The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered nt thu l'lwtolllco nt The Dalles. Oregon, s sccotul-o.Iiw waiter. Tin: 11AI.1.KS OKKOON WISDOM IT4 CHUNKS. Ot'iuoaiTV is tho thirst of tho soul. discovers little at a time. Con.tiknci: is very of tcu confounded with opinion. Kvkky man lias some favorite topic of conversation. CowAnmcj: ia always scorned and de ceit universally detested. XV k are more pained by ignorance than delighted by instruction. CtnuosiTY, like all other desires, pro duces pain as well as pleasure. Tin: pride of wit has kept aires, busy in the discussion of useless questions. Confusion and irregularity produce no beauty. Vices never promote hap piness. Tim duty of criticism is neither to depreciate nor dipnify by partial rep resentations. X. Y. Ledger. Tiik Uest Pi.asti:k. Dampen a jiiece of tlannel with Chamberlain's Pain lalm and bind it on over the sent of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are tore such an appli cation on the chest and another on the back, between tho shoulder blade-;, will often prevent pneumonia. There i nothing so good for a lame back or a pain in the -iiie. A sore throat can nearly alway-tie cured in one night by applying a rianne. bandage dampened with Pain Halm. 30 cent bottles for sale by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. ItucUlen'- Aiiiu'u alve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Mires, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by snipes it Kill ers ly Look Over Your Comity Warrant. All countv warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1S90, will be paid if presented at my ottice, corner of Third and Waahing'ton streets. Interest ceases on and alter this date. W.M. MICHEL!., Treasurer Wasco Countv. October 21st, 1S93. "tf WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. JJeat grades of oak, fir, and slab cord -wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters i& Co. fOflice Second and .Tefler-Eon-streets.) s. L. YOUNG, : JEWSLE3 Watches uml Jewelry rctwireil to onier on ..Jt"rt notlfe. and 'iitl.factlon suaruntwl --AT TU2 fiton. .if I. (J. NlcMttUeii, iiil nt.'lliK U.iMo EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is Iterebv "iven that the under feigned has i'ten duly appointed by the County Court ot the htate ot uregon tor Wasco" Countv in probate, executrix with the will annexed of the estate of James Underbill deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are Jiereoy re quired to present them to me with tironer vouchers at the law ofhee. of Con don cc Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. November 11, 1S93. Z. Undeisiiill, Executrix of the Estate of James Under hill, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'. S. Ia.VD Omra, The Dalles, Or., October 17. lfJX Notice It hereby iriven that the follow intr ntuiuil tcttliT bus filial notice of his Intention to make final proof in Mipriort of his claim, mid thatiald proof will he tanie before tho reenter nnil receiver of the V. H. Utwl olhre lit The JJ.tllc, Or., on Momliiy, Nov. 'Si, li'M, su: .lame M. I'atlson. Homestead uriplfaiitlon No. '."alii for SICK n-ction 1. 'I p. I S. It 1J r. W. M. If-nniJieai ti.o follonlnz wltncHes to urnvo hi continuouK resilience upon and enltivutioa of Kuid laud, viz.: Ken liutty. Huuh Chrismnn, V. K. Corson und K K. Chandler, all of Tho Dulles, Or. KWlttl JOHN W. I.1IW1S, Jtesister. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. JmMB OrncE, Tho Dalles, Or.,) Oct. '11, l"y:j. j Notice is hereby Riven that tho following, named tetller ban llleil nolieoof bin intention to make Una) proof in Mipjiort of bin claim, and that wild proof will be iinulo beforo the Itwhter Hint IU-cclver at The Dalles, Or,, on December 11, ivs-i, viz- Itoluiulii (i. JlrookN, ilevheo of John HuKhes,deceatcd. Homestead Aimllt'iitlon No. tin, for tho Bk fiK'A , and B'j, tiW'Jot fete, a.', Tp. 1 N., ii. 13 K. Ho humus tho following witnesKei to prove , his coiittri'iciiH teslclcncc uioii anil cultivation I -,f ...I.I I ..I . ii! 0. V.'.l ooii, W. A Miller, Frank Crelshton and 1M' fifth Mnivjiii. nil of ll. i s Or. flftr-l. I.. Hi'.ows' ii1hih tiilfo itotlrif.. fi tlJ-J J01IN V. J.l'.WJB, UcgUtcr. SSSSSSSi t r.mvMlr. finrl Trarte.Marlrs ohtlnd. and ill I'iUt ki Ji 4 tm uuuuess coauuncu iui moocratc r t ts. r 5m J and vro can cccure patent In less lime Uun luoe J i 'i Send model, drawing or photo,, with decrlp- PStlon. Wo advise, if latenuble or not, free of J ttlW M IMt filIM III! v t mr I tMir.ll . C;t A Pamphict. "How to Obtain l'atenw," yvjth i In iks IT G anil fnra nxnlinlritf tent free. Address, J Of P. PATCNT wrflwC'WaaMINaTOn, O. li. Socond St. C. NlCKELSEN, Tho Dnllos, Or flew Qolumbia JHotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Man lately been thoroughly renovated and nowly furnished throughout, and in now better than ever prepared to furnish tho beat Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Otlice of tho fast and commodious opposition Stagf to Dufur, Kingsloy, Tygh Valley, Wupinitia, Warm Springs and Prinoville Is in tho Hotel and persons going to Prinoville can save H.00 by going on this Stage lino. All trains stop here. NHNS 5 HK NEW TOWN has been jilntteil on the old cnnn FulK of HchxI r.ver, wit a lams ichtly lots brnai: and pure wiiterAvita hadelii profution, jicrfivt bitted on the old camp ground, at the Korlm and ll st reotsand alleys, simhI toll dralnaKe.dellKlitful mountain climate, the centra! attraction as a mountain Mimmer resort for all Oregon. beiue the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It 1 unparallelei' as a manufscturlnB center, beliiK the naturil center for 150 nuiare mile of the best cedarnnd ar timber, iKisse?.iiiK millions of hore-powcr in lt.s dashlnt: streams and water falls, oasllv harnesrcd. Where cheap motive ier exists, there tho luanu factories" will center, sttrroundiit by oil and climate that cannot bo excelled aapvhere for fruit and acrlcultiire, and with trantportatlou already assureo you will tlml this the place to make n perfect home or a paying invcttmeii TITIiE PERFECT -S See me on the ground, oi address me at Hood River Wasco Cotinty, Oregon. W. Ro Winan Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ON LY $1.50. YOUR ATTENTION Is cmllnd to thu f;irn .)1(lt iftoab Glenn, J)"iili'r in t ilnns;. I.iiiie I'lu-iter C iml 1 , 1 . . 1 1 1 1 . . . linn iMrniiiiK .4iui-ri,i i - I II! I l till' I Illt'Sl 1 In,. ,)f 'lllvllt WE DON'T WANT YOUR LIFE! Just Jloia, u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had roferenco to the i-uii Si 11 p Furniture 1 1 rjc at CRAFMDALL &, BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-red ucod rates. MICHELDACH 15UIGK, - - UNION ST. Tie Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHRONIC IE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Chkoniom', is published every evo ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. Tho Wekkly Chhoniolk on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tjtio Xtlloi, Oregon. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR IttONEY, OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. Tte ere Mil 1 Piling To tie found in tho City. 72 UJDShington Stncet. From Ti-ltfrllNJlL w INTERIOR Points i hi. - iriiw III RTILROTSD Ik the tlllt.' (( IHSC paul and Chicago NO i:(AN.K OP ('A H.I ) CiimiMjl of Iilnliii; Cm hll runii l)riiulti( Itmiin yctiMrof Illicit fiiil(or.i TOURIST SLEni'lNTi CAHS llit ttmt ciiii l,o cniiHlriii', mid In ivhlci) M(HHiiiiiiuitilini iifi- IhiiIi I rvi nnil 1'iirnlthul lur holilvrnf l"lrt Mini dTiuiil t'lnf, 'Ii:ki!lii.iiii(l ELEGANT DAY COACHES Pullman Hlt-r t vm inn rmi n .wnrni III Hilviuir" llirmiKU nU tiKtnt u( tin- umil And TEE CHBONICLE pro poses to enliven thorn by in troducing its nowsy presence into every home in Wasco, County. : oim Circulation must be doubled, ' ALL POINTS EAST AM) SOUTH, and to do this v'9 propose to furnish the Weekly Edition ''SKS: for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third---16 months makes a ' GJEflT amount of the very best read-; inn matter ooinnriinp lipuloc: A rmitinunu rniimniiiK wiiii nit iinoc the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser. 'IHK IISKLvSS the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFER Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments' Receives G-oods on Stor age, and forwards same to of twice a week, should make their destination. your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesday's NEWS gets, stale by Saturday night, and1 hereafter the Weekly Chronicle' Part I, will reach you Wednes-1 day evening, and Part II onj Saturday evening. FOR tii'Ui i nillrij ol tin' contl'iinj- K ttMliifc, rout- xiut utliur iluliiiU (urtiMuil on aiilliiilliMi n VV. C. ALLAWAY, , ARvnt ) I'. A A. Nin Co., IliYUlittnr 'iltiw. Tit lMltf, Of.,oi a t' );. i a ! f)im:. I'iciirc .U!... 't;tnl Hz Wasco warenouse u. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Vq te3 Reasonble. - -!!AI;i fidDliK -t&zt. oo. Til v. li l.i iif INTERNA T JO NAL j. no wouoie ana expense m- connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad oi subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 ! j And get the benefit of this WV- --w, - uv. WUSPW offer ever made on this ooasc. 1 m A lAhrnrx Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. fiuectMor "f tht "VmiUrMtWiU" Ti'ii yearn cint III rovfolHKi t'W Cil; Uoncniiilo)i'iUnil iimrii tli.111 S3W,o UXI'L'llllUll. Everybody j nlumlil own tU lHolloiinry. It an- HUitr. fill lllll.Htionl ciiiicurnliiUiiil'l lory, kio!IIii,', I'l iiiiuclatliiii. ami liieaiilm: of woriH In Jtnt'lt. It nlno ulve till! flftl.ll Infiirtii'it Inn t'nlll'finliUlC umlnoiit iiomimnj factH comiTiiliii cDiiiitrlns. ollld.i, townit, nnil inri'S or inn I'liiixi! nariii'ii urn ui ncuiiin'h iiiiUil llctltliiun iiurmiiiM mill placoi ; irun latlim or forulcn iintatloiin, vunUi aim lirovurlw; uti;., ntc, utii. Thin Work in InvalnabU) In tlu liiiiiHflliolil.ninl to tlio U-nclmr, ncnoiar, !' lesslunal man, uml wilfilucatur. .Vnlill.ll .III I!.u.l'rlli1 -ivmsTER'S lNTERNAUONAI- tT UfllHJl lHyi'll;iIIiHIII. . TlTPTIIWiUlI w iirnuiifii icmriiuur ticiiit V Ultiiuww . iiIIUmiid. Lff rmiiiiiiiriivii yriiiii. C. V? V. Morrlum Co. riwilnlinm, iilrliitijlctil, Miihu. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 READERS. Tlmy 1 vinl Tlio (ilimnlnlu to ko' U' ,,,l,"t iniwt rolliililii i.uwn. Ami tlmy rcml nvur) Unit Ik In tint iKir. 'I'liat Ih wlmt nialii-" W Olironliili) 1111 Inviilimbli! nilviirtl-lni; i''1'11""1' 'Mm ncvi.iiiii!r Unit K"1"1 ,l,u '"!'" , llreslduN la tin o () that tlm ml vortlfern ol loiliiy I'lilronlo wlmn tho ilwlro it iwioli Urn ioopk Wlion tlmy wimt your trmic tholr niinniini'unii'UtH will bu fimnil In tlio met Um( ovoroiiri'iiliunnH nnil olmorvo tlm verlllf'f tlimortlm lintli of thin iiiirllon. ItemcniWfi u tnnln of a family ol two tlmiuiimi .. ... . . I. tlll.BII I 11 in worm iiukiiib ior iiuiium" v i toliiinnu, iwpolnlly o t ur very