al)c Onllco Chronicle w ri VWI. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1893. lie Uailca ucuiy vuiimiiac. .,it.lllit l-lly, Htm.lity Kxccpted. BY .; OIIKON'IOLK PUBLISHING CO. IliK i WnitlitiicflJiii Htri4tu. M'hi in ix) SiS.'th.t.trler ,.. . . 50 I IMK TAISLKK. Itullriiuilx. in client AilKWNtO, lttl.1. isakt iiiiuni). ( iUtfU. iu-.m !. i. Di.'iuirth t; iiw I-. i. WKhT IIOUNII, utltc" a.IlU a. Departs .1:11 a. si. , IrulKlitu tlmt carry i.nictiKrh leave tr wt nt H'tw A. si., iiml mil! (or the .: it ' HT.WJKri. ,u iwievlllu, vIh, Hate Oven, leave dally 'V'.uitfl'' . Mltulnill, Canyon City, lenvu Hrlwntr. KliiKiluy, VVatnlo, Vii.liiltlii, Warm $ nml Tyli Valley, lenvu dally, except 'Wlciiiliilu,' Wain.. leave uvcry day of the tcirupt Hiliiiluy t 7 A. M. decs lor nil linen nt tliu Ulimtlllii IloiiK-. H I'llOFKHftlONAI.. II UI)l)KI.I-ATT0HNKV-AT-UW-0lllCU , court ritrnit, Ttic Dallex, OreKim. D' i.,.;fu. '"i"!;"!""-.,. ' . 7- u..nia i unit 4.1. over l'ont . .. .. ll'.IHlil.t.t.iii Htrit ilSiv llllllillllK, r.mriii"- tie lulu., Oregon. 7 i IlKNNKTT, ATlOilNKV-AT-LAVV. Of A. tlrutu Bt;Iiiinoh tiitlUllnc, I tIr. Hie Jillra, Ori-Kiiu. r.r. MAYS. II.M.IIUNTINHTON. II. K. WU.HO.N. MAYS, HPNTINUTUr. " 1 , ,,T '.i NKYc Al l.AW Otllceh, French' block over firit National Hani.. ' n Dalle. OrtKon. U- W lWqK-ATTOHNKY.AT.WW -Koomi. strut. The Dalle. Oregon. , fj, M I 1' ami K. ()., I'liyBlo un mill Mur Krnii. ItiiniiiH !l mill I. Chapman liloek. KciMcnw Mth. Tlinrnlmry'x, went cm! "f ntimiiI ittvct DB.MHKl.SiAN (IIOMJCOI-ATHIOl l'HYHICUN uAvruiKai, eiiy , v. ... . I K.I) I). DOAN K-rilYHICIAH AND HUH- liKOK. Olllco: rixrniK f nun u uihiiu""; llcHlUcneo H. K. corner ........., iirxir (ritiii ttiti corner. Oarelimirf U tn 12 A. St.. a to r. nml . it Ii Il)l)Al.l.-DUSTIST. - Has Kivcll lor tliu ). pnliilfjiM of tcotli. Also ttutli , in ilowcil iiliimlimin jilnto. Kwimn: HIrii of it (iiilnutl TlMitli.hcciinii nirwsi. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TKANBACT A HKNKUA1. HANKING HUHINKBU Lottorc of Credit iHHiied avuilrible in tic J KitHtorn StnteB. I Sight Ex(ilittnjj;(j find Toll-graphic TraiiHfcrHHoldon ew York, Chicngo, St. liOiiiH, Snn FrunciBco, rortmnd Orogon, Heattlo WiihIi.. and vnrioue pointn In Or egon and WuHniiigton. Collections made at all pointe on fav orable torniH. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. I'ruHidunt Z. F. Moony Vice-I'reHidi'iit, CiiAiti,i:.s Hilton Cashier, M.A.Moody General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold cm NEW YOHK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. CollectiotiH made on favoreble terniK at all acceHHilile points. J H. hCHKt'CK, 1'tuHldvnt. .1 M. l'ATTIIISSON, CHHblcr. First. llaUonal Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON A General Hanking linsinefiB transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. IJIKlCTOKS, I). J'. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenuk. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lieiie. II. M. Beall. W. H. YOUNG, eiacKsitl & wagon Slop V ,f CO I.01XJK, NO. 15, A. K. A: A. M.-Mwitsj tlrxt anil thlril Mumlay of cncli muntli at 7 f K XU.Kr. ItOYAl, AltCII OlIAlTKlt NO. 0.- U VlKth l" Jliidonn: nan inu uiim " rtttt.u month at 7 1'. M. .r. U'linllM !..' ttv Till' WDRl.l). t. Iloixl Camp No. 69,MiftM'J iicMlayevuli iDKOfwthweolc In Fraternity Hall, at 7::w p. m. nOLVillllX I.ODOK, NO. B, 1. O. O. K-Mcct errrr Krlitny eventm; at 7:30 o clock, 1 lv. of 1' iill, corner Hccoinl nml Court HtrcotH. AiJ"irnliiK' lirotlium are welcome. U. t'Woii, Hcc'y. H. A. lllLLH.N. (. PKlKNlMltll' 1.01)01"., NO. U K.of I'.-Jlwl I' every ilonilay cvenliiK at 7:KU oclitck, in SchMuo'hlmllilliiKi corner of Court ami becouil iireu, BOJillirillllK ineiiiuei" ifii....j C. (J. 1). V Vaunk. K. of It. nml H. A SSKM11I.V NO. IS-7, K. OK U-JlcetH In K. tV of I', hall thu Mcconil mill fourth Weilnes imh of woh month nt7:aoi. in. WOMCN'H OIIRIHTIAN TKSU'KUKNOK H UNION will meet every l'rlilay alteriioou 130'CIUCK lit tliu rt-HillUK room. Aliaru Him Harmon lxxlKo No. U)l. I. 0. (1. T.-UeKillar wix-kly ineetliiKS Friday at h r. , ' 'wriuiy nan. ah tiro inviieti. t. C. UlllilHMAN, C. T. It, C. 1' I.KCK, be TKMl'I.E I.()I)(1K NO. il, A. O. II. W.-MeeU; a. in h rateriilty Hall, over Miners, on bccuiiu fMt, ThurinlycvuiilnKMt7:3u. II. lIANHr.N, .W.H Mykbs, Klnniinlcr. M. W. JAH. NKHMITII l'OST, No. 3.', (I. A. K.-MetH HJlVcry b',turai,y nt 7:ao '' M" 1,1 11,0 Kl 1 1 BOK U K. Meetuvt'ry Hiiuilay afternoon In thoK.of 1'. Hall. ftKHANO VK11K1N MeetH every Htniilay eveuliiK In tliu K. of I'. Hall. BOH I.. H. DIVISION, No, lf,7-.MeetH in . K. of 1', llnll the flmt anil third Wuduen yol euch month, nt 7;3U i M. General Blncksniithing and Work done promjitly, aiul an work-Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, op, Licbc's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kindH of work in Itis lino at reasonable figures. Has the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. - Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalies THE CIllIltUHKN. ST. i'KTKKB (Illllltdll Hov. Hathor IIiionh , ukkht I'luttor. Iaiw AlimH uvory Hiiiulay at jJ'M. High lira at I0;3fl a, m, Vchikjim nt O'l. 1'AUW OHUHCH Union titroot, opposite li. Hflli. Ituv.KllD.HutcllllnUedtor. Horvlcea SJf'5'Huiiiiaynt U a. m. and 7:30 v. m. Hiimlay 7?ao :t KvwiIiik I'ruyor on Hrlday at pIHMT IIAI'TIBT OIIUKOII-Iluv. O. I). Tay in, L0it 1'iwtor. Mornlnu kcrvlcen uvery Hal; gJl,"1."'11 "cmluiny nt 11 A. m. Hahbath ff'iool huinuiiutoly nftur inornliiR Borvlces. LnMr "'liiK Kflifay ovuiilUB nt I'UNtor'H rejl V.n korvlceH in tliu court lioiuo at QONOHKOATIONAI- (mUlt(!II-ltov. W. 0. luivriM, l'iuitr. HorvlccHovery Hiiiulay at U t "jw,"l V i'. m, Hunday Holtool after mornliiK ""ni-u. BtrniiKun coniliuly luvited. BoatH free. K. (ITlmirK, 1 Wuiui.uh. nnulnr. u i .w,.. ' . . ' .L Ban.V.. u vlcen every Humlay inoriiluKiit II a, in. uii,?y B9'"K)l ' I-"-5" o'olook p m. Kpworth Thiirii at ,l!3 r M- I'niyor meotliiit ovury tluii,!'ly, vnlnK nt 7:80 o'olook. A conllnl In tQRii O'taiutal by uotli iumtor and people QIIHIHTIAN OIIUUOH-KKV. J. W. JKNK1NH. Chiifiif"0''. I'fCttfliliiB In the C'oiiKrcKiitlomu llyUiuvHea,rdM I)Hy Ht " r " A" Hr B1'il.U!5,'Ji.uai liUTHKUAN Ninth Htrwt, frJ'WY. A. Horn, paiitor. Burvloc nt UiSO n.m. 0 Trj 001 ai8 x,m A coraM woloorao J. !. FORD, is!. "As old aa tho hills" anrl never oxccll orl. "Tried and proven" is tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Rogit Tr lator is tho JL3 Ul'g'Uf and Kidney medicino to which you can pin your C 'yj faith for a hifi cur- A JL I JUrl mil(1 axa. tive, and purely veg etable, act Th ' directly i-f C on the Liver neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Tho Kins of Liver Medicines. " 7 liuvo uxed yourSlmnions Liver Itcmi lutor uiid can coiiKclencloiisly say It In the IclliK ofull liver mrdli'lni.'S I consider It u incdlcine chest in ilscir. Oko. V Jack Ho.v, Tacimiu, Washington. O-EVKKY I'ACICVGE-ejl Cuh tlio . Stump iti red on wrupper. DT T I L 'J'itnt;s Jiinkes it all the more I I L necessary to wlvertlse. That is w what the nuM procicslve of our husInesK men think, nml these Mime bus iiaH men are the most prosperous at all times. If you wish to reach all the reople in this neigh horlniod you can't do better than talk to them through the columns of the Daily Chronicle. thus more than double the circulation ol any other paper, and advertising in It pays big. "Tie falator Line" Be Dalles, Portland anil Astoria Navigation Co. P THROUG-H Of I)eh Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol March '.';, Win K. IL Med. Mho. Co., Dttfur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , , , , . On arriving home last week, i Iouml all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who hud wasted away .to S8 pounds, ib now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. R. Cough Cure lias done its work well. Both of t,iu ildren like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from mo. So give- it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mit. & Mits. J. K loitw. if unn wiHii to fuel freHh and olieerful.aud reaily for tho Spring's work, nleanso your system with the Hemhioho mid l.lver Cure, uyiiiKiug ivrnm three doses each week. Sold under a positive Kiinrmitee. 60 cunts per bottle by all druggists. C. P. STEPHENS, DUALEK IN DRY GOODS Clothing Freigni ana Passenycr Une 'I'hrouL'h dmlv service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dulles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade lx)cks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. in. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AtiSttNUKlt HATK8. One way Round trip. . , $2.00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. !.! i l) tcrwl tit olllliiuumn lui luiutmit . vi-w v. anv time day or night. Shipmente for way landings must bo delivered before 5 ). in. Live stock shipments solicted. Cull on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (ioneral A cent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Ueiiorul IMnnater. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E CANDY FACTORY ARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts VJflssi: Finest Poanut Roaster In The Dalles J.FOLCO" BOMBARDMENT OF RIO Desultory Firing Continues Day and Night. A NUMBER OF TROOPS KILLED. 2 38 2d Street At right bide rs. obarr cstauraut. Itoots, HIkhih, Hnt. Kto. Fancfl (Jood0, Joiion Ktc, Kto Kto. Second St., The Dalles. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular mid reliable house hits been entirely refurnished, ami every room has been repaired and repali tet and nowly carpeted throughout, iho houso contains 170 rooms and it supplied with every modern convenience. Katej reasonable. A good ratarant attached to the houeo. Fror bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. Von Caprivi and Emperor William Re ceive Infernal Machines---Minor Xcws Xotcs. London, Noy. 2S. The Times has this dispatch, dated last Thursday, from Rio Janerio: "The desultory firing con tinues day and night. A small party of sailors landed at Arinacao on Monday and were attacked by Pcixoto's men. Tho lattsr lost two officers and thirty men, killed. Five sailors were wounded, during tho past week more than 200 troops have been killed by the artillery firo on the Nictheroy side of tho barber. The majority of the insurgents favor the restoration of the monarchy with the Duke of Grandpara as emperor. The in surgents have resolved not to bombard Rio unless the government batteries in the city fire upon the ships from the shore. The British senior officer reports that a government battery yesterday shelled a launch flying a white flag and carrying a British officer and crew. The British minister today protested. A Magazine HI own Up. New Yokk, Nov. 2S. The steamer Maskelyn, from Rio Janerio November 5, reports a strong tide of public senti ment has set in against President Peix oto, who is daily becoming more dicta torial and Mello is gaining sympathy steadily. November 3 a powder maga zine belonging to Mello was struck by a shot from one of the forts, causing a ter rific explosion. Lieutenant Mobray and Lieutenant Tupper, of British warships, and 10 others of their party, who were out hunting and passing the magazine at the time, were killed. The loss of the powder is said not to have crippled Mello, who claims to have ammunition enough to last two years. Boynton, the American who attempted to sink one of Mello's vessels, was arrested and taken on board the cruiser Charleston, where he is held a prisoner. TUVINCt TO KILL OAI'ltlVl. .V Skillfully Ai rungi'il Infernal Machine Hcnt to the t'liancellor. Bmti.iN', Nov. 23. A box containing an infernal machine was received by Chancellor von Caprivi, accompanied by a letter dated Orleans, November 2Ijd. The letter stated that the box contained a sample of wonderful radish seed. In attempting to open the box Major FA mayer noticed grains of gunpowder fall inir'out of it. This made him suspicious that tho box contained a bomb, and he called a police expert. They found in the interior of the box a hammer which was kept down by bands of India rubber. Tho hammer was so arranged that if the box were opened in the ordinary way it would strike a cap of nitro-glycerine cartridge. The cartridge was the length of a linger. The whole thing was skill fully made. Till: I.KTTKI! MIST WITH IT., Nov. 2S.