I H The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKK1CIAI, I'Al'KK OK DAM.K8 CITY. ANtl WASCO COUKTY. suuscr.irTtoN uatks. BV MAIL, l'OSTAUE PnKVAlD, IN AHVANCK. Weekly, 1 yen r 11 60 ' 6 months 0 76 ' 3 " 0 60 Dully, 1 year 6 00 " 6 months 3 00 " yor " 0 60 Address nil conimuutftiUou to " THK CHRON ICLE," The Duties, Oregon. l'tmt-ORIOf). UFFICK H0UB8 (i4iieral Delivery Window 8 h. in. to 7 p. m. Moiier Orvler Buuday ii I) ....8 h. m. to 4 ! m ,..., m. town, m. CLOSING OF MAILS tralus going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " " West .. ..9 p.m. ami 5:aip. m. t)tge for GoMeiutale . .. 7:S0a. m. " " l'rinevillu ft'SOa. m. "Dufuraml WarmSprlups ...VSOa. m. " MtvitiK for Lvlo A HartIauil..6:S0a. m. " ' JAntolope 6:S0a. m. Eicept Sumlav. tTrl-weckly. Tucsilav Thursday anil Saturday. 1 " Monday Wiilm-sdny and Friday. MONDAY, NOV. 20, 1S93 England's debt is about $3,550,000,000, and has a voting imputation of 6,000,000. The United States debt ia about $1,600, 000,000; nearly $600,000,000 ia interest bearing, payable in 190". The voting population is 13,000,000. A Chicago newspaper wastes consider able space in telling women how to get off a street car. So long as cars run on the right hand track and women carry their bundles on their left arm they will get off street cars backwards and no amount of advice can change it. A very perplexing state of affairs exists as regards Hawaii. Minister Willis has presented his credentials, been favorably -received and has given and received friendly expressions on the part of the provisional government. About the only thing to note at present is Secre tary Greshain, who stands out very boldly and conspicuously as an ass. His recommendations call for the restoration of the queen and Mr. Cleveland supports hiui by his silence if nothing more. It looks as if Mr. Gresham was either a catapaw or Willis had disobeyed his instructions. -uvulinp I of her 1 PAY OF FOREIGN LEGISLATORS. Lawmaking la Not a Lucrative Profeaalon In France or Ocrmttiiy. In Germany the members of the reichstag receive no payment, but arc provided with free passes on the Ger man railways, says the Loudon Daily News, The same practice obtains in .the case of the memlMjrs of the "her renhaus." or upper house of the Prus sian lopislature; but those of the lower house receive an allowance diatcu or tatrecelder of lfi shillings a duv dur ing the session, as well ns truv expenses. France pays each senators and deputies S1.S00 a year, minus u deduction of SI a month for refreshments pour la liuvotte. More over, the members of both assemblies travel lirst class and pratis on all the state railway lines and a monthly sub scription of S'J enables them to travel tirst class throughout the year on every line. Clearly, there must be. less lu crative professions in France than that of senator or deputy. 1 Austria mem bers of the lower house of parliament receive 84 a day and traveling expenses, and in Hungary Sl.ttiO a year, includ ing an allowance for rent. If, how ever, we would nttain the full realiza tion of the radical ideal in this matter i i sl "LOOK UP, and not down," if you're a suffering woman. Every one of tbo bodily troubles that come to women only lias a guar anteed cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription. That will bring you safe and cer tain help. It's a powerful general, bb well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and it builds up and in vigorates the en tire fcmnlo sys tem. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. For ulcorationB, displacements, bearing-down sensations, periodical t a . we must cross the Atlantic and con-1 pains, and all " female complaints avails in , anj weaknesses, " Favorite l'rescrip- template the svstem which pre the United States, where each senator, representative and dulegate in con gress receives a salary of So, 000 per an num. Washington may verily be termed the El Dorado of the profes sional politician. tion" is the only guaranteed rem edy. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. This Is the Season Of the Year tflhen Judieious Advertising Pays. s PECIAL PRICES on; Thr Ituhtilt'a Foot Supcnitltlon. Few negroes but believe that the left hind foot of a graveyard rabbit is 1 a token of good luck, and the super stition is spreading among the white ' nice. A firm in North Curolina, which , makes a specialty of rabbit skins, has j received an order for 100,000 of such , feet. Can you think of anything ! more convincing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of Dr. Safe's Ca ! tarrh Remedy ? It Is this : " If we can't cure your Ca tarrh, we'll pay you $500." NOT1CK FOR Tlmlior IjiihI, V. 1'IJllIilCATlON. Art June.'!, lS7b. "IVANTED- drv5. Gov. Flower of New York, has an able article in the North American Keview on the subject of good roads, and how best to get them. Gov. Flower is a man of acknowledged business ability, and his remarks are as applicable to Oregon as New York state. "I venture to say," he writes, there is not a county "in New York which, if it would bond itself for a million dollars and invest the money in the scientific construction of highways, would not in five years have increased the valuation of its real estate, many times the amount of the investment But that would be only a small part o the gain. The greater part would be in the saving of wagon transportation, saving in vehicles, a saving in horses, a saving in time, a saving in labor, a eav iug in risks, a saving in markets." Beta. Pj W CI JO por Be ttl e-?' i3Si'-VE?rfT nukL, S. I.anii Orrics, Tliu Dulli'ii, Or., I Notice Is hereby nlveii Hint In coiiiilliiucu with tin iro llims of tin int of rmurtvx of I June 3. is;s. I'litltlot "All net for the milt of t in , Iht IiiiiiIi In the atuti-i of ('nUfornlii, Oregon, 1 .M'vuiiii utni iviisnnmion ierriior) , "Seiil ('. Sli'veiixiill, Of Klncsloy, county of Winen, Htiite of OreKon, lin- t ilnlnv U'O in tills omce la- awurit xlmc nient for tin iiirelini of the rillW of NWk, 1 01 Mt'tiou. Mi. -I, 111 riowiiHiil .Mi. ;i t- , niuue No lit K. W . M ninl will otler uroof to uliou 1 that the lum! .-hul-IiI Ik more viuuiilile for 11k timber or stum t tin 1 1 for iiKrleiilturiil iiiirtie, , mill to nt:ililMi 111- I'lillm to mill lllllll before the Uirl-ler mill ItieelMT of till, olllee ill The . Dalle., nr.. on the Uth ihi) of Jniiiinrv. Ihl. lie nnrnei us wltneen deoriie .MuU-ixl, .his. I .'r Kniley, U-on llonilcHti mill Uifnyotle iMvlb, ""' imc- 11 hiv i tin 01 KMii,'-ic, ur neueMiry 10 imveni-e. inn i- -rushlni; Cnnvn.cr of kohI ti'l I.lbernl snlnrv mill exm-n-i- iwnl ueeklv, I'ermiiiient .tton. HltoWN llltus. fO , Nur-erymeii, l'ortluuil. Or. in lw fhnt the nioit nrocrv Ivr of "tir Lyhusiness men think, mid thee mm I i Iness men tin the moit nrosjerou- Mt n ti-'wu. If you wish to reach all the reoiile !n tin- neiKh IxirlnxKt vou can't ilo Ixjlter than talk t" them through the column, of the Daily ( iikoniilk. (has more than double the circulation any other iier, and uilvertlsInK lit it pays bit; Any and nil iicr-onx claiming adversely the ' abovc-ilocrilxi! liiniU are reiiieiuil to llle their claim- in tlilMiliice on or lieforo said tilth day of I Janunrv. 1-ui. 10 JOHN I W. I.KW1H, UeuMer. NOTICE FOK I'UIiLlCATION. Two Matrimouial Peuusylvauia Ladies. Cu".i fun , ITon.'jOJn--, hore Tllront. Croili r. .ri-.." m- Wiiin5iii;CnU;li nrd A-tom i. ' r ; i.-iii;::ir ticn it Imj n " rivai: iinc.i . ..oti-i-.:ii'-,i-i"cnlloil.er.-. falle vil! ct :z v t if t i'.sca ia t!rr.c. EuM by Drupt? JU "i: r. nrr. r I-me UccI: cr Ovs:, lie ;jKI - fLASXi-U. a cts. lin-c you i au-r!,' 1l irfa'.-'-.- f j teed to euro vou. l'n.'. itt.. J, pp-jwirnvr (entlemcn! Two llnc-lnoklnp IViiik ivuniR ladle, excellent reputations, iinlUHtrt"ii. ;leu did hoiiMker:jer!,, aues IS iitid a), north J.Uut) eneh, jiarcnti (lend, want to so west thi- fnll.mid won d like to corresixiiid uh nice. iesrtblc lieiitlemeii under 40. Object 1iiiiia lu-sioru home-, (ientlemeu, if you ate mn'riinmiliilly iuclilieil. .-enil tl bill in common li'ttei lo- l'lio ten, names and addresse- of the-e yoilti!. Imlles Pennsylvania Adv. 0o., lf13wlm Ilox Lock Hh-.i-ii, l'u. KiNU Orno:. The Dalles. Or., Nov. u, lyj.j. i Notice Is hereby clven that the following u.iiiuit settler lias tllisl notlreof 111- Inteiitloii to make tlual jtroof In sUort of his claim and that -gilt proof will be miiile Ix-fore tho ri'k'lxter null rwviver at The Dulles, OreKon, on Vi-dueilu . Dteomlxir-.:. lin. viz: Hewitt Kllic, Homestead Applicatinn No. isjb, for the NU of sV.li mill I'M ill r-V4 S e. Id. T. 2 !i. it 1 1 Dint. lie names the folluwlin; w Itnein to prove Ills eoutiiilioiis residence upon anil cultivation of nam lauu.Mz II. . Wells, of The Dulles, Or., Chiirle j Liiston, James Kaston mid l'aiil l.lmerotli uf Minseuu, nr. John W. I.kwih, iti'Klster. The Vancouver Columbian says There is nothing strange in the fact that the Washington state building at the world's fair is in the hands of the slier iff, but nevertheless it is humiliating to the people who prided tliemselveH on our wonderful exhibit. When we think of the money it has cost the state, and now of the unwholesome comments throughout the union which we will re ceive it is humiliating indeed. While the great state of Washington is one of the wealthiest states in the union, to the world it is a bankrupt. The unfavora Die advertising we will now get will go u long way toward counteracting the beneficial results from our exhibit. The laurels won by Oregon, who modestly spent but o0,000 on her exhibit, are permanent, while those of her purse proud sister, though dearly bought, will 13 flitting as the morning dew. CURRENT PRESS COMMENTS. The administration has gone in for woman's rights Lilliuokalani'e. The voice is the voice of Greaham, but the hand is the baud of Sugar "King ispreckeie. Mr. Uartlett's majority is over 100.000 What a pity David Bennett Hill did not make a few more speeches for Maynard ! Turning down a president and setting up a queen is strange business for American Bailors and soldiers to be doing Hut the London Times says it is O. K. Prime Minister Gladstone has out' lived his own famous physician, and as sisted recently as a pallbearer at his funeral in the Abbey. He bids fair to outlive the reign of Victoria, in which he has been the largest figure. President Cleveland did his best to help his party in the late election con test lie kept the people from get ing a peep at that Hawaiian report ot Mr. Gresham's until the ballots were all in. This prevented it from being a unanimous thing in Ohio. Judge Richard Parker of Virginia, the man who sentenced John Brown to the Mfiold, died last Friday sight in Kich mead. There will soon be none left who jiartkipated in the tragedy of Harper's ferry. But "his soul goes marching For onle liy Kliti & Kllier-li VI80R F MEN Executor's Notice to Creditors. XOT1CK FOK PUBLICATION. Baby Caps and Cloaks Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Second Btreet. ANNA PETER SCO. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. Tho undersigned, having secured the machinory and fixtures of what was intonded for a first-class shotriaciin vr - v r . . ... .. . . ' j will sell the same at a Imrgain. Jlere is an eninoa hoiler of 4U-odd horse nowor, and a large amounroTshoe machinery, lasts, lino shafting, pulleys, helling nnfTiJld- ings almost a complete snoe lac tor y. Here is also one of the hesf sites for success fullTonoN ating a factory of this kind to he found in thistoS, Write for particulars at once, to 11-11! Tlx Dallos, Or. Familiar Fares in a New Place. C. E. BAYARD, l.iitr S)rcitil AijciiI General Lund Ojlice. J. E. BARNETT The Real Fstate. I oan. InQtiraiw I f l -N.- -V- II - - ww us- COLLECTION ACENCY. DTARY PUBLIC. Easllr, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, anil all the train cf cl't Irumtarlyerrursor latir cxcee.. tUo rt'iulm of overwork, k1(;);ii,:s, wonrv.etc FulUtruKgili, Ucrclopniciit ami loan Kl-en tu every organ ncd portion of the IjoiIv. fsimp natural methoila. IninnillaiolniijrovemPns rcn. Failure lnipo.ltIe. 5i reference, liot, explanation anil prcafs Dialled (tcaled) I rev. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. U. V. Nllro I- lierebj bIvoii ttiHt the unity Cum ff the hiiue of Orwm fur Wu-rn ( , nut? h lu! iioliit;(l tlie umlerMKnul the exwutor of liir lnt will mill testumeiit (if deornc 1 l!rjr, ilieen-tii. All person tuiviHK elmri- cHliiit the entate of mill ikretoul nre hereh; r' .Hlreit to ircv!iit them, with tlie prn;r viuielicni, , ttithfn six inimlhs from th-lHieof lln- iintlei. to enlil executor lit hit pluce of ri-nlcniv, nor IihIIhi '-ity, in xilil county, or lit tin- otliee of V, H. WJIemi, in ciiiil iLilles (,'ity. OIOHAlll. DuVI.i:, KxteuP.r. Iljttct! this 1st liny of November, l-.i. Stw NOTICE. In iht County Court of tU .itiite of )rKuu, Vaeo Coiiiit , for Rheumatism; , Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. otc. IaNl Orrici:, The Dnllen, lr.,( Oi't. 1, :. 1 Notice i- heretiy given that the f.illiivvtHK nnrtitil pettier lint Mini notice of his Intention to make lluul proof In ntipiHirt of liU claim, mill Hint nlil proof will Ik iiuntc Ixifori' the UvKhtcr llll1 twviviT lit Tin ImllvH, Or., on Krtilny, Novemlier 17, 1MX1, viz.: I.'ilcur S. 1'rntt, If miiUAtc'Hil Appllfiitlou No. Jift:i, for the K1 ol CVv mid W. of rill'i of fteo. II, Tp. I H., It. 1 E W. M. Ilo uuineK the folliiwlui: wltne-oeh to prove his continuum- renuuuce upon, nun ciiiiivuiioii oi, Hjll tniiil, vi. J. II. .MiikIII. I'riiuk Driver, Uiu Miik iiiiiI C'hiirley WIiiKi nil of Winnie, Or. tlI-17 JOHN W. 1.KW1H. Ueiilntcr. Estray Taken Up. One tilfick nuny, hruiiiied cither 5 or S mi lult lllpmiil leftjiuv. (in ner i.'iin have auine liy prov ItiK proi.'rty mill paying for thin notice. iua.1, c. wu.Diat, 10-l.1wltn I'DftolIlte, The DiilUn, Or. I In the Matter of the Kstnte of . ! Wllllitm lluiiilltoii Wilxill, Dee u.il Notice 1 herehyalven that the iiuilerl)iiel, I hy mi order of the County Court of the .state of j Orctrftn, for Wu-co County, inmie ami cutrel I September 7, lhvi, wu upiHitiited exicut'ir o( the ' lmt will anil tcstxrnctil of the Willi,. .in , Ifamllton Wllfon, (leceacil. all k.toiik imvlui; I claims iik'aln.it Milil estate are hereh no'itleil to prt-K'iit the mmo with the proi'-r voucher therefor to meat thcollice r,i Jln, IIiiutiuKtou A Wllron, 'lhe Dalle, Oreir within lx One nirrul KchlliiK alxiut twelve years old, anil , iiimiiu iroui iiiu.iiiuoi nun Home lirnliilnl thil O on left nliooldiT Tin, i.wii.t I Duttd The Dalle., Or., Kept, 7, I.hjj. ' ,,rl"Ht,1 ' ,"" u "'""'"ii-r. 1 ho owner It. H. Ill N I IS'tiTON, 1 call have the miliniil hy jiuylllK for thin notice Kxccutor of Will of Win. 1!, Wlhoii. dee d I D. J. COOl'KK. 'J-Woi i Aiisimt ino -wtf Taken Up. SANDEK'S ELECTRIC BELT! With Electro Mnnnetlo BUWENSOny. : Lnteat I'atental Hot ImprovemcnU 1 ' V.'lll rarf wllhoot mnlirlne all TTmUmm raultintr from ovcT.iutiou of train liervo Iwtni eiwmorl;jlus. crtllon. tJt uenrom liellllty. tlwplraneu, laiiiruur, I rLrumitiira, kMiiej, liter and builder complaint. Unit-leek. Inmbacrj. k latin, all femaln complaints irvntral III lirallh, etc, T1U3 kictric Kelt conUIni n4r(al iBmtaitsU over all othen". Current l ' lartantly felt Uy wearer or w forfeit, J.(Kio.00. and I will cum all of tho aixive heafa or no pay. Thou. after all other remtttl)ifaill. and irivo baiijruis ot tettlmoiilaUlJi ttiuand every other flato. Our f..rnl !uprif4 KUtTMC HlUff-HOnT. tho KvUrit boon sver orlerrd weak men, fHKK with all lit. ItulUtaail liiereatfclnnlbtiUllU'lTXt'UlatVltg DOiU'S tiendforlllua'd I'amphlet.malled.tealcd. frea Clothier and Tailor. Deoidctlly tliu I-'inost L'mu of SANDEN CLKQTRIQ BO. Ho. 173 ltrat, blreet, l-OBTaA-NU OK. Gents' PuirnishLing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COK. 8ECOND AXI) WASHINGTON. THE DALLEK, OK, NOTICE. FIRST CLASS V. H. Uw Okkick, Tjib IUu.es. ob.,j , , , , .nv. 1, JW3. Cnmtilaint havinir been entereil at ilil itili hr hvilnev H. Hmith uiraiimt Wlllluin k',-. liev for iibmiilriiiiiiK hla lloineateud Kntry No. ZtJ dated Jlch. U, lo'JO, upon the HYVV of fiwtion !, Towiuhii. 2 North, Hanire 12 Kant, in Wmw:o county, Orefcmi, with n view to the cancellation n( aald entry; the bald jwirtlu are hereby aitni- nioiieu u uppenr in nil" iiuice oil tliu JDIII nay 01 December, WXI. lit 10 O'clock A. 11.. to leononil and furnish teatimouy concernliiK mlit iilfeneil abandonment. JOHN W. LKWIS, Itexinter. John Pashek, Tie Merchant Tailor 70 CoUKt Stfaat, lext door to Waioe Ban Offloe. Iilttji just received tho latent atykn in Suitings for Gentlemen, nd haii a larso aanortment of Kor.liu and Amer. icuu t'lothd, which he can llnUh To Order fur iiiom) mat mvor mm. CtMiiDj tod Mpiiring a Specialty. PR JoB . nR Nt. J0r N6 CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rates. Purtii'H lmvinj,' I'rojmrty tlmy wiHh to Still or Tntdt!, llouwm to Bunt, or Alntruut ot I ltlt; fiiniiHlicd, will itnd it to tliuir udvuntngi) to call on us. We hIiuII iiuikt; u Hpccinlty of tin proxtit'utioti of Cliiiin.s und Contests iMifort tlit lTuit('j) SUitt.K Jiiuul Ofliut!. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs ana MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Struct, next door went of Young & Kus?" Blacksmith Shop. The Dmlj.es Wasco County, Oregon, Tho (Into City of tho inland Empire ia situated at the-' of navigixtioii on tho Middlo Coluiuliin, and is a thriving; P" purouH city. ITS TERRITORY. It ifl tho HUjiply city for an oxtenttivo and rich ngrictiUw1' and grazing country, itu trado roaoliing uh fur touth hh Sunmtr Luke, a difltanco of over two hundrod milcH. The Largest Wool Market. Tho rich gruzing country along tho oaatorn hIojio of tho Ca cadoH furniflhoH pauturo for thouuandH of ahtiop, tho wool fro which itndH markot hero, Tho DalloH is tho largoHt original wool shipping o'nt in Amurica, about 5,000,000 pounds Iwing uhippod last yia"" ITS PRODUCTS. . .... B Tho salmon ImhorieK aro tho linoat on tho Ooluuihii yi,'(l,nB this your a rovonuo of thousands of dollars, which will ho "or than doubled in tho near futuro, . . Tho products of tho boautiful Klickitat valley Und the horo, and tho country soutli and cast lias this year lllol ti warohousos, and all available storogo places to ovorllowinf,' w,,t their products. ITS WEALTH. , it is tho richest city of its size on the coast and its ,u0ll0"t scattered over and is Uiing used to develop more farming c0UU y than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its olitnato delightful. it8. aibilitibs incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on " lorner Htone she stands. The California ineboose. Ib now open, and its propriotor will Bell Ins lj01JJ produced Wine at prices in the reach of ovoryuouy. AIbo, beat Peanuts to bo found. Goods guarantor to be Pure and First-UlaBB in every respeut. Thompson's Addition.