The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 23, 1893, Image 3

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    fliis Day Only.
This Day Oiily.
Saturday, November 25, 1893.
Your Choice, 25 Cents.
jMtulo n largo purcliasti for not cash, and will soil, this day only, Knotted Fringed Damask
Towels, actually worth '10 els. and 50 els. for 25 ets. Omno and see for yourself.
Take your Choice ef our
and $1.00
I FourinHands
a Tecks,
jYc hicar Comer Window.
Towels Center Window,
a all goods marked
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
'fii'it ii 'lu I'oitntllre lit Tim lliilleit, Oregon,
IIM tl'Ollll-f'lllMi Illllttl.T.
I. in ill All vnrtlHllli;.
n in pi r Inn lur lltst liiicrtlnii, mill fi CuiitH
vr Hue fur each MlljU'ipiuiit Insertion.
ipii'lul nili'i for Inns tlnm nntleen.
,' liM-m iiotti'VK rti'iilvi il later tlmti II o'clock
ll. appear tliu followliiR ilny.
NOV. L'll. 18l).'i
'I'll,- liitili mid Weekly (' via;
W found on unit' ut I. C. Xichelnen'n ulnre..
nr lliilly Hhuii-iii I'riiiii In mul Admit
tlio City.
While tliu union It made of honey
bivul- mure esteemed tlnm moi.ey,
lllil when tlu lioiit'yiiiiHiii Ik our
luil have meroy on tin poor.
Sleighs mill bob-sleds nri" in order.
Tliiiiikyivint; I in tlio ruin of 1'en
noyor. One hobo found release from tlio in
I'lcini'iit weather in tlio city jitil last
It 'ih reported Unit there iH three fcut
of hiioiv at lVndlcton und two fi.'ttt tit
TlmiikuKiviiiK wan vjisinsrally observed
taluy by tlio hchools, banks, shops and
many of tlio moron.
Tint hulls of justice tins deserted, und
Hip Hliurill' and county clerk's ollit.'o uro
closed lu honor of TlmukH",iviui: Dny.
An awning at tho side of Pease oi
Mayo' Htore hunt with this weight of
snow upon it, hut did not full.
Tho passenger train that came in thi'
morning passed through four feut of
Miuw in tho lllui! mountains last evening.
Tho river iH rising rapidly und if a
warm ruin or chinook should net in, the
Columbia might raise his feet in a day.
"Huh," our uprightly Mimier eorres-
poiidnut, Iiiih resumed his post and wo
hopu to hear from him regularly each
weuk hereafter.
It snowed hiHt night. Tull mo homo-
tiling I don't know. LTho liiHt sentence
iH added hy our dovll while wo wont out
to measure liow deop it was.)
Iluv. Mr. Corwin, tho deposed Congre
gational minister, is preaching at Salem,
endeavoring 11 following, though
outHido tho pale of tho church.
.Mr. II. II, Campbell Iiiih opened out
hin Htore, lately occupied by Mr. Leslie
Hutler, in lino shape. Mr. Goo. Kruuss,
who Ih ho favorably known, will romahi
with Mr. Campbell.
Tho asylum party for some reason
liavo cancelled their uirungoiuontH to
Htart to KiiHtorn Oregon, and it is now
announced they will leave Salem about
tliu iHt of December.
A Hpecial meeting of tho King's
DiiughterH will bo hold Friday aftornoon
at tho roHldouco of Mm. S. L. Urookn to
consider Important IiuhIiiohh. A full at
tendance is requested.
An electric light at tho corner of Ninth
and I'untland would boa very ood tiling.
Wo understand Mayor Kruft will IntoroHt
lilinsulf In tho niattor ami lay It buforo
tliu next meeting of tho city council.
U Ih Haid thuro Ih hoiiio tloHtitutiou in
tlio city at present. It Ih tho duty of all
to teinedy or report to tho proper
"UtIinrltleH all ciiboh within their
knowledge- deserving of charity, that no
Mitlorlng may exiHt.
In a telegraphic heading tho Telegram
miiiouiicoH that the queen la restored to
tlio tlirono. According to today 'h dis
patches she is Htill thrown, for the
Hteuiner which arrived in San Francisco
this morning states thut Willis is wait
ing for further instructions before pro
ceeding in the mutter.
! Two trumiia nliiccd an iron rail across
tho railroad truck near Ilurrisburg for
the purpose of wrecking and looting the
train. The engine knocked oil tho mil
by a fortunate chance, und was so saved
from throwing the train down an S-foot
embankment. The trumps ure now in
We are in receipt of an invitation to
attend the annual commencement exor
cises of tho ArkunHiis Industrial Univer
sity, beginning Nov. 24th and ending
.Nov. 28th ut Fayetteville, Ark., through
thucourtsey of I'rof. II. Willis, formerly
professor of Wuhco Independent acad
emy. I'rof. Willis is one of the few
philologists of America and exception an
ally able intructor.
Tin- Slime Sturm.
The heavy snowfall so early in the
scutum is rare, iietween tlio Hours oi
1 o'clock lust night and 7 this morning
thuro was an average depth in Tho
Dalles of ten inches, later reaching
twelve and a precipitation of 1.03 inches.
The depth at Hood River is 1" inches
hut ut the Cascades much less. No per
ceptible ell'ort in traflic is apparent,
though the heavy fall in tho Blue
lnoiiuUiins, about four feet, will un-
doubtedlv delav truiiiH which uro now in
thut. vicinity. The weather at present
is variable, though indications point to
warmer weuthur, when a bright sun
shining out from a blue sky will rapidly
dissolve the "beautiful." However thu
Toi'thind forecast for the next twenty
four hours calls for more snow.
Wlllllllh' l.lllt'Ht.
Mr. W. U. Winans, not satisfied with
nature's bequest of a coal mine, has io
cently run across a gigantic ledge of gray
granite, of tine texturo and a very
beautiful quality of rock. The ledge is
in plain sight, as it comes out in the
face of a precipice and extends back for
three-quarters of a mile. There in an
inexhaustible quantity of it. and us it is
the lirst well defined ledge to be found
in this section, should be very valuable.
Flout rock of the same kind can be found
uttiruud 1 biles, but it probably came
from a distance with a glacier.
Cot It lluwli I'llli'.
Tom: Hill, what is tbis gastric fever
they are talking about?
Hill: Why, it's a kind of a (ever
that'H caused by inhaling the gases from
sowers and things like that; tho bud
smell makes tlium Hick and It runs into
a fever.
Till In to certify Unit I lmve UH'tt Kriiuio's
Hi'itiliKiliu CiqimiloH iurloilli'iill.v for evvr olio
year, mul luivu very much pIcnMirc In htiitliiK
Unit tlioy liuvo nlwtiys proved beiiellclul mitt
iniv. i i.'llm-iil mi; In f iiiiii ton to llfteea minute.,
I liuvo beon n Kiill'erer from lieiulimlm for many
yiMrn, mul liavo nuvor fouml anytlilni; Jo tin mo
iih niueii kooo an mtunsun in-iiuiii'iiu i,uinuivn.
V'.... lili I lllllU llMHUlN.
" 'JillB.roi.larKt ,, Ki.u.
Holil by SulpcM A KlliiTHly.
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in
tho drug business at r.lkton, ivy., for
the niiHt two vo yours, says: "Uham
berlaln's Cough Homody gives better
Hiitirifuet on than any other cougli mom
clue 1 have ever sold." There is good
reason for this. No other will cure a
cold so quickly; nu other is so curtain a
preventive and cure lor croup ; no otuer
iillbrds so much relief in ;!iibob of whoop
ing cough. KnV ul ly lilakeley Ot
Houghton, druggists.
Thiilr Huiti'hhCuI Hull at Wlncatn Hull
l.uM Mclit.
The grand Thundsgiving ball given by
the Miirnonettes hist night was tho
sociul event thus far this season.
Whether it was because of a general de
sire to honor the governor's appointed
Thanksgiving, or because of the popu
larity of the mirth-loving and mirth
creating Mignonettes themselves, it 5b
certain that a great number of people
tivuiled themselves of the opportunity to
"trio tho liirht fantastic" under their
auspices. The decorations were superb.
Wingate hall is spacious, but the walls
were completelv covered with a wealth
of everirreen und the national colors
shone with brillinncy on every hand.
The numerous large American flags,
gracefully draped in all parts of the
I building, gaye u thoroughly patriotic tur
! to the festivities fitting to the event.
The music was the Birgfcld orchestra,
which is nil that need be said as to its
merit. All the conditions were favorable
for a grand good time and this the Mig
nonettes and their invited guests cer
tanly enjoyed. Dancing was continued
until about 2 o'clock, and then tho gay
revelers dispersed for their homes. The
beautiful decorutions will probably be
left to do duty for tho Chrysanthemum
club, if they conclude to give a dance on
Clevclatid'H Thanksgiving night.
Mr. C. P. Healdof Hood Kiver is in
the citv.
Mr. James McMillan of Sherman
county is in the city today.
Dr. D. Siddall returned today from an
extended eastern trip through the states
and Canada.
Mr. Win. (lilliinn. lirst ollicer of the
ocean steamer, South Coast, is in the
city visiting relatives and old time
friends. Wo acknowledge a pleasant
call from that gentleman. His homo is
in Berkeley, California, where he has re
hided for tho past jiino years. Mr.
tiilliuin will return to his ship in Port-
lund in tho morning
..Miiiiliiiu. i'oiiuw nn mutter limv dark
the clouds uro, when the woman who is
bornu down by woman's troubles turns
to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If
her life is made gloomy by tho chronic
weaknesses, uencaio aerangemeiiiH, uuu .lluM..l.kt'u lluir. nlllii'f lim'KOv. t.liov
are completely cured. If she's ovor-
worKcii, nervous, or ruu-uowii, euo
lias now lite ami mrengin.
ul.'irr..W.. Pi-ociirintmii" ia it lirm'orf ill .
invigorating tonic and a soothing and
strengthening norvine, purely vegetublo,
perleouv iiurmieHs, xi renuiuieis uuu
promotes till tho proper functions of
womanhood, improves digestion, en
riches tho blood, dispels aches and pains,
brings refreshing sleep, and restores
health and vigor. For every "female
complaint" aim utsiuroatice, it. ih uio
only remedy so sure and unfailing thut
it win bo yiuimuUed.
If it doesn't benetlt or cure, you liavo
your money duck
A recent discovery by on old
jiliysU'lau. Succesrfullu ued
MiontMu 1V thoutaniti of
UvlU-f. U tlio only perfectly
.,...1 .itlinliln lncilk'hu 1U-
covered. Bewtiro of iunrlncli.led drueeUts who
X inferior medlolues lu I'lacoof UiU. Auk for
CooV. Cotton Hoot Compound. taU uo .nMt.
tutc. or h.e"""8l and 0 cents lu ,K8te In letter
IwrtlonluM In I'l'il" veloi.e. to ladlen o.dy. J
Btan W. Addrem 1 o u d h H V C o in p o li V.
sUU,U ' K. ji ruber Jllock. Dotiolt. JUeU.
Sold lu TlioPiilleH by ttlakeloy .V llounton.
'. w'noii, woon
Boat grades of oak, fir, ami lil' vori
wood, at lowest market rutcH ut Jim. i.
PotorseiCo. lOlllce Second uml Jeller
gou strootH.)
"Snli" Illlinrnntnii In thn Hummer and
I Now Out AraIii.
xo ICvans has a fine exhibit of ap
ples at the store.
Charles Dngan has left for Medford,
Oregon, on business.
The wagon road west of Mosier is
badly washed out and in need of repair.
Merchants Flaherty and Power are
having a large cellar excavated under
their building.
.Tas Watt has invented and built a
grubbing machine, which promises to
be a decided success.
Kev. Frank Ireland has left for Oys
terville, on the coast, where ho goes to
act as pastor for the Missionary Baptist
A Thanksgiving offering of provisions
was made to Kev. M. C. Alcridge and
family at the school house last Sunday,
in which quite a number took part.
Our citizens arc pointing out snow on
the surrounding mountains and talking
quite unconcernedly. Talk on, good
people, chat for you is chatter for us.
The present cold snap reminds us
most forcibly that winter is coming on.
Many of our citizens figuring on this
event have put in their winter supplies
of provisions and have their woodshed
well filled. About the only preparation
we've made is to let our whiskers grow
and try to not think about anything.
Quito a number of new orchards have
been put out in this vicinity this fall.
N. Sturgis has put out 1,500 trees, A.
Root and Geo. Salinger have put out
quite an acreage, about nine acres have
been planted on the Harlan ranches,
while a number of others have put out
family orchards.
Wishing to lay in a stock of groceries,
provisions, dry goods, boots and shoes
before the winter season, we will sell to
the highest bidder 2,000 pounds of fine
Italian prunes. Bids will be received
until Dec. 1, '93. Fruit will be guaran
teed in good condition, and shipped as
soon as possible. Fifty per cent of the
purchasing price will be demanded forth
with. The trees will be planted in the
spring. Sun.
It rays.
It pays to take and read the papers,
especially your own home daily. Often
in this way good business opportunities
are brought to your attention. For ins
tance, if you wish to secure a good pay
ing situation, then yon had betterlookat
the advertisement of B. F. Johnson &
Co. Richmond, Va., in another column;
perhaps what they have to say may in
terest you.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live
doses, only 25c. Children love it. .Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly.
Business Change.
The undersigned has bought
the Chinese merchandise busi
ness heretofore conducted by
and will pay all bills owing by
said firm if presented to them
before December 1st, ISM. '
HID .Main St., Tin' IhiUei.. Or.
"Samantha at the World's Fair,"
Anil be up to the times
A. G. Hoering,
lieal Am'ilt, The Dallas Or.
I M. Honywill '
Has Just received
fuuii the farl.ii.-t
H a n d le rc li i e f s
.and Neckwear,
clothing & Furmsning goods
Just llrrivert from dew Y it
At Remarkably Ixjw Prices.
Splendifl Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50
tit i t ry i
.1 hi it i i i i i v Tl m ii n.
" iJUUXS, onuxiD, nvio, mu.
As we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
he famous A. S. Collins ami wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found the verv lowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to
examine our goods and prices before purchasing.
Tailor Made Overcoats
T will furnish nnythlni; neciled irom nn nuerini;ei- us eucnr.
I ns can he proeureii irom nn yone mm uei nm wms
in inn A snpu.Tinn . linn I Illivii ll ucilt'l u "en in
Roods, iinvintf tnKcn ine necessary euursu m
instruction in einbnimiiK;, i nm jircpuieu
to iittend to cverythlUK liertainiug to
the business..
I II- l i ur-r1
I I Mi III I 1 9 lilt
Corner of Thiid und WnshliiB
n streets. HKSIDKN'C'E Comer
.of Fourth und Washington street". All
.orders promptly attended tu . .
Can be Called Day or Night.
WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Emnalmer.
Clothier and Iailor.
Decidedly the Finest Line of . .
Gents' FutrnishLiiig Goods,
Trunks and fraises, etc., etc.
... .Familiar Faces in a Arezv Place. .
Lute Special Aijent General Land Oijice.
Bayard dfc? Earnett
J)e Ieal Estate, par), lurapee,
3ST O OC Jk. JEZ. "32" PUBXiIO.
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, J louses to Rout, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their iulvantii,'e to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep States Land OHicc.
85 Washington St.
Successor to LESLIE BUTLER,
Will eoustuntlv ktep on hand a eompleto Hue of
lliivtim purehiiied Mr. llutlers entile htouk, 1 shall tndeavor to maintain the iei.iit, of
1 thu house, which has beta
Call and see me, next door to Postoffice.
Mi's inn Claft.
r 11:11 '
All gooils marked in rlala figures,
166 Second Street.
It costs you 50 cents to join,
if you join before Saturday.
Every member is guaranteed
a Crayon. Now for Christ
mas Presents for yourself or
friends. Investigate!