l)e Oallco Cyanide ML. vi. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1893. NO. 139. Dalles Dally Gimmicie. phllliol lnU. Hilinlrty Kacupted, II v K (JHKONIOI.K PUBLISHING CO n;)it .uta WuHiiliiKtou street". Tho Dalle, OroKDti, r.irmx f Hlilmnrllitlini ill no I"'.. .... ......Iiir " .10 BO""1'"'-. ... ft TIM IS TABI.KH. ItultnmiU. III cited AIIRRhU, 1WM. KAbT IIOUNII, ..ntr, It). 66 '. M. Depart 11:00 V. M WK8T HOUND. ! ri'i a. m. Dctmru, 0:11 a. m Taar trclBlit.H tlmt curry HUniciiirern leave i.. m in rr.uu a. h., iiiiii one mr "it HTAUKH. ( whIIIm. via. Iluku Oven, leave ilnlly or '.u'tcto(-v, Mlwholl, Cnnynn City, leave t-Vmt, KlinrMoy, vrnmiR, wiipnmiii, vmrni i'ji (ml TyKh valloy, lenvo dully, except Ur.tCCA. m. ... , irioMctiiliilo. WbjiIi., lotivu ovory tiny of the -.trY-nt HllllllllV III 7 A. X. for all linen nt tliu Umatilla House. 1'ltOKKHflIONAI.. i 11. niliDKl.Ii Attoknkv-at-Law OUlcu 1, Court Htreul, l ne mine, urcRun, . . ........ vHiuif uvuvvrv r. 1? ( T I I. w M If 1- IT 1.- , ATTIlHHCill A I nrun, ...... ... - - - I lfnr.Mi i mill Art. nvfir runt BraBulldliiK. KtitKiiccou Washington Street Si DillN, Oregon. 3 ntBKl'TT ATTnilVKV.AT.LAW. Ol f. Ml AYS. II..IIUNTIM1T0N. H.H.W1M0N. US, HUNTINGTON ii WIMION ATTOn .t-at-law Otllcoii, French' block nvci KntNttlotial Hank. ' i Dalles. Oregon. 11 I!' II WIlJiON ATTOHNKY-XT-tAW-Uoomy l , trench d! t.o.'fi uiuik muming, dcvuuu iuv iiuiiwiiviiHtvii Bllllr.llli.VfJ', l'n v.. s. v.. i i M.U. 1'. mill H. ., i'hyalclan und Hur- loUcaJtr8. Tliornbury'it, western! ol Seeond Di.tillKl.MAN (HoMJtOl'ATIIIO, 1'ICYBICIAN IM Bukukow. Calls answered promptly, liiorcliit. cltv or country. Olttco ho. 36 una IU.0, 1). JHIANK rilYIICUN ARB U on. unit: room 6 mm cnapmaii llenldoncc: H. K. corner Court nud hwh itruoU, Keuiud door from the corner. Oto-iour 1) to 12 A. M.i 8 to ft ami 7 to 8 1 M. ji... tlm MIUJAI.l. ."."..."",... f.M.VlT u, Liiiuie.H exirauiiuii ivwui. m ,)..,, I nliimliiiini Tilate. ltooniHi hikii oi u liiueii 'iiHiin. nuvmiu nituvv. HOUIKTIKH. lounri I KM IV A. K. .t A. II. 31LH11H ' Iritiinil ttilnl Moudny ol each inontli nt 7 NX. . IMIIV. IlllYAL AKCll OHArTKll MJ, U. U HwUlu Manonlo Hall tlietlilnl Wednesituy UMUnnnlli lit 7 1. M. llOUm WUOPMKN OF TIIK WUKI.U. 'l Hl-Uootl CaiiittNo.W,Mi'!tTiieilayoveii. lajtolcMjktn Fraternity Hall, ut 7 :o p. m. tOI.irim iMimv mo .r. I. n. O. K Meet V ewriWdny oveiltiig at 7:: o'clock, In K. o. I', hill, comer Hecoml anil Court Htrccts. WirainKbrotlieni are welcome, u, Cwioii, B'y. 11. A. Hauf.N. 0. PRinusitll' I.ODOK, NO. 0., K. ol I'.-MecU T rery ilnmiay ovetiliiK at 7:B0 o'clock, In icbuino'a biithlliifr, comer ol Court mid Second " SoJournliiK memberd ure cordially lu ital. W. H. Cham. II. IV V. ii. .. t u l (' . ' ' l UIihi J, 111 IV. llllll O. W. A 83EMIII.Y NO. '.7, K. OK Ii.-NeetK In K. Ii- ol 1'. hull tlioecond and lourtli Wwliieh not each mouth at 7:30 p. m. HTOMKN'H OHKIHTIAN TKMI'KBKNCE II UNION will t...u.t i.i.ri7 Wrliluv HltltrtllHIll lo'clock at the readliiK room. Allnro luvltwl. Hrmon lAdKo No. 601, I. O. (1. T.-KcKUlar . , viixikW muotliiRN Friday ol H r. m a' in ;." aii uro iiivneii. kCCllMBHAN. O. T. It. O. Kl.KCK, fiO tElfl'I.P I fIMU 3f U t If IV I.Mltll iu rmiuriiiiv nan. over ienurs. an dwuuu tnuriaav uvaninirg at T.vu. w . . 11. HANHEN, m 18. MKSH1TK ,1'OBT, No. 82, U. A. U.-SIecta .iiry ButunUy at 7:30 v. i., In the K. ol 1'. D 0K 1, V. fAAaritif UmiHiiif ill fnrttrwilt III iuu iv. fir inn (ittANa VKKK1N MeoU overy Hunday ilJeitlnB In tho K. of 1'. Hall. h nu. .. . . . u i, r. DIVIBION, No. 107-MOOUl III Si.'!' I'.Hnll tho llrat and third Vlno- FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBAOT A OKNKJIA1.HANKINI. H0H1NKHH Ixsttorn of On;illt iHsueil nvuilablv in ho KiiHtorn Stiito. HIl'IiI KTf'huncH nml Tnliwrrnnliw. - -rj . .... ,r - . . ... h. ii Mini. irHiiBiLTMBOKion mow nrK, uiiicngo, t. liOiiiH, Him jjruncmcQ, i'ortlunu Oregon, ouuino wami., uiui vanouH poinm in ur 0K' '"id WiiBliiiiRton. Colk'ctioiiH inudo nt all olntP on fnv orablo tortno. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. PrcHiriunt Z. F. Moony Vico-Prusiriont, . . Chaiii.es Hii.ton (Jnauior, M. A. Moonv General Hanking Business Transacted Sight Exclmn(,'eH Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR CollectionB mado on favorable teruiB ut all iicceHH.blo points. J. U. HcntHCK, I'reaiacut. J. JI. r.lTTKIlSON Canhler. f ifst Rational Bank. i'HE DALLES, - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remmeu on uuj oi coueciiun. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ou New York, ban Irancieco and i'ort-land. CIRBOTOKS. D. P. TlIOMI'HOK. .Ino. S. Sciiknck. En. M. Wim.iamh, Gko. A. Liehe. H. M. Beau.. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmiin & wagon Slop General BlackBiuitbiug and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TIM Street opp. Lielic's old M. No Use for Lard. That's the happy and healthy condition of thous ands of housekeepers who have been bright enough to try Gottolene THE NEW SHORTENING, which is a pure, perfect and popular substitute for lard for all cooking purposes. The success of Corro lf.ne has called out worth less imitations with similar color and similar names. Look out for these. "All that glitters is not gold," and all that's yellow is not COTTOLENE. There is but one valuable new shortening, and that is Cottolene. It is healthful, delicate and economical as a single trial will prove. At leading Grocers. Watch the name. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., Bole Manufacturers, ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. "Tie Regulator Line" He Dalles, Portland aid Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS proparod to do any and all kinds of work in his lino tit reasonablo figures. Has the largest ltonso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles J. I. FORD, ist, THE OHUROIIISH. SWNKB OHUKOll -Itov. Father Hito- QBE NT I'umtnm I ,1... fUUU ounow Uilillluv lit W( 1'AtllU rMiiinmt uiu. nmnuttM j Kilt i. ' .t.t . . r ' . Ohfwr fV. !. f m 'Bull Tliwr, Mi nuuuuy a, m. Kvouing I'rayor ou iriutty iu IflftST ? ItAlTIBi.niriTiinir u n U Tiv. kth' a"tor' Morning nerviowi ovory HnU? .Ht tho nniulnmv u, 11 . w. Hnhlintll fy;,,w.,1nwll?to!y mornliiB norvlcea. 1 ViUfixy vvenliut otPaitor's rel- r.U" "Hiuu aorvicea in mo counnoime iu C nu'ii'ATlpNAI- OlirjltOU Kev. W. 0. Mi. ..wf i8J.1 lwtor view uvovy Sunday at 11 fttrnnger cordially liivltod, BoaUfreo. M. ;,PiHunoK-K8v; J. WhhkHi paiitor. furjdaJ TVS ovorv BuiiO morulngat l . in, at 6180 p. u. Prayer meetlnc ovory veiling t 7:80 o'olock. Aconllal in ewudd by both imitor and iioonlo iJfWr. Praaahlnv In thn flnnaniaittlniiHl 'lyrdi'wV At 8 p. mT 'AU aFo JCjANQKUOAL 1,UTHKBAN Ninth itrwt, Ri:' HwoiPMUw, .HrvieMAtUi80A.m OI Dch MolueH, Iowa, wrltCH under date ol March '.'3, 1893: S. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., Diilur, Orogon. Gentlemen : . . . . , . On nrrivine home last weeK, i. iouiui nil woll and anxiously awaiting. Our ,.:,.i.t .mil miA.luilf vi'iirfl old. who had wasted away tto 38 jioundB, is now well, Btroiig anu vigoruun, mm nu fleshed up. S. B. Cougli Curo ijns done its work well. Both of the children hkc it. Your S. B. Cough Curo lms cured and kept away nil hoarseness from me. So give it to ovory one, with greotinge for ull. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Youre, Mn. & AIiiH. J. 1-. 1'obu. If you vJnh to fool fresh and cheerful, and ready for tho Bprliig'H work, olouiwo your yntem with tho Hendaoho and I.ivor Cure, by tuktuK two or thrco (loses cuoh week. Hold uudor 0 positive guarantee. 60 couts por battle by ull driiRgUis. Freigni ana Psssenger Line Througii dully service (Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Ynmhill street dock) ut 6 a. in. con necting with steamer Regulator for The DalloH. I'ASSKNOKK KATES. Ono way Round trip. ....$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. KhitmiBiits for Portland received at .,. tiivtu ilnv nr nilflit RllilllllPllf S for I k 1 1 I 1. 1 111V V. J . ... - - wav landings must be delivered before 5 p. 111. Live stock sliipments eolicted. Oull on or naaress, W. C. ALLAWAY, Utmeral Ageut. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Geuervl Muuugur. THE DALLES, OREGON teARTICp SODA WATER AND IOE 0KEAM. Candies and Nuts ut wholoMtlf UUtUtlOII. TOIIAVOO, iw a its ani : : HWKKT DHINKH 'Specialties C. F. STEPHENS, DrSAIiUK IN DRY GOODS Hoot, Mine, IUU( Kto. Fancg Ijoo'dg, flotion Ktc, Wtc.i Kto. Seoond St The Dalles. Flnoat Poanut Roaster In The Dalles oatJ.FOLCO At right bide k. uuarr btiiunuit. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular und reliable hotiBb lias been entirely refurnished, and every room has boen ropanered and ropnlntpc and nowly carpeted throughout. Ihe house contftlne 17(i rooms iuhUb Hupplieci with overy modern convonlonco. ito reasonablo. A good restaurant attaehec to the house. Frer biiB to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. A JEALOUS HUSBAND Killed His Wife, Another Woman aii Himself, WAS DIVORCED FROM HIS WIFE A Boy Frightens His Little Sister to Death-Minor News Notes. Kankakee, 111., Nov. 24. Jesse D. O. Smith, a former merchant of this city, murdered his divorced wife and Mrs. Graybill this" noon, and then shot him self. Both women wero shot through the heart; death was instantaneous. Smith shot himself in the head, but tho bullet glanced, injuring him slightly. Ho then went to his boarding house, and shot himself through the right, temple just before the sberifr arrived. Jealousy is supposed to be the cause. The di vorced woman and Mrs. Graybill lived together. Frlghtcuecl Ills Sister to Death. New Bbuxswick, Nov. 24. Twelve-year-old Mary Powell, of Prospect Plains, this county, went to the cellar last night, and while she was ascending the stairs her brother made a mournful sound and slammed and locked the door. The girl screamed in terror, but the boy kept her locked in. All at once the scream ceased, and when the door was opened the girl was dead. A physician who was summoned said her death was due to the shock produced by her fright. The brother, who is thus apparently res ponsible for her death, is ill from re morse. Killed tVlth a Marble. Tkentox, N. J., Nov. 24. Arthur Turner, aged 10 years, was shot and almost instantly killed yesterday after noon by John Vetta. The latter had a gun loaded with powder, into which he put a marble. Turner stood behind a tree and dared his companion to shoot. Vetta pointed the gun and fired, the marble striking Turner in the middle of the forehead. He walked about 50 feet and fell dead. The ball fractured his skull. Vetta was arrested, but Coroner J. D. Bower released him, believing that the shooting was accidental. (JltKSIIA.il CUAWFISIIKS. ISliuneH Cleveland for the Hawaiian .Mean. CmcAqo, Nov. 24. The Daily News' Washington special says: "Gresham has attempted to absolve himself from all responsibility of the administration's Hawaiian policy. In conversation with a personal friend he stated he had nothing to do with framing tho policy which was inaugurated by 'paramount' Blount, and which is sought to be en forced by Minister Willis. The secretary stated that before he was invited to iiis seat in the cabinet Cleveland had form ulated his Hawaiian policy; that he had declared the dethronement of the queen unjust and bis determination to re-enthrone ber; that the president, without consulting the secretary of state, deter mined upon the appointment of a special commissioner, and selected Blount without tho knowledge of tho secretary of state, and, in fact, the latter otlicer scarcely knew Blount at sight at that time. The secretary of state said further the instructions to Blouut, also those to Willis, wore prepared at tho white house. The intimation is made by him that he scarcely knew at the time of Blount's departure foi Honolulu what his in structions were, for they were not only prepared nttho white house, but de livered by tho hand of President Cleve land." Sunshine"coines, no matter how dark tho clouds are. when the woman who is borne down bv woman's troubles turns to Dr. Piorco's'luivorito Prescription. If her life is made gloomy by tho chronic weaknesses, delicate derangements, and painful disorders that afllict her sex, they are completely cured, if she's over worked, nervous, or "run-down," she has now life and strength. "Favorito Prescription" is a powerful, invigorating tonic und a soothing and strengthening nervine, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. It regulates and promotes all tho proper functions ol womanhood, improves digestion, en riches tho blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. For overy "female complaint" and disturbance, t is the only remedy so sure and unfailing that it can bo guaranteed. If it doesn't bonetlt or cure, you have your money back. IliieUlen'h Aruii'M oulve. The boat aalvo in tho world for cuts, bruiBes, Bores, ulcers, ealt rheum, fever Bores, totter, chappod hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is imaruntood to give perfoct satisfac tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents por box. For sale by Snipos oraly & Kin- NEWS NOTES. Thermometers in Minnesota, North Dakota and Manitoba registered 0 to 15 degrees bslow zero yesterday. Sauk Rapids, Minn., reports 24 below; Fargo, N. D., 25 below. It is reported that articles of impeach ment against Mayor Eustis will be pre ferred at tho Minneapolis council meet ing for permitting saloons to keep their back doors open Sundays, contrary to law. Reports aro coming in from Western Kansas which tell of great suffering among many people there who are des titute of provisions and without money to buy fuel. For 24 hours a severe bliz zard has been raging. Appeals aro com ing to tho governor for coal, but ho is powerless to aid unless coal could be shipped there from the state mine at Leavenworth. NEWSOF THESTATE. A 25-pound turnip was presented to the Oregon City Enterprise by a farmer living four miles south of the city. A colony of Scandinavians under the leadership of Jens Johnson of Minne apolis have arrived and will locate in Silverton and vicinity. Tho plans of W. C. Knighton, of Salem, for building the Soldiers' Home, were accepted. Advertising for bids will be done at once. The work of clear ing the land will commenced immediately. Mr. Kertson, who has been employed by the West Side (Independence) for nearly a year, proposes to start an oppo sition job office and perhaps a newspaper. This means starvation for both, and about the first thing they will go to slashing rates to a trifle above cost of the paper. Kertson had better have con tinued drawing his salary. Corvallis offers to the fashionable world a new form of entertainment, tho onion eociable. Six young ladies stand in a row, and one bites a chunk out of an onion ; then tne onion is turneu over to the young men for inspection. The one who guesses who bit the onion kisses the other five ladies. If ho fails to guess, ho is only allowed to kiES tho girl who bit the onion. Thus again is tho hope of reward overshadowed by tho fear of punishment. Deserving 1'raUu We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, as wo stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. Thero remedies havo won their reat popularity purely on their merits. Snipes & Kinersly's druggists. Good Job rriutllig. If vou havo vour job printing done at The CmtoxiCLE vou will have tho ad vantage of having it done with tho most modern and approved type, with which we keen continually supplied. All jobs under tho direct supervision of ono of the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. The Best Pi.abtek. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over tho seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are soro such an appli cation on tho chest and another on tho back, between the shoulder blades, will ften prevent pneumonia. Thero Is nothing so good for a lame back or a pain in tho side. A soro throat can nearlv always be cured in ono night by applying a flannel bandage dampened with rain naun, ou cent uohioh iur sale by Dlakeley & Houghton, druggists. Pasturage, Moore's ranch, about three miles south of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any 0110 who desires to avail thotn- selves of tho fact can secure reasonablo terms upon application. 17tf All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will bo pub lished on tho 21st ol hub monin. T. A. WAiin, ftiierui. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec tionery store. THE CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J. Whisler, pastor. Sacramental services. Lovo feast at 10 a. m., preaching by tho pastor at 11 a. m., and by Rev. R. C. Motor, P. E., at 7 :30 p. in., followed by tho sacrament of tho Lord's Supper. Tho Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth atreets. Sunday ser vices as follows: At 11 a. m., worship, and a sermon by tho pastor, W. C. Cur tis. Text of sermon Heb. 11-1, "Faith is Evldenco," ("Putting into Sub stance," N. V.) Sunday school im mediately after tho morninir. service. Meeting of the Young People's Society of Linri8tian i'mueavor at o:lo p. m. All persons not worshiping elsewhere aro cordially invited to unite with us. Notice. To All Wioin It May Concern: By order of tho common council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d day of November, 1893, notice is hereby given that said city council is about to proceed to order and make tho improve ment of Second street in said city as hereinafter stated, and tho cost of such improvement will bo levied upon the property adjacent thereto, and said im provement will be made unless within fourteen days from the final publication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent to said Btreet about to be improved shall file their remonstrance against said improvement as by charter provided. The improvement contemplated and about to be made is as follows, to-wit : To improve Second street in said city, from Union street to the foot of the brewery grade by filling the same the entire length thereof between said points with crushed rock, so as to bring said street up to the established grade thereof, as heretofore established by ordinance No. 247. Which grade iu tho middle of the Btreet is supposed to be of the same elevation as the side walks along said street, except where said eide walks are not on a unilorm grade from squaro to square, and said street shall be filled in such a manner that when said improve ment is completed tho confer thereof shall be on the establiH grade and and shall slant to each mlu 10 an eleva tion of 8 inches beliiA- KiM established grades. Said improvement shall be made with rock of such size as shall bo furnished to the property owners by the authorities of Dalles city, and shall bo hauled and placed on said street at tho expense of tho respective property owners abutting upon said street, and spread on said street so as to bo of even surface and as directed and under tho supervision of the committee on streets and public property. Douglas S. Dufuh, Recorder of Dalles City. Dated this 24th day of November, 1893. (114. ooMlonlloot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by on old physician. Succcstfiillu uetl pnonthlu bif thousar.ilt vf Ladles. Is tho only perfectly afe and vcllablo medlclna dis covered. Bowaro cf unprincipled urussisis wno otter Inferior medicines la place of this. Ask for Cook'a Cotton Iloot Compound, fata no surulf tutc, or Inclose 81 and 0 cents In postage In letter and wo will Bend, sealed, byrcturninall. Fullsoalod particulars In plain cnvelopo, to ladles only, a stamps. Address Pond Lily Company. o. arunerulocK, Detroit, uisn. Sold in The Dalles by Ulnkeley & Hougtoa. Are vour children subject to croup? If so, you should never bo without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a certain curo for croup, and baa never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as tho croupy cough ap pears it will movent the attack. It is tho solo reliance with thousands of mothers who havo croupy children, and never disappoints them. Thero is no damrer in civing this Remedy in largo and frequent doses, as it contains noth- Ing injurious, ou cum, uuiuuo iui mm by Blakoloy it Houghton, druggists. Cut flowers and winter blooming plants for salo by Mrs. Phillips. Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Unnms in rout at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. (l-23daw. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's overy day at 4 o'clock. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. A X Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE