Miutheast quarter , of the northwest quarter of neetlon rlfl-rii !'. all In Township one 1,, north of lUuse fmirtte:. , . II east of the WilUmette meridian, to mak- , and pur theum of moncyi In Mild court adjuds ti, re iKiia to tne pialutui in ani action it CUDperBottls. PHILO H'S,CATAR R H Hnve you CiiUivrh? Thlrcinlv Is tinrar.. teed to cure you. i'ricu i.u. li.ecur ini. For mlf hj hnlpe tc Klnrrly. VI60R f ME i! v. hi'-h action The bollcltors Ijoii ami 7rit ' iin.twinv wcri plalutltr and James ItMilh. Jlsr i it... 11. h.ith, Kverett K. Hall. J . JlcCiun.. , -.ir,il. H. xci.lure. D G. Alter. Ralph Honers. Jo lia X Uoijers, I'rl Kmtxxiy, J. il. Tay.or.ind J I Kdnarii- were defencants, to-wlt the tim : iM-"M wilh Intercut thereon, from Jui) 1. !":. a' tr-.i rate of six i:r cent (er annum ami m i attorn, h fees in said action and cost and di , btire enLs therein ta.teil, I hnvt'tbi daj levlnl ujjoii the laud aforexiia and ou I Sutnnlny tlir a:ir.l liny of Driulinr I HIKI, ' at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. in Inrnt of the court house door, in the City fif Th-liallft. in said County and state. I will cll ant land at public auction, to thehiijhest bidder therefor T. A. Ward. sherlil'of Wa-co County, State o( Oresfun. novzlu SHERIFF'S SALE. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. AND DaiiesWeekiucnronicie 4IONLY- 31.75. H. H. CHMPBELL, SticcoHBOr to LESLIE BUTLER. WI1 constantly keep nit hand a complete Hue of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, A TVTP OZASSWARXI. Iialne purchaaei! Mr. Duller entire xlock, I Khali rudcovor to maintain the reputation of the home, which Iibji betn BEST GOODS AT L0WETT I'KICES - SyL'AKE DEALING TO EVERY QUI Call and see me, next door to Postofflce. CURREST PRESS CO MM EST. Eaillr, QuisklT, Permanently Roclored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESC, DEBILITY, ' and all tho train ct t!i trom early errors or later exceu. tte rfiulti ot oserworfc, sickened, worrr.etc. FulUtrengit. development arul tons glrn to evr7orsanaDd portion of tho bwlr. hlmple.DatnralruethoOJ. ImniKlUtalmproTerreni ftu. yallurBlnirxxMM?. 2iW reference. 1'j.le, explanation and prty.Li mailed (Kaleil) Irei. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, H. Y. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, etc. An exchange nays a calamity-liowler in a statesman out of a job. jnow mat tne worm s tair is over, Chicago has returned to the okl-fash toned method of sandbagging. The only thing the democrats have to be tnanKiui lor tins year is tnat no presidential election has been held. Sarah Bernhardt has been pronounced too aged by the Paris people. This looks like a premeditated effort to force Karah into the ballet, and everybody knows that Sarah was not built for a ballet dancer. The principle of the modern plow was laid down by Thomas Jefferson, A plow consists of two wedges, a cutting wedge aad a lilting wedge, and Jefferson dis covered and enunciated the proportions at aach and the relation each bore to the ether. Before his day no two smiths Made plows alike ; now 'they are Aade ia eteeiienee with a mathematical formula. KoeaM to Ma at A. Horn's reti tosee aa Xbtffe atreet. 6-23daw Urn Meakaa Silver Stove Polish. Uy virttir nf un execution and ouWr i IsuwIiu.of tho Circuit Court o( the uu- (ir-fiift. fttr th fftmitv nt n tit. to mo ilif-vrt (.ommaiiiiitiKrneloroiikc-nleiif Uie lanil in the , tmb,..r or atone than for aifrleulturiil purr a M writilescrib.il to-wit. tho.pleee ii..rl ir liml , estahlbh hit claim to mill (ami U reis oi Mini in aveo ioiuu , nmie "i iivinu. ktiovvn ami ilcerlUil ax the Mitithueat iU irter of Motion fourl I, anil the north Imlf of ttrtioti nine ami the northwest iiuartr of t:tioti eventei;n (17), in Townnhlp m- ili nortu of Halite fourteen ll,eatof the Wlllameit'- Jlt-ri ilian, to make anil pay the um of mouev. in tali! f lit t ailjul?eii to t! Mlil to the pl.iliittrt in "aMiftiin, in which action The Solicitor loon anil Trust (.'orniony were plalntltl', ami iamva liooth, Jlurtha M llooth. Kverett K. Hal:. J K. llc' lure, .-arah II JlcClure. I), (i Altr. liaiph Itntfem, Jullu S. Kuntn, L'rl Krnlxilv, .1 J lay. loranilJ. t', hilwariU were ilefemlatitu, ti.-w.it th-um of fjroiji) with intereit therwti. from j Ui.nii OrncK, The Ilallen. Ur., July 1. l-V.'.at the rati) of l.x i;rceiitl.Taniiuni i Nov. j, IVX and JW attorney feei iu saiii actimi niul I Noticu In herehy Riven that the followlnt,--tiMtt ami liiahumc-meiita therein laxtil, I haw-1 natiml ttler lun tlleil iiolli-oof hl Intention to thla rtay levlnl uijii the land aforeai(t, arid on , make Dual proof in mipport of tiU claim mill that -VOT1CK FOIt PUBLICATION. Timber IjiwI, Act June 8, 1S"S.) I'. S. I.anii OrncE, The Dallw. Or.,( Nov. , 1M. i Notice i herehy Riven that iu rompllauce nlth the provliloui of the act of confront of June:, I.VTn, eutltleil "An act for the -ale of tlm Iwr lauds In the tate of f'aliforuia, OrtKon, Nevada and aihiiiton Territory," Ncill (.'. Slcvriinon, Jf Klnsiley, county of Waco, taU of Oreiron, hai thi day rileil iu thin olllce hli mini Mate ment for the purchae of the .SK'j of ,'H'l4, of RvRtlim. No. -i, In Township No. :i , ranic No l.'l K. W il.. and will oiler proof toxhow that the land sought Is more valuable for Its huh, i:forc the HeKl.ster ntal Itecelver of thin otlieeatThe U.i lies, dr.. on the 1,1th day of January, I Ml I. He name! as wltne'es dvorxe Mclml, Ja-I-.t Knsley, Us-u Itoiideau and Lafayette liavls, alt of KiliKslev, Or. Any and ail iier-on claiming mlverely the alove-dut:riliel lands are rniu-itiil to tile their clairnn In thla olllce on or before i-aiil l.'ith day of January, !!l. wlO JOHN W I.KWI.S. KeRlstcr. Clothier and Tailor. 1 Decidedly tilt; Finest Line of Gents' K u r n i s In i n g Goods, Trunks and J'aises, etc., etc. COK. tiKUO.VD AND WASHINGTON. THK DALLES, OK. SHOE XOTICK FOP. PUBLICATION. I)f-llllier, IHUS, m. In front of the Siiturda), UUnl ilny of at the hour of 10 o'clock a. court hou'o door, iu the City of The I les. in ald ( ounty and elate. I will fh .lidiaml at public auction to the IiiRheit bidder therefor T. A. W.ii!i,. SberlrTof Vaco County, hutool Ortiroii. novVJtii SHERIFF'S SALE. ald proof will be made Ixjfore tho nvlster and r:eiver at The I'allei, OreKon, on Weilnetday, IKtremlc-r -T, I-Utl. viz llnultt Itllic, Homestead Application No. -JS'J.', for the of HKi.4 and KJ4 of bVJ, cec. ID, 1 p. 2 K. it II Kast. He name the following wltne.-i to prove tils couliuuoiih residence upon und cultivntlon of ald land. viz. H. rt. Wells, of The Jlallen, Or., Cbarlea i Kastnti, Jamea Kaston and l'aul I.lmeruth of i Naiueue, Or. j t..,,. tt i ........ it. ' FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notiru is hereby L'iven that the under- of Waco, to me ilrecusi , cm imainii ir signed lias lieen duly appo nted by the uw to rnako .nc of tho land in naid writ, iloetll- 1 rViimti- l,nrt ,,i ,. f nJ i... l to-wit . thoe pieces and parcel of land in i uuntj Court of the htnte of Oregon for Ily virtue of nn execution and order of aale itueil out of the Circuit ' ourt i ol the statu of OrcRon for the county The undtM-signecl, lmvinj;; secured the maehinoryjad fixtures of what was intended for n lirst-elass shoe la00' will sell tho samo at a bargain. Jlere is" an enpnej) boiler oi" 40-odd horse power, and a iare "Tirnount ofjljo0 machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleysf lieltin mufijf!" inLrs almost a complete shoe factory. j-Iero is also one of the host sites for successfully 0P?r" d in this counwj- par j siting a factory of this kind to ho founc Write for particulars at once, to 03. SANDER'S ELEGflllC BELT With Eleetro-MasiMtlc SUVFENSOnY. Lnlrtt Patent I Ux latpramtala I VTII1 cure wiuiout nolidae all Hukiw rmiltlCK from OTtr-tAutlOki ot bnixx nrv (orreat tzcaorlniiu. mtioa, xm nerroiu dtlh;y, tlcrplnracu, Uaxucr, rrininutusi, kidu7, llur aod Lud4r comrUinu, Ura-Uurlc. lumhau, KUtlnt, all Imtie compuint grucnii III bcaltb, etc. 7 Us (kctrla Ikrt cunulai mmUrtil lm mh over all oliisrs. Carrrnt U Intur.iij-ftitfjj- witnr or we toritll O,0u.0, n) will euro all of uw aixm dltKa or oo par. Ttiou. lO'l