OFFICIAL PAI'Ett OF DALLES CITY. AND WAJCO COUNTY. 44 C '1 T,,e IallCS " dMtr0-VlnP ,t5eH b-V le6,S I The DfUleS Daily GDMllClC. Inting agirinst tho farmer in favor of feed -- - -, . varus? Simplv because it is nnanswera- ble. In arraying itself against the farmer, the Mountaineer ss keeping np with its former record in its spiteful kicks against ( the citizens, bemoaning their lack of. enterprise and snarling at them contiu-, ually. With the Mountaineer in oppo-, sition to both the city and country its field of usefulness is indeed small. 0 75 o so 6 ro s CO 0 S3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. by MAiurosTAGS rnsriin, in advance. Wja.k)r-. 1 Tir $ 1 SO " C month. ' 3 " DaIIv, 1 rear. 6 months. . " per ' Adires all comumnlraUon to " THE CHHON 1CLE." The Dalles, Oregon. I'lHt-dfllCf. orncs hocks Gfiicrsi Delivery Window S a. m. to 7 p. ra. Morev Order " . . a. m. to -4 jv m. Sundi? vi 11 ' 9 a. n. tolOa. ra. clchino or KAIL trnlus soliie Et .9 p. m. and ll:v a. m. POWX WITH 1E$P0TI$3I, The Telegram says ; Crush the one-; man power. This is a constitutional government with fixed limitations upon the several departments. Grover Cleve land, president of the "United States, M "ST HELP IS WAFTED bv the women who are ailine anil Stae for Gnidcndate. . ::a.m. , tiaa assumea power ana auinonij wnitn sufferjn or afc an(j exhausted. l'ri-.icvtiu .5;3)a.ta. the constitution does not confer upon ,'..,. , i ,. ; 'iuiuratidwarmspriti .. 5:33a.m. , . , , , 1 And, to every such woman, help is Lmvine tor Lvle A Hartland .5:30 a. m. " J Antelope .5:30 a. m. Except Sunday. iTri-weeily. Tuodav Thursday and Saturday, I " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY, - NOV. 16. 1S93 the executive department. He was guilty of usurpation in suspending the Geary law. He was guilty of usurpa tion in suspending the purchasing clause of the Sherman law before the repeal bill passed. He was guilty of conspir- acy and usurpation in using the power of patronage to force the people's rep- resentatives into supporting the repeal mtaranteetl bv Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For young girls just entering womanhood ; women at the critical " chauge of life " ; wo men approaching confinement ; nurs ing mothers ; and even woman who is " run-down " or overworked, it is a medicine that builds up, strength ens, and regulates, no matter what the condition of the system. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nerv ine, and the only guaranteed rem edy for " female complaints " and weaknesses. In bearing-down sen sations, periodical pains, ulceration, inflammation, and everv kindred against the farmer "With this new ally, For once the Telegram has struck the ailment, if it ever fails to benefit The Chkoniclk feels that it has a heroic i keynote. Though the succeeding para-1 or cure, you have your niane? Iwck. tched, ending he premises , n. Ti.mJr EEC TIFYISG ISA D VER TEST IIOSESTY. bill. He is now guilty of usurpation Tuesday evening's Mountaineer con- i and a gross violation of both the spirit tained an article adverse to the action j and the letter of the constitution in of the city council, though expressed i making war on the provisional govern weakly and with great fear and tremb- ( ment of Hawaii without the concurrent ling; and last night, in an excess of zeal ' action of congress. These are high to set itself straight, it goes to the other ! crimes and misdemeanors which must extreme and arrays itself squarely ' jro unpunished. battle upon its shoulders, but being on I graphs are rather far-fetc the side of right, has no fear of the out-1 with the usual hysterics, t This Is the Season Of the Year GUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. NOTICE YOU I'l'r.LlCATlOX. come. In the first place the article in last night's Mountaineer is contempt ible, not merely because that paper re treats from its own sentiments, but be cause it ignores the point of contention standing boldly ont nil through The Cnno.vicLE's article of Tuesday. Here is the yeep referred to in Tuesday's Mountaineer: Oh, reader, defend this weakling with a broad mantle of charity : The ordinance was passed at the earnest solicitation of citizens, and we learn this morning that the mayor in structed the marshal not to enforce it too strictly. This commuHity desires to lie a city, but not to such an extent as to drive" trade away. The beach is an available place for teams to be fastened, and it will in no way interfere with the public thoroughfares. How pitiiul it is that we have an or dinance that the marshal is instructed not to force "too strictly." Perhaps the mayor was afraid some indignant far mer might take a shot at the retreating marshal leading away his horse. He would certainly have that right. The next sentence is the only honest one in the paragraph, and will be hard to reconcile with what the Mountaineer said last night. Here it is in all its 1 diplomatic leniency: "This com-! inanity desires to be a c:ty, but not to such an extent as to drive trade I away." But, as if afraid of having said too much, it dismisses the whole matter by telling what a good place the beach i is for teamsters, whereas the beach is J infested with tramps, hobos and thieves who would steal everything out ; of the wuiron, including the end gate, j while the farmer was up town doing business. ; The criticism of the Mountaineer last, night is equally senseless. Here are j the principal points, sentence by sen-' tence : During the last two or three months, bv reason of teams standing in the etreets, there has been several disastrous runaways. If anyone can find where The Cnno.v icle has advocated country teams stand ing loose in the streets we will oner a J receipt for a year's subscription The council have rented a vacant lot i for the purpose of bitching and feedin--' ' animate, and this place is us convenient and a great deal more cleanlv to feed a horse hay and grain than on the side walks. No farmer has ever fed on a eidewalk, but if he had we will cite the foremost city for beauty and cleanliness.the capital itself, Washington, D. C, and that most popular and fashionable street, Penn sylvania avenue, as an instance where j negro hucksters drive to the very heart i of the city, and feed their teams their noonday meal from boxes on the curb-! etone. j Furthermore the lot the Mountaineer ' speaks of is sadly insuflicient to accom-! mod ate all the teams which drive in at this season. They would be packed as tight us sardines in r. box, and to hitch up four or six horsee to u wagon and drive out would be a practical impos nihility. The repeal of the ordinance would allow cows to prowl around at night, feast themselves on shade trees, break down fences, etc. Not to say that cows do not do this and have for months, we do not contend for repeal of the ordinance, and would like to see it enforced, in ever particu lar, but do contend (and herein the Mountaineer's absence of argument is so conepicuous) that it is unlawful and against the spirit of the ordinunce, as originally uralteu, mat teams are to drive out of the city at nightfall or pat ronize a feed yard. These are all the points touched upon by our coteaiporury other than the ill-advised epithet of re ferring to the editor of this paper as a woes back. Hut as onr rival lives in a very large glass house, we will let him enjoy the consciousness of an occasional visit to Portland and Heppner. Why dose not the Mountaineer attack nromises to are correct. .Mr. uieveianu nas noi ; cure vour Catarrh ptrmanenUu. once, nut oiten in me msr. tew monms, grossly exceeded his authority, which would be a burning shame for the peo ple longer to tolerate. Impeachment's the thing. weefclv ANTED Pushing (nvHvr of jril itl drtsv IJtx;ruI alury und est-euw ian! ui;u iik"s rermaiient pltioii. CO", Nur'rytuen, I'ortlnnd, Or. wlw llo:iltlifullno can lie Preserved In malarial districts by the powerful tonic and alterative effects of a daily dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the true malarial antidote. WANTED ! ! Land Ornct, Tlie Dnllri, Or.,i Nrv. a, 1-'J3. Notice U brivkn iftveii tlmt the tulUiwlne named ottleriino tiled nutto-iif hl ltituuttim to mate Anal jimot In KUmmrt ill hi" cmlm mid Unit aid prml will iuimIi- hcftire thu rvfitcr and nvt'lver at The Dalles, Otveoti. on W ednosday. lweemher ... !.;, vii' llowltt ltlnc, Hotnestmd AmjllcaUoi: No. 2s2f, lor the N'l i! -K'H und EC of sVin sip 10, Tj. i! S. U U Knt IW liaiMr. the (iitlovritir witiiM'H ti tirovi- hl rimtiuumi rvalrteuct) uim am! rullivutliiii ( tald land, viz H. W. Well, of The Dalle. Or., Churlo Kantnn, Jnuin Kastnu and !aul Umcruth of Nan-uc, Or. John W. Lkwin lu-clitfr. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. 2,000 or S.00C Stock which cash will be quire at this oflice. Nov. r, -u Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San i Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh . Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." ! Price 50 ct. old by SniretS: Kinersly. . Two MatriDioiiial Pennsylvania L-aiies. ; Land OrncK, The Dalli-, Or.. , ' ot. a. Ustw. i Sheep, for Notice l berebj riven that tb fullouiUK' ., r ' uamcd acttler baa A lei 1 notiew o( hi tnloiitlmi to isitl. t.n- make anal proof in tumrt of hln , claim, and that Mid proof will be inmle Iwfun , the itelater and rwrtvor lit The lall, Or., on Prtday, N'oTembcr IT, L-jm, viz. Ifilgur S. I'rntt, ! Homepiead AtipUeatlou N'o ir.. for the nl SW! and wv of sK'4 ol rc 11. Tp. I S., It. U K. w. Jt. j He unme the followlue wltnee to prove liln ! ronUiiuouA rtehlenee uimn, and cultlvutloii of, mid laud, Tlx. - j . jtiafrioi, rraiia isnvrr, uiu iiik mm Rotiuis 10 Tent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ntntti street. t-"l2v SO FCW I CCZZ 'T Vl-i. HOT CUr-K. iii ieiitK'Tiien ' Two line-lnoklntr l'enjirivui ' ladw. exe-illent reputation. Imiu'itrtitu. tivn , ;lid boifee&exjHsrs. hc lb uud 2V), w.irtt XUXIiAO i-el.. pHirnts dtiui, want to ci west thj f!;,nd won d lite to correspond tth nice. leiin'tabif; ; i;e.,:leuin under 10. Object ba;w vrcatern , ii'inies. oeniiemen, 11 you aie ihht- -tiouianv inclined. eud fl Mil in common iett - :r- nbo-t"-. u-moi and nddrv-e of thesv ymii,? UdKs. PeEnsylvacia Adv. 0o Dos SS!. 1xk H nets. Pa. ! Charley Wing, all of Waniir, ( r. Ul-IT JOHN W . Xl, IlewMur. NOTICE VOli PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K7K.) V. : lm Executor's Notice to Creditors. N.'.ic.- 1 hereby civen that the f of Oresion lot 1 Mj'jjunted the undersigned tr. i!.- -laic of Oregon Un o- CoiinUbaa, 1 .junt; baa tim'iitor of c. Uxi omCK. The iNrilut, r.,i Nov. a. Kjk. t Notice l bercbr liven that In compliance ; with the pmtiwtnn of the act of ootiRtu- of , June 3. 187. entitled "An act for the aale of tint- ber lamia In the atatea of 1 altforuta, Om:i)U, I Kevada uud W-thiuBtm Territory," I Ji'eal i:. Mrii'iiiiii, f Of Kintrile. county of Vtaaco. utate ol OreKon. hatbidd) hied in thin office hi nvoru unite J ment for the pufnane of the NK of SW, of Rrtioi. N Zl, in Townahlp No. .- , ratute Mi l K ., ana win otiw liniol to lnm that the lnnd ouht 1 more valuable for it Annsrc.'abie Ldsat; ve und H LEVI; TO. iC. Hold bv Iru?i3ts or :ccr br tsad 'JZc.. 50c., and SI.Oj por packase. Samples i reo Wfl. Wfb The Favorite ZXZZ :TZZ22 JDLV JUiWiort. ..icTeetb end Iirc-sUx.S For naif by Snipe A; Kiueraly. VIBOR " MEN tru iuxt will nnd p-'tmnent of deorii t. ileen, timber or utiMie tbnn for asrleuitural puriio. dee: All per-om having e.i:i.i- asrulnat , and to eatalilliih hl claim to Mid land before the estate of ald dteeed are hereb:. r-iuired j the Regixter and lltWver of till otlieentThe to prtaent them, with the proj" -..iehen, ihtliea. Or. .on the IStb (lay of Janimry, 1-ui wjt.'iln Mx month from the date of MS' untie. He naoif aa wltii'.n ioive JIpIjkhI, Jh to ::id executor at Ills place of rvta:!i'e, ntatr j per Knalee. im P.ondaau and Uifnyette IiiivIh. iai,e i:e, m una county, nr hi ire umae 01 1 aii 01 xmsnier. ur. w, H Wll.on. in nid Dalle l it?. As v and ail II Wll.oti. in itid Dalle ( :t-. "ICIIAE1. 1"' IX. KxtoutiW. Iiated thi 1st da of November, 5tw Adv and all Kim. dunning ilvc:-fli the abotMlecrllKl lnnd- are retiet4l t tile their claim in thl oitiee on or before said 15th du of Jai.uan . I.. l JOHN W. LEWIS. Il.-vlhtor. NOTICE. i jTi 'n a 1 v.; Ezsllj. Quickly. Permanently neslorei. WEAKNESS, HERVOUSHESS, DEBILITY, and aU the train cf pi: from early errors or liter exceue. tte reiulti o! overwork, KlcLne&n, worrr.etc. FuUttreor;:,, dereloprsent and ton Klren toeery organ acd ixirtion of the b-Mly. ntrnpif . natnralmcthixfi. IrnniedlatclmproTcmcnt cn. Failure fnipfilt!e. Wuj reference, li-o!:, explanation and pn.'j mailed (tealed) tree ERIE MEDICAL CO. DUFFALO, H. Y. !i. "he County Court of the .-taw of 'rjfon, for ' Wai-o County, j In th- Matter of the KitMte of 1 f William Hiuciltou Wllon. ..:-ed 1 Notice i hereby tiiwn that the ii'idarvftrnvl, i ly an order of the County ( ourt f -ukiif ' ureson, for Wnco County. mdt .1 id ! t-rwt September T, wu- Hii)lntad extcupi' of the lt will and testument of the ioii Willlnni Himlluin Wihon, deeeaKtt: nil jj;ronii i,vmi; ' clairnf against uid itttate nre he.'eh; no iiiwl to prexnt the mn.e with the iini-f .nieher therefor to me nt the ofl'iee .,1 J!, Huiiliiiiini & WiNoii. Tlie Ilulle. Orwn , ,:tm, lx montlm from the f.utc of thl noti'-- Dated The Dalle.-,, Or.. !.' .. H Ht M : V Vi Kxenutor of Wilt of tr. il v 'I-n . d a Estray Taken Up. Out) black pony, branded either 5 or S u left hip and Wit jaw. Owner can have wme by prov ing iiroirrty and lliiK for tlii notlee. DKI.l. C. WlLDKIt, lO-Mwlst I'oatotlive. Thu Dtillea, Or. Taken Up. On,- frorrul ReldillK uljout twelve yoiirn old, nnd branded thun P on left khouldur. The ownur :. iin-.e the animal by pyiuK for thin notlue U. J. COOl'Kl'. ii,"in 1.:. ivi wtf H- O. Mielsen, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints. came Back, &c. Clothier and Tailor. . Decidedly the Fineht Linu of Gents' jPu.rriish.irig Goods, Trunks and Valises, clc.t cic. COK. SECONU AND WAJSIIISGTOX. THE DALLKS, OR. Zl, SAKDEH'S ELEQW1C BELT With Eleetro-MajBnettc 8ITSPENS0RV. Jfalct rmtourilMt laiproieracnU I win cure without rottlldnc all Tf ukaui rwultltc from orer-t4xatloo of bnui tKrrn tormi ticoMiortulu crrtlon. aa mrrmn dllil:y. fkcp!mu, Unci.or, TUtvnMiim. huiimy, Utcr and bu4d- corncUint,' UiaeUcic, Inniloao, KUK all female eoropjlnw K-i III Uattn. etc. Tau letnc litl: cutiuiai tinkffil nmmu orcr all ollr. rtrreut X lr.ruiiir f-rl'-Vr wearer or wo forfeit K,(mu.o, nif VIII cu re all nf tUt aixyra ducajta or bo par. TLou. hare Um cnrl 1t liiU rnarTlij inreoticn altvr all other rrmedka failol. and we in re bauUai) of tCTUfuonutaln IhUandertry other lute. Oar fMral lawmt ItaCTMC CarutOaT. the ptert Uo rr erTTtd wrak men, Mtr. wtik l t.'i'- 'M,MV''Sl'4Mtout WAirs ead forlhua'd fajiipalet.nuakd.cald,fR 8AN0EN EI.ECTRIO CO., Ho. 17 JrtraiMtrect, rVHTCAJili OiLC John Pashek, !He Merchant Tailor, 76 Couft t"et, Next door to Waico Bun Office, Job FIRST CLASS JO" PR PR 11 gPECIAL PRICES Baby Caps and Cloaks Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. The undersigned, having secured tlie machinery and fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factorv will sell the same at a barirain. Mere is an engine arid boiler of 40-odd horse power, and a large amount of shoe maciiinery, lasts, line shafting, pulieys, belting and find. ings aimosi a comjneie snoe iaciory. Here is also one of the best sites for successfuliy oper- a iactory ol tins Kind to lie lound m this coutv. Write for particulars at once, to atinji 0-12 Tlio Dallos, 9 Or. Familiar Faces in a ATcto Flare. J. 1. BARN ETT 12. BAYARD, Late .S'jcrm lr;rnl Ueneral Land Ojjicr. Jt?e Ieal Estate, Ioar;, lurarjee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTARY ITT IjIC. Parties Inmng ProjH'rty tln-y wiali t Sill or Tntdf, Houkcb to Jfcnt, or Alistract ot Ink furiiislietl, will find it to their adviiuuio to call on us. Vo Khali Hiukf u KjM'oiulty U'forc thi' of the TniU-p prosecution Stiit-B Jiind of ClniuiK Ollitv. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Mi. lifi Bepelrs ana MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. snop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Ku Blacksmith .?hop. TheDslles Wasco County, - - - Oregon, Tho Gt! City of thu inland Hmpiro ih Eituutod nt teid of navigation 011 tin Middle Columbia, und in 11 thriving purouH city. ITS TERRITORY. It in tlio Eupply city for 1111 extensivo and rich agriculture and grazing country, it tnidt! reaching uk far houth 118 Suiawe' Lul-.o, a distance of ovitr two hundrud miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along thu canton! nlopo cf th C4 cades furnishcK paaturc for tliouuaiidn of kIicdji, tho wool frow which finds markcL hero. Tho Dulles is the largest original wool shipping p'Ilt in America, about 5,000,000 jkiuiuIh Ix-ing shipped last ytair. ITS PRODUCTS. ... The salmon fisheries are tlie finest on the Columbia, yiuldmb this year a revenue of thousands of dollare, which will Ik) i"rt' than doubled in the near future. , Tlie products of tlie lxmutiful KlickiUit valley find mv. here, and the country south and east has this year ljHd yx warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing their product. ITS WEALTH. (.ib It is the richest city of it size on the coast und its mot"') scattered over and it: Using used to develop more farming countrj than is tributary to uny other city in KasUirn Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Itu cliinute delightful. lw I sibilitiea incalculable. Its reuourcen unliinild. And on tn .oriier stones she sUtids. llan Jutt recivl ti UiUt Htylui in Suitings for Gentlemen, CAN BE HAD AT THE and liana large aMjrtrncnt of For ten and Aincr leuu Clotim, watch hi- tan liniaii To Outer (or Ukau ttiut favor film. m on oar min stanoiwlnt wlilcli is ' jarocihMiiit all through our article, that j Cleaning find Repairing a Specialty. C H R O N1CLE O FFI C E Reasonably Ruinous Rates. The California Winehouse. its proprietor will soil his l'0"1?; prices in tho reach of ovoryboajj Ib now open, and 1 I 1lf ..A proaucea wine ai prices in uiu reuuu ui . -i 'n... 1 ....... i .J,. i. 1 nAa irimranteeu V1HO, OeBli 1 UUIIUIH lO IJU 1UU11U. b to be Tiire and First-Class in every respect Thompson's Addition.