The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 22, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly. 1 vear .MM
" 6 months 0 Tfl !
3 " OM
Dully, 1 year C,W
r. months. ... a oo
0 w
Address all communication to " THK CHRON
ICLE." The DaIIcs, Oregon.
orncK hours
General Delivery Window . . .S a. tu. to 7 p. m.
Mocev Utvler " S n. m. to 1 1. m.
Huntiay it l) " y a. in. tolOn. m.
trains going East. . . . p. m. and 11:45 a. in. '
" " West Up. el. and SlMf. m. .
Stage tor Ooldcndale 7:80 a.m.
" " I'ttnevlllo 5::Wa. m.
" "Dulur and Warm Spring ..5:ia.m.
" iLeavlnc for l.vlo Hartland..5:S0a. ni.
" " " Aiitclope 5:80a. in.
Rivnt Snnnl-tv. I
iTri-weokly. Tuesday Thursday anil Saturday.
Monday Wednesday and Friday.
NOV. '22, 1S93 I
i:nct or I'lr on Yankee Anillencm.
Audiences in Now England towns arc
like pons They have the sanie outward
appearance niul vary only In size. They
take their amusements as they live
seriously. A New England audience Is
like a i congregation, deeply attentive
anil religiously luellnetl. If n few gitltly
persons laugh aloud or npplaud en
thusinstically they nre stared at nnd
frowned down. Outside people who
have seen turbulent political meetings
in New England, when speakers have i
lieen greeted with mingled cheers and
hisses, would be amazed at the stolid i
aspect of most New England audiences'
in places of amusement. New Eng-1
landers rise to great occasions and oj-1
portunlties, as all the world knows, but
so far as expressing outward manifesta
tions of artistic pleasure and satisfac
tion is concerned they are tadpoles.
Most of the audiences in Maine, Ver
mont and New Hampshire look weary
and tired, as though they had done u,
hard dny's work on three meals of pie.
I have often thought a regimen of roast
beef or deviled food would serve to im-i come
prove some of the sluggish and unre
sponsive audiences of New England.
Donahue's Magazine.
Close l)e:llu; In .Multie.
A woman sold a pig to a butcher the
other day anil he killed it on the prem
ises. Now It is a superstition with
some butchers that to cut oil' a pig's
Secretary Morton, of the department
of agriculture, is one of President Cleve-
land's cabinet otneers wno seems 10 con- tail insures the .preservation of the Scalp Diseases if
ceive it to be a part of his duty to make meat. J lie pig's little tail was cut off. ! benefit or
i! . - . ; ii.. if,,, t
mif nnnn Mm ( nrfm 111 t' t tntl q. Tip '
..... .('V.. ...- " '
has stirred them up by some sneering j
and unjust reference to them in a speech j
which he made at the world's fair agri-.
cunurr.i congress, aim me lurmurs arc j oning came
allowing tlieir resentment 01 it.
The secretary of agriculture has evi
dently mistaken tho character of the
grange organizations nnd presumes that
the farmers are collectively ignorant.
He has declared that these organizations
are the enemies of the farmers' best in
tererests. So far as Pennsylvania is
concerned this is grossly untrue, and we
have 110 reason to suppose it is different
generally. The grangers here have
served the farmers a most excellent
Hut the woman was on the watch. She
picked up the tail and gave it to the
butcher to be weighed, saying: "I want
pay for the whole of him." Itut the
butcher got even with her. The reck- '
to a half cent, probably 1
because of the addition of the tail. She
wanted the half cent, of course: she al-1
ways does. .So the butcher placed a
cent on the block, cut it in two with ;
his cleaver, and gave her the half cent.
Portland Press. I
It covers a good deal of ground
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. Ami when you hear that
it cures so ninny diseases, perhaps
you think " it's too good to he true."
Hut it's only reasonable. Ah a
blood cleanser, llesh - builder, mid
strenirth-reatorer. nothing like
" Discovery " is known to medical
science. 'I'hu diseases that it cures
from a torpid liver, or from
impure blood. For everything of
this nature, it is tho only guaran
teed remedy. In Dyspepsia, Hil
iousness ; all Bronchial, Throat, and
Lung affections ; every form of
Scrofula, oven Consumption (or
Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages,
and in the most stubborn, Skin and
it ever fails to
euro, you have vour
monev back.
The worst cases of Chronic
Catarrh in the Head, yield to
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
So certain is it that its mak
ers offer $500 reward for an
incurable case.
Oldest Agricultural Paper in America.
To all cash Hiilwirlbers of Tin: Giihoniuli:
paying one year in iidvatico.
The American Farmer,
1729 New York Avonuo,
I Tin: Amuukun RutMtot, which (n now cutcr
1 Iiik uim It 7Mh i'iir, Is Hid jiloueor (ariner'M
I patter In Hit? ctmntrx.
1 It I law ciKlit'iKt paper, niul contains tfi
ciiiuiuu in nil? cntucesi agricultural 111111 incr
urr matter, i 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - cmhclllshctl with lino
illustrations. It Is
niul lU'iil.i with fnrmliiK nm! furiiior'n Interest"
011 linmil, practical lino, it
1 Tllfi COUNTRY,
mill everything. Unit appears In Its columns Is of
1 tho hlKhestchnraeter l'.very ilcitartiueul ot the
. I,., j dinner business Is iIImmismiI In mi earnest. l....t..n. ... t... .............
, ...... 1. ,1.111.111. in itiv- Ktviiivn. I'lV'ilt im.i
lienellt lo tho fiuuicraml his family.
It appears on tho 1st Mini I.Mh of each month,
mul Is furnished ul Hie low ptlco of
ill mlvanec Tills iiiiiUiN tho olii'UMsl
iiKrlrulturiil paper Invito country.
ImrliiK the etiinliiK enr thciu will ! mi tin
ineii-c nuuilier of mutters of the must vltn! In
tetcst In farmer dealt with lv 'niurres and the
Kxreitllve Departments nt Washington, It Is
liltfhly imporliint Unit tho farmcm lie kept
promptly and fully Informed ns to what Is IicIiik
iilaniieil ami douo alhrtliiK theiu nt the National
('npllal. They slinuhl all, therefore, take Tin:
AMimiiUN I'.vitMKit, which, IhiIiik on thoKroitud,
has bettor facilities than 1111 v other imiMirs fur
Kettltur this Information, anil devote Itself to
this duty Ihey will hud In It oonstantlv 11
ureal amount of valuable Information that they
eau act In no other paper.
Tin: Amkiucan I'.tiiMKit and Tin: CliiioNtei.K
will be eutouo year for J1.7A.
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Boooud Street.
Alitmt Iten .ItcAtei-.
Mrs. l.uckev write? from Union
her husband, .1. C. Luekey, eaw Ilea
McAtee in Union on Nov. 2d, tiie day
after he left here, and hail a short con
versation with him. lie said he hnd in-
purpose in promoting social intercourse, 1 tended to leave on thost:u;e to see a man
. "tt . ! 1 1 ...1
an mtercnange ot experience wnicn nas on ousinesf1, out as tne static was gone j y"
IUIJ1UICU lillUl HUl IV tltlU ULitUttlt.U ! ilV Uli CUIlltiA, .HIV. .11.. 111.
methods of farmers. It has not been an I must have been misinformed as to tho
VtiKNTS make r.W) n day. dre.itt st kltelien
utenll ever Invented. 'Uelalls v, ets. to i,
sold In every lions.', Sample, inisMko imlil. live
cents. .McMakiu uutl Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
Vr'ANTKI) 1'ii.ihiiiK ;anvner ot km ad
i dres. Liberal .salarv and eeii-es paid
weekly, Permanent iltlt)ii. 1IUDWN IIUDa.
CO", Nurserymen, Portland, Ur. mvIiv
time of the stajrc leaving, as this waj in
the forenoon and the stage left at - p. in.
Uoonts t6 rent at l'ev.
dence on Ninth street.
A. Horn's resi-ti-L'Sdaw
H HfiB W M " Jj' v ' fie'b. nine i'J. and the east half ami Hie muthwest
sB' y!Rvi'WwS?; gJ Jwi-tv 'inarter ami thoomtt half of th- imrthuest nuar
ihSawKV'VC-ffPvr't W-1 trand tliefniithet(iiarteruf the uorthue-t
BwWli' rvcfi'-.; ,. '''! :i.irtei of section ten (10) 'iiitl the north half of
11 CUh'ia c.'i vK f .7 , , , .in imrtliuest nuarter mul the mutiieast oiiarter
ZiCtS- N
organization for interference with what
did not concern the farmer, and it has m
.many ways been the means of improv
ing the condition of the farmer.
The grange was chieily instrumental
In securing the establishment of the de
partnient of agriculture, but the secre
tary seems disposed to demonstrate that ,
this was a mistake. It was, it all who
were placed at the head of the depart
ment should be like the present secre-1
tary ; but fortunately that has not been 1
the case. Both Secretary Colman and
Secretary Rusk had some knowledge of
what was required of them, "fliey did
not go about the country scolding and
sneering at farmers because they do not ;
vote the democratic ticket and because,
like people in almost every other pur
suit, they find some advantage inorgani-1
zation. They sought to encourage and
promote the interests of the farmer and,
being practical men with a knowledge of
what was required, they were not al-,
ways without success.
Secretary Morton is a very different .
kind of man. He is a professional poli
tician and has been such for a quarter !
of a century. He has neither fitness for
the position he occupies nor tho com
monest understanding of the farmers'
interests. He evidently believes his
principal duty to be toinstrtict tho farm-1
er how he ehall behave politically,
and the average farmer generally has a '
much more intelligent idea of that duty 1
than a bourbon politician, such as Mr.
Cleveland's secretary of agriculture.
There have been no ill-advised political i
movements on the part of tho farmers jZfl
that have not been encouraged by demo- D3. SANDEH'S ELECITRIC BELT
cratic demagogues, and thev complain With ElortiprtaEnotlo QUSFBH80RY.
onlv when tho farmers' organizations . W'IIleur(jwithoiitniislicln((i!lri.iitrFi!ultlm:fro'ii
" . . ' ovcr-Uixatlonof brain nerve forces i eictuMaorlndit
cannot no ueniioi neir partisan purpose. v1lar1MU!Jr' vut?l7intM-
' . 1 ' rm"ntuin, kl'liiey, liver nntl bladder complaint.,
ine grange is noi a partisan oruani-, :"r'...':( ;;",.?;,aiiiT' '!
i isri .i iii iiraiLij. ic. iiiu pirrira! ivu miimi-
"'K WAST YOU TO WOUK 1-1)1: r.S. thus
inuuiiiK ii'.'.cu to J.V1.W l'hit wi:i:k.
I'artles nrcferrtsl who can furnish a horn-and
travel tlirr.UKh thu country ; a team, ttiottjih. Is
not necctary. A few veanclc. In tutvn and
tltiej.. hjiare hours may be utd to dssl ml
vantase. It. r. JOIIN.t)N ,v t ....
11th and Main &t., Illctiiio ii t, Vn.
Hy virtue of an execution m.d onler of ml-1,
issued out nf the ciieult (curt of tr.e .-tiitc ol
Oregon, for the County of act. to me dlreetisl
eornmanilini: me to make Mile of the and in tho
-aidwtlt, dcscrlltd to-wlt jile-es and
panels of land in Whm'o t'ounn . ft-iteof Ore
i;nn, known nntl a the -outh half of
usition clht(.s , and the outh half of MOthiti
;1.00 per
Cum C'oiiQiiss, Hoticriv,baru aiitont,
UrouptT -.ipi..-: r 'A sV.'Irirr inj:-'oiiKli
nntl Axiinuu. r r C'-ntiiiif tlon It hnann
rival; lin&iureit .aouaiiil" vt iCrcall otlicri
failed; vrdl vcaz - " if td:;n in tinio. So! l
by I)ru?s.i or. f.'roiirnntto. rorl.itne IJaei
or Chc3t, u;o ,-iltII.Qtl'S l'LASl Kit. Z, eta.
ul in rowusliinoueili, north of ItatiL'e fourttMii
'II itof the Wlllimette meridian, to make'
ir"! run the sum of money, In sniii etiurt adJuilK
.otioii The Solicitors anil 1rut
p.i Id to the iilalntlll'ln wild action, in
Is the
Of the Year
For Sale at a Barer?
Tho uwlor.sitfnud, having .sctnirotl
11 11.
llio mool.:..
tl - llt'lkL t tl'l.,11 ..(... 1 . . 1 . . a . rl 1,... I . J I
... .....v., Mininutu ,M 4l 1 1 1 Ml"l 13ISS Ulln. e..L
It 1 I I Ollll I 1,k CJIIt.k.k ill .i I. ... I.I .
..... ... ...... l i , fc-, , . , , .i I ii i. 3 1 r 1 111, .......
ifll It .tl .III iiflrl luiiiitii . .......... .....I .. I
v.. .v ..v.,. .....,., iv,,.;i, .n,n (v IILI'im; ;iiiuiiii,i f .1
- - - . ........ rs- -Miii, ii s
....... i. ........ . i..,.i.. ..... ii , ...
iiiiiviiiiiv;i , ni.-st.-i, liny nilill 1.111", I)U1I(!VS. I IM t.Mir. .,...1 i
inmost a oomploto snoo lael.oiy.
.More is also ono of the host." sit oh (or
Dill L 'Mi
.. tv . . . .. 4 .... j . . i i i . : l . . i a i i . .
iiiin;; a wiuiurv tu iihh kiiki i ii( louiKl in
Write for particulars at once, to
,15 t.j 1
Tlx Dallos,
S s. TT T" T " If l X -W a sr-N -w-. .
IIiIh well-known Ilruwury i now titrninu' out tliu lieHt lteor ami
iitMt nf tin riiuinfi,u rri,,t ,i.,.,ii.i.f..,u .1... ... I... i.f.. ...... ii
fill Hmtr hiivit iMtitti mul .m it flu, It.ui.nliiuu t.1,.,1.. ...til I...
- - - - .. ...... . . ii k.-irfi7ij ...vii.ii; n lit ot II imi
he inarlt'it.
Timber IjiihI, Act June 3, lb".
KJ .
1 V-J' -siJ
. .
m&B&zSI VI C. M U 'S.
Hiitc you tiiturrii? T!iU rcicsle l ininnin.
tocsl to euro you. lVlct .'Acts. Juivctor trorv
For al ii by Nnltns .V tCinrly.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, ac
id to i
V ill' ll
i ii'nisiiiv were, iilalutill' and Jnnies Itisith. Mar
t!i.-i M. hooth, Kveretl K. ifali, J 1 . Mrt.Ttire.
y.irn'i II. McCTure, 1). (i. Alter, llalpli Iloaers, Jn
lia N ltiii;ers, I'M KmUdv, J layiorandJ
I- Kd.taril.s weretlefeni:nnt-, to-wlt the nun of
?w.C) with Interest tliereou, from Julv 1. ls'jj.
at the rate of six jier cent is'r aniiiiiii anil fJiJ.i) y h i sn Urn rim Dull.. iir
attorneys fees in said urtit.n ..s I ' 1 ''AN" OFKI', 1 N.iv. K Tmu
,, thT b,r , .if rnU,' lh Uv'v,,y lv,,n 111 '"'"Pllanco
ii.on the land aforesaid and on , tho I)r(lvi,(,mH ,)( th), ,,t (lf ,.()llK' of
Sntiirilny I In; :::ird ilny of lieeiitlnT I Mil.", .lune.'t, lHTt, enlltlnl "An net for the ialoof tltu
at the hour of 10 o'cloeU a m . in front nf the I l'.ur l",",u l"..11"; ''"",'" ''"Hforula, tireKon,
court home door, In the fii . if I he Hallos, o j .""svmin and nsliiiiKt.iu Territory.
."Mid County mid State. I will n it Mild laud at Neul :. Sovi:iii,ii,
laiblieauctioii, to the hliih. -t buiii.-r therefor. f Kfuloi. count) of Waco. mate of ()ifKon.
a,. , , ,, . , ' it". Iiiim this day llUil in tills olhce his soiu stat"
-hcilll of Wasct Count v. -t.,tf ()nWii. mL.,lt Uir ,',. iUr,.ull.,. 1)f t. m;i., .nv.,
of htctlon. No. ia, in Towiiship :.'o. a s , hiiiko
i No l.'t V.. W. SI., and uill oiler proof toshou
that the laud touhi Is more v.iliuiblti for Its
tltnl.T or stone than for icrlcilltural Hir.oso,
and to estahlinh his claim to raid laud before
the IteKlster and Itceelver of this otllce at Tin:
IJallo, Ur., on the l.'itli day of .lanuary, si.
lie names ns wltiic..cs- dvotie Mclj-od, Jiih
s-r i;n-ley, Usui Ittmdciu nnd I-ifaycttn K.ivU,
t " I .......... . ' '
Wasco County,
I I!
zation and that ia evidentlv what has i r'?''v.'!. "t,r'",t r .' ber. (sjmii: i
- . iiiiuiuHT Hituy wwi.r or Wfl lonelC xz.wxw.
arouised Secretary Jlorton'H opposition
to it. He can bo eertain that it will not
exist when it shall bo in the farmers' in
terests to abolish it. At present the best
interests of the fanners seems to be in
the abolition of Morton.
vtlll cijiiiullcf the alstvo dlroiwn or no ihly. ihou.
.i.uo imi utrit cjrwj uv una rnacreivud invtnuon
ailer Mlcuu-rrrmnlle fullisj. anil no irliro iuutfit&i
CI tettiinoulal In liiw ana every cither rtnU;.
Our ly.n'il Inni.rtl KUITUIU Klbrl.'OttV, tli
(trnttut Una srer oirrml weaU mm, HIKK ll!il
JMIi. lltnllUJ lli,foii.hlf.ll,GUilli.,(ri!KI(lutytlo
WtJS tkna lorlllun'U I'ainfiilet,, Ircy
So. 17Vlrtritreet. J'OU'Jt'li.ifiU OKK.
lty virtu.- of mi execution ai.d ortler of sale,
limned oiu of tho Ciieult Court of tt.e .State or
Oregon, for the County of aeu. to me directed
coiiirnandiin; mt; to make .ale of the laud In the
iMihi wilt described to-wlt tliov pie e and mr
eels ol laud in WurCD County, fetate of Orou'on,
known iiud docilUil as the muthet iUarter
ol notion four II. and the north half of Mctloii
nine 'J), and the northwest jiinrt-r of netlon
eventts-'li 117, in Townhli one Ii north of
ItariKc fourttsjii 11, east of the Willamette Meri
dian, lo make niul pay the um t t moiiev, in
aid ( .airt i'djud(?tsl to Is- paid to tin- plalntfll' In
Mihl ai-ll.iu, In which action The )-ilclioi Loan
and '1 runt Comiiany were ibnnlt!, arid .lames
llot'th, Martha M. linoth, lAerctt i: Hall, .1. I-'.
Mct'liirc fcarah II. McClutc. I) (, Alt-r. Itnlph
Hosiers, Julia N. Iloxers, I'rl hmhodv, .1 M. 'lay
lor and. I. 1 . Kdntmjs cro deR-iiilauts,
the suiiiof l-'iOOfmlth lllteiest thereon, from
July 1, 1W, at tin- rate of kIx perci-utpuriiuiiuiu
and fJW.oii attorney's fes in Mid action and
costs and dithtirfccmcuts tln-ri in taxnl, I have
tills day levied upon the land aforesaid, mul on
Kntiirdity, tillril tiny nt I).-ciiilinr, IHil.'l,
at the hour of Id o'clock ii. in. In iiout of the
court hollto dwir, In tint City of Tin: Julio, In
halt! County and h'tato, I uill k-11 salilluiid at
public auction to the hiithust bidder therefor.
T. A. WaIiii,
Sherlll ol Whsco C'ounty, htiitoof OrvKmi.
all of I.lneslcy, Or.
Any lino all arsons eialiiilni: adversely
above iIoiciIIhiI lands are ii'iiuestiil to , their
chiliim in thlsolllcc mi or livfore mill 1,1th day of
January, i.r.i.
win ' JOHN W. i.KWlH. Ilcxliitcr,
Blount lied to please Cleveland,
and Cloveladd expectetl him to lie if
the truth wouldn't please.
A. A. Brown,, sheriffs sale.
I.a.nii OKi'iei:, The liallen. Or.,(
Nov. u, I sin. j
Notice Is hereby kIvcii that the following
named settler has llletl nolleoof his Intention to
make linn 1 proof In support of his claim and that
Nim prooi w ill is' iiiatie is'iorc tun register anil
rtseiver in inn iiaiitw, urej.;on, on vu'iliicHiny
jtet'emis;r invt-j. vi.:
lltnvltt KIiik,
Homustead Apjillc.illon No. tSs'il, for the N'-jOf
nr.- , nun oi nii i-ee. in, I i. i n. it. n i.ast.
He million the following wltuessea to provo his
coiitluuoiiH resilience upon and cultivation of
nun iaim,vu:
II. . Wells, of The Dalles, Or., Charles
Huston, .lames Kantou and l'liul I.lmeruth of
..ann.-ne. or,
John W. J.itwm, iteijister,
Tho Oreonian speaks hopefully of tho
morals of Portland, now that such vices
as the Mercury and pugilism have been
squelched. It says: "There is much to
commend in the administration of erim
inal justice in l'ortland for tho last year.
Hocial evils have been abolished that
were traditionally held to bo inexpunga
ble. Pugilism has been routed and the
Mercury crushed. This encourages hopes
that would have been thought vain
year ago. Perhaps tho variety theaterH
will go next, prostitution will be limited
and (ambling forced to take to cover.
It is too much to expect that these forms
of vice will be abolished : but it is not
unreasonable to wish that they should
be forced to hide, as they do in other
Tula is to certify that I have unil KruUbo'N
Mexducho Caimules periodically for over one
year, and have very much pleamrc in utatiiiK
that they have always jtrovtd bcnellclal and
have relieved we In from ten to fifteen minutes.
I have been a euffertr from headache lot many
yean, and liave never found anything to In mo
mm much KoeA a Krauwj'n Headache Capmtlea,
Your truly, Ijuvih Hkiihan,
211 B. Voplar Ht., Wichita, Kan.
Hild hi SHlpoH lit Klberaly,
Uot ciara'broth at J. O. Mack's every
'day at 4 o'clock. ,
Keeps a full Mskortment of
Staple anil Fancy Groceries
and Provisions.
which ho oflem at Um Kitfiirt,
, Hy vlrluu of an execution and order
I of Nile issued out of the Circuit Court
'of tho ttato of OreKOti for the county
i 01 naeco. in 1110 oireeitsi, couimauuiui;
uic 10 make saio oi nit; lauii insiuii writ,tleserlh
. ed lo-vlt; thosu ileccs and imiccls of laud In
Waeo County, iitato of OreKou, Itnown and do-
i-crlbetl iihiill of uectloll tlileo(;iJ, and the i-oiltll
' half of ijuartcrol section four I,
l and the routh luilf of K'cllou five (.1) and the
, north half of nctlon cluht (, all In Towimhlp
'one (1), north of ItaiiKu fourteen (I eust of the
' VMllnmcuu inuriuiaii, 10 mane ami imy tho Mini
..f ... ...i.i ....I... i.itinjt.,... . -1. . .... .
.ni iiioiit- , iii .,. ....u, . uMjiii, j 1 ,ni,i in
inu pianino in ram w:iiiiii, ih wiiieu ucunu Tlic
NMHKlUi m' UU 111 HS HilicllorH Ujiiii aiidTruiit C'omtiauv were plalu
iJxJUVin.ll . . F rVlUjUU I tl"' "1 James Jiootli, Martha M. IIimiiIi, Kveretl
to uasn Buyers.
Highest Cash Prices for Eis and
other Produce.
John Pashek,
Ike Merchant Tailor
Hall. J. F. ilcCllire. rarall II JlcClnre. II. n
Alter, Itaipn itoKers, -iniia .t uokcth, Hrl l;in
I r.isly. J. M. Tavlor and J, K. Kdwards were de
feudaiiU, to-wlt, tho nun of l.'uuMm tltli Inter
I est tliereon from July I, IWr.', at the rate of tlx
i i-er cent M.r annum and f-(Ml 00 uttorney feea in
I said action anil ctxtsmid dbburkeiin-nti, therein
f tnxul, I have this day levkd iimjii the land
a novo nescriiHti nun on
Nutiiriluy tli:iil ilnr of lleceinbitr, IHOII,
at the hour ot Id a, in,, In front of the court
hoiiNi door. Ill tho city of The Dulles. In salil
coiinl." ami utalc. 1 wllUtll said lund t public
aiieiioii, in me iiikovsi oiutivi touieior,
T. A. WAItl),
Hlierlll'of Wiisco county, Htato of OreKon
76 Count atnt,
Next door to Waioo Bun Office.
Bellas Juit recelveil tho latent ntyles In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
anil hHii larKoasfcortmcnt of Fort inn ami Amer
lean cloths, which ho cull llnlnh 'Jo Order for
I hum that favor him,
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice Ik hereby given-that Iho County Court
of tho Htate ol OrcRon for County bus
duly appointed tliu uudemlKiiol the. executor of
tho hut will ami testament of (icorno I1', liters,
ilcfcaM-il, All liersons haviliK claims uKalimt
tho estate of wild dtceatcd aio hereby reiUlred
to tneseiit them, with thu inis;r vouehem,
within x moullis from the dule of this imilue,
to mild executor at ids place of remill'lice, near
Dalles city, In Mild county, or at thu olllco of
W, II. Wllinii, la aahl Dallca City,
-dlOIIAKI. DO) i.i:, Kxmitor.
Dated this 1st day of .Novcjnlter, imi:;. fdw
I.a.nii Ofkick, Tho Dalles, Or,, I
Oct. 'J, ih-jci. I
Ii'otlco is hereby niven that the followlm;
naiiitil settler has llletl nutlet: of his Intention to
iiuiko final prisif In supimrt of his
claim, and that Mild proof will Isi made before
llie licKlstor ami receiver at The Dalles, Or,, on
rrinay, fiovemner ii, iw-i, vu,:
KilKur H. I'rntt,
Homestead Aiiiilieation No. VWI.'t. for tho VM ol
" y " ' n,vi '" "s'c. ii, iii. i d,, it, l.
ileiiaiiicH the followluu wltuessea toirovehls
continuous reshleucu upon, and cultivation of,
Mini laiui. vi.:
J. II, Maitlll, I 'rank Driver, l-on WIiik ami
i.nariey vi ink', an or wnmic, ur,
tll-17 JOHN W. l.liWIH, UcBlster.
In the County Court of tho Htate of Ortwni, for
WHK! t.lllllliy,
lit the Matter of tho KUU of
Wlllluiu Hamilton WIUoii, DmaiKd.)
K.'.ill.. lu l.i.rnl.v ..I.-..I1 lh Hi. I t,irli.rl....,..l
...... n ..u.v.. ...... ...v ......v. .ftt.U'l ,
by an order of tliu County Court of tho Htatoof
tireKon, lor wamiii t;oiiuiy. muuu ami onierctj
Heitemler 7, 1W, wa apiHiliited uxicutor of the
hut will ami leniament of thu said William
lisiiilltou WIUoil, ileceaH'di all erous havliiK
claims uKalnnthiild eatato are hereby untitled to
preseui mo i-aiae wnu uie iror vouchers
therefor to moat tho olllco ol Mays, lluutliiutnii
tV. Wilson, 'ihu Dalles, (ireKou, within nix
mouilis from tho f aloof this notice.
Dated Tho Dallei, Or., Hept. 7, IH'J.I.
Kxeiiiitor ol Will of Wm, !, WIUoii, ileo'd
Estray Taken Up.
Olio black ismiv, braudwl cither R or R nn lull
hip and left Jaw Owner can liavo auioTiy prov
Iiik property and payliiK for this notice.
im.i, I. i;, wil.DKlt,
lO-Iilwlm I'ostoiilcc, Tho Dulled, ()r,
'l'lie C!uto (Jity of the Inland Kuipirn i Hittmtetl ut the kd
of navigation on the .Middle Oolunihin, mid is u thriving, pros
perous oitv.
It ia the supply city for nn oxtciiHivo mul rich uricihW
and grazing country, itK tnule renchiiig uh fur Miutli ns Sutawr
Luke, ii (liHtuncn of over two liitiidred tuiloH.
The Largest Wool Market.
'I'lie rich grazing country along the eiiHtorn Hlopo of the Cu
ciuIch furnishes pasture for tliousantlH of Hlitmp, the wool fros
which finds market linn.
Tin! DallcH is tho largest original wool uliipping point to
A niorica, aUiitt 5,000,000 pounds lming shipped last year.
Tho Hiilinon lishorii'K uro thu lincHt on tho C'oluinliia, vifiiw?
this year a rovonui! of tliousands of dolliini, which will t-ontore
than tlouhled in the near future. ,
This jiroducta of tho iH.-autiful Klickitat valley iind market
lion?, and the country south and east has this year filled Ae
warehouses, and all available stoni'i- places to ovorllowing ''
their jiroducts.
It is the richest city of ita aizo on tho coast and itt money
scattered over and islieing used to develop nioro fanning
than is tributary to any other city in ICiistorn Oregon.
Its situation is uiiHurpitKsed. Ita oliinato delightful. toF08'
sibilities incalculable. Ita resources uiiliuiited. Ami w ll"
t.orner stones she sUnds.
The California Wioehoose
Ih now upon, and itn propriutor will soli liis honje-l)i-oclu(jod
Wino at pricos in tho roach of ovorybou)'
Also, boat roanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to bo ruro and .l.'irsl-Clans in ovory rospoct.
Thompson's Addition.