el)c Dnllco cVH LflvHfJI mBKt ltaaBH IVfllHB vH. PIC pHHjjV MBBS Chronicle I'iiIiIMihI Ihilly, Huudity Kxi'iiptod r,K UHKONIOLF. PUBLISHING GO THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1893. FRENCH & CO., NO. 144. lfiir Mllll WhsIiIiikWu Italian, Oregon. ritrwth, Tho Turin, of Hnlmurlptliin ... Ver , I Ml Pirinmit". by currier 60 jiagle copy VI Mi: TA.HI.KH. KullniHiU. Ill I'll'eot AllKimtfl, IhWJ. KAKT llOUNIi, 1..IU.... 1(1 AT. l II tlKI.nr! I ! ' Ik I ! yj j, - . - i WRfcT IIOUMl. UM Arrlvw.T.IW A. Mi l)uirt !J:II a. m tmlocm Iroltrlitu Unit curry mikkohkuni lenv , t-r tliu WO t lit btUI A. M.,HIld OIlL' for till' nil :i a. TA.K. ,.,i I'mievllle, vlu. Iluke Ovun, luitvu dully .1. A. 11 Tot AutuloiK.', MHchulI, (,'iinyou City, leave lillr t I". A. M. foi littltir, KIiikkIvv, Winnie, Wiiplultln, Wnrm sritiRn Him ryRii Viinoy, leave uiuiy, cxeop1 i..-.i r. u forlloliluiidiilii, Wiwli., lenvu every tiny of the toil t'lnipt Hiiiidny at I a, M. Omcru lor nil linen nt tliu Umiilllhi Houhi;. ritOFENHlOKAL. II, KIDDKl.l AnOKNKY-AT-I.AW U1HCI) I, it. nurim. H. Court Btruut, Tliu Italic, Oregon. FRANK MKNKFKK, MKS'KFKK ATTOKNKYH AT law UlMllll. Mill 43, over l'OBt OSif lltillilluir, Entrance ou tt aahlngton Htreet The DaIIch, Oregon. iM'Ftni, a i d. 11ENNETT, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW A. Uce in HhIikiiiio' InilUIUiK. uji Htnlrit lullw, OrcRou. t T. KAYH, H. II. HUNTINGTON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON li WILSON A1 NKYH-AT-I.AW -OlllceH, Kronen' block rirat .National Hunk, "t milieu. 01 The X. W1LH0N. ATTOR over Oregon. nr II WILHON attounf.y-at-i.aw Koornii it . ir.nu.ih .(. r. 'u i..mif iniiiiuiit;. rieeona dtrect. The ItalluH, OreKOU. BrTHKUI.ANI), M. I).. M.; Y, T, M.C. I. m c i' Mini m ii.. I'livHlelitn mill Nur ........ inuiimv :t mill I. Clinlililllll block Rwlileuee Jim. Tliiiriilmry'h, west end of Stroud ittwt TU. E8HKI..MAN MIOM JJOl'ATIUCl I'll YHIOUM D ind Huiiokon. C.'allH lumworeu Jjiwnlglit, city or country. X'iapniun block. J)K O Office IKUIllllVI , No. 30 mill Wtl 1). DO A N E PHYSICIAN AND HUK- IKON. OlliCUI room" o llliu u v.iiniuiuii 3w.'k. ItfhldL'iicc: H. h. corner i.ouri iinu fourth HtrwutM, hecniil (lour Irom the corner. OlJIce linurx U to la A. M.. a to fi nml 7 to K 1'. St. Dbntiht. Cliw Kivcn for the HIrii of t . -mii.vl.l.- J. i.iiIiiIl'iii extmctlon of ttiith. AImi teeth ,it on Unwed iiluinlnuiii iilute. KoomN jie (iolilcn Tooth, beconU Htreet. HOUIKTIKA. 7 AHCO I.ODUK, NO. Uj, A. Y. & A. M. JleetK tlrnt mill third Momluy of ciieh month nt 7 r.K AKOH CllAl'TlCU NO. 0.- tttch month tit 7 1'. M MODKUN WOODMKN OK THK WOKl,!). Ml, Unod(:miNo.W,MeethTueHdiiyvwi injoltwh week In 1-rnternlty Uiill, nt7:!W i. m. y-ioinsiiiiA i.diidi:. NO.fi. I. o. o. 1 erery Frldny evenlnu lit 7 ::su o'clock, in of r Imll. corner Hecoiul mid Court iv i I.1.KM IIDYAI. U Month In Mukonlc Iliitl the third Wednesday K.-MeeU K. Htreetii. Hrifntlrnltit. Iiriillmru nm wtl(!f line. If. Oiiinih, Hec'y. II- A. HILLH.N . 0. PKIKKDHIIII' I.01I(1K,N0. 9., K. ol I'.-MeuU T every Mondiiy uvelilliK at 7:: oalock.lli Ichaimo'hliulldliiB, comer of Court and Hocond rw;t, HoiouniliiK tnciuburH lire cordUlly In ital W. H. Cbam. 1. W Vakhk, K. of U. mid H. BANKERS. TltANHAOT A (1KNKHAI.IIANKINO BU8INKHB lAittorB of Crwlit iaauoil Hvnilnhle in lie, Eastern States. .Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Boldon Now York, Chicago, St. Lonis, San Francisco, .Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terniB. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - - Ciiauleh Hilton Cashier, M.A.Moody 99 General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms ut all accessible points. A A We alw&y fry ours m Cottoleipe. Our Meat, Fish, Oysters, Saratoga Chips, Eggs, Doughnuts.Vcgctables, etc. Like- most other people, our folks formerly used lard for all such purposes. When it disagreed with any of the family (which it often did,) we said it was " too rich." We finally tried COTTOLENE and not one of us has had an attack of "richness " since. We further found J. ri. HCHBNCK, Prenldont. .1. M. I'ATTr.KMJN, (J ashler. first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban trancisco and I'ort-land. OIKECTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhe. H. M. Be all. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmiiH & wagon Slop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Licbc's old Staud. House i. 1 juugu Moving! OK 1,.-Meutn In K. 4mvh of euoh month ut7:3u i. in. KHKMIll.V Nn .1K'.7. K. of 1'. IihII the kocoikI mid fourth Vednen- HOMKN'H tSIIKIHTIAN TKM l'KHKNOfc UNION will meet every Friday afternoon t 3 o'clock at the readliiK room. All are Invited. T.-HeRiilar b r. M a' Unrinou UkIro No. 601, I. O. O. weekly iueetliiKH Krldny at fraternity Hall. All are Invited. I 0. OlIltlHMAN, 0. T. II. 0. FLKCKjJiO TKMl'LK IX)l)OK NO. ,1, A. O. U. W. MeeU In Fraternity Hall, over KellerH, n Second truet, Thumday evunliiK" at 7 II. HANSEN, JV.H M YKBH, Flimticlor. W. TAH. NKHMITH l'OST, No. IM, (I. A. H. MectH 4lievery Huturday nt 7:so v. in me ot r. BOF 1,. K. McetH every Huiulay afternoon In . the K. of '. Hall. GF.HANC1 VKIIF,1N-Meta uvory Hunday evunliiK III the K. of 1. Hall. BOF I.7f. MVIHION, No. lC7-MeotH III K. of 1'. Hall the Ilritt and third Wvdnes lyof each month, nt 7:30 v. u. THK UIIUltUHKH. QT. i'KTF.U8 CHURCH Rev. Father Hiionh p mht l'ator. Iaiw Mann every Hunday at '. High Maw at 10:30 A. M. VenjierHut ' F. M, C!T. I'AIIlii oillllicil Fifth. Kov.KUU.HUtoUmiUeotor, S'yryHiimln; wnooiUiis Union Htreet, oipoNlto ollllti Ueotor. Herviceii ly at )l a. m. aim 7:au i: . n inuuy A. k, EveitliiB I'rayerou hrlday at I?IHHT HAFTIB'f 0HUR(1II-Hev. 0. 1). TAT i lok, I'agtor. MornlUB nervlouH every ; Huh g .at the Hcadomy at 11 A. M. Biibbath !''ol Immediately nfUir moriilnir MirvlceH. 'fiJferiiitHjting Friday ovoiiIiib at l'antor'H rejl ounce, Union orvico In the court homo at pONUKKCJATIONAl. ()HUR()H-Uev. W. C. X, UutiTiH, I'antor. Hervlceauvery Hunday at U M. and 7 r. u. Hunday Hobool after inoruluc H'rvlce. HtraiiKora cordially luvltcd. HeatN free. M K. OHUROH-Rov. J. WlllHl.KU, paHtor. . HurvlceN overvHuiulav moruliiifat 11 a. in. hday Hohool at ias20 o'olook v u. Kpwortli '"Kiiii at 0:ao r. u. I'rayer meetluB every i iirwlay oveulnR at 7:80 o'clock, A cordial lu to ai " Qktouded by both pantor and eoplo SHUIHTIAN CHUROH-RKV. J. W. JKNKINB. 1'aiitor. 1'rwiflhliiK in the CoiiKregatluiml i coh i-ordii Way nt a p. k, All are lordUUy uvlted A ban A ll . fin.... " ' UHJ ndy.ohool at 9 0 "vwy one, I.UTHKRAN Ninth itrcet, Nutor, Hervlcei at UiUOu.m. ;W p.m A cordial welcome Andrew Velarde IS preparod to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable liirures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles ist, J. F. FORD, Of Dei. MolneH, Iowa, writes under date ol March '.'3, isa;i: S. B. Mkd. Mfci. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , . On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to US pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well floshod up. S. B. Cough Curo lias done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure lias cured and kopt away all hoarseiioss from mo. So give it to every one, with greotings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mit. & Mits. J. I". I'okd. If you wish to feci freth mid cheerful, mid ready for tho HprlhB'H work, cleanse your hystem with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three ttoacs each week. Bold uudor n positive guarantee. 60 cent per bottle by all drugglxlH, C. P. STEPHENS, DBALEK IN DRY GOODS Clothing 1 Knot, HlutuH, Hut, Uto, Fancy oodfj, Jotionf;, Ktc, Etc. Kto. that, unlike lard, Cottolene liad ,no unpleasant f odor when cooking, and lastly Mother's favorite and con servative cooking authority came out and gave it a big recommendation which clinched the matter. So that's why we always fry ours in Cottolene. Sold by all grocers. RCI N. K REFUSE all substitutes. . FAIRBAIMK &. CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTON. "The Regulator Line" He Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. FOUGHT HIS WAY OUT Mono Has Sailed With His War Vessels. PIEXOTO HAS NOT BEEN' KILLED The Thrilling Experience of the Spok , anc Hunting Party, Nearly Given un for Lost. London, Dec. 1. Advices from Rio Janerlo say there is no truth in the report that President Peixoto was assas sinated. He is today engaged in re pairing dangerous breaches in the forts and earthworks ashore. The dispatch contains a report thatMello left Rio with a portion of his fleet to intercept vessels coming to reixoto's aid. 