The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 29, 1893, Image 3

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    "For sweet charily s sake"
"jVw good digestion wait on appetite,
And health on both."
The tempting array of Good Things prepared by the
Ladies of St. Paul's Guild for Thanksgiving Day, and
which we have for sale, tempts the eye of the most
fastidious, and if purchased would tickle the palate
of the most pronounced epicure.
Display, center window.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
inti'iMl tin I'nitntlliM; nt Tim Dulles, OrPKi'n.
tin -iinmil'i.'lii'N matter.
I.iil'iiI Ail vm-tlxlng.
lucent- jmr llnu lor llrst liKurtlou, mill fi (.ViiIh
ivt lliii' (or I'ltch uliieiUL'nt liiHurtlon.
sinrln! rnti!s (or loin; time uittlcoN.
All Iih'iw notices received Inter tlmti a o'clock
lll ni.'iir tilt! fiillmvliiK ilny.
NOV. lift. IBM
The Dailij und Weekly Chronicle may
b' fount im utile nt J. ('. Ni(:l:elnen' store.
"nr Dully ;i fitn -11 1 rruiii In mill A limit
tlii! lty.
lluru'N n motto, hint your llt-
Ullltfll n tittle lilt.
When you think you're troiihlo lilt,
Ijiuitli ii little lilt,
(jink inlsfiirtttnt' In tin- fare,
llrnvo tin." lliillum'K r ml Krlmacc:
Ten to iiiii' 'twill yield Its plnrc,
It you have the wit mill ijrit
.hut to laiiKh" little lilt.
Tlio Ynktma Republic Iiiih moved its
Hurturs into u liiuulH.uini! now building,
Tin: CiiuoNioi.i: 'ih imilur obligation to
Senator Mitchell for part 'Jil of tin. cou
nt o( IStlO.
Chtrtor Cole was taken to tho peniton
ti.irvund Alliert Valentine to the reform
)ioo hint niuht.
A call Iiuh lieen issued for n convention
of democratic clubs of tho state to meet
in The DalloH the ftth of .Inmiary.
Musth. ThoniiiH and isuuc .lolcs re
lumed liiHt niht from tv hunt in Sher
man coilnty, hrlnuinK buck with them
78 :eoHe,
Marriage licenses have been granted
to Albert Hurry MorriB and Kntrina
"'Ilnir, ami J. Van Wydem Oluterbos
mid II. I,. WyorH.
lietweon tlio hourfi of 7 o'clock last
"'Kilt und 1 o'clock today there Iiuh been
'Do inches of rainfall. It hnH been
"looMi ii HieiKiy downpour.
Tlio raliiH uro beginning to uU'ect the
country roads, which uro Kottlne; otl und
mbIiiiik badly. Tho now Shornr grade
'8 alfeuted considerably by tho Hteudy
Tomorrow boing Thanksgiving, Tin:
UuitoNioi.K will not issue itH uhuiU daily
fimiicntlon, und tlio force will give
HmnkH und eat turkey, in accordance
w'th the tiino-Iionorod ctifltoin.
Tlio Missionary KunboiiniH 'will give
"Willi nt tlio rending room next Friday
vtiiiii)K, Dec. 1st, at 7:0 o'eloek. A
aliort procrumnie will be rendered ufter
wlileli refreshments will be served.
A'liulHHlon ton cunts.
Tlio ontortnimnont in .St. Mtiry'H ncud
Wl"y Nov. !IOth, will doubtlOBH bo one of
finest muHicul us woll uh uuiUBomont
"vents of tlio Benson. Tho program pub
lulled In yesterday's Oiikonioi.k gives
rich promise of what it will be.
At tlm Krlss Krlnglo party, Doc. llitu,
J io l.mlloa Aid uootety of the Congregu
J'oiml church will place on sale a lino of
fancy noodle work dosirablo for Xiuhh
Pfosonts. Especial attention bus been
8'Von to urtlcloa to bo Hold for 25 cents.
Tho inombora of the Mignonette Dane
"JB club are requoHtoil to moot at tho
lice of m. S. Jwmoson, 121) Second
"troot, Friday ovonlng. All now nr
'nnKoiuont8 for tho next aorloH of dances
bo miulo und It ia imporatlvo that a
'ttondttneo bo present.
A tolograin to Evunajon concerning tbo
Muro of tbo murderer will bring u ioh
JJn" l dy or two, containing full
Wrticulara of tho ivurdorer, FulUr wua
quite voluble, when first arrested yester
day morning, lie supposing he was being
arrested as a hobo. As soon as he found
he was arretted as a murderer he would
not talk, except in monosyllables.
Fulliir SIiiiu'n iii iih u Trump llettcr
Tlniu Anything i;itis
Fuller was given tinother cross ex
amination at 2 o'clock today by the re
corder. His own story convicts; him
more than unythingelse of being a genu
ine hobo, with no other aim or object in
life than to beat trains and beg food.
He claims to have been in Evunston but
a few hours. This morning t..e recorder
found a piece of paper dated Evanston,
as near a could lie deciphered, being
apparently a recommendation or time
cheek for work done, and signed Jerry
Sullivan. This the prisoner claimed was
dated Englovvood, but it did not look like
that word, und more nearly resembled
Kvauston. If Fuller is not tho man lie
shows a greater anxiety to evade and
contradict than is really consistent, for
if ho is innocent lie should not care what
theory or facts is prehonted to him. The
marshal hail his photograph taken today,
and this, with a piece of hiu pants und a
statement of whatever facts the recorder
can glean will be sent tonight to the
sherill'nt HvaiiHton.
TliuiilinKivlui; Srrvli'fi..
There will be a union Thauksgivini: !
service at tho Cotigregationul church,
Thuradav inoriunir at 11 o'clock. A con
tribution will bo taken up for tho poor
amoiiL' us. All are cordially invited.
There will he no meeting Thursday even
ing at the Congregational church.
A iO(lll I 1 111) .
It is a good plan to subscribe for and
read carefully your own home paper, as
it is the aim of this paper to make it an
educational factor in tho community.
Uesldes that, if you uro out of a job, or'
wish to increase your income, then hero
is the place to Und it. In another
column you will Und an udvortisementof
15. F. .Johnson & Co,, of Richmond, Va.,
for workers, that may interest you.
Mr. W. M. Terry, who bus been in
tlio drug business nt Klkton, Ky., for
Jho past twelve years, says: "Chuin
borluin's Cough Keniedy gives hotter
satisfaction than any other cough medi
cine 1 have oversold." There is good
reason for this. No other will cure a
cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a
preventive und euro for croup ; no other
itflbrda so much relief in duhoh of whoop
ing cough. For sale by Klukeley &
Houghton, druggists,
UUmiliillou Notlut!.
Tbo co-partuorshij) herotofoio existing
between the undersigned, in the firm
name of McFnrlaud & French, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
E. Ii. Ml'F.Mtl.ANIl,
Smith Fiiknoii.
Tho Dalles, Nov. 25, 181)3.
TliaflMat RnalUh Hamadv.
jTotupuy nnu pornuiaoniv
'curen nil form of Ktrvoua
atorrhea, Jmpottnoy and all
tffcctMoAbiue or Kxctut.
Jlecn jirt-icrlUoil ovor 8S
viiAplii thmunmlsof caucai
'PH'ls ixoonlultelUxbleandUm
HefortamMttr. . ...,,Blnt, i.0ion. Ask
.lrugfc'Ut for Wood'. Plioiuliodlnej If ho ortow
Mmu worthier Mtilleliio In plaoo of tbU, loavo liU
duuontst Htore, Inoloso prleo In letter, ouil
wowllUoml l.y return mall, l'rlce, ouo imokago.
li six, es. One iflll j'iutc, ' ' "" 1 u,u,u'
lei In ulalu nenleil unvolope, oents .cwtm;e.
AUUresB Tlio Wood Cliumlcol Co.,
lill M'utHltvanl uvouuo.lJetrolt, auon.
Sold In The IMIU'H l)" Ulneloy A: Houston.
Use Mexican Stiver Stove PoIIbIu
Tri:si)AV, Nov. 2S. Trade in the local
market continues quiet and receipts of
general produce is less free. Eggs, owing
to the continued warm weather, are
more plentiful and a light decline ia
noted, 27'a cash is the top offering and
should conditions continue a further de
cline will be the result. Butter is, to
use the common phrase, n drug on the
Vegetables are in good supply, and
present prices are the same as of a week
Poultry, as tho Thanksgiving season is
at hand, is in fair demand but there is
no improvement in the market for
chickens and turkeys.
Portland quotations are about tho
same us in The Dalles market, while tur
keys are reported dull at 12t!!ctB. per
U. live and locts. dressed.
The grain market is quite and deliver
ies have fallen oil' to a large extent.
Wheat ranges in price from 40 ets. per
bushel for No. 1, to 42 for No. 2. The
large quantity of damaged wheat re
ported, and what is offered for sale, does
not fetch over COots. per sack.
Tho wool market is dull as ever. The
declaration of the committee on the new
tarill'luw, bus been arbitrary and wool,
as all other native products has been put
on the free list. Tho session of congress
which convenes on Monday next will,
undoubtedly fathom the question of free
products and protect the wool husbandry
after its careful deliberation.
The live stock market is unchanged,
excepting hogs which are slightly oil',
owing to u decline in smoked meats.
Quotations of fat hogs on foot are 4 ?.(
und 0 ets.
Mr. 11. Kusoburg of Wasco called on
this otlice yesterday.
Mr. .lohn Hertz went to Portland this
morning on business.
Afr liVnil Tlorvm. n Iirntlier of D. O.
Ilerrin, is in town from Ashland on a
Mr mid Airs. I). 1. Onti'.q I'limo in tlio
city from Cascade hocks on tho steamer
AlUu lv'.i Ulilim of RnH'iiln. N. Y.. is
lmii mill will xnnml lln winter with Mr.
and Mrs W. A. Hunt, on tho W. J.uir
Hill farm.
1101'KI, AltUlV.U.h'.
SkibbeGeorge Monroe, Nunseno; H
W Downing, A M Downing, Prinoville;
C A Uothell, Hay Creok; It lirookhouse,
Tho Dalles ; Henry Craw, Arlington j P
Doland, Hlalock; John Guler, ti Tren
choll, Oiliuoro; J 11 Midlower, M Wise,
In Dufur, Or., Nov. 2Uth, 18U3, Mr.
Frank C. Burtlott und Mrs. Mary E.
Covey, of Dufur, Elder .1. W. Jenkins
At Dufur, to the wife of Oliver Bour
huid, a son. The family are doing well.
Business Change.
Tho undersigned has bought
tho Chinese merchandise busl
iiess heretofore conducted by
und will pay all bills owing by
said firm If presented to them
before Decomber 1st, ISM,
i;io Muiii St., Tim iiWt. Or.
The Aitrli.hln Chili Itrv. .Trnklnn
Store NlRnn, etc.
Duruit, Nov. 27, 1893.
En. GnnoNtcM:: Pardon mo for not
writing sooner but have been up in tho
Dusli prospecting for better times and
dropped back to our beautiful city fust
in timo to see the Adclphi Literary club
give an elegant literary entertainment
assisted by the Dufur orchestra. (W. J
Vandcrpool director,) which rendered
Kumu uAiununi music. The en
tertainment consisted of essays
anu declamations rendered by the
scholars of Dnfur public Echool which
are equal to any in the country. The
march rendered by the scholars from
Prof. Hinman's class showed marks of
vigorous training by the professor, for
which lie deserves great praieo. After
the literary part was disposed of a
bountiful supper was served, of which
everyone partook as if they had been
saving up for the occasion. The balance
of the evening was spent in games and
amusements of all kinds. On my
second night's visit to the city I was in
duced to attend church and hear Rev.
Mr. Jenkins of The Dalles deliver an
eloqont sermon. He has been holding
a series of successful meetings here for
the past two weeks and his departure will
be keenly felt, in this community.
During my phort stay in tho city 1
have visited all of the merchants and
friends and find posted all over the stores
"Goods sold for cash only;" "Positively
no credit," etc. That lets me out, so if
I come to your office in a starved con
dition, don't ask me what is tho matter,
but dig up. However, I am getting
quite political and will try to turn to a
subject more adapted to the times.
During my rounds I find that John
Johnston and W. L. Vanderpool have
about completed their residences which
are ornaments to the city. Still we
travel the streets and learn of the mar
riage of Frank Bartlett to Mrs. Covey,
both of this city. I, assisted by the
community at large, wish the new
couple all of the happiness on earth.
On my homeward bound trip I learned
of the death of the infant Eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvis Quinn, near Dufur. Owing to
the abundance of rain and the amount of
snow that has fallen here the past week
lam compelled to return to the bush.
Wishing you a good, fat turkey for
Thanksgiving, I remain,
Yours Kespectfully,
A l.tiuH'r.
Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
atives containing nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
maleria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or tht
money will be refunded. Price only 50c.
per bottle. So'd by Snipes & Kinersly.
CIokIiik Out Side of Groceries.
Owing to a contemplated change of
business, the undersigned will close out
the entire stock of grocerie?, hardware,
wood and willow ware at cost for cash.
Call early while the stock is unbroken.
Jou:s BitoriiKus.
iff" R133.A.3D ""WS
"Samanlha at tie Mi's Fair,"
Ami be ui to the times.
Greatest Work oi'the Nineteenth Century
A. G. Hoering,
Local AKi'tit. The Mullen, or.
Just Landed
Oilskin, Mackintosh,
and Kubbor Clothing,
Umbrellas, Etc.
Huh h1m ri-eelvtil from liostim mid
l'lilladi'lililii, nil mwii'K of
ami a choice n.Mrtiiii'iit ot
In the latoht ui-Muiis
l-'rom tho llcut .MaKiTH Only.
All scoils inaiKed in rlain figures.
UA Clothing &
Just flrrivea from new York
At Kcmarkably Ixiw Prices.
Splendid CMncMlla Overcoats $5,50,
i -i.
As we are lorced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuit3 (like
he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found the verv lowest in the market. We invite our friends und customers to
examine our goods and prices before purchasing.
Assignee's Sale.
The large stock of goods at
1. 1 GarretsoD's Jewelry Store,
to be closed out at prices to suit the times.
Everything Must Be Sold, Regardless of Cost.
Mow is tlie Time to Bnv Christmas Presents.
Sale Begins Today.
A. R. Thompson, Assignee.
Successor to LESLIE BUTLER,
Will constantly l;u! mi hainl it complcto Hue of
Havlim Mr. Ilutlo!'." entliu Mock, 1 -hull oiuleawir t iiuiiiitiiiu the ripiil.iti..ii nf
this hoit'o, which has bctu
Call and see me, next door to Postofiice.
C. Wielserii
Clothier and Tailor.
, . Deeidedlv tho Finest Line of.
Gents' FiarnisLLing Goods,
Trunks and Palises', etc., etc.
With every dozen Cabinet
Photographs, one ....
Xj Life-Sie Crayon. Jo
Call at the Gallery and see
samples. My work speaks
for itsolt