f-4. w m Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'At'KK OF DA1.1.K8 CITY. AK1 WASCO COUNTY. sunsonirTioN katkh. nV KAIL, rOHTAOE I'llKTAID, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 ycnr I 1 80 " fi mouths 0 75 3 " 0 60 Dully, 1 year 6 CM I. '""I!"1 n W! nil In nil. Apart from this it, humor- I nf t1i ivrirtiwr mlmli with irtnJii THE CHAHUT DANCE IN PARIS. A Trrilehnronii llffurt hi Wtilch tht Skirl, t'lny u l.rnilliiK I'urt. As ilunci'il in tho .lurtlin tie luris this elmlnit is primarily nothing more than the old quadrille with this ditTerenee instead of the usual ilooorons wnllritur about the utmost liveliness is essential. And with respect to this grunt liveli ness, the management of the skirts is Address alt communication to " THK CHUON ICLE," Thu l);ille, Orcfrou. Voiit-Offlce. orric hours Ceueral Dollvcry Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mou'.'r Onler " S b. m. to 4 i. in. Huuday U 1). ' a. m. to 10 a. m. CLOSING OF MAILS trattib ROltiB East i. in. and 11:45 a. m. " " West . . .y ji. ni. and 5:S0p. m. Stew tor Koldcndale 7:30 a. m. " lTlnevtllo 5:30 a.m. " "Iiulurand S arm SprlURs ..6:90a. tu. " tLiiivlni? tor l.vle.V Hartland..5:S0a. m. " " ' !AtitcMo 6:S0a. m. Except Sunday. (TrMvcekly. Tuewlav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday WuliifNlny and Friday. stereotyped (jittfN and its real pniee TUESDAY, NOV. 21, 1893 Unrepealed section 15 of the Shermau law passed in 1890 nroviiletUhutaftor tho first of July, 1SD1, "The secretary of the treasury shall coin nil the silver bullion purchased under the provisions of this Act, as much aa may be necessary to pro vide for the redemption of the Treasury notes herein provided for, and any gain or seipniorage arising from such coinage shall be accounted for and paid into the treasury." As there is enough silver on baud, purchased under tiie provisions of the act, to last for two years yet, steady coining, the Sherman law will be prac tically in force for that length of time. The law providing for the erection of an insane asylum in Eastern Oregon went into effect February 21st, 1S93. Section '2 of the act provides that it shall be completed within eighteen months from the passage of the act, or until August 21, 1S9-J. If the time shall not be deducted of its abeyancejpendmg the action of the .courts, it leaves a very short time in which to advertise accord ing to law, and erect the building. There should be the least possible delay now in choosing the site, for, as is said in section 6 of the act, "the insane asylum h now filled with patients, and it i necessary that preliminary steps for the building of the new asylum be taken imuiediatelv." The principal argument in Blount's report is that the queen was afraid of the United States troops, who she supposed was in collusion with the revolutionists, and so surrendered her claim as absolute ruler of Hawaii. This is certainly the silliest of reasons for restoring her, re ducing the question of the government ot a country to what a woman fears or fancies. There is no more reason to Huppose the troops of the United States would fire upon her forces than upon the revolutionists, and if she did not have the back bone to defend her rights while she was in possession of them, her whining piea at this late day that she was scared at alien soldiers has no bear ing on the question. Hut there is yet a great mas of evidence that U'ount's re port is untrue. It is really the first authorized account we have heard that the troops were landed before the revo lution was accomplished, and there is a great deal of investigation yet to be made. MAKES ITSELF FELT the great, griping, old-fashioned pill. Not only when would commend it as a pretty dance to you taJ.c Jt VjUt unpleasant, serious-mltiilett people. Hut, accord-. c . . . . j ),, i .iiPi,n1i,, n1,iwwl if-.,..i.i from first to last, and it only have nothing to warrant its continued does a little temporary good, j popularity as a spectacle and draw fne thinCS to take its place ! Knglish and American tourists to its I , .... ' , well known haunts, in the ehahut j are Dr. Pierce s Pleasant 1 Ol- i the slcirt perforins for the lady's limbs j lets. One of these at a dose even a greater otiiee tnan mat ot a frame for a picture. All the willful ness, all the coquetry and half the grace and humor of the dance is hound up in the whirling petticoat. It gives a pretty occupation for the hands, and its nice adjustment affords a scope for the dancer's personality within the pauses. Dropped or raised or pulled to the side or held as when one makes Judicious Advertising Pays. will regulate the whole system ( perfectly. They're tiny, sugar-; coated granules, scarcely larger than mustard seeds. They act in Nature's own way. No reaction afterward. Their help lasts and they do courtesy, as may be. it lends, at the j permanent good. CoUStipa rightmoment.justthatartistic balance A IndiVcstion BiliollS At-1 for the eve and just that spur to the llon inaiECSUOn, villous ilens which are necessary to check ; taCKS, Sick or tilllOUS Head- j satiety and cut off all risk of tatueness. j acheS) and all derangements Vhat can be done with the skirts alone, P i u .,.-.,): without a scintilla of dancing ability, f the liver, stomach, and it was left for Miss Loie Fuller to bowels are prevented, re-! demonstrate. What can he done with Jjyed and CUred skirts well managed when thev are , ' , ,, . e ' ,,...,1 t f-r,,.... , m.rwi ,in,,. I, ti. 1 Thev re the cheapest, tor I quadrille is something any lady may , they're guaranteed to give y,!,1.1. aV'iVVltKl f. tho "Ilorri.n? find out for herself. t nficfapfmn r mnno ic rfl. . innds lii tho Htau-s of Callf.irnlH, (Ih-koh, The music of the ehahut must be Satisfaction or monC) IS rc NcVll(B mul w ,,, Territory," spirited; each advance and each re-j turned. Nothing Can be"JUSt treat must be bold and vigorous, with t ag rrood." something of a business-like air about ! it; there must be nHelf-eonseio"sness, This Is the Season Of the Year Oihen NOTICE Vuli TUHLIOATIOX. Timber Uuu, Aet Juno 3, 157l.) I". s. Lash (irrioi:, Tim Italic, Or., Nov. . IMS. N'ntlri' l hereby jslveii Unit In c:otiiilliiui'(' Ni'iii : s PECIAL PRICES Baby Caps and Cloaks Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Suoond Street. ANNA PETER SCO. SHOE FACTORY ror oaic at a Daream. no standing still and no mere walking round. The slight Hugging kills this species of crazy quadrille. It is loud, uproarious, indefatigable, and any steps that can be made to fit the music are not only permissable but desirable. High kicking is only incidental, and the grand ecart. which is a sliding down to the Hour with one leg point- Sin VI'IINIIII, l Ol KillKkfry, county nf Witvn, Mule ol IIickiiii, i bus nit-Hit) tniii in nil oiuro in xuiirii mhic i meat (or the )iircliiic ot the NKU of SW' I nf Motion. Sc. Zl. Ill ToWllMllli No. :1 S., tiillK"' . So 13 U. . JI.. mul will oiler nrool to slum Yl'ANTI.D-l'iisliInK Cnuvn'vcr ol pxl nil- , tlmt ,. ml UKht N mote viiliiuhle for lt ilrt.v. Liberal mliiry mul cxikmi'C imIi! i timlHir or Miotic tlmii for m:rlf illtiinil tuiriMci. ..I.... I.I.I.IV'V- 1MIW . . ii-iioiii. imu".. anil to t-itnliltsn hlo ciniiit to run I uooklv. lVrmiinent t'O', Nur-erymen, l'ortliuul, Or. I lllllll ta.'toti the lhvlster anil llwclver of tills olllec nt The Italic. Or., on the l.M 1 1 ilny of Jnmmry, Isul He tinmen wlttiewin (ieorKc jioia'ihi. jiii 1 " I II I nines mitki-i " . r II 1 of K lies e I II II ti,4'4uirv to iiilvcrtue 1 Lull In ' ..it ..... .... ...i........i.. I V;what the .mon procre-tve our aw,ve.(0,erlUM lntuN are reomwU'il to file their ; i;r l!iil"v. Iii UouiImu mul ljtfityutle liitvln. llllirc ',. t-iWl. lr lbiislnes men think, anil the- Mm, bit- liiei men nre the iiiiki iiroijierous at n tinies. i j,mU)lrv )5y) If von wish to reiich till tho reonle In tMi nclch- ' .,,, ' ing north and the other pointing south, borhooil you cna't ilo hotter than talk t" them ... .k ...... j - elulniN In thlMimceon or iK'forc siilil l.ltli itayof JOHN W. LEWlrt. ItwlMer, dispensed with. thus more than ilmibte the clrcutalini ol ny , other iMjier, una utivettlslns in It o i tic A .'Ulllloii FrlciiiU. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough .Medicine, one trial will convince ynu that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lun-.'s. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that ia claimed or money will be reftis. !'-!. Trial bottles free at' Snipes & Kim-r-ly',-drug store. Large bottles 50c and . 1.00. TVOIII)! wood: wood: llest grades oak, tir, pine and -"lull wood. Office V.Y.i Second street. All orders promptly attended to. tf ' MaIKI! & IjESTOS. Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies. NOTICE EOU PIT I JL1 CATION. (ietitlemcn! Two titieOooklni; lvmi.--ivan!a I lxwemlwr 37. Iiwt, vtx iHille?, exrcllent reiiuuttous, innu-iri-'U-. utiien tiiil ltoneker(ers. iiitei IS anil 1M. "ttb .:.(MJ.CO cacIi, imrcnts ile.nl, want tojjo ui thl fiill.anil woit il like tit correaiHiuil lt!i nice. iei.i!MbU KCiitlenien imilcr W. Object hai'i-v t.cMent hornet, tientlenieu, If you nre uialrii iottl.illy lucllncil, 'Ciiil il bill in eoinmoii IfW lir pho tos, names mul nililro of thee yoiuiv Imilcr. PennBylvauia Adv. 0o., 10 l.'lwlm l!ox Ix.'k llneu. !.. UNI Omen. The Italliw. Or., S.n.U. 1-WJ. Notice In hetvbv Riven that the foltowlilk' nanteil aettler hnn Aliil ttotlcoof hl luleiltloii to ; make final in.)f in -i j """I ht claim mul that i said pnxf will tie mnile liefore thu rtiiMor anil rerciTcr ill ine iniuen. vin-Kou. un eiiueuii) , rxecutor's Notice to Creditors. lli'H Itt llllIK, IlomMtitut Apiaicfllliui So. iii'i, for the S1-, of SKM mid -I effii w. w. Ti. 'i h. I: 1 1 Iim. lie namen the followluK wlltieM to prove bin conttnaou nudleucc upon and rttltlvntloii of mild Uuid, vu II. W. WelU, ( The I)nlle, Or., Clinrhi, Kan ton, JmiiCT Kantoti and Pnul f.lmetotli of Siumene. Or. John W. I.kwis, lteliter. NOTICE l'OU PL'P.UOATIOX. Tin undur.sigiHid, huving soon rod tho niachinorv ant fixtures of whiit was intunded for u firstclnas slioo factory will soil tho siuno nt n hurguin. Uoro is un ongufe am hoilor of '10-odd horso power, mid a largo ainounfof shoj '.:. "i:..r. ,.i..n i." i i, '.- .. and iiiiil oosifiiWvoporJ lUountryi 9 Tla.o ZDrtllos, Or. Familiar Faces in a Arc?c Jylac.c. J. L. BARN El C. IS. BAYARD, .fr Sprciul Ayait tirnernl Lund OjUce., Jje Ieal Estate, Ioai), 1 175U ra ijeel - COLLECTION ACENCY. T J. 3rt "XT PUBLIO. 1 li&Xb Orricic, The Dalles, Or.,i ; oci. y, ISJ3. 1 N.UIiv I-hereby Klveu that t! - i . ii'itv l outt 1 KoUw U hereby hIvoii that the followluK .f t):,- ,-tatc of Orvxoii for Wm'.. i ..i.ntj hm : tamed MUler lm tlltil notleo or hi Intention to lul pjHiittl theuiiilerfKiscl f. - . tutor of . make 0ul proof in ;U'l"rt of hl llie'l ,-,! 111 mul totiinicut of (..r.- )'. Hwr, I elaim. mid that tlil priKif will l iiniilo Iwfote ileecHKil All tierMiiw havinir ian .-xraiuil i the IteKistcr ami rwtfver nt The ImIIim, Or., on ate ol mill ilitennil are livrvi.y reitilrl i i-nuay, novenwfr I.. i vu. I.MKnr S. rrntt, Homeatoul Applliiittnn No '.H;, for the KU, ol the etate of niil ilieennil are liervi.y reUl(cu t preetit theui, with the uroj.T .oucher. ivlthlli lx months from the ilatci t..l iiotloe, to .-aiil evecutor at hi" place of mliletirv, near IMl'i-i Uy, hi Mild tounty, or at tu. offleti of . II Wilton, in mill DallM City. iiuit.M.i. imm i.r.. r.xcuuir. 5tw CURRENT PRESS COM ME NTS. f'a-- rrTvtYIi) V ir?l',fe!;si Utol this lt tiny or; Sovt'iurr, K.j jr!'-:Mn ifAi'-'t''TS' 'liuivmnt) Court of the AM- oi orexoii, for Willi in, Hamilton Wlln.n, Ut-ois-.i , BW4 ami W,j of tiK, of nee. II, T. I ri., U. I'.' r.. vi . 3i. IIi'iittJne th follovviuu wltiite- to prove 111" eontliiuotiK rc-iik'iu'e Umu, mul eiittlvntioii of. atltit Uniil. vl.. J. II. HiiKilJ. Kriink Driver, W Inn uml Cbnrley WIul', nil of Wnmfe. Or. 111.17 JOHN . I.KWJtj. lleKlilcr. South Dakota voted dead against the tlemoeratic price of wheat. In Nebraska the populist vote shows j decrease cnought to convince everybody that the populist party in that state ia on the decline. That is the verdict of the Omaha Bee, a very reliable j'ournal. The bottom dropped tt little lower in the price of wheat this week. It still brings enough, however to pay freight, and shippers have not yet been called Uon to advance additional money for the purpose. It id no doubt true, that if many couples who aro seeking sufficient ground on which to get a divorce, had scanned more closely tho very meager grounds they had for getting married, much trouble would have been avoided. Mr. Vandcrbilt owns a linu farm about five miles from Newport, on island Ithode Island. It is almost surrounded by the tea, which makes it an easy mat ter for Mr. Vandcrbilt to engage in his enjoyable pastime of wateriug his stock. A Salem clergyman, about to be up. pointed chaplain of tho enitentiary, preached a farewell sermon to ids con gregation that had heated them rather badly, He created a eensation by se lecting tho following text : "I go to pro pare a place for you bo that where I urn ye nmy Iw also." y - j . . -. ........ fnti fr.ttaO. fCnA I..8E IT V ILL NOT CURE. AnnirreeaNf fjaxotivo anil .'.'EltVi; 'IONIC Sold by Drui'Tislnor gent by mail. lEc.&Oc., intl 31.G0 per pacUae. Samples f reo VTS Wfh The Favorite ie0r2 wk JQlv tor tho Teeth oca Ureaui. Sic. For Hale by Hnlpc & Kinerly. Rheumatism; Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c. V . . b mi onler of the County Court of tun ruuhuI Oregon, for Wucn County, tinvi - mul enUriil ! h';pteml)er7, Ife'Jt, u iippotnto! "xciiiorof lb'1 hut nml teiitxnieut of l)n- Mill William Huniltou Wlhon, ikccai-eil: nil pernio imvliii clnioiK aualimt mill 'Unle nre heiehy uo'illiil In 1 prtK'llt ttiu mmo with the tiniT voticlivi'K therefor to mo at tho olllfo ol Jly, HuntiiiKtnii .V Wlbon, '1 lie Dalle-., Oregon, miliin nix months from the cute of thl notice Dateil The Dallo, Or., i-un'. iv.i li. K. IMMISCION, Kzccutor of Will of hi. J! i No,,, ibr il 'J-M.'lt Estray Taken Up. One black pony, br.imleil eltlmr 5 r S n hill hip ami left jutv. owner onu buvo niiiiii by ptov lug property anil p.iyiii for thin notice. Dl',1.1, C. WIl.Dint, lOIJHlm !-oitollice, Thu Diillut, Or. Taken Up. One m-rti.l kuI'Uuk nbout twelve yearn old , nml liranileil lhu P on left ihouliler. Tho owner (Mil have the "iTa IiiiiiI by i.iyln (or thli notice D. J. CODl'HIt. .m;i.st ; ,, l.vj:; wlf Are your children subject to croup? If so, you uliould never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Itemed)', It is a certain cure or croup, and has never been known to fall. If given freely us noon us tu n-oupy cough ap pears it will prevfMt the attack. It is the sole relianM with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger iu giving this Remedy in large and frequent doses, as It contains noth ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by lilafceley & Houghton, druggists. i Ou IXTielsen, m. SANDEN'S ELEQTBID BELT With Electro-Masnotlc SUSPENSORY. ' Lulcit I'atrnlal llttt Imprarcnienli I ! Will ciro without inwllrino all IWUmi r.'iltln from , overu&jitluti of brain nrrvo fororsi excrvKtinorliiUiii. I crtlian. m cirrous dUJIty. iVbtiArrtntza, laritfiior, rlii'Uiiiiticici. kidney, liver anJ tladtler complalntv. i Urne tirj-lt. Minliai;u, tcull";!, all frnml couipllr.t i ftmnl III hualtli. etc. 7h!3 flectrio Uclt cunUlm , llnadrrfal luvrotruralt tnfer all ctljer. Currtut It ' lntUBtlyfutby wcartr or wa forftlt JS.Waoo. nl , willcuruaJlot tho auoro tilteucH or no fay. TIjou. 1 Lniij hATi, lioeii crirftl bv thli riurrelotm Invrutlon i niter all OIW ri-tn&Slea fnilf.1. anil we Klro LuuJltd) 01 tettiiiionUlii In thin ami ery otlirr (talc. Our l'irfal la;rvi4 KUCTIUC bltff.5'flnY. tiin prrttett Uaoa efr olIfrel wrak rn-n, mil: ailbtll ll.ll,. Utallh aa4 l.r.m WrtIU ftl llliM till lo O) la Wiii'V, bcuUforlllut'a I'aMphltt, DiiLlltxI.BtaJixl.lrco BAHDBN ELECTRIC CO., o. 17aWr.tWtret, I'OlTKVAJill OllK. Clothier and Tailor. iKuidt'dly the Finest I.ino of Gents' Purnistiing Ooocls, Trunks and Valises ; etc., etc. COK. HKCONi) AND WASIIINWTON. THE DALLKS, OK. NOTICE. i;. ti. I.ANi OrriCK, Tiik DAU-et, Oii( Nor. 1, Im'j3. ( Comnlalllt liuvitar )eeii entered nt thUOfllee byHyilueyS. firnlth against William Ki-euey for Hbiiniionini! IiU ifomenteuil Hntrv Ko. :c!'i-.. diltul Mch. II, Ife'JO, llin thu HWU of fcectlon Towiulllji 'J North, Itanxo Vi Kut, ill Wukeo county, OrvKou, with u view to the caiirellutlon ol hi M entry; the mid jiartlu are hereby mm- iiioimi io utieur ill nui omeu on ine jlli Hay Ol December. WM. nt 10 o'clock A.M.. to leonoml mul furilUh tcatimoay coucernliiK mid iiIUkmI abaiiiJouinviit. JOHN W. I.KWIK, IU-frUtcr. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, 76 Count stt, Next door to Waioo Bud Office. Job JOB FIRST CLRSS pr i nt, CAN BE HAD AT THE Nt Ua jut received thu ktc4t etyles in Suitings for Gentlemen, mid hasu I.irico uttortmvnt nf KorUxn mul Amer Run Cloth, which bu can llnUh To Order lor tliom tlmt fnvor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rotes. I'nrtit'K having J'rojiurty thoy winh to Soil or Tnidi1, IlntiKes to Kent, cl Altnit of I tth' fiirniHlii'il, will hnd it to thuir ndvautngti toailloi us. Wo Hhnll malm n Hpfuiitlty of tho pnwwtition of Olainu ami Contati lMifnn the ITiutop Htntt'H Lund UIIilm-. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs anfl 6 DDI MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Struct, next door woat of Young H'u lihickHnutli ohop. TheDmlle: Wasco County, Oregon, Tho (into Oity of tins Inland linijiiio in nitnat;l ut the J of navigation on the Middlo (ohiinhiu, and in a thriving f' jMirotiH city. ITS TERRITORY. . , It i tho Hiipply city for an oxtnimivo and rich ngniw and grazing country, its initio rcaijliing iih far south s omW l.uku, a (liHtanco of ovor two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. Tho rich grazing country along tho oimtorn hIojio of "!. cation furnmhes jmHttiro for thouHandH of Hhoop, th'1 wo0' which finds' inarkot horo. . jn Tho 1)iiI1i;h jh tho largest original wool Hliipping loint Ainorica, about 5,000,000 jiouiiiIh Iniing Hhiio(l ycttr' ITS PRODUCTS. ..lin Tho salmon liuhorioH aro tho linoHt on tho Coluuiliit yC""o thiH year a rovonuo of thouBandn of dollarH, which will I0 111 than doubled in tho noar futuro. kci Tlio productH of tho Iwnutiful Klickitat valloy ,I,ML", fli horo, and tho country Houtlt and oaHt Iiiih thiH your iJU ". warohousoH, and till availablo Htorugo placoH to ovtirllowtiifi thoir productii. ITS WEALTH. . iU)vil It in tho riohoHt city of it aizo on tho coiwt uud '"."ntry Hcattorod ovor mid is loing uod to dovolop inoro fiiriiiii'K c0 than is tributary to any othor oity in EiiHtorn Orogon. ItH Hituution is unaurp;wsod. Its olimuto delightful. HibilitioH incnlculablo. f tH rosourcon unlimited. And 01 :ornor Htonos bIio HtandH. The California inebotifi 4 Is now open, and its proprietor will boII his 1 X produced Wino at pricos in tho roaoh of ovorj, u . Jd AIho, bunt Peanuts to ho found. Goods guaiam 4 to ho Puro and First-CluBB in ovory roBpoc:. Thompson's Addition. O E