The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
6 months.
Componltc Statue In Antliropolostrnl
ItulliUuc Shown Mnliy Dcfrct.
. . . i 1 1...M!!... !.,, I
i nc .nillrii;MKi),K-.n nuuuiui; ui iiik
world's fair contains a ftntMtc statue
shovinc the averape physical ilevelop
rnent of six thousand American eollepe
pirls. The exposition has few staple
exhibits of greater interest and in-
' structlvenpRS to tnonpntiui peopie,
savs the New York lYess. This eoni-
scbscmption hates.
0 SO
- t. siouuu. Su . . i.i- : .1... ..-..'..l
per " v " i posue iipure siiuuui iwiih- mi- ,
Adiwsi all coraratialcatloa to "THE CHK0N-, attention of every father and mother !
ICLE," The Dalle, Oregon, who visits the fair. - '
Tor the statue shows many serious
defect; faults which cannot tail to
have a serious effect on the health of
p. m. ', American women and the rigor and 1
. a. m. to p. ra. , svmmerv of their children. 1 lie pose
9 a. m. olOa.n. . . o,.;,, tl,..t ,
tho great majority of the college girls
orncr hocm
Giacnu Unlivery Wluuow 5 a. m. to
Money Order "...
Sontlar vi 'J, ' . .
SaJns RoltiR East .9 p. m. and 11 ;V a. rn
Stage for Goliiemlale
9 p. ni. aud 5:S) p. ra. 1
Prii.evilk "W a. m.
"HufuraudanRSprin(rs ..5:30a.m.
" fLcavla? lor Lvlo A Hartlaud. 5: a. m.
JAUtdoje . -5:3) a. m. j
Except sundry. , . '
Tri-vrrekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
I Monday Wednesday and Friday.
NOV. 17, 1S93
There is one thing that the people of
Oregon need not be in iear of, and that
;c l.o ncEnsEtnntinn nf thu?r tnvfrnrr bv I
1 IUV ....ii...- c. ,
ni u:n ...... f -n. U3
own nnmber. Arlington ivecora.
Mr. Cleveland has closed the last door
to his own escape by conferring upon
Willis extraordinary power? as com
mandant oi the r. S. navy in Hawaii,
in case his passports are proffered him
by the provisional government.
It is believed that the custom of rais
ing the hat in saluting ladies is derived
from the days of chivalry, when the
knights anhelmed before ladies, that by
did not know how to do one o the
simplest and most vital thiups in the
world: to stand gracefully and nat
urally erect. The chest is lamentably j
thin and narrow. The waist is too
tmall. In many other respects grave '
physical imperfections exist. i
The lesson which the statue enforces ,
should be heeded by parents aud in
structors and by young women them
selves. Much has been done in the
physical culture of American girls.
Much more remains to be dune. The
American young women of the prep
are notably taller, stronger
fullv developed han their
grandmother.- were at the same age.
They walk better, they spend more
time in the open air and they take a
great deal of wholesome gymnastic or
calisthenic exerci-e where their moth
ers' mothers took none at all.
All this is hiirhly encouraging But
the movement toward phyt ieal perfec
tion which has auspitiouslv begun
should be vigorously carried f irvtittl.
The happiness of American rirls and
the welfare of generations yet to come
demand tliK Harmonious physical
development means health, and health
means beautv. the enjovment of life
Ift rather too much for you ;
the ordinary, bulky pill. Too big j
to take, and too much disturbance,
for your poor system. The smallest,
easiest to take, and best, are Dr.
Pierce's l'leasant relicts, iney
leave out all the disturbance, but
yet do you more good. Their help
Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks Sick or Bilious Headaches,
and all derangements of the liver,
stomach, and bowels arc prevented,
relieved, and permanently cured. t
They're guaranteed to givo satisfac
tion! or your money is returned.
A " cold rx the head " is quickly
cured by Dr. Sage's
Catarrh 'Remedy. So
is Catarrhal Hea'dache,
JBv N and every trouble that
is caused bv Catarrh.
hI) So is Catarrh itself.
IF'V The proprietors offer
500 in cash for any
case which they cannot cure. Sold
bv all druggists.
Is the
Of the Year
Baby Caps and Cloaks,
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Second Street.
an Hninc thpv micht forego the advan
tages which their armors conferred upon ! and the ability to perform the duties of
, . , , , life without unnecessary hardship or
them rendering them defenseless and
at the same time by such act declare
their belief that woman was the soul
and fountain of honor.
A New York democratic escange says :
The results of the state election are
gratifying beyond expectation. The re
bake to the arrogant dictation of the
bosses is so overwhelming that its ef
fects cannot fail to be lasting and bene
ficial. "While the defeat of Judge ilay
nard alone would have been sufficient to
express the indicnation of the-people
against the course of the democratic
machine, the deieat oi the whole state
ticket will serve as a warning to candi
dates that consent to run on the same
ticket " ith a man who is known to
thoroughly distasteful to the people.
llealthrulliien" chii 1? rrenervfil
In malarial districts by the powerful
tonic aud alterative effects of a daily
dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the
true malaria! antidote.
i liooms to rent at Bev,
' denee on Ninth street.
A. Horn's resi-t-23daw
TV ANTED l'u'hint: Ounvaiwr il enrd d
drev Ubvnil calury mid ei)Mi- lwld
wceklv. I'ermaiK'iit iNMtim. HUOWN ltfti;.
CO N'urMjrvmen, I'ortlmut, Or.
Dt t I Times mnUc- It itll tru' morv
L nvewwury to mtvertUc. That i
J what the mt)-t jncns'lvf "f "Ur
t)uslncs men think, and the-f w bu
iutT men arc the mot trwjeroii J t:m"
If vim wish to rewch ull the reojili- in :hi inrlRh
borhuol vou cun't do butter thun Ulk i t!i"tii
' thrnuch the ciilumii of the Daily firuosK Lr.
tbn-. miiri- than double the clrcula'.imi ! ay
other .iir, aud udvexttalns lu It jnyr. bis Orncr., The Dnlloo, Or., I
Nov. U. 151.15.
ntire 1 hervb (riveu that the followiiiR
iiHmrtl etUor lnf hlwl mislisjiil hl intutitlnu to
uiufct a:ml iiTvf in -ujijirt of ht clnliu niitl that
-md jinurf will lo nmlr lwfnre thu ri-KUfr atu
rw.uver at The Dnllea, Oretou, ou Wislne-dny,
iKwrabor 27. l-Kl. vli
lieu Itt Ulnc,
HinittMd AiuiUmUon No. 25'i5. for thr NVj o!
r u mid EH of i'l4 ":c. 1". T'-'-' S-11 1 1 t'-a1-
He namvft the foUowtK wltmi"i to i.rove hl
rmitliiuouk rwldence Uoii ami cultlvnttou of
aid land.vli: , ,
H. W Wills, of The lll-. Or., Charlie
' Eaolort, Jameft EocUiu and I'anl Mmuroth of
Nun-one. Or,
I Jons w. I.rwih, JlfKincr.
Probably the commercial affairs of the ,
countrv were never on a sounder basis
More babbles have been pricked and
more wind let out of questionable enter- !
prises during the past year or two than !
recent history can furnish parallels for, j
eays Town Topics. This being the case j
and the lessons of the past being so fresh j
in men's minds, sensible action would I
seem to be but a natural outcome of a
condition with more sensible elements
in it than any which has prevailed for
years past. One fact may unhesitatingly
be accepted. The jeople breathe more
freeiy than they did a few short months,
or even weeks, a'0. Hard times have ,
leen the plea for lack of investment,
lack of enterprise in every direction. )
Those whose pockets have suffered very
little, or not at all, from the depression 1
have used the plea as freely as have ',
those whose experiences have been the j
worst. The relaxation of the tension
under which men have acted can
have but one result benefit to
trade all over the country, This must '
not be expected as a great spasm. It
will doubtless come somewhat slowly.
The returning confidence will gather
force with every day'e developments, ,
and not descend upon the country like 1
a cloudburst. The men who could, but
would not spend for fear of what might
be, and the men who would, but could !
not on account of what really had over-
taken them, will each do a share toward ,
the revivification of lagging industries. 1
The former, seeing the impending peril i
pass and disperse like u threatening 1
cloud, will come into the marts and pur-,
chase as before, and will reappear with !
their capital to aid the enterprises i
which languish for such HUpport. The
latter, with collections once made possi-1
ble from expanding business, without J
fear of disaster overtaking them, or with
the necessary funds furnished to coin-1
plete their ventures, will re-engage in
the activities of commerce and in the '
enterprises conceived, but not matured, j
Are your children subject to croup? ;
If so, you should never be without a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. j
It is a certain cure for croup, and has j
never been known to fail. If given j
freely as soon as the croupy cough up-1
pears it will prevent the attack. It is i
the sole reliance with thousands of.
mothers who have croupy children, and i
never disappoints them. There is no
danger in giving this Kemedy in large
and frequent doses, as it contuius noth
ing injurious. 60 cent bottles for sale
by lilakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, lias unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
elves of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
Cat flowers and winter blooming
plant for sale by Mrs. Phillips.
;Two HatrMouial Pennsylyaiiia Lafiies.
Ueutlemcn: Two llnf-loofctns ! rtin.-r!'-a::l
ladin.. exevHcnt rujmtatloin-, lndi:tn a-. ft.Iiti
did houekej;r. nges Is and 9. worth W.tO
ech. iTf uts dead, want topo wit thU In... and
uou a HSe to porrejond ith uliv. TiM'x'-aihle
fciitiemeti under -Ul. Object. hi.). v..'-t.-rn
hinne. Gcntlenu-n. If you nre mainr.
inclined. Miiid ?1 bill lu common letti" : - ihi
to, names and Hddres-i- of thiee yiniii;: .iin-.
Pennsylvania Adv. Oo.,
li. lawlrn Jtox sr.'. IK'k llun, Vn. OirtCK, The DallCT. Or..(
(tot. . ltfS. t
NoUoe i hott'by civeu that tlw follow HK
named tctUer naa Bled nnUci- of ul tnti-iiiiou to
make anal iroof in tntiott of hl
claim, and that ai(t proof will W nunW Uitinv
the Hrcinter and rwefver at The Dnllua. Or., on
Friday, Norenibor 17. UOi, ill.
ICilgHr S. 1'rntt,
Homwtnd .Vlitilloatlnu No. SS1S, for the KW ol
.-WW and WK of sKW of See 11, Tp. I d.. U. I.'
E. W. M.
He name the followlnt: wttnea- to juwi; hl
rontlnoou!) reahttmee uion. and oultivatlon ni,
said land, viz .
J. B. Magill, Frank Drlvrr. Uin Wing and
Cliorlm' ins, at! of lVumie. Or.
U117 JOHN W. t.EWls, UuclBter.
.'.-sC'i' -w-JJ f 5..: w, r "
Crtiu;- .. :. ...i-r-.' '" r" VT.'ir,r tj;
rlv.u: h- i"-jri' .:.":.i.',-..l'. ow..rt
iji: i- ... '. - -e t-.t -3 t F ; :
by lirVrZ,' - ' t'.TI" . " -I' U-C-IiKC'
cr Cufesc, u...
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
K 1 LO H'SA C ATA?? r? li
3 zwz d v:
uy.-d to euro "a. i -For
ile ! -"IiIjh--
. 1.. f .. it vrp
K inrlr.
Noice i- hereby riven that the ( .mnr Court
. f tj.f MIkio of Oricon fur aw. '.io!ity ban
duH Mj.jioiiiU-d the undenilijiMfd tin . s.-rutot o!
th'la-t will mid testament of Oe..r F. IWn,
dw:t.Mid. All iksimhk huvinir Mt.. araluat
the estate of mid defCTiM-d arc herrfjj rciutrad
to juent them, with the pr-.; rr M-uubcr,
within tlx month" from the date w tr.i notlne.
tocaliloxecuuiriit hU jilaee i ri,rt..N:r, near
Iall) 'ity, In mid count), "r t the office of
W, II. WHmiii, In aid IAilu t:tt.
vlCHAEL lOYU;. ExMTitor.
Iint'-rt this l.t day of Novemtwr. :tw
tTtmber Ijuid. Aot Jane X 1W0.J
T. 8, LAUb OlTICK, The Dallc-n, (ir.,
Not. h, li.
NoUm 1 hereby Rivn that in pomuJlanw
with the jjnwWone of the art of congm of
June S, isth, enUtlcd "An art for tb ale of tim
ber land in the atntca Califoniin, On-Run,
Nevada aud Uanh'.tiKtuu TiTrltiry,"
! (.". .-ti'iMinn,
Of Klnrtlav. r.iunty of WaKsi, atflto of Orvon.
1im trii - d in thl office hi ttwotn htntt
mem mt jmrchaw "f the NKW of NWS.
of E'ti.ti N-i. . In T4vrniiliii No. 5 . rana'
No i:i K W. M.. and will oiler ltnmf to ho
tha'. the land Hiuyht l more valuablf for It
Uinl'-r or atone than lor agricultural iuriNe,
ai.d ti' ei-tabliMh hi olalm to aid land fx'liiri'
the Kt-Kiiler and lli oeiver of thin olhee nt The
Iiallm nr m th ISih ilav ni jHiilinn. lrt'l
He iimne a witnee' (teorve M(!ll, Jn
par Knalv, Leon KoudtMU and Uifayutle bavin,
all of Kiuskle) . or.
Anv and ull .er-oni (iaimtnv advcroly the
abovv-dew.'rliaal laud are rwiueated tn Hie their
ula.mb in tfiWoPice un or liefore said l.ith ilayi.f
Jan uar; , lfi-1.
will JOHN W. I.KWln. I!eriler.
Easily. Quickly.
Pcrmancnlly Restored.
and aU the train oi -!l
Iromtarlyerrora'.r later
eiceiw. tLe remitu o'
overwork, tlckt.ef t,
worrr.etc. Fullitreturiti. and mn
Bl'er. lo every organ dnd
jxirtlon of too Ixlr.
Klmple. natural methods.
en. Failure irnpwlUe.
SJiu references, lu-ik,
explanation ai;d prMj.'j
milleU (Sealed; free.
In 'he County Ourr of the iiate of Oregon, for
YVa'oo Count,
In the Matter of the IMate of
William Hnmiitou Wilwoi, Iwiwo
Notice it hereby riven tmtt the iimi isnie',1
b un order of toe t'oiinty mrt ( t..- ..iu-i.l
OreKon. for Humji Count), made h .il -ntvrwl
September 7, 1MM, a- ii'inte! ex eiit..r n! the
lt will and leatemeiil of th- Mid V, :!llnm
HnClilton WiIou. dceenn.-d: Hi! (eunin Invtiili
i claims BKlnat Raid mtnle rue lierelij no ined lo
prtent tl.e tre with the nruiT viniuhur
therefor to we nt the o!li i la. lluiiUneli.ii
:& VIIon, The I)iilie. Oreit"i.. i.ithii. nix
inontiii, from the mile of thin notice
Duted The Dulle, Or.. re;.t. I. :
li IK N I ;s .1i.N.
Executor of Will of Win. H f .in . dee d
Estray Taken Up.
One black pony, branded either 5 or S on left
hip and left jaw. Owner can Imve Hnmely prov-
I UK irroiierTT sun lwyiiiK r ioi iiiinie.
Fontomoc, Tiie Iiullua, Or.
Taken Up.
One orrel KchltiiK iiIkhU twelve yours old, and
branded thin. P on left liouldcr. The owner
-t:- iinv.- tne "uuiuial liy puyiiig for this notice
li. j. cooi'in:.
1.:. 1i"j. -wtf
H. C- IXTielsen,
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame BacK, c.
Clothier and Tailor,
DecUk'illv tho FitifHt Lino of
Gents' Punnisb-ing; Goods,
Trunks and Valises etc., etc.
With Clectro-Masnetlc 8USPEN80KY.
Iuteat J'attaUl llwt Improvement I
Win cure without rn!telne all TIuImm rn!ilor from
firerauliou of bmn TMrrre forcai esomxoorliJli.
crtilon, ea nervoui dblllty, Uplefacaa, Uoiioiur, malum, klitixy, lhr and buiddor complaints,
lain Lock, lumtueo, KiMiti. all remain corapiainu
eeurral III ImmUIi, etc. Tus elect nc belt cuntalo.1
nMierfel lartau over ah ctber. Current u
liuunilr feltby wearer or wo forte It H,UM,vu, and
will euro all of the above dieasv cr no tor. It.o-j.
.uds Iato been cured br thU marveloa invention
after all other renellea failed, and we irtva U'dUUtdi
of letUraonlaU In this and every other l UK.
Our rerral latmnel BUtTWC (IlKTrSitOBT. U
prmtcst Una aver offered weak men, unit, wlik all
kelli. UalUa4TlceraelreetaCl'aiUTliCUIar0t4
u aars Mead for llius'd pamphlet, mailed .arakd, free
Ko. 17 f irat Mtrcet, WHTUXSi U OX.
Freah oysters at A.
Uoorjr etoro.
Keller's coufec-
John Pashek,
Tie Merchant Tailor,
70 Court trt,
Jfext door to Wasco Buc Office.
JVHo juit received the latest styles In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
mid lias u large ftmortment of Foretell aud Amer
ican Clothi, willed ho can finUh 'i'o Older (or
tuo&e. that fuvor tilm.
Cleaning awl Repairing a Specialty.
Reasonably Ruinous Rates.
For Sale at a Bargain.
Tho unclorsignod, having secured the machinery and
AxTunVoTwhat. was intended for a first-class shoo factory,
will sell ihe saine at a bargain. llere is aii engine and
UoiTeV of rTu-oci(l " hoVse tower, and a large amount of shoe
lasts', line shaft inu, pulleys, beltinc and finr!.
'unlmost a complete shoe factory.
Here is also one of the best sites for successfully oper
ating a factory of this kind to be found in this country.
Write for particulars at once, to
-3713.0 IDcallos, Or.
Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Lute Sptctul Agent (icneral Lnnd Ojjfice.
Jt7e leal Estate, Ipap, Iurapee,
Parties lmvin ProjH-rty they wish to S-H or Tnule, IIoum-k to Kt'nf, or
AUtnict of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to all on us.
Wa t-ll-tl tllfl I'll 11 HIS til If V if it T irfiQfUMlt inn nf (vln.ntK and Contests
le-fort' the Uniteji Suites Jiuid Oiliee.
85 Washington St.
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and fi
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young 4KuK
Blacksmith Shop.
Wasco County,
Tho Uuto City of tho inland Kinpiro m fiituated at the5"'
of navigation on tho Middlo Columbia, and in a thriving
rouH city.
It in tho Hujiply city for an oxU-usivo and rich ngricttiw
and grazing country, its tnulo roaching au far bouth as SuniN
Liiko, a diBtanco of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tho rich grazing country along tho eastern k1ojo of tho t
cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool
which finds market here. . .
Tho Dulles is tho largest original wool shipping Ilt
America, alxmt 5,000,000 pounds Ixjing shijiped last )'""
Tho salmon fisheries uro the linest on tho Columhiu, ywm
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will ' 1,1
than doubled in tho near future. . .
Tho products of tho l.-autiful Klickitat valley jj0
here, and tho country south and oast has this year n"'-
warehouses, and ull availublo storugo places to ovrlloir!
their products.
It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its -L.
scattered over and islwing used to develop more farming i
than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climato delightful. '
sibilities incalculable. Jta resources unliiniM, And 0
iorner stones she stands.
M j m ft
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell lns
produced Wino at prices in the reach of eve l)
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaianw
to bo Pure and First-Ulaas in every robpu--.
Thompson's Addition.