'ihere was some desperate fighting between tho rebel ships and the forts at the entrance to the harbor as Mello tried to go out. Tho fire of the forts was well directed, and Mello succeeded in getting past only after his flagship had been severely damaged. Once outside he steamed southwardly, out it is believed tins was a ruse, and that the admiral changed his course as soon as out of.sight. It is re ported that Mello is not scared at the re ported power ol the dynamite gun on board one of the vessels of the relieving squadron. He took with him a number of fast steam launches for use in the coming encounter. It is said Mello has a much more wholesome fear of the fast torpedo-boats which the coming squad ron brings with it. LOST HUNTING PARTY. Young THROTJG-H Freipm antJ Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with Bteamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at G a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dallen. I'.tSiSKNCKK IfilTKS. One way Round trip. $2.00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be dolivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solieted. Call on or address, B. F. W. C. ALLAWAY, dtiueml Agent. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON teARTICpX SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. at vltlunalu l notation. Seoond St., The Dalles. Candies and Nuts &iwSpecialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles j.FOLCO 2 38 2 Street At right hide Mrs. Otmrr' restaurant. St. diaries Hotel, The PORTLAND, OREGOP.' This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has boon ropapored and repaintei and newly carpotod throughout. Jho house contalna 170 rooms and la ouppliet) with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A good restaurant attachec to tho house. Frur bus to and from all trains, C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. The Thrilling Experience or Carlln and Friends. Kenokick, Idaho, Dec. 1. The so- called lost hunting party in the Bitter Root mountains of Idaho, whose rescue has excited so much interest during the past few weeks, was organued by Mr. W. E. Carlin last summer. The party consisted of W. E. Carlin, son of Brigadier-General William P. Carlin ; J. H. Peirce, brother-in-law of Mr. Carlin; and A. L. A. Ilimmelwright, secretary of the Columbia Granite company of New York City. They secured their out fit in Spokane, and engaged Martin Spencer as guide, and George Colgate, of i Post Falls, as cook. They proceeded by train to Kendrick, Idaho, and, with ten cayuEes and live weeks' provisions, started out from that point on Septem ber 18. The route was by way of Snell's Mill, Weippe, Brown's creek, Mussel Shell creek, and thence via Lo Lo trail to what are known as the Indian post oflices, 55 miles from Mussel Shell creek. At thi? point a trail branches from the Lo Lo trail, and leads to the warm springs on the Clearwater river. The destination of the party was reached on September 2G. Although it rained steadily for 13 days, which interfered considerably with the pleasure of hunt ing, the party met with great success, and on October 10 started on the return trip overtho Lo Lo trail. After reaching the top of the first ridge parallel to the Clearwater river, 2'... feet of snow was found, and the guide estimated that the snow would bo four feet deep on the higher portions of the Lo Lo trail. Should the horses become exhausted from lack of food, the party would be compelled to walk tho balanco of tho distauco to Mussel Shell creek, and as tho cook was sick and unable to walk, his position in that case would bu very serious. They decided to build rafts and went down the river in this way 22 miles when boulders and swift water made further progress impracticable. It was there upon decided to abandon tho rafts and proceed tho remaining distance of about 3S miles on foot. The cook at that time was in n semi-conscious condition, mor tification having bet in in hiH legs below the knees. Only eight days provisions were loft, and as tho cook could not pos sibly livo but a few days longer and was besides perfectly helpless, ho was made as comfortable us possible and the rest of tho party began tho journey on foot. Tho shores of the river were a mass of ragged rocks on which ono could got at best only an uncertain foothold. Fro quontly'a largo projecting dill' would hang over tho river, and an hour or more would ho consumed in surmount ing it. On tho third day after abandon