The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 28, 1893, Image 1

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you VI.
NO. 111.
Dalles Daily uwonicie.
. i. ..... ...
,,l,lh1 !'"" t """"
II v
'iri ir pit iiLisi 1 1 Nil m.
i .,11,1 VVNitlilllKUlll Htfoob,, TliO
,,r Miiii.MiiitiiMi
1 1"'.... i.v(
li IMJ
ri.Mi: TAIH.KS.
In I'ltcct Annual fi,
10 M r. Depart ii .i") r. m.
,.,,,.1,1'JA. l DepUtl 11:11 A. M.
IteJKl'ta curry l'M'iiKtH teuvu
... ttm well in n:uu a. .
, fnurlllu. via. Iluku Oven, leuvu dully
J,.,,.' Miiiihull. cmiyoii City, leuvu
HZmi. KliiKluy. Wiiiiiln, Wnpl.iltlu, Wiirm
$i, ml TyKl. Viilloy, leuvu dully, oxrupt
"wJiMenitilu! Wurfl... leave ovury day of tlic
. ......;. . t.I . u fltlli'i.
II 11 llllM'l. 1. 1-
1, court ritreut, Tim DiiIIcn, orcein.
1 ........ I. l-l.- AmillHKVH . AT
ft .tl.M I irtiiriill
..a... ftvfitvrij V. AIM. A V. (If.
. dm in Hrtmiiuo'ft bulldiiix l t!tfc. .Hie
. .. .. . .... ., . iiiivTif.'iTi N. ii. n. niunu,,,
rr. maih. u, n. it .... '- -
...... .-,,.. .. U'Tl HON! . ATTOK-
Atn, ,.' .. ........ i -
- Itoomn
,t u-n unv A willtMKV.AT.I.AW
i . Kronen .V l.o. H imn iiuiiuiuh, u....-
Itt, lhe IMlIeii.ureKoii.
Sl'TIIl'.ltl.ANI). M. 1
M.. 1T. M.C..
M t 1' ami H. ()., riiyMuiiiu
urnii. llociiiiH ;i iiiiii i, iinii uiiw
IilcticuMn Tliiirillmry'h, we.neim .-.'.....
tree , .. ... - - -
rvn.Kaiii:iJiAN (iioiutorATiuu; i ...,...
IJ mil hUHIIKON. l.lllin unnt,. .
r or nljht. HIV or cdUlliry.
Chpmui blook.
I H 0, I). J) OA N riivNiuiAn
Ollleo No. iHi mill
rootim o nun " i'""i"ln"
auvt, Kn.ldeut'0 K. K. i:;"ir "
loiirli ittvam, nunid dour Iroin tlio -o"n-r.
OClivlioiirh y to lii A. il.. o f mid 7 to it l . n.
I - MlAM,- DBNTIST.-tilO. K1VCU i... w.v.
U. .illlleM oxttHOtlmi , of twtl.. A e
ttuullmved iiliimlniiin plate. Kooiiik: HIkii oi
I..-.,,,.... rr..jifh. Ki.rrillll HtrLOt.
... 1 M ...,,u
tlTAtt-0 MHKlK.mhW.A. .. w.f
II llrsiuim iiuru jiuinuj
I . -
.... . i.',. 11 VTl a1.
DAI.LV.h HO Alt AKUii . ... '. .
Mwtiln Miwiuli! Hull tliu third N eiliieMluy
oltwhLiiuith nt 7 1". M.
ii,ul CiiiniiNo.W.MectKTllfMliiyiivell-
'.BKUtttawetik in rruiuniiiynnii, hk.uu
i ... .. .
noixuBu l-oittii:. no.s. i. o. o. k,-si?i
I. r...... uj.,. ...... nlni. ,,l )!:'JI'(! CM!K. Ill K.
nt i i, nii,l Citurt Htrcols.
H. vvikv. w.f....
JournlnjftMtliorh uru wttlcoinu.
II. VLovau, iw'y. II. A. 11II.W.N. 0.
L'KIKNDSIlU' I.ODliK, NO. U., K. of l'.-Mcoth
T fvuy ilniuluy uvenliig t 7:aJ ocloek, in
schtnuii'uliutldliiK, corner of Court iiiid hmmd
itfti'U. Ho ournliiK memlwrH uru uordluily In
ritol. W. H. Cham.
J). H'.Vaunk, K. of It. mid H.
t 83KMIII.Y NO. 1827. K. Or U-.MWJW. Ill K.
I. oil', hull tho neciiud mid fourth Wcilue-
OK Ii.-.Mect
t olwch mouth ut7:0 p. in.
I' UNION will moot every KrlilayHlteriioou
Uo'clock at tlio reudliiK room. AUuru Invlteil.
Iittorn of Credit iBBiiod aviiilnhlii in
EitHturn Stilton.
Silit Exclmn'o and Telegraphic
TrunnforoHoldon Now York.Cliicugo, St.
LouiH, Hun FranoiHoo, Portlanil Oregon,
Seattle WiihIi.. and vuriotiH iiointH in Or
ujron and WuHliinrton.
Colleetionu made at all pointp on fuv
orabhi torniH.
Rational Batik,
I'reHidont -Vice-I'reaident,
- Z. F. Moody
CiiAiti.uH Hilton
General linnkin Business Transacted.
Sitflit Exchangee Sold on
Collections made on favorehlo terms
at all ui.n.'HHihle points.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking IliiHineBH traiiBacted
DupooitH received, Httbject to Sight
Draft or Check.
ColleetioiiH made and proeeodn promjitly
remitted on duy of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San FranciBco and Portland.
D. J'. Tiiomiwin. .Ino. S. Sciienck.
El). M. WlIiUAMH, Gko. A. LlKllE.
II. M. Ukau,.
fiiacKsmiii & wagon Siion
Gtmeral lilackHinithing and Work dom1
promiitly, and all work-Guaranteed,
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street opp. Liolic's olfl Staud.
Himuiii UdKu No. Ml, I. 0. 0.
weekly invutliiUN Krlduy nt
fiwrnlty Mull. All uru Invited.
, 0. T.
8 r. !., u'
It. C. Fl.KCK, He
Andrew Velarde
IS pnipiirod to do any and all
kinds of work in his lino at
reasonable (inures. Jltis the
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles
TKMI'l.K I.OIIOH NO. a. A. O. II. W.-MeetH
in rimcriiuv null, ovur ivuuerti, n
(t, Hiurmluy ovculUHBut7:iJ. ., ..,..
u "ANHhN, u,
.n ai YKiiH. m i imiiniMr. Ji it t
JAB. NKHMITH I'OHT, No. !W, 0. A. H. -McetH
D OK li. K,
J thu K. uf 1-
ftlMANO VKItKIN MeotH uvery
jiveiiuiK in inu k. 01 i: nun.
D OF I. h' IUV,UlrW K'n 1tY7Ml!tM ill
P' K.of v, Hull the llrnt null third Wudue
o'each month, nt 7iSU r. h.
Mi-utH uvery Hiniduy iifUsruoou la
v oikht l'Htor. Low Mi
HlBh MioiH ut 10:
Kuv. Knthur lillONN
tiHN uvury Hiiiuluy ut
iju a. M. veniKirH in
CT. OAlIln ....... it.. ut.,.,, n..r.,.ulji
..rL"11' ttv. Kit 1). Hatollllii Iteotor. Bervlces
2f 'I Himiiny at U a. m. mid 7;aor. m. Hiinduy
Sgfola:i5 A Mi KvuiiliiK 1'rnyor on Krldny ut
LMRHT ItAi'TiHT 011UU()U-Huv. 0. 1). '1
bin, """i. Mior. AlorillllK urviui UVKIJ, "
tiuir,: 'nwiiiiusiy nitor moraniu nurviuw.
ItS;,..' " eeiiUB Friday uvuiiiuk "t rumor reji
KGL,iut.,,, euiloiuy nt 11 A. M.
K"' immwllntolv nftor moraliiK
i,-,, union korvieuH In thu court noiuo m
()ON(mK(iATioNAL (IHUUOH-nov. W. (5,
i w ''Ul"i 1'iwtor. BorvlccH uvury Hiinduy nt 11
n',,! 7 r. m. Huiidny Buhool nftor iiiumlnf
CH"00- Btrnngontcoraiully luvltwl. HouUfrot'
" 1 - -
JH. OUUHOII-HOV. J, WlllNliKB, piiHtor.
nt! nurvluuHQViirvHiiiiilnv mnriiliiirut 11 n. in.
UH ,1001 o'ofook v w. Kiiworth
thuriS-'" 0:80 p- M- I'rnyor mcutliih ovury
tii:.t.htly. uvuulnir ut 7!S0 o'olook. A uordlnl ln-
toTn u twul by both vrnttor nnrt iwopla
Ch '.""'T, l'ruuahiiur In thu CoiiKruiitlouiil
comi.1,..0.110'1.. I"ra Duy ut a r, m. All mo
fU kV i' ,vaij i.UTliKllAN-Ninin fctreoi,
uudi. .-A Horn, pator. Hervloon ut ll:80n,in.
Ontrv 1001 Ht 9sii0 V'Tn A cordial wolooiuu
In inas
"ifo eat are
Sh'I better Wften
krUxev ara
RE from Qr?ElSE
znd are eas?y cf
gestbd. Jbr TnjlnQy
(korTemtu nd all
(affOLEHE is better
ijcrminc made only by
"The Reralator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and JMoria
Navigation Co.
1A .. ..I
01 1)ch Mollies, lown, wrueH umim
Murch isu.i:
S. B. Mud. Mfci. Co.,
Dulur, uregon.
On arriving home last week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
..:.i i .,,,,1 mm. half vears old.
who had wasted away .to 38 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. Ii. Cough Cure has done
its work vdl. Moth ot the ehi dron like
r v,, K . Couch Cure hits cured
...wi ba,.i nwnviill lioarBuness from me.
'A"" r" '",r ir'' . wiHi i.reut hits
rn ihvh ii. 1 1 j uvui r
for all. Wishing you lrospority. wo are
Yours, Mil. & Mits. J. I1. I'obu.
lfvi.i, wiuh i foul fret,li iindelieorlul.uiid reiuly
for the 8irlnt?'H work, olcniibo your t-yntem with
tho Hendnoho uud I.lvur Cure, by tukiiiK two or
thrco dobo enoh week.
Hold under a yoxltlvo guurmitee.
60 cents ior bottle by nil druKUlMb.
Freigtit sun Passenser Line
Throuirh dailv service (Sundayu ex
ceiited ) between Tho Dalles and Port
liiml. Steiuner Peculator leaves The
Dulles at 7 a. in. connectinc at Uifctuo
l.oi'l;n with steamer Dalles City
Steamer Dalles Citv leaves Portland
fYiunhill street dock) at G a. m. con
nectingwith steamer Regulator for The
Free List Will Satistv the Most
One way
Kound trip.
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time uay or nigni. ompiuumc iui
way lanuings inuHi iw uuuvoi uowio
5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted.
Cull on or address,
B. F,
iiiuriil ACt
tlnorl MmiUKr.
Candies and Nuts
Wiiw Specialties
Flnoat Peanut Roaster In Tho Dalles
Wool, Coal, Lumber, Salt and Iron Ore
on the Free List-Agricultural
Implements Free.
Washington-, Nov. 27. The new
democratic tariff bill is given out. Its
provisions fulfill every expectation of
those who predicted it would bo a
measure of radical reform. In many
respects it is a surprise even to demo
crats, as it 19 unprecedented in many
provisions. The free list is of liberal
scope, sumcient to eaueiy tne most rad
ical advocates of reform, and the repudi
ation of the principle of reciprocity is
decisive and emphatic. Thus the bill,
in addition to tariff reforms, will, if
passed, necessitate the readjustment of
treaties with South American countries,
which enjoy practical or theoretical reci
procity with the United States. The
bounty on sugar, instead of being re
peal'd at once, will b3 repealed by easy
graduations and will not reach the full
effect till after the close of the present
centurv. Beginning March 1 next, the
following articles are added to the free
Bacon, hams, beef, mutton, pork,
meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved,
not otherwise provided for; baryta,
binding twine made in whole or part of
istle or tampico fiber, inanilla, sisal or
sunn, single ply, measuring not more
than 000 feet to a pound ; millinery, bird
skins prepared for preservation ; blue
vitriol, bone, car coal, bituminous and
shale and slack or cut; coke, coal tar;
colors or dyes not specially provided for;
ovide of cobalt, copper ores, old copper,
clippings of new copper, all composi
tions of which copper is the chief com
ponent of value, regblus and black cop
per, and copper cement, copper plates
bars, ingots, pigs, other forms: cop
neras. cotton ties: diamonds, uust or
bort, jewels used in the manufacture of
watches and clocks; yolks of eggs of
birds, fish and insects; crude down
fresh fish, undressed furs, iodine; re-
sublimated iron ore, including inagnifer
ous iron, dross of burnt pyrites, sulphur
pvrites in natural state; lard, lemon
juice; mica and crude metallic minerals
and unwrought metals, ochre and ochrey
earths, sienna and sienna earths, umber
and umber earths, cottonseed oil, paint
ings and statuary, plows, tools, disc
harrows, harvesters, reapers, drills,
mowers, horse rakes, cultivators, thresh
ing machines, cotton gins, p'.ush black
for making men's hats, quicksilver, salt,
silk not further advanced in manufac
ture tean carding of couibinu, soap, not
otherwise provided for, sulphate of soda,
or salt cake or nitrate cake, sulphuric
acid, tallow and wool grease, straw,
burrstone bound into millstones, free
stone, granite, sandstone, limestone and
other building or monumental stone, ex
cept marble undressed, all wearing ap
parel and other personal eflects on ulen
tity being established under legulations
to bo established by the treasury, tim
ber, sawed boards, planks, deals, other
lumber, lath, palings, shingles, staves,
manufactured wood, provided tlio same
duties as now exist shall obtain in an
cases in which an export duty is laid on
any article in tho above schedule ; chair
1 . nmlni1
cane or reeus, woous, iiuumij "'i
lignum vitie, lancewood, ebony, box,
granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, rattan-
wood, all forms of cabinet woous, in uie
log, rough or hown, manufactured bam
boo and rattan, manufactured brier-root
orbrierwood, reeds and sticks of putridge,
hairwood, pimento, orange, myrtle or
other woods in the rough; all wool of
sheep, hair of camel, goat, alpaca and
other like animals; wool and hair on
skin, noils, yam, waslo, cant waste,
burr waste, rags and Hogs, including all
waste or ragH composed wholly or in
part of wool.
Itout, Hhotm, HiUH, Kin.
Fancjj (Sood& fotioni,
Second St., The Dalles,
2 38
2 Street
At rlh'ht hide
Mre. Obnrr'k
From the Uuvtiruor of South Diiliolu.
ti KNTIXMIiN-KllClOMHl Vie,""' '"' , ,V0S,il1 ,,0t0
for 11.00 for KjaufimKXA never
ff WKt Sg&v me u worU.
Ho iv tin; Htuviillnn Mnttrr in Vlcwnl nt
tho Capital.
l'roin our llwuliir Correspondent.)
Wasiiin-citon-, Nov. 21, IS'.KL
"Support my tariff bill or you will get
nothing froui the administration," is
tho ultimatum which Mr. Cleveland has
given to thoso democratic congressmen
who arc disposed to protest against the
wholesale crippling of various industries
in their districts that tho new tariff bill
will bring about, should the schedules as
prepared by tho direction of Mr. Cleve
land be allowed to stand. Tho number
of democratic protesto- s ia large and as
the result will probably decide tho re
nomination and election of most of them
it will not be surprising should many
decide that the welfare of their constitu
ents that is endangered by the Cleveland
tariff bill is of more importance to tliem
than any favors that Mr. Cleveland has
to give out, and be found carrying out
tho threats now being made of uniting
with the republicans for the purpose of
securing protection of their constituents.
One of the arguments advanced by some
of the Cleveland men is characteristic
ally democratic "Support the bill as it
is ; the senate will be certain to amend
it according to your wishes." Tho same
sort of argument got votes for the Wil
Eon repeal bill at the extra session.
Nobody need be surprised to hear that
Secretary Gresham has resigned. His
position is now anything but a desire
able one. Instead of tho vindication he
thought the publication of Blount's re
port would bring him and the adminis
tration, he finds the public much more
disposed to accept the answer to that re
port made by the Hawaiian Minister
Mr. Thurston as a correct story of
the Hawaiian revolution. Secretary
Gresham is so chagrined that he hardly
gives those who come in conHct with
him a civil answer to the most trivial
question. It is understood that he
wanted to send Mr. Thurston his pass
ports because he made public his answer
to Blount's report, but that Mr. Cleve
land lorbid it.
Senator Cullom. of Illinois, does not
mince words in expressing his opinion
of the Hawaiian policy of the adminis
tration. He says : "The president has
overstepped the bounds of American
patriotism and the authority vested in
his office. It is the most un-Ameiican
and unpatriotic step ever proposed by
anv administration, and congress, al
though it is democratic in both branches,
will, in my opinion, take tho first oppor
tunitv to administer a severe reprimand
I know of no man in congress who has
endorsed the action of President Cleve
land in reirard to Hawaii or who lias
spoken a word in behalf of his unpatri
nt ellort to restore tho monarchy. The
act alreadv committed by the adminis
tration is clearly without authority.
The action of President Johnson, whom
congiess moved to impeach, was not half
so reprehensible as that taken by Air,
nwi.lmifl and his secretary of state. It
is a most humiliating spectacle to any
true American citizen, and I might add
that it appears to bo tho most senseless
exhibition of combined mendacity,
malice, viciousness and outrageous exer
cise of ofiicial power that the world has
witnessed in modern times."
There is one paragraph in Secretary
Carlisle's New York chamber ol com
merce speech that, in view of tho
methods of Mr. Cleveland, is really
amusing, particularly to democratic con
gressmen not on good terms with tho ad
ministration. They are in doubt as to
whether tho secretary intended to bo
delicately sarcastic at Air. uioveiamra
expense, or was preparing tho way lo
shift tho blame for tho lack ot a nnanciai
policy from the administration to con-
.1 .1... ...nM.l,. t Cartwil,.,'
gl'CSS. Iieru are me nuiuo ui uiuumi;
Carlisle: "It must bo remembered,
however, that it is tho function and duty
of the legislative department to establish
the policy of the government upon tins
and all other subjects, and to clothe tlio
executive with tho necessary authority
and means to carry it out. When tho
authority and means are granted tho ex
ecutive department is responsible for tho
manner in which tho law is exeeuicu,
but beyond this it has no power to act,
uml consequently no duty to perform."
Hon. Jos. N. Mauley of Maine, wan
hero early in tho wrek making prepara
tions for the opening of permanent head
quarters for the national republican com
mittee in Washington, from which tho
distribution of republican literature and
other educational matter will bo con
tinuously made, without interfering with
tho work dono in that line by the con
gressional committee or tho League of
Republican clubs. Gen. Harrison wished
tho national committee to do this four
years ago, but a maiority ot the com
mittee did not agree with him and it was
not done.
Speaking of tho national committee, I
have it on good authority that when tho
committee issues the call for tho next
national nominating convention it will
include therein an edict reducing the
representation in tho convention of thoso
southern states in which the republican
party practically has no organization to
about two delegates each. Tho idea be
ing that the states from which the elec
toral votes must come should bo allowed
to name the party candidates. Cas.
. quart, ledge assaying $30 to the ton
has been struck in Sprague river valley.
A big thanksgiving dinner is to be
given the newsboys and messenger boys
of Portland.
Tho First National Bank of Fort Kla
math has suspended on account of the
mysterious disappearance of the
Nat Blum plead guilty to five different
counts for smuggling, and his example
was followed by Sweeney, Jackling,
Garthorne, Patterson and Berg before
Judge Bellinger, Monday.
An Italian llejiubllc.
Rome, Nov. 27. In the highest and
most reserved circles it is said to be well
known that the present dream of the
Vatican is the establishment of a federal
Italian republic. This idea is the only
real explanation of the extraordinary
language adopted by Vatican organs in
speaking of the mission of Franco and
Russia with relation to the papacy.
1, unshed Hlmsi'tr to Doiith.
L.vintEL, Md., Nov. 27. Wesley Per
sons, an aged and wl known f. inner,
while joking with liii-iid- yet-ierday,
was seized with a spell oi laughing,
being unable to stop. Ho laughed for
nearly an hour, when he began hic
coughing, and two hours later ho died
from exhaustion.
i'rnm llrml to l''oot
You feel the good that's done by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It
purifies the blood. And through the
blood, it cleanses, repairs, and invigor
ates tlio whole svstem.
In recovering '.om "La Grippe," or in
convalescence from pneumonia, fevers,
or other wasting diseases, nothing can
equal it as an, restorative tonic
to build up n-drd flnh and strength.
It rouses every organ into natural action,
promotes all tho bodily functions, and
restores health and vigor.
For everv disease that conies from a
torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness and the most
stubborn Skin, setup, or acromions Mic
tions, the "Discovery" is tho only rem
edy so certain that it can bo guaranteed.
It it doesn't, ueneuc or cure, m uvuiy
. i i.
case, vou liavo vour money nauh.
For a perfect and permanent euro for
Catarrh, take Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem
edy. Its proprietors oiler $500 reward
for an incuranio casooi uauirrn.
St. diaries Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
has been itlrely refurnished, and ovory
room has been repaired unci ropaii uoi
mid nowlv carpeted throughout. 11 o
house contains 170 rooms and is supp led
with ovory modern convenience, -ivntw
re onable. A good restaurant nt U ol ef
to tho house. Vror bus to ami from all
C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop.
wuuir. ui; uniKht"1" ' '.7 , ".t;ii .,wi tn tret
lirlttou. M.iriih.tll comity, a 1 11 1 m , i?,ii? to
thorn mid keep them u stock. K ' " "
Colorado In June, uud I hull o ou koo I t art
iiiuoiii: the milium, Hourly, nil "llom M1,ltr
from henduche,s in that hiKii n ,'u.u. ,, ......
Yourb, etc., .MI. Km:tciii:h, Lieut. uo
Sinitii Olilin.tL D.ik.
bold by Snipes i; Klhersiy.
HeHt grades oak, fir, Pino
u'imi . 1)11 lie 1 ili newuu buh-i.
orders promptly attended to.
t( MaikhB
A recent discovery by on old
physlclau. Succenfuttit used
monthly lu thousamu ej
LadU't. U tho only perfectly
safonnd rrtlntilo iiu'illcliio dls-
nw.i-o f imnrluolpleil druggists who
offer Inferior medicines In plaeo of this. Ask tor
Couk' Colton Hoot Compound, ' ubsth
Me, or Inclose. 81 and 0 cents in potagn in letter
and wo will send, scaled, byreturuinall. Fullsealcl
particulars in plain envelope, to ladles only,
Stamps. AdUicos lund Lilly Co in ; a n V.
No. a 1'Uut IllocW. Petroit. Mich.
.Sold ill Tha l)ullen by liln'teley A: llouijroii.
Huukluii'rf Arnica sulvo.
The best salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfae
tlnn . nr moiiov refunded. Prico 25 cents
nor box. For salu by Snipes
& Kin-
wool). WOOD. WOOD.
Best grades of oak, flr, and ihiorA
wood, at lowest market rates at Jon. 1.
Peters & Co. (Otllco Second and Jetler-
son stroots.)
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.