The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 23, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
HV MAIL, rOSTAOK vrkpaid, in advance.
Weekly, 1 year t 1 60
' 6 months. 0 75
8 ' 0(0
Dally, 1 ycjir 6 CO
6 months SN
" per " 0 60
Address all communication to " THE CHHON
COLK." The Dalles, OrcROU.
orricK hours
0fneml Dollver' Window S u. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Orvler ' s n. ni. to 4 p. m.
H.inday it l). '
trains gotns East ....9 p. m. and 11:45 n.xu.
" " West 9 p. ni. and 5:;Wp. in.
Stage lor Goldcndale 7:30 n. in.
" l'rlnerillu 5:30 a.m.
" "DnfuratidWarmSprlnBs ..5:!Xa. m.
" fLcAVluR tor Lvlo lliirtliiuit. .5:80 a. m.
" " " tAnteiopo 5:;. m,
Except Sunday.
iTri-weekly. Tuesday ThurMay and Saturday,
t " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
NOV. 12;;, 1S93
Minister Thurston lias published :i
lengthy statement in answer to Para
mount Blount's report, in which lie con
victs that gentleman of promulgating
eonie untruths, and establishes the fact
that tho revolution was accomplished
without any interference from II. S.
marines. The American people will ap
preciate Mr. Thurston's candor and
plain-spokenness at any rate. This is
what they are accustomed to, instead of
the secrecy, intrigue and deception with
which Cleveland, Blount, et al., now
stand convicted in this Hawaiian affair.
The wealth of France is estimated at
52 billion, or about 1,350 dollars per
capita. The wealth of the United States
ia estimated at about .$1,000 per capita,
or G" million. The annual value of its
product is about 10 billion; about 12 per
cent, of this is paid for transportation of
persons and property ; all of it is the gift
of nature, through the instruments of
hand and brain. American railways
show aggregate earnings since January
1st, are but a small percentage less than
in 1S92. It is reported there are 117 pig
iron furnaces in blast, against 244 last
year; that steel rails are selling at $21
against 30 in 1S92, and $120.50 in 1S73.
Banks of England and France hold 72
percent, of reported European stocks of
gold. Gold is at a premium in Brazil
and other South American countries,
Spain, Italy and Austria. The United
States treasury shows less gold for re
demption purposes than at any previous
period since resumption of specie pay
ments. A dollar will now practically
buy more necessities than ever the world
If all papers like the Mercury in the
United State3 were forced to suspend
publication it would be well for the gen
eral morality of tho country; and the
fact that they are occasionally roughly
handled by the courts shows the detesta
tion in which they are held by tho
morally inclined. They are companion
able only to tho ignorant and the vicious,
and their influence can only tend to
make these more so. As snrely as water
seeks its level, so all people who revel in
reading the Mercury exhibit theirprefer
ence for the immorality of which it is
a representative. Everything grows
with what it feeds on, and any person
who habitually reads the Mercury molds
his mind in channels of crime and lust.
The Mercury's circulation was chiefly in
the saloons and brothels, and it is a
pleasuro to say that none of the best
people in Portland would tolerate it in
their homes, and it will be conceded
without argument that any devout be
liever in the religion of Jesus Christ was
not a purchaser of the Mercury. Tin;
Chuonicle did not exchange with the
Mercury and never quoted from it, and
while it may have been a lion, Tin:
CmtoNici.i: never acknowledged it as
"A soft answer turneth away wrath."
Yes, but it is absurd to expect some
body else to do all tho soft answering.
People say that when a stranger first
comes to America in New York ho is
asked: "How much money have you
got?" In Philadelphia, "Who are you?"
and in Boston, "What do you know?"
Messrs. Blount, Cleveland and Gresh
am have made the common error of over
stating their case. They have sought
their information among tho dusky
satellites aim nangers-on ot an opera
bouflb court, and tiave been influenced
by British rather than American inter
All the territory now embraced in the
states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho,
wye the Spokane Review, was once un
der a provisional government. Pioneers
of American birth ran up the American
flag and knocked or admission to the
Union. Then, as uow in Hawaii, Brit-
iah interests catne very near prevailing,
but the Americans won by a scratch,
and the vast territory of Oregon was
eagerly taken into tho Union fold, and
the natives were not consulted either.
It was a lucky thing for the United
States that a Cleveland was not then in
the presidential chair.
Um MeziikD: Silver Stove Polish
Wot clam broth, at J. O, Mack's every
tay t A o'clock.
A sedentary occupation,
plenty of sitting down and not
much exercise, ought to have
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
to go with it. They abso
lutely and permanently cure
Constipation. One tiny, sugar-
coateci reuet is a corrective, a ,.n.ii
regulator, a gentle laxative.
They're the smallest, the CaSl- ' iiKrlt'iiltiirnl iupiM III the country
Oriental Worlmti'ii Who lluto ilrenl SKIM
In Th It Itrundi ol llolcii.
An art which Is carried to u high de
gree of excellence in the oast, but
which seems in some dancer of decay
ing, is that of ornamental bookbinding.
Some notion of the skill tif oriental
craftsmen in this branch of design
may bo gathered from specimens given
in the latest issuo.of the .lournal of In
dian Art and Industry. The best of
thoM specimens, says Col. Holbein
llondloy. came from Ulwar. and are 1
doubtless of Persian origin. Few ap
proach in goodness of design and in
carefulness of execution the work of I
Karl Ahmed and hissons, who were for I
some years in the emnloy of the chief
of riwar. The grandsons have now
succeeded to the sons, however, and in
their hands the art is likely to become
a mere trade. In India a man of real
genius developsan art from some hints
he receives from strangers, or, it may
be. discovers it himself, but from
jealousy or from fear of destroying his
monopoly, teaches: only the members
of his own family, who may or may
mu snare ins sum. nun vnus in me ; . . . ,,.c(
course of a generation or two nothing j "l l" "'
remains but a shadow or parody of per- I natural remedy HO reaction exquisite production. . afterward. Sick Headache,
In the I'hvar bookbindings the orna- I ti i i i i- t v
ment is somewhat after the old r.roiier i Bilious Headache, Indigestion,
style, in which the colors are painted j BilioUS Attacks, and all Stoill
on the boards and are not inlaid. In ! ach amJ bowcj derangements
most of the designs the pattern is pro-: , .. 3 .
duced by the use of brass blocks. The are prevented, relieved ana
colors are then painted on with the j cured,
brush. Sometimes ihe Phvar artist .
eolors the whole of the ground, and at
others only part of it. so as to produce
very different effects by the use of the
same blocks. The effect is remarka
bly line, and is comparable to the de
sign work on some of the most beauti
ful productions of the more famous
china manufactories. The bindings
are expensive, as they are all hand
made, and a great deal of gold is used.
A bargain may be made, however, with
the present artists, who ask for as
much as they can get. As their work
is curious and valuable, they have, us
a rule, very little dilliculty in disposing
of it. Numerous specimens have been
made for the queen and other distin
guished persons. They all show more
or less similarity to the best specimens
of Persian workmanship, of which the
binding of the Koran, purchased by
Emperor Aurungzebc. and now in the
royal library at Windsor, is a particu
larly interesting example.
Oldest Agricultural Paper in America.
To all cash tub?crlbers of Tin: Cn ito.vici.ic
paying uuu year In advance.
The American Farmer,
1729 New York Avouuo,
Till! AMItlllC.lN l-'AHMCII, Which ll HOW OIltlT-
Itnr iiiion Iti 7MIi onr, la the pioneer fiimu'r'n
lin.-r In tlu- rountry.
It Is a liirni' olRlit pttRo iH'r, anil rontiilui to
colillMui of I ho cliolri-st iifiltriiltiiriil ilttil liter
art mutter, plentifully emlx-IUilied ullli lluu
UHiMrntlon. It Is
ami deals with fiirniliiK ami farmer's lnletet.s
on liroait, practical Hues, it
ami everything that appears in Its columns Is of
tlte hlKliettcliaraeter Kwty ileptrtment of the
farmers ImMncss Is illveii-oril In an earnest,
practical way, looking to the im-atcst prollt ami
licncttt to tho fanner anil his familv.
It appears mi the lt ami 1.1th of each mouth,
s inriii.niii in me iov iiricooi
In advance. Tills iniiK.-s tin- ehi-uiipst
A croat many inuilicines " relieve
Catarrh in the Head. That means j
that it's driven from the head into j
the throat and lungs. Jlitt, by its
mild, soothing, cleansing and healing 1
properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh I Jem- I
edy perfectly and "permanently cures.
A (iKXTS makof.'i.OOn itnv. driMtiM kitchen 1
J utensil ever invented. Kctnlls .l els .'Mi
mhl In every hous
DttrliiK tho comltiK ear Iheto will In-an ni-iiieiiM-
numlicr of matters of tho must vital In
terest to farmers dealt with by Consress and the
K.xccutlNo Departments at Washlni'toii. It Is
highly important that Ihe funnels bo kept
promptly ami fully informed as to what Is bcliiK
planned and itonu ullivtliiK them at the National
('apltal. They should all, therefore, tako Tin:
A m Kill can' 1'aiimi-u, which, belnu on tlioKround,
has bettor facilities than any other paiicrs for
KCttlin: this Information, ami devotes Itself to
tuts unty. niey will turn in it constantly a
grout amount of valuable. Information that thuv
ean get In no other paper.
Tin: AMKiin-AN l-AKMiniaud Tin: Ciikonici.i:
will Ik: seutone jour for ll.7,i.
Baby Caps and Cloaks
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Beooml Strom. ANNA PETER SCO.
S.iimilp. iMisrL'f tuid. live
McMaliln and Co., (Tucluu.lti, Ohl".
Not IlescrviiiK " Sjnipnthy.
Persons who will persist in dytiif: by
inched with dyspepsia and liver disease
when Simmons Liver Kegulator an
unfniliti" remedv for these maladies.
ANTKD l'ushliiK Canvaer of ml
dress. Liberal salary and oxik'iio iuld
weoklv. Permanent position. llltnWN llltin.
l'-, Nurserymen, Portland, Or. Uv
maktiiK Ji'-'.ro to ?.r.oo put wi:kk
Parties preferred who can furnish a horn- and
travel through the country; a team, t'i. '..-I, is
not necessary. A few vacancies In t-mn- and
(ttlcs. spare hours mav bo used t" c ! ad
vantage. It. I'. JOHN.-ON Alt'.
11th nml .Main Ms., I'.icrnni.nd. V i.
Kootn? to rent at Kev.
denee on Ninth street.
Horn's resi-G-L'Sdaw
tlji- ilay luvksl
Annzreeable Lasativo and U EUVE TOH IC.
Sold by iJruEfristsor tent by tnall 20c., COc ,
nd Sl-00 per package. Samples free
Tho Fnvorito PSTD22
I fortho Teeth andiJreath.25c.
For Mile by Hnlpos A- Kliiemly.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c.
With Elcctro-MaBnetlo 3UHFEH30RY.
i.atcJt I'McnUI JJest Iinproirmtnts I
WJIle :.-o without ini'Jl?!im nil Wrilini rn.illlm; from
ov.T-tHxatliM of brain rn-rvo forces l ozt'tMjiiorliKjii
mucin, as nervous tli Irfllty. Meer-levmea, Ur.pior,
rlimntlm. kidney, liver and bladder tompliUnts,
lam? 1.1-tlr, luiabaao, eclttlra, ell frrnaln coiaplalrits
vt-ntnl Id liealtli, etc. Tim electno IJiit contiliu
Oimdrrful lo.,.rit.l over all ether. Current n feitljv weaier or we forfeit S,0O0.w, nnij
ivilleuruallof tho olio ro dlnntea or no pay. ll.oij-.-nJs
linro been cured by thli inarreloas Invention
trier ul other rernojlus failed, and we Klvo tiuoOiU'Jl
CI ic illmonUI j In tli la ana every other Mote.
our i'c.iYi inpre.n mrvrmc htsri:vso:tT. vn
peutM.t Ifon ever olferexl weak men, run: llhll
Jlilli. UnlUiaod llitorgu. Slr.lllCrtIlir:r.lluO'IU
i;s Head for liiua'd I'ataplilet, miuiisl .otalod, fre0
fto. 17 flr.tMtreel, QUIZ.
Easily, Quickly, Restored.
nod all ttio train of rill)
Iromeaily error or XUxr
ciuetses, Uio rehulu of
overwork, loknomi,
worrv.etc. Fullfctreiiiftt,
dcvtlopnieut and toua
Klvtn Ui e ery oruan and
isirtlon of tho body.
Mrnple, natural ineUioOi.
etD. Failure finpomlble.
UfW reference. Uuulr,
eiplauatlori and procfa
inaiJed (Mated) free
urrAko. n. v.
John Pashek,
it v virtue of an execution and order M ml-.,
l.-ucd cut of the Circuit CmU"! fe -late id i
Oregon, for the t.Vunty of W'nc.. t.i nn-dlrei'teil j
ct'tiiiiiandliiK me to niaki! miluof the u'.d In the
said writ, de.-crlbcd to-wlf Thui-e pK- e and i
pircels of land In Wasco Count). ?ute of Ore- I
Son, known and described as the n'lth half of j
tectlon viahtff-, and the houtb half of -i-ctlon I
nine i'Ji anil the east half and the witithuct
I'liuter and tho caht half of th - i.i'rtnuest iuar
t and the houthwuit rUarterof tin- northuot
,'i irte of Mt'tion ten (10) illd the north half of ,
i. ie unrthweit quarter and the n.iitiiea.t nuarter 1
i i bo northwest ipiartcr f fn" tloii tiltitn il'i,,
ul f loivuhipono (1, north of Uuinie fourteen
ii iMt i.i the Willamette to maUe
a-, i :, the'umof money, in cald court adjudjr
I i- c paid to thepbilntiU'in said nctioo. In
. i , nctioii Tho Solicitors lm.i mid Trusi
p 'iv wcri? plalntltl' ami Jhiiu's lim.tb, Mar '
fi.". ' oolh, l'vertt K. Hall. J 1 McClure,
. r . Ii McClure, l. I). Alter, italph Itonem, .lu- ,
ii. i S Koeri., t'ri Kuibxlv. J M 'Inyornnd J ,
1 l.duard.i weriMiefeiMiint, t.. uit ttieMiin of,
fjiin w with intcrctt theteon, In. in .I11I5 1. imw,
at tae rate of .six p-ri-ent jier .uiuiim mid j'iW.u") 1
aiu rneys iecn in miui aciinn nni 1 nsi ami 111
buri-o wits therein taxed, 1 inn
iiikjii the luiid aforex.ild and .11
.Siitniiliiy lli- :i.'lril ilny of IieeeinliiT IKtl.'l,
at th' hour of 10 o'clock -i .1 in front of the
curt house il'ior, In thei'itv "f 'I tie lullen, in
sjin onnty ami hmte, I "III m Ii Haul hind at
public auction, to the hhjhi st bidder tliwefor.
I A Wav.u,
-hcritl'of Wjkiii Couutv," of (1 recoil.
I Ity ,'lrtuc of an execution ai.d oritur of tile,
1 isued ou.of the Circuit Court "f ti.e ,-t;ile oi
, Iiiwjii, for the County of Wnsci., to me dlrectiil
commnmlinu mu to maku -ale of tin: land lu the
said writ iletcrlbeil to-wlt: thusi'pH- es and par
cels ol land in Wasco County, -tiile of Oregon,
:iiown and described im the soiithehtii,irter
of nation four 11, nml the north half of nation
nine I'JI, and the northwest 'iuutt-r of nntion
seventeen (17), In Timmhlp one (1, mirth of
KmiKf fourteen 111, cast of the WlllHinette Meri
dian, to make and pay the sum of money, In
said court adjudged to bo p'ii'1 to the plalntlll In
said action, I.i which action 'lb- snlli itois l.onn
11ml Trust Company wwe pbuntlll, and James
liooth. Martini M. IJiMitb, hvwet' I: Hull, J. 1'.
Mcdurc, t-uruli If. McClure. I (i. Alter. Italpli
, Hosrern, Jiilln N. Koi-'ers, I n Kmialv, J. M. 'lay
lorundJ. K Kihvaiils were defendiuits, to-wlt;
I Ihe sum of fioOUO with Interest tburcoii, from
, Jiny 1, iwj, at ui-3 raiooi sj -rivuiK;ralinum
I and f-tXI.WJ attorney's fees In nii nctlon nml
icoytsmid dltbiirscmellts then in ta.MiJ, I haw
this day levlml iiikjii llielaml nioresald, ami on
Siitniiliiy, lillril ilny or llo-ioliei , 1K1:I,
at tin1 hour ol id o'clock a. m lu front of the
court housoiloor, in the lt of ihe ImIIcs, lu
said County ami htatc. 1 will sell naldlnml at
pub lo auction to the lilKhct bidder therefor.
T A.,
Sherill'of Wnsco County, Statu of OreKoii.
Is the
Of theYearr
For Sale at a Bargain.
fPli tl l w Inrui irti nf 1 hi tM t my lih -.. Hwi -.1 .! .
. t ' ' vi .11
1 1 I . I I j ;a a V
I v 1 I I II Ik III ll'f 111 I IIMIU 1 ItlIIIf lllfl I 1 II I I HfM IHiWIfi i.i... n
H'vum wi miuh) u tin ununuvu iwi 1 1 1 nrviiunn bJlOf JflPmrv
I i.i : . '
n -- ! :i
I 1 l .1.1 I I I
miner ii 'iv;-inui iiimmc iiiiwm . 111111 11 in-irii uioim r .1
liiJUihinory, lasts, lino sliafLitm. millovs. holtini' nml ;.i
ini?s almost a (lomphitc shoe larloiy.
I.I.V.... ... ,i n ...... .i ii. i i i. I. ,,
IIITII' I". ILII, I 1 I 1 1 " II l.lll III.V.1. k IIU Ifll Lt I IJIJtLOt,l II.. ....
:ir i nr . incinrv mi i.iiiq i.-iiwi ii in i,iitn i,. ii.;,. .
Write for particulars at once, lo "
Tlxo Dalles,
I III I I 1 I -C I I ' lt f 1j
X V S M. J V J 1 V M- A- 1 V J.SI I j VV I IX I
ri.i., ..i i.h.uhh it-.. t., i... i . it r.
4i... n.... I.... MM... . 1! At... ....a
J V kttlj Wlf'IV4MII,lll MU tlkV.lIW MIIIIIHIIIVUII l 1 1 1 I I 1 1 b I ft I V Ul KWLftJIlHL
ftll Itiir liivii lu4iri ltttriitliiiM'tl anil (in Mut It rut.fOtiuu urttntit utlt 1
lio market.
Timber l.imt, Act Juno o, l.STs.
I.". S. I.anii tlrrn.-K, The Dalhw, Or.,
Nov. s, 1-ty. (
Notice Is hereby jzlvcu that lu compliance
with the provlIons of the act of coimros of
.luno:;. 117?, entitled "An net for tho mile of tlui
ber lauds lu the tati-s of calfforiila, DrvKuu,
.Nuvhilii ami aniimjton lcrillory,
Nl-lll ;. SlevellHllll,
Of Klrnrly, county of Wasco, state of Or.n
has this day llliil lu Ibis olllce his sworn state
ment foi the purchase of the Mi1, of NWV,,
oi section, mi. -si, in iowiinip mi. , iiiiiki'
No 1.) K. W. J., and will oiler nroof to shmv
that the laud soturht 1" more valiiabh' for Its
1 1 in I at or itonc. than for inttlcultural pnrp'ec,
and to establish his chiini to said laud beforu
tho ItcRlitcr and Itecelver of thU olllco ut The
UmIIi. or., on the i.Mh day of Jauuiiry, IM'JI.
lie names as wltiiessen' (icoriio McU'isl. Ja
p.'r i; ii -1 t-y, I .oi i Koudcau ami l.ifaycttn llavls,
all of Klnwliiy, Or.
Any and nil im.thius eliilnilm,' ndvcrsely the
Hbow ii)crllMil lauds are nsiutistiil to lllc their
claims lu this olllce on or bvforo said l.'ilh day of
lauiiary, ivji.
win JOHN V, 1.1'WIH, KeKlttcr
sotwa-: von itulication.
Wasco County,
I.anii on-it'K, The Dalles, Or.,
Nov. u, IW.l. t
Notice Is herebv ulven that the followiiii'-
liamisl settler has llhsl uotlcoof his Intention to
mako J 1 1 1 j 1 1 proof In xipportof his claim and that
saiu prooi win is-uiniie is.-iore inn rcKiner and
ns'eiver at ino iniiica, oreijou, on tsiuesdav
l)ecemln.T '.'7, IW.I, vl.
The Merchant Tailor
76 Couwt Btt,
Next door to Wasco Bun Offloo.
virtue of ait execution and older
of sale Issued out of the circuit Court
of tho statu of Orivoii for the. county
oi ii aseu, ui inu nneeiii, commaiiuim;
ui to mnlcu s.ilo of the laud In said writ, describ
ed to-vlt; thoto pleceo ami parcels of land In
Wasco County, Statu of Oregon, Imowil and du
scrltM'l iih all of million threem, and tho south
half of tho southeast quarter of section four I,
mid thu south half of sccllou live (f) anil the
north hall of nctlon Uxht (s;, nil In Towuthip
one (I), north of Kiiiiku fourteen (II east of thu
Willamette meridian, to miikouud piy tho sum
o? inoney, In said Couit udjii(l!,'eil. to b pull! to
I ho plalntlll In raid action, in which action Thu
solicitor Ixjuii ami Trust Company were plain
till' mid .lumcK lloolh, .Martha M. Jlooth, Kvcrett
K. Hall, J. 1'. McClure, Knrah II McClure. I), (j.
Alter, Italph JloifcrH, Julia N Itoxcrs, I'rl Km
IksIv, J. M. Taylor and . I. 1' Kdwaids wero du
fendaiiU, to-wlt, tho sum of f-Mtmi with Inter
cut thereon from July I, Id'.U, at the rato of tlx
per cent s.r aniiuin and tax) iki nitornoy Icch In
suld action and costs and ilhhurscmcnlH lliercln
taxul, J Have inn day levied iion thu laud
Mbovo descTlboil mimoii
ftiiturduy tll3il lHv"if Deccnibiir, IHlia,
nt thu hour of 10 u. ui,, lu front of thu court
house door, lu the city of Thu JMIlua, III said
count." and state, I will sell mild land ut public
auction, to thu highest bidder therefor.
T. A. Waiwi,
Hherlll of Wiiscocoiinty.Ktiitoof OrcKon.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Hewitt ItliiK,
Ilometead Appllcjlllou Nuaffi, for the Nkof
HI'.! , and lit of H 4 Hv. 10, Tp, '.' H. It II Kiut.
He names tin; follow uk wIIiicssch to prove ills
continuous rcsldcnco usn unit cultivation of
said lmii,vlii:
II. . Wells, of Thu Dalles, Or., Charles
Huston, James Ihtstoii mid Paul l.luicroth of
Minsene, or.
John W. I.iiwiH, HcKller
Has Junt received tho latest styles in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
and Ins n largo asortmeut of Fonlvii and Amur,
lean Cloth, which lio ouu llnUh To Order for
those that favor him,
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Notlcel hereby ulven tluit thu County Court
of thu htatu of OlCUOll for Counts has
duly apioliitcil thu uuilerliuiil thu exix'iitor of
! II,.. I.imV. ,111 .,,,!,. I 1'. ......... u lf.....u
Ml" I..I ,! !,, v v....,, v , v HI 11'liJftU , IIIVI",
dcceiiMsl, All K'rsons IiiivIiik claims HK'lllxt
tbucstiitoof said iliceiocd iiiu hereby requlicil
to iiiesent them, with thu pioper voimiicrti,
wllliln six inonllis from thodaiuol this notice,
tosalduKci'Utorat his place of residence, nujr
IMIK's i ity, in said county, or at thu oilleu of
W, II. WJUou, Jn said iMlleClly.
IJUIUKI. IXJV1.U, Bxeeutor.
Jjed thU lit'lny of Noveiiitwr, JWX Mw
I.ANH Uyywk, The liallcs, Or.,
Oct. y, ihj:i. j
Notice Ik hereby irlvcu that thu followlm.
named settler has IIUil notice of his In ten I Inn to
mako liual proof In supiiort of Ills
claim, and that said proof will bu uiuilu lielore
inn llejflstcr and rweivvr iit'lhe Ihtllen, Or., on
Krlday, Novemlier 17, Ih'jJ, vl,:
JCilitiir H. I'nitt,
Homestead Application No. WVi, for thu I'M ol
HWU and Viii of HV.'A of Hie. II, Tp. 1 H., It. VI
V.. W. M.
Ilu names the followiiii; wltuesseH to prove his
eoiitluuous residence upon, nml cultivation of,
.1. II. MiikIII, I'raiik Driver, Ijiii WIiik and
Charley WIiik, nil of Wamlc, Or.
tl 1-17 JOHN W, l.l'AVIH, IteuUter.
In the County Court of thu Htate of OrcKon, for
neo uoiiuiy,
III thu Matter of thu KtUUi of
William Hamilton Wilson, Iht'iased.i
NotltKi in hereby Klvni that thu underilKiio l.
by an order of thu County Court of thu Htatu ol
OrcKon, for Wasco (,'ounty. made and cntenil
Heptember 7, IWU, was appointed executor of thu
hut will and testament of the said William
Hamilton Wilson, deceased; all liersoiiH havluu
eUluiHUKnlti'tsulil estate are hereby iiotillcd to
present Uio sauie with tho proper vouchers
therefor to moat thu olllco r, .Mays, lluntiiiKtoii
iSt Wilson, The Ihilles, OrcKon, within six
months from tho onto ol thin notice.
Hated Thu Dalle., Or., Hept. 7, HiJi.
Kxccutor of W ill of Wm. I!, Wilson, deo'il
Estray Taken Up.
Omi bUck iioiiy, braiulnl cither 6 or 6 on left
hip and left Jaw Owner can have same Thy prov.
Iim rojerty uiul payliiR for this iiollee,
KMUwlm t'ostolllce, Tho Dulles, 6r.
Tho (.into City of thu Inland Knipiro is tiitimtcri at the kttul
of uuvigatioii mi tlio .Middle Coliiinliiu, und m u thriving, prov
!roiis city.
It iH tin; supply city for an oxtunaivu mid rich iiriculttifi'
ami grazing country, it tradti rt'auliiiig as far south iih Hutsirff
Laku, a distance of ovnr two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tim rich grazing country along tho eastern slope of tlio Cm
cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from
which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in
America, alxiut 5,000,000 pounds luting shipped last year.
The salmon fisheries art) the linest on the Ooluinlua, oHiujJ
this year a revunuo of thousands of dollars, which will lo niont
than doubled in the near future.
The products of the lieautiful Klickitat valley find market
here, and the country south and east has this year filled tlw
warehouses, ami all availalilu stom"i places to ovtjrllnwiiig wit"
their products.
It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its nioiie'
scattered over and islieing used to develop more funning counfr)'
than is tributary to any other city in Kastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. lt climate delightful, fo r08;
sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. Ami on t1"1'
eornor stones alio stands.
i2 ocunurraici iiMineiiw
Is now opon, and its j)ropriotor will hoII Ins lion it
produced Wino at priaos in tho roach of ovorybo'v:
Also, host PoanutH to bo found. CJoodri gunrantec(l
to bo ruro and JnrHt-ClaKB in ovory roHpcct.
Thompson's Addition.