The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 18, 1893, Image 3

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    I . .... II
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Saturday, Nov. 18, 1893.
Ladies' Underwear!
M Values al
Tnis Dag, $1,00
This Underwear that we offer is fine goods and is worth
today the regular retail prices mentioned
Our stock in these lines consists mainly of small sizes,
and we decided to close it out at the nominal price of $1.
Sec Corner Window.
Dnr Stock of Linen Collars,
lOc. Eficli.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Milerel h the I'ohtoHlce nt Ttio Dalle, Oregon,
iik mi-iiihI-cIuhh matter
Local Aili itIIkIiic-
10 ( -u jut lltii' (or llrttt lii-crlhm, und 6 Cents
xvr . .11 fur each mih-iequent lticrtloii
S i'(ii niton fur lone time uoliee.
A iciii uotlcM-n received later than 8 o'clock
l iiiiear the (ollnwltiK ily
- NOV. IS. 1803
The limit and Weekly Chronicle way
t filiation Mile nt I. C. Xickehen' More.
Out Dully Clcmi-iip I'rom In anil Almiit
tin- rity.
"Mini unlit' lint little here In-low '
II III .1.., I.. M I. .,.1
Hut Ih-'h iiluayn anxious to eel nil lie can
lly moit any hook or crook.
Thti rt'cortlur disposed of two d. und
d.H this illumine in the usual iiinntier.
Messrs. Saltniurshu iV Co. shipped ten
cars oi fat hogs from their block yards
lut night for Troutdale.
Owing to tliu train being late Shun id
War 1 did not tuke the primmer Strom
toMvltim thin morning.
Mr. ('. W. Burnus, a Prinevillo uttor-t.-v,
if in the city, und will noon return
toMsTrook county lioiiu-.
Ha landlady charges $8 week lor
hoard, or ItO a month, und the hoarder
fcfc'j'soiiii day Iwfore tlie month is up,
Jioiv iiaii-h dofn she loHe''
TIuh morning was the coldest of tlie
"wifion, thu tliermoineter reaching '-'1
degrees above .oro. The day lias been
cold, and u cold night will follow.
The (iood Templars will give a milli
nery ami necktie Houial at tlie K. of 1'.
mil Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Liter
ary program mo ami refreshments. Ad-
IlllHSIOll IT) CC'lltS.
The Klickitat Leader uuhouiicoh that
it will not publish any inoni issues. It
tins lived three yearH and a half, was
bright und spicy, and we regret very
imicii to loHti it from our Hut of ex
change. Mr. Isaac JoIoh Iiiih just retitrneil from
H'uoho liunting trip in Sherman county.
Hi'HideH slaughtering a great number of
K-so ho killed u iiitignitkent specimen
f tlie American eagle, moutuiring 0 feet,
'-' inches from tip to tip.
'"'ho gentleman referred to by thu
Mountaineer an liaving run a feed yard
wan successful, while tlie attempt of thu
Aim Arbor "infant" flzzlo in running a
H'WHpupur without JiiH ioHt manuHcrlpt
wf a failure, (Juerv, who bus the best
of it?
The young ladies are counting on a
rgu audience at tho academy thlu evon
'"K and havo ntndo preparation!)
wlth that end in view. Don't disappoint
tliein. TIioho who compltiln of not
having any place to go wliero they can bo
"itortaiuod should reinoinber tliey have
ft I'hanco tlilfl evening. Jf you are Y's or
w'1bo either you will bring your fifteen
cents to help on a good cuuho,
I'unnoyer'H Thanksgiving, on which
lie will pray for u silver lining to
Je present financial uloud, will bo cele
wntod in The Dalloa by tlie Mignonette
"anclng club. Tlioir dunce Wednesday
'veiling proiuIaoH to bo tlie souiul event
"'the Thanksgiving period. Jiirgfuld's
orchestra will phiv choice selections
'l those who do not dance can havo a
00,l time listening to the music and
ftth those who do dance.
S'jrdoalurlor Mexican Silver
Itlm KiM-lt'n (HmrrvutloiiN.
A much and lone needed improve-
I ment hue been made by your street com
, missioner, Mr. Madron. On tiie road
I from the brewery to the city limits he has
i certainly done a good job, for tlie road
is in better condition than it has ever
been, and before Mr. Madron went at it
jit was in u terribly bad condition.
' Kveryone who travels over it is well
! pleased with the work he hti9 done, and
, I have been informed that there nre
some persons' in The Dalles who have
I that road. 1 hope they are tew, for no
sensible man could object to a bad road
being improved where it is travelled by
the people upon whom they depend for
their bread and butter. Jitit there are
some men who would kick about the
arrangements of paradise, or kick when
being hung, hut just on such an occa
sion we would delight to see such men
kick and kick hard at thin air. I would
also udvibo thu city council if they are
the parties who tiro responsible for the
team tying affair, for their own good and
the city's welfare to stop where they are
and let well enough alone, for tiiero is
plenty of time in the distant future to
put on metropolitan airs.
Him Hock.
Death of I.Iiiiin lIuhliHDl.
News has just reuehed hero of the
death in JJulIulo, N. Y., of Mr. Linus
Ilnbbard, which occurred last Saturday.
Thu death is particularly touching. His
residence in Oregon failed to substitute
hie love for his old home, and on his ar
rival there lie busied himself in walking
around, noting tlie changes which have
occurred during his absence. The
weather was inclement, and ho caught a
severe cold, terminating in pneumonia
and his death.
Mr. JIubbard, while here, was an
earnest and enthusiastic worker for an
open river. He spent considerable time
and money in the agitation. He was
well and favorably known here, and
nows of his deatli cannot but prove a
shock to all who know tiio kind, court
eous gentleman.
Ila-l li lull Mtemry Soi-lt-ty.
Dumt, Nov. 17th, 1893.
Kmroit Ciikonici.i:: The Delphian
Literary society of Dufur has agreed to
givo an entei tainment on Friday even
ing, Nov. -')tli, consisting '.of reading,
essays, vocal and instrumental music.
After thu exercises the audience will ho
invited to remain for an old fashioned
sociable, provisions for which aru mak
ing in tho way of good things to eat, and
games of various kinds. Tho instru
mental music will bo furnished by Van-del-pool's
orchestra, which now consists
of eight or tup instruments.
Tho little folks will go through the
evolutions of a Hag drill, etc. It is the
iutentlon of tho society to do everything
to make tho occusiou pleusaut and en
joyable. The object of this entertain
ment is to rulso money to pay for an
organ. Kverybody ie invited to attend.
Admission twonty-fivo cents.
Kiuloreil ly the l'r.
In thlN hki-itU'itl hko htatciuuntit iiiiiUu U-foru
U-Iiik credited uienenerully luiilied Into, l'oo.
iiliiiiruiilwiiyn (oil ml (home one mid) on thu Mdo
where their Intercut Ilex. In view of the ho. t
litimed truth an Imlomement from one who In
not lutcrcntetl should boot double vitlne, la-lieu
thu following frank utntement vhuiitd be read
with Intercut ... .,.i.,,
(Ikmti.kmkn Till In tu certify that I havo
n Mil Kiiiiiou'h lU-iidauliu C'iiimuIck with biitUfait.
tory rcmiltH. I bought u box wliti-li cost inu-JS
coutH and oiiu eapNillo miicd inn of dreadful hick
headache My wife und melf Iiiimi both Uhed
thu iiicdlclneH manufactured by tho Minium
Utility Ml'K Ho. ami c recommend them to tho
nublluiiK beliiK Jimt what they are reiircneuleil,
' ItcMiei-tflllly,
Kit (iiuette, I'leamuit lllll, Mo,
Hold by Hiilien.A Klhcri-ly
The Grand Jury At-k to Itn Exciihcil
Aflrr Klllrli-tu Service.
The grand jury have concluded their
labors and handed in their report, after
a five days' session.
They found eleven indictments and
six not true bill".
They examined thu offices and prisons
of the county and found them in a satis
factory condition und the books of tho
county ofiicers well and neatly kept.
The report goes on to state:
"Tlie following financial statement
was rendered us by the treasurer, show
ing the financial standing of thu county
on the let of November, 1SU3.
On hand Nov. 1, 1893, G352.2,j.
Of this amount tlie following sums be
long to thu funds specified :
School fund
Warrants out covering thu
above amount.
Road and bridge fund
Warrants to be cashed on fciuht.
Due from Sherman county .
Kntray fund
Estate fund
Countv fund
G2S 00
2900 S7
Total $0332 25
Wu find tlie county jail clean and well
kept. We find, however, that thu floor
of the jail is made of brick covered by
cement and find that thu same is badly
worn, very rough and has many deep
depiussions lit it. We therefore recom
mend that it be repaired and placed in
better condition. Wu find that about
thu only ventilation there is for the jail
is through the burs of the rear door of
the jail, which opens into tlie jail yard.
We also find that there is a door leading
from the hallway of thu court house into
this same jail yard und that persons
may pans into the jail yard in that way
at any hour of the day unobserved ami
that it is continually done. When per
sons nre in the jail yard they huvo free
access to this rear door of tho jaii und it
would bo a very easy matter for anyone
who was so disputed to pass a weapon to
the inmates of thu jail or furnish them
with tools whereby they might
make their escape. Wo think that
this would bo very dangerous
to tho jailer in case desperate
criminals should bo confined therein and
It alsp renders thu jail unsafe as a ptisou.
We therefore earnestly recommend that
homo suitable measures bo taken to ren
der this matter safe.
Tho jury found tho city jail satis
factory and havo no recommendations to
muko regarding it. Thu report is signed
by the foreman of thu grand jury, Mr.
(J. W. Miller.
DchervliiK I'mlfcu.
Wo desiro to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Jhicklen's
Arnica Salvo and Klectrlc Hitters, mid
huvo never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that havo given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee thom every time, us we stand
ready to refund tlie puichuso price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
treat popularity purely on their merits.
Snipes & Kinersly's druggists.
(iood wheat for seed or chicken feed at
six bits per suck cash at J. JI. UroV
Feed Store. tf
Fresh oysters at A. Kollur's confec
tionery store.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish
Hot clam broth at J. O. Muck's every
day ut 4 o'clock,
lie Win I.nut Seen nt Mm rmxtlltn
limine, Nov. Ut.
The sensntion of today lias been the
disappearance of I5en McAteu of 1'ygh.
Ho was lat, seen on the 1st of Novem
ber in The Dalles, whom ho had several
hundred dollars in his pockets. Ho paid
every bill that ho owed in town, and
paid his newspaper subscriptions to that
ditto and stopped the papers. While in
the CniiONicu: office he stated that ho
was going to squnre up and leave the
"Whero arc yon going?" ho wna
"God only knows," replied, Mr. Mc
Afee. Jter ho went to the Umatilla house,
and announced that he was going to
Cove, Union county. He took the night
train and ho lias not since been heard
from. His friends have received no re
ply to letters, and becoming alarmed
have sent his description to the sheriffs
of the different counties in Eastern
Circuit Court.
Cheater Cole and Albert Valentine
were to have been sentenced this after
noon. The case of Hood Hiver Valley Water
Supply Co. vs. W. It. Winans is still
occupying tlie attention of the court.
Tlie jury in the case of Fonts vs.
Harris returned a verdict last evening,
after being out twenty-four hours, in
favor of Mr. Fonts, allowing him a judg
ment for 50 cents.
Hon. F. P. Mays of Portland is in the
Mis3 Lulu Bird returned this morn
ing from Chicago.
County Judge John Fulton of Sher
man county, ia in the city.
Mr. E. G. Eubanks of Oakland,
Douglas county, in this state, favored
this office with" a very pleasant call last
Mr. 1L H. D.tmielle favored The
CiinoKichi: office with a pleasant call to
day. He also presented us with some
fine samples of potatoes of the Heauty
of Hebron variety. They are simply
immense in size. They were grown on
hill uplands without any irrigation, save
a slight sprinkle of rain in June.
IIonkst toil is essential to restful
Tin: man who impoverishes his farm
steals from his own pocket.
That man is seldom happy who holds
a grudge against the earth.
I cou.vt him a rascal who tries to get
full work out of a half-fed horse.
Many people ride "over the hill to
the poorhouse" in the do-nothing sled.
Tiik road to fortune is well traveled,
but too many are headed in the wrong
Somi: men have sense enough but are
too indifferent to go to the trouble of
using it. American Agriculturist.
Tclpiihonlrn; on Trli-Krupli Wires.
An apparatus has ben constructed
for telephoning .simultaneously over
telegraph wires. Tlie system lias been
in operation for some time on the tele
phone line from Budapest to Szegedin,
a distance of 121 miles. The results
were satisfactory. Tho apparatus can
easily be inserted in a telegraph cir
cuit and used at once. It is said that
simultaneous telegraphy along the
wire docs not in the least interfere
vclth telephoning, and that tlie effects
of induction and all disturbing noises
are eomj;U-t-lv removed.
Mexican Silver .Stove Poliih causes no
J-J7- 33, 33 .A. ID
"Samtlia al lis Worm's Fair,"
Ami be u t-i the times.
t'ni.l- .I t in inntiUi
n ui uit ii
lty jo.-iAH ai.i.i:s' ,s win:.
A. G. Hoering,
lienl m-ni, The Dull -.s, Or.
JllSl llllllllKll
a on a r Tfi
Of Snjiei lor Duality
ami riiiUli.
fats, Furnishings,
J oo is and Shoes.
All direct from llm
Kuhtein Manufacturer.
The balance of
Our Large Stock
We will Close Out
Reparafess of Gosi !
- o
Store Fixtures for Sale.
N. Harris
P. S. Special prices to dealers.
Hl Clothing & wing Boons
Just Arrived from new Y rk
At liemarkably Low Prices.
Spleniii Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50.
W Winter Dry Goods,
JPTAs we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
he famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found tho verv lowest in the market. Wo invito our friends und customers to
examine our uoods and prices beforo purchasing.
I'hlc wull-luiown Brewery is now turning out tlie best Beer and i'ortei
east of thu Cascades. Tho latest appliances for tho manufacture of good health
fill Beer have been introduced, and on y the first-class article will be p'aced on
ho mark"t.
And tho Most Complete and the l.ulcat I'attcriiH and Dut-iuns in
a"Pnictieul Painters and Paper Hangeiri, None but tho best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and .1. W. Masiuy's Paints used in all ,mr work, and none but
tho most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or snap mixture, A first cIuhh article in ull colors. All
orders promptly uttendc;! to.
Paiut Shoo oorner Thirdaud WashiiiRtou Sts., The Dalles. OrecoD
Crams CI
It costs you 50 cents to join,
if you join before Saturday.
Every member is guaranteed
a Crayon. Now for Christ
mas Presents for yourself or
friends. Investigate !