The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 29, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wreklv, 1 year A 2 i
6 months o .a ,
ii 3 ii 0W
Dally, 1 year. ... j jJJ-J j
" 6 months
per " 0 0 1
Address All communication to " THE CHKOX-'
(CLK," The Dalles, Oreson.
orncK moors
General Dellverv Window Sa. m. to 7 p. m. ,
Slonov Order "... .S a. ni. to 4 p. ni.
Sunday ii n " . . . a. m. tolOn. m.
trains going East . . .9 p. in. and 11:45 a. m.
" West . .. v- ami 5;IW V- m-
Stace lor Goldendale . . .7:30 a. m.
" Vrinevilk- S:J(.
" "Dufuratid Warm Sprint ..5::Ma. m.
" tLeavlng (or I.yle.t Hartland .5:JWn. m.
j Antelope a. m.
Except Sunday. ,
Tri-weeklv. Tucsdnv Thursday and Saturday.
I ' ' Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Cows sitorui bo kept oil low, Vvei'tly
lli-TTKit tlmt is n lonp time coming Is
said to bo of Inferior quality.
Cows sitoi'i.D bo milked dully nt the
same time and by the same person.
It is said that when cows tiro fed on
bran the cream rises slowly and islmrd
to churn. "-wres?''"'
Tin: average yield of milk per eow in
Great ltritain is said to be four hun
dred pounds a year.
AnttNO the milk thoroughly before
setting will help greatly in preventing
bad llavor in milk and butter.
poaranoo. Tliey are. small, with short
handles and tines two inches long.
Hither two or three tinod ones are
To skuvi: your nuts and raisins cor
rectly you must have n nut and raisin
spoon, which is a shovel-shaped ladle
with a perforated silver handle deco
rated with nut and leaf clusters and
squirrels disporting themselves gayly
at the ends.
NOV. '29, 189:51
There is a bill pending in congress
providing for the issuing of postal frac
tional currency, in denominations of 5,
10, '2b and 50 cents. This is intended to
furnish the public with a convenient
form of money for transmission through
the mails. It is to displace the postal
notes, which are to be withdrawn from
sale on January 1, 1S94. This fractional
postal currency will be furnished at
its face value and without the formality
now necessary to set a postal note.
There are branches of business involving
small transactions which would be sen
sibly aided by such a currency for in
closure in letters.
It is reported that a movement is on
foot, with its headquarters at Pittsburg,
to girdle the earth with a series of re
ligious conventions on the 1900th anni
versary of the Christian era. A great
expedition will start out, numbering, it
is thought, some 1,000 persons, who will
go entirely around the world holding
rousing religions services at "every im
portant stopping place. The first ser
vice will be held in San Francisco, and
the last in New York. Bombay, Jerusa
lem, Rome and London will be taken in
on the way. The services are to be en
tirely non-sectarian. Several weeks will 1 by Snipes & Kinersly
elapse between each service, and it is
calculated that the expedition will take
a year in making its rounds, and that it
will cost each of the crusaders about
Tin: latest ornament for my lady's
hair shakes and quivers as she moves.
It is a pair of antennae in rhinestones,
set in silver and mounted on a spring,
which gives the tremulous oiTeet.
WoNOintrn. lizards, three or four
inches long, made of three rows of tiny
cloe set emeralds, with here and
there a diamond adding luster, are
triiles which any right-minded woman
will gratefully receive for a birthday
Sixck the spoon's field of usefulness
has been restricted to tea and coffee,
strawberry fork.-, have made their uo-
Thk He Pi.astek. Dampen a piece
of tlannel with Chamberlain's l'ain
Balm and bind it on over the seat of
pain. It is better than any plaster.
When the lungs are sore such an appli
cation on the chest and another on the
back, between the shoulder blades, will
often prevent pneumonia. There is
nothing so good for a lame back or a
pain in the side. A sore throat can
nearly always be cured in one night by
applying a rianncl bandage dampened
with" Pain Balm. oO cent bottles for
sale by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, onlv 2.c. Children love it. hold
Professor Joseph B. Witherbee, writ
ing in the Popular Science Monthly, calls
for universal reform in penmanship.
He says the demand among business
men-now is for style of penmanship that
can be written rapidly and that can be
easily read. The present fashion, with
its sloping letters, is so far from meeting
these requirements that commercial j
firms complain boys now do not begin j
to write so well as the boys of a genera- j
tion ago did. j
The kind of hand that will fill the bill
Professor Witherbee finds in the straight
up and down style, the letters being
written without tendency to slant in any
direction. He claims that this is the
natural style, and that the slanting
chirograph' is only obtained after long
and painful effort on the part of the
pupil. The vertical handwriting is much
more easily read than the sloping one,
just as the plain letters of ordinary print (
are more easily read than italics.
In England the reform has so far pro
gressed that the civil service examiners
require the upright writing on the part
of applicants and will accept no other.
This is on account of its greater legibility. I
Vertical style copybooks have already
been published in England, and on the I
whole we may look upon this as the I
handwriting of the future. j
in hv
t v; " ,
That's a gootl way to bin a medi
cine, but it's a pretty hard condition
under which to sell it. Perhaps
vou'vo noticed that this ordinary
hit or miss medicine doesn't at
tempt it.
The only medicine of its kind ho
remarkable in its effects that it can
be sold on this plan is Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. As a
blood-cleanser, strength-restorer, and
llesh-buildei-, there's nothing like it
known to medical science. In every
disease where the fault is in the
liver or the blood, as Dyspepsia, In
digestion, Hiliousness, and the most
stubborn Skin, Scalp, and Scrofulous
affections, it is guaranteed in every
case to benefit or cure, or you have
your money back.
To every sufferer from Catarrh,
no matter bow bad the case or of
how long standing, the proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh liemudy say
this : " If we can't cure it, perfectly
and permanently, we'll pay you $500
in cash." Sold by all druggists.
' Oldest Agricultural Paper in America.
To all cash subscribers of TmiCllitoNlci.i:
paying one year in advance.
Jlic American Farmer,
1 179 New York Avuiulo,
TllF! AMliUtl'VN I'.MtMKII, Wllk'll If HOW OUtlT-
tm; upon Its TUh year, Is the pioneer farmer's
vi(or in thooimntr.
It I" ii huw cltfht page paper, unit rutilnhi W
column1 of the I'lmleeit tiKrli-'tilturiil nml liter
nr. nuilti'i, pli-nti tully ciiiMIUlietl with line
illutrtliti!. It Ii
ami ilcitt with farming iiiul farmer s IntcreUs
on broad, practical line, it
and vorvtlilng that appear In Its columns Is of
the hiulutrliarrirti r l.very dcpirtmcut of the
farmer', hii'lneit Is lUvcu-eil In mi earnest,
iirHclical way, looking to ttieureatet prollt ami
benellt to the fa meraml his family.
It appears on the It and litli of oneh mouth,
mul l furnliliiil at the low price of
In advance Thl nmhes It the cheapest
iigrli'iilturul pnpi'r In (In, country.
I limine the coming year thcio will ho an lin
iment number of matters of the moM vital In
, teres t to farmers dealt with by emigres and the
Kxecutlve Departments at Washington, It Is
I highly ii)iMirtiint that the farmers lie kept
promptly ami (ulh lufnrmid as to what I licln
' plauiitil mid douealli'cttUK thorn at the National
Capital. Tho should all, therefore, take Tins
, AMIMtll'.lN r.UtMKII, Which, bclilK Oil tllORnlUllll,
has better facilities than any other paiers for
1 irettlim this Information, ami devotes Itself to
this limy They will tl tut In It constautlv u i
' jrreat amount of valuable Information that ttiey !
can pit In no other paper. i
Tm: amemcan r.iKMKii and Tin: (Jiiuo.nicm: i
11I be -cntone vear for tl.Ti.
New York Weekly Tribum
ONLY- $1.75.
A (iKN'TS make a day. (ircatct klti'hcn
jt utensil ever Invented. ItetallsXict." Jtoii
sold In every hous;. Sample, lstaxe paid, live
cents. McMakln and Co., Cincinnati, Ohlu
WV. WANTYOl' TO WOltK KOI! I S, thus
making Jl'.'.CO TO Wi.O) I'KU WV.V.K.
1'artles preferrol who can furnish u hor'i'and
travel threuKh the country: n team, though. Is
not nccevsary. A few vacancies in towns and
cltlc. spare hours may ! ueil t sn.l ad
vantase. It. J- JOHNSON .v i .
11th and Main ts.. Hlch:iu:id, Vu
SLCOper Rotilc. 'Yrri1vX'r,V-.o
Ciirns 'oti-rU, n3ixrsc ,'.o- Ttiioitt,
Croup i riip:."' rc flvo.' V. iiucplnc CjiikJi
and Ast;mni. y r i-onsui::i. titi, it baa iu
rival: hR3 curort .ho:i'anI ) v. i.icsll ctlicr-.
failed; willcrjus vnuift.ltcn In '..'no. Sold
by Druggists on 'tannic.'. rl.nmeliacl:
cr CtiMt. U;U SlUI.Olt'S 1'LASTiat. 0ct3.
iiae you i i-.ta.rii lnor'aiolv liirijorcn
teed to cure vou. I'no " icts. l:; ;-i;ti'' tret
Fop Hlf by Sniix A: Kitirrsly.
Ity virtue of an execution and order ff ml-,
lssiusl out of the Circuit L'ourtof tt. .-Lile of
Oreson, for the Cr unty of Wasco, to m' illris'tml
commandinsr me to make sale of the 'and In tin
said wilt, dei-crlbed to-wlt: Thoe pi"i. and
parcels of land In Wasco County. .-MP- "f On
Kon. known and de-crlbel as the -"iitli linlf oi
section elKlitfsi , and the south hall of ecu. in
nine ill and the cast half and tiiKxnithni'st
iiuarter and the east half of the northwest qtiar
leraud the southwest quarter of the northwest
nuartei of section ten 10) mid the north half of
the northwest quarter and the nmtliean quarter
of the northwest quarter of srctlnn tifbm d 'j
all in Township one il, north of llange fourteen
ill i-ast of the WUUmcttc merldlau. to make
and vav the urn of money, In said court mljtnli?
.d to r e jNild to the plaintill in -ant iiction, m
rtlin-li action The Solicitors Inin and 'Iru't
i oi .paiiv wern plaintill' and James l!iitb, Mar
th.i M booth, Kverett E. Hull. J MfClure.
-itrali H. McClure. I). O. Alter, Halpb Hwers, Ju
lia N Hoirers.. I'ri Kmliedv. J. JI 'lay or ami J
I- Kdv.ardK weredefenijants, to-wit the mm of !
fSK'.ui wltli iiitcrent thereon, from Jul l, ivj:, j
a' tin rate of six percent k.t anniim and jjul.ui
attoniejK fees in said action and s,ts and dis-!
burse ents therein taxed, I haethis day levied I
upon the land aforesaid unci on
Miitiinlny tlif .':nl ility of Deeeiubet-I StCI, j
at the hour of 10 i.'clock a.m. in front of the
court hoil'C door, ill the City of Tin- D.illi-, in
said County and state, I will ell mid laud at
public nuct.on, to thehiiihest bidder therefor.
T A Ward.
r-herlll' of Wasco County, State i.f UreKon
Is the
Of the Vear
Baby Caps and Cloaks,
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 8ocond 8troot.
VI60I ' I
The application of power through
triple screws in large ships is an innova
tion, and its results in the Columbia are
watched with intense interest by the en-
tiro civilized world. Essentially and
avowedly a commerce destroyer, and not
a lighting ship, the armament of the
Columbia will be comparatively light.
The Columbia has been in a special
degree the work of Kngineer-in-Chief G
W. Melville, U. S. N of the bureau of
steam engineering, under whose direc
tion the designing of her machinery was
done. When the estimates were made
for this ship, the speed fixed was twenty
knots, but after the naval appropriation
bill was passed, it was found that in con
ference the speed had been raised lo
twenty-one knots, and Mr. Melville do
cided that the ship should have from
20,000 to 21,000 horse power, and at once
began to lay out the engines and boilers.
It soon became apparent that twin screw
engines would not do, because of their
size and the fact that they would be very
extravagant in the use of steam at the
ordinary cruising speed. Besides this
the apace that could be given up to
machinery was restricted, and would
not be satisfactory for twin screw en
gines. Mr. Melville then decided that
triple screw engines were the only ones
that wuld do, and t once set about the
preliminary decign, Through the course
of her construction he has watched the
machinery carefully, and the success
which she has achieved marks a new era
in marine propulsion.
Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec
tionery store.
Cut flowers and winter blooming
plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips.
Easily. Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
ami all tnutralncf ctjii
rrom tarly errurxor later
exceuea. tliO reeults or
overwork, Rlcknusn,
worry.etc. Fullttreuitli,
development and ioeo
Klven lo every organ and
jxirtlon of the body.
Mm plf. natura 1 methoilj.
fftiu Failure Imponlhle.
'UU) reference.
explanation and pri'.f
mailed (ecaled) tree.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, dtc-
ISy virtui' of mi uxvcutloti t:il nnler of mk",
lMiel i.ik of thu ClKMlIt Court of tt- rtnto ol
tmi."!i. f"r the (.'oiinty of Vnci, t.i m- ilirtett'il
roi.iiiiiiiiilliiK mi' to miiko -nli- of tin- l.i nil in tliu
Milil wrltijwcrlb"il to-wlt: tliowpivi mul i,ir
ttjlsi'l liiiul In Wnn'o l oiintj, .-tni- i f i)ri.fon,
known mid ilocribcl thf Hnitliutut iiiiirtvr
f M-ctlon four 1 1), uinl iliu iiortli tin If ( n-ctlon
nine j'lj, mul tlic nortfnveit nunrtr of ;tlon
evfiitii'ii 17, fn 'l'owiihli i-rn- fit north of
HiitiKu toiirteeii 11, out of tlie Wlllntuettf Jfcrl
illmi, to miiku mul loi y tin; hiui ol jimum-v. In
m.ii ( oiirt inljllilKul lo Ik- imul to tin- plniiitfll'lti
cnlil notion, in vshicli action Tli- s-.-lic-ltor- Ijmii
mul 'Irnut ( ompnny wen- pi.ilntltl. mul .Iimu
liootii, Jlnrtlin il. Uootli, KtTi-'tt 1. Hull, .1. r.
JltClutv, ennili II. JlrClun-, Ij I, .Mt-r. ltiilph
Itici'M. Jiilln N. KoKcrti, Vtl KinUU I M 'ln
lor mul J. K. Kiiwmils utn- ileffiiil.uit, Ufit
tlii-iuiaof fciUHOO with lntt-ron tln-riiii, from
Inly 1, W.V, nt th mto of ix pi'm-iitiK.-rminum
null f Jio.U) iittoriiny'h tw in milil iirtlon unit
co-tf mul ili'liiircfiiifiitK therein uiu, J hue
this day luvliil iimiii tlioliiml nfoniuiiil, mul on
Siiliirility, :;:inl day of D.oiohor, IHD.'I,
nt the hour of 10 o'. lock n. m. in front of the
court homo iloor, In tliof.'lty of "I hi- DhIIct, In
Milil County mul htntu, I will mI1 --iilmiil nt
public! auction to the hluhuit hlilili-r thcrvfor.
T. A. Wahu,
SlierliTof Wiuco County, stuiooi Orixon.
With Eloctro-Masnotlc SUSFENSORV.
Luieit I'attatvi in.t improvcraenU I
Will euro vrltboat meiJlclno ml lliiluii rmulllniffrom
OH-Mmltai of lirilii ii-rio (orcni iorcaorlndia-crc-tiuu,
as urrvoiu dfblll'.y, 1c.1i-hii-j, laniruur,
rlu-umatino. kWney, Itrtr ami LlAd'Jrr compUlnli,
Uiiifljrtk. lumbago, aciatlm, all female coinulatnti
vvnrral ill tiiailtli. etc. TuU rlecino Btlt conulua
Woadrrfil lammnli over all cther. Currmt l
fniunllyfeltliy wearer or wo forftlt ti.OUO.HU, ami
willcureallof toe above 4iaai or bo par. Thou,
nui )ir Un cured .by tlili marveloun jnvtniloii
arter all other remedta failed, and we give bundiwli
of tettlinonlala In thia amj every clhtr atale.
Our FmmIiI laifMj MiJfirutt HIWVWUAKV tl..
Kt-(eat boon evrr orTrred wraW men, wick wliaall
IU. ilaalta aa4 tlaereuMnaatlidllllliiTf tUUCOta
OaafS Uciulfor Jilua'd I'ainphlet, mailed, aialod.frtu
Ko. 17lrHrct, JOKTliAAj4 OUK.
John Pashek,
Ik Merchant Tailor
76 Couct 8tt,
Next door to Waseo Ban Office.
