1 tftW 1 Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'APKK OK DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY MAIL. rOSTAOE FRBFAIO, IN ADVANCE. Weakly, 1 year 1 80 6 months 0 7ft 3 " u ou Dully, 1 ycnr 6 months.. jier 0 SO Address all communication to " TIIK CIIRON CUE," The Dalles, Oregon. Post-Omce. orrtcK hours General Delivery Window Sh.hi, Monev Order Sunday G IX to T p. m S a. m. to 4 in m 9 a.m. to 10 u. ni. CLOSING Or MAILS trains going East 9 p. in. and 11:46 a. m. " " West 9ji. m. and 5:9) p. in. Stage, (or Goldendale ,:sua. m " " Prinevlllc S:S0n. m " "Dufwrand WnnnSnrinfrs. ..5:30 a. m " (Leaving for Lylo.t Hartland..5:30n. ni. j.vnteiope o:aua. ni Except Sunday. (Tri-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday atld Saturday I " Jlonday Wednesday aud Friday. SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1S93 "THE POLICY OF INFAMY." The caption of this article is what the !New York Sun calls Mr. Cleveland's Hawaiian scheme. The Sun says: The announcement of the Cleveland policy respecting Hawaii has come. It is not the American policy. It is not the policy of the United States govern ment, or of the people of this republic. It is not yet thank God! the policy of the democratic party. It is neither more nor less than the personal deter mination of an executive officer, charged with temporary power, to use that power to enforce a personal conclusion, and to commit this country to his per sonal conclusion, regardless of conse quences in infamy or blood. Stripped of every special plea and specious pretext surrounding the essen tial fact, what is the purpose which Mr. Cleveland now declares, through the so called report of his too subservient secre tary of state? To crush the life out of a young repub lic, already recognized by us as an in dependent and responsible government; to employ the armed power as well as the moral influence of the United States to thrust back upon a civilized people American in their instincts and habits and aspirations a barbarous monarchy, in the person of a vilo and ridiculous person whom they have driven from the throne; to undo the work of a revolution which made Hawaii a republic, by means of a counter revolution by coup d'etat planned in the white house at Washington and secretly but deliberately ordered by a president of the United States! Never before now has an American ex ecutive undertaken to stamp out repub licanism and to Eet up monarchy in any part of the world. Never before, we be lieve, has an American president issued orders for the assassination of a free and successful government. Never before has any officer of this government uu dertaken, upon his sole responsibility without consulting congress or the peo pie, to decide the destiny of a forei; country in diplomatic relations with' ourselves. Never before has a president invited or commanded his cabinet ad visers to assist him in the odious bust ness of setting up again a rotten and broken throne. So cunningly and secretly has the way been prepared at Washington for the restoration of the wretched Lilliuokalani at Honolulu, if possible, before public sentiment could assert itself in the United States, and so adroitly have the promoters of the coup d'etat timed the publication of their instructions in or der to cover Minister Willis' movements under iiis secret instructions, tiiat the astounded people of the United States do not yet know what has happened in Hawaii. WOMEN AS HUNTERS. There I No lteanon Why They Should Not lie Such If They Wlali. I am convinced that if woman iinds pleasure in killing fish or bird, she is perfectly entitled to so manse herself, and the great, round, goggle-eyed world has no right to point at nor tulle about her, says a writer In Out tug. The few women who openly handle rod and gun as though they really knew the uses of the tools seldom fall to acquit themselves