The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 21, 1893, Image 3

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    Cork Sole Shoes
for Ladies and Gentlemen.
Misses' Cloaks
Cheap enough for anyone.
Boys' Overcoats
at Reduced Prices.
Dress Goods
t in new and stylish weaves.
Stamped Linens
an elegant assortment.
Lined Gloves
comfortable in cold weather.
Chenille Table Covers
Bright and Handsome.
in Plain figures,
Sec Corner Window.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Lin- iW.illii'i lit Tliif 1 MltL'h, OrrROU,
Hi'cmd i'iiutM mutter.
I nt once;, tmd run from his home in
Albina to Dr. Hoyd'ti oflice, barefooted
! und w itliout rout or vettt. Dr. Boyd
I went immediately to the residence, mid
bv iidiniuisteriuL' untidotea nicceeded in
...,.. ,Trn.....c. ; HavillB lhu boyV life. lt iH th0Rht to
I-: line f.r tlrMt iii-iTUrin, mm ft tvntj. tjtly tlmt he will recover, though hia
I tin out and .Mtomueh were hndly burned
,Th' i r i ni-ti ul)n'ttint lnnurtlon
... . fn'.ii ltintr limn niltri.n
A . i.h 1. 1 mi trc rix'fivwt Iittur tlmn 8 o'liUioU by tlio r.eid Teh'ritm.
inH" irttiu follmvlnjKlHy. OH., tli Hi.imh Uiitrr
77(i' Iiaih aixl Wirkhi ('hrmiicle nun
It ftitiHil an imli- J. C Xicki'lxni' More.
NOV. '21, 1SUI! ' , very kind net to the farmer and his
hoi'e would he the pludn;; of free water
Cur Itully Cliiii-uj I'linit In mill .Mm. nt
tint City.
!ti htrlvitiK tiiuiitii woulth
HV'ri' npt to Ion' wir lii'iiltb:
Tln-ii. to u-uahi our ln'iilth
Wi-'ri'iiiit t.i lotomir woaltli.
Novuinbor wt.'iither in hh fickle itH !
Airil'K. i
A tromendouH amount of lock hiiHbeen
Hot out at the Union Htreet rut, which
w 11 keep the eniKher buHy for Heveral
FannerH coiituinplatinn buying their
wmtur'H HupplitiH Hhould bear in mind j
Unit Home line havaiiiK await them at ,
J'jWi- I'.ioh. in teiin ami other titaple 1
The rock haw packed down lirmly on
I'iun Htreet, where it Iiiih been tilled,
"Ml luakcH a Hplendld road bed. Several
IuimIh of rock were hauled and dumped
in the low placet) at the Htreet rornei H by
tlit expiesMiniin. ThiH ih a uood idea
:iim1 Hhould be eoiUiuued, an it will din-'o.-e
of the mud.
Mi. l.etilie Jhitler, u well known
Krocury man of Tl.u DalleH, who Iiiih
been in IiiihIiiuhh about twelve yearn, Iiiih
liHposed of Iuh utore intereHlH to II. II.
Campbell of thin city. The Htoro Iiiih an
excellent reputation for fair dealing and
liable (-oodH, which will doubtlehH be
HUHtaini.'d by Mr. Campbell,
A Hiirpritso party wan e;ivou Muntur Kay
CluiHe lttHt eveuiiit,'. Thono preyent weie
Willie ami Guy MeUully, MaHter KohhUi
CIiiiho, Manter Rowland Wilov, Frank
ChitHe and Archie Jlarnett, MiH Biinio
t'luiHt', Ellio AdaniH, Kdnu and Maie
Harnett, After a very plouuuut uvuiiing,
including refreuhmeutH, the little iichIh
.Mil1. Win. VanViiclor, wife of n Ciold
endiile iiinrchuiit, while driving three
iiilleH above town .Sunday, wuh thrown
from a hack on to the rocky nnulu of the
load, breaking her left arm and alno din
locating her nlioulder. She wuh biulHed
in a fearful manner about her body,
'i'ho internal InjuricH are not believed to
'e HorioiiH.
Armory Hull ia triiiiHformed into u
I'liico of beauty. The .Mignonitt'1 bo. h
have worked hard and (leconucd tl en
tire ImlltlliiR with ilugH ami e ergieen.
The tluneo tomorrow uvuiiing bus every
indication of huing one of the tineat ever
Kivou in Tho Dtilloh. The boyn expect
to entorttilii tlioir giuiHtH with an men
i"K of Holld enjoyment. All thowo who
oloiigtotho Mignonette Oluh uumtflliow
tlmlr UckotH nl tho door, iih the door
keopor lood not know who are inuinlmrH
f the club. All otherri will bring their
Conductor Jack htuighhui, of the
Union I'acillc, made a werloiiH inlHtiike
liiHt night, He arousod hiniHolf from
IiIh Hleep to adminlHter houio medicine to
iIh C-yuar-oltUou who was ill, mid by
jiiiHtuko gave him a ttmHpoonfull of ear
bolicuuld. He dlBcovored hia mialiiko
j trougiiH in two or three dill'erent places
in the city where they would he easily
tteeesHible. The expense would be Binull,
but would hIiow a conHideration which
would ilettbe fitrmerH and pave the way
for a lasting friendnhip. Huch iictn as
thin are really profitable and it is sur
prising that watering troughs have not
been built before. Tho hard-working
laboring man very often curses his lot
in what little time he iias got left to
think, but deprive him of a cup of water
at m:y time he is disposed to take a
drink, and he would howl with
well founded indignation. The poor
slave of a hoie has no way of showing
that he wants water and no way to pro
test if it is denied him, and the placing
of theM! troughs are due from Immunity
to three dumb beasts of burden, for as it
is a team very otten is compelled to go
without water from the time they leave
home till they ml urn. To repeat, Tun
CmtoNK'1,1: believes that the placint: of
tiioo troughs would please the farmer,
and urges the city council to take
measures for their erection as soon as
A limit lli'll iUcAtiiK.
Mrs. I.tickey writes from Union that
her husband, .1. C. Luekey, saw lien
McAtee in Union on Nov. ''d, the day
after he left here, and had a short con
versation with him. He said ho hud in
tended to leave on the stage to tee a man
on business, but as the stage was gone
he would go on horseback, and that ho
must have been misinformed as to the
time of the stage leaving, as this win in
tho forenoon and the stage left at 2 p. in.
Sold Cut.
Having sold out my grocery and
crockery business to Mr. H. II. Camp
bell, who is very well and favorably
known in this community, I wish to ask
my friends and patrons, who have so
liberally given me their patronage in the
last twelve years, to extend to Mr.
Campbell the 1,111110 liberality. Mr. Ceo.
S. KraiiHH, who has been with 1110 for the
last eight years, will remain witli Mr.
Campbell. All those who have unsettled
husinefla with mo can make settlement
with Mr. KrausH in my absence.
I wish to thank those who have gen
erously given me their patronage.
1 am very rospoctlully yours,
Lkhmk JJUTI.KI!.
Nut UtmiirvliiK f Syuiiut!iy.
1'ersoiis who will persist in dying by
Inches with dyspepsia and liver disease
when Simmons Liver Regulator is an
unfailing remedy for these maladies,
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been In
the drug business tit Elktou, Ky,, for
tho past twelve years, says: Chiini
berluln'H Cough llemedy gives Latter
satisfaction than any other cough medi
cine 1 have oversold." There is good
reason for this. No other will cure 11
cold ho quickly; 110 oilier is bo certain 11
preventive and cine for croup ; no other
allbrtln so much relief in cases of whoop
ing cough. For sale by lUtikeley &
Houghton, druggiHts.
Tli ii.l ury K Di'fi niiunt 811,000 Ihuii
iirph In the W liter Cum.
The case of the Hood Itiver Water
Supply company vs. W. It. WinanB was
given to the jury at 12 o'clock last night
und a verdict was given this morning
for the plaintiff. First, that the water
company is a legally incorporated body.
Second, that the plaintiff is entitled to
have condemned to its use tho flow of
all of the waters of Dead Point creek, at
the point where plaintiff's ditch taps
said stream to the extent of its intended
appropriation. Third, that defendant is
damaged by such appropriation in the
sum of $1,000.
The next case for trial, begun this
morning, was McEachern k McLeod vs.
S. JJ. Adams. 1'lainntiffs sue for the
payment of a note given by Mr. Adams,
who denies the consideration named,
the title to certain military road lands.
The jury consists of K. P. Koontz, E. L.
Dickenson, E. X. Chandler, Frank
Donnelly, W. T. Wright, A Grammond,
Lewis Burgess, J. E. Burnett. G. M.
Sterling, Ed. Smith.
Mr. J. liooten, a stockman of Sherman
county, is in tho city today.
Mr. .Inn. Turner bus iust returned
from a business trip to Nebraska.
Sherilf Ward returned from Salem last
night, where he had been with Strom.
Mr. E. C. Warren has returned from a
three months' trip in the Willamette
country, where he has bee.11 introducing
the S. IJ. remedies.
IIOl'KL AltltlVAI.K.
Skibbu .lohn Sleet, Moro; Win Sny
der, Frank Miller, Horsehead bend,
Wash : Uliin Vuiilz, James Kiiics, -ol-
dendale; John Sorder, Pendleton ; John
konlen, lsako Uven ; James A. Jt,aston,
Dtifur; W. A. Semple, Chenoweth.
In The Dalles Nov. 19th, Mrs. M. E.
Gilgard and Mr. J. C. Klggs, tho hitter
of the Warm Springs reservation, by
Elder (i. 11. Uarnett.
DfMTvlnjr I'rnUi'.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for vears we have been selliii"' Dr.
King's Xew Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King s New Luo rills, liuckien's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that havo given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their Merits.
Snipes & Kinersly's druggists.
Wl firnnt llemedv.
rrorui'tiy ana pcrmanoauj
euros nil foruil or AVrvou
Weakncs,EmUom, Sperm
atorrhea, ImpoUney and ail
tffcctfof Abute or Kiceuu.
liccu uriMcrllx'il over 86
vjinraln thou&andfl of CfUOd!
JrjEZii thovnlySclMleandllon.
JjtMtanaMttr. . i, Vnow,u Ask
drucgUt for WooJ' Pho.phodluo If to
BOiuo worthies modlclno In placo of tnU, oavo hU
dutionest utorc, InolobO prlco Jn lottor, and
wo will eonU ly return mail. 1'rlce, one jiaelcogo.
HlBU.tS. One if fflj'tawc. '" "" l'auti11
lot In plulu eoolt'il uuvolope, U cent postnsi-,
Adurona Tho Wood Oliouiloal Co.,
131 Wootlward ovunuc, Detroit, Jtlou.
Sold ill TI10 "ulles by WiiU'loy iV llom;to:i.
Shlloh's cure, the Great Cough mid
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
orsly. Pocket size contains twouty-livo
doses, only 25c. Children love it. .'old
by Snipes & Kinersly.
Hot chun broth lit J. 0. Marl; every
day it -1 o'clock.
Ponltry ami KgKn AilvnnclnR.-Tlin Whrnt
Market Qnlct.
Iuekday, Nov. 2l8l The pleasant
weather haB not given any reason for an
increase of trade in business lines.
Locally the market is quiet in all its
branches. In produco there is no chance,
cither in supply or quotations from last
report. Tho only scarcity to note is that
of eggs, and dealers are paying 30 cents
cash per dozen. Butter is dull on tho
market at former quotations.
Tho poultry supply is increasing, pre
sumably on account of tho near approach
of the Thanksgiving season, and tho
market is weak in consequence.
Green fruit is in large supply and good
keeping apples are quoted at 50 cents
per box. Early winter at 40 cents per
The wheat market is quiet. The
Dalles buyers are paying 43 to 40 cents
per bushel for good merchantable and
milling wheat. The advices from
Europe and the eastern cities aro such
as to give the impression that there arc
no anticipations for an Immediate im
provement in prices.
A bridge is being built across the John
Day river near Mt. Vernon, by Otis
Gurnsey, of Canyon City.
Mr. Archibald Parker, of Fossil, suc
ceeded in trapping a badger which had
been digging into the graves in the
Masonic cemetery.
Sandy, a stage driver on the Burns On
tario 6tagc line, was recently shot from
ambush, and it is thought lie will die.
Tho murderer is unknown.
Patents reported by C. A. Snow & Co.,
Washington, have just been granted to
A. M. Grubbs, Forest Grove, addition
pencil, and W. D. Pickens, Portland,
game apparatus.
Cloning Out Snle of Uroccrled.
Owing to a contemplated change of
business, the undersigned will close out
the entire stock of groceries, hardware,
wood and willow ware at cost for cash.
Call eaily while the stock is unbroken.
Joi.ES BltOTllEKS.
For Sale or Kent.
I will sell or rent mv farm on S-Mile
on reasonable terms. Anyone wishing
for such an opportunity will please ap
nlv at once ut Tin; Ciiitoxici.i: oflice.
FltlDAV, Xov
Booms to rent at Kev. A,
dence 011 Ninth street.
Mrs. Hakt.
17th, IS'J.'l. 3tw.
Horn's resi-0-23daw.
Good Job Printing.
If you have your job printing done at
The CnnoxiCLE you will have the ad
vantage of having it done witli the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in tho Northwest.
Cut flowers and winter blooming
plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips.
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
YI7K WANT YOt; TO W'OltlC FOKl'S. thus
W mtikiiiK fi.'.io jo l'Ktt wi:i:k.
Parties vrefcni'il who can iiirnls-li 11 horv mid
travel through the country; 11 team, though, l
not neee-an1. A lew viicnneles i" towns unit
cities. Spare lioui may be umii to good ud
vantage. H. r . JOIl.S'sON A Co., '
11th anil Mulu tits., Klehmoml, Va.
"Samantha at the fforli's Fair,"
And be up to the times.
A. G. Hoering,
l)cal Agent, The Dallas, Or.
Jusl lined
Tailor Made Overcoats
Of Superior Ounlity
und Flnlh.
I il r. ,1 rv Dniin
Tailor Made Pants.
Hats, Furnishings,
Boots and Shoes.
All illriTt from tlm
JCiihtorii MuiiiiliH'tun'iH.
iietioi? potpoped.
The balance of
Our Large Stock
We -will Close Out
CO 31!
Store Fixtures for Sale.
. Harris.
P. S. Special prices to dealers.
Just lulu from Hew y ik
, todies' c
I " Jackets, '
& Furmsmno cooas
Niipiioia umncoiiia uvercoais m
Wi n ter Drv Goods.
lESyA wo are trcoii to REL1, tlL11 ortltr n itVQ' "its (like
jo la.i.otis V. Ouliins und wifo'H suit) nml litnl duhts, our prit-CH will nlwitys b
founil the vrv Icvi-i-t in tlm nmrki't. Vo iiivito our friemlH 11 nil cuMtoinciH to
exiiniiiK! onr '.joodfl iind prico.-j hofon; jn:roli:islnu'.
Thin well-known JJrewery is now tuniiii'j; out tlit? bent Hour nntl I'ortoi
eat of thft Cuffiide?. Tho hiteet applitittfcH for tho tniunifauture of pood hfalth
fill Ilt'ttr liuvH bwn introduitfd, and nn y the rlrst-Hiw uttinU1 will 1km' nuetl on
he inrk"t.
DEA I. Kits IN
And the Mot Coui)iluto and tlm f.itti'ot PattuniH und Dt-Hiiriit; in
JLn 3La HP HI DES. .
.AaT'I'nu'ticiil I'liintoM und I'liniii' Nan?"s. Noun but tlm bant hrundr of thu
Hherwiii-Williiiuifi and .f. W. Musury'H Paints wwA in all .nir work, and 110110 but
the most skillt'd woikiia'D oinployi'd. Ajrunts for MiiHury Liquid Paiittn. No
clieniii-al i:oinhinalion or poup mixturt, A first oIiihs nrtinlo in nil coIoih. All
ordure promptly atlondml to.
Paiut Shot) comur Thircland Washington Sts., The Dalles. Ore-ot
emu 1
Crayon Li.
It costs you 50 cents to join,
if you join before Saturday.
Every member is guaranteed
a Crayon. Now for Christ
mas Presents for yourself or
friend:? . Investigate !