ing the raft tho party reached the Black canyon, which proved to bo eight miles in length. Tiie river there has almost vertical walls, varying from 200 to 1,000 feet In height. Clinging to bushes and small eaplinga with a footing sometimes of only a few Inches in width, and often many hundred feet above the river, tho progress of tho parly was necessarily slow and extremely hazardous. Throe dayB wore consumed in passing through tho canyon, without shelter or blankets, and sometimes harassed by rain and snow. Very little sleep could bo secured, and when on the eighth day the supply of Hour was exhausted there was ample cause to feel discouraged But, enfeebled as it was from loss of sleep and t.carcily of food, the party pushed bravely on. On the 10th day of their tramp, November 22, after having subsisted for two days on tea, three fish and a few berries, while slowly moving down tho river, and when within five miles of tiie nearest ranch, the party was fortunate enough to meet Lieuten ant Elliott, who was in charge of the relief expeditions sent out from Van couver barracks. Mr. Elliott immedi ately made camp and cared for tho bun gry men. His uniform kindness and solicitude for their comfort was much appreciated. As fast as the party was able to travel they were hurried onward by boats on the river to the Indian ferry on tho North Fork of the Clearwater river, 24 miles from Kendrick, then by wagon to Snell's Mill and then to Ken drick, where they arrived safely on No vember 30th, and were met by Briga dier-General William P. Carlin. A Murderer Hanged. Astokia, Dec. 1. John Reiter, murderer of Victor Snellman, hanged promptly at noon today. read in a firm voice a confession the was He ac knowledging the justice of his sentence Just before the trap fell, a large num ber of sheriffs from different parts of the state and about 500 invited citizens from the city and county were admitted with in the inclosure and saw the hanging, which went off all right. He ascended the steps of the gallows unaided and was given a few minutes time in which to say a few words to the spcteators. In firm tones he said: I acknowledge my guilt of the crime for which I am about to suffer death, the justice of the sentence and the im partiality of the judge and jury. I have to thank Sheriff Smith and his deputies for their kindness. I forgive everybody. hope that I may myself be forgiven, and all will pray for me. Sensation, in tho Coughllu Case. Chicago, Dec. 1. The Coughliu case furnished a fresh sensation this morn ing when the attorney for Coughlin pre sented affidavits showing that Juror Fred Crehm swore falsly in his examination for admission to the jury when ho eaid he was in Toledo during the time of the Cronin murder. Affidavits showed he was in Chicago and attended the Cronin funeral. The attorney asked that ho be discharged. This, immediately follow ing the dismissal of two jurors at the request of the prosecution for having secured places on the jury in Ceughlin's interest, leaves the case in a chaotic condition almost unprecedented. From Ilfiul to font You feel the wood that's done bv Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifies the blood. And through tho blood, it cleanses, repairs, and invigor ates the whole B.vstem. In recovering trom "La Grippe," or m convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, nothing can equal it as an npetizing, restorative tonic to build up needed flesh and strength. It rouses every organ into natural action, promotes all tne bodily Junctions, and restores health and vigor. For everv disease tiiat conies from a torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia, IndiL'cstion. Biliousness and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous affec tions, the "Discovery" is the only rem edy so certain that it can be guaranteed. II it doesn't oenent or cure, in every case, you have your money back. For a perfect and permanent curo for Catarrh, take Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem edy. Its proprietors oiler $500 reward for an lncuraoie casooi Latarrn. Guaranteed Cure. Wo authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's Kmv Discovery tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are alllicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use tills remedy as directed, giving it a fail trial, and ex- ieriwico no bonellt, you may return tno initio and have vour money refunded. We could not make this oiler did wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery ould bo relied on. It neverdisappolnts. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's. WOOD, WOllil, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) Hot clam broth at J. O. day at 1 o'clock. Mack's every NEWS NOTES. Ca inula wants free trade. Police Inspector Colson was fatally wounded in Paris while arresting an anarchist. The coldest places, according to the weather bureau yesterday morning, are: Prince Albert, Canada, 42 deg. below ; Bismarck, N. D,, 22 deg.; Moorhead, Minn., 24 deg. Tho weather in tho Middlo Northwest is phenomenally cold for this time of year. Tho mercury touched 20 below zero at St. Paul yesterday morning, while thermometers in exposed places marked as low as 88 to 40 below. In his annual report, Secretary of the Navy Herbert shows that the total num ber of serviceable war vessels now in tho United States navy is 41,15 of which aro armored. In addition, there are 64 vessels on the list, mostly wooden cruis ers, tugs and antiquated monitors that are eet down as unserviceable for war purposes. The United States is now seventh in the rank of naval powers. ABOUT OURSELVES. Tin? largest apes have only sixteen ounces of brain. The lowest men have thirty-nine. Human blood is composed of 77.8 parts of water, C.2 of albumen, 14.1 of coloring matter and l.'J of saline. Thk amount of air that a man can inhale in twenty-four hours will fill seventy-oiglit hogsheads and weigh fifty -three pounds. Maxy species of bacteria arc bene ficial instead of hurtful to man. Many of them manufacture the necessary food for useful plants. Electricity In Spain. Spaniards, although slow in the adoption of man3" improvements, are decidedly not so in regard to electric lighting. A large number of the prin cipal towns, as well as'many very small ones, have insulations of their own. The latest venture is on the part of the owner of some water power near the two very limited towns Elgalbar and Eibar, in the Spanish province of v isca3a. These towns will shortly be supplied with electric current for both lighting1 and power purposes. The nec essary working power will be furnished by the water of the J':v Dnvu. Tin-: Bust Plaster l unpen a piece of flannel with Cli.uir.t'ilaui s Pain Balm and bind it on ovr liie seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are sore such an appli cation on the chest and anothor on tho back, between tho shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so good for n lame back or a pain in tho side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in one night by applying a tlannel oandago dampened with I'ain Ualin. ou cent potties lor sale bv ISlakeley & Houghton, dm ggists. Lost, Meins. purchase said notes. dlw Notes Lost. notes pavablo two notes pavablo to J. L. All persons aro warned not to J. C. Mei.ns. WOOD'S i'lIOSPIIODIJfK. The Great Enallih Remedy. Promptly and permanently curea all forms of Ktrvous Wealenfs.Kmlutons, Sperm atorrhea, Impotencu mi J alt effects ef Abuse or Excesses, Been prescribed over 85 .years In thousands of cases; i. ... ... ...u.i i 1 rrM Before and AJttr. fj( medMnc A.,10l(m. druggist for Wood' I'hoioliodlnei If ho offer some worthier medicine. In placo of this, loaro his dishonest store, luelose prleo In letter, and wo will send by return mall, rrlco, ouo pacicago. HiSlx,S5. One will please, Hxwuicure. rampu- lei in plain nenlcil envelope, a cents posincc. Address Tho Wood unoniicai io., J El Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich. Sold In Tlu- Dulles by llhila'loy & ilouijtou. Look Ovur Your County WiiriiiulH. All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 18UU, will Do pain ll presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest eases on and after this date. Wm. Mifiii:i,i,, Treasurer Wasco County. October 2Ut, 1S:1. tf lilHHOlUtloU Notil'U. The co-partnership heretofore existing between tho undersigned, in the llrm name of AIcFarlund French, is this lay dissolved by mutual consent. E. B. MoF.utiiANP, Smith l'ltissi'ii. Tho Dalles, Nov. 25, 1SIW. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better nine forward, as the roll will bo pub lished on the 21st of this month. r, A. w.uti), Mioriu. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURB