This Day Only. OUR o ECI This Bay My. Saturday, November 25, 1893. DAMASK TOWELS. Your Choice, 25 Cents. Made a large purcliaso for not cash, and will sell, this day only, Knotted Fringed Damask Towels, actually worth I0 els. and 50 cts. for 25 cte. Oomo and' see for yourself? NECKWEAR. Take your Choice ef our 50-cent, 60-cent, 75-cent, and $1.00 I FouriiHands j Tecks, 40& ;V hi 'ear Corner Window. Tou'i Is Cottier Window. jViJ All goods marked tS. L .'N PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. fiilun-il ii thn I'Dhtollici'iit Tins Dullon, OrcKou, a irnuil-('liiiN mutter l.ueill All vnrtlxllii;. It) ( cut t lliiu tor Unit limortlon, iiiiiI n Cent kt 1 1 1 1 for inch Milii.'iiii!iit liiiurtluu. Ipeulii rules lor limit ttnii mitli:vit. All locii. initio.' revolved later IIiiiii H ii'iilixik III iippenr the followltiK day. FliI DAY NOV. LM. 181KS The Daili and Weekly Chrnnkle may k found on mile tt I. ('. Xinkehen'n Mure. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. Oir Dully (llmui-tip I'riini In mill A limit tliti City. fin-niir"luil hii ponfcotM through mill through, Vet fell no Imlims thrill. 'Iiuuith ulie foitnil ,xnrtii litivH (mm mi nlii, nlil Hume, Rri-iit unpaid run hill. Ill tronnuc tion with tint entertainment on tint 10th of December tlicn; will "no KriH lCrinjjlt! (loinfl. Will tin) jmrty who k1 the wrone; "Derby" hut ut tho bull please rtitiirn it to GnrretHon'H jewelry hi on;. A number of friomlH of MiHrt Lixzio Scliooliiif: Hiirprinwl tluit vomit; lady IiihI nitilit at tho roHidoneo of Mrn. Fowler. Kverv unjoviiblii ovonini; wan pacf-ed by VWu present with unmet) ami refresh- Thenuw piece of road on Union ntreut is likely to bo washed uwuy thin winter the rivulutH of water which aro ul faily inukiii it Koppy. it does no jjood to build u road without providing a place at the nido for water to run oil". A liitf edition of Webster's dictionary bas just been rucuivc'd at tliiH ollire. It 19 Hit' iiiont complete instructor upon 'be KiiMhIi liui,Mitic,o over published. WuljHttjr'H keeps up with tlio times and "if landmine which uiiilorKoen daily cliaiiKi-H. It Hhotilil bo tlio Hlaiidard with miIiooIh and families, and after piiri'luisiiiK it, you am mini of having "K"t tlio bt'Ht." Mr. A. MoCorkle, a young man about '-' years of ago, wan killed in Sherman county near Kent. 1 1 in body wiih found Sunday ovuitlug and it in mipposod be was run ovor by a wheat wagon "fon which ho wiih Hunted, and driviiiL' four horat'H, the ineuality of tho road at '"at point throwing him out. 1 1 Ih htlicr, Mr. W. M. McCorklo, in wull known in the Tygh valley Hootion, and Msmhi'h vlolont death will be deeply mourned. lntirvlliK Hixioml Htmnt. Aitordlng to a notice publlHbed else where, .Second Htreot i'h tojio improved Iroin 1'nioii to the brewery hill grade, 'f properly made, thin improvement will bo a great blesaing to furiuorH and town sters gunorully. After tho atreot is ouco Ixctl everyone will roallzo tho great "uncut and none will begrudge tho nee ssary expense TIiIh will hIho, probu 'yinako the wuy eiiHy for improving '"nth Htreot In tho aaiuo inunnor to tho Kon brldgo, and tliUH help out tho Jft-'iit number of teHHiHtorH who uho thut tliorougiifuro, Mr. W. MTrSiry, wholittH bcou in 10 lmg buHlnesH ut Jilktou, Ky for "o imat twelve yeiirH, Hiiya: "Ohaiu fluln'H Cough Kemedy glvoH bettor "tlsfnetlon than any other eough niedU ",)0 I have ovor Hold." There Ih good reftson for this. No other will euro a win eo imlokly i no other Ih ho certain a I '"Vtllltivtl 1111(1 f,. . .... yi.. - ...... UI V.1f1.. lW WIIIUI -"' ho much relief In UKli. For hiiIo ll0llKl.ton, druggiHtn. Nn .llnr. Dimiiicriitlu I'ruNlilDiitN. Ir. I). Siddull, who has just returned r . i . , irtini an i-.niuohivu eaHiern lour, lias nao a good opportunity during his ubcence to note the jKjIitical pulse. Ie hiivh that throughout the Htatea the feeling against the administration ih intence and that he will never live to see another demo eratic president. In Canada, where he luiH also been, tho people eloHi'lv watch the politics of tho United States, beeom ing almost as much interested in them as those across the border. Thev are very bitter agninst the democratic man agement of all'airs and while they have no vote, have nn undoubted influence in political campaigns in New England and New York. Jn Colorado there arc no democrats and uodcmocruticnewHpapers can be purchased of newHboyH in Denver. J he doctor speaks very hichlv of the world'H fair and was present at its clos ing. He also availed himself of the op portunity of visiting many of the leading donttsts and colleges in Canada ami the IT..!. IK.. 1. wuiieo ruiues, ana ootiuneu mtinv new and useful appliances pertaining to don tistry, and brought with him an entirely new invention for making thecastalumi nuiii plate Work which is now all the rage in the east. Tho doctor lias made a specialty of this beautiful work for the i past four years, and claims to be the only one who has ever made a success of it on the Pacific coast. An A SHAKE-UP. K x 1 k 1 1 i ut tlui Ciihrmli'N rrutir Tllllli Allllcliiti'il. ICarly this week a blast was set oil' at Cascades which resulted in considerable damage, and the discharge of the one who engineered it, though luckily no fatality occurred. One hundred and llfly pounds of giant powder had been placed in the canal, at ditl'erent points which were set oil' simultaneously by electricity. A tremendous upheaval resulted. A body of earth and rocks containing iiiaiiy thousand cubic yards was thrown into the air and the whole vicinity Hhook with tho force of the ex plosion. The glass was shattered in the commissary department, and one huge rock crashed through tho roof of the en gineer's house in the canal. It is thought by some that a part of the charge was placed in a natural crevice of which the operator was ignorant, rendering a much less quantity of powder Huillciont for tlio purpose. At any rate the manager of tho bliiHt was discharged, and the goneral Hhakiug up will render his suc cessor more careful In the execution of thiH part of tho work. TIiIh Is to fortify tlmt I Imve uet! KriaiM'n llcmlncliu Capsules jiurlmilciilly lor over mm year, iiutl liuvu very iiiiihIi plniMire In xtatliiK tlmt tlicy liuvu ul vvojh proved beiicllclul mul liuvo rulluvoil me in (rout tun to IKUvu mhuiU's. 1 liuvo boon ii Millerer from lioaiiiit'lio for many vim rs. nail liuvo novor fount! mivthliur to tlo nut iih iiiiivii kooii lis Kruuso h iiuiitiiitmu i;npMiK's. voarH triuy, i.oiiin iikhman, .;h h. Poplar Ht , Wlcliitii, Kmi. Hold liy rinlpoH .V; Klliorsly, OrcKii 'it tlm IliHvlntcr. Senator Steiwer and others report to the Telegrnm that they are in favor of transferring the unexpended balance of money used for the world's fair to the use of the midwinter exposition at San Fran cisco. Wishing to gain the opinion of our representatives, a Ciikonicli: reporter conferred with Hon. E. N. Chandler upon the subject, who said : "Most assuredly, 1 am heartily in favor of spending the balance at the midwinter exposition, which is really but a continuation of the world's fair. I am in favor of spending every dollar of it at San Francisco." Hon. T. Ii. Coon of ilood Kiver has not yet been heard from, but it is very probable he will be of the same opinion. Those who are In-'st acquainted witli him here eay there is no doubt but that he is of the same sentiment and will heartily endorse this use of the tied-up balance of the appropriation. Circuit Court. The jury in the caseof McEachern and Mcl.eod vs. S. Ii. Adams returned a verdict for plaintill' for amount of the note, $1,362. The case is today being tried of the state vs. Thos. I'ryor for larceny of some checks at Cascade Locks. The following is the jury: J. E. liennett, G. M. Ster ling, J. L. Harper, J. W. Allen, W. McCruni. E. C. Dickenson. A. I. Linton, J. Millard, Ed. Smith, E. P. Koontz, A. Graniuiond, Kobt. Mcintosh. Ileal ICstutc Transfer. Uriah Serviss and wife to John Fagan, ot 7, block 13, Thompson's addition: 110. L. L. Uowlaud and wife to Geo. W. Rowland, nol.j of ne'y sec. 2, tp 1 south, singe H east, and a strip of land adja- ent ; if300. THE MARKETS. Itettnr Price Looked Tor After Tlinnkd Rlvlnir. Fm day, Nov. 24. The snow storm, together with tho first edition of tho Thanksgiving senson, has to nomo ex tent been the cause of a partial (suspen sion of trade in tho city. The principal oU8incss dono is in the grocery and nro vision lino. There has been no chango oi note in anything. Eggs aro very scarce in the market, and !?0 cts. per dozen cash is frcelv naid. The marlcnf. Ih well stocked with lruit and all kinds of vegetables and former quotations are unchanged. The grain market continues steady and presents no new phases worth noting. Eastern markets have it better tone in the last few days. The bears have it all their own way, however, as the bulls seem too timid to attack tho great den. ClappciCo's. letter of the 17th inst saya that it has no doubt but prices will improve after the Thankegiving season is over, anr buvers will bo mnrn nnirpr to discard the nebulous reports and try tho field for handsome gains. Not DcKcrvluc of Sympathy. Persons who will persist in dvtnc bv inches with dyspepsia and liver disease when Simmons Liver Regulator is an unfailing remedy for these maladies. Cloftliic Out Sale of Uroccrleo. Owing to a contemplated chanee of business, the undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call eaily while the stock is unbroken. .Ioli:s BnoniERS. Look Over Your County Warrants All county warrants recistered nrior to January 16th, 1890, will be paid if presented at my oflice. corner of T urd and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. W.M. MlCIIEM., Treasurer Wasco Countv. October 2Ut, JS03. tf Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold bv Snipes & Kinersly, drucgists. Cut flowers and winter blooming plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips. Hot clam broth at J. day at 4 o'clock. Rooms to rent at Rev. dence on Ninth street. O. Mack's everv A. Horn's resi 6-23daw Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kiu eraly. Pocket size contains twentv-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Business Change. The undersiirned has bought the Chinese merchandise busi ness heretofore conducted by YEE HOP & CO. and will pay all bills owing by said firm if presented to them before December 1st, 1893. CHEW KEE & CO., UK) Main M. Tho Oilllt-K. Or. PERSONAL MENTION. W. Morgan is in the city from liiiBua of whoop by IMakeloy & WOWS x'tloHl'MObimZ Tho Great Kngllili Iloraedv. J'roinptly oud permanently ouros till form .of Ntrvoua Weaimtu.KmUttoni, Sperm' otorrhea, Impoteney and all tffteitof Auuto or txoeuee. lluen lircucrluvu ovor ix on rain tlioiuiimluof ciwoai U tlniony JiirldiWiiuiia Joa nt fiiciita'ni) iiioii'ii. Aik tlruatilst for Wuoil'u lliuphodlue If lio o(torn Mirnti wortlilomiioillolHu la jilttco of tills, loavo liU ilulumoat Htoro, liioloso jtrleo iu Mtor, mid mi will sum! by ri'tura mull, l'rlw, imo pnoliagii, 81fllx,6fl. iiii;'(H()toisi',(J it'll uncf. I'lmipli ll In plalu lionled ciivolopo, a ooiita iiwtutto. Adilrem Thti Wood Ohtiinleiil o 1111 Woodwurtt iiviuiuo.Dolriill, 31K'U. Bold In The liiitlo" bv lllukoloy X IIoiikIoh Ubii Mexican Silver Stove Polish Jieort and After, Mrs. O the locks Mr. Frank Garietson left for the Cas cade Locks yesterday. Mr. Lyman Leo was in tlio citv yes terday, returning to East Portland this morning. Mra. A. C. Santord left this morninc for tho ranch near Wamie to remain for tho winter. Homer D. Auirell ami his two nepb- owh George and Charley Campbell just eturnetl Irom the arni hpnngti reser vation whore they have been engaged ith W. E. Campbell's surveying party. ICOltN. Ill The Dalles, Nov. 24th, to tho wife of llenrv Stevens, a son. Aro your children mibjoct to croup? If so, you should never bo without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a certain euro for croup, and has . ! Ir never been Known to uui. ii given freely iih boon as the croupy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is tho sole reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger in giving this Remedy in largo and frequent doses, as it contains noth ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for aide by Hlakoley it Houghton, druggists. Kor Sale or limit. 1 will Hell or rent my farm on 8-Mile on reaaouablo terms. Anyone wishing for Hiich an opportunity will please ap ply at ouco at Tim Chkonici.i: oflice. Mra. Matilda IIaiit. 1'itiDAV, Nov. 17th, 18M. ittw. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. BoHt grades of oak, llr, and slab cord wood, ut lowest market rates at Jos. 'i . Petera & Co. vOtllco Second and JwH'or- sou stroetH,) "Saiantla at tin Mi's Fair," And lio up to tho time. THE LATEST OUT Greatest Work of the Nineteenth Century Hy JOS1AII ALLEN'S WJFK. A. G. Hoering, Locul Aueut, The Dnllss, Or. mo Just Hrrived from Hew y fK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jackets, FROM $3.50 UPWARDS Clotpg & Furnisnino goods At Kemarkably Ixw Prices. KSplendid Cbinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. As we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (liko he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the verv lowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to examine our foods and prices before purchasing. THERE IS NO COFFIN TRUST ! T will furnish nnythiiiB needed from mi Undertaker ns clienp I 11 a uhii iu proeureu iroin iiiiyouc nun uues inn ufiiHi to tne Association, una i imve 11 oetier cisss oi Kooas. linvuiB timen tne necessary course 01 instruction lu cmbalmliiK, l am prepared to iiuenu loevcryininB jienaiiiiHi; ui tne dusiucss- I'iCTL'ltES . I' II AM ED .TO OJtPEli PLACE OK Bl'SIXEdS Corner of Third and Washing ton streets. ItKfelDKXCE Comer of Fourth and Washington streets. All orders promptly attended to . .. Can be Called Day or Night. WM. MICHELL , Undertaker and Embalmer. Clothier and Tailor. Gents' . . . Decidedly the Finest Line of Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. . COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. E. BAYARD, J. K. BARN ETT Lute Special Agent (leneml Land Ojjfice. Bayard dte Barnett(, J)e feal Estate, loai), Iuraiee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTABLY PUBLIC. dirties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Hunt, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantuge to call on us. Wo shall make a specialty of Mm prosecution of Claims and Contests' before the Uniti'j) States Land Ollice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. litis J iif-t received from the far Eut-t MEN'S MICK I NO. V001 AND CAM 10 1 S HAJR UNDERWEAR. HALF HOSE IN FAST 15LACK WOOL. OASIIMKUH, AND MEHINO Hand lcercliief s and Neckwear, THE NEW YORK . !L1I J iL TA11AA A Tf id a AND SUITS A HE MOVING OFF. All goods marked in plain Hgiues. 166 Second Street. H. H. CHMPBELL Successor to LESLIE BUTLER, Will constantly luep on ham! a complete lino of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, llavinsj pnichiiheii .Mr. Duties V en tiro Mock, I i-hall i iideavor to maintain the lepuutiuii of tho house, whieh has liotu BEST (I00DS AT I.OWI'TT I'KICES. - SQUARE DEALING TO EVERV 0XE. Call and see me, next door to Postofflce. si i i mm CI It costs you 50 cents to join, if you join before Saturday. Every member is guaranteed a- Crayon Now for Christ mas Presents for yourself or friends. Investigate! THE DALI.LES, OR.