The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kutmtl at thi' l'iiofrlf nt The Dalle, Own, hk socomt cliifs matter. thi: dai.i.ks PICKINGS FROM THE PRESS. Tahj.i:.? wits with inirpli eyes arc common in Siain. LAltcr boils of oysters, unliko th(o of tho east. Imvo boon foam1, in Alaska. Wit.i.iam 11 HAN. of llntto, Tox., owns n calf that olmse.s anil cats ehickon. feathers anil all. Tin; year '.;; bcpan on Sunday, audit will end on Sunday, thus pivinfr tlfty three Sundays to the year. Exrr.r.tMK.vrs made in the tobacco cultivation throughout Kurope have not given much promise of success. Atti'hpts have been made to pro duce spider silk, but have failed, the ferocious nature of .these inseevs not permitting them to live together in communities. Emma Goldman tells a New York in terviewer that she loves nothing bet ter than a bath. If Km mn doesn't look out the anarchists will bo reading her out of the party. The mountain of Fujisian. in Japan, is actually in motion. It is 10,400 feet above sea level, yet the power of the winds in those quarters causes it to sway from side to side. That part ot Hoston Known as tin north end is strictly of a cosmopolitan character. On a certain street there are displayed signs in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Uussian, Hebrew. Norwegian and Danish. CHURCH AND CLERGYi. Ohio has l.l'.H Kpworth organiza tions, thus leading the union. Ih" the province of Quebec the ratio of Catholic to Protestant is 1,000 to 1. Coxoiu:(atioxamsm has the greatest strength in Massachusetts, where it has u"i) churches. A Methodist bishop out west who uses a chapel car speaks of it as the "Holy lioamhr church." Thk Protestant Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts is to be one of the of ficers of a crematory soon to be opened in Hoston. Ijook Ovit Your Comity Warrants. All coimtv warrant registered prior to January lfiih, 1SP0, will be paid if presented at my office, comer of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after thi" date. Vm. Micheli., Treasurer Wasco Countv. Octoter 21st, 1S93. tf S. L. YOUNG, Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, Tho Dallos, Or flew Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and nowlj furnitilied throughout, and is now bettor than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low into of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Ollico of the fast and commodious opposition Stage to Dufur, Kliigsley, Tygh Valley, Waptnitia, Warm Springs and Prinoville is in tho Hotel nnd persons going to Prinoville can save 14.00 by going on this Stage lino. All trains stop here. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894 For ONLY $1.50. Tip are Dull Times! 5 WE 5 WINHNS HK NKW TOWN has boon platted on th old camp jrroumi, nt the Kork nnd lulls 01 Hood river, with in w, tlKiiuy iot,utxui irt.-ci.Miim uneys, piku ton and pure wnter.wl th shade in prolusion, ierfectilriilii.-iK.,ilellilitfitl mountain climate, the central attraction aa mountain summer resort (or all Oregon, bcinp the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It i-, unparallclec asn mnniifacttirtnK center, beiiiK the niitnril center tor 100 square miles of the best cedar nml flr timber, possessing m.lllon. of horse-iiower In Its dashing streams and water falls, easily linrneed. Where cheap motive Km er exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by soli and climate that cannot boexoelleO anywhere lor (rult and agriculture, and with transportation already assured you will lind this the place to make n erfect home or 11 paying investnieu DOT WflHT And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy prosence into every home in Wasco County. YOUR ATTENTION In I'ltlliill to tile fact tlint Hugh Glenn, j IK-iliu In (tlu-s. I. line. I'ltiHi'i, Ci'iiifiit ttntl l'lUlldiug Miueiiiil nf nil l;iint - liitrl tltt. f-titt l.lht. ,f PicluFB liiuyiijs. To Ue found lii thti Gity. 72 LUashington Street. From TEIWINMi or INTERIOR Points --thi: n TITliE PERFECT See me on the ground, 01 f address me at Hood River Wasco County. Oregon. YOUR LIFE! W. Ro Winan Just flout, "There is a tide in the affairs of men xvhieh, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Circulation must be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a GfEflT : : JEWELER : : Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed AT THK Store or 1. C. Mekelsen. Sid .St. Hie Dalle EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the tinder fiigned has been 'duly appointed by the County Court of the 'Statu of Oregon for WaEco' County in probate, executrix with tho will annexed of tho estate of .James Underbill deceased. All perEons huvinir claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with proper voucher! at the law office of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. November 11, 1S03. Ci..itA '.. Unijkhiiii.i., Executrix of the Katateof James Under bill, deceased. Firiimn & C wis BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH IJRICK, - - UNION ST. IWOflEY, amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this lit 11 Faci RHILRORD U the line to tube TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOt It In (lit lilultiK Cur Itoule It runt. Thronjrfi Veitlluiltil I rnltin uu-rj dny In tin yuar la j&. pauI and Ghicigk Nl CHAMil: OK (,AUH. (;iiiilied of Dining (,'nrn ini.iirm(il. i'ull imiii Drawing ItiMiinHleein.'r.nif lateiUiiiiliimetit- TOIIIIIST SLEEPING CARS Ilex! Unit run lie roii.itnii'tu!, mid in which ncrumm.MlallnnH no botli I'ri'o and I'unilnhcd lor lioldemnl Kind nnd Kti:ii:iil cliis Tlckols.nml ELEGANT DAY COACHES A cnntlnuoux line, ciuiiiwtlhg with nil line itfJonlliiK direct nnd tuilnlerruiited nvrvleu l'lillmnn Hlwiior react vidian cult be m-curid In advance tliriiiiRli tiny agent of tlit- road, THROUGH TICKETS IHittiW 111 America, Kni'lnnd nml Knriiu emi Im imri-liMneil u nj ticlet iilllrenf tin- rumt'iili)- Hull Inliiriiiiitlnii conrertiliii! mien, time cl ti.ilnn. ninths mid utlier iluliilU liitiiMiid on nilU-itliili tn W. C. ALLAWAY, AHullt I). I'. A A- Nnv. Co., Ik-Killntor Dfllct, Tin l-iille", Or., or A. I). ClIAItl.TO.;, ! (it-m-rii! I'unei iter Aut., I'lirtlauil, Jjn. ELL NOTIC1C FOlt 1'UJiLICATION. f. !- I..1ND OrFiCK.Tlic Ualles, Or., J October 17, Ih'M. J Kotlee In lien-ly aiven that the followim;. numed K-ttler hm filed notlee of his intention to mulct tinul jmrnf in mjitwrt of his cliilm, nnd Unit siiid prool ull! Ixj lumie ln-fore tho wilder nnd receiver m tin- 1.'. i. IjiiiiI oillco at The IMlles, Or,, on Mi.ndiiy, Nov. IT, IS'.i.j, U: llllllt4 .11. I'lltlDOII, Honieitend Hiiiillention No. L"jrj for HK, n-ction 1, I ji. I k. .11 U K XV. M. II niiint-h the folovintr wltiu'M-i-s to tirovu Ills contliiunuh reiik-ni'- iiion und enltlYiition of nuU bind, vl.: Ken llntty. HtiKh clirimiHii. V. K. Corhon and K. N. Chmidlfi, nil of Tho Dalles. Or. 10-Jltd JOHN V. I.KWIij, lleKhter. NOTJCK J-dU J'UJILICATJON. I.lMi Ofkick, Tlie Dulles, Or., i Oct. '.'I, 1MI.J. j Notice Is lienbj irlven that the folloivlni'. named tettler Jim HK-d notice of hln intention to inaku final (iroof in nipirt of his claim, nml that Mild proof ll! le made before the JU-i,'lner mid Keecivcr at '1 lu I Mile, Or,, on December 11, 1610, vU tiujiiiiilii i. Itrookx, devheoof Jitin lftiihes,ileceafcl. llometteud Appliratlon So, H"i, lorthoHU SKJf and SV',, iif -. yj.'l'p. 1 N., Jt. 13 K. Ho nuineH the fullotvliiK witllChM.)! to prove 111 coiitintioiio ri'iidetiee iinm und cultivation of Mild land, O. W.t'ook, W. A Jllller. Trunk CrelKhUm and Beth Morifan, all of tho DalU-n. Or. UT-.. I.. Hi-own ph-uKO take notice. Kits 'OllN V I.KWJS, Iti-slnter. Pipe D. BUNN WofK. Tin Repairs aofl Rooftng MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. (9) (2) 3)(o) Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Rubs Blacksmith Shop. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all 1'At-J iest busineu conaucieu mr moochatc me. 3 and we can aecure patent iulcjs time tbaauieaej 3 remote Irozn JVatJilneton. .... ninlrl ilruwinl' omhOtO.. with degCfiO-F lion. Wn mlvisc. If iiitentxbla or not. free ol! Scbarce. Our fee not due till patent it secured. i A Pamphict, "How to Obtain I'ate&U." wth Jcoft" aaaic In the U. S. acd foreigirsoufllries' ree. Auurcsa, A.SNOWdtCOJ , PATCNT Omcc, HaaHINQTONi D. C. i'ttl The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dallos and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now loads all othor publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and othor re gions north of Tho Dallos, hence it is tho best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Oiiuoniolk is published ovory ovo ning in tho week Sundays oxcopted at $0.00 per annum. Tho "Wkkkly Chuoniolk on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., !, Tlxo Ditlleffj, Orogi Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. OUR GtyEflT (TO I m 1894. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subsoribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coasc. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. Roceives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Ra tcs Reoaonble. H.vl'l. duiil- 7". "V7". Oo. TICK l.i i.t-K.. nt WVMlVlVlM('M JNTJiliNA TJONA h M DICTJO NA K V I b rami muotur. iHU'ceteiir w a", "VnuUrM&vV Ton -im lfl,' I.. r....l.l,... until- lliireiiiiiliii'il"i iiiuro tliiin iJO0,W) OXH.'llllUlt. Kvorybmh' Alionlil own tin iiir.ti.m.irt'. It an- HWurHdll lll'Hll, iMiiiLi'riilin: Iiimii lory, Hulllii,'i l'r: IIIIIIOliltlDII. "J1." iiirnii 11c or win"' Jt, rUfilf It nlsnlilVlM ..ffi.. .I..JIV...I, .llll('l!llllHK ClllllHJIlt NirOIIH; fat'tH CHIH'frlllHrJ '"' coiintrluH. cltlcN, towim, ami natural ii.; niri'H 111 inn kioiiii; iarin:iiiar Km.vy"-n iioU-il lIutltloiiM iiurHiMin itml iiIucuh; latlim of foiulKii ijiiiitiitluiiM, wunl-ii aim liruvurliri; iitc. oto., utc. Thin Work in luvnlunhlp l lioiiHClinlil.aiiil to tho teai'lmr, xcliolar, pri lomlonal man, nml iHvirilucatnr, fiohl diiMUUiitUeUim, 5MjT trTniicH liuyrin-iiiiiiiii(i- luTIIINiUtI w limuhli) KWliiUul alidelit JUlt'ilwuHi tiluluim. y Kir ni-iiniurirouiiriwiKi-un. Jj The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY 0T 2000 HEADERS. 'I'll..,. ..,nl 'I'l.n f'lir.mlnlri til irill till) 111 I I'll I'1"' iinmt rclliililn Mm.. Ami tliuy rcml uvt'ry I J tluit Ih In tliii uiiur. Tlint Ih what inaki (llirmiliilu mi liivnliialilo mlvurtMiiK m''l'"",; Till) IIUWkillK.T Unit -v (iw l UlfklilcN In tlio iiiiu f) Unit tlto iiilv'.rwi" of imlay imtriinUo V-7 wlien Uioy lie""0 ' ivuoli tlio K'ilo. Whou Uioy want your lr" tJioIr iiiiiioiiiifuiueutM will bo loiiml In ,lll,'Xi UmiI' (iviirmireiiliiiiuiH ami obwrvu tlto vt-rinta (Kin f tlm Irntli o( tliU lukortliin. KemumW-f' Htrmlonfa family of two tlioiuanu in worth iikklnu for through tlicao WJ foliiinnv, cniclally no at our vory ..-