s 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at tho Vostofflce at The Dalles, Orefron, as second-class matter. 3 .if TIIK ll.VM.KS OliKdON fiAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO KIND A CUHK FOB RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, 3. S. L. YOUNG. : : JBWELEB : : Watches aui Juneli K-i.5in.il to Older on short notice, mid satisfaction guaranteed AT THE Htorn at 1. C. NickeUeii, il Ht. The Dnlle EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby uiven.thnt the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the'State of Oregon for Wasco" County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of tho estate of James "Underbill deceased. All perfions havine claims against sain estate are liereoy re fiuired to present tliem to ine with iironer vouchers at the law office of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date ot tins notice. November 11, 18U3. CLMIA 'A. U.VJJEHIIIU;, Executrix of tho Estate of James Under hill, deceased. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I..INK OmCE, The Dnllet., Or.,? Oct. 21, lb'JJ. j Notice Is hercbi" niven that thu following named ettlerhus Jllel notice of hi intention to make haul uroof in MiMiort of his claim, and that Mild proof will lie made before tho Keglster iind Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on December ll,lbU4, viz: Itolanilii n. li rooks, devli-eoof John Hughes, dtceitted. Homestead Application No. KM, for the sy. HVM and SV4 tito' Mat bee. HI. Tr.. 1 N.. It. 13 K. " He iiamen tho following vItiiefcM:s to prove hti continuous ieldcucc upon and cultivation of said land, vU: O. W.Cook, V. A. Miller, Prank C'relghton and bcin -Morxiiii, an oi mo Dime, ur. I9I. j. ItiiovvK tileasutaku notice. tl'.'-'J JOHN W. I.KWIS, KeaUter, NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. V, H, Land Omen, The Dalles, Or,, j October 17, 1MW. j Notice Is hereby kIvcii that the followlm: named settler lias filed notleu of his Intention to make 11 nil 1 nroof in Miiinort of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the register tinii receiver oi mo v. u. uiiia onico at 'inc Dalle, Or., on .Monday, Nov. 17, Ibira, vk: .lame SI. I'utUon, Homestead application No. 2912 forSKH section 1, Tp. 1 fi. ,U 12 H W. M. Ho names thu followlm,' witnesses to prove his continuous residence uon and cultivation of paid land, viz. Ken Hatty, Hugh CbrJkimm, V. K, Corson und K. N. Chandler, all of The Dalles, Or. llKiltd JOHN W, I.KWJH, KtaUter. Olio of Itanium's Inducement'. About tho timo Blind Tom started mi: to show his wonderful gifts Macon de veloped a musical prodigy, though in a different lino. In the alley back of Ends, Neel & Co.'k store was a hlaoksmith ubop ownod by a man mimed English, a quiet sort of u man and very popular in , his business. Ouo day ho bought hU three-year-old boy a dram it might 1 fiave been a gift from Santa Clans am) great was his astonishment when the baby rattled away on tho dram with tho skill of a professional. Of conrso such a precocious boy soon foecamo known to Macon, and a mention of it fell under the eyo of P. T. Barniim, who was then in his prime. Tho great showman sent an agent to Macon iu fast as steam and coach could bring him. After a good deal of parleying tho agent succeeded in securing young English, it being understood that his mother would accompany him. Then the NTew York p ipers were tilled with mention of "The Infant Drummer." and for years he v;m one of the features oi Barnum's nuisiMim. Macon (fia.) Tel egr.iph Wli.it n Fried I'io Is. Pried pio is u Philadelphia dish that camiot bo found here. The dish is pre pared with dried peaches inserted be tween half moons of pastry turnovers, they arc called with a particular sort of crumple at tho edges, seemingly iden tified with their taste. They are fried iu hot lard, and afterward sprinkled over with sugar and cinnamon or nutmeg. They are served hot, and to make them richer butter is inserted between the smoking ends. They are very good and desirable if you are armored to resist their ravages. New York Evening Sun. A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1.00. WOO I)! WOOD! WOOD! fiEt grades oak, fir, pine and elab wood. Office 133 Second street. All orders promptly attended to. tf " M.MEIt & Bexto.v. 4 DR. HANDRN'S Kl.tiOTItlO J1K1.T nllh Klretrn MnmiMln Nnm"v norr mil euro vr ll limit mrdli-lno nil of tlm above troubles. Those olio sutler from Nerynun Orbilltv. lui tho I'llccts of abuses, orceosos. i:orr or oxposare.mil Unilreliormiilprouiit euro, In our marvelous tim-Mlmi which requires bulutrlal toeonrl ic tho roost skoptloul. Inlsnnrnnret i n fects jam may haro unuuly drain' yoursystom of norvo rorcoaxd vltain , which In clpctricliy ami t'.u caused yourrreaknosaorlackot forui. If you replace Into your syitejsi tin. elements thus drained, which urn in quired for vlKorousRtrcnuth, you will remove tho oamo ami health, stront-t e and vlvor mil folton at once. Tltlt is our plan and treatment, and u guarantee a euro or roiunu money Twice a Week .From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. Our '400 pnae kook "TIIHRE CIjAHHESOP HIBN" hould borwad Dy orery yniniKi ml.ldli-naed and aid man. aent lealcd, frccTllr. SandenV Klrctrio Ilelt Is no oxperlnicnt as TvohiTO restored thousands to robust health nd Tlsor. after all other treatments failed, as can bo shown by hundreds of oases throughout thlsandother8tates,who would sladly testify, andfroiamiay cf whom no tiaYO strong let tars bearing testimony to Uielr recoTery after using our llelt. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! GENERAL OtBILITY CURED. BanVrAncltco. Oal. Auanst 14. 1902. Dr. S. T. Randan, Uar SIrr-lteloPBluiwl your belt I wni troubled with lost visor, vital wvsaJtnssw, and almost n complete loss ot powar. 1 would sot up with n very tired (osltna, boaes actdna, eto,sinee uslnit roar bolt 1 h ito had n new loaas of llf j. 1 now ojoy lifn hotter thin I hare for ten years past. I haro tho Hmo-C conUJoaco In your treatment. You can iub- U.A thlH Pt&temeat, also han others wrltoor rail on too. Traly yours. II. A. BO WEN. aSandSaTurkSt. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENE88 CURED. Portland, Oreon, Arrll IS 1KU. Dr. A. T. Sanden, Dear Sir: I not one of your belt' lei 'V'-tkJ aso for rheumatism, from which 1 fufterol cnrieroral year. For tho pant six months I hud not bran abl j to . rtt. Your belt has placed main almost V3it ct haalth in tho two weeks I ham used it. 1 can aclicooiutortahlv, and feel like n new man cenerallf, M. H. IluailES, Proprietor International Hotel. NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOBS OF VIOOR. Taeoma. ali.. October SI. 1892. Dr. A.T Handen,Dear Sir: 1 haro been uslaisyour Eloctrlo belt for eenersl nerrous debility, ami to-dnv feel better than I hare tor lire years. I hare gained la vlfior daily, and am strong in everypart. Yours gratefully, CI1A8. LTJETKA. LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. Portland Otogon,Heptemb(r 2G,1SS Dr. A.T. Banden, Dear Sir : Yeans otexpoiurihnd hard work, combined witli the strain oomlnii from tlin iar ot an euRine. asm mo a seyerscaseof lame back, from which I aoilenxl for aeren years. 1 wan mi IiiM that I could not bend my back. Vtoaall doublo-l ii wltb it. I bouaht onnot yonr bells. It l elji tl ui'i in.lde of tw.i dsy, and 1 continued to w r it for f ur months, being perfectly curod. That wnstwo ytum uco.nnd 1 am n well to-day na 1 eierwanm my llli'. I knowsour belt well, and I knew lotiiot pirplnuhi haro been curwl by it. Many othem nonil it, uml 1( they wouldtry it they would find It the same un 1 IJ the beet remedy in the world. I urn located lirn permanently, ami will be Klad to talltwith an, on j who wanta to inquire about If, liOUKUT UUIIIIEL. Engineer Hotel rortlaoj. LOST VITALITY.AND 8TRKNCTH. , T-.vi-reit, Vah, .lun It!, IrtC. Dr. A. T. Sande-i, Dear Hlr: Slnco wnurlni: lour btlt I haro been sroailr beneilted. Ifeel mvoMui. ?rxt fant roturniiut; and afteru montlt'M u.o of iho belt I hnd myoelt twice an Titroroua an bo fern, lly memory is now nearly perfect, and each day !hnns for the better. I f el much stronger th.i l lor uslnK the belt. Yours traly, UEMtY bCHULT, THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT Is a complete galvanic battery, made Into a belt so as to bo easily wern during work or Attest, and It uive.i eoothlne, prolonged currents which era Instantly telt throughout all weak parts, or wo f unci: 93,000. It has an Improved Ktecirlc Mnapenaory. tho greatost boon ever given weak tna,.itia worrarrant it to euro any of tho above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken, limbs, or parts, or lUnno, Url'u niled. They are graded In strength to meet all stages of weakness Iu youu.', mlddle-agi-dorcld and mil euro tho worst cases In two or three months. Address for full Information. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 472 First St., PORTLAND, OBSGOK. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or JfeJL Qolcimbia .(Hotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House litis lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout, and is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Ofiice of the fast ami commodious opposition Stajfe to Dufur, Kingsley, Tyjjh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm .Springs and I'rincvillu is in tho Hotel and persons wmii to Prineville can save -4.00 by jroing on this Stage line. . All trains stop here. 5CavetU,tndTrde-Msrkobtalnd,nda1l PtUi tnt busioMe conducted for Moderatc Fcrt, !oiis ornec is opmiitc U. u. iatcmt Ornce namcMKOire patent uiieaauuig wau uiuh) bi waHilngton. . ... . an r.mAti f lui klVa&liino'ton . Send sswdcl. drawing or cboto.. with dMcriP UUU. VtST SK4TISV, HWIIWW VI UVIilIVS Vlj, 2 chsree, Our i not due till patent It secured. A WasssMiLCT, '.'llowioiMHtin raiesus, vr iu; cost oi ttm in tM V, v. sad lorwKUCouguisss sM mm. Awirsas, C.A.SNOWsLCO. 0r, AvsrT prmt, vyAMMTM, D. c. isjesjsijfeeJijiesjsjw'' J WINHNS "UK NEW TOWN has been plattol on the old camp ground, at the Korku and Falls of Hood river, with law, tightly lotn, broad itreetsantl alleys, good aoll ' and pure water, wltlikhude In proiui!ioii,iierfectdraliiage,dcllxhuulniouiital)i climate, tho central attnictlon an a mountain tummer rewirt for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Mt. Howl. It in unparullcleo as a manufacturing center, being the natural center for ISO K(iiare miles of thu best cedar and lit Umber, jKissefctlng millions of horw.'-i.ioiver Iu Its dashing strcamii und water falls, eatlly haruesiied. Where cheap motive power exist, there the maim, factories will center, surrounded by koII and climate that cannot bo excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already an&nred you will 11 nd this the place to make n perfect home or a paying invettmen See me on the ground, or address ma at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITliE PERFECT W. RossWinans, u There is a tide in the ajfairs of men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the CBMllwiN-- at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MIGHELIJACH