"1 .3 ' 1? ...... . . ,. I r n i ui cnaruys sane. ;f.XL;' ' good digestion wait on appetite, ,.,:i;v ( ' And health on both. For Thanksgiving. The tempting array of G-oed Things prepared by the Ladies of St. Paul's Guild for Thanksgiving Day, and which vre have for sale, tempts the eye of the most fastidious, and if purchased would tickle the palate of the most pronounced epicure. Display, center window. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. -intort tl a tliL I'ostolllcont Tim Dalit's, Oregon, hk xocimiiI-cIidih matter. I.omil All vrrtlnlliB- 10 01114 x:r line (or firnt Insertion, unit ft CuutH K-r II in.- for eauli KUlm'tiunt Insertion. 3pvcliil rate for limn time notlnci. All lot-a, tmticoH received lntor tlmii 3 o'clock lit iiiear Uiu ioIIdwIiik ilay. MONDAY, NOV. i!7, 18:i The. Hnilij and Weekly Chronicle may h (mind on Mile nl I. V. Nickehenh More. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. "r Uitlly (lliiiin-iii From In mill Aliout tint City. Messrs. Hudloy mid Coon lonsen of Camas Prairie, brought in a fine lot of etittto today. A rutabaga weighing lJj pounds was kit ut Tm: Cimioniom: oll'ieo Saturday, iluriug tho noon hour. in tho year 1802 tliuro wore 5,553 pass tnjeurs uml 7,800 tout) of freight carried hy tlu Regulator and Dalles City. Rulers in the vicinity of Stevenson MtguttiiiK " tlieir winter supplies now. The D.illus is their j r i m:i put trading point. A local passenger train will he put on Sunday between Portland and The failles. It will arrivo here at 1 o'eloek ami return at U. J. II. Crook of Crook county, eauie in tlieoity last night with two carloads of liorues, which he will ship today to IJiiisvillo, Ivy., to lie placed on the market there. Win. McAtee writes to Judge J.. S. Itovls, a nephew of tho mittting iiuui, that he found no trace of his fattier and knows nothing further about linn hIuco ho regintered at the Soinnior hotel. Stevenson, that thoroughly enterpris ing young city on the north bank of the wiliiinbia above tho Cascades, is to put in a large wharf at its own expense, 50,- 000 feet of lumber to bo used in its con- traction. Mr. JnmoB Stewart of Dutch Flat, a bench '2,000 foot higher than Tho Dnllofl, iihh cupped the climax by bringing in 'our potutoes weighing 1!) pounds. Mr. Btowurt's onttro crop of potatoes will nverngo over a pound ouch. The Ladies Guild will conduct their Hale of Thanksgiving goodies utPenso.ifc Mays Htoro from tomorrow. There is everything to tempt the apotito and prices ore moderate, The dainties con sist of cakes, pies, pudding, enuuo, etc., "11 very palatable and delicious. In the case of Brnnner vs. Ward a jury decided for the plalntlfl'and agalnm do fondant In tho sum of 75. The case is big tried today of Banker vs. VVUUg, which is an action for the collection of a promissory note. Attorney O. S. Lord of Portland is attorney for tho plaintiff i)d E. B, Dufur for defendant. The do "Hi8o 1b tho want of a consideration. A communication has beon rocolvod from a subscriber concerning the nul micoof small boye in churuh. If the W'Uer will furnish ub his name wo will Publish the letter, not for publication "Ut us a guarantee of good fiuth. A "flW8pBMjr giW8yfl Wttnts to know who Wrltos what la published in its columns. All delinquent .taxpayers that don't Mint their names advertised had bettor & i ,orwrd, as the roll will be pub 'Hhed on .the 2ist of this montli. T, A, Wakd, Sheriff, Tim HarviiHt Concert. The "harvest concert" at the Congre gational church last evening was an en tertaiimiont of unusual excellence. A great number and varioty of selections wore sung and spoken by the little folks, of a sentiment applicable to the harvest time, further enlivened ibydecorations of wheat and corn in sheaf. There were no hitches or pauses, though' the selec tions were for the most part very short. At agreeable intervals the choir rendered some pretty selections, under 'the leader ship of Mr. C. J. Crandall. Of ex ceptional merit were the first number, a song and drill by about u score of little girls, in perfect time and tune, the.'fnult less recitation of little Miss Baldwin, and tho selection of Miss Evelyn New man, which was given in a natural though spirited tone, "The Wind among the Wheat." The action of the concert was rapid, the music simple yet pleasing, and the recitations spoken with meaning, all of which reflects much credit upon Mrs. S. L. Brooks, who ar ranged the concert and drilled tho littlo folks. After a benediction by Rev. W. C. Curtis, tho praise and thanksgiving service concluded. Tim Now Ntimu Ouurry. The .1. G. & I. N. Day Contracting company, who have the government con tract for completing tho locks at the last falls of tho Columbia, have given a lurge contract to Largeno & Haggard, well known contractors of the coast, to fur nish them with dressed stone. The sub contractors have opened a quarry on Thos. Momighitu's ranch about four miles above Stevenson. They have a large force of quarrymen at work at present getting out a line quality of stone. Mr. Haggard is in Portland at present getting a force of stonecutters to dress the crude stone, and making other arrangements for rushing their contract through. Tho Days are using every ef fort to complete tho work according to their contract. Pioneer. I.uiIIhh' IviiMor Uurjih. The Iidies' Belief Corps Saturday night gave anothor of tlieir pleasant socials at Fraternity hall, at which were many G. A. R. guests. An entertaining programme was provided, followod by a lunch of sandwiches, cako and coll'ee. Tho following was tho programme: Rottdlng, Mrs. Mary S. Myers. Piano solo, Mrs. J. M. Patterson. Recitation, Miss May Barnott. Solo, Mrs. A. Varnoy. Kecitation, Miss Jennie Hut-soil. Instrumental solo, Miss Grace Lauer. TIiIh Ik to cort(fy that I luivo ui-etl Krause'H lleuilueho Capsule periodically fur over one, year, mid tntvu very iiuiuh ileiiuru la xtutliiK that duty luivo nlwiiyx proved bonellclal mul Intvu relieved mo la troia ton to llfteeu minutes, I liavu been a Mitl'ercr from headache for tunny yearn, mid have never found iinytlilub' to do mu iin muuh koo(1 iih KriuiBo'N Headache CupxiilcH. Von re truly, 1-ouih Hkiiman, '.Ml H. 1'oplar Ht, , Wiohltii, Kim. Bold by Snipes it Klbcrnly. Cut flowers and winter blooming plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips. WOOD? WOOD, WOOD. Beat grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, ut lowest market rates at Jos. T, Potorfl & Co. (Oillce Second and Jeffer son streets.) OloMluMMit Hutu r Untoarlim. Owing to a contemplated chungo of business, tho underHlgned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware ut cost for cash, Call em ly while the stock is unbroken. JoiiKH BltOTlMUIH. Ask your cloulur for Mexican Silver Stove Polish, A CurlouH Growth, v An instance of the curious growth of our native oak is afforded by a piece of wood brought in by Surveyor Ed. Sharp this morning. While hunting lor a corner recently tho field notes cited bim to a certain oak tree. The tree waB found, but not a mark of any kind was to be seen and the perfect condition of the bark seemed to indicate that there never had been a mark upon it. Never theless, the distance was precisely that called for by other land marks, and he split the tree, when the mark was found. New wood had grown upon it complet ing the broken circle, and the bark had closed over it, making the tree look per fectly natural. It is a curious phenom enon and may now be seen at The Ciikon'ici.i: office. PERSONAL MENTION. Judge Stott was in town yesterday. Mr. A. Lyle came in from Hay creek today. Mr. J. B. Day of the Locks was in town last evening. Mr. II. E. Moore of Nansene is regis tered at the Umatilla bouse. Kev. P. II. McGuffev and family left Nieholasville, Ky., this morning for The Dalles, and are expected to arrive i riuav. Messrs. J. W. and John D. McGowan, well known cannervnien of the Sound, are in town todry, and are at the Uma tilla house. Mi38 Lizzie Shepard of Lower Califor nia is in town, on her way to Warm Sprint's, where she will act in the cap acity of matron. Mr. S. L. Skeols, of tho Interstate In vestment Co., is in the city and called on Tin: CniiONiei.u today. He believes The Dalles should be u city of at least 12,000 inhabitants, and ho is richt, if a good surrounding country counts for anything. IIOTKL AltKlVAl.S. Sklbbe Hotel. Willis P lioberts. Ohio; Mrs. C Wick, Mill Creek; FC Mors. Bovd: Henry Kott, l'enuleton: John Sproster, Pendleton ; BA Hinkel, L.ker City; CT Smith, Moro; II Boss, Portland; P Brenner, Portland; Ed ward Malm, iioyd. MAKKIKD, Nov. 22d. by Father Fester, of Port land, Mr. John Brookhouso of Dufur to Miss Isabella Kolley of Kingsley. One dollar per dozon for cabinet nhotos at tho Court street gallery. This work is first class in every respect. Rooms to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. G-23daw Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in tho drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Romedy gives better satisfaction than any oilier cougn meui clue I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will euro a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a nrovontivo and euro for croup ; no otner affords so much relief in cases of whoop- Iiik cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Rxptslncil. L. D. Ctnvnnril urclii.. f.A.. T i - V '"Htllft IIUIII l..tl( HU!U, Wyoming, under date of Nov. 13th. navs : "W. W. Beynolds, who acted as agent lor J1. ii. hand in buying beef cattle In Eastern On-con. is at Larnmtn ami presses the belief that Band intends to swindle all those whom he has not paid for cattle. Bey nolds offers his assistance in forcing Rand to settle, and should any of theiniured parties desirn his ance, letters addressed to Huntington, urcgon.wiu reach him. Globe. Hero is an item from tho Eugene laliard on the sub ect : "Frank Hamn ton has returned from Eastern Oregon -D Ho says he received a nortinn nf his money from Band & Co., to whom he sold a lot of cattle, and is satisfied t.hn remainder will bo forthcoming, as the geniiemen arc perfectly reliable; that out of purchases amounting to over 100.- iiuu uiey only owe about $12,000; that the reason that some of the parties were docked" H ner head was heoaiiBR of t.hn careless dnvmgto the point of delivery." DOWN IN THE MINES. IT takes l.r,00.0(0 lnon t.n xvnrlr ttin coal mines of the world. Alaska nrodueoil pom jast year and California S12.000. 000. Two-thirds of tin. n-nld nnw in ticn in the world was discovered during the msi, imy years Eight TH0l.SA?T) tnni of or!? lint pcen mined throughout the world dur iuk wiu present ceniurv. TnERK is a coal British Columbia, the galleries' of wnicn extend for a distannn nf tirolm miles under the ocean. Uucklen's Arnica tialve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruiBCS, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per nox. tor sale bv fenines & Kin- ersiy. Advertised Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles nn called for, Friday, Nov. 24th, 1893. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : Jurck, Rev P S McKenzie, R MiBener, E M terns, Mrs Lizzie Johnson, J E Staats, Miss Emma Kenery, John fcprawn, Mr HayB, Mrs J L Sears, Arthur Donbecker, Fred Slocum, H Day, Frank Daniels, Oscar Campbell. Elmer Bunce, Mies Laura Bondey, .Tames John, Jen Morton, A B M. T. Nolan, P. M. Now is the time to get fine crayons for almoBt nothing. A Christmas present for yourself or best girl at Herrin's. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every dav at 4 o'clock. Business Change. Tho undersigned has bought tho Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted by YBB HOP &c OO., and will pay all bills owing by snld firm If presented to them before Docomber 1st, 180!1. CHEW KEE & CO., 1UO MalU St., Till) Millie. Or. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec tionery store. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. "Samaitla at tie World's Fair," And be to the times-. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century Uy JOSIA1I ALI.K.VS W1KK. A. G. Hoering, Local ARfiit, The Dulles, Or. M. IP litis just received from the far Ut MEN'S MERINO, WOOL, AND CAMNI3 HAIR UNDERWEAR, ' HALF HOSE IN FAST BLACK WOOL. OASHMEIU:, AND MERINO Handk:ercliiefs and Neckwear. THE NEW YORK n i iff I A I n i I ah 11 n rl A Ml AND SUITS ARK MOVING OFF. All coods maiksd 111 Hain figures. 166 Seconfl Street, Just flrrivea from lew Y rk SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF names Jackets, A TV FROIVI $3.50 UPWARDS M W Gill J iflQ & niiii rVt Remarkably Low Prices. Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. MiWZ. FULL ASSORTMENT OF p Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. As we are torced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the very lowest in tho market. We invite our friends and customers to examine our eoods and prices before purchasing. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the1 best brands of toe Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all .uir work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnrv Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colore. All orders promptly attended to. Paint ShoD corner Thirdand Washington Sts.. The Dalles 0re-on Clothier and Tailor. X .Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Ktirnisfring Goods,' Trunks and Valises etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. EX BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land OJtce. J. IS. BARNETT Jtye Ieal Estate, lpai, Idraoee, COLLECTION ACENCY. T uSL 3EL "ST UBLIC. - - Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Tnute, Houses to Runt, or Abstract of Title furnished, will hud it to their udvanliigi' to call on us. We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests beforo the Uiutop htates Land Ulhee. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. H. H. CHMPBELL, Successor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly ktep on hniiil a complete Hue nf GROCERIES, CROCKERY, IlnvliiK purchased Mr. Hutler'f entire (.took, I Miull cniteavnr to imilntiiin the reimtntlim of the liniue, which has betu BEST GOODS AT LOWETT PRICES. SQUARE DEAM.VG TO EVERY ONE. Call and see me, next door to Postoffice. rail m. It costs you 50 cents to join, if you join before Saturday. Every member is guaranteed a Crayon. Now for Christ mas Presents for yourself or friends. Investigate ! THE DALLLKS, Oli.