VOL. VI. i u & j r I I l)c Dalles Cljrankle THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1893. NO. 132. be Dalles Daily unronicie. pulillli'-l l'Hy. tiuiuUy KxccpteU. rHK CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO mn.l mill Washington street, The pattc. OrcRon ivrni uf Huhncrliitloti ynioath.l'r carrier .. 10 00 .. 60 5 time tahlks. Kallrunit. .11 cfleet AlIRURt C, lh'J.1. TAUT IIOCMD. , Mif ;o.55 r, m. Depart.. 11 .00 r. x w , .iwri n 39 A. M. Depart 3:41 a. c jwpjormi IrclRbt that carry HumenRcrn leave Of Wvl lifc O W A t at.t Mi.U UtJV .M ..... ail 11 J .1; 1, X. STAtiCS. K Iwievlilc, via. Hake Oven, leave daily te Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave UI'.U n Jxlwlur, kinKlev, W atnlc, W aplnltla, w nnn eis end TyRh Valley, leave dully, except tauoUkndalu! Vah., leave every day ol the x except isunuav ai a. . 02cv (or all linen at the Umatilla Houie. II, KIKIh'KWIONAL. II l'.IDDKIX ATTOKSKT-AT-LAW-Omce Court .ttreet, The Dalle, Oregon. I i ncrut. rr.AKi unnsrzs. ViVTVV., x MENKKEE attorneys at V uv-llmmi ii and 43, over l'ot Oct UultdlliR, Eutrunce on Wakhlugtou Street at d:i, urcgon. I DENNETT. AnOHNKV-AT-l-AW. 01- a. See tu Mihauno'ii building, up talr. rtie Ada, Oregon. ( r ive. a. n.iiuyTiNOTOK. h.b.wilox. IAVH. HUNTINGTON V WILSON Attob .U MY AT-I.AW Ofuee, French' block over rw.JuUoual Hank.. ' ' Kalkn. Oregon. U lliON-ATTOKNKT-AT-LAW KOOMII , French & Co." hank building, necoad Stnrt, Tie Dalle, Oregon. nS-HHELMA-N (HoMJ:orATHicj 1'itvmctAN U ui fUaaico.s. Cull ainwereu iirumjiuj. Arweirht.clty or country, Office No. so ana ittpsxui block. w" DK.0 1). DOA N K-rHYMCUN AIJH KCK to OI!lc; room 6 and C Chapman Jtfsldunce . ri. E. corner Court and fonrji Mreetn, al door Iroro the coruer. OCcehour U to 12 A. M.. 'J to 6 aud " to 5 J . M. . rti.iTl f fr flit" ' riowed alutuiuum plate. lioomb: tlRU ol 2 liyldeu Tooth, hecoud htreet. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. VIUNHACT A r.KSEKAMlANKINO UDBINKSb ! letters of Crwlit issued available in ho Eastern States. Sight Eschanco and Telegra))hic TrunsferBfioldon ew York, Chicago, St. Louis, San F rancipco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Waeh., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all joints on fav orable teruia. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OH. President Z. F. Moody Vice-President, Ciiaiiles Hilton Cashier, JiI.A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchangee Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FHANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. J. S. bCHENCK, I'reildcnt. J. M. I'ATTF.USON, Ca&hlcr. First Rational Bank. :he dalles. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Dold on isew i ork, fcan irancisco anu i-ort-land. (C1ETIKS. Aal'J 1.0UGE, NO. 11. A. I". 4 A. M.-Meeta txtl aud third Monday ol each inouth at . WU.S.S HOYAI. AltCII CHAITEK NO. G -VJ Makonle Hull the thltd edneiUy Oltitisftuth at 7 1'. M. f01im WOODMEN OK THE WOIU.D.- iM ill HiMSfauip.No. 69, JlinW i uewuiyeveu IBRuliaclmwiln rrulerulty Hall, at 7:30 p. m. pOU'l'WA IJDGE, NO. fj, I. O.O. K.-Meet v ciitt rriauy eteuiiiK ai . .mi o! l' full, cirnvr bvotiri and Court street. Jouralnit brother are welcome. U. t'touoH. y 11. A. lltLLf.N . 0. PmShftlUp LODGE, NO. V., K. of P.-Meett. T twy Munday eenlliR at 7.3U o'clock, iu KinaiiokljulidtiiK, corner ol Court und becond Rrwti, BojoumliiK niemtK'rK are cordially In Ited. w. H. CUA. J- W Vai-kk. K. ol K. and H. . IWfMHLY NO, 4H.7. K. OK L.-Meet In K. ja ul ! hall the becond und Jourth Wedtiea uTintearh month at 7:30 p. m. T0MKN h t'lMtlBTIAN TEMl'EKENCE V' I'NION will meet every Friday ulternoou clock at the reading room. A Hare Invited. Humoii IxkIko No. Mil, I. 0. i. T.-lU-RUlar wuekly ineotliiK" Friday at b r, it., ' wteralty Halt. All are Invited. 'V. tKhlbMAN, C. T. It. V. J'tKCK, b DIKKCTOKS. D. P. TlIOMPHO.V. J.SO. S. SfHK.VCK. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lieue. H. M. Bkall. W. II. YOUNG, siafiKsmiiii & wagon 5 . l ---. .ivMUb .i Ui u i v, w. v. ' ' - . ,n L'.... . tr . iiiurhoay eveuttiRa at.iw. II. HANSEN. ."MlYawi, Financier. M. W. ,TAb- N'ESMITII J'OBT, No. IK, 0. A. H.-Meet 811 B,"fuy Ht 7:iw tr, m in me k. oi j P. OF L E. Mceuovery Sunday alleruoou iu ij the K. ot V. Hall. fiE8A.N0 VKKEIN Meet every 8unda) 'veuliiR In the K. o( 1'. Hall. R .f ''I y. 1HV1HION, No. 107-MeeU iu U,', '.'' 1'. Hall the Ilrat und third Wtxlnea "'ii each inontli. t i-aui y. m. TIIK (JllliltUIIKH, ."IT ' "iKh Mann at 10:30 A, x. Veapern at S Vntl w .Hl'UOH -Union Htreet, opponlte tttV 1. ltuv' K" t. Hutcilllo Ituttor. bervlcek lb(Jii(. '!'"?' l 11 7;:io r. . Kuiiday i jwiv.ij A KvenliiK 1'rayer on Friday at F11,1" HAI'TJHT CHUKOIl-Kov. 0. 1. Tay lath -T'.. w"lr. MorulliK aervieiH every Hah Hoot i 1 "luiiiy at 11 A. tl. Hahbath rtr,m.l,'u-''ll"'u'y Mor inornliiB hurvlcon, nt ,rill"' r evenliiK at I'aator'n rel r' Ul"0" "ervlcea In the court hoiue at C0CHk,t;.T,ONAI' CHUllOH-Kev. W. 0. . u, uM - l 1 mU,t. HcrvliwH every Hunday at 1 1 tTlci! J " Sunday Hehool alter mornltiK MraiiKum cordially luvlted. HuuU free. M, L'UKon-lter. J. Whihlkii, pantor. $abd tI.V,!e? "veryBunday mornliiBat II h. hi. . , t laiao o'lifoek r m. Kpworth ""inl?. .. M. " 1'rayer ineellut,' every WoM vu,l1,,.,,7!30 o'clock. A cordial In to,H i extended hy both pantor and jwople OHUltoil-ltev. J. W. Jknkinh. ""chtani '.'""""li'K lu the CoincreKutlonul nllill'n'rdi ly t 8 r. . All are &$lAliFAU ''UTHKH AN Ninth atreet, Hud.. .' 'torn, naktur. urvlctw at il:sou.m. tfai. " -l i-M U.U1 A oordlal wulnoinu i ne General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street op. Liclie'soli Stand. ... House Moving! ! Andrew Velarde JS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. IJas the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. . Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles J. f. FORD, Evaiplist, Of Den Moluch, Iowa, writes under date oi March '.'3. 1M3: S. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Oentkmai : , , , T , , On arriving homo last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 rounds, if now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure lias done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your 8. ii. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me, So givo it to every one, with greeting for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mit. & Mks. J. 1'. II you wthh to fuel froh aud cheerful.mid ready for the BpriiiR'ii work, clcaiike your cjktem with the Headache and Uver Cure, by tkln two or three done each week. Bold under a ikjbUIvo BUarantee. 60 cent per bottle by all druKglMi.. C. P. STEPHENS, DLCALUK IN DRY GOODS if lothing Hoot, Hlioei, Hat, Kto. FanciJ ?ood, (otion, Kto., Kto.i Ktc. Seoond St., The Dalles. BILIOUSNESS Who has notsufforod this misery caused by bile in the stomach which an inaotivo or sluggish liver failed to carry off. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS liquid or powder, which gives quick action to the liver and carries off the bile by a mild move ment of the bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take "Simmons Liver Regulator. "I have been a victim to Biliousness for years, nnd alter tryinc various remedies my only miopch was In the use of Sim mons Liver Hegulator, which never failed to relievo inc. I f.penU not of mvself, alone, but my whole family." J. 31. Fili ricluia, Ala. CT-KVEKY PACICAGE-S3 IIhn our 7. Stamp In red on u-rapper, J. il. ZEILIN & CO., l'Uladelphia, Pa. TUT Daily Evening Chror.iele is recognized 1 II C n1 ee!itinlly the home patter for the Dulles City fi.lkh' M r l r- This is not a bad reputation. SomefJ UiVl H 2,(X) of our best irulnh ft.,, fiiimnn. i.r ,t.t r- rf r-. r-. dnilyfor the .plcie-t hcal news. It rMl LK uceeeai in Kieamntr ine iie:a, unci iience grows in popularity and luii-ortiince. Take it awhile, you who don't; try some of its premium oilers. urn flie Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. P THROUGH Freight autt Passenger Line Through dany tervii-e Sundays ex cepted) between The J)a!les and Port land. .Steamer J'egulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Jvjcke with steamer Dalles City. .Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 0 a. m. con necting with steamer Hegulator for The Dalle-. I'ASSBNHKK KATKS. One way Hound trip. ..$2.00 . a.oo Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landings' must Imj delivered before f '. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or addrebs, W. C. ALLAWAY, iuritl Aiceiit. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (Uiieral .llHiiaKer. THE DALLES. OREGON theARTIC-c?odr SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Ht wIloltlMUlt! 1 notation, Candies and Nuts xB-idii Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2d Strwot j.FOLCO At right aide Mrc. Obarr't retuuraut. Ik St. Charles Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has boeu entirely refurnlshec , and every room has been repanered and repalntw und newly carpeted throughout, lho house contains 170 rooms tuid is supplied with every modern convenience. Kate reasonable. A good reetaurant attuchef to the house. Frer bus to ami from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. ANOTHER USURPATION Extraordinary Authority to Minister Willis. COMMANDER OF OUR NAVAL FORCES He Holds Such an Order Signed by Cleveland Dolph in Favor of Annexation. Nkw Yokk, Xov. 10. A Washington special says: "In anticipation of the condition of allairs which would arise should the provisional government give Willis his passports, the administration has adopted the extraordinary course of providing him with independent au thority to command the naval forces in the harbor of Honolulu." Under the ordinary rule3 of interna tional law, Willis would not be minister if his passports were given him by the provisional government, and he would have no authority to call on the naval forces of this country for any purpose whatever. To guard against this con tingency, orders to the commanding oflicers of the naval forces were given him, signed by the president, directing the commanding oflicers to obey any or ders coming from Willis, regardless of his official relations to the Hawaiian government. Senator Uolph's Opinion. Washington, Nov. 16. Upon being asked by the Associated Press reporter for his opinion upon the attitude of the present administration toward Hawaii, .Senator Dolph said he did not wish to be quoted as criticising the administra tion because of his membership of the committee on foreign relations. He called attention to the fact that he had fully outlined his position upon the sub ject in a speech in the senate toward the close of the 52d congress, soon after the leceiptof the news of the revolution in Hawaii, in which he advocated annexa tion, and said he would again take occa sion to express his views upon the ques tion, "lhe present government oi Hawaii," he continued, "is an existing government, recognized by foreign powers, and it would appear as though an attempt to overthrow it would be an act of hostility on the part of the admin istration toward a friendly government unexampled in our history and unwar ranted by theconstitution. If the policy of the administration should give control of these islands to an European power, it would be scarcely lees injurious to our commercial inteiests than the action of President Cleveland, eight years ago, in withdrawing from the senate the Nicar agua canal treaty." Dolph is of the opinion that the Hawaiian question will demand considerable attention from con gress at the approaching session, and thinks it will come up in the shape of resolutions of inquiry. Congress could, lie sava, pass an act directing tho presi dent to open negotiations for annexation. Dynamite in .MarHcllles. Maiisi:ii.i.i:s, Nov. 10, At midnight an attempt was made to blow up tho official residence of (ieneral Mothelin, commander of the Fifteenth corps. The house is surrounded by a high wall, into which niches for sentry boxes are built, though owing to the late quiet condition of affairs no sentries occupied them. Cases of dynamite were placed in the niches, also' one in tho hallway of the house, and one in the orderly's room ad joining tho apartments occupied by tho general. About midnight tho last-mentioned bomb exploded with fearful force, shattering the walls and breaking every pane of glass in 'the house ami tho ad joining house. Tho supposition is that tho dynamiters expected the Hist con cussion to Bet oil' all the other cases. Had this occurred there would have been a great destruction of property and a heavy loss of life; as it was, nobody was hurt. Tho outrage is supposed to bo work of tho strect-ear-strikers, whoso strike was defeated by the alii of the Holdlers. A .Million l'ileud. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend iu Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds.-lf you have never used this Great Cough .Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will bo lefunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes Kinersly s drug store. Largo bottles oUo and -tLOO. Hhiloh'a VUuliaer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kldnev trouble. It i guaranteed to givo vou satisfaction. Price 7-io Sold by Snipes & Klnersly, druggists. A KKVOMITION IN MEXICO. Iteliolft Capture n Town anil Drive the People Out. Dkmino, New Mexico, Nov. 10. Last week Mexican revolutionists to tho nttmbor of 100 attacked tho town of Las Pol om us and sacked the custom house. After the raid, tho rebels fled to the mountains and woro supposed to have gono south into tho slate of Chihuahua Yesterday they again entered Polomas, driving the inhabitants and custom house attaches across tho line into the American town of Columbus. They then took possession of the town. The road3 and passes leading from Polomas south to Ascension, a distance of over 100 miles, are in tho hands of tho rev olutionists and all communication with the interior has been cut off, no one be ing permitted to pass. Large numbers of Mexicans have joined the rebels since the first Polomas attack, and their forces are conservatively esti mated at 300. The revolution has evi dently been planned for months. ISoth Legs Cut Off. Pittsiiuhg, Pa. Nov. 16. Danie! Rear don, an employe of the Black Diamond steel works, was run over by an engine on the Junction railroad last evening. One of his legs was cut entirely off und the other hung on by mere shreds of flesh. The severed leg lay between the rails, while the crushed limb hung over the rails. Before assistance arrived, Reardon recovered from the shock suf ficiently to realize the seriousness of the accident. With tears in his eyes he looked at the severed member, and then at his other torn and lacerated leg, put his hand in his pocket, took out a knife and cut the few remaining shreds of flesh and laid the limb beside the other. When the doctor arrived he ordered his removal to St. Francis' hospital, where his injuries were dressed. Physicians say there is a possible chance of his re covery, ine mjurea man is years old and married. NEWS NOTES. An ex-prize-fighter named Lear, jeal ous of Irene Good, found her drinking with a bar-keeper at Cripple Creek, Colo., and opened fire on her, killing her. The barkeeper then emptied his revolver into Lear, killing him. Judge McAdam, of the superior court, has annulled the marriage of the actress, Lillian Russell, and Edward T. Solomon, composer, mo uivoreo was granteu on the grounds that Solomon had a wife in England at the time of his marriage to Miss Russell. It is said that General Nunez, presi dent of the United States of Colombia, recently swallowed poison. It is al leged by his friends that tho poison was taken by mistake, but in other circles it is thought that the president acted with leliberation. The assertion is made that the act was duo to failing health and increasing political troubles. A rancher named Peterson, residing near Kllensburg, Wash., came in town and bought a lot of supplies, including liquid poison for coyotes. Ho left bo- fore night and stopped at a ranch a few miles out. He took out some tobacco to chew and soon became Bick, Looking among his groceries ho found tho bottle of poison had broken. Ho immediately gave an alarm and asked for help, and while calling foil over dead. I (ml-,it t In-t-in nf thu ordinary nill. Think of all tho trouble and disturbance that it causes vou. ouldn't you wel come something easier to take, and eaBier in its ways, if at tho same time it diil you more goou; mat. is mo case with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, They're tho Hinallest in tiize, the mildest in ni'tlmi. hut the most thorough and far- reaching in results They follow nature's methods, and they givo help that lusts. Constipation, indigestion, bilious at tacks, sick anil unions neamtcnes, ami nil ili'nmi'iiiiieiitH of tho liver, stomach and bowels are promptly relieved aud permanently cured. "If u'. I'un't I'lim vnur catarrh, no matter how bail your case or of how long standing, we'll pay you fiiuu in casn. That ia what is promised by thu pro urii.tni'H of l)i-. Siiiii's Catarrh Keniedv. iim.kin'i. it nrnvH lieltur than unv words could, that this Is a remedy that cures atarrh . losts only on cents. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Host grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at .los. T. Peters & Co. (Ollleo Second and Jeller- son streets. LosSStIstoh WAR ON THE TAPIS. The IInwallnti Ooveruiiietit Will Itnaort to IlohtllltlcH. Washington, Nov. 17. Special to Tiik CiiitoNioi.i:. News has been re ceived that on Minister Willis' arrival at Honolulu, he found tho provi sional government very demonstrative against the admin istration. They an nounce they will actively oppose any interference on the part of tho United States looking to the restoration of Queen Liliokulani. The fighting foico of the provisional govern ment will not number more than 2,000. Willis, finding that he cannot enforce President Cleveland's orders, has sent back for authority to commence active hostilities against the existing Hawaiian government. Lorin Thurston, the Hawaiian minis ter to the, United States, has notified the president that they will resist any and all attempts to restore the dethroned queen. The Midway l'lalsnuce Coming. Chicago, Nov. 15. The chief at traction of tho Midway Plaisance have already gone or are preparing to go to San Francisco to lend their aid in mak ing the midwinter fair a howling success. Probably without exception tho most "fetching feature" on the entire midway was Cairo street, and that aggregation of camels, donkeys, donkey boys, Arabs and dark-eyed, brown-skinned houris from the banks of the Nile, not to men tion jugglers, mindreaders and the ven ders of Egyptian candy, gathered its traps and left for Sau Francisco tonights NEWS OF THE STATE. Green Arnold, one of the best known and most respected citizens of Union county, died AVednesday night of genera1 debility, aged 7o years. L. Vance, an old-timer of Josephine county, was found dead in his bed at Wilderville, 10 miles south ot Grauts Pass, having shot himself through the heart with a 41-culiber revolver. Balfour, Guthrie & Company have sued ex-Gov Z. F. Moody for $1,750,67, Alleged to be due on a book account. This account, tho complaint states, was for convenience sake kept in the name of M. A. Moody, although Z. F. Moody was tho debtor. Herman Hill, a native of Finland, shot himself while duck hunting in tho vicin ity of Murshfield. His gun was dis charged while taking it out of tho boat. rho full ehi'rgo of shot took eflect in his right breast, passing clear through his body. Ho was able to crawl out of his boat into tho rafting-scow, but died a few minutes later. Good wheat for seed or chicken feed at iix bits per sack cash at J. 11. Cross' Feed Store. tf .Much Anxiety at Kin. Monti:vii)Ko, Nov. 10. All cablo com munication with Rio Janerlo was cut oil i-esterdav morning, owing.it is reported, to tho fact that tho cable ofllco and plant there are being removed further Irom tho water, iu anticipation of tho nromised furious bombardment of tho capital by Mello's fleet. Tho situation jf tho beleaguered citizens is folt to be .'Xtremely grave, and much anxiety as :o tho outcome in expressed hero by those who are aware that Mello proposed to make upon tho capital today, as cabled yesterday, tho most determined onslaught ho has yet conducted. Ho fears tho gathering ot tho fleet of eixoto, and does not intend to I to aught by it if ho caiutvoid it. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in ho drug business at Elkton, Ivy., for ho mist twelve years, says: "Chain- berhiin's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi ae I havo over sold." There is gooil eason for this. No other will euro a old so (illicitly ; no other la so certain u preventive and emu for croup ; no other ill'ords so much roliel in uuhos oi wuoop ug cough. For salo by lllakeley & Houghton, diuggisls. ci AhIc vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoYoA Baking Powder ABSOLUTEIY PURE