creditably; and, best of all, in following their chosen pastimes they llnd what every man and woman wants above nil earthly things health of body and of mind. Long, dusty ages ago, from out the old blue clay was fashioned man, and after him was woman. She, the humorists tell us, has been after him, more or less, j ever since; and, in my humble opinion, the more she is after him in the line of field sports the better for the gentler sex. There is no ovll in the wilds as nature mudo them; there is wondrous truth in the sermon of stones and streams, in the whisper of wind-stirred foliage, in the ripple of waters and the sigh of swaying pines. There is health and purest pleasure in store for those who follow the windings of musical trout-brook, or tramp long, breezy miles behind staunch dogs should not woman enjoy these things? She may never acquire the art of lugging a great flask of rye along during outings; she may never master the intricate problem of throwing responsibility of misses upon the gun or the ammuni tionshe may not even learn to lie freely and persuasively about the num ber of fish she caught or of the size of those that got away, but she can be a sportswoman true, and the sooner she realizes this fact the better. THE Oldest Acjploaltural Paper in America (ESTABLISHED 1B10.1 To all cash subscribe of Tin; Ciiiioniui.k paying one year in advance. The American Farmer, 1729 Now York Avonuo, WASHINGTON, D. C. Till: AMKItlCAN l'AHMKH. whleli in now enter liiK upon Its ".Mil year, In tho pioneer farmer' piiper in (lie emnurj . It i n lnrpo ciKlit'piiKi) paper, and contains fifi 01 Dr. llluMriitloiir. It Is columns oi tho cliolu'nt mrrlcultuml and liter ii r; matter, plentltiilly embellUhed with lino ..4 FOOTHOLD for Consumption is what you aro offer ing, it your blood is impure. Con sumption is simply Lung Scrofula. A Borofulous condi tion, with a slight cough or cold, is all that it needs to develop it. But just as it depends upon tho blood for its origin, bo it depends upon the blood for its cure. The surest .1.. c..,f. T.y T i Till- COUNTRY, yia in wvirj mriii, nmj everything that appears In 11m columns I of tllO ntOSt effective tliclilKlu'steliiirnctor. livery department ot thu , . , , iiirmers diimiipxh is iimcuM-iti hi nil ciirue.M, blood-cleiltiser, prnctitvil wny, IooUIiik to thoirreiite.it prolltmul -...Mlnv nml otnuirrtli . vitortr I nonciu to tuo uiiincr ituu um iiimnr. flesh-omlder, anil strengtn- ithiortr t lir() 01l th0 tl,ml iMhott that's known to medical science, is , ami is fimiisiiiii at thu low ptieoot T)r Piorcn's Golden Medical Dis- 5 CENTS A YEAK ..n 1?, n0,,,tin,, in nil its 111 "'Ivnnce. ThU tniikH It tho ohomient earlier stages, and for Weak Lungs, .,. . ,,.. ..,., Asthma. Severe Couchs, aud all l AKMbK LhdISLAllON Bronchial, Throat and Lung afFeo liims. that is tho onlv rented v so unfailing that it can bo guaranteed. NATIONAL IN CHARACTER, anil deals with farmliiK anil fnrmcr'M Interests on tiroan, practical lines, it i EMPLOYS THE BEST WRITERS IN If it doesn't benefit or euro, you have your money back. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 7-lc Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. For a perfect and permanent cure of Catarrh, take Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head. Costs only 50 cents. Illlrttit thi, .,Millflt vtnr thnr.i will I..1 it,i (. I mciiM number of mat'tetN of Ilia mot vital in teicst to fanners ilealt with by Couaress anil the Kxccutlve Department! at valiliiKtoii. It m hlKhly important that the farmers be kept promptly nun miiy iimirnmi ax 10 wiini is ocm? planned nml done nltertltn; them at (ho National .'anltal. They should nil. therefore, take Tiik I AMKuiCAN 1'AiiMKi:, willed, bclnc on tliOKrouud, has ietter facilities than any other putters for irctthiK this Information, anil devotes Itself to this duty. They wilt Unit In It couatautly Krent amount 01 valuable information that they can cet III noother paper. Tiik amkiuuan Kaiihkk and Tiik Oiiiioniclk win be tentone ye.tr for 11.74. AUKNTS make 15.00 n day. fire.itest kitchen utemll ever invented. ltetuili ."." ct.. Jtoli tie sold ill every lious ;. Sample, nostaire luiii, eeut. .McMnkin and Co., Cincinnati,' Ohio ' -ITTANTKD- , tl dress. -Pushlnir Canvasser of com I mi- 1 l).rnl cillnri ,,il nvliiiiiuxi t.fil I uwfclv. lVrmmipiit iwitlllnn. Hlt'iiWN HIIDri. CO, N'urtcrytneu, rortlaiul, Or. swlw WE WANT YOU TO WOltK Hill rs, thus making ll'.'.CX) TO ISVCO l'Kll wi:i:k. Parties preferred who can furnish a horKwind' travel throuuh tho country; a team, though, Is J not necessary. A few vacancies In towns anil j cities. Spare hour may bo used to gnnl ml- vantage. It. K. JOHNSON Co., i 11th and Main Sts., Itlchmotnl, Vn. I An Air.ceablv Liuatl vo and NERVK TON CO. Sold hy Ur.iKSUt.ior cent by mall. 5e..0c.. and 3! .OT ier psclcajre. Samples freo BTf'i !S?li ThoFnvoritcIOSTS POTOSS law for t.-ioTetii and Breath. a3c For Dale by Snlpen Kinerily. Rheumatism, Lumbago, SoiatIca; Kidney Complaints; Lame Back, &c. Gresham is tho deadest cock in the pit. A political traitor, he will share the fate which is a just one to all traitors allying himself in a moment of tempo rary prosperity to the opposition, which later is doomed to everlasting defeat and ignominy. Gresham has his last posi tion under a democratic president, and lie certainly has under a republican. How have the mighty fallen. A New York paper says we cannot yet tell whether our naval band aboard the flagship Philadelphia played, or will play, "Hail, Columbia," or "The Star Spangled banner," or "Red, White aud Blue," or "America," upon the occasion of the landing of our marines at Hono lulu to smash the provisional govern' tnent and reitoro the rotten monarchy. The appropriate music for the occasion Is "The Dead March." Tim Ciiuokiclb believes "God Save the Queen" would be very appropriate. When the Chicago anarchists march, every second Sunday in November, to Waldheim cemetery for tho purpose of decorating the graves of their criminal comrades who were banjeed for the Hay market square ins sac re and of indulg ing iH diatribes .against human and di vine Law, lacy Parsons and her follow ers are exercising a privilege guaranteed then by the government which they "eonteean, says on eastern exchange. OnlytMy wBat draw the line at recom jsMmi warder, else there are: liable to ;he .moN ;gavW of 'f martyrs" to bo ffr ' MJtette'lUver !Hae:PoMh. B3a SAHOEH'S niEQTRIC BELT With Elestro-MaRnetic 8UB7ENS0RY. Idlest Patent! llct Irapravencut I Will i-.ire vrlt&ost modiclne all nnkun rceultlar; from ovcr-taiiitiou ot brain nerro forcesi ticwejor l.-iin. crctlou. as nrrrous il(l)III:jr. tIec'lrMr.cc3, laninior, rhi-umitirai. kltlney, liter and L'aJdpr complains, luiobcc!:. lumbago, eciatloa. all remain complaint puceral 111 bcaltli, etc. This electric Kelt conulm ytnnifrfu! IraproirateDtt over ci other". Current u liutantly feltby wcerer or wo forfeit S,000.00, ami w.llcumeJIot tho above dlMasci or no pay. Thcu. nilj haro been cured bv tti$ marvelous fnrentiuri alter all other remedies failed, and wo trivo LuadrcdJ ot teKlmcicUla la thla and erery ether rtato. Our ftBtrial lmprTJ XU.HM0 Blbf:S50IlY. thn pre-ttest boon ;rer offered weal! men, mrr. villa all ilrllt. linilU awl !( blnaith ClllliSTtEllln CO I Wl;s JSendJorlllua'd Pami-fllct, mailed. lealcU.lrOa 8ANDEN ELECTRIC OO., fto. 17V!ratUU-cet, 1'OUTLA.Ml OKK. ; SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of an execution ami onicr ( nil., Ik.mk-iI out o( the Circuit Court of tl.e Mnte of Oreson, for the County of Wieo, to ims ilitifltil . commantliiiK mu to nmko mile of tlie ami in the hdil wilt, described tt-wlt: Tliote .ere nml parcels of land in Vt'ac Count;.-, stituof Ure- i Kon. known mid de.-cribol the nith half of Uection eiht(s , and the kouUi hull o( n-ctlon nine (0) mid the cast lnilf nud tho MiuOinent 1 iuurter nml the enst half of tli iiotthu'st ijuar ier nud tho noiithwctt quarter of the iiorthiet l'inrti- of action ten (10) i;nd the north hnlf of t'ic nirthivest quarter and the houttiea'tqinirter of the northwest quarter of foetlon llftv.u 1 15;, nl 1 i rou iilil ono (li north of ICnnse fourteeii III i'jitof the Wlllarnetto merliliitii, to muVo urn! pay tho mm of money, In wild court adjudg ed to i p.ilil to tho plalntlll'In t-uld uctlmi, in whicji i.cttou The SolleltorH 1iun and Irutl i o niany wer plslntiir anilJnmes IUxith, Mur tint M liooth. Kverett K. Hall. J 1'. MeClure, .irai. if MeClure. 1). O. Alter, ttnlpli Itoaerh, Jn H.i N. Kogerst t'ri Kinbodv, J. M. Tny or and J 1- Kd ivards ueru defeiiaantb, to-w It the Mini of f-Wi.OO ulth iutereat thereon, from Jul 1, lsw, at the rate of tlx per cent ier nullum mid i'M.W attorneys fees in Mid action Hint rnM- and 1Ih buiho entR therein taxeil, I haell,l- d.iy levieil Uiou the laud aforesaid and on ' Saturday Urn .'lrd iluy of Iteei-mlicr IHt).'I, i at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.. In front of the 'court hotuu d-or, ill the City of The Hallo, In held County mid State, I "111 K'll Mild land ut puhlle auction, to tliuliKheit hldik-r tlierefnr. T A. V,uti, ! lleIi'of Vdfti County, Statu of Oregon , - lun-i'td This Is the Season Of the Year GUhen Jadieious Advertising Pays. SHERIFF'S SALE. M. Hilf 1 1 I i!y virtue of an oxecutioii and onler of Hle, ' Ihinnl uiitof tho Circuit Court of tfce .-itale of i Oreson, for tho County of Whkco, to me directed coinmandliiK inu to nmko -aloof the lmnt In the nald writ dei'Clibed to-vlt: tlioi-o pieces and par cels ol laud in NY iiK'o County, SUite of Oreon, known and det-crlbcd at tho itouthnent ouarler i of tectioii four 11, and I lie north half of H-eilou I nine I'J, and tho northwest quart-r of M-ction foventeen 171, in Townnhlp i.nu r north of : oi me n lias just receivc-d from the far Katt MEN'S ArERINO. WOOJv, AND CAMEL'S HA III UNDERWEAR. ItaiiKo fourteen II, eiut i'lllatuclt" Men- HALF HOSE IS FAST BLACK WOOL. CASHMERE, AND MERINO H a n d k: e r c h. i e f s and Neckwear. THE NEW YORK II m l if i n lailorMaae Uve coats AND SUITS ARE MOVING OFF. All goods marked id plain hwi 166 Sad Street. John Pashek, i m .A ID Be Mercki i . i luiior 7 Geuvt BtfMt, Hext door to Waieo Inn Offloe. dlan, to in a to and pay the turn of laoney, in said Court adludzt'd lobe taild to tho iluliitlll'lii Hald action. I which action The Sillellori Iji.iii j nun 'irutt i oiupany were piuiuiiu, and Jium: llooth, Martha 41. llooth, Kverctt K Hull, J. V. MeClure. riarah If. JlcClure. I), (i. Alter. Ilnlph itoiiers. Julln N. Hontrs, Uri Uinljody, J. M. 'lay lor and J. K. EdwanH were defendant!, to-wlti IhoMimof fJOHl 00 with intereit thcieon, fiom July 1, IbW, at tho ratoof nix percent craiiuum aud tlMM) attoruey'H fei.-N In mid union nd coMs and dUburaeuientK theieiu taxid, I linvo this day levlol upon tliuiniid aiort-hald, and on Siitunluy, :j:tril ilay of I)c-iiiliir, I HUH, at the hour of lOoYlockn. m. In (rout o( the court houtodoor, 111 tho City of The Ddlr.-, In hald County and Ktaic, I Mill ill hnlilhind at public auction to the hlj;hcit hinder therefor. T. A. Waiid. fjherill'of Wanco County, 3tai.iof OreKon ,-Jtd NOTICE FOR I'URLICATION. Timber IjiiuI, Act June 3, 1S7S. V.H. l..xi ()mc:,The Dalles, Or., Nov. . MR. Notice in hereby Riven that In compliance with tho provMoiiH of the act of conirress of JuuuJ. 187b. cut I ul "An act for the xa oof tim lx:t lands In the states of California, OreKoii .MivKOuiiMii wasniiiKton lerriiory," Nxril '. Htovfliioon, Of KiiiKriuy. county of Wiueo. ate of () retro m has this day tiled in this oilleo his suorn mate iiieui lor uu; putcnaKO or ino m-;;. hi ,nw oi Section, .no. 