I 21) c Dalles THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1898. NO. 15a Dalles Daily Chronicle. Pnblloliol liHllr, Sunday Excepted, n y ..inl w imm 1CI1TV3 fn . oniui1 mnl Wiwhlwrton Htrcotii, Tho si " . Trni of Muborlitliii .GOO ....,rrlir . .. f.(l snonWi b i TI.MK TAIH.KH. KHilromlo. in citirt AiiKUNt n, isa.1. KAKT HOUND. in v. iv m. ui'iiiLrui ii :uu I, ai jj Amis" - WKHT 1I0U.N1), .. i ..') i. m tletutrfji AMI A. M la .Air.iv"' ...i. Iitlftitd Unit curry piim-cnce lcve 'w' ... -i ( H-m . mill linn fur the got lot u iTAOKS. f rwitville, vtn. Hiilfo Oven, leave dully Miilur. KltiKnlor. Wnmlo, Wniilnltln, Warm "L .rt Ti'i-h vkIIkt. Icihii diillv. exeen S,tCA M w.LiuiHlnle. Wiwh.. leave every rty of tin . i - . , VtSlur nil UllCn HI UIC uiunillia UIIUIMJ. rilOFKHMON.il. H. KIIlDKl.UATTOIlNKY-AT-I.AW OfflCO Court Street, The Halle, Oregon. I iw-,iiKimr. mill -vtit uivi 1...H. .... L'nf.uiirnfill U'llfcMtlt'fltl HtriK't HKS'NKTT. ATTOUNKV-AT-l-AW. Of 1. ire in fchKinnr. uulldlllE. Illi .tiilrn. The l r. hayk. h. h.iiuntinoto.v. ii.ii. wimioh. in. Hrs'TIN'flTON" Ac WIIjjON ATT0K mtk ai law -unieen, t rencu muti MV. o..l llu.tl 11 llllllKk. IiriHfflll. 11. Wll-rON ATTOKNKy-AT-LAW-KCM)m I , French & Co.' lii imimiiit!, secouu b VJ1IIM l 1 K. illnu vnl'iTtliri I'll YKIC1AN 113 BtkORUNt v-flll. HH.nw iiiiim.nj. UIU17U iKl BI1U A-OlfCCDIOCK. wtf tMi 0. I). I) O A N K CH YhlCIAK ASP 1U- 4-.li k'.ii. ........ u K nurncr i.ouri uuu cotKi iwit. hwniil aiKir irom mu Oe4.)ur. j tu A. a to 5 Mid " to 1'. -M. .t'IAl.L Uehtikt. (ink civeii lor the f.luienk extmctloii of toctli. Alfco twlli ih.u.i .iitimhiiim tilnte. IUkiiik: olcn ol wii i niK.K. so. If.. A. V. V A. i. Meets smt una tuita jiouuiiy m eutii wuuiu i . 11. I ILII AI. A '.Lll U1MI ll. . Mwuin Miihonlo Hull tliu third Wednehduy lUWiN WOOIIMI-. Uf Jill, nuni.i'. every t'rtdM uriMiliiL' ut 7-.:iO o'clock, lu K. L'KIK.'1MI!I' LODCiK, NO. K. of I'.-MtrU T every iloinlny ovelilliK ut 7.UU o'i'liK'k, 111 ."Ciiuiioiil)ul(i1(; vomer of Court Hiid Heeond II 1IIK UlLlUUMr i. in v j T1WJ. W.H.CK1M. I. W VU'he, K of It. iiiid H. 0. C. vwr.Jim.v iNO, 4rt.7, K. Or u-Mwu in J of i hull tt.uK.-eom una fourth WttlncH- K IIS! u'lti ... ... ........ Vflrl.ii uft.'rniMili "oclwk nt tho rending wn, A Mure Invited. Htrmoii IakIko No. &0I, I. 0. U. T.-Henulnr wwiklv im.-etliiK i'rldHy itt b r. .. ' nlty full. AIUroliivltv.1. Trutit I.. ... ... ..... i in pp. .' ii... if. .11 .... i'..n...u .... u.wi.itin IliuMuy uvenluKk ut 7::w, iu. ... . II. 1IANSKN, inw, r iiiniicier. hj j ' chji 1 1 j i ma r. no. u. a. ii. aievm y tTr K..I....4.... .. . m .. .. 1.. 11... L m.I 11 fj "I "iiuiiiBj ni I uv at.f in niv " . tl nif i .. . . .. ... '"eK.of 1', Hull. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANisAW A RKNKHALIIANKINU BU8INKHH ho Lotto of Credit issued available in Kaatem States. tJight Exchanpo and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago, Ht. Iionis, San Francisco, Tortland Oregon, Senttlo Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections inado at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. I'rceidcnt -Vice-President, Cnshier, - - Z. F. Moody Chaki.es Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FKANCISCO, CHICAGO and FOKTLAND, OR. (;iANu etenli a VKKKIN Mi.iIm I'verv "eiiliiKtn the K. of V, Hull. Huuduy R OK I., K. UIV1HI0N, No. 107-MveUin UttK '!' J'' thellrnt mid third Wodtien- ...wiivii, u. i ,ov r. n. THK CIIUKUIIKH. ' JETKKH (JIIUKOH Hev. Kntlier ilBONh. V vl.k'r It......... .t i "nir. imw mnk every nunuuy in , ... Wi.i "v 1 "l KUH union Bireei,oiiKikiie "'I, Ituf. k'll II UiiloMIt'.. IllV'tiir. KiTvil'I'M . .'llllllll v .t ii . u .....I T U 11 Klltllllll' ml 11 t I - - - - . -. .-- ' j-. ii a. m, KvenliiK 1'riiyeron i-nuny in 'ii.... 'im iiiiukuii uur. u. u. "I HHLiir. mi .rill mi k..rv'11'.iM i.vi'rv nil 11 Ht It... '. -".'.o . . .v- , . , 11 lllt'ltl I .... 1 . t1 Ulllllll k....t....u 1.. .1... ......1 !... .. ..I " " Uk. rel- lit . .."kKOATIOVA I. KIIMIJIMI II..., vv i (It.. .. --"-'... UllUllUlfllVII ... ' . "." IBi l lUltOr. Ki.rvli i'U nvi.rv Klllirliiv lit 11 nr.. . . - ' " uiiiiuni 01.1111111 mti-i 111111 iii.ir. . mriiiiu..vu ......it..i.. i ... .. Lt...... i.... ft1." liuiuiiHiy iiiviiuu. neuift iiiv. Collections made on at all accessible points. favorable terms S. bCHINCK. frcldcut. J, M. rATTKUSOS, Cnkhier. First Rational Bank. - - OREGON VHE DALLES, A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to fcigtit Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ou New York, ban rrancisco anil Portland. DIKHCTOKS, D. i'. TiioMi-soN. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmiin & wagon stop General Blacksmithing and Work don promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lietie's olfl Staud. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. J las the est honso moving outlit in Eastern Oregon. largest V '1, K,:..V,"u"'-"I-Hev. J. Wiuhlkk, initor. (lllltllnir Uuu I VI' luumu. 'ini,Li , . . ihrv. i it ---- w tia.iAiii.iii i'hvui . W'irhiu,i VIBW, owrvjU'n iu tiuwii.iu tury ou1 l ''M V-m A cordlul weloomu Address P.O.Box 181.ThoDalles 1, J. I. FORD, 01 lK'k Molnen, Iowa, writes under dtite ol Miiruh SI, lb'J3: S. B. Med. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gtntlrmtn : , . On arriving home lust week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure lias done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from mo. So give it to every one, with greeting!" for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mil. & Mus. J. I. l'oitn. If vou wiiih to feel Irekh mid cheerful, ud reiidy for tho BprlnB'a work, cleHiibe your kyutem with the lleiiducho mid IJver Cure, by tiiMni; twooi thleo duiieii ejivli week, Bold under a o.ltlvo KUiiruutcu. tV) cents ier bottle by all druKKiktk. C. F. STEPHENS, UlCALilCK IN DRY GOODS Qlothing Hoot., Hliiitm, llHtki Kto. Fancy 6ood0, Notion, Ktc. ICtc. Ktc, Second St., The Dalles. mmmmmm iThe Questior 13 n simple one easily decided by reason and common sense. 4 m OTTOIEHE m m m m the new scientifically prepared shortening is made from pure beef suet, nnd highly refined vegeta ble oil. Lard is made, in the majority of cases, in tho packing-house, and not as of old, from the pure leaf cf the hog. Which n likely to be the most healthful ? Decide for yourself. It must 1)2 m if m COTTOLEiE Rend three cents in ttamps to N. K. l'airbanl: & Co., (Jhicai;n, fir handsome Coitclcne Cook llcck, containing six hundred recipes, prepared ly nine eminent nutho ritiei on cooVin;. Cotlolenc is told Ly all grocers. Remi. Ul substitutes. ilade only by M V CAIDt5AMtr J& ."rt ... . ... 1 . L ill lLl. 1111 J ST. LOUIS and 10 CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. 4$ "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation. Co. P THROUGH Freiafi! ana Pfissenasr Lino ThroiiL'li dailv service (Sundays ex cepted) Ixjtween Tho Dalles and 1'ort land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at i a. in. connecting at Cascade 1juks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 0 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. IMaMVNUKJt UATKO. One way Round trip.. ..2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received nt any time day or nigiii. fiiipmenis ior way landings must, ne uenvereu ueiuru 0 p. 111. J.ive siock siiiiiiieuiH Buiieicu. Call on or address, B. F, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oriittrn! A(fnt. LAUGHLIN, (leuerul AfHUHKr. THE DALLES, OREGON teARTICpacodr SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Ht Wliolc.l.l 1 IKltlltlllllH. Candies and Nuts rtiu Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho Dnlles tJ. FOLCO 2 38 2d Strew At right bide Mrt.. Obiirr'. Htiiuriuit, The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Thin old, popular and roliablo Iioubo has been entirely reiurniBuu- , mm y'J room has been runanered and repalntw and nowly carpeted throughout, tho houso contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Katet reasonable. A good restaurant attachec to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. WILL NOT SURRENDER Tho Provisional Government Are Pre pert for War, PLENTY OF GUN'S AND MUNITIONS Congressmen Refuse to Discuss Ser iously the Proposition to Impeach the President. Washington, Nov. 17. It is said Willis' dispatch contained the statement that the provisional government has gradually accumulated munitions of war till it has on hand 1,(100 rifles, two Gat ling guns and four Maxim guns, besides plenty of ammunition. Tho available force of police oflicere and guards on duty in Honolulu is 2S0, while there is a reserve militia of 000 which can be called together on 30 minutes' notice, and there aie further reserves which swell the total enrolled men of the provisional government to 1 ,100. It is supposed 500 more could be had from the other islands. Senator!) nnd C(inj;r!sniiicii Itetlcent. Washington, Nov. 17. Inquiry fails to develop at the capitol any response to the suggestions from some parts of the country, most especially from the Pacific coast, that the. president be impeached for his course in the Hawaiian matter. Senators and members, when asked to express themselves upon this phase of the question, refuse to consider it ser iously or to discuss it at all. The most that any of them will say is no question of that kind can be properly raised at this time, when so little is positively known of the plans of the administra tion with reference to Hawaii and con cerning its action in Honolulu. Fur thermore, it is noticeable that back of all the harping on the question on the part of those who criticise the course of the government there is a feeling that there is no disposition upon the part of the administration to place the country in a position that may be permanently embarrassing or injurious to our inter ests or harassing to our national pride. Many do not really believe that the marines will be called out to restore the queen, whatever the circumstances un der which she was deposed, and some say even if they should be they would want to see Blount' report and Willis' acccount of the proceeding, so as to know just what ground the government stood upon in performing this act and just how. Where Willis is known he is highly regarded as a man of just in stincts and much national pride, and his friends say he i- not apt to do any thing rash if, after taking time to look tho situation over, ho linds that tho president and secretary of i-tate have been misled. lie is, on the other hand, prompt to act, if his orders are impera tive, if ho lias accepted the mission with the understanding that he is to perforin this service regardless of consequences, which all who know him doubts. If ho Is left with discretionary powers, and after investigating tho situation he should decide, it was in accordance with the requirements of justice and in no wise derogatory to the inteiests and dignity of the government which lie re presents to re-enthrone l.iliuokalain, he would do so. A fllll lion Friend". A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million peoplo liavo found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it lias wonderful curative powers in all diseasea of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or nionev will be refunded. Trial bottle free at Snipes iv. Kinersly's drug store. Largo bottles GOo and ft .00. Are your children subject to croup? If so, you should never bo without a bottlu of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and lias never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as the croupy cough ap pears it will prevent tho attack. It is tho role relianco with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger In giving thin Remedy in largo .i ,wi fr...,n,.iii Anm.it. uH It contains noth- i.t., iiiinriniiM. no cent bottles for salt) by Blakoloy & Houghton, druggists, (looil .nli 1'rlntlHK. If you have your job printing