: I vvun i t tuuKT. i i I - i - SP T SALE, - I Saturday, Nov. 18, 1893. Ladies' Underwear! Good Values al $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, THIS Dag, $1,00 This Underwear that we offer is fine goods and is worth today the regular retail prices mentioned ' Our stock in these lines consists mainly of small sizes, and we decided to close it out at the nominal price of $1. See Corner Windou. Our Stock of Linen Collars, iOc. lncri. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. i i ' 1 m :.! fill' nt Tbo DalK-8, Orecon, hk f.wd flam tnnttc: t.ociil Ad i rtlliif. ' " line f ir Hot ti.x.rl!n, und f Cent1! " I'm.-1. u!f iW.it l:.'Ttion. mi. t for l us time notici. .i c a, ii"tl.'-ii nvetvod Iittur ttian E o'clock l i ii ; " Mr tuc fnUiiwltiR dy. n:ny, Nov. n. is3 Thf I'lili awl 'e?kl; Chronicle nitty lit f .''i.'(in nali- n' I. C, Xickrhrn'r flare. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. Dot Dally Cli'itu-up 1'riiin In anil A hunt thu C ity. When tlu'ttctumu windy crow chilly. And when vegetation Alt', TbtTf l on' great Mtladtction Wu out even with the tlio. Thu Chrysanthemum club will jriven dance tonight ut the Sehanno liall. The English crop of m lioat is 40,000,- i00 bushels net, or 07tt bushels per head. Albert Valentino, the boy prisoner, mill come up for fliml disposal tomorrow in ..ri! in;;. The old Snyder ro&taurant building is Wing put into shape and will by occtt-V'.t-d a- it China botol. TV liusy Gleaner society will have u kit ui the hall of tho Chrysanthemum clutmu Due. 6th and Otli. llewcmber thu "YV" social at thu acaJwoj tomorrow evening. Admission, including cupper, 15 cents. Julep UroM, propose- to devote their at teiuiuri to mining in the hjiriny and will cle out their largo stock of groceries, etc, a boon a possible. Tne Good Templars will give a milli nery and necktie social at the K. of 1'. Imll Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Liter iiry programme and lefreshments. Ad inicciuu 50 cents. A fanner came in with 1-5 tin keys yesterday, and the most he wa ofl'ered wa 7 cents a pound. Learning that the I'ortl.wid markets quoted thum at lie to Me, he decided to send them Itelovv, an the freight will not exceed Jij cent per I'Otind. Deputy Sherill' Phirmau says he will W glad to got rid of Strom, whom he cliaraeterl.es as a human brute. lie Is continually getting into trouble with the other prisoners, and was only tamed ly the "Oregon boot," the term Mr. i'liiriuuii uses for tlio elllcient let; Irons. The ladies of St. Paul's Guild will on Hie day before Cleveland's Thanksgiving Her a most delectable linn of toolhsome viands for wale al Pease & Mays, The dlnpluy of goodies will be made in one of tbo large windowH, and all personH who to fond of mince pies will do well to tall early and avail themselves of thia '"oat rare opportunity. IJjn't forget the" V'h" social tomouow evening at the acudeiuy. The young miliuH have mado every dibit to give everyone who attends a good tiuiu and their efforta ure well worthy of recog nition. TIiomo wJio attended the laid tt,lalr of thin kind had a very pleasant '"le and they may bo Huro of the Hiime ki'd of a time tomorrow evening. The -uo for which the young ladles are ""iviiig U u moat worthy one and they , 10,11,1 encouraged. Besides you will "vua merry evening; no remember the ""'"-Saturday night; the place-at the "Wulitlny umj t, jnlmiMrtloiliri CUIIlH "'Ending it mimptuoiiH supper. ""t clam broth at J, O. Mack'H everv du' t -1 o'clock. Ue Moxlcun Silver Stove I'olinh all goods Marked r. v"! in plain figures, PEASE & MAYS. THE MARKETS. Nil Iinjirii I'liwnt I.lvf Stork on Knrni 1'riiJuctn mill C'itchIk. Fmiiiav, Xov. 17. The past few days', has not been marked with any new phases in trade that iJ of inteiest. In ; most lines prices have uiidcrone no inateiial change. In eroceries, sugar i has declined from 3t; to ?., of a cent per lb. Coilee is very firm on an advance I over former quotations. Produce arrivals continue to be quite , adequate for the demand, and quotations l remain t-teady i Butter is a drut: in the market at 153 i and o0 centH per roll. Kggs arc very ecarce at o0 cents per dozen. Poultry, at the Thanksgiving season approrehefe is in large supply, and deal ers purchases are mostly for the Port land inarKet. Quotations have not changed f-ince our last rejiort. Portland quotations for coojn of mixed chickens are jT.'