The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 24, 1893, Image 2

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    , h AL . t of lom Pedro mul other similar cases.
TilB DrllleS Daily UnPOniCie. This notion may lend to hostilities nml
. -- - 'embroil us with either the power of the
Weekly, 1 your J1W
" f month; 0
;? ' 0 60
l)lly, 1 yoar ' W
" 6 month 3 00
m.t " ON)
Address nil communication to " THK UHKON
KILE," The Dalle, Ort-Rou.
quecti or with tho provisional govern
tuent. Lot us hope that tho president
hag n justification for his action and that
ho may make It manifest. Congress
alone lias the rilit to declare war and
the president's action seems to be pre
mature. T. A. Hudson.
ttip Condi- ;
v . rvi. ...... w.. I. I.... ... l'.n. II.
tlon of Tnim-.'. ' '10 "VOr. If tllilt (loOStl't tlO US
There is not the least rational doubt work of purifying tho blood, more
of tho existence of the phenomena of troubles como from it than you can
hvimotism, all evidence and nnjument 1 remember.
to the contrary notwithstanding, say&
the St. Louis Kcpublic. That the ma
jority of the human race are suscepti
ble to hypnotic intluences may bo sur
mised from the fact that tho scientific
men of Europe have combined in one
groat effort to have nil such perform
ances prohibited, and at the present
time nil such exhibitions are unlawful
in Austria, liolgium, Denmark, (ler
many, Italy and Switzerland.
Tho word "hypnotism" is from the
Greek "hypnos," meaning sleep, and
was coined to lit the condition by a
Mr. liraiil. an English pioneer investi
gator of this curious branch of psy
chology. The following are Prof. II raid's in
structions for bringing on hypnotic
trances: Take any bright object and
hold it between the lingers of the left
hand, about a foot from the eyes of tho
person upon whom the experiment is
being tried, in such a position above
the forehead as to produce tho greatest
strain compatible with a steady, fixed
gaze at the object. The person must
then bo directed to fix the mind on tho
object lie is gazing at. His pupils will
first contract, then dilntc considerably,
and after they are well dilated the lirst
and second linger of the operator's right
hand (extended and a little separated!
should bo carried from the object
toward the patient's eye. When this is
done the eyelids will most probably
close. Carry out these directions and
in a few seconds the person will bo
thoroughly hypnotized. The
depression is far greater than the tor
por of natural sleep. The
limbs remain in any position placed:
the body loses all sensibility to heat
and cold After the experiment has
been satrsfaetorily carried out the pa
tient may easily be aroused with a
draught of cold air. by friction, or by
striking the bare leg or arm with the
open hand.
vour wholo HVHtom. norhnns, i
orncK hours
(ienerrt! Delivery Window ... .s n. m. to 1 y. ni.
Money Order . . .s n. m. to 1 v- m.
8;ltldV ti T). " ! ii. Ul. to 10m. til.
traius ROtUR East 9 p. ui. mid lt:4A a.
. V y. til. aim p.
West Si. m. and 5:30 p.m.
Staite for tioldendale. 7:30 u. m.
" " l'rinevillo 5:30 a. m.
" ""lluiurand Warm Springs ..5:80 a.m.
" Leaving for Lyle .V Hartlaud. .5:30 a. m.
' " " 'Antelope .5:80 n. m.
Except suuday.
tTri-neeklv. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
1 " " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
XOV. 24, 1893
w H R 4 V, h A r if )
I CI.00 per netU8.sV' ?7&JV
Liiii. . ore i:o:ir.,fi-.-.,i,or jiiio.u.
Criii' ."p.. ; r." vej Vt J,.Tins C'oHKl.
and ,' r L'om:i .ion it Ins :: ,
rival1 h.i'ciir;t i.'io-.inii'' i I'-soriM oilier .
fane !: will cuiin M;tf if tkon in tirr..?. Sold
by lirticuiitii on i iiritit. I". rXxti.: Rut:,
cr Cnec:. u,oaiUI.u:t' i'L,.siL.ii. 2.1 ctJ.
H.'i 'en hi tilt-.
ri (ori. re voii.
. ? ' n - r rntiv i-
n i tr
Euitou Ciikoniclk: Tho statesman
who enunciated the sentiment that "the
sober second thoughts of the people are
seldom wrong but always eflicient"
would have had ample justification in
his doctrine if he had been alive at the
election that has just elapsed.
The people had become discontented
with their prosperity and they were be
guiled into the belief that a change
would be for the better, that the demo
cratic party would give them a change
and bring about increased prosperity.
Confiding in that promise, numbers of
republicans supported that party and
elected Mr. Cleveland president of the
United States on the democratic plat
form, but that platform, threatening the
protective principle, and that a mass of
"wild cat and red dog" currency should
be let loose on the business world
alarmed the people, and called a halt.
The republican party reminded me of
the unfortunate gentleman who caused
to be carved on his tombstone :
"I was well, wanted to be better,
Took medicine, and here I am."
The medicine they took was a little too
strong and did not agree with them.
They were like the patients of Doctor 1
Saugrado, who had written a book,
eulogizing bleeding and hot water, as re
lated in Gil. Bias. Tiie doctor's patients
all died, but the patients of the doctors
who did not follow Sangrado's theories
all got well.
The Sangrado democracy have written
their book and will no doubt adhere to
its principles. It reads as follows:
"We denounce republican protection as 1
a fraud, a robbery of the great majority
of the people for the benefit of the few.
"We declare it to be a fundamental
principle of the democratic party that
the federal government has no constitu
tional power to impose and collect tariff i
duties except for the purpose of revenue
only, and we demand that the collection
of such taxes shall be limited to the
necessities of the government when
honestly and economically ad
ministered." In addition to the foregoing they
added: "We denounce the MoKinley
tariiriaw enacted by the Fifty-first con
gress, as the culminating atrocity of
class legislation, and that we promise its
repeal as one of the beneficent results
that will follow the action of the people
in entrusting power to the democratic
The sober second thoughtsof the people
have been heard, much to tho disgust of
platform-maker Neal, which over
whelmed him as candidate for governor
by 83,000 majority, making his opponent I D!S SANDEK'S ELECT RID BELT
JlcKinley, a possible candidate for the
presidency in 1D0.
Pennsylvania has leu the way as to
pluralities, giving, it is said, l.'3.",.j:il
plurality to Judge Fell.
New York baa followed in her footfcteps
by giving S.'J.lOO majority against May
nard, who, it is alleged, stole enough
election returns to give the New York
legislature to the democratic party, and
consigning Hill and Crocker, Sheehan
and Tammany Hall to back seats in the
political synagogue.
Massachusetts has reversed her posi
tion and comes into line with the other
states, and gives Governor Hussell leave
to withdraw from public life.
New Jersey has rebuked tho race track
gamblers by 22,022 plurality.
Other states have passed their seal of
condemnation on the book containing
the democratic platform.
the "change" was too great : it was
abhorrent to the American people and
when it necessitated the stoppage of
mills, furnaces, forges and manufac
tories, and brought about the creation of
eoup houses, the sad emblems of a dis
tressed people, the people rose in their
majesty and said: "We have had
enough of democratic policy. Eight
months of that policy has been sufficient
for us, and we will return to the republi
can policy, which has given us good
wages and enabled uh to live and bring
up our families with peace and comfort."
To add to the maladministration of
President Cleveland we ure informed
that contrary to all precedents he pro
poses to set up the throne of the Queen
Jdlluokaluni. We have never recognized
any bnt governments de facto. Unless a
government has power of self mainten
ance we do Hot admit it into the family of
nations, Thus we recognized thogovern
wentsof France.and that of tho successor
Dr. Pierce's Golden Jlcdieal J)i
I covory aots upon this weak spot as
nothing elso can. It rouses it up
to healthy, natural action. Hy
I thoroughly purifying the blood, it
i reaches, builds up, and invigorates
; every part of tho system.
For all diseases that depend on
I the liver or tho blood Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness ; every form
1 of Scrofula, oven Consumption (or
Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages ;
j and "the most stubborn Skin and
i Scalp Diseases, tho " Discovery "
i is tho only remedy so unfailing
I and effective that it can be yttar
! anteed.
If it doesn't benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
On these terms, it's an insult to
your intelligence to havo something
i elso offered as " just as good."
Oldest Agricultural Paper in America.
To all cash suhseriberH of Tin: Ciiitosit'i.K
paylug one year in advance.
The American Farmer,
1729 New York Avouuo,
Tin: AMiiitti'AN I'aiimiiii, wlili'li I now enter
ing upon its ".Mil er, 1h the pioneer (iirmor'.i
, paper In the country.
i It Ih a lurce elKht-p'iRi' pupi'r, nml rouhilus M
columui ot tho eholcet iiKrlniltunil unit liter
, nry uuittei, plentifully cmlvllMieil with tine
i Illustration. It Is
1 ami ilenlt with furmliiK nml farmer's Interest
on liroiul, priiRtlnil 1 1 lie.-., it
nml every thlni; that appears In Its columns N of
the hlKlie.tehiira(:ter Kvery itep'irtineut of tho
farmer.s hii-luesi I IIm:ii-mhI In mi eiirueM,
practical wny, looking to tlu-Kreatcit prollt anil
! henellt to the fanner mul lift family.
It apiicarx on the lit anil lMh of each month,
i ami m (umMii'il at the low price ot
' In advance. Till iniihe. It tint eliciipext
! iiKrleulturiil iiiinr In tho country.
j iniiiiiK the coming year there will lm an Im
mciiM' number of matteisof tho imt vital In
i teteil to farmernlealt with bv Coiurre. anil the
Kxrcutlve Departments nt VYililiij;ton. It Is
hiithly important that the farmeis In- kept
promptly ami fully luformrit nt to what Is being
plannttl ami ilone attcetliu; them nt the National
1'apttal. They should all, therefore, take Thk
.VMKitiriN l'AHMi'ii, which, being on thogrouml,
has better facilities than nuv other papers for
getting this Information, ami iluvotes It-etf t
this iltity. They will ilml In It coutautlv n
! great amount nf valuable Information that liicy
can got tu no other paper.
Tub Amkiucan I'.uimku ami Tin-: Chuosici.i:
will be neat one ear tor JI.Tj.
r PI
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Second Btruut. ANNA PETER X, nn
For Sale at a B
Dr. Saga's Catarrh Remedy by its
mild, soothing, cleansing and heal
ing properties, perfectly and perma
nently cures Catarrh in tho Head.
A (iKNTfi niHkoJ..UOii tiny. dreate.t
V utensil ever invented. Uetalls li'icts
to l
sold in every Iiousj. Sample, pogc pni.l, live
cents. McMakiu anil Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
ANTED 1'ushing C'anviisser of g'tl ml-
ilrt!-:. Liberal salary anil eis u.e paid
i weekly. Permanent position. HKOWN II1U.
CO', Nurerymcn, Portland, Or mi Iw
milking ll'.'.CO TO Ui.W WKEK.
Parties preferred win) can funil-li a horn1 ami
travel through the country; u team, though, ts
not neeesMiry. A few vacancies in town- antl
cities, spare hours may bo us-ed t gos ad
vantage. It. JOHNSON M.i,
ltth and Main M., Itlchmcni, Vu.
lly virtue of an execution ami ordir of ml', i
iucd out of the Circuit court of tfcr Mate of'
Oregon, for the County of WiiM'i', tu me dlrtf tt-l
commanding me to make .tle of th 'ami In the '
aitl wiit, dei-cribed to-wit TIuim1 pices and J
panels of liuiil in Wact County, .SUte nf ore ;
gon. known anil described ks the ut!i half of i
section eight (.s , anil tho vouth hitl; "f nsMlon ,
nine i'J ami the east half nml the .uthuet
quarter nml the eiut half of the inrthm.t iiuitr
'eraiitl the houthwett nuarter uf the imrthwet
iiartc of hictlon ten (10) anil the north half of 1
He- imrthwest tliarter ami the nutuent ijuarter '
of the northwest quarter of M'ctli.n tifbt n il'),, I
ul-in rown-hlpone ilj, north of Hniige fourteen '
(1! catof the Wilbimette merldiun. tu make I
imd pin the sum of money, lnaidtsairt iiiljmlg- I
ul ti t'e paitl to tho plaiiititl'in Nild nrtlon, in ,
nhph iictlon The Silieltors Iian mid TruM'
t o"ipui were plaintlir and James llth, Mar j
thu M iMKith, l'verett K. Hull, .1 1. McClure, 1
i-nrali II .McClure, I). (J. Alter. Ualph li(er. .In- .
II i.S l(igcr, t'ri KuitiMly, J M. 'ln.orautl J !
K Kdwards uero ileferuJiint., to-wlt trn-tumuf
fanti.W) with interest therwn, frm. i J nil I. IsW, i
nt the rate of six per cent per aiimun and JtMi
attorneys fees in said nctlnn and rmt ami ills- :
buc ent.s therein tiixnl, 1 lint u tin-ln levhil i
ujion the lttiul aforesaid and on '
.Saturday tin' :::irtl il;iy nf Itirciiilicr IHICI, i
at th"' hour of 10 o'clock a. in. n. front of the
C'-urt hoilte ilMir, in the City of 'H' Dalle, In
Knid County nml State. 1 will n: suld laud at
public auction, to thehix!ie.t bnldi-r therefor.
T A W .i itl.
MieiifF of Wai-cn County, htate oi uregon.
Is the
Of the Year
Vnr af iy Snli- .V Kukt-Iv.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints
Lame Back, &c.
WlthElcctro-Mncnctlc SUBPEMSOHY.
i.aioi I'uirni: impraiemrnia I
Will c ire without rnodlclni all IWtlntx res'jItlcK from
cjT'iU)LCl(MOf brain nervo (orceat e2ct-fc4crlndi
cretion, as Uffrous tlclilhty, tlwpli-f'mts, languur,
rlnuinatirci, kldnry, itrrr and biaililer cotiilaliit,
Unit liwlc. lurnlxiKO, sciatica, all ftinln eoiiijiairits
in-iiml 111 health, He. Tills llrk) litit oontAlu.'
IHi.drrfal lmiriirmrDlt OTtr alt (Alien. Currtnt l
L'uUr.tly fcltl.)' -ueartrr or wa furfclt ii,OOU,ou, im1
uiiicjioallof the alwrn ilmuxn or no ijy. Thou,
"do hum Iacm currd bv MiU marvtloua Invention
alter all other remfsjieif f&flfMl and wo irlvo huuJicdj
of tetuinuiiUUm tlildnml every ctbtrpuu.
Our I'o-trnl ImproTtd FtHTUIC SIBI'UXOUY. tin
preatdtt lioon evi- o'frred weak rnen, lltli: i'Jnl
II' II.. Htr.ltM ami I l.r.mlMr.rtb(;t'lltmi.l!ll lulling
t)J ;s bend fur lll'li'.l I'atnpLlet, luailesj .realtxl, frt.c
6io. aflraiMlreel, J-OUTLAJiW UXtK.
Estlljf, Quickly,
and nil thu train of crlU
Irom early error, or later
uxci'k, the rehulti of
iivemork, alnkiiMim,
worry.tlo, Fullntreiiijiij,
dHVClopineut and tuna
Klvtn to every ornan ur.d
iMirtloil of thu body,
aeon. Folium Iinpoflljlc.
2, references. It-ilr,
explanation and procu
mulled (tuiled) free.
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor
76 Count Stvaat,
Next door to Waioo Sun Ofilco,
lly i Irtin- of nil execution ami nnler "f mle,
lnitcl on; of the Clicillt Court nf t! ,-tutc or
O'CKon, for the County of Wiuco, t.i im- illrecr -d
coinmantliiiK inoto liiako -nloof tin-hunt In the
wild vtll iletcrlUii to-uit: thtiMiiile, e imtl mr
I'elsol lamt in Wiiki (.'utility, fctnti- ci ()nou,
known uit'l ilcf."rilieil n tlie "Mithuct iiart'r
of Kcctlon four 1 1), ami the north half of n-ctlon
nine 'J), anil the northi.'t ijimrter of n-ctlon
nveuteeii I'll ' Tinvnhii w Hi north of
ItaiiKO fourteen III, east of the U'lllamette Merl
illau, to make anil Iiv the ni:i ol money, in
Kihl Court ailjinlKiil to If iaii to tin- i.lalutilt In
Milil nclloii, In uhlcll action The MilKitor. I oau
nml '1 rust Coin tinny tiere iihilutllt'. anil Jalueo
liooth, .Mnrtlm M. IhHitli, Kveretf i: llall.J. 1
McClure. i-arali II. McClure, l. ( ltnr, Jtnl pti
Koi:er, Jtiliii N. Kotrers, Crl limljl, .1 ,M. 'lay
lor ami J K KilivaliN uere lefeiiihiut., to nlt:
tho mini of Jj(K'.iO') iiltli inteiett thereon, from
July 1, IHL ut the rntoof fix K'rceiilranniim
mid &t).U) nttoriiey'H fech In sanl ui'tlnu ami
co'tK hiiiI illbureuieiit!, thcrtiu taxtij, I Imve
this ilny leviul iijii tliehiml nforcsijM, anil on
S:itiinliiy, :iril iluy f D.-coilmr, lHII.'l,
ut the hour of ID o'clock a. in. In front of the
court lioiiiu iloor, In tho City of The Iiiiioa, In
halil County urn! Mate, I will mi mliiumi at
inihilc auction to tho hljjhuit bhider therefor.
'I A W.iim,
rihcrlll'of Wai-co County, atato of Ureon.
Hy virtue of it it execution and order
of halo lueiieil out of the circuit Court
of thu Unto of Ort-Koil for the county
of U'atco, to mo rllrccteil, coinuianillim'
uie to iniike who of the lantl In mild ivrlt,tleK'rih
el to-ivlti tliotu ideces nml jiarcelh of laml In
Wiihco County, Statu of Oregon, known ami ilo
rciiU'il imiill of acctlou three ,':j, ami tho xouth
half of tho wnitheiut iiarter of ecctlon four ,
ami tlio mjiiMi h'llf of ection live lb) ami tho
north half of diction oljrjit (), nil in Timiithlii
one (I), north of Khiiku fourteen (II eaht of the
Wlllainettu merliliaii, to uiukoiiuil psy the mm
of inuiicy, In nltl Court uiljudKcil, bib- pultl to
the iihiliitlfl In Kihl action, Ih which nctlou The
f-olicltora Unn unci Tnut Coiinmny weie iliilu
tilt' nml .IiiineH liooth, Martini M, llootli, Kverctt
K. Hull, J. 1'. McClure, barnh II Met lure, I), d.
Alter, ltalih IloerK, Julia N lttKer, Crl Km
biMly, J, M. Taylor nml J. V. Kilwiinln were tle
feuilaiiU, Ui-wlt, the turn of Wim tilth Inter
est thereon front July 1, 1.', at lint riito of alx
ler cent icr milium uiul JJ(iO attorney fi-eH In .
mid action and coat ami illabtirH'iiieutH therein I
tuxul, I have thin any luvinl upon thu Itml
iilxivmichcrlbeil mid on
hnturiUy llii!i'3iliHV of llecninlnir, lHII.'l,
at the hour of 10 a, in,, In front of the court
Iioumi door, In tne city of 'Ihe iJnilen, In milil
count." and ttite, I will nell mild html ut nubile
miction , to thu lilKheat bidder theicfor,
T. A. Witn,
Hlierlll'of Whiuxi county, ritnto of Oickuu.
Executor's Notice to Creditors,
Timber IjiihI, Act June3, lbTs.)
V. S. I.A.sii Offick, The DnlltM, Or.,
Nov. , t
Notice l hereby Klven that In compliance
tilth the provhlmis of the net of coui;ron of
June ,'t, 1ST.S, eutltlet 'n net for the Nile of tim
ber luiutH in tho state of caliiornla, tinfoil,
Nevada ami V- mhlUKtoii Territory,"
Nenl C. Hltiveimoii,
Of Kiiiiftloy, county of Vaco, mate of Oickou,
ha thin day illed In this olllcv hi" stiotn ta(i
inent for the puri'luc of the SV.'i of NWJ.J,
of Section. No. 'JU, in 'loivio'Iilii No. 1 h , miik"
No 1.1 15. W. M., ami will oiler proof to show
that the laml MiiiKht Is more valuable for it"
tliiilwr or stone than for lurlciiltiirnl t'tirpnxea,
and to ctahll.h 111" claim to Mild hiiitl lx;fore
the KcKistcr nml Itecelver of ttiltt ollleo at 'I he
IhiileH, or., on the 1.1th day of .January, IMJI.
lie names its ivltueMeii' (ieoriie MiiU'od, Jas
'!T Kii'ley, Iadii Itomlejiii ami lifaycttu ll.ivU,
an oi ninuDiey, or.
Any and ill!
neri-ons cla iiiIiil' mlvcraelv
aln)ve-dcrllil laiiils are reuetiil to Hie their
claim In thlsoflleoou or Itcforosaid Utliilayof
January, ikii.
wlO JOHN W. l.llWIti. ltcKltvr.
I. imi officii, The Dalle. Or.,
Nov. t, lb'J.'i.
Notice N hereby Klven that the followitiK
namiil hcttlcr Iiiim i 1 It I iiotlcoolhls Intention to
make limit proof in uportnr his claim niiil that
mid proof Hill lie made In-fore thu lenlotvr ami
receiver at The indies, Oregon, on Wedncpilay,
Iloivllt Kill),-,
llome!leai Aptilieatlon No. 'isi'i, for the N! jof
Mill i ami V.y. ol oil 'yl hec. 10, 'I p. i S. It lllvint.
lie names tho nlliiwliu; ivituexres to prove his
coiitluuoiiM icldeiice iiHui nml cilltlvntiou of
said laml, vU:
II. . WelU, of The Dalles, Or., Chailea
Kinloil, .la lues IjiMon and i'aul l.lmeioth of
Nansene, Or.
John w. I.hwih, IteKliter.
for tho VM ol
i it. r-
Bellas Juit received tho latest ntyles In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
Hiid Iun a InrKO u,isortmt'iit of KomIkii nnd Amer
icau Cloths, ivJiioh ho can 41 ill felt To Order for
thofco tlutt favor lilin,
CliiDing and Repairing a Specialty.
Notice l hereby kIvcii t Jim t thu County Court
of tho hlatu of OrcKon fur Wco Count Iihm'
i duly Hppolntiil thu iindcralKr.eii thu executor nf
1 thu lust will and tettnuieiit nf (Jconui I'.
deccHtcd, All peraoiiK Imvlnx clalniH uKalu.t
thoeslHtunf mltl dcceanil are heieby le'iulied
to iireseut Ihein, uttli lliu ptoK-r voii'-hem,
ii Itliln tlx mouths from tliuilatu of till, notice,
to .aid executor at lliu place of rcaldciicu,
llalles I Ity, In Midi county, or nt the ollleo of
W, II. Wll.on, In aald iMllcs City.
IIOIIAI',1, DtiM.i:, Kxeeutor.
DjIwI tills Ut day of NovemlnT, lv.i.1. ,'itw
I..I.M) Opfivk, The Dalles, Or,,;
Oct. y, isj:i, j
Notice is hereby Klven that the folloivliiK
liiinnil acttlcr has llleil notice of his Intention to
make final proof in HUpimrl of Ills
Claim, ami that nild iiroof will ho iiinilo before
tho Itexl'tcriiiid receiver iitThu Dalle-, Or., on
I-'tMay, November 17, lb'J-1, viz.-
ICtlKur H. I'mtt,
lloiiieiitead Application No. 'M'i,
HWi nml W'j of HUM Heo. Ii, Tp,
j., ii . i,
KunamcH the followlliK ivItnesM'S to prove Ills
contlnuouH rerldencu upon, and cilltlvntiou of,
aald land, vU.s
.1. II, MiikIII, I'; a nl: Driver, Urn Winn uml
Charley WIiik, all of Wnmle, Or.
IIM7 JOHN W. l.l'.VVIH, HcKlster.
In thu County Court of tho Hlatu ol OrcKou, for
Vueo County,
In thu Matter of thu ICsUUi of (
William llamlltoii WIUou, Deovuaid.i
Notice Is hereby Riven that (ho iiiiijundunud.
by hii order of thu County Court of thu H tutu of
(ireKou. for Wnsco County, iniulo nml entered
K'ph.'inU'r 7, lh'JJ, ivit itiHlllUil exieulor of the
hut will and testament of thu mild William
Hamilton U'llnoii. lU'ceasitl; all perMins IiuvIiik
claims iixaliist mild estate aru hereby noillled to
iireH'iit thu mint) with tho proor vouchers
tuereior to me at ino omco r,i iays, iiiiiiiiiikioii
wllhln i,lx
V Wllaon. 'Ilin Dalles. Oreuou.
mouths from thucntuof this notice.
Datctl Thu Dulloi, t)r., Hept. 7, lH'Ji.
Kxecittor of Will of Win, II. WlUou, iho'ii
Estray Taken Up.
One black (tony, binnded cither 6 or 8 "li left
hip mid left Jaiv Owner can have rumu by prov
liiK property ami payliiK for this mil lee.
, M.l.L ('. WII.DKIt,
JOdSivlui I'ostoillcu, The Dalles, Or.
The unclorsiirn!(l, lmviiiK Hccunid tho lnucliinnn. n
II-MiUIC.-i til W11IU, W S llllOIKlLHl HIT 11 II rSI-(!lllss U win rni-
will soil tho .sumo nt u hiiVL'iiin. Mnrn i im mw,:n
)()! MM' OI "iU-Odd MOl'KO DOH'III'. Ulld !l lirtro Mlnannl .,!
nnicluiioiy, lasts, lino shiittmu;, pulleys, holtin
ins ulinost n oomploto shoo faotoiy.
Horo is a so one ot tho host sitos fur niwi.i.uofnii
tOll iwl III i Inn ....
I11U (i.,,1
atinu a factory of this kind to ho
Write for purtieulars at once, to
TJtxc Dallos,
nun ivtill-kiitiwii ilmwury Ih now turiiitiK out thu buHt Jieor uml Port
t 1 1 1. 1 1 1 il .t if .l . ...!ll 1 4 .
i ii i i tirr iiiivii iHMiii iiiLriiiiiii'iMi, iiiiii iiii v liii iirHri!iiiHH iiriii'ii win iui ii a
Im nmrkot,
Wasco County,
'I'Iid Cintti City of tltti inland Knipiin in Hitinttcd ut tlm ktad
of navigation on tho Middln Coltiinliin, mid i'h ii thriving, pros
pcroim city.
It is tlio nujiply uity for nn oxtitiiHivti and rioli agricultural
and grazing country, its tradu rcauliing uh far htiutli uk Hiiiiiiiim
talct.', a distaiiiK! of ovnr two hundrnd niilcH.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tlio rich grazing country along thu custom Hlopo of tho Cai
end us funiinhcH piiHturt) for thotisandK of hIiccj, tho wool frous
which i'iikIh market liorc.
Tho DallcK i'h tho largest original wool whipping point in
America, alxait 0,000,000 jiouikIh Ixiing Hhijipcd luHt year.
Tho kuIiiioii liHhorii'H ato thu lincut on tho Ooluinliiu, yieWij
this year a rnvonuo of thotisandK of dollars-, which will Imj wk
than doubled in the near future.
Tho productK of the licuutiful Klickitat valley liiul imr1
here, and the country south and east Iiuh this year filled 1K
warehouses, and all available storii"f places to overflowing M
their products.
It is the richest city of its 'iuo on the coast and its money is
scattered over and is being used to develop more fanning country
than is tributary to any other city in Kastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed, its ulimate delightful. Its P'
sibilitics incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on tin
eorner stones she stands.
The California Winehotise,
Is now opon, and its propriotor will soil his homo
produced AVino at prices in tho roach of everybody
Also, bust Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to bo lJuro and 1 irst-Ulass in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.