l)c Dal Ico djratrick bi,. vi. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1893. Dalles Daily Chronicle. CuMUiini liully, Humluy Kxeupiiii. MY LEOMKON'IOLK PUBLISHING CO. L, ,,inl ""'I WiwlilliKUHt ritrcoti, Tliu imiieft, wii'khii. NO. J37. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANmAIJT A OKNKItAl.IlANKINt. HUHINKHn Inrnia nt Hlllilirlit Inn ,BODth,bynirrIor llefW jr. 00 HO . 6 TIM 15 TAIII.KS. KullriiuiU. ti.rilcni AiiKUHt fi, lb'j:i i:aht iioutm. lit , imrc 1" W "' Depart li :0u r. M WKflT lllltlt'll. Iit.irttciia .w a. m. Diipa-tH :t: it a, i lu. f,.lilifM thiif iiirrv iniNiU'iiiriirh lenvi irifihc et al H-.ou a i,,iiiiit one (or the 4TAC1IS. Lrniievlllv, vln. lliiku Oven, lenvi: dally tisttloii!, Mitchell, Canyon (Jlty, leave bMur, KliiRiiltiy, Wiimlii, Wniilnltlii, Wiirm cji iml Tyitti Valley, leave iliilly, except IlT,tCA , , KWiMemlule. Waxli., leave every liny "I the iiiwpt Huiiilay nt 7 a. . ..II li...... .. .li.i f1.,..t(lln IIiMImi ;.lI Hll lillun ii. mu ui.ii....... a moi'KHMONAl. I H, IMIIDKI.l-ATTOIlNKY-AT-I.AW (JUIL-U I, Court Street, The Dallvh, OreKOU. ki&nron, ritANK uknktek. fcrniK, A MKNKKKK - ATTOItNKYK AT- Uw lloomii aiiu , "-'' ' jSilUliiK, hiltraucc mi w nnuiiiRnin mreei iM,Orexon i.BESKi:n ATTOIINKV.AT-1.AW. Ol- 1. fiodtn Bchtiiiiui't. ImlhllUK, up malm, The tn.Ortvon. '.t.U. U B.HUNTIWITON. H.A. WIMU.1. ,IAVt, HUNTINGTON & WIlJiON -ATTOli- IHtlT-LAW -Olllcen, rrencu h nine uvuj I'.Mtaiil Haul.. 'i jmili'k. tircKou. H :iMM' VTTI1IINKY.AT-I.AW ItOOniB l inui .t (.'o.'h Imuk ImlldlliK. Hcciinu i. tiilnUm, OrcKim. inimiKi mim.i vniMTinci 1'iiyhiciaN is sCKiiitoN. Call" iiniiwcrcd iirnmptly. Teftffh.vuy or country. Olllco No. JMmtl 2inhloek. III. 0 II DOA Nil- I'llYHICIAN ANI HUH I .......... ...... .....1 I. 1 11111111111111 ' HJ. Wllll'VI tuilliin I. mm v. - n Kenldeiice H. li. corner Cimrt mill R HrcetM, m-o mil door from the corner. ttVciH 0 tn 12 A. .M.. - t f mm . -' .1....1 1 .1 . iiiMTiT. t.tth eiveu HIT me IiUiili'hH extraction ol teeth. Also teeth itimil aluminum Plate. Uuoiim: Hli:u ol iMta Tooth, rkcoud Htreot. Ittorn of Credit issued uvailubte in he Eastern States. Sight Exohungo and Telegraphic TraiiHferHHoldon ov York.Chieugo, St. IjuIh, Sim FranuiHco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wanli., and varioiiH pointH in Or egon and WiwhhiKtori. CoileetionH rntide nt nil K)lnl.c on fnv orahle tenim. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OH. Prouidont Z. F. Moody Vice-1'renident, - Ciiai:i,i:h Hilton Cimljior, iM. A. Moony lC-i?n'"-g""i MTTOLgNi"COTTOLIlWlj J R8 flIIIV (iuncrnl iiankini; business Transacted. Sight Kxulmngt'H Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CII1CAC40 and PORTLAND, OR. ColleutioiiH niado on at all aeeeHsiiilu'poiutH. favoreble terniH H. HOIKKCK, I'realdeilt. J. M. I'ATTIiUSUit, (Jtihhler. first Rational Bank. YHE DALLES. - ORECON A General Banking BuBineHS trniiRiictcd DopositH rt'i-.eivt'd, mibject to Sight Draft or Check. CollectioiiH made and jiroceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New i ork, han JranciHco and rort-land. HOOIlCTIKn. fcUt)U)K,r., NO. 15, A. K. A A. M.-.Meets third Miiinmy m eueu iimhiui in i I.1U.HS hrifAl, AlUMI (UIAl'TCIt NO. (. ' .Mivtln'J.,ni,. Hull the third Wednesday I well month u? I' M. IfOIIKJi.V HDilliMKS' nv Till-: WOItl.1).- II ill llml t:mp No. M, Me;tTmtlayuven lo(tMh mvk Prittcnilty Hall, at7: p. in. htUJIHA l.OIKJK, NO. ft, l.O. 0. K.-Meelh l,WfMil)' uvfiiliiKiit7:a)ii'i!lM'k,ln K. If. lull, cvtiier Heconil ami (.'otirt Htreutx. UrnniKUrollietK uro welcome. I&WW, tkx: y II, A. llll.l.H,N. (1. C.NIWIIII' I.ODOK, NO. U., K. ot I'. -Meelh ' ff iiominy uvunliiR at 7;xo o'eloek, In -'uiiiniwiK, corner 01 t;ouri nun neemiu BOjuiiriuiitr ineinlierH iiru ciiruiaiiy in- ),, . n. nt. liitWK. K. of It. mill H. (J. (J. lI'V.NO. IW, K. OK U-Meeb, In K. :.iui uiiiheconil anil lourtu euuetc tcli mouth ut7!3U p. in. II l1U'IM 4 M fnM lP.Mf'lv L UMON will moot uvcry Friday afUirnoim cit at tliu ruudlnir nmin. AUiiru iiivttvd. J1 LmIi'h K.V. U11 T l I 'P Poi'illiir !1; iiKetlnira Krlilay nt h r. l a null i ii . , i.:.. tfw... " ii nru iiivneii, UMAH, IS, T. It. 0. Kl.ltOK, So tli, urip lAit... ...v .. . .. ... .... .... it Vh.w!,,lly vw Kollorw, nit ScvcHid 1 Hi! fli.1 - . . . J . . mm . . - ti., II. IIANHKN, WMaB, Klnnncler. M. W l?Hfl'liir i..r,... ... . ......... IW V "'ol i fit!, 11., VI. A. Ui .'ivuin ; iin.ij iii r,uv r. v., in iiiufv.iu i. i Ik.': Xleetnuvury Hlintlay iilternooli 111 .t 1'. Hull. V K 1 1 K I KM iut t u f vn r v LltwiMBiiniiuK.or 1'. tiiui. Bliuilixv 1? 'i K. DlVluntv in-M..iiiM In (J "'ill tho Drat niul third Wiilnes- " '"'lllth, lit 7!!iU l u. 'i'HK UlllIKUHKH. IHJJBIW OIlUKOU-ltov. Knthor ltiioNH . iii,.?"".'.r' kw Miwh uvury Hiindny nt i "'" Miuh at 0;80 a, M. VcuporHiit Kim & "g.v.- V "atollllo Hector. Horvlccn .H i . "A' ,, 7!3u r. Mi mimniy " a. Mi KvonliiK I'myor on Krlitny nt r Unlu iK J rl,!,iy uvoiiIiik nt 1'mitor'H rcHl- "HUH borvll'i.y lii II,.. ........ l.u,. ... nm, Llwr, ttorvlccaovuryHuudnyut U -2Kwconll1ly InvlUt. Huntu Irco. ItUV. J. WlllNI.KIt. lIHHtlll-. w lS1 7:30 "'ojook. A cnnlliil in' r - j umli mior nun peopio ftor. JJIl" HOII Ukv. J. Wi Jknkinh, All uro n i4HT "KHAN-Nlnth mreet, :7'j"wri nrviiuM be liiauu.m. tilKBOTOKS. I). i. TllOMI'HON. JNO. k. ScitKNCK. El). M. WlU.IAMH, Gko. A. LlKIIK. H. M. I5KAI.I.. W. H. YOUNG, o o o o TJtr . . u u -J J O 0 o U B . . U M J J 3 O or THE FRYING PAN Has come not a little knowledge as to cook ery what to do, as well as what not to do. Thus we have learned to use 39 the most pure and per fect and popular cook ingmatcrial for all fryine and shorteningpurposes. PROGRESSIVE BOOKING r. i M M J U ll u 7. 15 C 0 O tro . t. 5 3 c o PC 0 o is the natural outcome iv of the age, and it teaches i. . ,.,,.1.-,1 i.,...tl, i iin -ft' uociuiu,iJuiiii lit er the new shortening, r. v. u v. u u c o s r. u u el o o o inr z It w u J J EE o c TTTr D c c u u J u EE - 0 O tr ; v. S 'j'J i which is far cleaner, audi s more digestible than anyj lard can be. 1 t The success of Cotto-I E E lene has called out worth-1 V.- less imitations under similar names. Look out for these! Ask Grocer for Cottolenk, Z and be sure that you get it . Mndo only hy N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CUICAGO.NEUI VORK.BOSTON. V V 7. u . z c j-our tt Tl ii 7. V U U O I ft I CoTTOLBMH Q ICOTTOLCt.TS Q p OIlCoTTO'.'""' ICUTTOLENg ICl -OTTOLLKI! Q Biacksmiin & wagon Slop "Tie Resrulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. General BhtckHinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. LicWsolflStaiiil. THROUGH House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable ligures. J las the largest house moving outtit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.ThoDalles J. F. FORD, Evangelist, 01 Dtb Moines, town, writes under dale ol Match SI. b'J3 S. li. Mki). Mm. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : , , , , . On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our llttlo girl, oight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 518 pounde, ih now well, Htrong nml vigorous, and well fleshed up. K. P. Cough Cure lias done its work well. Poth of tho children like it. Your S. P. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. Kn civo it to every one. with greetings (or nil. Wishing you prosperity, wo are P. ...... T 1. I...!... 10UIS, 1MU. IV ill(H. .' 1'. A'UHIIi If you wIhIi to feel froth niKlchcortul.niiil ready (or tliu HiirliiK'H work, ulennso your nyHtem with tliu llemliiuho nml l.lver Cure, hy tnkliiK two or three (Iouch each week. Hold iimtor n vo.iltivo Kannuitce. 60 coutb per bottlo hy nil UrtiKKiHtH. O. F. STEPHENS, IDIiAUliK IN DRY GOODS p5 Qlothing Freigiit anfl PsGsenger Line ThroiiL'h iluilv service tS'undays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at utseaue Ick8 with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill Htreet dock) at 0 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Duller-. IWbSKNIlKK KAT1CS. One way Round trip. .$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduce d. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, B. F, W. C. ALLAWAY, (iciieiul Ageuti LAUGHLIN, (Imienil JWunufer. THE DALLES, rPARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts TIIIIACUO, i i : OKIAItS AXI : j ttWKKT IUUNKH at wluileKiile tlltltHtllIIH. Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dnllos j. FOLCO 2 38 2 Street At rlKht hide Mi. Obnir' rchtnurant. ItUUtll, HlKIIIH, IllltH, l!t. Fancy floods Jotion Kto. Ktc. Kto. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGOJM. This old, popular and reliablo house has been entirely refurnished, and every room him boon ropnporod and ropalntoi and mwly carpeted throughout. Uw 17(1 rooniHUtld 18 BUPPUOO with nvorv utodoni convenience. lujtw reaf-onable. A trnnil reHtaurunt attachec . m,. . ---- - , UIll IUI HE SPOKE FOR GOLD Address of Carlisle at tho New York Chaiulier of Commerce Banunet. THE ONLY INTERNATIONAL MONEY Docs Not Believe in a Double Standard of Value Any More Than in Differ ent Standards of Measurements. New York, Nov. 21. The 125th an nual banquet of tho chamber of com merce took place tonight, ."00 promi nent business men being present. Sec retary Carlisle in part spoke as fol lows: "While it would bo unfair to attribute the une- r oual (listrihiuion of onr trade with the S outsiide world to the w character of their t -i Hi ,W A 1 1 ? 1 i ? T imr uecai legisiuuuu, i JoHHGtARL15LEth!n,k U ,na-v e safely asserted this country could not long maintain its present position as one of the most con spicuous and important commercial na tions which now control the trade of the world unless we preserve a monetary system substantially, at least, in accord with the monetary sy stems of other principal nations. We cannot possibly change the situation, and consequently the only practical question is whether it iB better to establish by law an inferior kind of money for use at home exclu sively and another kind for use abroad, or have all our money good enough for use in every market where our people trade. Gold ie the only international money. It is useless for the advocates of a difl'erent system to insist that this ought to be so. It is so, and we cannot change the fact. "I have never been able tounderstand what is meant by double standard of value and have never found any one who could tell me. To my mind it seems as absurd to contend that there be two different standards as to insist upon having two yardsticks of different lengths or two gallons of different di mensions. If two standards are not equal in value, it is evident one of them must be a false measure; and if they aie equal in value, it is evident, no matter what law might declare, there will be in fact but one standard. The question of whether the obligations of the Poked States be paid in coin current in all the markets of the world has already been settled in my opinion for all time to come. This does not imply that silver is to have no place in our monetary system. What is to be the ultimate fate of that metal is one of the problems which time and events can solve; but for many years fluctuations in its value have been so rapid as to demonstrate the fact that it cannot be safely coined with out limitations." to tho house. Fnr lam to trains. AniirclilMt' llrti(liuurterh IlUctn er"l. JJahoki.oxa, Nov. 22. The police this morning unearthed the headquarters of Spanish anarchy in this city, from which the movement of the anaichists in all parts of tho country are directed. They arrested Miquel Nachcr, president of tho Spanish anarchists, and two women who havo acted us messengers in carrying or ders to other points to others waiting outside the city. Tho police alt-o ob tained a large quantity of materials and chemicals used in the manufacture of bombs, beside a quuntitv of bombs loaded and unloaded, a large number of pistols and a mass of anarchist literature. Po sido these they secured incriminating documents which will probably lead to arrests in Spain, Franco and Italy, be side other foreign countries. His re ported that anarchists aro already flee ing from Spain in the hopu ot escaping to Franco. Tho French government bus been asked to search all persons crossing tho frontier. Over 200 rede are already under arrest for connection with the re cent explosions. Tun Biw Pi.astkiii Dampen u piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Palm and bind it on over the seat of pain, it is hotter than any plaster. When the lungs uro sore such an appli cation on tho chest and another on tho back, between tho shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is iw.tlilm' so eood for a lame back or a pain in tho side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in one night by applying a'llauuel bandage dampened with Pain Palm. CO cent bottles for sale by Wukcley & Houghton, druggists. Karl's Clover Root, tue new blood purltlor, givos freshness and oleurness to tho complexion and cures constipation. KII.I.KI) TIIK SKIIUUKU. A Itrothnr Avenge III" honor. Sister' ll. Davisvim.i:, Cal., "Nov. -A mys tcriotis murder occurred here last night. H. Jf. Eaton, night telegraph operator, was shot and killed on the platform of the depot. After receiving the fatal wound Eaton crawled some distance, where he was discovered in a dying con dition. Ho was unable to speak. The indications are that he was shot while leaving the depot by a person concealed on the platform. This morning at 9 o'clock Charles Dodge, a resident of Davisville, walked into tho sheriff's office here and gave himself up, saying he had got into trouble and wanted to surrender himself. Ho did not admit the shooting, but said it was a painful matter about which he did not wish to talk and in which bis sister was implicated. He also said that he had been brooding over the matter for several weeks. His sister is a student in the telegrapn office in which Eaton was operator. A man named Olsen is in custody here, having given himself up and stat ing that he was an accomplice of Dodge, who is in jail at Woodlawn on suspicion of having killed young Eaton at this place last night. Olsen when questioned by detective Burke, of the Southern Pacific Company, said that he was with Dodge last night and went to the rail road depot with him for the purpose of murdering Eaton. He says that he and Dodge went to the office and knocked at the door, and when Eaton opened it they sprang on him, then shot and killed him. Olsen has not yet made any statement as to the motive for the crime. In an interview with Chris Olsen, partner of Dodge, the following facts were elicited: Some moments before 10 o'clock last evening Dodge requested Olsen to go with him to the depot, as he wished to see Eaton in regard to the seduction of his sister. Dodge made no threats, and showed no great agitation, and together the two went to Eaton's office. This was 10 o'clock p. m., or a few moments later. Dodge knocked on the door, which was opened by Eaton, but on discovering who his visitor was he threw himself upon Dodge, forcing him to the floor. The struggle lasted a few moments; Dodge finally getting his opponent under. The two then sep arated, and as Eaton raised to his feet Dodge fired. Both Dodge and Olsen then left, while Eaton staggered across tho street for assistance, and died at the door of tho Lillian! bouse. Mrs. Lilli ard from her chamber, overheard tho rattling of the office or saloon door, and afterward the fall but as the sounds were not unusual, paid no attention. It was not until some minutes later that Eaton was discovered, but he was then about dead and never spoke. Olsen is under arrest and Dodge has surrendered him self to the sheriff at Woodland. At present public sympathy is strongly in favor of Dodge, whose sister is a bright, intelligent young lady, and a general favorite with those who know her. Dodge in his confession differs but little from the foregoing statement made by Olsen. It may be proper to add that Miss Dodge is at present lying at death's door as the result of Eaton's crime, which if rumor may bo credited, carries with it consequences graver than gener ally occur in cases of seduction. Afraid of I'ulilio Opinion. Wasiii.nc.to.v, Nov. 22. Minister Thurston, of Hawaii, is not likely to receive his passports, although it was said at tho stato department this morn ing there were abundant grounds for such I'ction. Wero it in any other country under any other circumstances, bis passports would bo issued im mediately. It is claimed his letter is a breach of diplomacy, and umply suffi cient to warrant this movement, im mediately severing all relations with the Hawaiian minister. Such action might bo taken but for tho reason tho American peopio might not think it fair ilay; that the right of any man to talk and give his side of tho controversy is always conceded, and to forco Thurston to leave this country would be con sidered by tho peopio as a dis position not to allow tho other eido u hearing. Tho department chooses to consider the publication of tho state ment by Thurston as a vitally interest ed party in the outcome of Hawaiian alfairs, and not an official statement of tho Hawaiian minister. NEWS NOTES. Father J. B. Eis, of tho Sacred heart church, of Columbus, O., was shot in tho right arm by two burglars who aroused him while robbing the house but the plucky priest ejected them by main force. A man living near Lolo claims ho camped with tho lost Carl in party three weeks ago on the Middle Fork of Clear water river. He says the party are well supplied with food for tho winter, hav ing 500 pounds of flour and plenty of meat. A report has been issued by the Italian committee on foreign affairs, based on reports of tho Italian consul at New York and tho consul general of Italy at San Francisco, advising no further emi gration to the United States on account of the economic conditions prevailing there. That the Mexican revolutionists are in earnest, there can no longer be any doubt. They feel confident that they can overcome Diaz or at least force him to a number of concessions. Manuel Garza's force numbers about 000 men, well armed, and he claims to be gaining accessions daily. James Kendrick and Patrick Quirk, two men in the employ of the city of Spokane, while excavating rock for the Port street bridge just above the falls, met with a terrible death. They were working on a narrow ledge of rock 40 feet above the Spokane river, when Kendrick slipped into tho water, carry ing Quirk with him. As soon as they struck the water the rapid current boro them over the :0-foot falls, and in a twinkling they were carried into the "Devil's Caldron," a bottomless, seeth ing, foaming pool at the base of the falls from which nobody has ever been recovered. Cloning Out Salt) tif Urocerles. Owing to a contemplated change of business, the undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call eaily while the stock is unbroken. .Toi.uk Bkothi:i:s. Dt-M-rvllif; I'lllUe. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and havo never handled remedies that sell as w"ll, or that have given such universal satisfaction. Wo do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, as wo stand ready to refund the purchuso price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. There remedies havo won their great popularity purely on their merits. Snipes & Kinersly's druggists. Cut flowers nml winter blooming plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips. Iliicklcii'n Arnica oalvti. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kill ers ly Aie your children subject to croup? Jf so, you should never bo without a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is n certain euro for croup, and has never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as tho croupy cough ap pears it will prevent tho attack. It is the solo reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger in giving this Remedy in largo and frequent doses, as it contains noth ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Plakeley it Houghton, druggists. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD) Best grades oak, fir, piuo and wood. Ollico Ki:i Second street. orders promptly attended to. tf M.unt it Bc.ston. slnb All rnliiriii;o. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of Tho Dalles, hub unexcolled pasturugu and any ono who desires to avail them selves of tho fact can securo reasonable, terms upon application. 17tf Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoY& Baking Powder