The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 28, 1893, Image 3

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"For siuccl charity s sake."
"Now good digestion wait on appetite,
And health on both"
The tempting array of Good Things prepared by the
Ladies of St. Paul's Guild for Thanksgiving Day, and
which we have for sale, tempts the eye of the most
fastidious, and if purchased would tickle the palate
of the most pronounced epicure.
Display, center window.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Gntvrtil n tho I'ONtotllcuiit The Dullch, Oregon,
iik Kwmiil'tiliixN mutter
l.nmtl Ail viirtlHlni;-
lOCuut-i pur lluu lor HrNt Insertion, unit U (.Viitn
k.t llni! (or cm; 1 1 xubM!iiiuut ltmortlon.
ficclnl nitox (or lung tlmu notlct'H.
All lcwiii notti.'un miulved Inter tluui 'A o'clock
will nipeiir tiio following ility.
- NOV. 28. 18IC!
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
It found on mile at 1. V. Nickehen's More.
"r llully t;ii'iin-ii From In mill Alxitit
tlin !lty.
Km hoiv tliui.Tiinl.-n round drover lly
Anil t!lisuN go M wlillxlHK lV 1
TIiiuv'k Miuietlillig tip iilMiml lilgh,
ho, (inner, niliiil your Ilnunll,
K la inn t)i Ktiir
Thu UltryHantlicinitiii club will j;ivo tt
TluuikHKtviiiK social bop on tomorrow
live, at their hull.
Mr. S. K. Ferris received word tliiH
mortiiii( from V. II. MeAtco thttt lit)
found no tract) of hit) hither and mud that
hi would no to Iiukur City this morning.
Mr. I'. Wolf, furrier of tint) city, uiutle
atiUuihlo shlpmunt of furs to Boston
this morning. They go by way of the
iVorlliem l'aijille.
The Regulator olliuo and Mays it
Crouo luivt) placed telegraphic hihtru
incuts In thoir ollico rooniH and arc in
H'Kiilnr connection with the Western
I't'imi telegraph ollicii.
A moot court will hu organized thiu
ivoniiij;, which will be conducted on the
same plan hh at thu diHuront law hcIiooIh
if the country. The "bar" comprises
I'oukIuhh Dufur, N. Sinnott, Walter
Kliudt, Jesse Allen, Fred Wilson, H.
Hiddell and Dan Roberts, with probably
Mr. .lolm Michell uh judge.
1'Vanlc I'oindextnr, who returned lust
'Sunday from .Silver Lake reports qiiitt'
an interesting feat being purforined by a
I'liccaroo near Hly recently While rid
"K on the range ho found a cougar and
Stive it oIiuho. Doing mounted on a
fleet footed horso he forcetl the cougar
up a tree, and uh he itHconded thu
tmccaroo throw his rope around tho ani
iiiuI'h coupling. IIu then started his
horse nt full speed and hooii dragged the
-'uger to death. It was a full grown
"iiiuiul and weighed severul hundred
pounds. Frinovlllo News.
"utroiilt Court.
The lust case on the docket for the
November term is tho lluckheit Packing
Co. vs. A. Winans, which was begun
tlilfl morning. In tho afternoon the case
was continuod until Monday and several
of tho jurors dismissed.
Tho jury in tho Hunker vh. Willig case
i still out.
Judge Bradslmw sentenced Albert
Valentino to tho roform achool and
Olieator Colo to ono your in tho pen! ten
''ry nnd a lino of $25.
doting Out Halo or (Iroci'rlim.
Owing to a contemplated change of
l'8lno8H, tho undersigned will close out
tiio entlro Htook of groceries, hurdware,
wol mid willow wuro ut cost for cash,
ftll onrly whilo tho Htouk is uiibroken.
All clolltuiuont taxpayers that don't
wiit tholr names ndvertisod had bettor
nli"0. forwrd, as tho roll will bo nub
,,el'd on the SlHt of this mouth.
T, A. .Waki, Shorlll".
8tove olUhd0,ler fr MoxicaH sllver
Kvorjtlilng Tlinro.
AH tools and apparatus at the locks
furnished by the government has to be
accounted for yearly or semi-yearly at a
sort of an inventory for the purpose. If
anything is disabled or broken, it is all
right, but thu wreck must be accounted
for and produced. It has frequently
happened that some article has been lost
or appropriated by workmen, and to sur
mount this difllculty a counterfeit is
made ami substituted. These counter
feits are frequently of no value whatever.
For instance an iron maul is lost, the
list simply calling for a maul. In tin's
ease a two-by-four scantling does very
nicely, sawed about six or eight incites
long, a hole borrd in it and a pine
bundle inserted. A saw can be cut out
of a piece of thick paper. A hammer is
easily made, and even it pair of car
wheels can be quickly turned out of
wood ami joined together by a lath for
an axle. And tints the rigid rules of
government are enforced.
Ir. :iiuiniuii to III Hurt'.
Dr. Chut). II. Chapman, president of
tho University of Oregon, tit Eugene, is
making a tour of Kastern Oregon in the
inteiust of that worthy institution. Dr.
Chapman will be in Tho Dalles Wednes-
dav and Thttrsdav of this week and will
be pleased to meet many of our citizens
who have sous and daughters to educate.
Dr. Chupman is a graduate of John
Hopkins University, an educator of
uotu. Tho university will proepergreatly
under his administration.
A Spli'iullil rrogriiimiK'.
Tho following programme has been pre
pared for tlie Sisters' entortainment
Nov. ISOth t their hall iu thu academy:
tilro Cnorus.
Truvnturu by l' Melluotto Double I'lano Svlo
(iumlp I'liutimiimo.
(iriinil Vocal Medley,
SliitmrockH ftiim my Motlier'Mirnvo, Kccitiitiou
tjul Vle Iiistrunientiil Duet
Tlniukhglvlng llruiu.
Military Discipline.
.Juveulle'N Trio l'iutio
A l'tiree.
(irnndiim'K Dreiini Song In Motion
Tiinc.ri'ill by 0- HummIiiI Instrumental Duet
Hope lleyuml VimmI Duet
"A Hum) by Any Niiiih'," Kto.
Tho recorder had before him three ho
boes and a drunk today. One of tho ho
boes was an obstinate follou- and would
not give his name nor mako any reply to
questions. After the third question as
to what his name was ho finally replied
that it nuido no diflbronco and didn't
need any nivmo. "True," said thu re
cordor, "still it might como in handy be
fore you gut out of jail. 1 heruby lino
you $20 for contempt of court. When
you return horo try and find a name,
even if you have to invent one."
DlHNolutlnu Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore existing
between the undorsigned, in the tirin
name of McFiirland & French, is thiu
day dissolved by mutual consent.
JC. li. MoFaui.and,
.Smith Fukmui.
The DtilloH, Nov. 20, 1893.
Tiik Bkmt J'i.ahtku. Dampen a piece
of ilunnol with Chamberlain's I'ain
Ualin and bind it on over tho seat of
pain. It Is hotter than any plaster.
When tho lungs aro sore such an appli
cation on tho chest and another on thu
back, between tho shoulder blades, will
often prevent pneumonia. There is
nothing so good for a laino back or a
palu In tho side. A sort) throat can
nearly always he i'ii ted i u one night by
applying a llauuel banditgo damponed
wlth'i'aln liiilm. f0 cent bottles for
sale by Ulnkeley & Houghton, druggists.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish!
ArrchtN u SusplclouH-Iookiiic Character
for u Wyoming .Murderer.
Acting Marshal Frik Maloney ar
rested a suspicious-looking character
tiiis morning at the train, who eeemed
to be trying to evade the marshal, which
caused him to cling the closer to the
trail. After a glance the marshal sus
picioned that he was the party wanted
for tho murder of Henry Wade at Evan
ston, Wyo., on Oct. 19th last, the
marshal having a description and photo
graph of the murderer, Frank Martin by
mime. He was taken to the recorder's
oflice and after an examination of two
hours it was decided he tallied on all
points, height, weight, color of hair and
eyes, actions, build, and even to a Ecar
on his nose. The prisoner had on a pair
of pants turned inside out, which an
swered the description as worn by the
murderer, dark brown with brown
stripes. Ho also hud on two other pairs
of pants and several vests, making him
appeur quite fleshy. In conversing with
the recorder ho said ho was in Evauston,
but when he tried to fix the date the
man evaded the question. At the time
of the murder Martin was smooth
ahaven, and as the prisoner, who claimed
George Fuller as his name, had quite a
growth of hair and beard, he was taken
to the barber shop and underwent the
cleaning process. As this was exhaus
tive lie will be the gainer by a thorough
clean-up if he does not prove to bo the
man wanted. If he is the man, Maloney
will be $100 ahead.
Messrs. I.eDuc, Humbert and Cantrell
of Dufur are in tho city today.
Mr. L. Butler departed for Centralia
and is visiting his daughter Mrs. Dysart.
Dr. Wm. 'Packman of Canyon City,
formerly a resident of The Dalles, is in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Shaelller, Mr. J.
Shaofllerof New York City and Mr. 1..
15. Potter of Scranton, Pa., were in the
city last evening and returned to Port
land by4steamer Regulator this morning.
Skibbe John .1 JJrookhouso aud wife,
Dufur; M Noll', Colfax; Peter Brenner,
Portland; Chas Penkert, Cascades.
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of tho fact can eecuro reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in
tho drug business at Elkton, Ky., for
tho paBt twelve years, says: "Cham
berlain's Cough Honiedy gives better
satisfaction than any other cough medi
cine 1 have over sold." There is good
reason for this. No other will euro a
cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a
preventive and cure for croup ; no other
atlbrds so much relief iu aases of whoop
ing cough. For sale by Blakeloy &
Houghton, druggists.
Business Change.
Tho undersigned 1ms bought
tho Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
&c GO.,
and will pav all bills owing by
said linn if' presented to them
before December 1st, 18ti;i,
till) Mulli Ht.. i'l UUh, !
With Orovcr Cleveland unit the Sand
wich T1and at Hldn Itmuei.
Mr. Handlen's youngest ,'child, who
has been very low with some slow form
of fever, is recovering.
Messrs. McNcal, Edwards and Daven
port are making large shipments of ap
ples to Portland and to points on the
With tho many young orchards which
will soon be in bearinc. Mosier is
destined to bo a fruit shipping point of
no small importance.
Flaherty & Co., aro getting large quan
tities of cord wood piled up in their
wood yards, for which thovare nilinir tin
correspondingly largo quantities of flour
and bacon to the coming fruit man.
It is not difficult now to find tho post
office, a neat and good sized sign adorns
the front door of that building, and a
straight and narrow path leads to it, so
that a wayfaring man, though a blanked
fool, could not err therein.
Newell Harlan has just finished plant
ing four and a quarter acres of Italian
prunes. The trees wero purchased of
Leo Evans, who also sold six hundred
trees to the senior Harlan. They have
now in all fourteen and one. half acres in
The Mosier people think that King
Grover, the first, of America, erred (if a
king can do wrong,) in attempting to
restore ex-Queen Lilly.Q-Anna to her
moth-eaten throne. The next thing the
king may offer to divide his realm with
her, or mako her queen of the Carolinas,
if she will help him carry out the
Chicago platform when he gets a
naughty congress off his hands.
Two young bloods, driving a Hood
River livery team, passed here looking
for a broken wire on the telephone line.
They said they owned the line, and
asked your correspondent if he was "the
old man" who lives on the hill? They
were informed that I am the gentleman
who lives at the foot of the hill. These
boys ought to live in a state where com
pulsory education is the law. They
wero well dressed, which showed that
good clothes and good manners do not
always go together.
The citizens here notice with much
interest the talk concerning The Dalles
ordinance against hitching teams. That
law ought to be abolished and a hitch
ing post put up in front of every store.
The law has a tendency to drive the
country people to other towns to trade.
A police regulation that haB to depend
upon "pick-ups" from the country for
its existence is a reproach to the town
which allows it to exist. The unkind
allusion in the Times Mountaineer to
The CnitoxicLi: editor's age, hurts the
Mountaineer in this neighborhood. Its
disposition to pick at Tiik Chkoxicu: in
the past has been noticed by this part of
the public. The civilized world has re
spected age since the days of Moses and
Abraham and always will. Savages
only are unkind to the aged, and that is
more from their mode of life than from a
disposition to abuse. Witli the autumn
of life comes ripe experience, and often
tho rich fruits of a well spent life which
the wise are glad to profit by. Folly is
more often connected with youthfulness.
No wise person ever wished to be
younger, though many young people
have wished to be wiser.
It will be a long time before the demo
cratic parly will find another Solomon,
or have any use for one if they do find
him. The people have twice found out
that the democrats are not qualified to
govern this great nation. The republic
ans let go of this government because it
was the only way they could break up
the packed conventions that ruled tho
party. They will take hold of it again
in 1890, with an entire change of pro
gramme and a new troupe. As soon as
I get done grubbing, or if it freezes up so
1 can't grub I will look around for thu
coming man. Ho must bo a repub
lican, a young man out of the old set.
with no enemies to punish, or friends to
reward ; just sound enough and not too
sound on tho protective tariff question j
ho must live in Illinois, aud his name
must be Robt. T. Lincoln. His father
defeated tho democratic nominee in 1SG0,
when the democratic party had two
policies, now that they have no
nolicv. tho republicans can clean them
out too easy with Robert for our stand
ard bearer.
You Who J.eud Hi'dmtury Liven
Will find great relief from tho constip
ation by taking .Simmons Liver Regula
tor. It is a simple, harmless, vegetable
compound, sure to relievo you, and can
do no injury.
Mexican Silver Stovo Polish causes no
Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec
tionery store.
"Samantlia at the World's Fair,"
And bo up to the times.
Greatest Work oi' tfie Nineteenth Century
lly JOSIAII Al.l.lIK'fl WIKK.
A. G. Hoering,
Local Agent, Tlio Dallvs, Or,
Just Arrived from Hew YorR
. . FROM $3.50 UPWARDS,
At Remarkably I)W Prices.
Splendid Cbinchilla Overcoats $5.50.
Winter Dry Goods,
As we aro torced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found the very lowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to
examine our goods and prices before purchasing.
Assignee's Sale.
The large stock of goods at
1. 1, total's Jewelry Store,
to be closed out at prices to suit the times.
Everything Must Be Sold, Regardless of Cost.
Now is tie Time to Bon Christmas Presents.
Sale Begins Today.
A. R. Thompson, Assignee.
Suocossor to LESLIE BUTLER,
Will POllfctiilltly Wei'p on hiillrt rotilplctu lluu of
UiivIuk tmrclmtoil Mr. Ilutlor's entire- s-tdok, I mik'uvor to iimlntiitti tlif K'vut.ition of
tlio liou-o, whlt'li 1 ins tietn
Call and see me, next door to Postoffice.
Clothier and Tailor.
. Decidedly the Fine.t Lino of . . . .
Gents' Pu.rn.ish.irig- Goods,
Trunks and I'alises, etc., etc.
With every dozen Cabinet
Photographs, one ....
oXi f e-S ie C ray 6 o
Call at the Gallery and see
samples. My work speaks
for itself