Cork Sole Shoes for Toadies and Gentlemen. Misses' Cloaks Cheap enough for anyone. Boys' Overcoats at Reduced Prices. Dress Goods in new and stylish weaves. Stamped Linens an elegant assortment. Lined Gloves comfortable in cold weather. Chenille Table Covers Bright and Handsome. See Corner Window. CHOICE OF MEN'S HATS, S1.50. ,Vi, all Goods Marked ' . 7 in Plain figures. I"5? PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. tctm-ri-il a tin- I'oitntllrc nt Tim Diiltim, Oregon, i. 1'otnlTliuih mutter.'iiI All vi'i-llxlni;. lu Cent !rr linu fur llrM tiiurllmi, unit f Out (vr llni) fur cnuli HHlisuiUOiit itiHurtlnii. ilHM'lul riiti't fur loin; tlmi! notlcon. All lofii. imtli'OM reoulvi-d Inter tlmn II o'clock will iiiM.-nr t.'iu (iillowlm; duy. WEDNESDAY, - NOV. it'2, IHH.'I The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may he found on gale at I. C. Xie,l;elnen'n xtore. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. Our Dully 'liiuii-iii From In tln City. null A do ll I "Wlmt iiiiike. tin nieii low; .Mary no"'' Tim Ji'iiIiiiih iiiiildciiN rry. "Oh, .Mnry ilnvHii't kIiik, you know; Anil niore hIii) iIuchu'I cry." Twiil vo spring turkeys, Hold today to t c fin tit I In lioiiru, average l!i pounds each. How is it tlmt Hub year CliriHtiiuiH niul New Years do not comt! on this same day of tins week? Mr. Frank Mulouoy is acting hh uiur nIiuI in place of bin brother Dun, who it) tuid to in) ill tit the Iiouhi!. Tl) Umatilla house announce 11 turkey iVmutir tomorrow livening, in celebration oi iart I of Orcgou'H dual Thanksgiving. The grand march of the Mignonette tonight coinnioncos at i) o'clock. In vitatioiiH art) to hi-1 presented at the door. Tlio iiiihoof MaeKiiehern A MeLood vh. S. H. AdaniH is yet on trial in circuit court, uiul thnro in nothing new to note today. Governor Ponnoyorhns written a letter to the Alliance Herald at Pendleton in which lie announces Ii'ih determination to support the populiHt ticket next June. The hoard of physicians leave Salem today for Kustorn Oregon. Thoy will liiHt proceed to Maker City, and visit all the pointH naiuud, concluding at The Dalles. Ulton Ilitydeu and Harry HaiiHhury, two boys of Jlood Hiver, wore brought up before .1 notice Kehutz today on a charge tif lurcony of a boat at Momor. Thoy were discharged. Two tlrunkH before the recorder thin morning. One of them vory considor utely left himself in the niurshuFH olllco, and all that functionary had to do wuh to open the door and drag him in. TicktitH for the literary and nuiHical entertainment to bo given by the sisters of St. Mnry'H academy, Nov. ItOth, can lie obtained ut JJInkeley & llougliton'H, H. Ilorhring'tt or .1. P. MoIuorny'H. The Ladies Aid noclety are making ar rangements to give the Uncut entertain ment of the Hoason on the evening of the lllth of Docember. Our own local tulent will be UBslstod by Homo outside, which re celebrated in this line. Yee Hop & Co., who huvo been in WHlnt'HB on FirHtbtreot, keeping iiOhlnu Htoro, ubout throe years, have closed out to Chow Keo & Co. There Ih little oooial Hllorenoo in tho dmractorlBation of the "rm, hut it is u business change novor- tlmlOHB. It Ih bo seldom that u tramp knocks at tlie door of any of our i;ood people, re 'liiustliiK a hautl-out, that It Iiiih come to w rarity. The roasou is owing to the vigilance of our marshal, who Ih more I'orHlBtont when on tho trail of ono of those gentry, than a Jersey mosquito aftur the summer tourist. Tlioso who do not diuuio nuod not stuy uway on that account from the Mignon ette dance this evening. There will be lots of spectators there jtiHt to henr the music and hco the crowd. All arrange inentH huve been completed for having a large crowd of dancers and spectators. Tho hall is beautifullv decorated. i Tho public schools will observe ! Thanksgiving day, its designated by the governor tomorrow, also the one ap pointed by tho president a week later It has been customary with the schools heretofore to close Friday, as well as Saturday, but this year the schools will be in session both Fridays, iih usual. "Uncle Jerry" Rusk, whose death is reported in our telegraphic columns, was in The Dalles with President Harrison a few months prior to the last presiden tial election. Though ho made no speech, he showed his genial countenance with others of the distinguished party, and answered good-natured repartee from some Wasco count v admirers. What a rascally set of officers they have in Multnomah county, to be sure, if we are to accept the grand jury find inns as true. Our own grand jury have just adjourned, and it has been an ex ceptionally good one, and if anything was wiong with the Wasco county officers we know they would have said so. Tho latter are identical with C;esar's wife in one important, particular. IMifur I truth. Pleasant weather prevails here. Farmers in this vicinity are busy plow ing and sowing. Tho orchestra is practicing every even ing for the coining social. The chopper runs every Saturday which makes our lively town more lively in appearance. Several new houses are being built and our town is growing, although Cleveland is our president. The Delphian Literary society is to give a social on the -4th of November and a good time is anticipated. Rev. Jenkins is holding protracted meetings in the IJ. 15. church. We think he will gain more worshippers in his church. Tin-: Scimuii.iut. A Itailval or RiioiI Times. Tin: Ciikonici.i; has it from reliable authority that on the first of tho month loaning agencies in Portland will have plenty of money to loan on good security. This will mainly come from the east, which is already experiencing easier times. Investment is being sought and money has come out from its hiding places and good city and county bonds are being eagerly sought as investment. This money will find ready employment, and will be used for improvements, pay ment of debts, etc., and thus reaching the channels of trade, our monetary stringency will soon be at an end. It is safe to say that spring will see a re vival of good times, and the vast army of the idle will or the most part again find employment. PERSONAL MENTION. Siii-ii'In Party. A number of tho young friends of Elmer Ward pleasantly surprised that young gentleman last evening at tho residence. We are informed the party went, oil' smoothly and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. Those present were Hex Ward, Fred Chase, John McNeil, Orla Connelh. Joe McNeil, Rowland Wiley, Walter Norman, Chits. Jiurgett, Misses Uurtio Glenn, Hess Cram, Anna Hawthorne, Anna Sandrock, Sophia Nichols, llossio Rowland, Rachel Mor gan, Minnie Sandrock, Francis Fonts, Virgia Cooper, Hattie Maiden and Ed mi Glenn. A Million KrltuulH. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have nover used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, Kuoh bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Large bottles 00o and if 1.00. Captain Sweeney. C. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Hemody is tho first medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good." Price f0 cts. Sold by Snipes it Klnorsily. Mr. T. M. eitv todav. Whitcomb of Lyle ie in the Mr. K. 15. MeFarhuid, of the Oregon National I5ank of Portland, is in the city visiting old friends. News has just arrived that the Rev. 31 r. JUcuully, pastor of the rirst Uuns thin church of The Dalles, is lying very ill at Ins home in Kentucky. Mr. J. J. Wheat of Sherman countv called on Tin: CiinoNici.i: office today. He informs us that the farmers are not in the least discouraged on account of the severe loss sustained by the heavy rains anu low prices oi wneat, nut are more industrious this fall than ever in sowing winter wheat, and it is his opin ion that Sherman county will produce more grain tho coming year than ever before in its history, Ki-al ICnttilu Triuihfori.. Otis S. Savage to Mrs. S. E. Kline, lot 10, block 1, Dalles City; $1. W. R. Menefee and wife to Frank Menefee, block lb, second addition to Dufur; $000. DfM-rvllIK l'l'lllxe. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years wo have been selling Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Rucklcn's Arnica Salvo and Electric Ritters, and have nover handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. o do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, us wo stand ready to refund tho purchase price, jf satisfactory results do not follow their use. There remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits Snipes & Kinersly's druggists. NEWS OF THE 8TATE. The Multnomah county grand jury lonnd true bills against three of the high est officers of tho countv. Those are Treasurer Charles A. Malarky, Sheriff I'enuinhra Kelly, and County Clerk T. C. Powell. The bill against Malarky charges that he is guilty of "nonfeasance in office," for not filing a report of moneys received, etc., for the six months prior to his qualification as ticasurer. The charges against T. C. Powell, tho county clerk and tho sherifi', Penumbra Kelly, are substantially tho same. About 4 o'clock Monday afternoon eome laborers on Union avenue in Upper Albina saw a woman throw a bundle from a window. Investigating thoy found it to contain a still-born infant. Tho matter was at once reported to Of- licer Hunter, of the Albina police dis trict, who took charge of tho child's re mains and sent them to the West Side station. Here City Physician Wheeler's attention was called to it, and ho went to tho house from the window of which it was thrown, lie found it to be the child of a domestic employed in the family, and she had thrown the lifeless body of the infant into tho street think ing thereby to conceal her shame. A FORBIDDEN SONG. The Only Tune It Was Not PcrmUnlblo to l'Uy In the Dunce Hall. I recall an interesting scene in Ar bour's old dance hall in Silver Cliff in the. winter of 1S7S-79, writes a Denver correspondent. The Silver Cliff excite ment then ranked only second to that of Leadville, and thousands were rush ing to the new Eldorado. The great dance hall was crowded with miners, prospectors and tendcr feet. Two sets of dances had been on the floor all evening. Two long rows of gaming tables had also been run ning at full blast, and at midnight there came a lull in the dancing for lunch. Some of the boys took posses sion of the platform, and a young fol low dressed in jacket and overalls threw his slouch hat back on his head and struck- up some familiar tune on the piano. There were about a dozen in the party who joined in the singing. Suddenly one of the boys started up "Home. .Sweet, Home."' The young man at the piano struck in with an accom paniment, and that old-time song of loved ones and home association began to fill the great hall. "Pop" Arbour was soon seen rushing toward the or chestra platform. lie had no objec tion to Gospel hymns, but entered a protest at "Home. Sweet Dome." "Don't, boys; don't sine that sonir here." "Why not'.'"' asked one of the boys. "You will make all of the girls home sick and break up the dance hall. Sing any song you want to, but not Home, feweet Home.' " ml Cloin & Furnishing Boons Just Hrrived from (lew Y fit SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jackets, FROM $3.50 UPYflRDS x II At Ilemnrkably Low Prices. Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF ST Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ET0. As we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like he famous A. S. Collins and wife's Euit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the verv lowest in the market. Wo invito our friends and customers to examine our tfoods and prices before purchasing. THERE IS NO COFFIN TRUST ! T will furnish anything necdeil from an Undertaker as cheap I as can io iirocurea irom anyone mat noes not uoiohb A ..x U.. ...,.1 . I.... V ... t iu iuu .inswuiuiiuu. itiiu i 1111 i: u iatiiit ui'as ui s . iiu intrllpTlnn In mnhnlmlnr. I nm iirnnnrwl to attend to everything pertaining to ine i)iiMiie.-s . . PICTURES . TO OKDJ-.R Can be Called Day or Nlyht. WM. MIC HELL, Undertaker and Embatmer. 1'l.ACK OI- llfolNESS Corner of Third and Washing t.s. ItESIIJENCE-Corner . .oi Fourth and Washington i-treets. All orders promptly attended to covered. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by nn old plijsiolau. Succesrfulli usl umWij by l7iouin! of IauUo. Is tlio only perfectly safonnd reliable iiu'dk'Iiw dls- Sowaro of unprincipled drugUta who nfiVr Inferior inodlelues III placo of this. Ask for Cook'a CoCtou Ilool Compound, lake no tubslU Me, or lueloso $1 and (3 cents in pontage lu lottcr and wo will wild, 6oiilcd, ly return mall. Fullscalod partloiiluni in pll" envelope, to ladles only, Si ntuuip. Addriwn I'ond Lily (loiupnny. Ko. 2 1'UUur Block, Dotrolt, Mich. Hold III Tlio UiMw by Ulukeley : Houston. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in tho drug business at Klkton, Ky., for tho past twelve years, says: "Chum borlain's Cough Remedy gives hotter satisfaction than any other cough medi cine 1 have over sold," There is good reason for this. No other will euro a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a provontivo and cmo for croup ; no other ailbrds so much relief in y.iso3 of whoop ing cough. For salo by Hlnkeloy A Houghton, druggists. Ufco Mexican Silver Stove I'olith Mio Had It All l'lnniiud. Whoever has seen a Cornish funeral knows how "ilka lassie has her laddie" in the melancholy procession, and not only are there lads and lasses, but more mature couples. It is a matter not only of ceremonv, but choice. clergyman was ministerhifr the other day to a parishioner whose end was approaching, when tho voice of the sick man's wife, who was something' of a virago, made itself heard through the open window: "I don't care what comes or j;ws, but I will not follow the corpse with a little man." Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. iy- k:ba.X3 -sal "Samantha at tie World's Fair," And be up to the times. THE LATEST OUT WnctWrnl-nniioYil l ii via ui inu mi llv JOS1A11 Al.l.KN'ri WIEK. A. G. Hoering, Local Agent, The Dallas, Or. Mi P Has jiibt received limn the fur East MEN'S MERINO. WOOl, AND CAMEL'S HAIR UNDERWEAR. HALF IIOSK IN FAST RLACK WOOL. CASHMFRK, AND MKRINO H n ii cl l e r c h i e f s .-axicl Neckwear. THE NHW YORK TailorMade Overcoats munnnTO i i j i iviaaeuvci AND SUITS ARK MOVING OFF. All ecods marked in plain Hwi m Secofli Street Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Ktirnisliing Goods, Trunks and Pa Uses, etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. .Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. IS. BAYARD, J. E. BARNETT Late tffiecial Agent General Land OJice. Bayard dfe Barnett, Jtye Ieal Estate, Ipar), Iiurapee, & COLLECTION ACENCY. KTOTAHY XJ 33 31a X O . Parties having Property thoy wish to Sell or Trade, Mouses to Kent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. Wo shall make u specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests before tho Unitep States Land Otlice, 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR, PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS Ami the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in WAIjL, 3F jL IE3 IE 3Rl . Practical Painters and Paper Haiu-ers. None but tho best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and ,1. W. Masury's Paints used in all .air work, and none but tho most skilled workmen employed, Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints, No I'heinieul t'oinbinutinn or soap mixture, A Hist class article in all colors. AP orders promptly attended to. Paint Shon cornar Thinlanil Washiugtou Sts., The Dalles. Oreo-oc emu s Crayon CM. It costs you 50 cents to join, if you join before Saturday. Evex'y member is guaranteed a Crayon. Now for Christ mas Presents for yourself or friends . Investigate ! THE DALLLES, OR.