rottick VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 0. 1893. no. m. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. fulillnliiM Dully. HutidHj- Kxooptcd. II V THK CHRONICLE PURL1SHING CO. mrtier .-wond rid WiwhliiRtnu Htrocu, Tho DntlfR, Ort'Kon. lrriu. of Hnlmcrlptloii ,Ve.r 600 p;rontl.,ly!Hrrlcr 50 TI.MK TAIII.KH. UHltroKilK. Ill t'll'oct AliBUntfi, IS'j:i. KAAT HOUND. n fcAfdvi 10:55 v. H. Ilcpiim llitK) p. M, WMT IIOUM1. SOlI.AHWwi 3::!!' Ml iK'pHrtu 3:41 A. K. ivotorti (rulclitN tluit riirry jMimicnKerh leave oat tor Hi" wt t h:ixj a. m.i mid one lor the Zl It J 30 A. M. MTA1 EH. fut 1'flmvltlc, vlii. lluUe Ovuli, leave dally lroAtituliii. Mitchell. Ciiiiyon City, leave ir Ht G A M for Juiliir, KluKMey, WuiuIc, WnpliiItU, Warm Itlno huh TyRli Valley, leave dally, except ttultr, at C A. M. , , - V'.i ..... tt...l. ,..m .!.. .f hlt Nr IHIHICIIUHIU, 1, linn., Jfn.v- u.u.j j ... . -t t .1 ? i w Kl til 1 1" '7,"' ' .111.11 UIDl'vM lor an line ni uiunuun "u- H. KUOKKHSIONAL.. I! KIDHKl.! ATTonNKY-AT-l-AW Otliee Court Street, Tliu Dullc, OreRon. I.B. IlDTUK. riU.KMKKKK. rvUlTK. J! MKNKKKE ATTOKNKYH- AT 1J LAW-K(H)m 12 ulid 43, over I'ont irtice HuIIiIIiik, i:utraiu e ou Ww-tilnsUm Street fttDallv, Orejcou. i i llii KNIHT, ATIOHNEV-AT-LAW. Ol A. hi r In nclimtmVi. bulldlnc up ktatrn. Hie Mia, UriKOii. r KY. K.H.IItlMINOTOM. H. h. WIWOH. AVb. HUNTINGTON A WIlON-Attok-Nrre at-law -OllH'i. Krciicb't-block over nm.Nntloual Hank. ' i Hulltn. OreRim. M W II IIJiON-ATTOBT-AT-tAvr-Kooinij . French it Co. Dank bUliauiK. oecouu 1Cl. 1 lie Dalle. Orrcon. Dfc.KHHEl.MAN (HOSIJiOI'ATIIICJ I'HYHICUK isi nuKOEOK. t'allh answered promptly. nittilRlit, city or country. Oiuce No. Joiinu 'Qupsnti Dlia.'t. ' w" HK. 0. I). DOANK-I'KYMCIAN AND HUH- U jxoN. Olllce; room B and fl Chapman 3!xt. Itenldenru b. K. corner :ourt anil fourth tre.iti., eo 'lid door from the corner. M uiiur U to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and , loi V. l. h -.DDAl.U-DKNTlHT.-(iah Riven lor the 1). i,alnlei.i. extraction of teeth. Aloo U-eth ;oii ilowwl aluminum plate. IIooiiik: rilgno! tt (iiildeii Tooth, Second Btreet. NOClKTlKh. Aal'O I.ODCIE, NO. 15. A. F. A A. M.-Meet UrHt mid third Monday of each mouth at , DM.i.t KOVAI. AHC1I CHA1T1.H NO. I.. ilwtt. In Mawmle Hall tho third cilnenday itttCfciuimth ut" 1'. M. MUliiHN WOOD.MKN OF THE UKI.U.- VUwh1 CaiiiliNo.W.MeetoTuui.dayevuii iiiltotnchwwk In Fraternity Hall, nt";:) p. m. pOI.l'MllU I.ODUE, NO. 5, L O. 0. F.-MeeU, t'verr Friday evetiliiK at 7:SU o'clock, lu K. ol 1' lull, (urmir hecotid mid Court utreetK. ojoumliig bnitherti are welcome, fl. Cut'OH, biv y, H. A. IUM.h.N. (,, PKIK.VDnllH' l.OlKiK.NO. U., K.ol I'.-Meuti. i, eu-ry .Mimilay uvvullig at 7;:W o'clock, Hi ScJiiiiiuhljiilidlnK, corner of Court and hecond ilrwu, hoJnurnliiK mcmlH:ra are cordially In tti " W. h, Cham, J). W VAUnr., K. of It. and H. C. K BHKMlil.Y NO. thJ7, K. OF 1 Meet 111 K. ;'. oil' mi thokecond and fourth Wedue sr of each mouth nt7:3Up. ui. UT0.MKNH CIIUIHT1AN TEMI'EKENCE )I , UNION will meet every Friday ufteriioou UocIiKik at the readlliK room. Allure Invited. rimiii lKo No, Mil, 1. O. (1. T.-KeRUlnr weekly tuuutlliK Friday at b r. - H - - llll,Vklllh ' J " '"fcnilty Hall. All are invited. t.UliiiiHMAN, U, T. H. 0. FLKCK, he TKMI'I.E LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. W. Meeth l hi Iraternlty Hall, over Kullem, 11 Sicond Wt, Thurnday evcnltiKk ut 7:l. tt. II. HANSEN, , JMi Mykkh, Financier. 3i.,iL' TAB. NEHMITH 1'OMT, No. tf.', 0. A. K.-MccU Hii"ur' hutunlay ut 7:1(0 P. M In tho K. of 1. B (11' I I' M. Li...,.,..r r, 1.1 l. III I". JIIIU. lEaANO VKItEIK MeetH every Sunday 1 evenliiL' in tin, k. ,,f i. Hull. R ,t I'j K DIVISION, No. Ifl7-Meetaln i.,niK,' 1'. Hull the llrt und third Wwlneii rZ''eh mouth, ut 7:) p. u. THK CiU'llUIIKH. CT, I'KI'KIIK cimnrMI l'iu- Kathor IIiionh li LMT. ''""lor, Iaiw Muhii every Sunday ut Ti' HlKh Mann Ht 1U:.IU A. M, Veaperiut lT I. 8 i.'ii?.1''" I'HUIICH -Union Street, opiaiallo I'"'' . 'v. Ell 1). Hutclillo Hector. Service kh l,i .l"!'.'"?' " a. m. mid 7:ao p. m. Sunday ""lU-l.') A, m. EvuuliiK J'ruyer on Friday ut IlKHT Ha I'TIU'k on mi. ii I).,., n ii 'i' iv Ulh ""tor. MornliiK aorvloeH evury Hub fcfini 'luiuy t 11 A. i. Sabbath tijX?., '""iii'dlaluly nfuir mornliiK horvlcea. jrjj-r inititliifr Frhfuy ovciiIur ut Fiintor'n real- r,t" fiuoii hurvlce Hi tho court liotmu ut C0c'!HTIONA, OIIUHOH-Kev. W. 0, 1'antor, M. BurvlcvHuvuryHuudnyHt U HtraiiKUM conllally Invited wrltui J. ' Soiiday school uftor inornliiK niiitntiiru ianKu i imiiiii unuiu iriai ; UHUHOIl-Kov. J. W1IIHI.KK, pHtor. &Ma ,.H!Lul o'clock P M. Kpworth m. rruvor meeiiuir uverv iou,.,i.."" '' r. 1IUh7". UVblilnir ut 7:f!0 o'nloek. A oordlul In loJil " m extended by both piwtor mid juxiplo j,iiiti,,,ii ...... , t,. Clinrcii liM. Sru""lil'K lu tlio tJougrodutloiiul WUjuV."1.1.1,. ty't iy Ht P. M. AH uro n urueii in ""Crioh'J,1!0'"' Ptor. Hervloea ut ll:80u.m! 'Tti n,.1 Bt a;ao P-w A cordial vreloomo FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (IKNEHAI.IIANK'INU HUSlNKrib letters of Crwlit ifisned available in lie Knfitum States. Sight Exchange and Tdugrapliic TranHforsBolilon New York, ClnniKo, U lui8, San Francisco, I'ortlund Oregon, Seattle Wash., anil viirionti points in Or egon mid Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. President Vice-I'resident, Cashier, - 7j. F. Moody CiiAtti.r.i Hilton M.A. Moohy General Hanking Business Transacted, Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YOKK. SAN FHANC1SC0, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections mnde on favoreble trma at all accessible points. J. a. SCHKNCK, I'redldent. J. M. I'ATrnnfON, Cashier. First Rational Bank. i'HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIKKCTOKS. I). P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likuk. H. M. Beall. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmill & wagon Sfiop General Blncksmithing and Work done promptly, and all worn Guaranteed. Honse Shoeing a Speciality Tnirfl Street, opp. Liebe's old Stancl. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonablo figures. Has the largest honso moving outfit in liiistern Oregon. . Addross P.O.Box l81,The Dalles J. I FORD. Evangelist, 01 Den Moineh, Iowa, wrlUn lllider date ol March 23, 1WS: S. B. Miiii. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : . On arriving homo last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and ono-half yeaiH old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong vigorous, and well tleHhed up. H. . Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of tho children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kopt away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetinge for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mm. & Mits. J. 1'. l'oiti). If you wlnu to foul fresh und cheerful, and ready for tho SprliiK'n work, cleaiibo your bj Htem with the lloadaoho mid Mver Cure, by tnkiiiK two or three doiieaeaeh week. Bold uudor n jionltlve Biiarantoe. 00 cunts per bottle by all druKgUI. C. F. STEPHENS, IDlCAIvKK IN DRY GOODS & Cj-othing Hook, Hlioen, llt, Kto. Fancy Qood JotionfJ, Kto., Kto., Kto, Second St., The Dalles. SIOK-HEAOEHE yinkoz lifo miscrfiblc. All other nilrnonls aro na nothing in com parison. "Women especially know its sufTerincr, and low escapo its tcrturo, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS lany people tako pills, which gripo .iik! purge, Wf aliening tho bo ly. Moro tako Simmons Liver Itc-gulator, liquid or powder, be causo more pleasant to tako, doe3 not gripe, and is a mild laxative, that alFO tones up tho pystom. Tho relief is quick. It is Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. "I never found rniytliliiK to do mo nny pood until I mod Simmons Liver Hcgula lor. H litis been three yeari i-inco I first used It mid I liuvo not had Kiel: Huidaeho miicc. 1 f.ent my MMer (who lind from one lo two attacks if Sick Headache every ivec l:) one-lmlf of a packaee, and she hua not had it fciuce." C. H. Mounts, Urowa vlHc, W.Va. PACKAHE-S Han our ZStmnn In roil on wrapper. J. II. ZiOJLlJf i; CO.. Philadelphia. P. TUP Dally Kvenlni; Chronicle is rccosnlzed I ll H at es.entlnlly the home paper for the iiaiies v ny loiKb- rjnii r? i ins ik not ii una reputation. Somen UjVl L. 2,ono of our bct altlzeiihWHteli tlie eolninui of HiIk n n DT7D dally for the Kplrlest hial news. It J M ILK mreewlfc In Kleanlnic the field, and hence riows lu poiularity and importniiee. Take it awhile, yon who don't ; try ome of Its premium oilers. The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portlani and Astoria Navigation Co. P THROUG-H rreSpni ana Pnssenyer Line Through daily eervit-e 'Sundays ex ceptod) between Tlio Dalles and Port land. Fteumer lieulator leaves Tho Dulles at 7 a. in. coniiectini; at Cascade Joeks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock') at 0 a. in. con nectitu! with tteamer Keirulator for The Dalles. I'AfrtKNIlliU ItATKN. One way. . . . Round trip. P2.0Q ... . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received it anv time duy or night. Shipinents for way landings" must lw delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipinents solieted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oeneral A Kent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, itiieml JlBiiMKer. THE DALLES, OREGON ARTIC SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. Candies and Nuts Ht wIkiIokhIb tjuotutloii. TOItAC'UO, i i I CK1AKH AND I I SWKKT DK1NKH Specialties Flnoat Poanut Roaster In The IDalles 2i Street J.FOLCO At right bide Mrs. Ohiur't restiiuriiut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house luis boeu entirely refurnished, und every room has been repapered and repalntiM and newly carpeted throughout. I ho hoiiBO contfttns 170 rooms ami is supplied with every modern convenience. Kt reasonable, A good restaurant attache to tho house. Frer bus to and from uli traius, C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. SOME MORE DETAILS How Willis Was Officially Receiyefl in THE MINISTER'S HONEYED WORDS Nothing Known on the Islands of the Attitude of the Administration. .San Kiia.vcisco, Nov. IS. Advices from Honolulu up to November 11, tho date the Australia sailed, say President Dole received United States Minister Albert K. Willis on the Gth inst. Mr. Willis accompanied the presentation of his letter of credence with a brief address, of which the following are the most im portant expressions : "Aside from the geographical prox imity and consequent preponderating commercial interests which center here, the present advanced civilization and christianization of your people, together with your enlightened codes of law, stand today beneficent monuments of American zeal, courage and intelligence. It is not surprising, therefore, that the United States was the first to recognize the independence of the Hawaiian is lands and to welcome them into the great family of free, equal and sovereign nations, nor is it surprising that this historic tie has been strengthened from year to year by important mutual recip rocities and agreements alike honorable and advantageous to both governments. Invoking that spirit of peace, friendship and hospitality which has ever been the shield and sword of this country, I now, on behalf of the United States of America, tender to your people the right hand of good will, which I trust may be as lasting as I know it to be sincere, ex pressing the hopn that every year will promote and perpetuate that good will to the honor, happiness and prosperity of both governments." President Dole replied in the same friendly spirit. A TALK WITH WILMS. before the departure of the Australia, Minister Willis was interviewed at length. He said there was no political significance attached to the arrival of Admiral Irwin o fur as he knew. When he left Washington nothing was known of a change, and, as a matter of fact, the admiral hail arrived under sealed orders- in cipher. rrom what Captain Darker, of the Pennsylvania, had said to him oon after the admiral arrived, by the China, he was inclined to tho belief that Admiral Skerrett had been recalled in a similar maimer. In speaking of his mission here, Mr. Willis deehred his instructions would not be known until officially Handed to the provisional government. He added : "I will sav this much, that theie is absolutely no foundation for the various rumors afloat since my arrival as to what 1 am empowered to do or not to do. There are onlv two or three men, even in Washington, who know what my in structions are. must positively decline at present to state whether I carry an ultimatum or a new treaty, or what." Sunshine comes, no matter how dark the clouds are. when the woman who is borne down bv woman' troubles turns to Dr. Pieree'H Favorite Prescription, ll her life is made gloomy by tlio chronic weaknesses, delicate derangements, and miinfiil disnrdHis that allliet hersex, they are completely cured. If she's over worked, nervous, or "run-down," she has new life and slrengtn. "Favorite Prescription" is a powerful, invigorating tonic and a soothing and strengthening nervine, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions ol womanhood, improves digedioii, en riches tho blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. For every "female complaint" und disturbance, It the only remedy so sure and unfailing that it can bo guaranteed. , If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money buck. A Million I'lleiuU. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have- found just such a Irloud in nr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds.-If you have never used this (ireat Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that H bus wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Kaeh bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes Kinerslv h drug store. Large bottles oOc and 1.0U. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, us the roll will be pub lished ou tho 21st of thin month. T. A. .win, fclioritl. Cut flowers and winter blooming plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips. NEWS NOTES. Jack McAulifTe, tho pugilist has mado up his mind to retire, and ho says this time it is for good. Prince Alexander of Battenberg died at noon Friday ut Gratz. He was re cently prince of Bulgaria, and a brother of tho late empress of Russia. The Hawaiian building at the mid winter fair grounds, which is in the course of construction, was demolished by a heavy wind storm in San Francisco. A cablo from Rio Janeiro says that in a euburb of Nlctheroy over 100 houses have been destroyed by rebel shells, and 200 people injured. The streets are full of bodies. A vessel has arrived at Swansea with four of the crew of tho Cardiff Steamer Boileau, wrecked near Lundy islands The captain and 17 to 20 members of the crew were drowned. A fearful gale swept the coast and many wrecks are re ported, though so far no loss of life is known. QUEEN OF THK NAVY. The Columbia Clearly Demonstrates Her Claim to the Title. Boston, Nov. IS. Iho triple screw United States steamer Columbia, first called the Pirate, on her official run to day, over the government's measured course, nearly 44 knots long, extending between Cape Ann, Mass., and Cape Porpoise, Me., averaged 22.81. knots an hour, during her first hour ran under a forced draught, thus exceeding all pre vious records and fulfilling the reasona ble expectations of the ship builders and well wishers. The last lap-up is over the deepest water of the course and the spirits of those who were disappointed at the ap parently poor showing made by the cruiser so far were reviveu wnen word was passed around to look out for a spurt. It had been agreed beforehand by those in charge of the running of the ship that at this point every effort was to be made to achieve a record. It was here that the run during Tuesday's preliminary spin was made at tho rate of 24.93 knots, and Mr. Cramp wanted to show what the ship was capable of. That the Columbia was going faster than he had ever run before was apparent to every man on her decks, but when the eighth and last buoy on the course was passed at 11 :49:47, and hurried compu tations showed that the ship had mado the 7.74 knots in 18 minutes and 10 seconds, or at the rato of 25.31 knots an hour, all were slow to believe the startl ing evidence presented by the figures. When it was realized that the Columbia had eclipsed all previous performances over a measured course, tho men who I .u tieipated made extravagant demon strations of pleasure, in which even the veteran officers allowed themselves to join. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by im old physician. Succcsrfitllu MontMu bl thousand of Ladies, Is tho only perfectly safonml rellablo lncdlelao dis covered. Bcwaro of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook'i Cotton Hoot Compound, take no jiibalf. tute, or iucloso 81 and 0 ceuts in postage in letter and wo wliHcnd,"ealod, by return mall. Fullscaiod particulars In plalu envelope, to ladles ouly, S (itamps. AdUrc.s 1 u h A Lily Company. No. a 1 Istier woes, iicriiH, men. Sold ill Tlio DallcD by Hlnkeloy A Houston. Are vour children subject to croup? If so, you should never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as tho croupy cough ap pears it will prevent tho attack. It is tho solo reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There- is no lunger in giving this Remedy in large and frequont doses, as it contains noth ing injurious, mi cent nonius mr hiiio by JilaUeloy i: iiougnton, uriiggisis. Kor Snlo or limit, I will sell or rent my farm on 8-Milo on reasoniiDIo terms, aiivoiiu wihiiiuk for such an opportunity will please ap plv tit once ut Tin: Chiionici.u olllce. Mrs. Matilda I! aut. Fitin.vv, Nov. 17th, ISOII. :itw. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. U-'JIIdaw. The Extension lillt. A private letter from Representative Kills to a friend in Hoppner, under date of Nov. Oth, says that he thinks that the bill granting an extension of tune to the purchasers of railroad land, will pass; that he has had it reported unanimously from tho committee, and also has a favorable report on tlio same from the commissioner of the general land office. It is now at tho head of thecalendar and ho can got it up very early in Decc? ber when congress convenes. The chairman of tho committee on public lands told Mr. Ellis that he now had it as good as passed when both the department and committee gave a favor able report and that he had succeeded in pushing it forward to a much more advanced status than he expected and in the opinion of tho chairman of the committee on public lands the fight ia won. Representative Ellis deserves great credit for the energy that he has shown and will be duly appreciated by his con stituents that are so deeply inteiested. Heppner Record. A Short Sentence. Mr. Justice Maul once addressed a phenomenon of iunocenco as follows: "Prisoner at the bar, your counseL thinks you innocent; the counsel for tho prosecution thinks you innocent; I think you innocent. Hut a jury of your own countrymen, in the exercise of such common sense as they possess, which does not seem to be much, have found you 'guilty,' and it remains that 1 should pass upon you the sentence of law. That sentence is, that you be kept in imprisonment for one day; and, as that day was yesterday, you may now go about your business." Tho Ingenuity of Ants. The green ants of Australia make nests by bending leaves together and uniting them with a kind of natur al glue. Cook saw hundreds at a time on one leaf drawing it to the ground, while an equal number waited to re ceive. hold and fasten it. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 74c Sold by Snipes &, druggists. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in tho drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi cine I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a preventive and cure for croup ; no other u fiords so much relief in cases ol whoop ing cough. For sale by liltikeley fc Houghton, druggists. CIokIiii; Out Sul of i roceile. Owing to a contemplated change of business, the undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries', hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call eatlv while the stock Is unbroken. Jolks IJnoTitiuts. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is tho first medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinorsly. WOUDI WOOIM WOOIM Best grades oak, fir, pine and slab wood. Olllce Kill Second street. AH orders promptly attended to. tf .haiku ui;.vios. Look Ovr Your County Wiirruntn. All county warrants registered prior to .1 anuar v Ulth, 1890, will be palil it presented ut my ollice, corner of lhiril anil wtwiungion streets. interest leases on and after this date. Wm. Miciiell, Treasurer Wasco County. October 2Ut, 1803. tf Not Doner villi; of Sympathy. Persons who will persist in dying by inches witli dyspepsia and liver disease when Simmons livor Regulator is an unfailing remedy for these maladies. l'Uhlliriimi. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturngo und any ono who desires to avail thein- EolvoH of the fact can secure reasonanio terms upon application. mi wnon, ivonii, wood. Iliict ('III tau ftf nsilr. fir. iilltl hIiiI) L'Ortl wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. 1. Peters & Co. (Olllce Second and .Teller- son Btreots.) Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking S&m E VITUvl ABSOULTTELY PURB RoYal 1 5 t't if i 1 s vt