The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntcml rtt the Vostofflco rtt The Hallos, Oregon, us jocotul-clnss mnlter. Ill H PAl.l.KS III1K(1(IN MIrM I'll. Trump Flense tntim. tin.- feet's on th' ground, an if yu could 9im ut an olo pair o' shoos. I'd Mrs. ypinks Thore's a woihlinjr troinir on in that Dig liottsu across tin streot. Just you go aver thcss tmi unit. When tho couple conic nft o uf r will throw n lot of tho l-rft's olft tf.oea after lier. "But, mum. they'd bo too ruiall." "Huh! Wait till you see her feot.' Now York Weekly. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, Tho Dallos, Or Cities 111 Hie Same l-ltltudr. St. John's. Newfoundland; Montreal and Ottawa: Portland. Or.; Tcmeswar, Hungary; Trieste. Austria, and Venice, Padua, Voroua. Mantua. Milan and Turin, Italy, are all situated between 45 and -IG degs. of north latitude. Who would think of putting Montreal and Ottawa in the same latitude as Venice and Verona? rft. Louis Republic. Will It Jtnke lli "Ulvo" Win- DemlV A new insulating material ossessing superior lUDjK'rt.i's is eumpoed of a mixture of sulphur, pipe clay, slate dust and pnmiiino was. New York Jouruu I'rum t)i Governor of Sniltli Daliotit. Gestumks-Eur!- el plvMse llml jotnl note tor $l.w for Kriin ' llcxditche C;iti?iile. Alli me to .-a that they are splendid, never fHiltfd tii cure my htwiiuchcs nnd mve mi' n world of tutleiiiie. I am reconitremllns Hnm every where. The drucsit of Aberdeen. Ilecla mid ilritti:i, Marshall count, all proml-ed me tn?ct them mid keen them in st't'k. I mn soIiir to Colorado In June, and 1 hall do you soul there among th miners, nearly alt of whom sutler from heitdHChe in that Inch altitude Your, etc.. J. It. STzxTcitnt:. Lieut liov. ban'a Cla.-u.S. Dak. Sold by Sulue A Klbersly ffeu Qolombia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Mas lately been thoroughly runovated and newly furnished throughout, and ia now bettor than ever prepared to furnish tho liest Hotel accommodationa of any liouso in the city, and at the very low ratu of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Oflico of the fast and commodious opjiosition Stat' to llufiir, Kingsley, Tygh Valloy, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and lVmovillu is in tho Ilotul and persona going to l'rinoville can save jM.OO by going on this Stago line. All trains stop here. Twice a Week From NOW Until ' December 31, i For ONLY $1.50. QL YOUR ATTENTION h rallt'd to the faot that Hugh Glenn, n.wlci in (.Inn-. Lime, I'hiHlcr, CVi.,i and ltiilMtnw Miitoiiii! ,.f all kiu'b. I'mitI" lli' I liif.l I ( Plctan plouiaings, Are your children subject to croup? If so, you should never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as the croupy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger in giving this Remedy in large and frequent doses, as it contains noth ins: injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley it Houghton, druggists. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. I'ruturafie. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled ,asturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf WOOD! woou:wooiis "Kovt grades oak, fir, pine and slab woo!. Office 13;: Second street. All .ordergjpiomptly attended to. -tf M.uini & Bknto.v. ,'ottc,-. To All Whom It ilds-Cimeen! By order of tin rommon council of Dalle City, made and entered on the 3d day of November, l.i'J3, notice is heiebv given that said city council is about to proceed to order and make the improve miMnof Second street in said city as sirlrreinafter stated, and the cost of such improvement will bo levied upon the property adjacent ihereto, and said im provement wii: l.o made times; within fourteen days from the liuai publication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds of tlio property adjacent to said street about 10 be improved shall file their remonstrance against said improvement as by charter provided. The improvement contemplated and about to be made is as follows, to-wit : To improve Second street in said city, from Union street to the foot of the brewery grade by filling the same the entire length thereof between said points with crushed rock, go as to bring said reet uptotheestabliahed grade thereof, c3 heretofore established by oidinance No. 247. Which grade in the middle of the street ia supposed to be of the same elevation as the side walks along said street, except where said aide walks are not on a uniform grade from square to square, and said street shall be tilled in euch a manner that when said improve ment is completed tho center thereof ehall be on the established grade and and shall slant to each side to an eleva tion of 8 inches below said established grades. Said improvement shall be made with rock of such size as shall be furnished to tho property owners by the authorities of Dalles city, and shall be hauled nnd placed on sa'id street at the expense of the respective property owners abutting upon said street, ami spread on said fitreet so as to be of even surface and aa directed and under the supervision of the committee on streets and public property. Dui'CiLAH S. Dl'FL'll, Recorder of Dallea City. Dated this -'4th day of November 1S9.J. dl4. NKW TOWN hi been platted on the otd ennm crotiud. at the forks nnd all of Hood river, with lnrirv, tightly lots, broad streets ami alley, (rood toll and iiurewater.ulthshailelti profusion, iierfectdniliinjie.dellKhtful inountatu climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer report for all Oregon, belli? the nearest town to Jit. Hood. It is uniarallclec in a manufttcturiiic center, being the center for 150 npiare mile of the best cedar aud'tlr timber, t.etnK million of ru)rimcr in Its dashing streams and water falls, easily harnej?ed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the nuinn factories will center, suriounded by foil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already autirvo you will Und this the place to make a perfect home or u luiying invustmeu TITLE PERFECT See me on the ground, 01 address me at Hood River Wasco County. Oregon. W. RossWinans. WE DON'T WANT YOUR LIFE I Just flora, "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Oisi-Oiloaliii!- Mr k Carats at C RANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHEL15ACH RRICK, - - UNION ST. ! D. BUNNELL, m Wort llii Repairs ai Wii S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Wt(!lio aiidJuweiry repaired to order on abort notice, and atle(acllon guaranteed -at tlie- 11 I. MeUulaeii, 'd bt. The Dulle JCovMto,andTrade-MrIcsobtaind,ndtillPt-5 0 cat buiimss conducted for mooch atc Fee. 2our Ornce is Opposite ,U.,8. PT"Tor.r'ct5 und we an secure patent la less lime luan thojej 5 remote from Wjbinuwn. ... . , JSead model, drawing or photo., with deserip- J llou. We advise, it patenublo or not, free of J 0 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAHPHLCT. "HowtoObUin lstenu," with J J cost oj sale Tin the U.S. and foreign countries J Stent iM. Adiitea, C.A.SNOWfcCO. J OPf. ATf NT OfflCC, WMIaTOH,i. C. y a xa ms MAINS TAPPED TJlSDEPv PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Ivuhs' Blacksmitli .Shop. The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying ofl'eot of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dulles, honco it is the Lost medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Ciikoniolk is published ovory eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at 0.00 per annum. Tho Weekly Giiuoniole on Fridays of each weok at 1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Vla.e Xtllov Oregon. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUfl PflEY, GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. Iese ie loll Hip! To iw found In the City. 72 LUnshington Street. From TERMINJlli or INTERIOR p0Dt5 -THK liri Pa u R75IL.ROKD 1 thi' Hue ii. Iiiitc TO ALL POINTS EAST AND 8 And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. OUH Circulation must be doubled, j and to do this we propose to! furnish the Weekly Edition i for the balance of this year' and one year beyond for the( already low price of $1.50. A year and a third16 months j makes a i I GEAT amount of the vevf best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, andj T(i mm n c . ., . s THROUGH TICKETS iHmu"ln.wa especially for the stock-raiser, i:n"Ui n..d unmiv rnrei,...,,! t r u j tirlii :!lci' ill tin rilituitiv the farmer and the orchardist, ; It l tii' liiniiiK in- Ituiiii' :i r tut Htvsiti vvMltiiili'ii Ittdnv -vt u,iy 111 it.eruriA pt. paul and (NO .)IAN(,i; W 1 AltS.1 (MiiiiximhI of Iilnltn; Cnr iii)iiirnl. Ifull mini luimlni: lliMimSlccixirMif liiiinttnuipntat TOIIIIIST SLEEI'ING CAIIS llc-t ttuit (.Mil In; con.ntniRttil, nml In nbu HLToiniiuHliitlnuii ii if Imtli J'rct' und Kiirnlih! lur liiildi'rMif l'irnt mid 8ii'mid'('iiTlckoti,u4 ELEGANT DAY COACHES A '-imtltmotit Hue, coimirllu;: with nil Ilea ntliuilltiK itlrmt mill iuilnlorni'l-l htvIiv I'liHtmui !lw"r tv;tviitliiiik run .iciirn) in Hdvnncr ttiriin:li imy imviit n( tin rimrt and is the best medium I'lill luloriiiiilKm HiiiriirntiiK rmt, time ol r ' trnln. null' "lid ntln'r ilt'lidli. liitnlUinJ on IOr npi'!lrntlim In , ! V. C. ALLAWAV, exposing ottr resources to the a.,-..! i a Nnr.(;o.,iuKtiuwoa.Ta. world. If this , Is not enough, our plan to is- Ra tes Reosonble. MAllU liiHH'S -- V. 7V. CO. Till': II A I.I. us, "l" ImIIio. Or., or A. 1. CHAKI.TOJ.. A., i CfiifiHl I'll"-'.'! u:r A i." I'OttUud, )ta. M larenoiise k, 1Z rtnriitraa iT.rMllc nn StOT' sue the Weekly in instalments and PorwardR wto of twice a week, should make their destination, your decision favorable at once, ConsjgnfnBfc Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesdays Sale Qn Commission. and Wednesday's NEWS gets I stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the We V Chronicle Part I, will rea " Wednes day evening, II on Saturday evenin connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public fotf the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coasc. i WEBSTER'S I INTERNA TJONAl 2 S A Grand liiumu A.DICTIONASl'l 5 ssasn; 1 at t.. till O" I A Library in $ tho often ilcitfrod iiifiirinatl" w 5 ciiiliiont iMirMoiiH ; lMlTnlw& w- liHi-n hi. urn iifiii, ' J .ii'ii'Hl ,r . noted llfitltloim jiumoiiH 1"- ,Bil lutlon of foroluii iiiiotutluui. "'us' S iirovurlnt; otto utc. .i,iiiitln) J Thin Work in Itmilm go o S iioii!iiiii,iiiidtothit.w;i',:!:1. luitmoiiai 111:111, nun wiifK - Sold I'll M HHlncll,i HA .ff'';f'.,", t"' ,tssat& Sprluyjletd. Man. I jfElWiVIW'j fc-p-IK not l,iiyclieaiin mi V JJIUllVfcvky f(i'lll BMIIIW1H C33Tknil Unttvo irut'ct. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. The Dalles Daily Chronicle- w HAS A FAMILY Of 2000 HEADERS, ' 'J'luty luiid 'Mm Cliroiilold to K1'' 1 " ' r. Hoc moil rolliililo i.owk. Ami tht-y lw tbo Unit I In tlio m.i-r. '.'lint I" ' "" ' IlU,iii Olironliilo nn Inviiliiiililu nit vcrti'.iih Tim nt-WM-ai'tr Unit w K"1'" " ..avcrlW llrfhld.-, In dm urn. iC W of today imtronUo wl'c u 'ir lit rcMinli tlm n-o.lo. Wlmil l,c'' "'V,.. ,l0nlr tliolriiHiiimiicuiiH'iitH will Ih 1 ,'vcrlliw Uioli ovurourfoliimiiH nw ol'k1l'ru ,1C,,ciiiWr. tlon nf tlm truth of IHU ' ! "' tm u, . n trailo of i. M.nlly W worth Mkliw r ,,rnt" 'vJrf beap fldu(?rt'i5i , f 9