She Dalles Chronicle OL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1S93. NO. 136. Dalles Daily Ghronicle. II v CHKONIOhH PUBLISHING CO, . ....i IVu.tilriLrtJItl HtrtH'ik. 'Ph.. lllllll'H, WIVKWII. rni "f HHlmorlptlHii ".'.h hTfarrlor II, IX) 80 . 6 I'l.MK TAIM.KH. i:ullriiuil. mcili I't AllgllHtli, lh'JS. KAHT IIOUNIl. , imtwl' ' !' - Depart n:w v. (. WKHT IIOUNIl. m. IlunurtH H: II a. U, , ... I.l,.hfl lllllt 1'iirrV ImKM'IiL'LTS lcilVU ti: u worn iii " "-I tl I V S'MflKS. ...111.. Kin lt.ll.. lv,lt ll'lLVH riiillv Mll.tli.ltl flltlVIIM (!llV. ll'IIVI. ...i i i. t'.illiti' liuivi iliillv. fixf'i'iit A ......l..l.. U'iiuIi 1. ..'. ..t.irl' IIIV 111 Illlt HCCpt hundiiy lit T A. !. Yi'arull lines nt the Umatilla Ilnunv. riCOrKHfllONAl.. touttHtriut, Tliu Dalles, Oregon. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TliANHAOT A (iKNKKALllANKINO IIUHINKHS Letters (if Credit iBBtiod available in hu Eastern StateB. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic TransforfiBoldon low York, Chicago, St. lHlis. Kllll FrRtmiMnn. T'nrtliinil Driiniii Seattle WiihIi., and varioiiB points in Or- uon ami vvaHiiiiigi.on. Collection! made at all jtoliits on fav orable terniH. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. I'roRHlimt Z. F. Woody Vice-PreBidont, Ciiaklks Hilton Jusluur, M. A. Moody SICMA18HE Makes lifo misorablo. All other ailinont.s i.rn as nothing in com pariKon. "Women (spuci.illy know its Biiffcriiiff, ami fov: eacapo its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS General Banking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all acccHHible points. ISBfUR. rHAHKKKHKFKK. ijk. .. j. r.r.i.r r.r. AtiuiHinin-!- uw-lliioiiin Vi mill . over rom ll......!........ Utrclt lUllUIUKi lillVlllllLV 11 I'lm . iilet. Oregon. s. BKNiS'i'.TT, attounky-at-law. 01- icelnn.'iiiiuim'i. bulldlUK, tip tulrn. The .urnrun. ;.AT. . S.llUNTINIITO.V. II. B. WII.SU.-l. iVe, Ilt'NTINdTON A WILSON Attoii-hti-at-law Olllcwi, Kronch'H bluok over ..'.uuimi jiiiii., 1 1'niivni vvr.w.. H WllJiON- ATTOHNKY-ATiaw - Hoiintfl Yittcli Coh bunk tmiMliiK. Httond p r.-ircm n' fti.ui ifmuTiimi PlfYMlfTtAM inii kri.tfiiu 1'nlly ullHlVnriHl lirUlUlHI Vt Vt UiKJi. LI IV If T ITlllIll 11 1 Vllliwv " - wtl J. H. HCKKKCK. I'rL'Kliluiit. J M. rATTKKSON, (JuKliler, H, 0. I) DO A N K I'll YH1CIAN ANI HUB- HOS. Olllro: rnunm ft null C Oliinmniii f -1. ...... n ... j l . ItfKAI.l.-Dkntiht. Oim Riven lor ttio i .1 tiiittii icmmtiin: niirii 111 iTjViCII iihiwm rvi.""" "'v" HOCIKTIIIS. AsCO LOlKflC, NO. 15, A. K. A A. M.- Mtotj utvnaMwuulc Man 1110 uuni wmwuu)- 3ft Hun! Cami. No. fJ. MwithTllt'Mlayovt'n- evcrv J-fM.ij- viMilliKiil7:K0o(!lnck,lii K. 'iruillL' firothiTk tint i iilriiini I' u....).. ti t iimu v- 11 JILk hi t .... . o -'("tiiiinK iiiumivin 1.HI.MM..J 11 i I VlllLl) I' ft 1 fl - 11 iiiu B.virilii it Mi iihi iltnn fit, ,iXI 1 lilt TAUUk ....Ktuii.i u'.i . uvurjf rutin? mwiM" v iu mu rL-uutiiir riniiii. Atuuuitn veeiciv ineotlnuM Friiiiiv ut 8 r. M., 1 Ml' 1 llwim xt t i it ttt rHtoruftv Hall, nvur KuIIlth. mi Hccoml tuurkuny uvuillUKN nt 7:3". II II A VUWM iK UL'm - "' l'OHT, M). Si, U. A. It. Jltfts v I- K. MeuUnvnri-hiniiliiv aftornoiill 111 w A 1 III IV llllll. ran... "WIllK III tliu K. of I'. llllll. .f I'i K. IIIVIHION. No. Ifi7 McutH ' A. Ill 1 II.. II .1... .I-... .....I W: mClllniiiitl, ..1 n.tii 11 u III IMlllCH- TIIK UHIIUOIIKH. .'UTRIIH (IIIIIIIIMIll.ii. li' llimuu. . AlfLIIH UVL'II nilllUIIV I1L --. 'limn fib A. . . Wl'Win . b . Htl , nih 11 ,lV"(I" union Htreot.oppoNito f nil I ttU Mi (11111111.) Lor OilUHOH-Hov. O. I). TAY- iii n! ' r dioriiiiiK norviocH ovury wau- ,rfiVl'Hi ut'adumv nt 11 a m Mnhliuth IIIIIII IJnvil 1,1,. I.. A 1 ..A t'OimS i.nPNA,.1 UItOH-Hov. W. 0. . . ' a "iui 1 nurviuuH uvurv niiiioav m 1 1 UU VII .. it . .. . . . " . " ."-..numuoniiiiiiy inviUM. ucHUirco. tw!lUJfa,,TKov; J-, imHtor. ly BoBov,ff H'"J" lKHt n 11. m. U?..'; 1 Pl J'ruyur meotliiK ovory ft ." lriKHt7:80 o'dlook. Acontlnl In- 1 "iviiulii 1 1 v iiiiiii ikiiHinr iiiiti 1 n b tkh ,',rwJiln In tliu KniiKruKutlnim llnlu linv .It 0 u u All or.. a1'.11' I'UTIIKKAN-Nluth treet, First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - OREGON A General Hanking HiiBinefiB transacted DepoBitP receiveu, HUDject to hint Draft or Check. CollectioiiB made and proceedB promptly remitted on uuy ol collection. SiL'lit and Telegraplilc Exciianpe wold on New York, San FranciBco and Portland. ao p,m A conlliri woloomo D1KIICTO KS, D. P. Tiiomi'ho.v. .Ino. S. Sciiknce, Ed. M. Wim.iamh, Gi:o. A. Likhk. II. M. JiKAM.. W. EL YOUNG, Biacksmiin & wagon Slop General IMnckamithinK and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality ThMStrccUp, Lice's old Slaiiil, House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and nil kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. JIas the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles J. I FORD, Evaielist, Of Dun MoltiCM, lowii, wrltch under ditto ol Miiruli 23, lbW: S. JJ. Med. Mko. Co., Dufur, OreRon. Gentlemen : , , , T , . On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little fs'irl, eight and ono-lialf years old, who had wasted away to 158 pounds, ie now well, Btroin? and vigorous, and well flushed up. H. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kopt away all hoarseness from me. So givo It to ovory one, with Krootinge for nil. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mit. & Mas. J. F. Foitn. If you wlHh to fool f rciili and ohoorf ill, mid ready for UiuHprliiK'K work, cluiiiiho your Hyutom with tliu Hemlaolio mid l.lvur Ourc, uy tiikinu two oi thrco doML'H cnoli week. Bold under a positive nuarimtee. 60 oentH per bottle uy nil dniRKlNtK. C. P. STEPHENS, DLCA.L.KK IN DRY GOODS ps Qlothing ItooU, Minion. Illti Kto.i Ktc, Ktc. Seoond St., The Dalles. Many people tako pills, which gripo and purge, woakoning tho body. Ivlorc take Simmons Liver 'Regulator, liquid or powder, bo ciiuso moro pleasant to take, doea not grine, and is a mild laxative, that al.o tones up tho system. The relief is quick. It is Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. "I mvpr round unythltiK to do mo any liood until 1 Uhcd Simmons Liver ItcKiiUi lor. it has been three! years hlm-o I llrst used Hand I have not laid Kiek Headaelio clnee. 1 M:nt my slsler (wlio had Irom ono to two attackH of Sick Headache every week) one-half ol a paekatre, and Mio has not had It since." C. S. Moitais, Urowus vllle, W.Vu. 'KVi;ny tackaok-w Huh our 7. Stamp in red on wrapper. J. H. ZiULIX 4: CO.. I'liiladcliihtapa. I I Times makes it all the inoro L, neeeshiiry to advertise. That in nn Uw wliiit the most progressive of our business muu think, and these same bus iness men are the most prosperous at all times. If you wish to reach all the reople in this neiKh boiiinod you cim't do liettcr than talk to them through the columns of the Daily Ciihonici.e. thus more than double the circulation ol any other paper, and advertising in it pays big. "The Regulator Line" Be Dalles, Portland anrl Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigni anfl ressenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Puri laud. Steamer llegulator leaveB The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade i-ioeks with steamer Dulles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at t a. m. con necting ith steamer Regulator for Tho Dalles. I'ANNENtSKIt KATK8. One way Kound trip. . . f'J.OO .00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for wa'v landings' must be delivered before 5 p". in. Live stock shipments solictod. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (ittnurul Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Oi'iieral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON TEARTICB SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. nt wliolosule .juotalloiiH. Candies and Nuts Specialties Flnoat Ponnut Roaster In Tho Oallos 2d Street J.FOLCOn At right wide is, obitrr restaurant. The St. diaries Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable Iioubo has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been repanered and ropalntpi and newly carpeted throughout, iho house contaius 170 rooms and Is suppUoO with everv modern convenience. Jatet roftsomible. A good restaurant nttaehei to the house. Frer bus to and from ult trains. C. W. KNOWl.ES, Prop. m LOST IN THE SNOW General Carlin's Sob and Party Given Ud for Lost. TUB RESCUING PARTY IX DANGER Senator Dolph Says Blount's Report Reads as if Made Just to Please Cleveland. Missoula, Mont., Nov. 21. Tho search for tho Carlin parly, consisting of a son of General Carlin and friends, has been abandoned by the military author itieo, the expedition having been given up as hopeless. Every human effort at rescue was made, even to endangering the lives of soldiers and the loss of wagons and other equipments. The snow Is too deep and impenetrable, and where no snow exists the streams are greatly swelled. In fact, it is now feared the rescuing party will be unable to re turn at once, as the Lolo river, which must be ciossed over 30 times, is impass able. General Carlin, from Vancouver, expressed the belief that his son and companions will perish in the mountains, though he has offered a large reward to any one who will venture their rescue. Still there is a possibility tiiat they may have found shelter with trappers, though this will not be known before Epring. Dolph Hit the Nail. Washington, Nov. L'L Senator Dolph, member of the senate committee on foreign relatione, who has read with considerable care the report of Blount. says the report reads verv much as if prepared by a man sent to the islands for a certain pur pose, and that pur pose was to show that what had been done was wrong. He did not think jAMtaTT6boi2NT t'ie aummisirauon had been strengthened by the present action in Blount's report, but the more carefully it was considered the more ap parent it would be that Blount was sent to the islands to report against tne action of Minister Stevens and the pro visional government. Dolph says it is, perhaps, true that our minister acted somewhat hastily, but it is not shown tho revolution would not have occurred or the queen have been dethroned, nor had it been proven, there having been an established government recognized by this government, that this govern ment had any right to overthrow it and re-establish either the old or new govern ment. The senator added theie was not so much interest in Blount's report, but that the most important document and what all would like to see is that con taining the instructions to Minister Willis. JUInlsUir Thurston Will Keply. Wasiunoton, Nov. L'L Hawaiian Minister Thurston read with interest such portions of Blount's report as have been published. He is preparing a statement in reply which will not bo given out before this evening. Thurston seems in a cheerful frame of mind, and feels that the administration has now fired its heaviest gun. At the office of secretary of state there seems a marked falling off in interest in the Hawaiian question. The knot of newspaper men that has for many days past haunted the room waiting for information, was not on hand this morning. Sunshine comes, no matter how dark the clouds are, when tho woman w ho is borne down bv woman's troubles turns to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If her life is made gloomy by the chronic weaknesses, delicate derangements, and painful disorders that ulllict hersex, they are completely cured. If she's over worked, nervous, or "run-down," sho has new lifo and strength. "Favorite Prescription" is a powerful, invigorating tonic and a soothing and strengthening nervine, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. It regulates and promotes all tho proper functions of womanhood, improves digestion, en riches tho blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. For every "female complaint" and disturbance, it is the only remedy so suro and unfailing that it can bo yuaeaiiteed. If it doesn't beneilt or cure, you have your money back. , Are your children subject to croup? If so, you should never bo without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. It Is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to full. If given freely as soon us tho cioupy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is the solo rellanco with thousands of mothers who have cioupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger in giving thlB Ueniody in largo and I'roquout doses, as it contains noth ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale bv Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. L'NOI.K iIKUKV HUSK. Tli Kx-SncrctBry of Agriculture Illnl YcRtnrdny Morning. Madison, Wis., Nov. 21. General Jeremiah Husk, ox-secretary of agricul ture, died at his homo in Viroqua at 8 o'clock this morning. Though not unexpected, tho announce ment that the end had come to the life of this strongly individual character in the political life of the nation caused a profound shock. Ho had been ill some time and dangerously, but up to a day or two ago it was thought his iron con stitution would pull him through. Since then, however, his constant failing strength led his friends to anticipate the worst. "Uncle Jerry," as he was af fectionately known, was a familiar figure in this city. No man was ever brought here in official life with so many friends, political and, in the Wis consin capital as he during his three terms as governor. Flags arc at half EtafTon all the public buildings, and a public meeting wai held in Governor Peck's office to arrange for a special train to Viroqua to attend the funeral. IIECAUSE OF LOW THICKS. Another IIolil-Ynur-Whcat Circular Sent Out to Northwestern Farmers. St Paul, Nov. 18. The farmers of tho northwest, realizing the shortage of wheat, have held several meetings to discuss the situation and decrv the causes of the unprecedented low prices in the face of this shortage. As a result, another "hold-your-wheat" circular has been issued from Pierre. It reads in part as follows : "Every country in Europe, except Russia, has this year had a short wheat crop. Uur own crop is at least 100,000, 000 bushels under that of last year, and 200,000,000 less than raised in 1S91. The general financial stringency of the last six months has brought out large sup plies for all. The harvest this year has been a very poor one, while the exports this fall have been large, amounting to about 80,000,- 000 bushels since the harvest began. After a thorough investigation of the conditions existing, we feel certain that the year 1S94 will bring much higher prices, and do not hesitate to urge north western producers to hold their wheat in hand for a few months." NEWS NOTES. X wet, heavy snow is falling in North ern Illinois and still continues. It is now over an inch iu depth. Snow is Uso reported throughout Iowa. In Ottumwa, la., a mob gathered in the principal street, seized a man named Johnson, who had ravished a child 0 years old. put a rope around his neck and hung him. It is understood one of the items of the metal schedule to receive overhaul ing by the ways and means committee is that which under tho McKinley law places a duty of l'.j cents per pound on lead ore. Lizzie Borden, who was tried in Mass achusetts for tho murder of her father and stepmother, and acquitted, has now come into the family property, some $100,000, and has built a fine cottage near tho old blood-stained homo. Dr. Bailey, of Gap, a village IS miles east of Lancaster, Pa., discovered an iron pot under nn old farmhouse ho had re cently bought. Investigation proved that tho pot contained over $2,000 in :old and eilver coins. lhere were also found three sets of solid silver spoons, marked "C." Tin: Best Plamuu. Dampen a piece of llannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over tho seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs aro sore such an appli cation on the chest and another on tho back, between tho shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia, there is nothing so good for a lame back or a pain in tho side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in ono night by applying a liannel bandage dampened with Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for sale bv Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better Mine forward, as tho roll will bo pub- lished on tho 21st of this month. T. A. V AitD, sneritl. A Hotel Holocaust. Bkavkh, Pa., Nov. 21. At Merrill sta tion, on the Cleveland & Pittsburg road, at 1 :30 this morning, Bradley & Keener'B three-story hotel, in which many men employed on tho new dam boarded, was burned to tho ground. Many jumped from tho second and third-story windows and were badly cut, bruised and burned. A census of the boarders after the firo was out showed the following missing: Jerry Wrenn, stonemason, and son Dan ; John Kelly, laborer; Uobert Stanley, engineer; James Hughes, engineer, and Barney Wilker, stonemason. Five bodies have been taken from tho ruins so badly charred thev cannot be iden tified. Tho bodies of James Hughes and James P. Miller, laborers, have been re covered from tho ruins, both burned to a crisp, making seven recovered. Tho Lehigh Strike. Galesiiuiig, 111., Nov. 21. Twenty Burlington it Quincy engineers left here last night to take the places of the strik ers on tho Lehigh Valley road. Several persons here are hiring men for the Lehigh Valley. 'Jhere is a large surplus of men on the Burlington and it is be lieved many will go. The Burlington furnishes transportation and CO days' leave of absence. Some of those going came here six years ago to take the places of the strikers on the Burlington. The feeling against the men going is very bitter in labor circles. Accidentally Shot Himself. Ogden, Nov. 21. "When the Rio Grande Western train arrived early thib morning, Express Messenger Sayre failed to open his car. The door was forced J' and tho messenger was found dead, withv a bullet through his heart and a pistol under him. His books, money and everything were intact. It is supposed lie accidentally shot himself. Not Deserving of Sympathy. Persons who will persist in dying by inches with dyspepsia and liver disease when Simmons Liver Regulator is an unfailing remedy for these maladies. Closing Out Sale of O rocerles. Owing to a contemplated change of business, the undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call early while the stock is unbroken. BlIOTIIEltS. Cut (lowers and winter blooming plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips. Ituelclen'H Aruieii naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin- ersly. For Salo or ltcut. I will sell or rent my farm on S-Mile on reasonable terms. Anyone wishing for such an opportunity will please ap ply at once at Tun Cuiionici.k ofllco. Mrs. Matilda H.ust. Fuiday, Nov. nth, is!):;. :uw. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to givo you satisfaction. Price 71c Sold by Snipes & Kinorsly, druggists. WO7l7 WIIOIII WOOD! Best grades onk, llr, pine and slab wood. Oflieo Kill Second street. All orders promptly attanded to, tf ' Maiku A Benton. i'asluiagc. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any ono who desires to avail them selves of tho fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec tionery store. Oood .loh l'rlnting. If you have your job printing done at The Chuonici.u you will have the ad vantage of having it dono with the most modern and approved type, with which wo keep continually supplied. All jobs under tho direct supervision of ono of tho most successful and artistic printers iu tho Northwest. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. A. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE