: ft. The Mes Daily Chronicle. YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED to risn a cntK kor - . RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER OOMPLAilTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BAGK,i. Entered at the l'o.toffict? at The Hallo. On-con n sccond-clas mutter. Twice a Week From NOW Until YOUR ATTENTION Is ckIIimI to the hc that THE DAI.l.KS im:koo ODDITIES OF NATURE. Cor I (His TIiIiik to Woiiili'r Over by tlip Know It Alt I'rojilp." There are processes of nature which soetu as inexplicable as the operation of the mind. Why does sugar always crystalline in a certaiu way and salt in a certain other way'.' An infallible test for some minerals is in their form of crystalisation, says 'the Seattle Tele praph. Why does the notorious movement of the sap in a plant proceed with such uloluto regularity that in the leaf, say of a variegated peranium. a little color hip matter of one shade is dropped at one point and a little of another shade at another point, with never a mistake? Why docs nature, or rather how docs nature, tell the wheat that is provvu in northern latitudes that it must produce many seeds to each plant, t-o that some of them may survive the rlpor of the winter? Why do the plants of the tropics ex pend all their forces in leaf and gor geous flower, and yield only a few heeds, as if they knew that in the penial climate where they flourish every seed stood a prand chance of growing? The Rest 1'i.astek. l).uuxn a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are sore such an appli cation on the chest and another on the back, between the shoulder blades, w III often prevent pneumonia. Tiiere is nothing so cood lor a lame back or a DR. SNDK'S ELECTRIC BELT mM Dlt. HANDEN'S UIRCTIMO IIKI.T with Klrrtro Mmrnotlo Mumiii"i niirr "ill euro without niiutlrlnu till of timaliOTi'trimbU's. Tliu who ulTor from NiTtouh Dt'lilllty. l.oxorH, llmiti, I.ohi fltiinlioini, N crvnUKUPSK. J-iIitiiIi'imiicmi, i'oor .lli'inory, till l'cmulo Vom tiliitntn. nnd conrriil 111 itnntili. tlio euVctaof iinuse. cxccMes.TroiM iiroiposure, will nmirellof ai.tl pti r-i cum In our niarTolous tiwvn:i":i. which rniMros tint n trlr.l tn conviii.v tin' most -kcptlr.il. lnUno-.-iuwrtol-fects you mar linto 1111 .uly iirni'ii..' youriTtcniurni'r7forcoiiml vltailr) which l elpctrlclty anil t'ni caused joitrncifcucsMn luekolf im. If you replace Into your Rjraw!!1 t. olcinoiits thiii drulncd, which atu ti. qulml tnr vlKoruusstronmli. yi.v will Tcniovo tlio rati nniid hpnllh, Mteiiu! I: nnil vl,'or mil follow at onco. This Is our )1.iii and treatment, nnil t unriimeo n euro or ruiunu money mm Glenn. December 31, 1694, For ONLY $1.50. bnoU "TIITIEE CLASSES OF MEN.? tioulil bo n-ml by ovury ymiiui, I 1 Vh 1 mint. Sent Scaled, free Dr. Suniloii'n Klrcfrlc llelt Ij tio oxrrliii..ia IthouVaiiuJtorobun health nnd vhror. utter nil o her trcjtnicnts fa llPil., c. ha Our Jnf! nnrro tiillillinci'tl nnd shown hy hundreds of cases throiiKhout thi'amlotherStates.nho mm M liliully testify, mill trou.li.auy trnuuni no UHYO strong tetters heating xestimony to tneir rromi iiui WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU I LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. l'ortlnnd OteKon,Sptamtwr tr. A.T. Sanden, lH.ir Slrr Venrotercur"iind tianloork. mmblnrd nlthths stniln couiloi: I rum lh Jar of n enulnu. irafwrnno nnnrorafuot l.tmnhaelc, lrom which I uSerl for sTn yearn. 1 a o bad thai I could not twnd tuy back. W as all doubled up nith It. I twuBht on of your twin. It hlt d imi tnildnof tw Mtar. and 1 continued tonmr It for f ur mouth. Iwlnit rtl,stly cukhI. That w-mtwo oar a ;o.and 1 am wel ttMlar a 1 eioman iu tuy lifo. 1 knnwmur tndt well, tied I kn'w lolnot niplnv,li haTo been cured bi It. Many othom nwtl It. and if r. A T. Siindcn. liearSlr. 1 BOtonwi t jour twlt I they would try It they would find It thananionn I dd itii is aro lorpheumatuni. Irom wnicn J funeieo i in owi rviiir.17 iii.iuw mutiu. i um iwum mit i 1 1 'Plum iSiis, Tip are iiiii Times rrucoAi ncrnn itv niPFn. an uiotco. Cnl.. Auirat H.USI. Dr. A. T. P.ir.den. Dear Sir : lletorul ued your bU J was troubl-d with lot fleer. IUil vreoknej. and r.'raiat i complete lool tower 1 would M up with a Terr tired ftlln, bonen acuine, t.;tnce uiu& lo ir belt I h irx had n new le.i of llf i. 1 now enjor I fe Leticrthan I Iibto forteu years Pist. 1 ImTethe --n'ot cunLdeacv In your treatment. You can tub- - . t:.' stateoioat, alo harnothers writoar call on ii. j. my yours, iua. iiunu. jhuusi xuri.s.. f: .'XEL'.IIATISM AND, LAMENESS CURED. Vurjlr.nd, Oretran. April 15 is.'-'. ,-,.-rrai years. j-orinBritslrniontns J na- not ' n aiil.'ln w.iri. Vaurbelt haii!aclnioinalmoit ten -t health in tile two weeks lhaio tired It. lean trait comrtably. nnd feel like b newmanKenPTHllr. M. K. UTaiXES, l'Toprittor International Hotel. NERVOUS DEBILITY LOSS OF VIOOR. .riieomil Waib.. October St. 1MB. Dr. A.T Panden.Dear birr 1 h.itoleen usln.;your Kiectric twit for Kener.il nerrous debility, nnd to-da f mi better thuu 1 haT for live yean. 1 hare gained ii visor dally, nnd nm stronc In oTerrrwrt. Yours sratofully, Oil AS. LT7ETKA. rrmanently,nnd will boulad totalkmlhan.ouowho wants 10 innu'ro iimn i'. HOUKr.T ll"lini:U Engineer Hotel FortlaaJ. LOST VITALITY AND STRENGTH. Kvt ntt. Nash, .luui, 13, 1ft:. Dr. A. T. F.mde'i, Dear Hlr: lnn. wrarlnc you b lt I haTleen creally lKnct!tel. 1 fel myo! 1 ea ercr fat returnltiRi and after a month's of t belt I Und myelf twice as virorou ns beforu . memory is now nearly perfect, and ouch day it .. for the better. 1 f "1 much etmnaer tha No i usini; the belt. Y'ours truly, Jlil.Mti bCIiTJ.Ii THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT Is ncorcpteUJsalTanlc battery, made Into a belt so as to bo easily worn durlna wnrfc or ntTQSi.nnrl il irivcs eiHithtnc.pr lonced currents which aro Instantly felt tnrouixhout all we.ih parts. or I'ulorl ; S3.IHUI. It has an Improved Electric SUMponnory, thoirreatest boon ovorclTcn wenk tm-n. :inu w, rrarraut it t.i euro any of thoatxwo woakneses, nnd toonkinro shrunken limbs, or parts, or 31ine i: ca mini. They nro ended In stroncth tf meet all stares of weakness In youn , m'ddloijfed or oii a J will sure the wurst cajealn two or three monthj. Address lor full luf ortuatlon. SADEfi ELECTRIC CO. I?2 First St., PORTLAND, OBEGQS. pain in tiie iue. A sore throat can nearly uiway-be lUired in one night by appiyin:: a riannel nandaae dampened with Pain Balm. Til) eent b-.ittles ior sale by liiakeley it Hoti''hton, druggists. If you want a crayon for Christmas, join Herrin'e Crayon club. It will only cost you 50 cents if you join before Saturday. liticklen'e Arnica salve. The best salve iu tne world tor cuts, j Second St. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Bores, tetter, ehapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required Sis guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price L'5 cents per bos. For salt by fe'nijes & Kin era ly "Watclies 2VEixsio WE DO JIT WAJ4T YOUR MpEl To m found in thu City. 72 LZUashington Stncct. From TERrIiNfl!" or INTERIOR Points -nil'- Mil Pacifi RSILRORD lh till' lllit to take Just pom, And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. ovn Circulation must he doubled, ALL P01MS HAS I AND SOUTH, and to do this we propose to - s . i -rxr t i T-i i -j !t i the HliiiiiK t:nr llnutr. It rmih Throaih furnish the Weekly Edition viMtii.in.