URICK, - . UNION T, D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs ant Booting MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusi' iiiaokemitn emop. WE DON'T WANT YOUR LIFE I Just fioui, im are Dull Tliqes! And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every homo in Wasco County. OUH Circulation must be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months- makes a GtEAT BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR JIOHEY, amount 'of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this (5) (5) Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Wei V Chronicle Part I, will rea Wednes day evening, II on Saturday evenin OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. The extra trouble and expense conneoted with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad oi subscription money in advance, it is .not neoessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this speoial rate, whioh is the best offer ever made on this ooasc, Twice a Week , From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50, YOUR ATTENTION , U Putlfrl to the fttot ttiRt flagh Glenn, I)mlirln iiliii.. Unit-. I'lncinr (Vn .iti.l Duil.liiii.' MniHrlnlnf ull lelnil"! lllilfl" llli' I'lncM ,ln,. f PiGture pings, To be found In the City. 72 CUoshington Stneet. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points TIIK HT xL TV irn rati in RKILRORD lyf Hie Hue In lake TO ALL POINTS EAST' AM) $001 It l the DlnltiK (.'in lloiiii;. It nun Throwb vetlbuled l nilim every day In tliejwto paul and til!.. 'II (NO OIIANOK OI' OAlta.l Com ,. I nf Iilnlne Cars utisiirnii(d. fall nnui Drawing llnnniHleciuraol latest wiulpBtsl 'TOURIST SLEEPING WHS Hcil that can bo Constructed, and in tthitk acenniiiiixliitlnns am both Free anil FnrnUhM (ur hnldersol Kirstand Kecond-classTlcketiiUd ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, ComiCCtlitR with all Unoi anordlnt; direct and unliilemipted service I'Ultniau Hleejier rescivatlou can be teciirM In advance Ihroiiith any axetit ol the tow!. THROUGH TICKETS ImjIiuhIu America. Kuvilaiid and Kutuie caudte piirchanil at nf ticket nrMrunf tlii'comi.miy full liiluriiiiillnu coiicerulUK raten, lime ol trnlnk, route and other details (ilrtiUaed on iii)IU'iiiliiu to W. C. ALLAWAV, Ajivul l I', .v A. Niiv. Co., UcKiihitiiroffle, Ti lirllli-.. Oi,,oi A. II, CltAllI.TON, A. i Hi-intra! l'",i.wer Aul.. I'ortlunl. )pi. warenouse Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignment For Sale on Commission. Ra tes Rcasonble. "w. vsr. 00. TIIK II A I.!. KS, OK WEBSTER'S INTERNA TIONAl DICTIONARY, "Vtiahtidtd- , Ten .yeMi'ltSL 11 rvlUW. M Aitfttttttht Timtti Ill ntnwr-,- -ni llliiru taw r-'" Itomc oxiic'iidffL alionld om AlAhmrvinliBoU. ltaffi tho olten ileafft'it Information 'STfiS' countries, cltlea, totviiH. SmUg turea of tiio kIoIxu partioular Jcc tj noted lletltlotw persona mill P'Jv'iSd latlon of foreign quotutloiil, WM liouseliolil.nnil to tho teacher, Mlioiar.u iessionai iuuii, iiim whihjhuw.-"' Hold by All JlookMllw. (. fc C. Morrinut Co. fil)rliiaJeltt,MaM. tarim not buy cheap photo irriiDhlo reprinla ut aucltriit nlltluiis. d"Hndforrrcuproiicctu. nmKlfHfS The Dalles flaily Ctoonick. HAS A FAMILY ux m 'fhuy read 'iho tjlironlclo to Be' m most relliibln i.ow. Ami rw ,h(1 that U III Iho paper. 1'lmt l Mil)' (jhroiilolu mi Inviilmililo M'lverll'H'h ' 'f ho newM'iil'er Hint K"11 ' ,,vwucr llteMilen la ll.o olio M) W to o( today pi.trouUo V wlw e "I tr,di! toaoli tho people. When they .Jr. their iiiiiioiiiicoiiii'iila will bo .mil'' ' m. Umli over oiir coltimnn mnl obwno o aWU llonnltlio trutli of till' rt,0"'JA,a CV tratlu ot i (until- f " VXy col.n.,m, OMKJUHy o ut our HO I,