i The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the I'ostofflcc at The Dalles.. Orcson, r jeeoiid-clasf. runner. THK DAl.l.KS oim:oo ANCIENT TITLES. Tnc Jewish title rabW meant master or teacher. Tut: most ilipnifit'.. titlt aatontr the Iiol'anilors- iv.v Mailt holder. The word captain, so often used in the I?illc. simply mean;, officer. The name Ptolemy was adopted as a title ly the later kings of K?ypt. Tits sliah of Persia pretends to date his title liaok for a thousand years. KIOSKS appointed jndg-es for the Jews to aid him in the administration of justice. Tin: Jewish scribes were the lawyers. registers and notaries public of their j nation. The most splendid and substantial title of the middle aces was that of dope of Venice. T:: title prince is from a Latin word sifrnifyiatr leader, and dates from the Roman empire. Tnr. judres who governed the Jews were for the most part the heads of their families or clans. The centurion, as the name implies. was the commander of a hundred men in the P.oman army. Globe-Democrat, j Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, Tho Dalles, Or Twice a W eek From NOW Until December 31, YOUR ATTENTION It rnlli"! to tho fact that 18 v pah Glenn, 9 Dmltr In Ml. I. urn I ' nml ltulldlmr Mm.-i HP. 1'lnMlT. iVliw.... t in! of all kind.. -ri ( tlif I-1 1 1 I in.' , if flevu Qolumbia J-lotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and newlv , furnished throughout, and is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any l.ouso in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stnpr to Dufur, Kinpsley, Tyirh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm Springs and Prineville is in the Hotel and persons going to Prineville am save M.00 by going on this Stage line. All trains stop here. For ONLY $1.50. The Bej-t Pi.asteh. Dampen apiece of Annuel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are sore such an appli cation on the chest and another on tho back, between the shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so cood for a lame back or a pain in the ide. A sore throat can nearly a! wiys he cured in one night by applying a ri.ianel bandage dampened with Pain Bairn. uC cent bottles for sale bv Uiakeley & Houghton, druggists. lliickltMi'- .Vrulcn salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes x Kin-erslv All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will be pub lished on the I'l.-t of this month. T. A. W'aud, Sheriff. L. YOUNG, : JEYBLBH, ; : Watohet, ntj Jewelry repaired to order oa hort notice, and mtlsfaction rnaranteotl AT IKK Store of J. V. Ni!t:leii, 2d ."it. The JJalle EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Kotice is hereby given that the under eigned has been duiy appointed by the County Court of the "state of Oregan for Wasco County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of the estate of James Underbill deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with proper vouchers at the law office of Con don & Condon in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from ttie date of this notice. November 11, 1S03. Claka Z. Undkhhiu., Executrix of the Estate of James Under bill, deceased. NOTICE I'OK PUBLICATION. L'. S. I.ask OrriCK, The Dalle.,, Or.,; October 17, Iny:;. j Notice Is hereby Riven that the fiillnwinc niimed settlor hw tiled notice of hl intemlun to miike (iiiul jiroof in sujiixirt of his clulm, iind that mid lirnof will Ix- iriHile ln-fore the rej;iteT mid roeeiver of the V. H. Jjind Mine ut The Ihillw, Or., on Monday, Sm . T, 1MO, viz: .lumen ,11. l'ut.niin. Homenteiid iiiiliCHtion N -"-1- lor section 1, tji. 4 t. .it is 1: W. M. He uuiao the follmriutf witiiesnai to jirove hU coutiuuouti rotlrieuce ujujh uiid cultivation of said lund, viz.: J-'eti liutty. HukIi ChriMiiiiti, W. K. Cornon und K. N. Clmwller, all of The 1'nlle. Or. llKiltrt JOHN W. I.KW1H, KeulMter. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. hxu Omce. The IMllex. Or.,) Oct. lhM. ( Notice In hereby uiveii thut the lollowltm limned fcettler lm llled notice o( IiIh iittentioti to make Until proof in uort of tils clitim, mid that mid liroof will be nuide before the Ktulnter mid iteeelver nt The Duller, Or., on jH-oembcr 11, lbl, vU Jtolunilu Jlrookk, ilevUeu of John llutfhun, dtcciiml. IIomeHteud AiiiliCHtioii No. fc3s. for the HI kK'4 mid H'j HWi of t-ec :u. '1 j. 1 N., It. 13 K. Ho inline tho followint; witnewten to prove hlh continuous residence uoii mid cultivutlon of Mild land, viz O. W.toot, , A lli'.ler. PrunkCrelKiiton und Keth Moiwui, U of the Dull h Or tMr-U L, Hhowx pleuMt tuke notice. thM JOHN W I.KWIH, IU-siter. 0 . 1 rr. I . . .V.1 . : r4 a n H all IJ!- ' ?Mt bujiuess conducted lor Moocratc Fees. i and we eanecure patent in lets tunc uuwtiiosc; Jiemotelrom 'a.blngton. . . . ' Scad model, drawinc or photo., wun oescrip- ition. We adviae, if ateniable or not, Uee of 5 ieharffe. Our iM not due till patent is secured. ' A Mus-MtCT. "How toObuin P-stetus," witb 1 Icoa 0 satoe Tin the U. &. snd JoreixucoucuiciJ ! 'Mnt ircc Audrcis, C.A.NOWtCO. OTP. rrCMT TflCC. WABNINOTON, D. C. WINHNS HE NEW" TOWN ha. tx-on platted on the old enmp prouml. at the Forkh and Falls of Hixxl river, with larpe. s-iphtly lot, broad t recti. and allty, pood Mill ' and pure water, with shade in profusion, perfect draltnipe.deiichtfnl mountain Climate, the central attractimi as a numntatii cummer resort for all Orepon, beinc tae nearest town to Jft. Hood. It it unpuraUcleo a mauunicturinp center, lieins the natural center for l." square rr.ilcs of the best cedar and fl: timber, po.oejslng million1' of horv-jioer in its dashinp htreams and water falls, easllv hnrne?cd. Where cheap motive power esistd, there the matin lactoriet' will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot lie excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation alreudy iifsurec vou will Und thib the place to moke a erfect home or a payinp tnvestmen See me on the ground. 01 Lv address me at Hood River Wasco County. Oregon. TITiiE PERFECT W. RossW inans. "There is a fide hi the affairs 0 men which, taken at its Jiooa leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Ciii-l Sal lip- Furniture & Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACII BP.ICK, - - UNION ST. The Dalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHROiNICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Cuhoniclk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Weekly Chuonicle on Fridays of each week at 1.00 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlao DtllGfs, Orofon. WE DOJl'T WANT YOUR LlfE! Just liooi, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR P11EY, OUR GREAT OFFER I FOR 1894. iHigs, liese am Sell Times! To tie foancl in the City. 72 LUcshington Street. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points thi: irilcri Pale RAILROAD If tilt' II1K- t.. tntf And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. OUP Circulation must he doubled, ;T0 I0IN"l2S LAST ANI and to do this we propose to furnish tho "Weekl"? Edition " " ,!"' ff l"" it n- Tfcwsu for the balance of this year ri n j rf and one year oeyond for the r""1 U44U , - . . -r a f'llAN(iK Of I Alls.) already low price oi $l.o0. A year and a third 16 months ;""""' makes a ! T0I31ISI SI.Effl.VB CMS lent tluit cull Ik-cumtrurliit, unci in ulill'A rk 4w fr fmr m ncpururtKxlKttniik ut' Ixitii i'trv und F urtillid ' "LJ I ( LA I ' lor lmllcrol HrM una hCfo;i(l rlui,llcLi'tk,Kiil amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser. THROUGH TIGKETS x&t&l KnpMiiit mid Futnj fun Ik; jurchn-l at any the farmer and the orchardist. and is the best medium exposing our resources to the world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the "Weekly in instalments ELEGANT BAY COACHES A fouttt.iiotiK iliic roiiuirttiiR nlili nil Unci ntlutilinc fllrifl mill uulutftnivtwl rrvtrt ru'lmim Hlirj-i ifU'ivntluii ctiii W HTurw) lu inlviitii'f tliriHiKii liny 1'ireiit of ihr rf.ml Uukut dillfc oi tliiTompr.ny , lull Inloriuuimi) eomwiitiK tn:m, uat ol 101 i trutiKi routi-n hiuI other dvMh luruliinl on 1 n)rjtlcntlott to W. C. ALLAWAY, AfiWit II. 1". A. NbV. Co., Kepu'.H''ir uSw.lS UMv, Or., or A. If. ciIAKnit: A't limii-rnl l'n ffj.B'T As' I'jr'irtiil, )p AO Receives Goods on Star of tvrice a Week. should w- your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable,1 we look to an appreciative, public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, i i it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coasc. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Rcosonble. MAltK i.di.l" "V7". O'O. Til I 1 I.M ": 2 WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL A "'rasr. DICTIONARY 5 4f Gram ticai9r ...i. iiirrcw""? ,,i iiifini ilian f cxiituiilfil- ..UnAv Ji Yt fJ ""M. M.ouKl JHctlouarj. JJ' uiii('tiintUeB Um ortiiii (ii-HirMi iiiruriimii'f" " tin) rouiitrleB, i'UIuh, towiin. wnl ,Li,,c iinUiil llutltluiiH iHimuiiH nail l,lau"l, iad lation if furulKn ntiiitatloim, "tll8f " jirovurlm; vtu., iitv., uti!. i fiiho This WorkiHlm-aUiahlo lmtiwliiild, mill to tho ti'imliiT. wlioiar, i lCBHlomu limn, nini hii-iii;1"" library in Itvlf. ""S fftnii (luHtrcil liifortiiutloi" '"," S Tr-IHinot liny flw Knililii iriKlnUt lllltHMK. Clf-Hi-nilforfrcoiir Oll'llt ;tii4. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. ..A . . Dm IllU'l-l ,,u Tlmy riuid 'I Ho uiiroiiiciw i , . nc imiht tullnlilo 1 v.wh. And Hit')' f'"" c V' ,bc Unit U In tho mi).it. 'Ihut 1 " iw,luin, Chroulflo tin liiviiluiihlo ndviTtl 'h f(ii)Uy Tho nw.wM!r tlmt Kv ," , lh.erli;m lliwKlw U tho ono (Gth,.t '"'"''to of tmliiy i-nlronliio N- when H O " fldc ruiicl. tho k....1o. Who., tl.t-y Jt"? Iia,r, tholr lun.ouiico.noiiU will 'uUI ,.1U vorl Uk ovor imr oolum.iH imrt uIit " r, tlou of thu truth of till inwrtlo... i u trudoof n f..tlly " " (Q) i worth mUut fur through t bi lJ column, w.K!lully 'r "n '