The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered nt the l'otnfllce nt The Dulles, Oresmi, jecotul -class uinttcr. TI1K llAM.US OltKdON Tin' Clmiifjliip: Color of Vrugt. Frops. wliotlier blind or not, become dark prcon uf black if they arc kept in si (lurk vessel in a sparhiply-liphteil room, but when a branch with preen leaves is introduced into the vessel, they all recover their bripht preen color, lu some way unknown the reilected preen lipht acts either upon the nerves of the skin, or what seems more probable, if Stoiuach's experiments arc taken into account directly upon the pigment cells. Moreover, the sensations de rived from the toes have also an in ilucnce upon the chanpes of color. When the iHUtotu of the vessel is cov ered with a felt or with a thin wire net, the frops also become black, re covering their preen color when a preen branch is introduced into the vessel. Quito t!nni,e,iiry. "When a lady iy sittinp to a Parisian photoprapher for a portrait the oper ator does not. in a perfunctory man ner, coldly requestsher to "Look pleas ant now. if you please!" lie sayo to her, iu the most natural ami praecful manner in the world: "It is quite un necessary to ask madam to Ionic pleas ant she could not look otherwise." The lady, of cvmrse, acknowledges the compliment with her most praeious and highbred smile. "Click:" goes the camera and the picture is obtained, re vealing the sitter to the greatest advantage. The Best Plastek. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are sore such an appli cation on the chest and another on the back, between the shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so aood for a lame back or a pain in the side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in one night by applying riunnel bandage dampened with Pain Uaim. 51) cent bottles for eale by Ulakcley & Houghton, druggists. Kucklfii'rt Ariiioi nalvn. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhetim, fever eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all -kin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It ie guaranteed to sive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price '2o cents ,per 1kx. For sale by Snipes Kin-.-eraly L. YOCNG. : : JEWELS?. , W'atcba ami Jewelry rupairwl to order on at itlE BturuW l.C. Mi l.Hl.en, yd St. The IlullC EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been "duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Wac-o County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of the estate of James TTn.lorliill (WcMPCrt. All nertmnfl bavint? claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to ino with proper vouchers at the law office of Con don x l onuon in Dalles uity, uregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. November 11, 1S03. fir.AiA '.. TTvmrmiii.i.. Executrix of the Estate of James Under bill, deceased. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. U. fi. JiANi Office, The VaMen, Or.,( October 17, ltitt. Notice is hereby irlveri that the (ollowltix immul settler has filet notice of IiN intention to mil lie iinul uri-of in tutitiort of tils claim . nnd thnttdM vnxif will be mude before tlie resinter Miu lecciter oi me u. s. jjhiu ouu-o iu tin- lmliei, Or., on Monday, .Nov. 'Si, li'J, viz: ilaniii M. l'ntlx'iu. Homestead itpplicHtlou .No. C'JU! for hVM fcctlon 1, 'I p. i H. ,K !J K W. SI. Ho initiK", the following ultneju. t prove hi contimioiiK residence ujxjii und eillliVittioa of will l.iml. viz.: Ken ll.itty. HukIi Chrismim, V. K. Corson and j.. onuimier, mi oi me i)nae. or. 10-21K1 JOHN W. I.HWIS, Keglster. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. U Offick, The Dulles, Or.,) Oct. isyj. t Notice Ih hereby irlven that the following linmi'il tettler has llleil notice of hU intention to iuak'0 final tirixjf in BUimort of his claim, and that Mid proof will Ix; iijhiId before the Itcitlnter nnd llecelver nt The lMlle, Or., on December 11, 1W3, viz: Itolanilu O. lirookN, devUouof John Hughes, (Jeccata). Homestead Application No. tViti, for the HU BVM mill SU HWVof Sec. 22. Tn. 1 X.. It. 13 K. He n-une the I'nllowini,' wltnesten to prove his fonUiiiioiiH renidencu upon mid cultivation oi mill I.'IIKI, vis O. W.dook, V. A. SHllcr, l'rankCreiliton mid Hctli Morfruii, all of the ILillth Or. ffjfr-l.. U Disown pluao Uilto notice, tl'.'-y JOHN W. J.KWJ8, IliuUter. 5 J Caveatt, ndTlde-Mrks obtained, ml ill VtX-i ?cnt business conducted lor Modcratc fttt. 2 Our Orricc is OppositcU. S. Patcnt Or pet 5 ud wo can ecuro patent iu low lime tuntnowS -remote from Whinnton. . . ,:. . , ,0 i Beod model, thawing or photo,, trita detcrip-1 Jtion. We idiK, if patcntAble or not, free of! JcharrTC. Our ft not due till patent it secured. I A FMlMltT. now lauDUin raicnw, ytiui; (cost of uue in the U. 8. and foreign countries! (tat free. Address, C.A.SNOWdbCO. P. PATINT OmCC, WAtHINOTSN, P, C. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEIM, The Dallos, Or jtfetu Qoiumbia JHotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly ronovated and newly furnished throughout, and is now hotter than ever prepared to furnish tho best Hotel iiLTommodntions of any house in the city, and nt tho very low rnto of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Otlii'O of the fast and commodious opposition tuee to Dufur, Kinsley, Typh Valley, AVapinitiu, Warm Springs nnd Prinovillo is in tho Hotel nnd persons going to Prinovillo can save 1.00 by going on this Stagn lino. All trains stop here. IaZINHNS 5IIK NEW TOWN has been platted on the old camp cmuml, at the Forks and falls of Hood river, with large. Mchtlvlou, broad street.snml alleys, good soil and pure water.with. hado in profusion, perfect dralnage.dellghtful mountain climate, the central attraction at a mountain Mimmcr report for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Sit. Horn!. It Is unparallelee as a manufacturing center, being the until ml center for ISO Miuare miles of the best cedar and Mr timber, pojeslng millions of horte-rmer in Its dashing streams and water falls, tartly hame.-ed. Where cheaji motive power exists, thcru the maun factories will center, surroundtd by soil and climate that cannot bocxovlleO anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with trantportntlou already anirtO you will lint! this the place to make a perfect home or n paying hivettmeu 1 See me on the ground, or r address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITliE PERFEGT W.Ro Winan . "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Clnv-i It iIp- Foil le & at C RANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH P.PJCK, - UNION ST. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 189 For ONLY $1.50. YOUR ATTENTION Ih called to tho font th nt WE DOJl'T WflJIT your' LIFE I Just Jloai, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR 1W0JJEY, Tlie Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Chkoniolk is. published every eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Wkekly Ciihoniolk on Fridays of each week at SI. 50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlao Xtllo, Orosou. OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. Hese ere lei 4? Pi OS! i Hagb Glenn, 1 f)in1iir In (ilufn. Limit, 'tiNIP m, nnl HiilMlriir Mut.-rinl r.f al.'kinff nt fun l.i. tin I'ln.M u,. dure Pita o To tm foand In tho City. 72 LUashington Street, From TERMINAL op INTERIOR Point, -TIIK. ill' RKI LROKD In till' line tn likc TO ALL POINTS EAST AND Si And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them "by in troducing its newsy presenco into eveiy home in Wasco County. Circulation must be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year Dfrjjl frnd and one vear bevond for the ' 1 already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 1 6 months ; makes a J GfEflT j amount of the very best read-! liUll! 1 uuiiiu It Ih tin- Miiliifc Cnr Itoiiir n rum Thk-m, itllmlc'l 'irnlimrvur iluy In tiiejir&," Gfao NO CHAMfK OK ( AI18. Ci)tnixiiil of JilnliiK CiirR iinminHMwl. H mull Drim'tlic HinmiHU'ui'orMif liitfutnittlvatuv TOUIHST SliEKI'IiMi CAHS Heat ttmt cmi Ihj ronii'iii'inl. inn! in wrJn Hl'iHiiiiiiOHlntliiiin iui lxith Kni' mill hiimliW for luililurmif i'lrnt inn! hi'i'iiiul-ulii Tlcl(i.'U,ut ELEGANT DAY COACHES inp" mnt.tpr nnmm'ii nrr liocirlfic; i A cmuinnmiH line, romui'titiK with nil ihii lllfe iUttl-LtJl, lUIiipiItli) UOblUUb ' nftmillui? illriut mid uiiltucrrui.tul m-rvlwi the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and. riilliinili Hln'i-'r ii'MMVntiniik I'HM lm wiirt) In nilvinic'i: tlinmuli iiny uwuiit ol Uiu lomt especially for the stock-raiser, ! WSM S&WLShS ticket nttii i) of llio cmni'iiii j- tne larmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for K11I1 I'.idiruiiiilon i-diircriiliii; rmci llac W trulu. roul mid otliur lutnili 'unillhol DO n)pill''tl'm to exposing our resources to the ; Altwit ,.. A A. ZuxZa. n. i(ill, or .nr world If this 1 a. i. fiiMuros, Is not enough, our plan to is-, sue the Weekly in instalments! Wasco lafenoiise t Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to of twice a week, should make ; their destination. Sftnrday eyjp V., ( M coniflKM your decision favorable at once. ! Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's j and Wednesday's NEWS getsj 1 stale by Saturday night, andj hereafter the Weekly Chronicle j Part I, will reach you Wednes-1 dax. evenidjf,, ?and Part II on 1 1 tng. OH rouble and expense dth this effort to1 please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not .necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this specialliate, which is the best offer e-Alfcmade on this coasc. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Rcasonble. MaKU i," 'I-1 -7cr. "ver. oo. Twice a Week x From NOW Until December 3?, 1894, For ONLY: iio if?-" www"! INTERNA TJONAL. A brand tUuilr. """ 1 "VnntirM&d" lliintviiiix'-gM 1 iiinrii ilwnl" J usimiiili:'!- ulioiil'l "!m,Sf.j lii.nolatl.m, S" . t.utiii III' 1 ivi- ( A lAhrarv In liunlf. mUMPIS tlm (iftuii ilunlroil liifiirinutlim f''".'""! .....I.W...I ,...,u,..,u, rm.l I'lllKTrlllllll TZ. 1 coiuitrluH. oltli-H, 'towiiH. anil 'llSmioi? niritH or 1110 uioiio; inriu:ui" ' " . tnw i iioluil ilotltl.iiw iKirmiim mill l,laul, Jml lation of fnruiL'ii iiiKitiUloin, iiruvurUH : iitu,, aitu., oto. . , ,,.,,ui Thin Work in In vuhw Me J , IioiikoIiiiIiI, mid to tlm twilnr, Mlmwfi 1 ! XiHMlomii 1111111, mm tnjit-i)iim-."" QOIU nil Jill jwiwacinrn. rt pyrin liot imy Clieniipuoin- njCTJaUM. jimpliliiieiirfiiUuf mickiit w J C3T"Hnil for f rco vriMiwcl The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. 1 ... ,l, llltl'lll Tlmy rwiu tho unroiiiuiu i u- - , j,io litONt tulliiblu 1 uwh. And tlmy rd h (W (hut In In tlio piiir. 'linn i ",m. (jliroiiliili) 1111 Inviiliiiiblii iidviirtl Im. '"l ly Tito unwnimpcr tlmt -r K" , i....riler flrviKleii Ih tho () tlu.t tl.u ' ;C(0 of today puUunUu when "' ',. rwiol. tho i.i-...lo. NVliiiu th.;y iht-ltiiiiimuiieoiiiiiiitH will ho 'i.d 1 , ' ltic IxKik iivuriiuroiiliii.uiH mid iibwtvo ti o n tloiioftho trutn in nun iw""' - . l.,.f ,, Lnnllvilf tWO tlHI'l,U In worth luklnv or tlimuuli (.-oliimun, i.olnlly i "r