The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 28, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
official vavvax of dalles city.
Weekly, 1 year I 1 SO
" C months 0 7
3 " 0 SO
Dally, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months 3 00
' per " 0 60
Address hII communication to "THK CIIKOK
ICLK." The Dulles, Orcpsn.
General Delivery Window . .S a. ru. to 7 p. m.
Money Order
Biindny G IX
,s.a. m. to 4 ii. m.
. ,9 a. m. to 10 ii. m.
trains going Kast 9 p. m. and 11:45 n.m.
" " West 9 p. ta. and A:S0p. m.
Stage lor Goldcudale 7:30 a.m.
" " l'rinevlllo 5:S0a. m.
" "Dufuratid WarniSpriiifrs ..5::Wa. m.
" f Leaviug for Lyle A Hartlaud..ft:S0 a. m.
" " " (Antelope 5:S0a. m.
Except Sundav.
fTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
TUESDAY, - - - - NOV. 28, 1S93
Massachusetts is solving the road
problem in n practical way. The state
road commission has decided to build in
every town or township in that state one
pood road along the most used route
The design is to build from seven to ten
miles of road yearly in each county, and
to spend about half a million dollais an
nually in this work. It is estimated
that in twenty years this will supply the
state with as fine roads as they have in
Europe. Whv cannot some svstem like
this be applied to Oregon?
The tariff schedule, as announced by
the committee, is re pell ant to the great
majority, but there is no danger that it
will be adopted in anything near its
present form. It suite Mr. Cleveland
undoubtedly, for he is the father of it,
but unless all signs fail, the high priests
of the democratic party are going to
abandon their worship of the stuffed
prophet and can not be cajoled by prom
ises nor terrorized by threats of with
drawal of patronage. Cleveland has
seen his day, even among those of his
own party.
How dangerous a game of foot ball is
to the players few are aware. Already
during this month four young Ameri
cans, full of strength and the promise of
usefulness, have been killed in this
game. The record of broken limbs and
other serious and often lasting injuries
is not kept. The New York Herald has
published a record kept by an English
man of the fatalities in Great Britain,
where the game is more common, during
the last season, from September 1st to
the end of March. The aggregate is
twenty-six. During the previous season
there were twenty-two deaths, and in
the season before that twenty-three
deaths from injuries received in the
T. V. Powderly resigned his position
as general master workman of the
Knights of Labor.
Washington Hesing, editor of the
tho Staats-Zeitung, has just boon ap
pointed postmaster at Chicago.
Tho Mexican revolutionists have van
quished tho regular troops in a lato
battlu between Ascension and Palomas.
Tho entire number of paid admissions
to the world's fair was 21,-1S0,1-U. Tho
total attendance at the centennial at
Philadelphia was 9,910,000.
The City of Now York is doomed.
After a long period of almost ierfect
weather, in which efforts to save the
vessel proved unavailing, a storm has
arisen which bids fair to destroy the
Leo XII has fallen into a stage of a
senile decay, which his physicians do
not believocan lasttill March. His hold
on life, at best, is a matter of months.
Preparations are being seriously made
for the election of a now pope.
Ileaceitiled from the Ar.locn.
City or Mexico, Nov. 20. It is of
ficially announced that tho Marquis de
Castellauos, Don Augusiin Maldonado
Carvajal, and his two brothers and sis
ter, all residents of Madrid, Spain, have
been recognized by the government of
Mexico as descendants of the Aztec
monarch whom Cortex conquered. The
treasurer-general has been instructed to
pay to each of them an annual pension.
This decision lias been communicated to
them bv the secretary of tho treasury.
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
tho complexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes &
Kinersly, druggists.
Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every
day at 4 o'clock.
Oldest Agricultural Paper in America.
To all cash subscribers of Tiii:Ciiiionhm,k
paying one year in advance.
