The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 24, 1893, Image 1

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    e I) c Da II co
NO. 138.
Dalles Daily Chronicle.
p,iillihl Pally, Hummy Kxcoprci.
... A..utilitttrn UtrjMtfb 'Mitt
.. .1 fl......!.
lHllli;i, IV(,wii.
Turin of Hultnerfptloii
Jontb, by carrier
. .V)
In I'lk-dt AtmuHt fi,
, 1 itsw W'M I". M. Depurbi 11 :WJ v. is
wkkt hound.
-J.i'.'J a. si - DuimrtN 3:11 a, m
Tw;wiiKlKht time uiirry piutKCtiKen leave
. l . in.-, .it feiUO 1 M . . Iltlll IIIIC fur till
Jui -
Iirnnevllle, vln. Ilako Oven, leave dully
'L'liitclnpu, Mltiiliult, Cunynn City, leave
'ttliir, K1iirhIu;, Wumiis, Wuplnltiu, Warm
Mini i vi! ii viiiu-yi ivuiu mm, v...,-.
T, 111 U A ...
fciwucnilalu, Wunli., icuvo every any m uiu
tiiceii( Htiiiiitty in a. .
ul.r.i1l Him.. III tllll llllllltlllu lllHMC.
ii i:ii)I)1:i.1-atti)iini:y-at-1,aw-0111uo
. Court Street. The milieu, uri-Koii.
II.DOrUH. nuin.M.'"!
I ii WiiiiniH v null .t. iiiui 4 nm
uvvvi-l-l' A'l-innVKY.AT.IiAW. ()(
. ir.. iii kiiiiutnui'k Imllilliitr. mi Htnlrn. The
fAYs. lU'NTINClTON it WILSON-Attob-1
jtTi. AT l.AW -omeoM. French' block over
IntSiUoiml Hunk, ' h ' Pullett. OrcRou.
p t! (I'll uiil' i wiiii mhv. it.i I U' UfHimH
II ii iiidun n i iuih' i n i - - - ---
I . Vmtuill .fc Cm.'m llltllk hlllldlUK. BtfOIld
erA.ticl)iillt'N,UreKini. .
i. . lf.... ...i.iioiiiiii IMlVUI'tlH
ml mjiuikoN. C'ulU miHworcd promptl),
dtrcsifil, city or country, unite
'.Ctiratn hlix't. w"
JS 0. 1), I) OA NK-rUYMClAH AKJ) BUIl-
U hon Olllre: room ( ami Ohnpiuui
ji.. . . i. . ....... lannrr ntlll
"Ml. (iiT1lllulli.u n.
Finns utrcetn, neojnd door from the i"ii.r.
. !...., ii i.. m A M . '.! tn r, mid T tO H 1 . M.
.inn 1 1 iihntint (inh inven (or the
I..I..I.M iiitmi'tiiiti of teeth. AIM) teeth
..I I .l.ili. INiiitnui HtLMl III
: widen loom, necoun miutj
n atitaiiil tlilnl Momlay of encli nioiitli at .
TUti ltOVAI. AlllJH WW J",
U Umiii Miiknnli! Hull tlie tlilnl WeiltieMluy
Vfoiim wooiiMEN ok tiik wpui.n.-
i'l Mllliwl CnmpNOiftOiMeulKTiieMliiyoveu-
uKUMiiciiiiwii hi rraiviouv huh, v i .. -
nOLVUMA LODOKi NO.ri, I.O. O. Kj Meutis
V ewrffilny evenlliK at 7:!) o'elook, lu K,
ol V, hill, cutnur Hcroml ami Court (ttreetn.
foJoiirniuK LrntliuTH are welcome.
U.ClOMif, S"y. H. A, llll.l.H.N. (i.
UHIKNDHIIIP 1,OI)(1I'.,NO. U.,K.o( l'.-Meetn
I eyi'tr .Mnmliiv iivi.iihiL' nt 7:1 o ulouK, 111
tklitinao'ii biillilliiK, comer of Court ami Keeoml
HomitiiliiK inemfcerH are eonllnlly lu-
fllbt " til U III, i
Tl i Hi VlllAni
0. tt'.VAUnit, K. of II. mill H.
tMKMHIiV NO. JH27, K. OK li.-MeetN In K.
A oil' hull tlionecoml anil fourth Weiliien
ui.oftiich nioiitli nt7::) p. m.
J , IJN'ION will miiut every Krlday alteriioou
"lochx'k ut the rvudtliK room. Allure Invited.
rmim 1mko No. 601, I. (). (1. T.-KeKiiliir
: nwKiy uiL-etlllKH ITIllay III o r. n., iv-
t... All nro llivileu.
H. tJUilMMANi (. T. K. 0. KI.KCK, bu
JeMl'I.K I.01)(1E NO. il, A. O. U. W.-Meetn
m Krutiirnltv Hull, over KcIIcth, mi Second
"ii Tliurmluy evenltiKH ut 7:o.
.w'BMykbh, Klnniicler. M. W.
JAB. NKH.M1TH I'OBT, No. 3'-', (1. A. K.-MeetH
Rill cumruuy ui v;,hj r, m inu i. m .
IittorH of Crwllt iHHiiod avnilnhle In ho
KiiHtern Stntoe.
Sight Kxcliaiico and Telegraphic
TraiiHfcrflHoldon Now York. Chicago, St.
IoniH, San FranciHco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wanh., and various jiointH in Or
egon and WaHliington.
Collectione made at all KintH on fiiv
orablfi terniR.
Rational Bank,
I'rcBidunt Z. F. Moody
Vice-PreBident, - Ciiakli:h Hilton
CnHhier, M.A.Moody
,Makc3 lifo misorfiM. All other
iiilrricnts nro as nothing in com
parison. Woinr n cs)ccially lcnow
Us fiiifibring, and fow cscapo its
" even i
UK li. K. MmitMiiviirvHllllllnV llftariHKIIl 111
tlie K. of I'. Hull.
VKRKIN MoutH uverv BlimluV
evtnliiK In the K. of I'. Hall.
B.K I-, K. D1VIH10N, No. 107-MeetH In
. k.llf 11 1I..II 11... llH.. .ill llilnl U'mlllllll.
fllfAi . ini niw liinv mil mi" ,iw.iiw.
''"Cll inontll, lit 7:30 V. M.
?T. ..lm ..
i"! " JUUIIVltl VT .i.wiM-
V UIKMT II. ii ......... Uti.wl.tir .if
i. ,r"; numr. lAiw iniinn utuii nmntuj i
i M. a ,...- . ' 11...,.....
l(V. Kit U.HutOllllo Hector. Horvlcea
j.jwiuiis A. m, KvuuliiK I'niyor on Friday ut
WliVV IIAI'TIHT tllllltnilltnv. o. 1). Tay.
UUi '', ,' astor. MoruliiK nervlowi every Hub
lchL,nt,tlui iiciKlomy ut li a, if. HuMmtii
fuvi., i ""''iwtlatoly uftor mornliiB Horvlceij.
lnli "m'u '"B Krlday uvoiiIiik t l'anlor'n reHl
f.JI Ul",,u Korvlce In tho court lioiuo ut
Ou'HfAT'ONAI OHUKOhIkov. W. (3.
. mS?i8.' 1 ,wtor' BorvleeH every Humlny at 11
rt c V, '" Humlny boliool uftor mornliiK
Htrmigoriioordltaiy Invited. HontHfreo.
M, OHUKOU-Ro?. J. WiimtiKB, paittor.
hm10"? "very flumliiy mornliiKiit U n. in.
fflW Bt 2:i!0 o'efook v u. Kpwurtli
WriSiiJi, Pi89 p- '"'yur meotlni? every
"Ulio "VeuliiB ut 7S80 o'clock. A cordial In.
toll, " extended hy both puator mid mio
roh SIX 1,rtM2,ll,K t'10 CoiiKregatloiml
wiiiyn,viti4,rd y Rt " ''' M' Mro
E'KyaA:,i0At' 1UTUKUAN-Nlntli Htreot,
uud.J' A Horn, puiitor. Hurvloon ut
Try quo Rt ;S0 v'm A cardial welcome
General Hanking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
CollectiotiH made on favorable terniH
at all accessible points.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ou
New York, San J-ranciseo mid rort-land.
En. M. Wim-iamh, Geo. A. Likhe.
H. M. BiiAi.ii.
Many people tako pills, which
grino and purge, weakening tho
body. More tako Simmons Liver
regulator, liquid or powder, be
cause more pleasant to take, doe3
not gripe, and ia a mild laxative,
that al.o tones up tho system.
The relief is quick. It is Nature's
own remedy, purely vegetable.
"I novrr found anything to do mo any
(rood until I used Simmons Liver Kr-gula
tor. It has been three years hlnro I llrtt
iikfd It and I have not had Si rlc Headache
Kin it, I unit my Mster (who had from one
lo two attacks of Kick Headache every
wetlc) one-half of a paekaire, and she baa
noi had It Miice." C. H, Mounts, Urowuv
vllle, W.Vu.
lias our Z 8tttirii In red on wrannor.
J. U. ZEILIN & CO.. MiiladelphU. Pa.
DT T I L Times makes It all tho more
I I L necessary to iidrertlse. That Is
J what the miit prncresslve of our
biihlness men think, and these same bus
inessmen are the most prosiicrouH at all times.
If you wish to reach all the reoplc In this neigh
borhood you can't do better thun tulk to them
through the columns of the Daily Chbonicle.
thus more thun double the clicuhitlon ol any
other pitpur, and advertlsinc in it pays hie.
"Tlie Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Biacksmiin & wagon Slop
General Blackamithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street, opp. Licle's oli Staucl.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest honso moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles
Freioni ant! PBSsengerLiae
Through dully service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves Tlie
Dulles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Joeks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock') at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way
Round trip. .
J. I. FORD, Evanielist,
Of Pes MoIuvh, lowu, writes under dnte ol
.March 'J3, lb'J.'!:
fj. B. Mud. Mko. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen : . ,
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, night "( one-half years old,
who had waHted away to i!8 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigoroiiH, and well
ileshed up. fi. B. Cough Cure bus done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure baB cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are
Yours, Mit. & Mas. J. 1'. J'ouu.
Jf you wish to feel fresh mid cheerful, and ready
for the BprliiK'H work, clemiho your system with
the Headache mid l.lver Cure, by takini; twooi
three doses each week.
Hold under u positive Riiuriiutoo.
60 cents per bottle by all druggists.
I3liAJ..lN in
Hoots, HUouii, llnls, Jitu.
Fancy Ijood, JJotion
Ktc, Ktc, Kto.
Seoond St., The Dalles.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time day or night. Shipments for
wa'v landings must be delivered before
0 p". in. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Agent.
General Mnti8?er.
at wholesale
Candies and Nuts
Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho Dallos
2 3 8
2d Street
At right side
Mis. Oburr't
The St. diaries Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
lias boon entirely rouinni"i"i w.
room has boon ropaperod and roiwlntw
and newly carpeted throughout. Iho
house contalua 170 rooms and Is supplied
with every modern convenience. u
"'. a ...ntiiiiniiit. nttachoc
to tho house. Frer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWl.ES. Prop.
Eyerytbing Still Seems at Sixes and
Minister Willis Speech Sounds Strangely
to the Annexationists, who are
According to the Associated Press dis
patches the most significant happening
which has taken place occurred last
Monday, when a committee of the
American League, a lately organized
auxiliary of the Annexation club, called
on the new minister. After welcoming
Mr. Willis, the committee stated- "The
members of the league earnestly desire
that the Hawaiian islands should be a
part of the United States, and with that
object in view the organization will sup
port the present provisional government
of Hawaii and in all honorable ways aid
in accomplishing annexation." The ad
dress also contained an offer of aid, if at
any time the minister saw fit to com
mand them. Minister Willis' answer
has not yet leaked out here, as the com
mittee is pledged to secrecy, but the As
sociated Press is enabled, after diligent
inquiry and a careful comparison of the
versions of the minister's remarks, as re
membered by three members of the com
mittee, to give the following as nearly,
if not quite, a verbatim report of the
reply. After welcoming the committee
and speaking pleasant terms of his visit
toJiawaii, Minister Willis said:
"I am an ardent American. I would
like to see the Stars and Stripes waving
not only over Hawaii, but over all the
islands of the Pacific, or any other
territory which would be beneficial to
the United States. I have my instruc
tions which I cannot divulge, you will
understand; but this much I can say,
that the policy of the United States is
already formulated regarding these is
lands, and that nothing which can be
done, either here or there, can avail
anything now. 1 don't come here as did
Mr. Blount. 1 come as an executive
officer. I come to act. When the
proper time arrives I fcliall act. I am
horry 1 cannot tell you when or how. I
wish you to understand, however, that
knowing the policy of the United States
J could not have accepted the position of
an executive officer had it been in con
flict with the principles I hold. The
Americans here will have nothing to re
grot. While performing my duties in
carrying out tho United States policy I
shall have no need of aid from you or
other resident Americans. However, I
wish to state positively that any outside
interference will not be tolerated by the
United States."
The provisional government does not
know what to think, but have taken the
precautions of increasing the armed
force at tho palace, and distributed 150
rounds of ammunition to a citizens' re
serve. There is no doubt that they will
effectively fight any attempt at restora
tion. AH "news"' from Hawaii, how
ever, is a week old, and this must bo
considered in that light. There is no
telegraphic communication with the is
lands and all news comes by steamers.
The status of affairs as it exists now is
purely conjectural.
ruellie Coast I'eople Are Angry.
Pokti.axd, Me., Nov. 23. Congress
man Hilborn, of California, who has
been confined to his hotel on account of
illness, said in regard to the Hawaiian
situation, that ho thought Oalifornians
must bo surprised at the action of the
present administration. The trade re
lations between Sau Francisco and tho
Islands ia so close that Californians can
not bring themselves to think of Hawaii
as a foreign country. Continuing, tho
congressman said the dispatches from
his district demanding tho impeachment
of Cleveland were very significant, and
showed tho excited condition of aflairs
in California. Pacific coast people are
also i licensed at tho president because
of tho non-enforcement of tho Chinese
act. In conclusion ho expressed a hope
that tho matter would soon bo amicably
settled, but asserted that thu restitution
of tho queen meant a roign of corrupt
Tun Bust Pi.AM'int. Dampen a piece
of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bind it ou over tho seat of
pain. It is better than any plaster.
When tho lungs are sore such an appli
cation on the cWfet and anothor on tho
back, between tile shoulder blades, will
often prevent pneumonia. There is
nothing so good for a lame hack or a
pain in tho side. A sort) throat can
nunriv uhvavs bo cured ill one night by
applying a liauuel bandage dampened
...i!ii..i., I',,!,,, nil emit bottles for
Willi on .ii.. - -
sale by Wukeley & Houghton, druggists.
They Threaten this Ilevlew Nowinier
With Their Vengeance.
Si-Ok-ANi:, Wash., Nov. 23. While no
overt act has .been committed, a good
deal of incendiary talk is afloat. At 11
o'clock a mob of ono hundred men gath
ered in front of the Reviow office and
was harangued by tho leader, an an
archist named Helm. Ho threatened
tho paper diro vengeance unless it altered
its editorial course. Tho crowd then
marched to A. M. Cannon's bank build
ing. By this time it had swelled to 200
or 300 men. There Helm repeated his
harangue. Mr. Cannon and Mayor
Powell addressed it, counseling prudence
and reason. At this hour, 1 o'clock, the
crowd has dispersed. A blinding snow
storm is prevailing, and disagreeable
weather seems to have chilled the ardor
of the mob.
One of
Admiral Mcllo's
London, Nov. 23. President Peixoto
telegraphed the Brazilian minister in
this city that the insurgent ironclad
Javary has been sunk by the batteries
at Nictberoy, and that the crew of the
Javary perished. The Javary was an
iron armored turret ship of 3,700 tons,
carried 10-inch Whitworth muzzle-load
ing rifle guns, six 5-inch rapid-firing
guns and five machine guns. She had
2,200 horsepower and 12 inches of armor.
She was a powerful vessel of light
draught, suitable for coast defense or
river service, and was built in France in
The Cronln Murder Mystery.
Cmc.Uio, Nov. 23. The state's attor
ney says he has unearthed startling evi
dence which he thinks will enable him
to secure the conviction of two men be
sides ex-Detective Dan Coughlin for the
murder of Dr. Cronin. The names of
the other two, he says, have not been
heretofore mentioned in that connection.
Sunshine comes, no matter how dark
the clouds are, when the woman who is
Uorne down bv woman's troubles turns
to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If
her life is made gloomy by the chronic
weaknesses, delicate derangements, anu
painful disorders that afllict her sex, they
are completely cured. If she's over
worked, nervous, or "run-down," she
lias new life and strengtii.
"Favorite Prescription" is a powerlui,
inviiroratinir tonic and a soothing and
strengthening nervine, purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, it regulates and
promotes all the proper functions of
womanhood, improves digestion, en
riches the blood, dispels aches and pains,
brings refreshing sleep, aim restores
health and vigor. For every "female
complaint" and disturbance, it is the
onlv remedv so sure and unfailing that
it can be guaranteed,
11 it doesn't oenent or cure, you nave
vour monev back.
Deserving l'ralso
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. Wo do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as wo stand
ready to refund tho purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies havo won their
great popularity purely on their merits.
Snipes & Kinorsly's druggists.
Good Job 1'rlntliiB.
If you havo your job printing done at
Tin: Ciiuoniclk vou will havo tho ad-
autage of having it done with tho most
modem and approved type, with which
wo keep continually supplied. All jobs
under tho direct supervision of one of
tho most successful and artistic printers
in tho Northwest.
wooni won in woom
Best grades oak. fir, pine and slab
wood. Office 133 Second street. All
orders promptly attended to.
tt AlAIKIl iV ii;.MU..
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturago
and any ono who desires to avail thorn-
selves of tho fact can secure reasouablo
terms upon application. 17tf
All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised hud better
come forward, as tho roll will bo pub
lished on tho 21st of this month.
T. A. W.utD, fciierin.
To A II Whom It Mny Concern .
By order of the common council of
Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d
day of November, 1893, notice is hereby
given that Baid city council is nbout to
proceed to order and mako the improve
ment of Second street in said city as
hereinafter stated, and tho cost of such
improvement will bo levied upon the
property adjacent thoreto, and said im
provement will bo made unless within
fourteen days from tho final publication
of this notice, the owners of two-thirds
of the property adjacent to said street
about to bo improved shall file their
remonstrance against said improvement
as by charter provided.
Tho improvement contemplated and
about to be made is as follows, to-wit:
To improve Second street in said city,
from Union street to the foot of the
brewery srnda by filling the same the
entire length thereof between said points
with crushed rock, so as to bring said
street up to the established grade thereof,
as heretofore established by ordinance
No. 247. Which grade in the middle of
the street is supposed to be of the same
elevation as the side walks along said
street, except where said side walks are
not on a uniform grade from square to
square, and said street shall be filled in
such a manner that when said improve
ment is completed the center thereof
shall be on the established grade and
and shall slant to each side to an eleva
tion of 8 inches below said established
Said improvement shall be made with
rock of such size as shall be furnished to
the property owners by the authorities
of Dalles city, and shall be hauled and
placed on said street at the expense of
the respective property owners abutting
upon said street, and spread on said
street so as to be of even surface and as
directed and under the supervision of
the committee on streets and public
Douglas S. Dufuk,
Recorder of Dalles City.
Dated this 21th dav of November,
3S!)3. " dl-1.
Materials of Which tlie I'mMcm In Gen
erally .1.1111".
No wreath has been so Ming by poets
and rhymesters an that which graces
the head of the bride cm her wedding;
day, iays the New York Advertiser,
and in most countries the myrtle is
closely associated with tho bridal
wreath. The latter has become a sym
bol of true womanliness, of purity of
mind and soul, and even Schiller is
among; those who have sung its praises.
In the time of tlie Old Testament this
Jews saw iu the myrtle a sign of what,
for them, was most beautiful and
precious the promised land for which
they were always longing. Later on,
among thu Greeks, tho myrtle anil the
rose were considered the favorite llow
ers of Venus, the goddess of love, and
gardens of myrtle were planted in her
honor, with beds of roses, the red rose
and the green myrtle representing the
union of love and virtue. Nowadays
the myrtle has, however, several rivals.
In America, in Fmglnnd, in France and
in Poland tho orango blossom reigiis
supreme; in Italy tho white rose has
taken tho place of evergreen and
fragrant myrtle wreath. In Spain the.
red rose and in Portugal the carnation
have supplanted it. In many parts of
(iermany there are several distinct
customs to bo observed. The sprigs
from which the wreath shall bo twined
must in some places bo taken at a -fixed
hour of the night between certain holy
days. In some countries or districts
the veil is used without the wreath.
In the provinco of Dalarne, in Sweden,
the bride weans a white cloth round
her head, and in several countries the
bridal wreath has, in tho of
time, taken the shape of a morn or les.s
elaborate headgear or wedding crown.
This is tlie ease in Norway and in
several places in (lurmauy. In Alton
burg it takes the shape of a red velvet
cap, round which run thirteen silver
rings, from which are suspended a
number of silver and gold plates and
coins. A veil and a profusion of filiat
ing silk ribbons in gay colors complete
the bridal crown. Iu Denmark tho
myrtle is universally used for bridal
wreaths, together with a long white
veil, Many families possess myrtle
trees, which havo for quite a genera
tion or more furnished tho myrtlu
wreaths for the brides of tho family.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec
tionery store.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report.