-The letter which accompanied the infernal machine sent to Caurivi read : "I have the honor to forward you samples of an astonishing kind of radish seed, usually sown in Dec ember and gathered in February. This kiud is not affected by fiost. Receive, sir, the assurance of my perfect consid eration." It was signed "G. Depehantau, 17 Rue Boulogne, Orleans." Iiirernul J!ac!ilm for the Emperor. Buitux, Nov. 2S. It now appears Km peror William Sunday received an in fernal machine from Orleans similar to tho ono sent Caprivi, accompanied by a letter. It was delivered at the emperor's civil cabinet, where it was discovered and rondered harmless. The emperor is not yet informed of the receipt of either of the infernal machines. Tho French government has promised tho utmost nssistanco in tracing mo autuoi of the attempted outrage, who is as yet utterly unknown. lr. Chuiiiiinii to He II ' Dr. Chas. II. Chapman, president of .1... iTnt,.nniiv nf Oivl'oh. at KuKeno, is making a tour of Eastern Oregon in tho interest of that worthy institution. Dr. Chapman will bo in Tho Dalles Wednes- .Lit .itwl riMiiirarlttV if this week and will bo'pleased to meet many of our citizens who have sous and nuugineis iu um.v. iduato of .lohn Hopkins University, an educator of note, Tlio university win pro.ui under his administration. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mnck'n every day at ! o'clock. Olymplrt Ik (Juren. San Fkanvisco, Nov. 25. The per formance of tho Olympia is truly re markable, much moro so than that of the Columbia, which recently smashed all records on the Eastern course. The Columbia was constructed especially for speed, everything being sacrificed to it, while the Olympia is only a cruiser, and room had to be made on her for heavy guns. In spite of these facts, tho latter ship, steaming over half tho course yesterday, nearly equalled the speed of the former. The Columbia one week ago today averaged 22.81 knots per hour for the distance of 88 knots, and according to tho dispatches her fast est time, that which kept the average up, was made on the first half of tho course. The dispatches state that the Olympia averaged 22.02 knots, going over 13 knots yesterday, and that was steaming at increased speed after round ing the stakeboat for the run in. Had she completed the run she might have made an average equal to the average of the Columbia. As it is, the speed of the Olympia surprises even her builders. They would have been satisfied had Ehe developed a speed of 21 knots. A half a knot more and they would have been delighted. A speed of 22 knots, and perhaps a little more, they have talked of to be sure, but they never expected it to happen. NEWS NOTES. The proposed plan of Union Pacific re organization includes the whole system. Russian sugar manufacturers have de cided to export 4,000,000 pounds between now and March. With Saturday night's performance at Hooley's theater, Chicago, Rosina Yokes, of the once famous Vokes family, retired from the stage. The silver men have discovered a new vantage ground in the new tariff bill. They propose to ask for a duty on silver ore, which will bring up the silver fight in a new form. A deal has practically been closed whereby the Rockefellers and the Stand ard Oil company will get control of the $3,000,000 steel works which were built near West Superior, Wis., by Francis H. Weeks. Four men appeared simultaneously, two in front and two in the rear of a saloon on State street, Chicago, with re volvers. They held up 20 inmates, re lieved them of all their valuables and es caped. The Olympia was prevented by the fog from finishing her trial trip at San Francisco, but the patent log shows that the Olympia made for a distance of 13 miles a rate of 23.59 knots per hour, and for a shorter distance 20 knots. A railroad, with a terminal at the Gulf of Mexico, another on Lake Michigan, and a third at the Pacific ocean, would make a more extensive system than the world has yet seen and it is possible that the Illinois Central will be the company to own such a lino. Captain L. Zalinski, of tho Fifth ar tillery, stationed at the Presido, Cal., the expert on tho pneumatic gun, was recently offered $15,000 to assist the Brazilian government for three months in tlio use of the pneumatic gun, and of course accepted tlio offer. Princess Colouna, tho daughter of Mrs. John W. Mackey, has applied for a loL'nl separation from Princo Ferdinand Galiatro Colonna, and for the custody of her threo children. Tho marriage took placo in Paris in 1S83. Six months nfter the marriage the princo began demand ing money of his wifo. She then dis covered that ho had a taste for gambling, horseracing and a fast life. Sho bore his abuse, taunts and vulgarity until October last, when she left hun at Pans. liiieklun'H Arnica naive. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posl- Hvnlv cures p ies, or no pay requireu. It is iruaranteed to uive perfect satisfac tion . nr monov refunded. Price so cents per l)ox. For sale by Snipes it Kin ersly ICnrl's Clover Root, me new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to tho complexion and cures constipation. '25c. 50c. amHl.OO. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. NO. 142. NEWS OF THE STATE. William Dunbar is on trial in Portland for smuggling opium. Fred Beckman, a Portland barber, committed suicido yesterday by shooting his brains out witii a shotgun. Stephen Beers, whoso home is on a small ranch on Evans Creek about 12 miles above Woodville, killed his brother John, last Wednesday. Tho killing resulted over a drunken quarrel. From Hoail to Foot You feel the good that's done by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. D, purifies the blood. And through the blood, it cleanses, repairs, and invigor ates tlie whole system. In recovering from "La Grippe," or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, nothing can equal it as an, restorative tonic to build up needed flesh and strength. It rouses every organ into natural action, promotes all the bodily functions, and restores health and vigor. For every disease that comes from a torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness and the matt stubborn Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous affec tions, the "Discovery" is the only rem edv so certain that it can bo tinaranlced. If it doesn't oeneht or cure, in every case, you have your money back. Fire yesterday morning destroyed nn entire block in Oil City, Pa., consisting of 12 or 15 buildings. The loss is es timated at $100,000. It is believed three or four persons perished in the flames. The missing persons are Mrs. Shields and three of her children. THE FIRST. Handkerchiefs were made fashion able by the Empress Josephine, who had bad teeth and held a handker chief before her mouth when she laughed. The ice-making machine was first put into operation in 1800; at the pres ent day every brewery, every passen ger steamer and not a few restaurants and hotels make their own ice. Safetv lamps, for the use of miners, were patented in 1S1J5. Now no mine is without them, and many laws have been passed requiring their use in all underground mining operations. Electjiotvpixo was first done in 1SS7, and was considered a triumph of chemical and mechanical skill, requir ing1 the utmost nicety for its execu tion. Now it is done 1:1 1 cry printing house. wer rar.u.- for tho market at Paisley, Scotland, in 17-i:J, and sold for about one dollar each. Last year it is computed that 80,000,000 dozen were sold in the United States. At Bath, Mo., A. Sowall & Co. have in progress of construction the first steel merchant ship ever built in the state. She is :i00 feet long and will be of 2,7.'0 net register tons. When this ship is launched, next fall, the heel for her sister ship will be laid. AT THE CAPITAL. To avoid paying a license a man in Washington sold beer tis soup, in large bowls. Tin: new carpet for the house of rep rosi'iitntives will bo of a dnrk-frreen design, with a crimson figure, conven tional in its character, relieved by a cream-colored star. (ii:onni: Stephen, ltegent's Quay, Ab erdeen, Scotland, sent a very pretty little Sheltie for President Cleveland. Tho pony in just thirty-eight inches in height and is of -beautiful build." Von Wlm Lead Hvilriitury Live Will find ereat relief from tho constip ation by taking Simmons Liver Regula tor. It is a simple, harmless, vegetable compound, sure to relievo you, and can do no injury. (illllllllltet'll I'll I'D. We authorize our advertised druggist i ..n Mr Kitift'x N'nw Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition, it you are auueieu aa a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or hi,, mid will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no Deneiu, you may luuuu ua bottle and have your money refunded. Wo could not make this offer did wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly s. woon, WOOD, wood. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. 1. Peters & Co. (Office Second and .Tetler gon streets.) All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will bo pub liehed on tho 21st of this month. T. A. Wakd, Shorill. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE