I I i I , I r i - j. j. - imi,nAn-i.n. i - i - i - i - i - -x. i ...i I iii'uui iuiiuii inn i i i r- I I - - I $35.00, $15.00, $10.00. TO BE AWAY Saturday, Dec. i6th, 1893, TO THE Churcli, Cliurcli Society, or Charitable Institution, Receiving the greatest number of votes. First Prize, $35.00, to the largest number. Second Prize, $15.00, to the next largest number. Third Prize, $10.00, to the next largest number. One vote for every 25 cents of merchandise purchased in our store. Voting commences Wednesday morning, November 15th. Voting closes Saturday at 6 P. M., December 16th. Sec Corner Window. Oor Stock of Linen Collars, lOc. Kncli. ,'Vi, all Goods marked . ry in plain Figures. nT PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ' '.ic 1M i!lirp at The DailcK, Orffron, k h oud ' inns mutter CLEVERLY CAUGHT. .MuriliTi-r hikI .Adulterer Cuiicht Ofllrer mill OrlH Connelly. I.y l.uml Ad vrtlln;r. j r ant- Tor tlrit Insertion, imd & Ccutt -i.'-li n'.lwiiuimt ttm-rtion 1 t time notions . i nl'-ct received later thiiti S o'clock i tv- following lny. Tini.-iHY, - T awl iV tit Mr. John liurnett, sheriff at Chehalis, ' left The Dalles this morning with a noted dcsterado. captured here by Dep I uty Sheriff Phirman and Marshal jMaloney. Hi name is Jack Renfrow, 1 alia? Lew Spencer, alias J. Hamilton, NOV 10 igp' ' ttd he is wanted on a chnrjre of adultery, ' ' ' I having teparated a wife from her litis- . ,, , . , I band in Chehalis and liviutr with her Wnklv Chromctf may . , . . , , ., , , r .. , , , , , three voars. It is reported, also that he I. I . A icMnn t tttne. t . .", . .'. , is guilty 01 commiunii; it inuruer in j Missouri. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. j He was caught here very adroitly. j Mr. I'hirmau had received word from "r iiiy ci-Hii-iii I'rmn in imil Ai)ut j Sheriff' Harnett that a man named Ren tiii cit.v. f row or Sja-ncer would asl; for a receipt M.n..s ..ndTumVaer tin,- when other Smm tlllJ ltoflice for a registered letter ' ? B ent to J-red Weijrle, a Chehalis man, . nij.rt iiir, one flower 1 know hiw not a . . . , . . ,, . , . ,. ni t iv j and the deputy asked Postmaster Nolan1 Y'l r!'-: thcy rc h ":o, " I t0 W!lt('M for "wU 11 party. Soon Mr. O. " '. ' :.''-""' Ukt! c,ulwtWi doth Bet J K. i:ott, a farmer living near this city, 1 ' came in and asked for mail for Lee r 1 ; worth Leatrue will hold its n, ..y buRtnete mui'tiuK this eruiii tig. V r'. .nur.ee that has to bo enforced C4i -.ah in i business on the recorder's nrbe t-bippedlastnichtliOO head ,1 .. ..i ...... l. .1 : ... I.- I w , .nminfe-mt; w nt.nt for the oflict'H lur tne ounu markets. i- Y. Snedaker, the dentist, has Hi "(( jCf,, ti,,. rooms formerly occupied v f)r. U". H. Hineharl as an olfice. vme mt chanics are at work adjoinint; 'lie fi(ifrahl ruins on the east putting up a budding for a photograph gallery. A fine lot of fut hogs will be shipped from Sultmarsho A Co.'h stock yards for the ' nind market, which came in to la report that the Milton bank robbers have i,..(.n located near the mouth of I'inc creek is incorrect. They are t-till .arm-. A I'or'land lady being complimented or ,c beauty of her daughter's foot, "(know (edged it and said she was going to iet hoinu good sculptor make a bust 01 it. The "V )i!hi will be given at the academy Saturday evening. A good programme has been prepared. The ad "iifiloii has buun plaeod at lf cents, whic!i includes refreshments. t'randall A Jlurgett rectivetl an order tin- inoriijng for a coflin to be sent to I nderwood's Landing. Tim particular ere very brief and merely ntuted that a 'ii had been found dead in his cabin "ur that pluce. The landing is just be low the mouth of White Salmon. Mr. J. S. Fiali last evening packed two dozen celery, to Hond to a lesldent of 'inigo, who has had a taeto of the Oregon jtnxluct, and who is willing to !'' for the extra exnetiho and trouble, '"J'lng he never before tasted t"ythiiig 1,0 Koodun the celery grown tu Cngoii ttd iinist huve bomu more ut .tny price. An uuderalned Chinainen was carry Jug two great pucku of wooil this mom jnfe' on Second street, Mju load dangling "oiii eaeh Hhoulder. A noble rod man w''0 would weigh about 176 pounds was 'uriously watching him and laughing at ""b when the celestial invited the yjulr.il to try the load. The latter stoop ' "iider the yoke and tried to lift tho urjIon, but It did not budge. "Jleap ' said the Slwash, and with greater "l'fct for the Cliiiiinnitu'H abllltleH ho "nied to ,k wljitu iiiun bUnding near " curlouHly usked: "What kind of " liidluu him?" J A Crowe has seed ryo for ualo. Spencer, who, he said, worked for him. He was accompanied by another man, and he the postmaster correctly surmised was the man. As soon as thev went out Mr. 2olau asked Orla Connelly, a mere boy, who works in tho store, to follow the man, pointing him out. while he Orla did so, and soon Mr. Phirman and Marshal Maloney appeared, who arrested him, and tele graphed to Harnett. The prisoner denied his identity, but Mr. Phirman, after a careful search, found a receipt for a regNtercd letter just given by Mr. Nolan, tucked away in the lining of his pocketbook, and then Mr. Phirman was confident of having arrested the right man. When Sheriff Harnett arrived he at once identified him, and though the prisoner still denied his identity, it was of no avail, and before leaving he broke down and acknowledged being fairly caught. KtritiiKtli uuil ilfultli. If you are not feeling strong and hudtiiy, try Klectric Hitters. 11 "la grippe" has left you weak and wen' lice Klectric Hitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you arealilicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent telief by taking Electric Hitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Largo bottles only 50c. at Snipes &. Kinersly's drug store. Are your childien subject to croup? If so, you should never bo without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as tho croupy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is tl o sole reliance with thousands of 'iiotherti who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger in giving this Kemedy in largo and frequent doses, as it contains noth ing injurious, 50 cent bottles for sale by iilakeley & Houghton, druggists. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Klkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Chain berluin's Cough Kemedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi cine 1 have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so ijiiiekly ; no other Is so certain u preventive and euro for croup ; no other affords so much relief in inises of whoop Jug cough. Kor sale by Hlakeley & Houghton, druggists. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec tionery ttore. Touglm Kultt ut thf) I.nck. - ' , John Trana, a police officer of the Cascades, is in the city for the purpose of enlisting the svmpathies of the county I : . . l. f . .1. uuiivrs iu jiiv.ic.iKV iiiu puiiuc iuiuc ut ujc Locks, as he alone is owerles3 to deal with the rough element there, if they choose to combine against an arrest. He wishes to correct the statement that he was treated roughly by the crowd while trying to arrest James Daniels, a stone cutter, for disorderly conduct on Wednesday. He was merely lifted bodily from his prisoner, while he was astride ol his body trying to handcufr him. The same evening Mr. Trana came to The Dalle?. In the night, George McCauley, a deputy who tried to aid Trana in making the arrest, was Handled roughly in a saloon for his in terference, but was not seriously hurt. Mr. Trana says that for weeks at a time everything will move smoothly and affairs will be as quiet as a churchyard, but some night or a holiday when they drink a little too much mineral water, they get out for a little sjxjrt and have tilings all their own way. For this reason he wants the force increased that order may be enforced and peace reign. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. I. C. Kichardo of Goldendale is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Phelps will go down to Portland and remain during tho winter months. Mrs. Mabel Powers and Miss Maie Norton returned to Portland by the early morning train. Mr. D. H. Kelley of Mitchell, who has been in the city several days, departed for San Francisco this morning. Messrs. Pat. Mclllany. John Trana, Dr. C'audiana and Mr. Col lib', all of Cas cade Locks, are in the city today. Messrs. John Divers, Win. Davidson, J. H. Pavton, L. K. Morse and H. J. Hib bard of Hood Hiverare in town today on court business. Mr. J. C. Hayes of Hood Hiver. a prominent citi.en and surveyor of that section, made Tin.' Ciihonici.i: a pleasant call this morning. A letter received this morning from Hulfalo, N. V., states Mr. Linus Hub bard, of this city, is lying very ill with typhoid fever in 'that city. He longs for our salubrious climate, where he had better be, than in the malarial east. Kev. H. F. Honney of Watnic is in Tho Dalles today ami made Tim Ciiito.sici.i: a call. Ho has been absent in tho be nighted Willamette region for several weeks and promises Tin: Chkonici.k readers with an interesting article soon. Il01i:i. AllItlVAI.K. Skihbe Henry Lavman, Centerville; S K Hair, Dulur; John Holton, Walla Walla; W Js JJromer, James JJromer, Centerville; O H Harris and wife, M010; N 0 Crawling, Goldendale; D W Lucas, Warnic; Kichard Hrookhouso, 10-Mile; John J. Hrookhouse, Dufur. MAICItlKU, In The Dalles, at tho homo of tho bride's parents, Nov. 15th, Mr. Albert W. Turner and Jilia Jane Matuey, by Klder G. H. Harnett. May long life and much huppiness at tend tho youthful pair. Kuilomril Uy tlm I'rtau. In tlilh kki'iitlcul Kottoineiit8 wade before buliiK i-rolluil uru Ki-iienilly Ingulfed Into. J'oo Ulu uru utwiiyn found ("line ouu uld) on tho eldu vla-rti their intcrm Ju view .f thc ln.t liimiud truth 1111 indorn;im'iit from ouu who ti not interonted liuiild hoof doublu viiluo. heniv the followiiiK frank ttatemenl nhould buiwid with InU'rrM (iKNTLKMKN Tlil I" to certify that J Imvo liked Kriiiiko'n ileudnc'ie Ciiiulf with MitUfui1 tory reoiiltn. 1 IjoiikIU a Ux which cot im; Z cent mid ono i-unu1c cured ino of dreadful tick lieuduchu My wife and in)lf huve both ucd Hit) iiitilleliu'H iaiiiiiifai'ltiril by tlio Nornu'ii J.lchty Mf'K Co. utid we lecoiimiend them to tliu iiublle a beliiK jimt what they urn lepre nted. llwiKH-tnilly. V J lliri IIINSON, i;d, (lazette. I'liami t IIlll, Mo. riold by HnlpOnJiV Ji Micr-ly Jury n.i to Hood ltlvnr-lluitlnrii llonn ly tlm (Irnud .fury. The nttcntion of Judco Hradshaw is still being confined to tho Uock Alery case. The testimony Is all In and tho lawycra were this afternoon speaking pro and con. A jury took the Keculator thi s morn ing, in charge of Hnlliff Jackson, to ox amino the premises in the case of Water Supply Company of Hood River Vallev ve. W. It. Winans. The jury will arrive tins evening on tho 11 o'clock train, and consists of J. A. Nickclson, J. Millard, Joseph Kelley, H. II. Williams, Frank Vogt, L. P. Ostlund, Win. McCruin, J. W. Allen, K. G. Closter, J. Staniele, Geo. Arnold and J. Mcintosh. Tho grand jury has transacted the following business today : In the case of Stale vs. W. J. Jeffers. not a true hill was returned, owintr to his being taken to the asylum, nnd the probable fact that ho was insane at the time of shooting at his Bon-in-law. In the cases of State vs. Milton Aiken and State vs. Kd Gibson, not true bills were found, because tho prosecutinir witnesses have left town and there is not sufficient evidence to convict. A true bill against Mell Kulp for as- eault. Not a true bill against Richard Brook- house and Frank Watkins for driving stock from the range. Yesterday a true bill was found against Lewis Caton for assault with a dangerous weapon, but on account of his advanced age, a bill was returned for simple assault, and he was fined $75. Good wheat for seed or chicken feed at six bits per sack cash at J. II. Cross' Feed Store. tf Monthly lteport of No. S3 School District Eight Mile, Or. Total number enrolled. 23. Those who have secured 100 deportment for excellent behavior and scholarship are as follows : Emma Johnson, Amy Angell, Lora Drake, Anna Patterson, Carrie Drum- mond, Iva Leabo, Amos Johnson, Annie Johnson, Alice Johnson, Willis and Ray Darnielle. Those who were neither absent or tardy were Emma and Amos Johnson, Carrie Druminond, Alfred Huott, David Patterson, Iva Leabo, Willis and Ray Darnielle anil Monroe Drake. Hattie I. Hill, Teacher. WOOD'S miOSPIIODINIi The Great Enzllch Remedy. Promptly and permanently cures nil forms of Kcrvous Wcakness.F.miirtons, Sperm- otorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Execsses. Kcca prescribed over .ycarsln tnousandsof cases; Is tho only Reliable and Hon est medicine- fcnoirn. Ask drngslst for Wood's Pliomhodlnej If ho offora tome worthless medlclno In placo of this, loavo hl3 dishonest store, lncloso prico in letter, end wo will send by return mail. Price, ono package, $l;uix,S3. One icllljlca.se, six ictll cure. PamyU let in plain scaled envelope, 2 cents postage. Addrt33 Tho Wood Chcmlcnl Co., i: i Woclwanl avenue, Detroit, Mich. Sold in The Duller by Iilakeley A; Houston. WOOD! 1VOIIII! WOOD! Rest grades oak, lir, pine and slab wood. Office VAX Second street. All orders promptly attended to. tf ' Maiki: cc Hkxton. toetior; pctpoped. The balance of Etforc andAfttr. Hot clam broth at J. 0. day at 4 o'clock. Mack's every Sutler. To All Whom it M.v Concern: Notice is hereby given that tho common council of Dalle City has pro cured the use of tho.se certain premises situated at the corner of Fourth anil Washington streets, in said city, for the purpose of tying teams during tho hours of the dav. ' Tho use of said promises are free to all persons having teams, ami who do not desire to put their teams up in tho feed yards, or staliles of the city. All teams found tied ni) elsewhere from and after tin- date of this notice will bo placed in the public pound of the city. Dan. Mai.onev. City Marshal Dated this 13th day of Nov., 18!)3. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. ' Jos! Opii ' TailoriVladc Overcoats Of Siipeilor Ouullty mid I'lnMi. Tailorl'lafcSiiits, I fats, Furnishings, Jioots and Shoes. All diinl from tlm CuIi iii .MiintirurlilHTN bl I ICitxIoin .MiintirurlilHTN H I .HONYWILL. I Our Large Stock We will Close Out VegaiMess of Gojst! oGREATBARGAINai Store Fixtures for Sale. N. Harris. P. S. Special prices to dealers. Just Rrrivefl from new Y rK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jackets, FROM $3.50 UPWARDS lrninmnn tinnrin At Remarkably Low Prices. Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETO. fjAs we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like he famous A. S. Collins and wifo'B stilt and bad debts, our prices will always b found the very hiwest in tho market. We invito our friends and customers to examine our u'oods and prices beforopurchasing. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known lirowery is now timiini; out the best I5eer and Portei east of the Cascade-. Tho latest appliances for tho manufacture of t;ood health ful Heer hiivo been introduced, and nn.y tho llist-elass artich' will bo p'noi'd on he market. PAUL KREFT &. CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Desiiih m Practical Painiers and Paper llHiiecrs. None but the best brands of th-Sherwin-WillianiH and J. W. Manure's I'aiutn used in all .iur work, iind none but the most skilled workmen employe'd. Aleuts for Musiiry Liijuid Paints, Nc chemical combination or Miup mikliiro, A llisl class articlo In all colors. AH orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoo ooruor Thirilaini Witsliin(;tou Sts., The Dalleu. Oroo-or, m ma a mm ml It costs you 50 cents to join, if you join before Saturday. Every member is guaranteed a Crayon, Now for Christ mas Presents for yourself or friends. Investigate ! THE DAI-LLES, OR.