The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KK OK DAL1.KS CITV. AND WASCO COUNTY. 8UBSCKIPT10N KATKS. BY MAIL, rOSTAUK PRKTAID, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year... i 59 6 mouth o 75 ii 3 0 50 Dally, 1 year " 6 months 8 03 i pf 0 60 Addresa Rll communication to THE CHKON ICUS," Tho Dalles, Oregon. I'ntt.Offlce. orricK hour (lateral Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m Money Order Sunday i U ,...S a. m. to 4 p. m. ....9a. m. to 10a.m. CLOSING OF MAILS trains going Eait 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " West 9 p.m. and 5:)p. m. Stago tor Ooldcndale 7:30 a. m. ' l'rincvlllo.. . 5:80 a.m. Dufuraitd WarmSprings .. 5:30a. m. " fLeaving for Lyle .v Hartland..5:SOa. m. " " jAntelope 5:30 a.m. Except Sunday. Tri-wcekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, t ' Monday Wednesday and Friday. MONDAY, NOV. 27, 1893 A JOB TO HE FOUGHT. V. G. Steel, in Saturday's Oregoniau, gives away a job that should be nipped and may be, if it is given publicity. It is a gigantic scheme on tho part of a syndicate to gobble up vast quantities of school land worth $50 an acre by paying only the state price, $2. It grows out of the recently reserved tract of land known as the Cascade Forest Reserve. Tho general government gives to the state every section numbered 16 and 3G for school purposes. If, for any reason, the government withdraws this land from tho market, and any of the sections named are not received, the state is then entitled to select an equal amount from any public lands. Such are called lieu lands. Within the then proposed reser vation there were about 250,000 acres of school lands, worth very little, on tho general average. However, the moment this land is withdrawn from the market the state can choose the best govern ment land within its borders in lieu thereof. In this way the school fund would receive $2 for lands worth, say $50 per acre. The difference would go to line the pockets of the schemers. The Alpine club, to whose offices are du3 the reserving of this land, discovered the purpose of the syndicate in the nick of time, and through prompt correspon dence with our representatives in con gress, held the matter in abeyance until a counter move could be formulated. This was that Mr. Steel, who had hur ried to Washington, should at once re turn to Oregon and get an act passed by the legislature, which was then in ses sion to dispose of these lands to the highest bidder. Mr. Steel, was detained in Chicago by sickness and arrived at Salem only in the closing hours of the session, too late to get any sort of a law passed. Under the circumstances Mr. Steel got a joint memorial through, and forwarded a petition asking that the entire range be not reserved, but only a tract about Mount Hood and an exten sion of that already withdrawn at Crater lake. Mr. Hermann succeeded in pro tecting the mines, while Governor Pen noyer had suspended the selection of lieu lauds. As soon as this was accom plished every obstacle was removed, and President Cleveland signed the procla mation September 28. Later the syndicate, not at all disheartened, form ulated the McKea bill, which they will try to get through the coining congress. This is nothing more or less than the thinnest possible disguise for the job bieet kindof a job. However, Mr. Her mann thoroughly understands the sit uation, and will fight this new dodge to the bitter end. The intent of thereserveact isdictated from the best possible motives, that of preservation of the timber, and it is to be hoped that a money-grabbing syndi cate will not be permitted to use it in connection with accumulating vast for tunes. Surveyor-General Byars is quoted &h oppoeing the reservation, because a sawmill ran for -30 years, and yet the ground was rxivered by a young growth Mr. ByarH is a very fine gentleman, but he does not seem to know much about the intent and scope of a forest reservation. A greater trouble is that in the denudation of a forest a great quantity of refuse is left which drying, makes the fierce annual forest fires, which lick up everything. The follow ing year a growth of grass comes, mixed with the trees, which are just starting from the ground. Then come the sheep, which lick everything up clean, and pack the ground firm with their hoofs This prevents a new growth of timber, and tho water from entering the soil. The thousands of bare mountain sides, which once were forest, are ample proof of tho correctness of these assertions. HUNT OF THE OFFICE-SEEKER. Itencweil Ouy by IMy Until llopo in ferred Mukcth tho Heart Hick. Not nil tho people who haunt the capital aro artlccseekcrs, but u goodly proportion of them are, says the Wash ington Star. They come from all sec tions of the country and represent all classes of society. Of nil tho tfreat concourse that streams through the corridors af tho vnstbuildiug day after dav the oflioe-seokers are the most for lorn looking. They importune their senators and representatives over and again and refuse to be turned from tho phantom they ore pursuing. Hefore congress meets every day the general reception-room to the south end of the senate chamber is full to crowding with those wnltiug to send in their cards to senators. A majority of these arc after otllcc, cither for themselves or for relatives or friends. Jty the time the invocation of the chaplain is fin ished the bits of cardboard begin to fall in showers upon the desks of the statesmen. These gentlemen do not have time to go through their mail be fore they nre interrupted by callers. The visitors hand their cards to one or the other of the numerous doorkeepers and assistants and retire to the great leather-covered chairs and sofas scat tered around the reception-room to await the result. It is u noticeable fact that women largely predominate in these waiting and anxious throngs about the senate entrances. Perhaps it is thought that their earnest solici tude will more favorably and deeply impress the men who are supposed to control the dispensation of otliciul favors. They are of all ages, appear ances and conditions. The fashionable society woman elbows her more hum ble sister of the work-a-day world, and blushing, diffident young girls sit and wait by the side of aged, inlirin women in the sear and yellow leaf. Silk rustles against the simple garb of the humble poor, anil beauty smiles into the face of decrepit age. Many of them wait long and patiently without reward. Their senator is "not in," or he is "engaged," or he sends word: "Please call again." And the recipient of the message goes away with a heavy heart and troubled countenance, to come again in a few days and try It all over. Shiloh'e Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Prie 7-lc Sold by Snipoe & Kinersly, drucirists. iVil MOTHERS, and especially nursing mothers, need tho strengthening support and help that comes with Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It lessons tho pains and burdens of child-hearing, insures healthy, vigorous offspring, and promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment on tho part of the mother. It is an invigorating tonic made especially for women, per fectly harmless in any condition of tho female system, as it regu lates and promotes all tho natural functions and never conflicts with them. The " Prescription " builds up, strengthens, and cures. In all tho chronic weaknesses and disorders that afflict women, it is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or tho money is refunded. Oldest Agricultural Paper in America. (ESTABLISHED 1810.1 To all cash subscribers of Tin: Ciihoniclk paying one year in advance. The American Farmer, 1729 Now York Avetmo, WASHINGTON, D. C. Tiik A Mi: in can Kaumhii, which Is now enter Inn niion Its "Ath your, In thu pliiriccr former' incrln tliewuntry. It l u ltirire cl2lit)mr I'I'Mi ntnl cnntnlns Mi columns ol tho oliolcost UK'rloiillnriil uml liter-nr.- mutter, iileiitUully einb.-lllshol with lino Illustration. His NATIONAL IN CHARACTER, nuil loiils with farming iiml fitrmcr'K IntcroJti on bro:nl, iirnctlrnl linos it EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IN THE COUNTRY, nml ovorvtliltitf Unit iiHNirn In Its minimis U of tliu tilirlirtt character l'.try ilei'irtinent of tho liirmer.s business Is tllscuel In nil viirncit, practical wiiy, looking to tliu irronteU jirollt mill lioncll t to tlio fanner mul his family. It amioiirs on the Miuul 1.1th of each month, and W furnlslusl tit the low nrlro of 50 CENTS A YEAR In nilvancc. Tlil nuiUi' It tlio cltiiipnt agricultural iiiiir In th country. FARMER LEGISLATION. imrltiK tins comltiK year Iheio itlllhoiitt Im- meuti' number of matters of Hid most vital In- teiott to farmers, dealt with by OonirroHH and the Kxecutive l)o)art!iiont.M at WmhliiKton. It In lilk'hlv nniHtrUnt that tho farmers bo kept promptly and fully informed ns to what Is heliiB planned nud done iiilootltiir them at Ihu National ('apltal. They should all, therefore, taltu Tiik ........... ...I.,..,. . .. i .... .I.............. t rAUHKIt, v Hll.ll, UVIHK I'll tliu KIUIIllll, lia uener incunie.i mini imv inner puiivr mr Kettlni; tills In for mn lion, ami devotex Itself to this duty. They will Hud In It constantly n irroiit amount of valuable Information that thoy can pot In no other paper. Tin: amkuicaN I'.uimkii anil Tut: Ciiuonici.k will b-j sontone ear lor t ,7.5. For every case of Catarrh which they cannot cure, tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to pay 500 in cash. You're cured by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties, or you're paid. AtlKNTS mnko J3.00 day. (ireateit kitchen utensil everlnventctl. Itctalls filets. J to 0 told In overv hous, Sample, posuco paid, five cents. McMakin and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. TTANTKD 1'ushliiK Cnnvasfcr of jrmul nil- I dress. Liberal salary and csiienes paid weekly. Permanent petition. HKOWN HltOS. CO, N'urterymen, I'ortiauil, Or. swlw I 1 117 K WANT YOU TO WORK FOlt I'.-, thus niamiiK If-'.Co TO jnj.OO l'KIt WKKK. Parties preferred who can furnish a horn-and travel through tho country; n team, though, it not necessary. A few vacancies In tmvn and cities, spare hours may bo ueil to sood nd vantase. It. ! . JOHNSON .t ( o., 11th and .Main Sts., Kichmoml, Vu. $2 ins i . .r- : S1.C0 per P.ottlo. "-' s'.Sr- - " uln? I .a' , iiouriciirs-ur'.' Aiuur.. Criiupi i- mi,. ;rc' V" W.'nnlag Co.ijjIi and Ant .mi i. ; r insiiin; no:, it ban n rival: hus curetHhouiaml'i vr otJu.-r. fdlled: will cut';: vt"; if : il:ca hi t:tr.o. So! i by Dru.vgist" on n I'U.'i-intrc. For I.trrc M-xvK or Chest, uto Sliil.uti'S Zi cu. ftggssg R ERIE D Y. Hmo you i nu.. i b i Tni ramtdv i niiircn. teed to cure vou. Pr!cj -Vj ct 3. Imfcutor irn Fur l-v nln .V Kim-rslv. 7?heumfrtismf Lumbago, Soiatlca, Kidney Complaints, Lame BacK, &c SHERIFFS SALE. Ilv virtue of an execution and order of al-'. issued out of the Circuit Court of tne ?tate of ()rt-'on. for the County of Wasco, to mo directed j commanding me to make bale of the 'and in the said writ, described to-wif inose pie-cs ami parcels ol land in vtaco county, nminoi urc ! son, known and described us the -oiith half of section elelit f,s . and the fouth half o( H-ctlon .nine i'Ji and tho cast half and tho soutliuest j , iiiarter and tho vast half of tlm northwest quar- j iirr and tho southuc't quarter of the uorthwett .iimrte" of section ten (10) and the north half of I in 'iiirthwest quarter and the touthcau quarter ! th- northwest quarter of erttlon 1 15;, it In Township ouo tl;, north of Itamte fourteen (II eattof the Willamette merldlaii, to make I and im thesumof money, in said court nilJtulK- i il to to paid to the plaliitlll'ln said action, in 'Hi!i"h action Tho Solicitors lxian and Trntt , I i imipanv ere pLiintilt" and James Booth, Mar I i tin M., Kverett E. Hall, J V McClure, ' .-imIi II. McClure, D. (3. Alter, Halph Hixers, Ju- i i 11a N Itoirvrs. I'rl Kmlxxly. J. M Tayiorand J , y V.iiw ards wero defenoaii, to-ttit the mm of i' ultb Interest thereon, from Jul 1. lo'JJ. at the rate of six jwrcent er annum and jiW.iM j attorneys lees in mini nciion huh costs ami in burse "eiits therein taxed, I havothisday levKsl uj)ii the laud aforesaid nud on .Saturday tlic .')ril ility of Deeiolicr 1HIKI, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.. In front of tho court house door, In the City ol Thi" Dalle, in said County and Scute, 1 "III sell said lnud at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor T A. Waisii, hherl(l"of Wasco County, State of Orek'on. noWJtd This Is the Season Of the Year CUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. One would think that thu grape crop , in. the average jsorttiern nome, auppie wented by thouwnda of tons from New York and California, would suffice for the needs. of our people. Not bo, how ever. The arrivals of foreign gropes have sever great aa this ceason. Ship after hip reaebee our shores laden with -thin mott .axaalleat fruit. The thipSetMrabia reached New York on Haaday with 24,000 barrels of Aimer ia or Milkefratea, aJI of which will no doubt be' oiokj ikbeerbed ithreugh. the chan ele -of ke Jm4t,.tia4e. There is no baiter and no ltealUir fruit than the ajwad we .aeelNM mocb of it ia wm in nummi -cohuuiuu jh-leiltoflaMJoriB. DH. SAHDEN'S ELEGkTBiC BELT With Electro-Magnetic 8UVFEN80nV. Latest I'alenisI liesl lmprovmcni I Will oin Ithout m-4ldne all Weakuai resultlnt; from nrer-Liuitluii of brain nere (oicrs I eicwi.nor Ii dis. crttlon, as nerruus liability. rleplesaae3, lanioivr. fhtumattsm. kldae', liter and bladder complaints, ame hr-cU-. l.imlxiiu, cclatlm, all frrailo coiuilalnt ((oiKnil III iiealtli, ttc. This rlcctrlc Bull coi.taln HbiiJrrrut lraiirofmi;is over all otiiur. ("nrreut li instantly ftlt by wearer or we forfeit. $3,000.00. and 'Alllcuieallof tho atMro dlsensca or no pay. Thou. nds have Un cured br this nrytlo'J4 IiirenUoii ftlttr all other remedies fallod. and wo (tIto hunircJ til testimonials in this and every other stale. Oar 1'imrn'al laiprvied ELKCTKIC bl'irKJSORY. thn Knatett uoiiq ever olfered weaW men, iruiK lthl lia. Health and lroro. hirtanh Ul'lKiJirtHIU m la tHliU;s tend for Illus'd Pamphlet, inllei.Maiud,fjuo 8AN0EN KLBOTRIO CO., o. 1T8 KlraiNtreet, J'OUXfjANO OJIJC. VIGOR f MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' ouil all I lie train of evlli f romearly irioK orlaU'r excetaeii, tho renulm of overwork, ilakiiuan. worr.etf. Fulittreugtb, development and lono given to every orean and portlmi of tlio body, blinplc.naturalmetliodi. unniedlatalrnprovemrnt aeeu. i'llurlmpoMlile. !M1) refereucn. Uuoli, esplauatUin wid proUi mailed (lealedj free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. John Pashek, Tie Merchant Tailor, 70 Count lezt door to Waice Ian Offloe. j SHERIFFS SALE. Jly virtue of mi c.xfciition nml order of milv, 1 Issiiiil nir.of tliu Circuit Court of tb' Htiili) of ' Urwon, for the County of Wneco, to tun ilirwlil I coiniiiiiinIliiK to iiiuko iilo of tin- luiiil in Hi'. iiaiil wfitilfhClIboil to-vlt: tliOM; jlm- iiml imr itlHol land in Wiitt-o County, htntf of Orwon. known mid (k'cfilx.ii ns tlionmthestiiiirtOr j of tectum four 11, unil Hie north hit If of nation . nino j'jj, unil tin; iiortluv-t iiuiirt-rofn-ntloii I j nivviitfcii 171, in Totvnshlii mm ( north of ItiniL'i! fonrtivn fill, out of tfii' Wllliiuiuttu llurl- 'illiin, to iiniko nti'l iny the mm ol jiioiK-y, In ifculil Court mlJuilKtil tobc-pnlil to the I'lulnttlt'lli mi I'l iii-tloii, in which uctlon The Mltltorx l.onli una I runt uoinpiiny uctu idiiintiii, mm Jniiicn llooth, .Murtlm il. Hooth, Kvcrttt IJ Hull, J. K. McClure. Hnmh II. McClure, H. ( Alter. Unlih Itoeern, Jillln N. ltoerfc, Url Kmbwly, .1 M. 'I y lor nuilJ. K. Kdwnrilx were ilvfemluiit, to-wit; the Mini of fJoaiUDu'ith iiiteient thereon, from July 1, IKA at thi rntoof clx eri'eiit)'ernniiiiiu mill fJIXJ.oi) iittoriiey'K feex in hull) ueilou nml costs nml ilhburheinentH therein tnxul, I Imve this any levlcil uiton thuliiml nfori-nilil, mtil on Hiiturilny, liUnl iluy r Ileoinliiir, IHU.'!, itt the hour of lOoVlockn. in. in front of tho courthoiiro door, in tlm City of mo inUcc, in nild County mid Mule, J will fell Midlum! tit public miction to tho highest bidder therefor, '1' A WaUH, eherlll'of Wiifcft County, HUto of OrcKon. niiVJitd NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. Timber bind, Act June 3, 1S7C r. i. Imnu (Jkfick.TIii! Dallei, (Jr.,( Nov. h, ltl. I Notice It hereby jfiven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of coiiKreoi of Jliney, l7s, entitled "All net for the wile of tlm Iter IniidH In tho stntet of Ctillfornln, ()re?oil, Neviidanud WnellliiKtoii Territory," Nenl . HtitveiiKon, Of Kliiniley, eoiinty of Whm-o, nfiite of OrcKon, Iiiih thiMiiay illed in tills otllee hit suom state mellt for the pureiiHe of the Niyj of NWJ-i, of .Section. No. IK), liiTowtuhlp No. if r!., rnuxo No 111 K. W. M., and will olli.'r proof timhow that the land MHiKlit is more viiimihle for IU timber or stone tliaii fur nxrleultiirnl purtMines, nud to etnbllih Ills clnlm to mild lnud before the Heifinter and Kccelvcr of thin ollieent 'Die Mallei), Dr., on the 15th day of January, lbdl. He lliitnes ns wltnei.'.e'C (ieorui) Mcm'imI. Jiib pi.TKuley, U'on Hondeait and Uifayctto ImvIh, all of Klnirnley, Or. Any mill nil pel iilturc'derciilxil inudH are reiiieteil to llle Ihelr ercoiiK claimliiK advertely the claluiK In this otllee on or bcforoMili! l.'ith day of January, ih'Ji. win JOHN W. l.KWW. Iteitlster. NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. P'Jliu Jut received tho latent styles In Suitings for Gentlemen, ml been largo wnortment of KorciKi) and Amer icas CloUii. which lie can fliiiili To Older for iuuw vum tavor uiin, ClMiing tad lit pairing i Specialty. SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of an exwiition and order of sale Jktucd out of the Circuit Court ol tliu state of Oreifou for thu comity of Wasco, to inu directed, commmidlm; uiu to iiiiiko milo of tho laud liiKiifil vrlt,deKerih isl to-wif, thonjplte and parcels of limit in Whk'0 County, State of OrcKon, known mid do ferllid uallo( Miction threo 31, and thu nouth half of tliohoutheait quarter of wctlon four 1 1, and thu urn th half of Kcction live (A) and tlm north hull of MCtiou clirht (H), all in Township one (I), north of Umiko fourteen (II taut of thu Willamette meridian, to uiako una piy the mm of money, In ald Court adjudged, to bit paid to tho plaint! I! In ald uctlou, in which uctlon Tho Hollcltora Loan and Trust Compmiy were plain, tir and James llooth, Martha M. Hooth, Kverett tc. Hall, J. K. McClure, foarah II McClure, 1). (j, Alter, lUlpb Kogem, Julia N. IUikith, Url Km body, J.M. Tayiorand J. if, Kdwards were lie feuauutv, to-wlt. tho nun of wvum wllh Inter eat thereon from July 1, 1HW, at tho ratu of tlx per cent ier annum audiaxj 00 attorney fee In hiild uctlon and coaUainl dikburH-mentM therein titxerl, I have this day levied upon tho laud above dencrlbcd unoVon Hurdiy tltf 4aHU"v" if lleceniber, 1 893, at tho hour of 10 a. m In front of tho court houso door, tu tno city of Tho Dalles, In aaid count." and atate, I will well mild laud at publlo auction, H tho hlnhet bidder therefor. T. A. Wahu, Kherifl'ul Wiikco county, Htatu of Ofiyoii, linv'JW Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice Ik hereby given that the County Court of thu htate of OrcKOii for Wiikmi (Jounty has duly appointed tho underl bisl thu executor of tho laat will and teatament of lieorne V, Itvom, deccasd. Alt iiernouii havliiK clulitiu agaluit thu eatalo of aald dtcead aro hereby required to prenent them, with tho proer voucher, within ix inoutlia from the dale of this notice, Uiaald executor t hU place of lealilenee, Har Dalles city, in ld count)', or at the oaee of W, II. WIUoil, III aaid Ualla (,'ltv. UIOIIAKIi UOVi,K,iXxeubr. PUk thin Utday oINoveuibw, m. Atir Unii Orra-i:, Tho Unlliti. Or,, Nov. y, wxi. ) Notice is herebv irlven that tlio followiiiL' limned fettlerhas Mleit uotleoof his Intention to niiilaj liual priMif in tuport of his claim and that wild proof will bo made before thu register mid receiver at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on Wcilnculay, tteceiniivr ii, ium, vi lliitvilt llllllf, Homeitead Application No. 'ixV, for the NUof HK'A and VM of HWH K 1U, Tp. i! r, It. ll.Kint, He names the following wltuesws to prove his coiitiiiuous residence iimiii ami cultivation of Mild land, vl.: II. V. Wells, of The Dalles, Or., Charles Kastou, James Kastou nml l'aul l.lmerolh of Miuh'iic, or. John W. I.kwih, UeKiiter, NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. IMM OrriCB.-Tho Dalles, Or., I Oct. y, iH9a. 1 Notice is herebv irlveti that tho following liaineil settler has hied notice of his Intention to make Dual proof in mipportr of his claim, and that wild proof will bo made before thu Hexistcr and receiver at Tliu Dalles, Or,, on Friday, November 17, IblW, viz.; Kilgnr H. I'rntt, Homestead Application No. 'HVJ, for tho KK ol HWH d W'A ot HK'A ot Hec. II, Tp. i B It, 12 U. W. M. Ho names tho followlntf wltncsaes Ui prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, mild laud, viz.: J. 1), MhkII), Frank Driver, U WIn and Charley Wlin;, all of Wamlo, Or. tll-17 JOHN W. LKVVI8, IU'ltor. NOTICE. In Ihu County Court at tlio Htate of Oregon, for Wco County, In the Matter of tho KlUtu of I William Hamilton Wilson, peceaaeil. I Notice ia hereby given that tho uuderdguol. by an order of thu County Court of tho HtaUiof (tretcon, lor Waaooi County, wado and entered Ueptember 7, W), wa Jinoliitd executor of tho laat will and tuaWmltUt of the mild Wllluim Hamilton Wilson, deeaedi all tmrsona having claims agaluat said estatu aro hereby nolllled to (resent the miuo with the proper voucher therefor to inu at the office ol Mays, Huntington A WllMn, The Dalles, Oregon, wllhlii lx moiiihs from thu onto of this notice. Dated Tho Dalle, Or.. Hopt. 7, 1H3.1, 11. H, lltJN flNOTON, Kxecutor of Will of Win. I!, Wilson, dwi'd U-stiAt !'if iff vt Etrvy Taken Up. Oue bUck pony, branded cither 6 or B on left hip and left Jaw. Owner can have aatueby prov ing property and paying for this notice. r DKI.I, C. VVIIiDKK, lo-iawiw Postoaice, Tlio wiui'or. v., gPECIAL PRICES Baby Caps and Cloaks Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Second Streot. ANNA PETER SCO. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. Tho undorsignod, having secured tho macliinory and fixtures ofwhat was intoiidod lbr u iii'Kt-oiasB HhooTrictoiy will aoTF tho saino at a hai-gain. -Hero i an onglnfTaifj hoilor of 40-odd powor, and a laio raminTonEoo niaoiiinory, lasts, lino shafting, pulleys, hoi ti n p "mlTjlrui- mgH almost a oomploto sJioo tautory. If ore is also one of tho host sites for suoeossMivoMi atinK Ji faotory of this kind to In found in this ccmrtVrv write lor particulars at once, 10 i)-i Tlio Dallei , Or. THE CELEBRATED COTJTMRTA RRRWFJRY AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. ThlB wull-kuuvrti Browory Ih now turniin: out tlio best Beer nud font east of thu CuHcmluH. Tho lutoet upplinneeH for the tnanufucturo of (food hetith fill Her hiivo Iweu intrndiicwl, uml on.y tlio flrHt-olH nrticlo will l p'tcedoi ho market. TheDalles Wasco County, Oregon, Tlio Ciiito City of tin- Inliind Einjiiro i'h hitunttjd at tho k&ad of imvigiition on tho Midtllo Oolimiliin, mid i'h ii thriving, proa porous oity. ITS TERRITORY. It in tho aupply city for an oxtoimivo and rich ngriuulturW and grazing country, its trado ruaohin,' uh far ftnutli iih Suiniwr Lake, a distanco of nvtir two liundml miles. The Largest Wool Market. Tlio rich grazing country along thu cantorn slope of thu C cades furnishes pasturo for thousands of shoop, the wool from which finds markot lioro. Tho Dalles is tlio largest original wool shipping point m America, alxiut 5,000,000 pounds Ixiing shipped last year ITS PRODUCTS. Tho salmon fisheries aro tlio finost on tho Columbia, yielding this year a rovonuo of thousands of dollars, which will boflxre than doubled in tho near future. Tho products of tho beautiful Klickitat valloy find n"'1 horo, and tho country south and east lias this year filled tM warehouses, and all available stornf places to overflowing wiw their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its money ft scattered over and is lxiing used' to dovolop more farming countfj than is tributary to any other city in Kastorn Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climato delightful. nihilities incalculable. its resources unlimited. A nil on tht oornor stones oho stands. The California Winehoase. Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his honjo produced Wine at prices in tho roach of everybody Also, bent Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed to be Pure and First-Class m every respect. Thompson's Addition, FIRST CLRSS JOB Mi Pfl a.C aTr li t .... 9 CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OfFiv 1,