1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Enteral nt the l'otomee at The Dulles, (Intiffl, us otnl-clns matter. T11K IIAl.t.KS OltKOON THE WORLD'S CRIMINALS. I.N t."n tlu'vc woro t!,T;T pot-Mitts in j the pn ion" of ttiis country, or 2'J'J pur j 1,000.0(10 of population; now thovo tiro , Tiik prison population of India, lnrpo as it is. is only IIS por 100,000 in habitants, or loss than half tlio propor tion that prevails in Great llritain. In lvm tho.ro woro lo.:!:!" pouitontiary convicts in tho I'nito.l Statos, l'J,:"i;i inmates of tho county jails and M.StO boys and girls in the reformatories. In Saxon murder eases the number of compurgators demanded was some times very larjrc One ease is recorded iu which tho judges demanded 1.000. Exkcttions ceased to bo public in Enjrlnnd in lst'Ci. Hoforo that time they woro in the squares in front of the jail and attracted thousands of people. In- 1G3.&V.) persons woro arrested in Great Hritain for crime, of whom S3.C51. or 30 per cent., woro vagrants or persons having no stated employ ment. HORSE TALK. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, Tho Dalles, Or A nuoi) name for a choice baby colt "Prize Paekagv." To sTor a horse chewing- his tie rope, stoop it iu cayenne popper and water. Never tie a horo so loiiff that ho can put his head on tho lloor. If ho can put his head down he is sure to roll and pot cast. Ik you cannot stop your horso bolt ing his food by putting a handful of shelled corn in his manger, give him cut hay with ground food. Ho will masticate that. Wateu your horso before giving him hay. Give him hay before you give him grain. Give tho concentrated food last. His stomach is not largo enough to hold all at once. A .Million TrlciitU. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it lias wonderful curative powers in all liseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. EkcIi bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1.00. 5. L. YOUNG. Wateho- mid Jewelry repalriM to order on tiiort notice, ur.ti tntiifsctlun guaranteed AT THE htor iiI'I.'C. NirU-leii, ail M.'J hu JJiille EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under Higned hap been 'duly appointed by the County Court of the'State oi Oregon for Wasco" County in probate, executrix with the wll! annexed of the etate of James Underbill deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with proper vouchers at the law office of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. November 11, 1S93. Ci.aisa Z. Uxdeimiim., Executrix of the Kstate of James Under bill, deceased. NOTICK I01t PUBLICATION. l s. laxu Urricr:. The Palles. Or., j Oc-tolx-r 17, 1VJ3. ( Notice U hereby wlvtn ttmt the followim,'-iinniv-il tettler hai flkil notice of Ills Intention to mnke final uroof in kiiniiurt of Ills claim, mill that mlii prooi ivlll ! inaile before tho register ana receiver oi me l . . uinn nuico nt inc liillles, (Jr., on Monthly, .Nov. LT, lb'J.1, U: .JH II I I'M .11. riltlhllll. Ilonittfteml iippIk'Htloii No, S31'.' for &KK M-ction l. tii. a a. .it i i: w. is. He unmet the following wltneo to prove his continuous leslik-nci; tion ami cultivation of turn iitnn, viz.: I'en Ji.itty. llnyh Chrhmiin. V. K. Cnrton unil i;. N. Chuniiler, nil of The Dalles, Or. lO'.'iui JOHN W. I.KWlii, Itesliter. NOTIOK I-OU PUBLICATION. JaNii Okhck, The Dalle. )r.,j Oct. til, 1KU. I Notice is lierchv uiven Hint the following naiiieii settler him llleil notice of lilx Intention to maWo linid juoof in mpirt of Ills claim, mid Hint Mild uroof will lx Hindu heforu the UeitUtur Km mid Hmdver nt Tho DalJetf, Or., on December 11, ivas, vise. Itiilumlu . JtriiobN, ilevlnv. of John Jlnghob, ltccnM.il. HomciiteHil Ajiplle.'itlon No. KM. for the KJ.; HV.Ui mid S'., HWlf uf bec.Ui.'lii. 1 N li. 13 K. Ho names tho followlm,' wltnesken to prove 1Mb continuous aMUcneo iim mm cultivation of uld land, xle O. W.i.'ook, V A lllller, I'mnkt rdKhton mid ficth Mortem, nil of tlio Dalles. Or, tMf- 1.. JlitowM pleuho tulio notice, tlJu JOHN W. J-KVVIH. JtejrUter. r...t .JTnrfa.MirUnklllnHt. and all Vit.t !nl hftinMrnniilieleflfor Unnraitr Vm. En 5 our OrncciOppoiTe,U.B.pATCNTOrriccJ i aniTwectn secure patent lulcMthue uunww & 2 remote from WLlnrton. Jon. W 4itt, U petenuble or not, reo of Scott olMsefn toiJ.8.d toriacouatriM$ HQt UN, O.A.SNOWfcOO. O-fl. PaVTINTOffMC, WAMMNttTSM, B. C.i feu; Qolumbia otel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and nowlj furnished throuhottt, and la now hotter than over prepared to furnish thu best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rato of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. OflU'u of tho. fast and commodious opposition Slap to Diifur, Kingsley, Tyjih Valley, Wapinitiu, Warm Springs and Prinevillc is in tho Hotul and persons jroinj: to l'rinuville can save J4.00 by goiii: on this Stago lino. All trains stop here. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. Tlese are Ml li mes! YOUR ATTENTION In ohIIhi! to the fnot ttmt Hagh Glenn, DmhUm in tiliiH-. I.iine. I'lnHtor, Ccintint mid r.itlldliii; Mnicriiil of all kiiulu ; i ! tin. t'lniMt 1, in,, i,r PlGIU Mil mgs MINHNS HE NEW TOWN has been plntteil on thr old camp Rrouud, nt the Forks mid k Falls of Hixxi river, with lare, l:htlvlots,hrod streets and alleys. Rood soil ' and pure water.with shade iu profusion, perfect drnlnaBO.dellRhtf ill inoun tain climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort for all uretton, beinc the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is unpaniliekv as n mauufHCturlnt: center, beint; the natural center for ISO Mjuiire miles of the best cedar and tit timber, possessing millions of horse-tmer in its dnshtnc streams and water falls, easily harnessed. Where clieiip motive power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot bo excelled anywhere for fruit mid agriculture, and with transportation already nssurvo you will tlnd this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investmen TITLE PERFECT See me on the ground, 01 address me at Hood River Wasco County. Oregon. W. Ro Winan . u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the CiirtiSaleil- WE DOH'T WANT YOUR LIFE! I Irin Fait RlLROHD Id the Hue to take ALL MINTS EAST AMI S Just Jloia, BUT WOULD LIKE To bt found In the City. 72 Uioshington Street. From TErWINAli or INTERIOR Points Tit It And THE CHKOJNICIiE pro poses to enliven them "by in-! troducing its newsy presence, into eveiy home in Wasco: County. Circulation must be doubled, and to do this wo propose to furnish the Weekly Edition i ' for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a GEflT amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in-J formation on all subjects, and; pl pauI and Chicago (NO OHANOK OK tJAUH,) (,'omxed of llluliiK (,'nrs unnurpansiil. I'nli man 1'rawlUK Itoom bleeiernof latent equipment TOUIIIST SLEEI'INIi CABS licit that ran In' riiiiitruiittil, mid In which arriiniinodatloun are IhiIIi l-'reo and Kurnltiisl for holderHof First and Hccond'Clim Tickets., mid ELEGAUT DAY COACHES A rnutlnuniiK line, oonniiHlnt: with all lltii-x nllordliiK direct and uninterrupted ctvIcu l'llllman Hlei!l;r rccl rations can Ik- urur"! In advance through any wrenlnf the nmd esTDeciallv for the stock-raiser. 'THROUGH TIGKETS puliiu In Aravrlri, J KliKlaiid and F.uro can la) purehnni at nr at CRAIMDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BllIOK, - - UNION ST. YOUR IWOJiEY, ELL Pipe D. BUNN , Tin Repairs m Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. WOIK Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubs Blacksmith Shop The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ox press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and tho surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is tho best medium for advortisors in tho Inland Empire. , Tho Daily Ciihoniole is published ovory eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 por annum. Tho Weekly Ciihonioms on Fridays of each week at $1.50 por annum. y For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address the; chronicle publishing co., the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sundays, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. pot The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this ooasc. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY Si.so. ticket iilllci' of tliitrinniiany Full miiiriiiMtliin rnni'L-rnlnt; rnu-n, lime ol trains roittfx anil ntlinr ili'tnll lunillM on iillk'atliin in W. C. ALLAWAY, AUflit II I', .v A. Nnv. Co., ItoKUlator (ifflCT, TM Itallvn, Or., ur A. I. CIIAKIrON. A 1 in iii-tiil I'MUM't.iwr Aut.. I'lirtlnml. n, BhOUSB 1 OUR GflEAT OFFEH I FOR 1894. Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Reasonble. -.MAltK tiOOlIM - X7". -X7W. Oo. Til li tti I.I.KK. lt INTERNA TIONA I .JiWMDICTIONARY HurunuitiMruiar .... iiliccctuuir "l "-, Tun yearn ,n In nivlilin;, l'" w; mum tlum W1" UXIUIIIlL'll. tttufviuith' fllmillil "'"' t H iilxilmmiv. It an- Mwuriiitll i,1,!P ciMiciiriilnif ilwlilv loiy, WN'lfluB. ;wj llllll! at lull, i 111 llll-.'lllilll' of tvoiiw ,i..Tair It nlrfOl'lVl' 11111 iiuuii iivnimu iiiiiiiiiiiivk'" v' : ,1,,. umlnont iurmiiM; factH inauiTiiluij' tmnitrlcH. tillloH, tnwiiH. ttnil iwtur. " nra ir link irliilut ti-i rl 1 IiirH iTiiiikv n niituil JlctltluiiH iiiirminH anil placorti tw Uttlou of forulKii ijiiotutlonii, worclH, iirnviirlirt; iil(j,,ntc.,i)ti. . Thin WorkiHlnvnlttnblp j" J'1 lionmiliulil.iiiiil to tlio tt-anliiir, hoihhhh It-NHlijiial man, nun hoir-oiniraun .Sold I'll III limtkHdU m, !. tt V. Morrluui Co. i'liMlnlivfH, iSprlmiJlilil, Mum. wcnsTElVS INTERKArtOMAtl "aisfflB Billow 5 nllllom. . S ySi;lnlfiirlri-oiiiiwi-i'lii. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. N HAS A FAMILY OF () 2000 EEADERB. 'fhoy n-ait Tlio Cliroulnlti to go' tlio liUwt '"' iniiNt rollaliln 1 mvH. Ami lUvy n-ait tivy Unit In In tlm t..or. fl'lint U wliat 'l"kuV" (iliionltiltt an Invnliialilu iiilvfrtUIntr ,l,t"1" , ' 'I'lin imwhia;r Hint s "lHH '" "T ,,l . i llri'MiU-H In tlio dim () Unit tlio iicivorU. of loilay patronUo wlivn tin')' iWZl, ii'iitih tlio .tMiilo. When tlioy wuit ynur ira ' their immMiiii-umt'iiU will ho (miml l Ul'' ' 1 , i... ..1 i.liMiirvo tho VtTllua tlnn of tho truth of thin iimortlon. Um""r' ntrmloorn family nf two tmni.an U worth uskliiK for thrmiKh thwo I (.oliimiiH, uMwhilty nt our very