The American Farmer,
1729 Now York Avenue,
if you keep at it, is
apt to tell upon the
liver. The things
to prevent this are
Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. Take
one of these little
Ti 1 Info jVtf .,
1 "-"- v TlIK Amiuui'an RutMKii. which N now enter
rivp or owmo Iriva- "l""1 "H "M' .Vl'"r s "-' idnneer farmer's
ww. ui JJtina. iuau. ,,,.r hi the country.
tivf - rhrno for n. . It 1 ii larue eli;ht-paKi iwiper, and contains Ml
wv- initu mi columns of the choicest iiKrleultiinil nnil liter-
rritnnrrir T nnv rc "rf mutter, plentifully embellished with line
Cell l liu llv. j illustrations. It Is
the smallest, easiest 1 NATIONAL IN CHARACTER,
f. f-,l-r nlnn..nt,f.ict ' deals with farming ami fjirnicr's littcroatN
to take, picasantesc ,roi,,)motci nne. it
and most natural in (EMPLOYS THE HEST WRITERS IN
the wav thev act , Tll- COUNTRY,
WV luJ mill everythhiK that appears hi Its columns Ii of
I lmif An As-iiniiir; I the lilirln-it I'liiiruclcr Kverv Iei irtim'iit of the
X X "" . farmers btiiHucs Is iIImmis.cI In mi
fOOCl CormtiniltlOIl. tuiictleal way, looking to the greatest prntlt mid
b Vuui,ul'.u'u"' ,eiiellt to tluif.uuier ami his family.
Innirrptst'inn Irrtlflim ! " appears on the lit ami I.Mh of each liuiiitli,
r'- ' i t i ! ""'I I" nirnltluil nt the low prlreof
Attacks, oick or uuious neau- cents a year
ache, and all derangements of
the liver, stomach, and bowels,
are prevented, relieved, and
They're guaranteed to give
satisfaction in every case, or
your money is returned.
limit Vnrl lAnnllu TL...
11011 IUir IIDOMJf 1 1 IUIIII
Mies HkH
In advance Thin nnikex It tin- cliiMipt-st
iiKvlctiltiintl pniior In I lie eiiuntry.
inirliu: the coming oar them will ho nit Im
meiiM' numlier of mutters of the mint vital In
teiest to farmers ileatt with bv ("ongrc. anil the
Kxccutive Departineut.i at Wa.hitiKton. It l-
highly imiHirtaut (hat the farmers he kept
promptly ami fully Informed as to what is helug
planned anil done alleetitiK them at the National
i'apltal. They should all, therefore, take TllK
AmkimcaN Kaiimkii, which, lieliiK on theK'tiuudi
has tietter facilities than iiuy other paiiers for
Kettim; this luforinatiou, anil devotes luelf to
this duty. Thev ulll tltiil lu It eousttiutlv a
Tli ii u'nrct once nf CUritnin Kri',lt amount of valuahle luforinatiou that they
1 lie Worst Cases Ol UironiC IcauKCtln noother paper.
will ho sentone (or 1.7o,
Catarrh in the Head, yield to
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
So certain is it that its mak
ers offer $500 reward for an
incurable case.
ACiKNTS make UOO 11 day, (ireutnt kitchen
utensil over Invented. Hctalls.'.'icts. Jtot.
sold in every hoti.n. Sample, p4)stHe paid, live
eon Is. McMiikin run! Co., Cluclniiad, Ohio.
ANTED 1'iishiiiK Canvasjer of hohI ml
lire. Liberal salarv and e.xneii'ei uild
weekly, rcrniauctit i)ttoii. HHIiVVN IlltOi.
CO", Nuricrynicn, I'orthuul, Or swlw
""J-; WANT YOU TO WOIiK VOll V. thti-,
makinj; to :;.eo l'Kii vki:k.
I'artles preferrol who ean furnish a hom-and
travel tliroiiBh the country; a team, though, Is
not necessarj". A few vacancies In towns nnd
cities. Spare hours may lx u-ed to pssl nd-
vantage. it. r. joii.n.o.n a i ..
inn ami .Main his., Kiciimonn. n
An xm-eeablo Laxative and NERVE TONIC.
3oW by Tlnis-stscrsent by nail. S5c.,t0c.,
nd S1.00 per t-ticliajre. Samples free
IFlPfc TSJi Th Favorite T037E PCTTOIS
ILvF ia.WfnrthcTe-ntiandDreath.2ic.
For ule by Hnlpe X Kinorsly
Bill McKinley and the McKinley
will be the campaign cry of 'GO
What this country needs more than
hich tarifT or a low tariff i3 a stable
A democratic paper says Sen. Hill i
"level-headed on his feet." He is also
pussy-footed on his head.