done at Tin: CiiiioNKM.u you will navetnoau vantage of having it done with the most modem and approved type, with which wo keun continually supplieil. All jobs under tho direct supervision of one of tho most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. MITCHELL NEWS. A literary and artistic entertainment will be given on the Kith of this month by tho Mitchell literary society. On the 10th, bom to tho wife of V. Chapman, a son. C. M. Clinc, dentist of Prlnevillc, made a stay of about three weeks at Mjtcholl, but from appearances business was not overtaxing. Since tho pause in rainfall tho sky has cleared, tho days aro beautifully clear and warm nnd the nights bright and de cidedly frosty. Mrs. Will Brown and Miss Beryl Allen were visiting Mrs. Brown's mother, Mre. Horn, four days of last week. Miss Allen reports having seen potatoes of greater length than had ever been her good luck to havo witnessed before. One which was raised on Mr. Horn's farm on the John Day river, measured almost two feet. These potatoes are of excellent eating quality. Max Fritz, the miller of tho Mitchell Flour Mill, holds the price of his flour without reduction, even if a man's family be in wnnt of bread, they must not eat of his flour unless paid for in advance. A true spirit of philanthrophy is shown in such acts of generosity and such rigid adherence to their present business course, which is very necessary in most cases in the present money stringency, but certainly there should be an exception to the rule. When we look back a few years and remember the almost extravagant pros perity of this country, we cannot realize the almost destitution of many in the county so near to us, and yet it is a fact, although surprising, that some even here are in want of many of the necessities of life. Will their present hardships prove an object lesson by which they may profit, and will it prove to clear away the film from their eyes that in the future they may not commit the rash acts of the past? Although it cannot help the present, the election returns should give them courage to battle on to the right, and right is might. E. V. E. MnciiEi.li, Or., Nov. 13th, 1S93. Joaiiulu .Miller' Cabin For the Knlr. Dunsmuir News: If tho commis sioners will give us space, we will ex hibit at the mid-winter fair the old log cabin, which was built and occupied by Joaquin Miller in the early 'oOs near this place. The cabin stands there now in about as good condition as when it sheltered the famous poet of the Sierras. The walls havo been pierced in several places by bullets, and broken at row heads aro still imbedded in tho logs. Joaquin stood oil' about a hundred In dian warriors one winter's day, who were storming his retreat. One nrrow entered through a crack where the chink ing had been knocked out, cut a swath through Miller's luxuriant hair and buried itself in tho wall beyond, nailing a lock of the poet's hair to tho wall. The arrow head, with the hair wound around it, is to bo seen there till this Look at tho size of tho ordinary pill. Plunk of all the trouble and disturbance that it causes vou. ouldn't you wel- . . I . A A. I- .1 come sometliing easier to mac, aim easier in its ways, if at tho same tuno it did you more good? That is tho caso with nr. 1'iercoH rieasam reneia. They're the smallest in fiizo, the mildest in action, but the most thorough and far reaching in results They fifllow nature's methods, and tliey give neip uuu iiisih. Constipation, indigestion, bilious at tacks, sick and bilious headachos, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels are promptly relieved and permanently cured. "If wo can't cure vour catarrh, no mutter bow bad vour caso or of how long standing, we'll pay you !j"00 in cash." That is what is promised by tho pro- nr etors of Dr. fcago's uatiirrii lioineiiv. Doesn't it nrove better than any words could, that this is a remedy that cures catarrh? Costs only CO cents. I. mill (Ivor Your County Win iiiiiIh. All county warrants registered prior to January Kith, 1800, will bo paid if presented at mv otlice, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. Wm. .miciii:i,i., Treasurer Wasco County. October '-'let, 1S03. tf woon, woon, vooi. Best grades of oak, lir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters it Co. (Cilice Second and .letlor sou streets. A OONTKA DICTOKY ItEI'OKT. The Au.trnllrt Ju.t Arrlvml From Mon olulii Kvnrythliif; I'nnceiilito. San Fuancisco, Nov. IS. Special to Thk CiiKONicr,E. Tho Steamer Aus tralia arrived from Honolulu this morn ing with tho latest news of j Hawaiian affairs. Tho United Press succeeded in compiling and sending n dispatch of 2,000 words to President Cleveland a full hour before thatgentleman received the government dispatches. When tho Australia left everything was quiet on the Islands, and President Dole had received no inkling of the atti tude of the president in relation to re storing Uliokulani to tho throne. Min ister Willis presented his credentials and was received with apparent friendliness. He did not make the object of his visit known. Peoplo on tho Islands know nothing of the proposed scheme of res toration of the queen. THE CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Whisler, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All other services as usual. A cordial wel come to all. Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth streets, Sunday services as usual. At 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. worship and a sermon bv the pastor, Rev. W. C. Curtis. Subject of the morning sermon "Tho Power of a Good Reputation," (Text III John, 12th). In the evening the pastor will tell of a Sunday in New York, (Text Ezekiel ix:ll, "These Three Men,") subject "Radicalism, Individualism and Christ ianity." Sunday School immediately after tho morning service. Meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m., topic, "Gentle ness a Fruit of the Spirit," Eph. iv:30 32, Col. iii:12-15. All persons not wor shipping elsewhere are cordially invited to unite with us. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi cine I havo ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a preventive and cure for croup; no other afl'crds so much relief in sases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Cloning Out Sain of r. roet-rit'. Owing to a contemplated ehango of business, tho undersigned will close out the entiro stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call eaily while the stock is unbroken. JOI.ES BltOTHEltS. The Great Enstlsh Remedy. rrornptly nnd permanently cures nil forma of Xtrvaua Wealcnes'.EvUsslons, Sperm atorrhea, Impoteneu and all effect c.tbiij5 or Exeeaeu Keen prescribed over S5 p cars In thousands of coses: n,,..j Jff.r isinooniv(eiiuuit!iini.iiu- Btfon and Afitr. ,nedlc.,l6 ;.,. Ask druggist for Wood Plioihodlne; if ho offers romt worthless medicluo In placo of this, loavo his dishonest store, lucloso prlco la letter, oud wowlllEond hy return mall, l'rlce, ouo package. $lBlr,$5. 0m jiiUsc.jfjMDlHeinv. l'amph let In plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. Address The. Wood Chemical Co., lit Vi livard nvenuo, Detroit, SUch. Sold In The DuIIoh by lilakeley ,v Iloutitou. For Sale or Kent. 1 will sell or rent my farm on S-Milo on reasonable terms. Anyone wishing for such an opportunity will please ap plv at once at Tun Ciiuonici.i: otlko. Mrs. Matilda H.uit. I'uiday, Nov. 17th, 1803. 3tw. wooni wiiuiii womii Hest grades oak, llr, plno and slab wood. Ollico 133 Second street. All orders protnptlv attended to. tf M.vimi & Benton. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will ho pub lished on tho 21st of this month. T. A. W.uin, Sherill. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes it Kin ersly. Pocket sizo contains twenty-live doeea, only 2.mi. Children lovo it. Sold l y Snipes it Kinorsly. Highest of alt in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOIJLT7E1Y PURE