-.i 'imineviirv .! m tin .vunrto' for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third -16 months makes a GEflT I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or! L. YOUNG, J3WSLEP. Qolumbia fiotel. W'Ktehtsb Mini Je"t:lr lepnlmt to order on hnrt notice. hihI .ntldfuctlon cuariiutGCd JT THE- Htoro of I. C. MiTt.el-011, id t.f lie Dttlltl THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Ha? lately bees; thoroughly renovated und iievvn furnished throughout, ami is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations- of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stacr to Dufur, Kinysley, Tyh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and Prineville is in the Hotel and persons jfoin? to Prineville can save HA-0 by jrniii" on this Stace line. All trains stop here. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Kotiee is hereby piven that the under fjigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the'.State of Oregon for Wasco" County in probate, exeeutrix with the will anii"xeil of the estate of James "Underbill deceased. All persons havint: claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with proper vouchers at the law office of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oretion, within six months from the date of this notice. November 11, 1893. Ci.ap.a Z. Undehiiim., Executrix of the Estate of James Under bill, deceased. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. C. fi. Land Omen, The D.illes. Or., Octolwr 17, 1MH. ) Notice it hereby given that the following numnl tcttler iim flletl nnticu of liii, intention to nuike Haul iiroof in xujiixirt of hi claim, mid that Mild proof will lie iimde before thu rtglxter nnil rcfflvvr of the U. H. Iihil olliee lit The Pullet, Or., on Momluy, Nov. 'Si, WX1, U: luuioit M. I'atUon. Ilomestend niiiilieiition No. 2912 for SKli ttction 1, Tp. -1 b. .Ii !2 K W. JI. lie iiiiinei tin- followinir witiifM.ti toprovo hii continuous miilsuce ii)oii und cultivation of bail bind, viz.: Fen liutty. IIus;li Cliriimnn, W. K. Corxun and K. N. Chumllcr, all of The Dalles. Or. lO'.'ltd JOHN W. I.KW1K, Iti-ulitcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. WINHNS HE NEW TOWN tins been iiintud on tlie- old campKround. at the Fortt Hiid 1 Kalis of Hood river, with larcu, niithtly lotf.brmil tri' tMiml allf.i, Kxt toll ' and pure wntcr.with shndein ptofuioii. i;rfert dr.iinni;cvliIii;titful mountain climate, the central nttriictlon as a inountiiin nninier rerurt forHll Ort-Kon, U-inK the nearest town to 3It. Hood. It 1 niiparalk-ltc a a maiiufxcturliiB center, bcir.c the natur-jl center for if.' .uari- lnlli-s of the best cedurand fir timber, pj-eiii(; m.lllon" f horv-'-r iv it dahlni; tream and Yatet falls, easily haTiit-td. Where cheap motive power exlti), there the manu factories wll! center, .itirriiind-d bj n,i. and climate that cannot be excelled auywhere for fruit and airriculturc. and with tratifortatlon already aurec. you will Hud thl the plate to niaVe u jn;rfvct home or a paying invettneui See me on the ground, 01 address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITIiE PERFECT W. RossWinans, "There is a tide hi the ajairs oj men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the l..wil Omen, The Dalles, Or., 1 Oct. 21, IMtf. i Notice in licrebv itiven that the fiillowint: named etticr h.ii tiled notice of lil intention to make final proof in Mipjxirt of bin claim, und Unit mill proof illjumadu U-fore the itiviiter 111111 receiver at 'ine Juiea, ur., on Deceiniier 11, itv.;, viz: liolumlo fi. Itrookai ilevlK-oof John llngln-s, decenntl. Homeitead Application No. K, for the SU BEJi und HK-j HWVi of Kec. X'.Tp. 1 N It, la K. He uameii tlio following wltnekses to prove Ills coiitinuoim residence ut,ii and cultivation of kjiid land, i 0. W.Cfwt, W. A Miller. Frank Creifhton and Hctli Morgan, all of thu Dull, Or. IW- J. IluowM iik-use take notice. tl2-y JOlfN W. LEWIS, ItcKiotcr. r, 0 J CTMU,and Trade-Marks obUintd,cd all Vtl-t est busineij conducted for moderate Fees. 2ou Orricc i Oppotrrt U. 8. patcnt orrictj Sand wvtaaiccure patent ialcitsuaio UuuilUoteJ rtaotelrom Waihincion. ... , t Scad model, diawme or photo., with descTip. Jtioa. We advice, if jatentable or not, free of; 5cbrrTC. Our Ice not due till patent iccecurcd. a MMPHLCT, "How to Obtain Pctenu," with' Seoct oi caste in the U.S. end loreigu countries tteiK tree. Auaren, C.A.SNOWdtCO. OPP. PATCNT OrVKC, WASHINGTON, B.C. i r r i n Mm k C Otis at CRAIMDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELIJACH BHICK, - - UNION BT. The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR IttOUEY, p&ul and ChicSf NO t llANtiK OF tAlW.) ComiMined of Dlnltie Car iinmirjiatiiii-d, run man DuiwIiik Hoomhlcoigr9 of latest eiUlpBtw. TOUHIST SLEEI'INO CAIiS lli'Kt that can 1h cotiittnirled, and hi which HiToinniiHlatloiiK Me both frw and I'urnliihia for licihlersol t'lmt and fcirond cIhm TicLutf,ali(l ELEGANT DAY COACHES amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser. 133$ JISSLBj'HSS the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this A contliiiioux Hue, Rnnncctiiii; with ail lluc aftordlni; direct and uninterrupted oervlce I'llllinnti filivjier ri'i3tvatlmi can 1 n'cureo in advance throllKh any intent ot the road, ticket otllcc of the coinimliv I'uU informutlmi conternliic rate, time ol tralni, rotitcn and other detailn lurulnhnl on application tn W. C. ALLAWAY, Aci't ! ' A A Nav t:o. , iUvtiintor aif, It iiilliw. Or., or A. i ( HaKIIuN. A t. tifiieriil rMi! irur Act . f'ortltwl, Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. werenousg Beceives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rotes Reosonble. "W. VS7. Oo. Til K II A i.t r "I! . OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are . sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coast. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. I WEBSTER'S I INTERNATIONAL I ,r,Aw. DICTIONARY 5 A(iranJIHuialr, .ilirrrawir m "VitubrUltea" Ten ipg In ruvliliik'.Jy ltorHeiiili'fS morn th.ui fl'w, vxiHiudud. i.nM ''own t f i:oiicrnliilf lory, cia-UIMf. ffi imnclatloii, ni. ii-nf woriii. A W J Td If I, nl.dClTfJ Mjiururv in iim;ii. tlit) oltun iloHirml inronimtlon JiS fininoiit jiorHoim; facta "i',','r."'",l . noted llctltioiiH HirHoiiN und ilii:i' t1" latlon of fomlKii (jiiotutluna, iiroMirliH; iitc, iitc, otc. , ... luaiiMihold.finil to thu teuclmr, Itclniwti 1" K'tttiiunai man, mm hoimihui-i""" urnmTFrVS ltfTimVAnOAM' 5 : r- . . . i".rr-r-..nvf i 5Cp-i)onol wiycin-npinioio- jjicxiu.VUU - Kiiti.lilo rirYiitn of Hiiclviii V""" j 5 1'iliiiuii. y Sold liujtll IliiitkitcUeri. :, t- V. nivrrintu Co. Ih.MfjI.,,.. ArfiJlcf,i'(i4. tn-(ieiiil fiirfrw) iiriMin'ctua. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. N HAS A TAMILY Or () 2000 EEADER8. '1'lioy read '1 ho Clironliilo tn K tlm ' moxt ivlliitilu imva. And they read that in In tl.u ,-ai.er. Tlmt l wj' tlliroiilnlu an Inviiluahlu ndvertl int. '"'w Tim ncwhimper that ' uertlnef (ircldea la thu ono (g) that tlio I i,f falay vatroi.Ui. when they ; ,( reach the i-eoplc. When tl.uy wii.tt r f their .uimmncvi.im.t will bo found U '',,. Uiok ovur mir coIiiiiiiin mid ohwrvo th" tlonof tlm trutli of tlil MHnurtlmi. ii tnidii of a Iiiiiiuy in i" " ,,., worth iu.kl.iK for ''rm"h ' ' r" coliimiiH, cHixilitlly t ",ir Ncr "