.OO and $3.50 per dozen. Ducks, to i4 per dor.; geese, $7.00 to $S.OO per do7.eu ; tin keys, live, 11 cents per lb., dressed, Hi cts. jier lb. The live stock market attracts but little attention outside of the local de mand. Prime fat beeves are a shade deaier but the advance is to trifling that former quotations are unchanged. ISett mutton sheep are down to a low licure and are quoted at .f 1.70 to -1 -'.'20 per head. Stock sheep are quotable at .l.lio to ifl.GO per head. Hogs are sold in this market to Portland and Sound dealers at -l'. to 4?. cents per lb. gross, the latter price being for prime heavy porkers. Astheseason advances the oll'ering will be increased somewhat. Most of the holders will pack, rather than sell at bedrock figures. Consequently there may be concessions on the part of buyers and holders. The cereal market continues much de pressed. The daily reports from Kurope, New York and Chicago, svhich eilccts our own markets more or less, are cabled as "easy," a steroty ped phrase, and with al weak, and on a downward scale. San Fiancisco reports, May deliveries down to H.-O'b Ml.-'l per cental. The major part of America's surplus has been removed ami some writers suggest from that, that as the season advauces the markets will improve. One com forting ictlection is that buyers are not as timid as formerly, which may be construed as a healthy tone for the future. Uailey and oats, owing to the large quantities of injured wheat, are not in much demand, and feed barley is quoted at 00 cents per cental and brewing barley at 00 cents. Oats, that are slightly colored at 00 to 70 cents per cental, light and very heavy at 80 cents per cental. The wool market is still dull, although there is a slight tendency for an im provement, owing to a feeling that the larilf lawH will remain unchanged. KiiilorntKl by tlm I'rtmn. In tliU fckfitlcul ku kUk'iiiuntii iiimlo iH'fnro bvitiK cri'tlllcd ure nem-iitlly liiijulrtxl Into, I'cn I .In art- iilwuyk lull nil (miiiih onu mid) on the Mile whvru thdr Interna llo, In view ut the luM iiiiiiu-U truth nn Iiulomunu'iit from onu whu l lint Interextexl fluiulJ be (i( diiublti vulne, henco thu lollotvlHK irutiK Muienu'iii biiuiuu uu reua ultli lntirit' (1i:nti.km:n, Tlilx Ik tn cerlHy tliut 1 Iihvu iiu- Kiutibu H i i I'liiuie no (.iiiiMiien wnn nuikimi tor)' ri'ktlltM. J bdilK'it u box which font mu i'uiiIn unci onu ciiiulo cured mo of ilrendful kick lit'iului'hu My vtlfu and iiiykeU huvu bntli iiM'd thu iimllclheK iinintidictiirixl by thu Nommiiii IJchty MJ'k uml wu rucouimumj them tu tliu imblli! nn bi'hiK Juiit wlmt tliey iiru ruprukuntuil, Jtuniiis'tlully. W. J. llVTCHIKhON, IM. (iiizette, I'Uuhunt lllll, Mu. KoM by HiiIjichjiV Xlnernl)'. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San JMego, Cal., Hayu: "Shiloh's Catarrh Komedy is the first medicine J have over found that would do ine any good." Price 00 ctu. Sold by Snipes Kinersly. Tlipy Told Falsehoods. Cbprles and Frank Williams, the two lads who were placed in the city jail here, will be placed in charge of Super intendent Gardner of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society. The boys h a ve con fessed that they told falsehoods regard ing their names. According to the Telegram, Charles Williams is one of the boy's right name, but the other, the one with one foot only, is Hoscoe Dafo. The latter maintained a stoical de- ! meanor, refusing to say much, but the Williams boy stated that Dufo's parents lived near Denver and that his own father resided in that city. They con cocted a plan to run away because of their aversion to attend school. Itctil Khtato Transfers. Bert Rogers to Alfred S. Bennett, one fifth interest in a tract of land known as the forfeited railroad land claim of the Rogers heirs; $200. Kva J. Spicer and Frank Spicer to Alfred S. Bennett, lots 3, A, and 0, sec. 4 ; lot 0, sec. 0 ; lot 10, ecc. S ; and lot 1 and the nwVi of nw.'.j of sec. 0, tp 1 north, range 13 east; $1. Wm. K. Miller to Win. Wilhelm, se sec. l'J, tp. 1 narth range 14 east; $134S.33. PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. H. C llinkle of Portland and E. May are registered at the Umatilla House. Hon. T. K. Coon of Hood River id in the city today. He is registered at the Umatilla House. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Butler of Kingsley are in the city. Mr. Butler gave The Ciikomclk ofi'icoan agreeable call today. Messrs. J. C. Coatswortb, F. Reid, II. Chrisman and M. Jameson left this morning on a hunting expedition in Sherman county. IIOTKI. AIIUIV.M.S. Skibbe Hotel. A. R. Russell and family, Antelope; Alvis 1'ederer, Mill Creek; Otto Kirl, Mill Creek; John Schroeder Glenwood, Wash.: C. J. Bradley, Nansene; Rock Airy, Mill Creek ;' Frank Watkins, Moro; 1,. Ger man, Blom, Cleveland. ClokliiK Out Suit) of Orocorli'd. Owing to a contemplated change of business, the undersigned will close out the entire stock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware at cost for cash. Call eaily while the stock is unbroken. JOI.KK BltOTIIlIltS. if r COMPOUND. A recent discovery by on old lb)'tlc!au. hw:cctVu UHetl ,mur,llilu by thvwuimlt of Suites, U tlio only jx-rfocllr snfounil reliable Inedlclui) dis covered. Boworo ft unpriueltilcd drui;alst4 who offer lufcrlor niedldneii In jilaco of tliU. Ask for Couk'i Cotton Hoot Compound, lake no ufc( tutt, or lucloso $1 und 0 cuut I" postago In letter undwowlIUoiid, koalod, by return vmll. rullscalud partl'-'ulttM la I'la'n t'Ueloyo, to ladles only, a utwui. Addruwi l o n d M I y V u m p a njr, No. a KUUer JJlock. Uetrolt. ilk'U. lold In The DnllcH by lilukeluy Ai JloiiKtou. D.K.rvliiK 1'mUu. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years wo have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo und Klectrlc Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that havo given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, as wo stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their tiHo. There remedies have won their trreat popularity purely on their merits. I Snipes A Kinersly's druggists. Blrom flet tlic Full I'pnntty-Mnll Ktilp noiitrtictil-. (irntiil Jury Nntm. August Strom, tho Wyoth rapist, camo before Judge Bradshaw this morning to recolvo Ins sentence. Tho judge sen tenced him to ton years In the penitcn tiary, the full penalty, and said ho was sorry tho legislature had not provided a longer term to more adequately fit tho crime. In Strom's case there was no mitigating circumstances, nor could there bo in caBes of that kind. Strom is merely a magnificent brute, and exhib ited no emotion widlo receiving Ids seti' tence, and when taken back to his cell went to singing. Ho is thoroughly cal loused by a long life of usolcssness. Mcll Kulp wag also sentenced to a fine of $00 or 20 days for assault and battery committed upon tho person of Charles Bradley. The case of Fonts vs. Harris wa8 given to the grand jury at 8 o'clock last even ing. Fonts sued Harris for $10 before Justice Scliutz and got judgment for $0, and the case is an appeal from the justice court. The case of the Hood River Valley Water Supply Co. vs. Ross Winans was thia morning placed on trial. Tho Sup ply Co. wishes to condemn water and right of way over Winans' land, for irri gation purposes. In the case of Rock Alery vs. The Dalles Lumbering Co., the jury returned a verdict of damages for plaintiff in the sum of f t. Damages were claimed of a loss of soil by the Hume overflowing on plaintiffs land. THE GRAND JUKV. The grand jury have about concluded their labors, and this morning were busy examining the jail and county offices. An indictment against Wm. Hurst for larceny of a steer was returned, also against Thos. Pryor, Cascade Locks, for stealing checks, amounting in value to $225. Hurst did not appear, and his bonds men will forfeit their bonds. Judge Bradshaw has issued a bench warrant for his return. To Contributors. Write on one Bide of the paper only ; wo use the other side. Be natural in writing. Don't try to soar; the bat is the only mammal that flies. Write in English, or send glossary. To Poets Poems on all subjects accepted. Send locb of hair as guarantee of divine afflatus. Give children of your brain proper transportation. We do not furnish Pegasuses. Exchange. Kany When You Know How. Over at Monmouth live Mr. and Mrs. L. Lemons, who have a family of thir teen children, and on last Sunday an other little Lemon was added, making fourteen little Lemons iii all. Who savs vou can't raise lemons in Oregon? Moio Observer. For Sale or Kent. I will sell orient mv farm on S-Milo on reasonable terms. Anyone wishtnt; for such an opportunity will please ap ply at once at Tiik Ciikoxici.i: office. .Mrs. .u u'ii.da UAitr. Fit IDA v, Nov. 17th, ISO:;. 3tw. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Best grades oak, lir, pine and slab wood. Ofiice 133 Second street. All orders promptly attended to. tt .i Aii.u ex nn.NTo.N-. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. ffgf BEAD "Samantha at k Mi's Fair," Anil be up to the times, THE LATEST OUT rork oithe Niuctcenth Leiiluiv t Ily JOSIAIl AI.I.KN'ri WIVK. A. G. Hoering, Jwul AKOIIti The Or. Just On! ' nsnruw ii oilniHVInJnlnfni'PnaK , ill lift I A 111' I ' Of Siin rliir OiiHllty uml FiiiMi. TailoriVladc Suits, fats, F u r u is flings, J i oofs ami Shoes, All il I red 0nii tli Hitkturii .liiuufiM'tuir A, HONYWILL. liietioi? postponed. The balance of Our Large Stock We will Close Out Qegainiess of Cosi ! GREAT BARGAINS re store Fixtures for Sale. N. Harris P. S. Special prices to dealers. Just Rrrivea from New il 'MTI Ti Tt f TitTItit If " Lm Giotio & Fimisiing FROM $3.50 UPWARDS At Remarkably Low Prices. ifsSpleifliil Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, E00TS, SHOES, HATS, ET0. $"Aa we am lorce.l to SELL FQiCASIIJnjDrder to avoid lawsuits iliko ho famous A. S. Collins and wHesstiit) anil bad debts, our prices will always b found tho very lowest, in tho "market. )VoljlpP"r M(!lid? f"Stomer8 to examine our eondf and prices before purcluisiiu THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery h now turning out tho best Beer and Porter east of the Cascade". The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on.v the rl rut-clap- article will be p'ived on ho market. PAUL KREFT &. CO., -PEA L1JI5S IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in W Jk. "JLm Xji A. 3BC5 . if jyPnieiical Painters and Paper HangeH, Noun but the best brandu of the Sherwin-Williams and J. Masurv'H Paints used in all .mr work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chemical conibinatloii or po.tp mixture. A tlrst class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to, Paint flhon ooruer Tliinhuul WasbiiiRton Sts The Dalles. Oregon emu I Crayou C ill. It coats you 50 cents to join, if you join before Saturday. Every member is guaranteed a Crayon. Now for Christ mas Presents for yourself or friends. Investigate ! THE DALLLES, OK.