When a farmer gets a labor-saving
implement for himself, let him think if
he can't find something to save his wife's
labor in the kitchen.
The hoola-hoola cancan now lxing
danced by His Excellency, the stuffed
prophet of the white house, and Her
Majesty, the fat niuger ex-queen of
Hawaii, is a hummer.
Of all the millions who attended the
world's fair, Europe sent but a paltry
22,000. America sends 100,000 tourists
to Europe every year, fair or no fair
Our foreign fieinds are not good travel
ere it seems.
An English court has decided that the
word "woman" is not libelous. It is
almost inconceivable that anybody
should have so regarded it. Woman is
one of the most honorable titles in the
English language.
Wasco county is four years behind in
the payment of its warrants, but that
is no reason why they should be dis
counted. Thoy bear S per cent, interest
and arc not taxable. Discounted 15 per
cent, and running four years, tho inter
est would be about 1-1 percent. Glacier.
Unserving I'ruUo
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given such univereal
satisfaction. Wo do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits.
Snipes & Kineralyte druggists.
Shlloh's cure, th Great Cough and
Croup Cure. is for sale by Snipes & Kin
rsly, Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 35c. Children love it. Hold
by Snipes & kinersly.
Cat flowers and winter blooming
jpknts for sale by Mrs. Phillips.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Bad:, &cs
Ilr virtue of an execution and ordr of mU,
if-Miol out ol tlie urcuit Lourtoi ti .-rate ol
Oilvoii, for (he County of Wasco, to me directed
cominandluK me to make sale of tin- and lu (he
said wilt, described to-wlf Thou- Hi-'e and
parcels of land In Vaco County, statt-of Ore
gon, known and ilecrlbul ns the oiitli half of
section ei;rht(S . and the south half of -cction
nine i'Jj and the east half and the sniitlmest
ouarter and the cant half of th" northwest iuar
ter and the southwest oimrter of the n..rthHe(
lii irte' of -.tctiou ten (lu) and the f. 'rtli half of
::ic nnrlliM est quarter noil the southeast quarter
of the northwest iiiarter of section 1 1."),,
tin1 in lowusnipoue iij, uoriuoi untice iourivii
' ii ea-t oi irie uiii'imcue rneruiinii. in mane
and U the sum of money. In said curt udjudi:
ix- pain in mo pniiniii
Action The Solicitor
With Electro-Magnetic SU5FENSOKY.
Latent I'atenU! llrt ImDroicmenU 1
Win euro without ralicin UI tisloi reeultln? from
ovcr-tauitloii of brain ncrro foreeai excm-csorinili
crdion, na bprrous d&bllit. f ler!e,?Jicso, lajinor,
rhirutlBm. kidney, liter cud LladJ'r comrjlimtf,
lamebAcl;. ltrmbaxo. pci&tira. all fernaln compuiLU'
wnenii ill health, etc, ThU electric Eel', coaulai
lloMftr'n Iapro.tu over all oUiern. f."arrtai la
iniuntlr feltliy wearer or wo forfeit (i,OOU.OU, ami
vM cureollof the nxrv fliwaics or lo Iiaj. Tiiou
r.j3 have been cnrel Ut thli marrelous InTeoUun
afrtrr all ctiicr remedies failed, and ro (rive LcaJruls
cf testimonial i in lliu and erery other
Our I'oertll Imfmvi KLLCTBIC SIS-K03Y. thn
preitot tKn evr offered weait mn, HIFK will, til
Bell.. Unlta aril 1 1foroa. Mnortb CllUilTItll In O te
lJ(Uv Send for ltma'd i'arnpblct, uuuled.atoltfreo
fc'o. 17Ura.Stt'URt, J'UUTt-AJiM OUK.
d to ix- uald to the iilulntltrin nctioti. in
Hiii' ii iictiou ine s-oticitor w:m ami iruil
i uere plaltltill and Jftmes II'j .(Ii, Mar
Ilia M. h'ootii, llverctt K. Hall, .1 V McClurv
mi. ill 11. McClure, I). (J. Alter, ltalpi lio-.'crs., Jti
i lia N liouers. I'll Kuihodv. J M lay, or and J
i F hdivariN were defend ante, to-ult ll.e nm of
i IJix'O.ijij with interest thctcon, from luK I. 1.'.
, at the rate of six iwrcent ler iinnum ami JJii.Oj
(Uiiuiliujn itvi lit ruin niiiiou n 1111 , , mill hit
burse ent therein taxtd, I liawtt.i- day luvlnl
ti)ioii (he land aforesaid and on
.Saturday tin, i.'.lrd liny of lleceoiher lX'.III
at tn- hour of 10 o'clock v.. ra.. infrniitnf tho
court house door. In thetltvoi 1 In-lul i. in
said ('utility mid htnte. I "111 sell s.ud (mid at
public auction, to the highest hiddrr therefor.
T A Mill,
hcrill'of Wdscir County, statu m Oregon,
Just Landed
Oilskin, Mackintosh,
and Rubber Clothing,
I mbrellaH,
1 1
Hits also received from Uoiton mil
1'hlledelphlu, all i;rudeH of
urn a choice uhBortrnent of
In the latest designs'.
From the lieat llaker Only,
All soods raarlced id plain Azures,
John Pashek,
Tie Merchant Tailor
70 Count
Next door to Waioe Ban OlSoe.
Hun uit received tho lntet ntylen In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
and lumi largo aanortnient of Forlxn and Amer
ican Cloth, which ho can llnlih To OtUvr (or
ttioKi) (hat favor hint,
CUialog and Repairing a Specialty.
II)' virtue of mi cxeoutl in and order of sale,
issued on ;. of tho Circuit Court of tl.e state o!
Orcuon, for the County of Wasco, tu ru- directed
coiiimaiidini; ne to unike it lj of (In- laud in the
Mild writ described to-wit; those and par
cels ol land in Wuseo County, hutc of Orexon,
known and described an tho southne-t iju.irter
of tcctlou four 1 1, and (he north half of sectloii
ulne I'JJ, and the northet iii-rl-r nf see(lon
sevcilleen 117, In Towiudiip nin 11: north of
Itaniiu fourteen ll,eaitof the Wlllmnctte Meri
dian, to make and pay the. sum i f Hiiim-v, in
(aid Court adjudged to be paid to the plallitlll'lu
I siuiu ncuou, in wuieii neiiou toe !.u('ii"rn i.oau
! and Trut Couiiiiiy were plaiiitlll, and James
iionwi, :iuriiin i. nooin, i.vercn i. iiuii. J. r.
McClure. tearnli II. McClurv, I. ( Alter, Italph
Itosfers, .lulln N. Hotrers, Url KmUxh. .1 M 'Jay.
loraudJ. I". Hdwardit were defendant-, to-wl(;
Iheaiimof f.W(X)wltii inlercst therinn, from
July 1, IMU, at the ratoof nix lcreciit.vrnniiutii
nnd ?J"W.W) attorney' fees in said Mctlon mid
co(h mid dishurverneuts therein I have
this day levlc-il iiou thulaiid aforesaid, and on
Saturtliiy, M.'lril iluy of J)ee,uiii.-, lull,'!,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a, in. in (rout of the
court homo door, lu the City of Tin- InIIim, In
said County nnd Htatu. 1 will sell stiilUiid at
public unction to the hluhuit bidder tlu-rcfor,
T A VtAltli,
Shcrifrof Wasco County, State of Oregon.
lly virtue of nn e.M-eiition and order
of aIo hiued out of the circuit Court
of tho atiito of OrtKon for the county
of Waico, to mo directed, ominandlnK
uie to make milu of the laud lu said wrlt.ilescrlb
(d to-vvit; thoic pieces and parcels of laud lu
Wuseo County, State of OrcMin, known hiuI de
scrlbi'd asall o( atction three and (he south
half of thusoullieaiit iiinrt.'r of sectlou four II,
and the south half of section live (, and the
north hull of action cijht (), all I lownthlp
one (1), north of KnliKo fourteen (11 eut of tho
Willamette meridian, to make aim piytliuaum
of moni:y, In said Couit ailjudxed, to b paid to
the plulntllt In ald action, 1m which hcIIoii The
bollcltors Loan and Trust Company were plain
lift' anil James Uootli, Martha M. ISooth, Kverett
K. Hall. J. I'. McClure, barah H McClure. 1). ii,
MM, italph Houers, Julia N. Itoxers, Url Km
body, J. M. Taylor and J, F, Kdwards weru ilo-
fendnlits. to.wlt. the Vlim of I201J.(X1 with inter.
tut thereon from July 1. WM, at the rutu of tlx
percent per annum unu foniuiaiioriiey lees in
suld action and coats anil disbursements therein
taxed. I have this day levied unou the. land
above, described and on
Haturday thi A'dWmv of ICBinbir, lHO.'l,
at the hour of 10 a. in., in front of the court
house door. In the City Of The Diilleu. In aalil
count." and utatc. I will veil aald laud at publlo
aucllon, to tho lili!het bidder therefor
T. A. WaltlJ,
Hherlll of Wtist!ocouiity,Huiioof OreKon.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby ulven that Ihu Countv Court
of the Htate of OreKOii for Wasco Count) has
duly appointed tho iiuderalxiiiil tho executor of
the Inut will and teatameut of (iiv,rnu I", Wvrn,
deceaaei). All isernouu Jinvllili claims nualliat
thu estate of said dm-uatil are hereby ruiulrtil
to present them, with tho pro.r vouiibers,
wiiniii nx mouwis irom iiinuaiuoi tins notice,
to aaui oxecuuir ut ma piseo 01 residence
uaiies t.ny, in aaiu couuiy.or a
W. II. Wilson, in said Dalles City.
ilt;ilr.ii mn i,r,, r.xecuor. '
Dated thin Jt day of November, 1WJ. 6w
Is the
Of the Year
ONLY- $1.75.
Baby Caps and Cloaks,
112 Bttconil Btroot.
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
Timber I-ind, Act Juno 3, lt78.)
I'. H. OrncK.The Dalles, Or.,l
Nov. , (
Notice l hereby Klven that in compliance
with (he provisions of (he act of conuress of
June:!, 1S7H, entlthil "An act for the sale of tim
ber lauds in the states of California, Oregon,
cvmm nun niumnKtoti lerritory.
Neat . Stevenson,
Of KltiKsley, county of Wax-o, state of (irvKOii,
has this day Med in till- ofllt-u his suorn mule
mem for the piirchao of the Ni:'j of NW',,',
of i-ect!on. No. '-), In Township No. :i S., raiiK'"
.m i:i i.. it. nun will oiler nrooi to slum
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purpnses,
and to establish liN claim io said laud before
(ho HcKlsler and Iti eeiver of this olllee at 'I he
Dalles, Dr., on the l'lth day of January, I.VJI.
He ilames as witnesses' (ieorxe Mcia-oiI, Jas
l.'r ICtt'ley, Udii Koude.iu and Uifayetle Davis,
all of Kliucsley, "r.
Any and all persons elulmlm; adversely tho
abovc-de.crlUil lands are ri-iiiesteil to I! In their
claims lu this ollieo on or beiore said l.Mhdayof
Januarv. IMM.
win JOHNW. I.l'Wlrj, UeKlster.
For Snlc at
NOTICE rOH PUBLICATION. OrriCK, The Dalles, ()r.,i
Nov. y, lo'j.j, j
Notlco Is hereby ulven that the followltiK
naiiuil i-ettlcr has illtd uotfeeof his intention to
make linn! proof in upiort of his claim and that
sa'd proof w 111 be made heforu tho remitter nod
u-eelver at 'I ho Dalles, OrcKon. on Weilnesilay,
I) -emln.'r'.,7, M. vU
Hewitt IlillK,
Homeslead Appllcaliou No. for (he NUof
Hli' and I'., of riWJ.-, hec. 1U, Tp, 1 H. It 11 Kasl.
lie names the followlin,' wltnesM's to provo his
continuous residence iisiii and cultivation of
said land, vl:
ii. . eus, ol llie jiallea, or,, Charles
Kastou, James Kaaton and I'aul I.lmerolh of
Naliaene, Or,
John W. I.kwih, IteulKer,
Notifo ia heroby siivoii tluit tho midur.
Hitftiud Iiiih heen duly appointed by thu
County Court of tbo State of Oregon for
Wiifcco County in probuto, oxecutrix with
tho will annexed of tlio entato of .Imnen
Undurliill ileceaHcd. All dcthoiih liavluif
cluitiiH auaiiiHt said CHtati! aro hereby ro
(tiired to preHt'iit them to mu with
propur vouclierH at tho law oflleo of Con
don fc Condon in Dalles City, Oreon,
within six months! from tho (into of thin
November 11, 180.'.
Cf.AllA 'A. UnI)1!11IIII,L.
Executrix of the Extatoof JitmeM Under-
hill, deceaHed.
Thu uncliirsiuiu'd, liavinu koch nsd the mucliinorv and
:..i ".. ..i . . i ' . :. .i". i.",i i" . ' ! ..".."i" i....v fn,AF,
ii.vuiuu.i wiutb with iiiLUiKiui.1 mi u II r.sii-i:wi&h miiuc iii.ivij,
will soil tho'sanio ut, ii Immum. More, is un cniriiic m
boiler of '10-odd liorso powtsr, mid ii larct uniount jffhoe
tiuicliiiHjrv, liiKts, lino Hliuft.i ntr. imllovs. holt iitu nnd find-
ins u comploto shoo iaotory.
Horn is also ono of tlu host sitos for sucoossfullj'Op
ating a factory of this kind to lie found in this country.
Writo for particulars at onco, to
ii. n
O73a.o jDallos,
j Dirtll
'ii.i., .....ii i..., it... i.. ....... .i... i...., llMir iDU ""
nuii-niiu ii iiiunm in nun i,iiiiiiii) uni, tilt? iunb ,,t
eitHt of the CitHciuleH. Tho latent aiipliancoH for tho iniinufucturo(jaf00J0B
fill Beer have Iwon introduced, nnd on y the ilrHt-claHO urticWi wUltoP"
he market.
Land OmcK, The Dalles, Or.,
Oct. 21, IHKI. j
Notice Is herehv irlven that thu following.
iihiiiuI settler has Illcil notice of Ills Intenllon to
make Una I proof in mipport of his claim, and
that sahl prist! will bo made before tho ItiKlster
mid Hecclvur at Thu Dalles, Or,, on Decern bur
11,1W.J, viz:
. ituiitiiiio it. itrooKs,
devlwoof John Hughes, decwikwl.
Homestead Application No. KW, or thu Hit HI'.U
uiid Ki HWJ4 of Bee. U, Tp. 1 N., II, 1.1 K. '
no names mu ioiiuwiiik wiinesses io prove
his continuous realdeneo iiism and culilviiiiiin
of said lumi, viz:
O. W.fjook, W. A. Miller, KriinkCrelKlitoii mid
Both Morgan, nil of tho Dalits, Or,
j-i.. i. iiuuwn piiJian uisii notice.
Eetray Taken Up.
uirut his place of residence, Hour I Ono buck winy, branded either fi or Son
n said county, or at tho ottlco of hip and left Jaw Owner can have samuTiy t.
, la said Dalles City. ' Iiik property unit paying for this notice.
lll'l.l. I' U'll I1ISH
I'ostolllcc.Tho Dulles, dr.
Wasco County, - - - Oregon,
Tho Gato City of tho Inland Empire ia situated at tho ke&A
uf imvigation on tho IMiddlo Columbia, and is a thriving, P0'
porous city,
It is tho supply city for an extensive and rich agriculturft
and grazing country, its trade reaching us far &outh as Sum
Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
The rich grazing country along tho eastern slope of ""V
cudes furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, th" wool tro
which finds market here. ,
The Dulles is the largest original wool shipping pl
America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year-
ITS PRODUCTS. , . . . (liull
The salmon lishories aro tho finest on the Columbia, v,mi
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will If
than doubled in the near future. . rt,nt
The products of the lxiuutifu! Klickitat valloy "".."'f Se
here, and the country south nnd oast hus this yunr ,!,l0"wjtjl
wurehouses, nnd all available storage places to overflowing
their products.
It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its mow j
scattered ovor and is being used to develop more farming cou ;
than is tributary to.any other city in Kastorn Orogon.
.. ., i fi ii a.. .i..i:..i,ffiil. its
its uituaiion is uniurpassuii, its uiiuihw iu"b-"-
sibilitios incalculable, Jts rosouroes
nornur stones alio stands.
unlimited. And on