'Jo, in lowiuhip .x. :l raiiKU .No lit K. W. 41., and will oiler tiroof torhow that thu laud Miuht is mom valuahlu for Its tlmoer or itoiio than for aurleultnral minuses aud to et.il;ll6li his claim to nald laud before the liesliter aud Keeelver of this ofllcu affile uallex, (Jr on the lath day of January, lS'JI. do names us wltnenes: (ieorue Mi.'Uixl. Jus lcrKnly, Ieoii Itoudtuiu nud ijtfajette iMvis, all of Kimrlei-. Or. Any ami all perws vlalmliiK adverrely the alxivu-du'CiiU')! lands are requested to Illo their claims in thlKOIIlcooiior In-IoriiMild l.ith dayof January, lovi, wlO JOHN W. J.BWIH, iteslstei NOTICE FOR IMPLICATION. QPECIAL PRICES Baby Caps and Cloaks Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER S CO. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. now SHERIFFS SALE. liy virtue of an execution and order of sdli! lsMicd out of thu Circuit Court of ihu utato of Oregon lor tho county of Wasco, to mo directed, conimaiidliitr uiu to nmko fculo of the land in said writ,deerih. tu to-wit; tuoco pieces nuu parcels oi laud In Wat-co County, .State of Oregon, known and do erIUil as all o( section three 131. and tho south half of thoMutbeat quarter of rcctlou four 1, and tho foittli half of section flvu (.0) and thu north half of s.ctlon tlxht (b), nil in Towiuhlp one (1), north of KaliKo fourteen (11 catt of thu vt iuainctto nierioiaii, ut uuKouim psy tnoauin of money, In Mild Court iidJudKcd. tii hi paid to too iiiaiiitiu in uia action, in wnien notion T Solicitor Unlit and Trust Compauv tilt niul James llootli, ilartlia 4) he were nlaln llOOlll. I'.VITflt t. nan, j. r . Aici;iiire, nnrau u ucwiure, ll. U. Alter. Itrilnli Itoirem. Julia N Itovers. Ilrl Km. I'Csly, J. 41. Taylor mid J, P. Kd wards wcro do- lendaiits. to.wlt. Ilioitimot aiil.lJl with liitt-r. est thereon from July I, It!'.', at thu rale o( tlx percent er annum uuu iaiuuu attorney teen m said action and coitsand illnbiirseuients therein Uxerl. I have this dav levlnl llisjn the lunii above described and on HturUny ihifiandrnv f Iceml,r, 1K03, at tho hour of 10 a. tn In (rout of tho court honso ilmr. In the eltv Of Thu Dallus. In salrl count," unit stale, I 'will Mil nald lund ut liubllo auction, to I ho hitbet bidder therefor. , 1. .1, tVAHU, Hheriirol Wasco county, fiUlu o( Oti-tron. IKIVlUti! Executor's Notlee to Creditors. WF'H juit received tho latent itylcs iri Suitings for Gentlemen, aud Ins a lawe anaortuiont of roritaru aud Aaier loaa Clots, which be can (luiili To Order (or Uuo that favor him, ClMBitg iftd fiifrilrlog t Specialty. Notice is herebv uiven that thu Coiinlv Court (Of tho Htalc of Oregon (or Wwvi) Count) has ; iluly appojutwl tho undernlirned Ihu executor of ine iut win una ivaiameut. ot iinro r, liters dtcesMvl. All tieronn having claims uKuiutt uioeiutteoi min (ucejineo aro uerciiy iuviu, reoulrisl yoinlicfo, to movent Ihem. with tho nroner within alxmonihs from the dale of this notice, tould executor at hlsplaoo oi rvldence, iiaar Dalle city, In Mid county, or at thu oB cu of W, II, Wilton, In ali iMiie. city. . , i . MKJHAKI, DOVI.K, Kawut-ir. Dated this in day of Wovowber, IMW. fitw l.A.sn Ol'iic;:. The Dal leu. Or, Nov. U, is'j:t. Notice is hereby jrivoii that tho followlliK namisl Mittlerhas Hied uotlcuof his intention to make Dual proof In irprt of his claim and that said proof will be made before tho register and receiver at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on vYcdncnilay, Hewitt IlliiK, ifomeiteoii Applieatioil No. 8W5, for the i'.V. of HKU '! KU of KWi fcce. 1U, Tp. 'JH.il.il Kat. lie names tho following wltnesH-s to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said limd.vl. ; H. V. Wells, of Thu Dalle, Or., Charles Kasfon, James Ivaston mid I'aul J.lmcroth of Miuseiie, Or. John W. J.kwik, ltehter, NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. Laud Okkick, Tim IMIIev, Or,, (Jet. 'J, DW3. I Notice is hereby iriven that thu following iiiimui settler has hied notice of his intention to maso iinni prtsu in suptHirt of his claim, and that said tiroof will bo mudo before mo ucKisicr ami receiver itt'iho Dulles, Or,, on Ktlgur H. 1'rntt, IIonietead Application No. M1.1, for tho KK ol HWV uint VA ot MM ot Kec. 11, Tp. i B It. Vi Ho mimes tho following' witnesses to prove his v''iiiiiuoun rvsiueucu upon, nun cultivation oi, said land, viz.: J. Ii. MhrIII, Frank Driver, J-on Wlnu and lyiiuriuy ninir, uu ui amie, ur. tll-17 JOHN W. I.ICWIH, IteuUter. NOTICE. In Ihu County Court of the Htate of OreRon, for naaeti ivuuiy, III the HatUr of the KiUte Of ( Wllliw Hamilton Wilson, Dteaavd. UaIIm I. V....ol.. ..u.nllk.t .,A Mi,H...I.,nl by an order of the County Court of the Htnto of Oregon, for Whsco County, made aud entered Hepteniber 7, IH'M, wai appuinUtd executor of thu uuti win aim lesiauieui oi me aaia William iiu.ii.... tun..:., j.... . .n !.,:: ' q.iil,l.fl, ii iiMiii, unwwi nil yvtmvnn iinvillK claim axaliut said estate aro hereby notified to prmnt the amo with the proper vouchers therefor to mo at the otlloa ci May, Huntlnglon Wllnoti, Tho Dnlie. Oregon, widiln lx mouths (rom tho onto of this notice. Dated tho Dm jet, or,, eept. 7, iwi. K seen tor H. H. JIUNIINOTON, of WH of Win. H. Wilson, deo'd it Eatray Taken Up. 1 One black wny, branded either 5 or S on left ilpnnd left Jaw. ,Owner ean linvo ainoTiy prov uk property and paring for thi notice. JKM o, WII.DKH, lo.jswiiii itomco, The Dsllw, (Jr. , ( hxturos ol what vm lntondud lor u itrst-olass shoo factoiy wilKsoll tho samo at a bargain. l-Ionrfs an ongHofrj hoilor ol 'KJ-odd horso jiowor, and a Jaro am()Uiitor8hoo niauiunory, lasis, iino snaicin, pmioys, holting and lid inns alniOHt a (iomploto .shoo laotorv. " Jloro is also one of tho bosl jiitos "for suooo.sHMlyr- auim it luuiory ui hum kiiiu u.) 00 lOlino 111 tins cnwnWv I Writ(i for particulars at onco, to 9 Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER. Prop'r. Tliln well-known Hrowory io now turning out the ln.'Ht lleor untl Portal east of the Cusciiduu. Tho latest npplinncua for tho munufucturo of good healtfV fill Jieer Inwo lwun IntrodtitwtL mid on.)' the flmt-claaii nrtichi will liep:acedoi hn ninrkot. TheDrlles Wasco County, Oregon, Tho Ciittu City of tliu Inland Empiro ih Hitunted at tin) kead of uuvigution on tho Middle Columbia, and i'h a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It in tho Httpjily uity for an extoimivo and rich ugricultunl and gntzing country, its tntdn reunhiiig iik far .south iih Sumnwr Like, a distanco of over two hundred inilou. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along tho eiiHtorn bIojio of tho C ciuies furnislieH pastuni for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds niarkot hero. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, nlotit 5,000,000 jiounds Ixiing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS". Tho Miluion fisheries nro tho finest on tho Columbia, yielduj thirf year 11 rovtmuo of thousands of dollars, which will lx) mow than doubled in tho near future. Tho products of tho lxmutiful Klickittit vulloy find mirktt here, and tho country south and east hns this your filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing U their jiroduct. JTS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast aud its money u scattered over and is being used to dovolop nioro farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful, to P0 nihilities incalculable. Jts resources unlimited, And on tl' eot'iinr stones she stands. The California Mnehoase. Ib now opon, and its propriotor will soil his home produced Wino at prices in tho reach ol evorybody. Also, beat Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed to be rare and JJirsMJJass in overy respect. i Thompson'? Addition. c BECHT FIRST CLMSS pi ..If NT"" "TIN CAN BE HAD AT THE C H R O N I C L E OFFI C