npKan just rccclvetl the Utcst tylc In
Suitings for Gentlemen
anil ha it n largo ufctortment of Kort Imi mid AiiK-r-lean
Cloth, which ho can lliiluii To Onler for
thoe that favor him,
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Ity virtue of mi i'xr;utIoii mul order
of kale UaiU'il out of the Umilt Court
of thu atiito of Orwm for tin- county
of Wimco. to mo illre;tcl, oiniiimnlliii;
uiv to imiku Milo of tin: Imul In miIiI wrlt,ileK'rlh
ol to-wtt; thoo pIkch nml pnreeh ol Imiil In
Wieo t'ouuty, fitiito of OreKon, known mul do-r-critrtil
iiHiill of section tlirto;iJ, mid tho nouth
hnlf of thohoutlnauit quarter of K'ctlon font l,
mid the nmtli half of kcctinu live mid thu
north half of btctlon clxht (), nil In lowimhlp
one (1), north of IUiik fourteen (It eimt of thu
Wlllmnctto inerldhin, to mnko mul pny the nun
of moinsy, In mill Court uiIJuiIkciI, to hs paid to
the plnlntlll In mill action, In which Mctlou The
WillcitorH lan and Truat (,'oinimiy weru plain
tilt' mid James llooth, Martha M. llooth, Kverett
K. Hall, J. K. MctJIure, hnrah II Metlure. I. (i,
Alter, Ualph Hogern, Julia N. ItoKerx, I'rl Km.
hod', J. M. Taylor and J. V, Ktltrards were do
feniLintu, lo-wlt, tho sum of -toitM) with inter
eat thereon from July 1, Wj, nt tho rain of ix
er cent er nniliiui and lawU) attorney feea In
a.ild ucllon and coaUaud illkhurkeuieiita therein
taxitl, I have till day levied upon thu laud
above described anil on
NutiinlHy tlin a.'WfiUv of December, IHH.'I,
at tho hour of HI a. in,, In front of the court
houkc dixir, In the city of The Dulles, In ld
count;' and state. I will sell Mid bunt at public
auction, to the hlKliot bidder therefor.
T. A. Waiiii,
Hherlll of Wiikcocoiinty,ltaliiol OriKOii,
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice In hereby given that the County Court
of thu Ktatu of OrcKou for Wmco Count) has
duly u pointed tho linileralgiieil the executor of
th last will and testament of (ieoruo 1", I leers,
ilfceHKil, All erkoiu hnVliiK cbilius HKiilnst
thu estate of said deceased are hereby required
lo present them, with tho proper vouchers,
within six mouths from the dale of this notice,
to said executor nt his place, of residence, near
Dalles City, In said county, or at the oftieo of
, 11. Wll.on, In said Dalles City.
IKJJIAI.I. DOY1.K, Kxecutor.
ltwl this 1st day of liovcinber, IK:J. 3tw
Timber IjiiiiI, Act June 3, IfiT.s.l
r. H. la mi OrncK, The Dnllt-s, )r.,i
Nov. 1H. 1
Notice H hereby Klven that In compliance
with the priiviloiin of the act of coiifrreM of
.liinu y, liT. entitlcil "An net for the mle ol tim
ber Iniiils in the states of ( iillforiiiii, Orexoii,
Nevmln mul nhlutin Territory,"
Ni'ill C Stevi'iiMiiii,
Of KltiX'ley, county of V,on, awtc of ()reou,
tin thlmlny lllcd In thlV olllce hN sworn slate
meiit for the purchiiH' of the NK'j of NW.;,
of cii'tlon. No. Zi, in Tuwii'hlp No. :i S , miw
No lit K. W. J!., mid will oiler proof in slum'
that the bind t-ouirht In more nlunble fur Its
timber or slono thmi for uiffleulturiil purpo.ia,
mid to establish his chiliu to miIiI Imul l.f iri;
the IteKHter nml Kceeivcr of this olllce ill Tho
Dulles, Or., on the nth day of Jnmmrv,
lie names as wltuessex' (icorne ilcKiil, .1ns
ljr i:nly, Ia'oii Itoudumi and l.ifnyettc Davis,
all of KiUKilit), Or.
Any mid all iiermns clnlmliiK adverfely the
nbovo-iIucriUil liinili arc requested to llle their
rlii i in in ttilsolDci'ou or Ix.'foro said l.Mlulnyof
January, 1WJI.
wlU JOHN W. I.KWIS, IteKlnter.
For Sale at a
The uiiflorsiiHid, having such red Liu; limchinory and
h.vtures ol wiuit was lntondud ior a firsl-dass shoo factor);,
will Hull the same at a bargain. Mere is an engine m
hoiler oi 'JO-odd horse power, and a large amount of shoo
maeiiinorv, la.sls, line Khaftimr. oullevs. heltinu unilfwl-
ings almost, a complete shoe laelory.
Mere is also one of the best sites for succeKsf ully ojwr
uting a factory of this kind to he found in this country.
"Write for particulars at once, to
Tta. Xcillois, Or.
l,Mi (it no:. The Dulles. Or.,
Nov. y, lsyj. (
Notice Ik hereby jjlwn that the followliiK
limiied kettlerhtis llhsl uolicuof his Intention to
make tlual proof In upMirt of hlscbiliu mul that
said proof will he Made iR'fore thu reiristvr and
receiver at 'I he Dalles, Orenon, on Wednesday,
lHsjemlj.'r-,7, 1V., U
Hewitt Itllic,
llomestend Appllcallon No. isj.',, for the N'.,of
UK' mid V.Vi of HW',, H'C. 10, Tp. -i H. It II Kast.
lie nmne.s the followliiK wltnofes to prove his
continuous roldeiico upon mid cultivation of
II. . Wells, of The Dalles, Or., Charles
ICastoii, Jnmei, Kii'ton mid I'mil l.imeroth of
NmiK'ne, or.
Joii.s- W. 1.i:wik, iteithter.
Notico is licrohy t'lvon that thu iindor.
igncil Iiiih iK't'ii duly appolntuil by thu
County Court of tlio .Statu of Oregon for
Waeco County in probate, executrix with
the will annexed of thu estate of .lumen
Underbill deceased, All perimnH htiviut;
claiiiiH uyaiiiHt Haiti eHtatu are hereby re
quired' to ireeeut them to me with
proper vouclierH at the law oflleo of Con
don it Condon in DalleH City, Oregon,
within Hi.v inontliH from the date of thiH
November 11, ISO.'l.
CbAItA ',, U.NDlHtllll,!,,
Executrix of tho Kutate of Jamen Under
hill, deceaHt'd.
Immj OrncK, The Dalles, Or,,
Oct. til, lh!M. I
Notice Is hereby xlven that thu followliiK'
naiiiwl settler lias flits! notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will lie mudu before the Kcirlstcr
and lUsx'Iver at Thu Dulles, Or,, on Decemlier
II, 1hj.J, viz:
ItoUiiilo n. HrnoKs,
devlscu of John Hughes, deceased,
Jlomeatead Aiipllcatlou No, KW. for tho Hk HVM
uud H4 HWKof Bee. Hi, Tp. 1 N It, Hi K. n
Do names thu followliiK witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
O. W.Cook, W. A. Miller, I'rmikCielKlilou and
Beth MurKiili, all (if thu Dalles, Or.
gtfu I.. Known please take notice.
175 J0m W. I.KWIH, IteKMer.
Estray Taken Up.
One black isiny, brmnled either 5 or 8 on left
hip mul lelt Jaw Owner can have samu by prov
Iiik propertyn 'id paying for this notice.
, , . . , , KM C. WIl.DKlt,
lO'Uwlm Hoslolllte, Thu Dalles, Or.
This welMiuovvn Hrewery iH now turning out tho bent Wr . L.
east of the Caneaden. The latest upplianeeH for the tuanufaeture ol gow
fill Beer have been introdueed, and on y tho IlrHt-uhtHH urtiole will tw P ce
he tuarknt.
Wasco County, - - - Oregon,
Tho Gate Oity of tho inland Empire j'h Hituated at tlie kwA
of uavipitiou on the Midcltu Columbiu, aiitl i a thriving, l'ros'
perouH city,
It iH tho Hupply eity for an oxtoiwivo ami rielt agrictilturn
and grazing country, it trado reaoiting uh far (.otitli an Siiiiiirt
ImUo, a distance of over two hundred miles,
The Largest Wool Market.
Tlio rich grazing country along tho ouHtom slope of "J".
cades furnishes pasturo for thousands of sheep, the wool tro
whicli finds market hero. .
Tho Dalles is tlio largest original wool shipping lllt
America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped fast year.
ITS PRODUCTS. , . . . ,.
Tlio salmon fisheries oro tho finest on tho Oolumhia, y'M "J
this year a rovonuo of thousands of dollars, which will w
than doubled in tlio neur future. u
Tiio products of tho beautiful Kliokitut valley hi" 1 r"J
hero, and tho country south and east has thia your ,!,loU uj,
warehouses, and ull available storage places to ovorilowiiif,
their products.
- ITS WEALTH. , . noV i8
It is tho richest oity of its size on tho coast and ita io" 7
scattered ovor and islxiing used to dovolop more farming cow
tlmn is tributary to any other city in Kastorn Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its olinmto dolightful.
sibilities incalculable. Its resource, unlimited. Awl on
i;ornor stone iho stands.