faaf ijem ciirvd br UiU nurTtlocM laTrctlon after all other remedlei failed, and wo giia hanlmii of ttlmonUl In Ihta and e-rery other eute. Our fmrfel lrr4 UMetUC ITMrClMBY. tru) rrmtat Uxjq rrr orfrnd weak men, rutt with til brio. lieIUiaeeaMreeat'4JUtIUlaCate Wars eodforlliaa'd PmprUet,mlk.,rt4lca,lr ANOIN atLMTRIO OO., fto. ITS aflrat MtrcC, fUMTUXJiU OJCJC John Pashek, 1 I. The Merchant Tailor 70 Court Street, Kext door to Wun San Office, BBifiu juit recclTed the latent ltylen In Suitings for Gentlemen, anrl haia larxoKirtratntof Forl(m and Amer ican umiiu, woico ne can liuiali lo uriier for tlioee that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Wasco County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of the entute of Jainew Lntlerliiii deceased. All pertfonn liaviiiir Watcotouuty, hhite of Orelton, known and de icritivd imiiII of itcllou tlireo (III, ami tin- outh half of tho xoutheat quarter of e:tlou four l, auu inc rouin nan oi teciion uvu (.j, uno me north nan of atctton eiKht (i), an one (1), north of ItaiiKO fourteen VS'lllamctti! meridian, to make an of money. In .aid Court mtJutlKl, tobi paid to , V vuiic lurw hi wie iiiw o nee oi pon tile pialutui in tald action, in which hciIoh The ! don & Condon In DalleH City, Oreon, ri!r,K. m T, ",i"ir...v. . K, 'ii,.v.V,' i-1 witnin hix inontlifl iroin tne date of tlilH III flldi l J I VV U1tJt IHMIIU . CD, all in lowmiiip claims uyninHt enitl eatnte are hereby re '"" ww' quired to nrenent them to me witli 'tidied i tilt?, paid'to ' lrler voucI.erH at the law office of Con- K. Hull. J F. Mil'liirc. Hnrah II 1 cC hue. I) I. llooth, Kverett I ?! November 11. 1HU3. ImxIy. J. if . Tavlor ami J. F. Kdvvnrilii were ill. n, . ,. . V TT...... ...... fenilatlU, U)-wlt, theaum Of WUW llltll Inter- I Kri-cntrir nf t,u TaltV.nf Tnin.' ITmlar tat thereon from July 1. l&vi. at tho rate of .ix 1 t',:,i;nr.ix (l u,.e fttwtoo' Jmnefl Under- percent eraniiurii aim juu waitorino iee in mil, tieeeativu. Mill action and coauaud iiiibtirkeiueiila therein taxu, I hnc thla day luvltd upon the land aUive deacrilMiii and on huturdr th-'J'JA tlHV of Doooiuhnr, lHII.'l, at the hour of 1M a. m., in front of the court houae door, in the city of Tho iMIlei, in aald count- and atate, I will aeli at Id laud at public NOTICE FOB PUJiLICATION. villus unit aia;, I mil -ii,t i auction, to the hlirheat bidder therefor T. A. Wako, rihetiirof Waaco county, State of Urt-Kon. novZ.'tii Executor's Hotlee to C red 1 tors. Notice-1 hereby ulven that the County Court nf tlit) Htale nf OreKiin for Wan-o Count; ha duly api-olnUni tho uuderalgHeil the executor of the unit will und teatarnent of Ccirxe K, lleera, deceakeil. All tieraoiw havltiK clalma aKalliat tho eatute of aiild defeated are hereby rtiiiireil to preaeiit them, ttlth tho proper voiiebcra, within tlx moiitlu from Ihti date of till notice, to niM executor at iiU place of resilience, near Iiallea ( ity, in alil county, or at l ho olllce of W, II. Wtl.oii, ill aald Dalle City. II;jlAEJi K)VI.K, Kxwutor. Uatttl thla lat day uf ,'loveulber, IKQ.' Stve ImNH Ornci!, Tho I)allea,()r.,j Out. 'it, IMcl. I Notlcit la hereby Riven that tho following liauinl aettler baa illtil notice-of hla luteullou to make final proof In support of hla claim,. and that aald proof will be made before thu KeKUtvr and Kecelver at The Iiallea-, Or,, on I)ei:emU-r U, mi, viz KiilnMilo O. Ilrooka, deviaee of John Jiligheai.deccaaed, Hiimeateail ApplIcaUon No. 838, for IhoHU HKk and Hj HNVjof Ike. .X'.Tp.J K II. 13 K. Ilu iiamea tho followluK wltucaaea to prove Ilia coiitluuoua residence upon and cultivation of aald land, vlx: O. VV.Cook, V. A. Miller. Frank (JrcfKhton and Beth MorKail, all of the Dal lea, Or, 0l I- IlKOWK pleaae take notice. fl35 JOHN V, I.F.WIH, Itt-Klatcr Estray Taken Up, One black pony, branded either 6 or 8 mi left nip anu leti jaw owner can nave aamu oy UK propeiijf 'iu pjlOK iiir una ooiiee. 10-iawlm ' prov' DK1.I, C. WII.DKH. i'oatomce, The Dullea, Of. Tlio Iallo0. 9 or. Hi JO1 FIRST CLRSS pi ..c "Tilt CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE