VOL. eljc Dalles f VI. (Cljranick THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1803. : 4. 4 . A4 4 i mm n Tbe Dalies uauy unromcie. NO. 113. CHiiltoliul Pally, Hunday Kxccpted. KV fHK 0MUONICI.E PUBLISHING CO fUl unit hiiiI W(iHlilHt(i Italic, Oregon. Htreol. Tho I'Hi iii uf Huimorlitllmi , V,.f 16 00 ffinonih,lirrrli'r 50 Mile cnw TI.MK TAIU.KH. KultriiHilo. In ollciit AiiRUHt fi, W.' KAHT HOUND, v. 10:65 i". m. Depart" 11 :0u i i WKKT IIDUKIl. 3:39 a. m, Popart 3:11 a. x rwoloi IroiRhtM tlmt curry pmixmiRcrK leave Hi M efclll. o,w A. lulu miw fciiw ,r PMiievrlilu, vlii. Hake Oven, leave daily i, x for AMelui-J, Mltuhult. Ciuiyon City, leav ftlmliir, Kinsley, Wtimlc, Wnpliiltla, Warm at m.il J JKIl vuiiey, leuvu uiuij-, uAtuji IT . Mt i. u hrUoliUmdalo. Wajihj, leave ovury day of tho 02s (ur all line ut the Uuiatllln Houne. II. KKOFKSfilONAI. II. HI)I)l:l.l-ATTOKNKV-AT-hAW-OIllCU Court Htrcet. The Dallen, urejpiii. , mi m it. frank MiHerce 1UIVIM1 .o MKS'KVKK ATTOHNCYH- AT' J Liir-Uoumi tl oud , over .Tout flee llullilliiK, Kutrtiuce on WmUIukum Btreet . . m.i .... m T lit t S. lifc.NMVl I, A'l iuuatl-Al'ua . :V. HciiiiiKclmiiuo'tullill!iB,P tlr. ot The Orivon. I, t. MAYfl. H.B.HUHTtNOTON. K.H.W1UION lIl'rJTINflTflN i WILBUr. ATTOB' .11 nYh,ATLA w -OIUcwi, Kronen' block uor HntNtlunaI Hank. ' i ' Pulle. Orecon. W II WILSON ATTORNBY-AT-LAW - KOOmj " . French & Co.' ban building, Beoouu street, Ttio ballon, Oregon. T Sl'THKin.ANP, M. I).. V. M.; r.i.n.v. l. i c i' ..ml h I'livaliiluii mill Hur- (tan. Uimiiiih : mill 4, Chapman block. KiiMtuct JUh. Thoriibury'K, neiuonii oi bwohu irtrt, Tin. JLStAX fllOMiOrATIIlW. ' """"f" a jua DumiKON. tiiii nimwurcu JAroro(flit..olly lorcouuto'. Oillco Ull I111U wtl ) K. O, 1), HOANK WIYHICIAN ANI HUK uxon. OUIco; ri)om 6 mill C Clmpiiuw xt, UMldcuvu. H. K. corner :mirt una IwtUi Mtrvtit, .! iii'l iloor from tiio corner. OtMhourti v to Vi A. .M.. a to b mii 8 M- IV .1 1 1 1 1 A I.I. 1IKNTIHT. C1VVU illW IJ, iiiiliilii uxtnuitlim of tiioth. Also teotli . I ..I.I.! llfklt,U Ullfll lf se Oolilun Tooth, Kccoml Htreut. HOClKTIKft. WU-.C0 1,01)C,K, NO. lf, A. F. A A. 31. JlLb m tniiuul tlilnl Moiiimy in cucn iniuuii iu OlIAlTtM NO. 0.- lUiis UOYAU AW." AV SttUlnM" t itu mniii hi i 0JIKHS WOODMKN OF TIIK WOU1.1). ilt. li',l CiiiniNii.5).3Iit!tsTllG)illiiyuVUIl- ln?olucli trwk In Fraternity Hull, ut7:W p. in. u 4'1 nOLl'mx 1 '))( K, NO. 6 l.O. O. V V. W iwv wen n'Ji'i". Do"c!f 2 f lulu ic m t J'ii ( t(i milt F. Mucin 2U mi K. it L.ILCU. Minmslmilueiit i-i-o wel mie. Wiqvqh, bec'y. 11. A. IUllh.N. 0. 111 .... .. - , .... n . a tl ... xiiriniiiy uvuil lis I i vii'w.j ... !lI10Mlilllliltm fni.in-n ( till t 1111(1 hCCOlHl iu,4 nu, wit K. ur u-iww m tl Of I hnll Mm u(.iaiw( ami fttiirfli WinlllUK- U'OIIKN'H CIIKIBTIAN TKMl'KKKNCE ' UNION vlll racut every Frldny HlUirnooii "nw; m mu runuing room, ahhic iiivhw 11 (i jii;;u ii 'i FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., TltANBAOT A nKNERALBANKINO UC8INKHS i I he IOttor-H of Credit issued available in Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Scuttle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all point? on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Hational , Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted Better Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO und PORTLAND, OR, Collections made on at all accessible points. favoreble terms B. BCIIBNCK, President. J. M. l'ATTEr.HON, Cashier. first Rational Bank. "CHE DALLES, - - - OREOON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to night Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on rw York, hun irancisco and Portland. DIRKOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Liebk. tl. M. BfcALL. as oia as tho hills" and never excell ed. "-Tried and proven" is tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu-' lator is tho only Liver and Kidney medicino to which you can pin your faith for a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on tho Liver and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to betaken dry ormadeintoa tea. Tho King of Liver Medicines. " I havo used your.Slmmons Liver Ucffu lutor and run couscIcncloiiKly tiuy It In tho lcliiKofull liver iiii'dlclncs, I consider it a ineillrlno chest In Itself. Guo. W. JACK SON, Tucomu, Washington. O-EVKKY PACKAGE'S Has the Z Stamp hi red on wrapper. Th an Pills MR. STEVENS' REPLY He Answers at Lenaili Comiissioner Bloont's Report, HIS VERSION OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS Du L.L; Jimes rankes it nil the more necessary to mlvertlse. That Is what the lnont urncresslvo nf nnr business men think, anrl tlirsn siimn lni- iness men are 1110 most prosfiernus at all times. ii jim wiku n rcacn nil ine reojue :n tms nelgn borhood you can't do better than talk to them throuch the columns of the Daily Chronicle. thus more thnn douhlo the clicuhitinn nl nnr iiuju jiujiui, nuu uuerijsiiiK in u iays uij;. 81 W. H. YOUNG, acKsmiiti k wagon Stiop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and nil work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TliM Street op, Liclic's old Stand, "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland aefl Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freiflli anrj Passenaer Lin House Moving! i. o. v. nil':.' rt Mlitroiuvji . O. 'J'. J I. U. r.-t'.c: 8 r. U: alar Kl.KCK, Ko 'i-r. i.tiwhe nu, 8, A. O. U. W. Meow rrn ariiiL mill, nvar Kunurs. an hecmiu 4MUIMJUV VIllllirH Ht 7 " a. ... t(.. ''.1 llvi',. II M W - uiidi . i at in . mi. .1. . i . .1. iw mi UhU. I I.. . 1. . . ! t U m a.. Meet every Sunday nltcrnoon In ui r. xiuii. Sunday V3. . - UI.UI.IUIUO.. U.W.J 'uiiiv ill I liii k. ni 1. liail. 0 f? I U (wa... . . ah m a.. I.. i r. liiviHiiiN. no. iu aiuuui in ft. Ill 1 Hull I.u t tltlHl WlUlllfUM. month, At7:au p. m. THK CUUKCUEB. "m 1 'tutor, liiw MiiKU iivnrv Hiindav at "iga uau ut 10;8UA. M. Vuior at .piiii.. Wii i, 0lluH -Onion Btreot, opponito -a. , uveuitifc frayur ou many w IK till t. . . Lni ,f f ,oi UIIUKUH 0V. U. U, I At' 'UHlOr. Mnrnlnir niirvlnnfi uvnrv Hub. I llui mn..,i... "i . -17 -'T,..V7.r.i. I I.. . . 'M1J ( 11 mm. A BK. UMWM IT lou torvIctM In tho court hound ut I,.. "UAU U11UHU1I HOV. W. U. t. ...h'j ' iwtor. BervieeuovurvHundavat 11 2!l"W"'0oraiolly liivlUd. BoaUfrtw. Wmirlrr. ixutor. morniiiKnt 11 a. m, WMi;.....:''' l'ryor meotliiK every -UI.V.Al.HUKOU-IV. J. W. JUNKIM. '.? fi5 I'UTHBKAN Ninth trwt, A WHIIM WMWMBa Andrew Velarde IS preparod to do any and all kinds of work in his lino ut reasonable figures. Has tho largest honso moving outfit ' in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles J. F. FORD, lSl; 01 Ilea Molnca, Iowa, .vrites under date ol March S3, 1893: S. B. Mbd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : . On arriving borne last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had waated away td;38 ound8, ie now well, Btrong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give It to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mk. & Mhs. J. F. Fonu. if you wish to (eel (rush and cheerful, uurt ready (or tho Spring-' work, cleanse your system with tho llcaduoho and Liver qurc, by taklue two oi three doses each week. Bold under a posltlvo guarantee, 60 cents per bottle by all dniKglsls. C. F. STEPHENS, DEAUKK IN DRY GOODS & (CLOTHING Uuott, Hliuan, Uat, Ute. Fancy Ijood, Jotion, mo. Ktc. Kto, 8ooad St,, Tht Dallas. Through cepted) between The Dalles dailv service (Sundavs es- anu rort- lund. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dulles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at (5 a. m. con nectinu' with steamer Regulator for The Dallot. I'AhSKNOKK liATKs. Ono way Round trip.. .if 2 .00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any timo day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before C p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or nddress, i W. C. ALLAWAY, General Ajrcut. B. F, LAUGHLIN, , THE DALLES. OREGON teARTICp SODA WATEE AND IOB 0EEAM. Ht wliolenulf quotation. Candies and Nuts ivKkts'Spociftltics Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles J.FOLCO --2 38--2 Street At right tide Mrs. Obarr' restaurant. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGOr.' This old, popular tireiy ren and reliable liouuu ii.ia iinn (iitlrH v rofuriiished. and every room has been repaporod d repaintei and newly carpeted throughout, lho house containB 170 rooms and Id supplied with every modern convenience. Ratei reasonable. A good restaurant attache to the house. Frer uuh to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop His Obligation of His Country and His Duty as an Ex-Minister De- mand he Should Reply. Augusta, Me., Nov. 29. Ex-Minister Stevens' answer to Commissioner Blount, regarding the Hawaiian affair, was given out tonight. Mr. Stevens says tl A 1 P tt . . a neep sense oi obligation to my country and a minister's duty to defend an insult threatening against a struggl mg American colony, planted as right eously and firmly on the North Pacific isles as our pilgrim fathers established themselves on Plymouth Rock, demand that I ehall(make answer to the astound ing misrepresentations and untruths of Commissioner Blount's report on Ha waiian affairs. Not wishing to be severe on a neopnyte in diplomacy, with no knowledge of the world's affairs, outside oi ma own country, sent on a very peculiar errand amid currents and quick sands entirely unknown to him, I say ho haB been in part the victim of circum stances, having been caught in meshes and snares adroitly prepared for him by the cunning advisers of the fallen Lil iuokalaniand by the shrewd, sharp and long experienced British diplomatic agent.hose aims and hopes Blount 6as Berved to well, and without the least suspicion that he was aiding the ultra British interests even more than he was helping the Hawaiian monarchists. IIIS '.'LAN rKE-AIUlANGED. "It was clear enough from Blount's manner from the day of his arrival at Honolulu, as well as by his letter to tho department of state, written soon after, that he had designed, at whatever cost, to repudiate the views and actions of the recently terminated administration, and that in order to do so he must im pugn the action of the American minis ter and the commander of the United .States steamer Boston. A total stran- tier, it was impossible for 31r. lilount to know how unfitting It was for him to take up his quarters where he was cer tain to be surrounded by royalists, and where the supporters of the provisional government would bo reluctant to go. As a precautionary safeguard against shutting out Americans from ready ac cess to Commissioner Blount, a wealthy and highly respectable widow of the American colony was ready to grant the use of her house to Mr. and Mrs. Blount, tho commissioner to pay the same amount it would cost him to live at the royalist hotel. This polite offer of an American resident to an American com missioner did not originate with the provisional government, nor did the provisional government have anything whatever to do -with the proposed ar rangement. A committee of three American citizens, born and educated in tho United States, men who had not taken any part in the (evolu tionary proeeedin:;$ Hi t cvioti'- weeks went on board the liiihh, when that vessel came into the harbor. At the re quest of the threo, an American gentle man introduced them to Mr. Blount. His manner of receiving their visit ro pelled them, and they asked mo to state the reasons why it could not be pleasant to him and better for all concerned for him not to go to a royalist hotel, but to take a residence on neutral ground, where he would bo master of his own surroundings. Ah delicately as I could, I stated the offer of the committee of his countrymen, pointing out to him that by accepting their proposal ho would bo near the archives of tho legation, which ho could conveniently use and which the owner would bo pleased to place at his disposal. Brusquely ho refused the courteous and honestly intended offer of his countrymen, and at once placed him self among royalist and ultra-Biitish surroundings. ACCESS TO Till! I.KUATION IIKCOHUK. "Tho insinuations aud implications in Mr. Blount's report that I was averso to his access to tho legation records is a shameless perversion of facts. I took to him tho printed dispatches of Minister Merrill to Secretary Bayard j tho printed records of tho recently adjourned legislature, containing tho recorded votes for and against tho lottery gang, the recorded votes as to' tho recent changes of ministers, and tho official copy of the lottery charter. This was evidence of declslvo value, it ho hud really como to Honolulu for any other purpose than to convict Harrison's ad ministration and the somite foreign, nfl'alrB committee of hasty und ill-advised action in January and February last. His ninuner while allowing mo to leave these important documents in his room showed ho cared not to receive tbetn and the general drift of his replv indi cates he did not even read them." Admiral Stanton In New York. Nkw YonK, Nov. .'50. Admiral Stan ton, who was relieved of tho command of the South American squadron for saluting the flag of the rebel, Admiral Mello, arrived hereon the steamer Spree late last night. He declined to speak of the incident which led to his recall Concerning the bombardment of Rio Janeiro, he said that he had been through the city several times, and be yond a piece of cornice chipped ofl here and there very little damage was done to the city. NEWS NOTES. A dispatch from Rio Janeiro says "Admiral Mello has sailed with several warships in an unknown direction. It is believed the fleet went south." The Perry Athletic Club has tele graphed Richard K. Fox, of Now York that a purse of $30,000 will bo given Cor bett and Mitchell by Perry (Oklahama) bankers and merchants if the fight is brought there. The first election in New Zealand under the woman suffrage law 'resulted favorably to the government. Women voted in large numbers, supporting mainly the candidates who professed Christianity and favored temperance The Kansas City Times prints a state ment by P. D. Reader, a well-known Iowa republican, on Hawaiian affairs Reeder was in Hawaii four months last winter. His statement corroborates Blount's report. He upholds Cleveland and Gresham. A Cedar Rapids dispatch of yesterday says: A snow storm began tins morn ing. It is now five inches deep with no indications of a let-up. Street car ser .ce is almost paralyzed. A blizzard is approaching. There are indications of a railroad blockade. Thanksgiving day was celebrated in Detroit bv the distribution of food to the poor, 10,000 of whom were provided with good dinner and enough food to last several days. This was the work of the Pastors' Union, which gathered over $25,000 worth of food and clothing. The oddest damage suit on record was biought in Philadelphia Jjy Joseph Wood. The night of October 1st, last, he was struck and badly injured by a human head severed from a woman's body by a railroad tra'n at Holuiesburg junction. Wood was standing on a plat form when thoii-.'.in struck the woman. He has sued the Philadelphia Railway company for damages, holding that it wa negligence in having no safety gates at the crossing. i'l'imi 1 1 Kid to Foot You feel tho good that's done by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifies the blood. And tbrough the blood, it cleanses, repairs, and invigor ates the whole system. In recovering from "La Grippe," or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, nothing can equal it as an apetizing, restorative tonic to build up needed flesh and strength. It rouses every organ into natural action, promotes all the bodily functions, and restores health and vigor. For every diseaso that conies from a torpid liver" or impure blood, Dyspepsia, indiy.estion, liiliousnesH and tho most stubborn Hkin, Sculp, or Scroiulous affec tions, the "Discovery" is tho only rem edy so certain that it can he guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you havo your money back. For a perfect aud permanent cure for Catarrh, tako Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy. Its proprietors oiler $500 reward for an incurable casuoi Catarrh. Cuaruntued Cure. Wo authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery fDr Consumption, Coughs und Colds, upon this condition. If you aro alllicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fail trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return tho bottle and havo your money refunded. We could not make this offer did wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could bo relied on. it noverdisappoints. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Jvinersly's. WOOD, woou, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every day at 4 o'clock. MITCHELL NEWS. - The I'lolil Amply, Covered by Our Itcstt lar ' Cor.-eoniIriit , Born, to tho wife of Lafo Frazelle, on the 18th, a daughter. E. B. Allen to turned from a visit to his old homo in Bear Valley. He is much improved in health. George Seigfort, tho mail carrier from this place to Canyon City, reports plenty of snow, the 20th, about the latter place. Mrs. W. W. Stono is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Allen. She is visiting her brother at Mitchell for. the last few days. On the 10th pnow fell to tho depth of a quarter of an inch in and about Mitch ell, reminding us very forcibly that the year is fast fading away, and the gleam ing snow, and perishing biting cold will bo here only too soon. Frank Chamberlain, after an absence of more than three years, returned to his childhood's home at Mitchell, very much improved physically if not finan cially. He reports very hard times where he came from, Rosalia, Washing ton, with no prospects for a betterment this year. Many crops were standing in the fields uncut, sinco tho cost of cut ting and caring for it would be more than the profits. There were no sales of grain at cash. Mitchell's Dramatic and Literary society did well in the way of entertain ment on the eve of the 16th. The doors were open at 7 o'clock and to a well filled house they gave amusement until late hour with dialogues, rehearsing charades, tableau and music, instrumen tal and vocal. , The opening song by a chorus of voices was very nicely done. Asa Lunz la the role of Bill Nye deserves a great deal of credit for his apt imi tation of that personage. Bro. Watkins' farewell to his congregation was ludi crous in the extreme, exciting applause at every pause. Music and song by Miss Stella Boardman and Fred Hoyt was ex cellent. The Sleoping Beauty (tableau) might have been worse represented in a more modern city than 'that of Mitchell. Spanish fandango, on banjos, was exceptionally well tlvm by Frank Chamberlain and Bn l irdman. Hut seven little children put n shiiino the older members in their pi-tifi't nctiiigof their parts. The burlesque bund with their rat-a-tat-tat and rub-a-dub-dub was almost perfect in its execution. E. V. E. MiTCiiuu.. Or. Nov. 22J, 1893. The Bust Pi.asteii. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the scat of pain. It is better than any piaster. When tho lungs aro soro such an appli cation on the chest and another on tho back, between tho shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so good for a lamo back or a pain in tho side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in ono night by applying a liannel bandage dampened with rain Balm, ou cent bottles lor salo by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Svcocafvl! used pwntMy lu thousands of Ladles. U tho only perfectly eafonnd reliable mcdlclno dis covered. Dcwaro of unprincipled driicsiats vrlio otter inferior medicines lu placo of this. Ask for Cook'a Cotton Hoot Compound, talta no substi tute, or Incloso $1 and 0 coats m postago In letter and wo wllUcud, sealed, by return ma'.!. Fullsealod parU'iiIara In plain envelope, to ladlea only, 3 ptaiiipa. Addrubs I'ond Lily Company. jro. .1 1 '.sleir JHoclt, lvrolt. Mien. Sold 111 The Dalles by ilh'';cloy A: Ilougton. ,onk Over Your County Warruntit. All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1800, will bo paid if presented at mv office, corner of Ilurd and Washlng'ton streots. Interest ceases on and after this date, Wm. Michei.1., Treasurer Wasco County. October 21st, 1803 tf involution Notice. The co-partnership heretoforo existing between tho undersigned, in- tho firm name of McFarland Ac Fronch, is this day dissolvod hy mutual consent. K. B. MoFaui.and, Smith Fhgnuii, Tho Dalles, Nov. 25, 1893. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their uamos advertised had better come forward, as the roll will bo pub lished ou tho 21st of this mouth. T. A. Waud, Khorifl. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest IT, S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder