TJttlssWMIlit'gWstsafcaT;V KM 11' Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. MARKET REPORT. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BY MAIL, rOSTAOI PUPAID, IN ADYANCX. kly, 1 year 1 6 months , 0 75 3 u ftu Dally, 1 year 6 00 ' fi month 300 per " 0S0I Address all communication to "THE CKRON 1CLE." The Dalles, Oregon. I'ont-Ofnce. OFFICE HOURS General Deliver- Window S a, " 9 a. m. to 10a. m Friday, Dec. 1. The stormy weather has thoroughly demoralized traffic in nil its various branches, not only from the interior, but locally. The produce and provision market is steady. Tho only thing noticable is a weakening tendency in tho eg? markot, and as tho supply is ipiito sufficient for the demand, (prices have shrunken and 27 bear to day. Other classes of produce continue the same, without the least change. As the Thanksgiving season is over, poultry , somewhat, and 2b cents ash ! in trade is all the mnrkot will Mocsv Onlcr Sunday S U ... te T r 1.1 .Sr. m. to 4p.m. : is dull on the market. The wheat market CLOSING OF MAIL? trains going East ...9p.m. ami 11 :4S a. m. " " West and 5:S0p. tn. Stage tor Goldendale .7:33 a. m. " " Prlnevillo 6:S0a. m. " "DufuraudarmSprlnsrs . .8:30 a. m. " f Leaving for Ly le vfc ltartland ,S:S0 a. m. " " " tAutelopc 5:S0a. m. Kxeept Sundav. rTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. FRIDAY, DEC. 1. 1893 is verv dull; in fact, prices have gone nearly to bedrock, so to speak, ana transactions lor snip-1 mont are very light; 40 to 45 is about tho average per bushel. , A Favorite Company. Oldest Agricultural Paper in flmerloa. (CBTADLISHCD IBIO.) To all cash subscribe of TiikCkiionioi.k paying one year in advance. TAKE JZEAI2T, If you're a suffering woman. Tho chron ic weaknesses, pain ful disorders, and delicate derange-m. i p moms that como toil hp Ammnn hrnipr a ; 1 II V illllVttVUll a 111 111 V) 172D Now York Avenuo, WASHINGTON. D. C. An eminent electrician is quoted as authority for tho opinion that "there is no danger from lightning if an umbrella be carried during the storm and brass chains hung from the ribs." Electri city no doubt in its applied forms is going to solve a good many problems of life, economic or otherwise, and it seems almost a pity that the present season is too far advanced to give this method of protection the trial it de serves. Meanwhile, says an exchange, there is food for picturesque reflection in the idea suggested. Whether the chains are to be hung from the ribs before leaving the house or whether one is ex pected to carry them in the pocket and at the first rumble of distant thunder to take off one's clothing and to attach them to the ribs i' not mentioned. Nor whether they are to be worn inside or outside the clothes, nor how they are to be hung from the ribs. These are mat ters of details that may be left to indi vidual taste, but the community going round with chains banging from its ribs would certainly be a spectacle for Ajax defying the lightning and n sight for all the gods besides. A well known writer, recently re turned from India, expresses great fears for the future of English and American women. He apprehends that they will eventually resemble the people of a hill region above the Brahmapootra Valley, with whom he has had dealings. There, he asserts, the women are supreme. They woo the men, .hey control the af faire of the home arid the nation, prop erty descends through them ; but, note the sequel they are the very ugliest women on the face of the earth. Clever women have possessed for a long time the permission to be ugly, and some times, it must be admitted, they rather abuse this privilege. But, while many talents may choke out beauty with dis astrous jealousy, the notion that what a woman gains intellectually by higher education she loses in beauty and grace ought to be relinquished. The woman of the future is going to be clever and beautiful, too. She will bring her cleverness to bear upon the clearness of her complexion, upon the freedom of her graceful figure, and upon the per fection of her health, as well as upon her art or her profession. CURRENT- PRESS COM ME ST. An observing exchange says that when a man yells "bread or blood," you can generally effect a compromise with him on beer. "What shall we do with our cranks?" asks a eo temporary. Well here in the east we usually lock them up. But in the far west they sometimes send them to the United States senate or make them state governor. Ex. No kissing ever occurs in Japan ex cept husband and wife, not even between mother and child, no shaking of hands in salutation. If one were to offer a kiss to a Japanese maiden she would proba bly think she was going to be bitten. Our American liberties are in peril. If congress fails to check this usurpation, then, by the Eternal, the people will take it in hand. If this be treason, make the most of it. Telegram. Next thing we. know we'll have a Prendergast in Portland. The Telegram man will kill a goldbug or bedbug, or something. Welcome. The old favorites J. G. and E. Alma Statu, who were so well remembered by the theater-going people of The Dalles four years ago, will return to give us one more treat in the dramatic line, opening an engagement at the Armory hall next Monday night, Dec. 4th, with that great historical drama, "A Celebrated Case, or Soldier of Fontenoy." This company is composed of sixteen artists, carefully selected from the stand ard companies of America. They carry a full brass band, superb orchestra and all their own scenery and any one who enjoys a good evening's entertainment of dramatic art should not fail to see them. Secure seats at Snipes & Kin ersly. A boat constructed of aluminum and intended for the forthcoming expedition of Commander Monteil into Central Africa, has just been launched from the Quay d'Orsay, in Paris. It is a flat bottomed ferry boat, capable of carrying a load of 15 tons, is 33 feet long and 8 feet wide, and the total weight of the boat is 20 c.vt., of which IS cwt. is of metal and the remainder of wood. This lightness of construction has only been obtained by ttie use of aluminum, and the difficulty had to be OYercome of roll ing sheets of this metal 4 feet lung, 2 feet 4 inches in width and 0.12 incii thick. The boat is made in 24 parts, each of which can be carried by one man, and which are adjusted by means of bolts, India rublwr being provided at the joints of the sections so as to render the boat water tight. With two exceptions, all the parts are interchangeable, and the boat, which is fitted with the necessary tools for assembling it, can be put to gether in a very short time. Shiloh's cure, the Great CoujIi .noi Croup Cure, is for sale by Sniper a.- Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-rive doses, only 25c. Children lov it. fold ty Snipes & Kinersly. woman only have SoRitive remedy m h. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. If you will faithfully use it, everv disturb ance and irregular ity can be perma nently cured. It's a legitimate medicine for woman, carefully ndnptod to her delicate organi zation. It builds up and invigorates the entire system, regu lates and promotes all the proper t unc tions, and restores health and strength. " Favorite Prescription " is the only remedy for woman's ills that's guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have, your money back. Tun Akkiiicax Kaiimbii, willed l now enter InK upon Its 7.1th eur, li the pioneer farmer' ptim-r lit tlie country. It it a lnriro clght-pnKO paper, mid roiitnlttH ,V columns of tho cliotrvU iifrrlriiltiirut and liter arv iiuiticr, plentifully embellished with lino Illustration,, it Is NATIONAL IN CHARACTER, mill deals with ftirmliiK and furmcr'H Interests on broad, practical Univ.. it EMPLOYS THE HEST WRITERS IN THE COUNTRY, mid everything that iippciirn In Its columns Im of the highest character Kvery department of the farmer business l illscuvcd In nn etmu'st. practical way, looking to thcRreatest prolltiiud benefit to tho (miner mul liN family. It npiicars on the 1st ami 1Mb of each month, mul 1 fnruHtmt at the low price of 50 CENTS A YEAR In advance Thin make It thn ehenitit ncrlnulttirnt paper In the country. FARMER LEGISLATION. During the coming year there will he an Im ' mene number of mutters of the most vital In terest to fanners dealt with by Cmtgma anil the i K.xreutlvu Dcixirtmcuts at Washington, it Is IilKhly iiiiHirtniit that the (armors be kept ; promptly and fully informed n to what is being manned and tlono alleetlng them at the National t'aiiltal. They should nil. therefore, take Tiir. New York Weekly Tribune -AND Which is the best to try, if you have Catarrh a medi cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is ill, . a AMMtiCA.s Kahmki:. which, being on the ground, backed by money tO CUre VOU f ha better facilities than any other i wipers for 11 J . . c r a' ' getting this Information, ami devotcH Itself to i lie uruurieiurs oi UT. juuc i . tun uuiy mey win nun in it constantly a r . i V, i ' great amount of valuable Information that they Catarrh Remedy acree to cure i can get in noothcr paper. -. , , ,J , . 1 Till-. AMKHICAK FAIlMKIl Blld TlIK ClIKONICLE your Catarrh, perfectly and per-, win be sent one year for viancntly, or they 11 pay you i $500 in cash. DaiiesWeeKiy cnronicie VGEXTS mokef&COa day. Greatest kitchen utensil ever invented. Itetalls 3." cts. - to 0 sold in every Iiotu;, Sample, postage paid, live cents. McMakln and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1VE WANT VOL' TO WORK FOK I'S. thus making Ili.CO TO I35.GI I'KIt WKKK. Parties preferred who can furnish n horse and travel through the country: a team, though, Is not necessary. A few vacancies in town and cities, aixire hours may bo ucd to good ad vantage. It. r. JOHNSON A Co., nth and Main Hts., Kichmend, Va. SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of an execution and order of sal-, bMied out of the Circuit Court of toe fitale of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, to rae directed commanding me to make sale of the 'and In the said writ, described to-wlt. Those pices mid parcels of land In Vaco County, State of Ore gon, known nnd described as the outh half of section eight (S , mid the south half of section nine I'J, and the east half and the southwest inarter ami the east half of tli- northwest quar ter and the touthwest quarter of the northwt quarto- of section ten (10) and the north half of the northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of si;tlon lifteui tV, alt in Township one li, north of Range fourteen jilt east of the Willamette meridian, to make iiuu pay luesuiii in iiiuuev, in suui-mjri nujuiii;- Fresh oysters tionery store. at A. Keller's confec- 1 7 .-?jMi5 rmumm id to ce paid to the plaintiff in wild action, in ivrin-h action The Solicitors and Trust in ipany were plaintiff and James llooth, Mar tha 11 hooth, Kverett E. Hal!. J r. McCruro, - rah H McClure, 1- O. Alter, lialph Itogen, Ju lia N liosers. Uri Bmbulv. J. il Titviorimd J t- Stliiririli. u-.m fli.fpiinmit,. tn.u It thirim nf ! l.i with interest thcieon, from July 1. l-'J.'. n tht- rate of six er cent .er annum and fXftxo ! MTt-(iie.s fees tn salil action ami coits and dis-' bur-- ents therein taxed, I have this d:iy luvlul I ukiii the land aforvs.tlu mid on j . Saturday the Ji.'lril iluy or Dpci-iiiIiit lHlKI, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. lii front nf the I court houvj door, in the City of The alles, in Mid County and state, I will sell said laud at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor. '1 A WaKI), cherirTof Wasco County, Hlate of Oregon. nov-Jitd This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. ONLY- $1.75. gPECIAL PRICES ON- Baby Caps and Cloaks, Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Second Btroet. ANNA PETER SCO, SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Until, Act June 3, 1H7M. The undorsigntid, having secured the nmchinorvandj nii OFnr.-K,Thei)aiie.or.,( i hxtures ol wlmt was intended ior u (irst-clnss shoo facwrxJ .. .n-ov.mmb. I i.-rrr, nrri. ..v---v - ,r - -- jsrrdfl win bun vuu hiune sn ii ujiriiiii u . Jiere i i arm i z. u rraB.zyA iktsi ii i lm i i a nHi limnilV'lilMi iffi PI ao. roH a case it viul not c u n c. Anairreeable Lasntivo and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druireistaor sent by mall. 2Sc.,a)o nd S1.C0 per puckatre. Eampiea free VA VA Tho Favorite 7CCTS P07S13 CLW IIU for the Teeth and ilreatli. 23c For sale by Hnlpes A- Kinnraly. VIGOR f MEN Easily, Qulekl;, Ptrmanenlly Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' SHERIFF'S SALE. Clollag Out Hale of Urocerlei. Owing to a contemplated change of baainew, the undersigned will close out the entire itock of groceries hardware, wood and willow ware at coat for cauh, Call early while the stock is unbroken. JOLEH BaOTIIEIIH. Booms to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi deoee oa Klnth atnet. 623daw. Businecs Change. The undersigoed has bought the Chinese Merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted by YU JEZOl? ,6c OO., (will pay all bills owing by i pr eaisa to tnm 1W3. aaii firm I a -UBMisi-M., il ... sfc CO., 9km MalUs. Or. U , .u and all Iht train c atIIi Iromearly errura or lalef exceitea. ttin reiulu of overwork, alclcuuia, wony.elo. Fullitreuijth, darclopmeat and tona given to ever7 organ and portion of Ihe ixyly. filmpl.naturalmetliwli. Immedtato Improvement ihd. Failure lmpoll))e. Hfm reference. V,,c, explanation and prts.ta mailed (aealed) f rtv. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. "Samantba at He Wol's Fair," And be up to the times, THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century Hy J03IAH ALLEN'S WIFE, A. G. Hoering, I-ocal Axent, Tlio Drill;, Or. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor 7 Court Btveet, Msxt doer to Wasee Ian Offloe. PUsii Juit recolvid the Utett itylwi In Suitings for Gentlemen, nd bM . Urce.aMortaiMit of For ten and Araer. 1M C'loUu, which bo mii flitlen To Oidr for tbewe tt nvor him. ClHilnj and RfptWug Spcoitlty. I'y virtue of nn execution mul onler oi alo, l-..n-rl ,,n. of tho Circuit ( ourt of i( I uron, for the County of Which, to my illrectcil coinniunitliii; mi; to nnilie -uli-of the IjihI in the I kiil writ dejorll'd u-ivlt. thott-pli' i ami ur 1 ims ol huifl in Wmco t'ountj," ? )noii, known iiinl iletcrltwd it" tlRroiith,-itiUiirlor I of n.-ction four lJ, anil tho nnrlh half of ncllou nlnu 'JJ, ami the iiorthtvtut iiunrtr of :timi I ruvvnttt'ii (171, 1 Towimhlp one li north of ; ItaiiKO fourtoon II, vivtl of tno Willamette Jlorl- illiin. to uiulio iiiol pay the miiu of money. In al(l Court ailjuilKtil to U u to tin- Huliitl trill I sulci iii-tlon, in which action The .-olloltoro Loan anil Trunt t'ompany were plalutltl, anil JaiuiK I Hooth, ilartliH M., Ker-tr h Hall. J. I'. McClure, harah II. McClure, d Alter. Halph j ' Itiscra, Julia N. lUixvi, I'rl KmUAs. J M. 'lav j 1 ior mill J. V. Kiiwaiiiii were ilefemlanU. to-wlt: thexurn of jaWJOO with inteieit thereiju, from iJuly 1, 11.', at the rate of lx porcutporiiniium ami attorney's fe- in ail action ami cout anil iiiburciiieut therein tnxnl, I have tills any levied ujioii thelaml nforenliI, ami on ftaturtluy, UUnl (lay or Ilfuniiliur, IHil.T, at the hour of 10 oVIock a. in. In front of thu court hou.e r(xr, lu tho City of The IMki, in ald C'ouuty ami htate, I will rvll milillaml at public auction to the hftfhmt bliMer therefor. T. A. Waiiu, fiherifl'of Winco County, HUUi of Orvspm. no-Jiii Notiii: is herebv clveu that in eoniiilhiiiei i with the provision!) of tho act of coueret of June 3, ls;s, eutltleil "An act for the ale of lltn bor Inn, Is in the tat."i of California, Oregon, Nevada ami Waihtui;tou Territory," Ni.-iil C HtiivniiMiin, Of Klns-tley, county of Wioco, ntnte of Oreiron, has tliU ilny llkil In this olliee hiit xworu .itnto mellt for the purcha.e of the NK1, of NW, of hvction. No. Z5, lu Township No, :t H , raiiKO No 13 E. W. M ami will otter proof to hIiiuv that the lauil miiK'lit l more valuable for It timber or stone than for inrrlcnltiiral purjuen, ami to eitahlinh hlx claim to raiil hunt hefore the lCettLitcr ami Kecetver of this ollleeiitThe Uallea, Or., ou the l.'ith day of Jiuiimry, 1'Jl. He nanie.-' im wlttie!- fieorire MuiaimI, Jut :r Kii'Iey, I Aim Homleau ami Ijifayette ImvIs, all of KiiiKslcy, Or. Any ami nil per-ou claltolni; ailveriely the abovtMlu.orIisI lainls are reiiiestiil to llle their i.'litlins In this oihce on or before .ali! 1.1th day of Jnnuan, I. wio JOHN W. I.KWJK, ltetrlster. NOTICK KOK I'UULICATION. engine same at a uarraiu. Here is an boiler of 40-odd horse power, and a large "amount of 1 machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, helting and) ings aimosi a complete snoe laciory. Ilere is also one of the best sites for suc('.essfuhj0 ating a laciory of this kind to he found in Ihiicountr. Write for particulars at once, lo or. SHERIFFS SALE. y virtue of an oxtfiutlon ami onlcr oi mile imiuil out of tho Circuit Court of tho tatu of OivKon for the county of Wanco, to me ulrt-ctiil, eomrnatidltii; iuc to rrioko ta.'o of tho laud In .iM wrlt.iltierlli ed to-witj thoio pleoex and purccl of land in Wutco County, Suite of Orotou, known and de. n;rllrtl anall of nection thrte.ll, and tho south half of thu vouthenxt iilartrof K-ctlon four (1), and the outh half of n-otlon live (5) and tho north half of ntctlon i-iuht (K), all In Towimlilp one (I), north of Koiikc fourteen (II eait of tho Willamette meridian, to make and py tho iiiiu of money, In tald Court ndjudxed, to b-i paid to the plaintiff in uild action, lu which action The Solicitor I-cjan ami Trust Corniumy were plain till and Jnmen Itooth, Martha M. llooth, Kverett K. Hull, J. y. McClure, harah II McClure, I), (i. Alter, Italpb ttoffer. JllIU N lUnrera, Url Km oody.J. 31. Taylor and J. V. Kdwanla were du fendaiiU, to-wlt, themimrif 1.1.0.(1) with Inter eat thereon from July I. IfcVJ. at tho rate nf tlx percent per annum and law 00 attorney fee in tald action and coaUnnd dliburM.-meuu therein taxed, I have this day levlnl um tho laud above dene rl bed and on tiaturtlay tb23HlMV uf Ieeinl,er, 1H03, at tho hour of 10 a. in,, In front of the court houMs door, In the city nf The Ualles, In wtld count:' and aUte, I will MelUild Unl at public auction, to thu hlKbeat bidder therefor. HherltTof Waneo county, Ktnt'e of OreKo'n, liovA'td ExMUtor-'t Hotiee to Craditors. Notice l hereby given that tho County Court of tho Htate of OreKon for County haa duly ai-luted tbo uudertliiiied tho execulor nf the lat will and Mtniiieiit oi (jeorgu V. Ueers, deceaatsL All ixtraoiu havliiK cluiina aKallut the estate ol Mild decerned aro hereby requited to ureaeut tbem, with tho proi-er voiiulieri. within tlx moiilhs from the dale of this uollce, to aald executor at his placo of itnldeuce, uar iif,!f"..V.,.t'r' J" W Mnr. at tho onioo of W. H, Wilioil, In aald IMIle City, ', tilCHAKL UOVLK, Kxavubw. P4tott tbU tat day of I'ovomUr, 1M. Mw , Land Okuci:. The Dalles, Or.,) Nov. Ut I(,03. I Notice is hereby jrlven that the followliiK uamtsl tcttler has tilts notleoof his Intention to make linal proof lu upHirt of his claim and that raid proof will bo made before thu rci;tsteraml receiver at The liallen, Ort-Kou, ou Wednesday, DeeemlA-r 'J7, IS'!, U : Hewitt ItlliK, Homestead Application No. 'JHZ'i, for the N'.of til'M and I'M of HWJ. fcec. 10, Tp. ' H. U. 1 1 Kftst. He names the following wltnessea to prove his continuous reslilenco Uxu unit cultivation of nalil hind, viz: II- W. Wells, of Tho Ualles, Or., Charlei. Kastou, Joules' Kastou ami Paul I.lmcroth of Nautetie, Or. John W. J.kwid, KvKlater. EXECUTOR'SOTICE. Notlre is hereby Rivon tliut the nntlor Hitfiied han iK'cn duly appointed by tho County Court of the State, of Oregon for Watco County in (irohato, executrix with the will annexed of the estate of James Underbill deceased. All persons having olaitiiH against said estate are hereby re quired to present thetn to me with proper vouchers at the law office oT Con don tc Condon in Dalles City, OreKon, within six months from the date of this notice, November 11, 1803. Claiia X. Unokkiiill, Executrix of tho Kstato of James Under bill, deceased, NOTICK FOtt PUBLICATION. Land Omen, The lalIea,Or Oct. 21, im. Notice la hereby given that tbo following named settler baa Iliad notice of his Intention to make final proof In aupport of lila claim, and that aairl proof will be made before the KUter and Kecetver at The Dalle, Or,, ou December 11, KM), via; Kolanrtu O, Hrooka, devlavo of John Hughe,deceaed. Hotneatead AppllcaUon No. 83M. for the HU HVM and Hli HWMfof Hee. ,Tp. J N It. 13 K. He name the fnllowliw wltneaaeM to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of uild laud, vlt: O. W.Cook, W. A. Miller, Frank Orolghtou and Beth Morgan, all of (he DalUs Or. mWl" L- Hkowh please take notice. nT5 JOHN W. LKWIH, KeKlaler, Ectray Taken Up. One black pony, branded either in ana uiii i lug property W-iawlm tionr. branded either or fi on lf t mp aim ten jaw. uwuer eau uave same v, v tirnv. id paying for this notice. ' J)KU.L WILDKK. foatoatee, Tbo Uallea, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERS AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known ilrowory in now turuiiii; out the best utl east of the Cascades. The luteat applianceH for tlie manufacture of I B . ti l i i i .. .. .i . ... .t..i.. m fat t " OT iui urar uuyij isitjii iiitruuuovu, hiiii on y liio urHL-uiBKM ariiom he marknt. TheDmllbs ."tl Wiioo County, - - Oregon, Tho Gate City of tlie Inland Empire is situuted at the aead of imvigjation on tho Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, V porous city. itfS TERRITORY. . It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricui tu and grazing country, its trade reaching as fur south as Suintu Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. 'Che rich grazing country along tho eastern slope of t,10 cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool which finds market hero. . t :n The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping p"1 America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. .ldiftg The salmon fisheries are tho finest on the Columbia, yw"" this year revenue of thousands of dollars, which will u than doublod in the near future. . Tho products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find.. Tfbe hero, and the country south and oast liaa this year t wjtb warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing thoir products. ITS WEALTH. It is the riilwst city of it- sine oh the coast J"Jttf scattered over and is being used to develop more farmiug cou than is tributary to any other cRv iu Kaatern Oregon. IU situation Is uwiurpasaed. IU oUrnato JHghtfU ; aiUUtisa ineakulable. Its resources unlimited. An uor&ar sttwea sbe stands.