Wtm f ! j MM if, III S-SSIH? HHpflKuiH ?ilMlflC hC mV (iHMEB Cl)t0nide VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1893. NO. 131. The DaUes Dafly Chronicle. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. 1 TRANSACT A C.K.Ni:KAI.HANKINU HDSINKsS fublldid I'KlIr. Sunday Excepted, nv tHE CHKONICLE PUBLISHING CO Lon ""' H'ul WiuhliiRtoji Street. The Irrui f Hutiacrlttlon ..... IteBoath.byrnrricr jailewp; .If, 00 . SO TIME TAUI.K8. ltallrnaiti.. It ellect AuruM C, lSiO. CAUT HOUHH. iAtrt(. i 55 r. m. Depart 11:00 r. m WtPT liOOMi. j, JB'W 3 i!u A- Departs 3:11 A. M frelcht thnt earrr lMUKcncem leuTe ee to- Ue Wlt " t) UU A- uaJ uuv '"r tuc NTAOKW. rniirri.le. v In. Ilnke Oven, leave dully f AEtelm. Mitchell. Cauron City, leave 1 1 . It. I- jsap til TyKli Valley, leave dully, except . , . fxliOMCSHlhlu, nam., leave every unj in ui I wieici'pt nutuiny nt a. m. 0i tu: Ktl linen at the Umatilla lliiuw. KltOFKSJIIONAl.. In H. lilUDEl.lr-ATroii.veY-AT-LAW omce U. Court street, The Dalle, Oregon. it. vvrvK rsisi iri, IrvrtTR .e MENEKKE ATIOESITI1 AT II) iw-Itnuina U and 43. over Hint lasBnlWlnc, Kntmuce oa Waauinciou Street IStWUen.Urecou,, . Bee in i SctiBtiuo'k building, up talra. The , OrtKoa . t, ulT, It. a.lItlKTlNOTOS. Jf. . W1LKOS. IVfV8, Ht'NTlNOTO.S & WILSON Attoe 1 .11 JtTit-Ai law -Ofllceit, French' block over nntNilloiial Haul., ' liulloa. Oregon. VV K tt'll-nON ATTOKMy-AT LAW-Koomi '1 . trench t'o.'s bunk bulldlni:, Second ttrjrt.Iulmll'n, Uresou. ntJamMAN lIoM.xorjmuc 1'hymcian cchokON ifJoriirM, city or country .Lsjfaan mocx. UttUK Mllltwereu ynnui). Umie mi. ih unu wt! Lt'ttors of Credit issuetl available in lie Hastum States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Fruncinco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made nt all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES National ir Bank, Of DALLES CITY. OR. President -Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody Ch.uii.es Hilton M. A. Moody If You Saw Your Own Wood and saw enough of it, your digestive organs may perhaps be equal, ostrich like, to any task you impose even to the digest ion of lard -cooked food. If however, like thousands of other people, you have learned that you must ' ' draw the line at lard," this is to remind you that there is a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable substitute, called & o General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FKANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. J. S. feCHE.NCK, l'reMdent. J. M. I'ATTKIl'.ON, Cnthier. First Rational Bank. -HE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly reinittetl on uaj 01 collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on iew 1 orfc, bun rrancisco and 1'ort-land. COTTOJLENE T Us j vrhich if used in place of lard, permits you to eat pies, pastry, patties and such "good things " without fear of dyspeptic con sequences. There's abundant proof, but none so convincing and so pleas ant as a trial for yourself. Wo invite it. For sale everywhere. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. DR.0 I. llOA.NK-IHYMCIA.V AND feDU o.s Olliec; room 6 and 6 CliHinnun hat. RiKitienci' S. K. c.'trn:r court imu If.- ftreetn, ' 'lid door from the corner, ttaloum II to VI A. if.. 2 to 5 mid 7 to s r. m. DenticT CH Kiveu lor the UHluleiih eitrnrtlon of teeth. A1m teeth cs,ied uluiuluum plnU:. Koomt.. slcn ol B Gqideu Tooth, 'second etreet. lr (H1IALI.- SOCIETIK. AECy 1.0DGK, NO. l!i, A. K. i A. M. Meet Sntmd third Mouduy ol euch month m 7 DkUifcYAL AHC1I CHAl'TKK NO. (. Mt'.nMuMinlc Hull the third Wedne.ly fafeacfccwmuiit? 1' M. ( irODKKN y.W)I)MKN OK THE WOKUK- I .U ui, jiuuj UmiiNo. W. MeeU TUeMluyeven ing of each wi m prutemlty Hull, ut7.:tO p. m. pOLt'ifWA UiDOK, NO. 6, 1. 0. 0. K.-Meetc I ill 1' h ! ...,... - ;1 C.nrf ..triH'tl.. I jojoiirnlnir trothem nre welcome. IpRIENH.-HU' LODGU, NO. V., K. of I'.-MeeU r every Mundiiy cvenlliK t 7 : o'clock, In ttAnuo.lmudiiiB, corner of Court and second t. bojuuruliiK member ure cordially In- (' ,. W, B. CRAM. iAir. K of It Htid H. C. C. I j"-! .u. -ini, iv. jr i Mat" i" ... 1.1 ft 1 t.uii .t . .:... f......i. ve.Hi..... 1 of each month nt 7 ;30 p. in. U'OUENb IHRIBTIAN TKMl'KKKNCK clock nt the redlns room. AlUre Invited. 1. lUirmoii ukJru No. 601. I. O. 0. T.-Ueirulnr "eekly muetlnits Friday ut b 1 M., Iffrauy llnli. All are Invited. I UK A.N, C, T. It. C. FLkt'K, Bo JtMrLK IJODOK NO, 8, A. O. U. W.-MeeU lnjlrrisii, Flnnncler. M. W. J6..S'KMITH 1-ObT, No, Vi, 0. A. R. Meet Is'fyeaturdtty ut 7;80 x In the K. of 1'. I - ID .F K K- Meeu every buuday ulternoou in K of 1'. Hull. IflANo VKKKIN MiU every Bunduj 1 CTHIitti,, I., .v... i . . it tt..n u r., ill r. Jinu, R .f !'i F. 1HVIKI0N, No. lC7-Mw!tln IfctoiH"." ' 'ill tho llmt and third Muunoa- ch inoiith, at 7:ao r. . T1IK CllimCIIKH. lr',Jf7Efh CHURCH Kev. Futher Hkowii. J y "nwr, lAiw .ini,n every nmiuiiy ut - nlKh Muu nt 10:30 a. M. Vonjicm ut lTVl m1' ' 1 1 ' lie 1 1 -Union Ktrect.oppoMto Ht-ii:, ;;, v r.uu.hutelllle Hector, hervicen ''") at 11 a. k. and 7:;u) , M. Biinday t, ,J A t. KveuliiK 1'rayer on Friday ut I'TIST CIIURCH-Rev. O. 1). TaY- "4 ui 'ii UiUr- MornliiK ervl06ii every Bub 'Kil in 1 "''"'I"'" ut 11 A. M. hnbbnth E)tr rn. i "iiy alter inornliiK Horvicen, E in! ,"k fMiy evening at 1'ui.tor'ii real Bj, tiiimi horvlceii lu the court houao ut ATJONAL CIIUKCII-Kev. W. (J. KJ- and ii L "',to 8rvlcea every Hundiiy ut U r"l. Ki Hundav Hchool after inornlnK h . "'""'Kera conllully Invited. Henta free. IM, LI'KCH-Rer. J. Whulkii. i.uator. "v.11U!kM.'..ruiIn. I . .. at f!!)nBt o'clock f m. Kpworth "'flar i.;!'. i r" J'raver meetliiK every UWVc:lilnit t7;20 u-iAtwV. A i.i. nihil In. " wtended by both jmntor und jajople riui.. IY fflAN CHURCH-RKV. J. V. JKNKIM. t6tch Sul,, Vichtiiic lu the C'oniireKutlouul 'J l ii'" ''UTHKRAN-Nluth atreet, m'h' ..i 1rujwtor. Morvlova at 11 :80 u. m. otiv t m v,m A ooraial weloouie DIRIiCTOKS, D. P. TlIOMl'HON. J.VO. S. SCHENCi Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. II. M. Bkai.l. W. PI. YOUNG, "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. Biacksmitn k wagon Slop General Blacksmithing and Work don promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp, Licte's old Staud. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and nil kinds of work in his line nt reasonable- figures. Hits tlio largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDallos J. I. FORD, Evanplist, 01 Des Molnen, Iowa, write under dute ol March '."3, 1W3: S. B. Meu. Mho. Co., Dufur, Oregon. (jtnlltmtn : , , , , . On arriving home last week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 jiounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your H. B. Cough Cuio has cured and kept away all hoarsened from me. So give it to every one, with greeting for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mm. & Mmh. J. K. Foitn. If von wih to feel fret.li and cheerful, and read for theBprlnu'a work, eleunko your nynteia with tho Hetidiiche und Uver Cuie, by taking two or three riohcucuch week. Bold under u ponltlve KUuruntee. CiO cetita ier bottle by ull (Iria'KlMk. C. F. STEPHENS, PIULltK IN DRY GOODS p5 lothing Hoota, Hlioea, lluta, Kte. Fancy Ijoodg, flotion Etc., Ktc, Ktc. Second St,, The Dalles. A. THROUG-H FFBiimt ami Passe w hub Through daily service Sundays ex cepted) Ix-'tweeii The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Begulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade ocl:s with steamer Dalles City. .Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland 'Yamhill street dock') at C a. in. con nectim: with steamer Kegulator for The Dalles. I'AHSKMSKK KATKii. One way. Hound trip. . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landings' must bo delivered hefore b p. m. Live- stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (ientiral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Oeiinrnl Muiiukit. THE DALLES, OREGON ARTIC-SY SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts at wholtiaulr Uotutlon. I OIIACCO, I i ! CHiA ICS AND S ! KWKKT DltlNKM Specialties Finest Poanut RoastorlnThe Dalles 2 38 2d Strou J.FOLCOS At rlk'ht aide ooarr t rant. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable- house lias been entirely refurnished, and every room has been reimporod and repalntw and newlv carpeted throughout. Jlie hour contaliiH 170 rooniBaudls siijiplled with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A good restaurant attache to tho house. Krer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. WANT HIM IMPEACHED Cleveland's Arrogant Assumption Power. STORM OF INDIGNATION ROUSED The Administration Sees Its Vcrv Grcvious Mistake and May At tempt to Rectify It. San Fiiancisco, Nov. 14. In leading editorials on the Hawaiian situation this morning both the Examiner, demo cratic, and the Chronicle, republican, call for the impeachment of President Cleveland. The Examiner Eays: "If while con grcss was in session he scorned to con sult it and sent his herald to Honolulu to declare war between the United States and the provisional government of the islands, whose regularly commissioned minister has been officially received at Washington, then Grover Cleveland should be impeached and ousted from the presidency."' The Chronicle says: "When the in structions were given Minister Willis, congress was in session. Mr. Cleveland informed congress through a committee that he had no further communication to make. He was at that moment en gaged in secretly preparing, or rather he had secretly prepared, to make war upon and overthrow the government of a friendly state. Congress alone has power under the constitution to declare war. Mr. Cleveland, for his usurpation, should be impeached." A Storm of Indignation. Chicago, Nov. 15. A Washington special says: "Either dissolute Queen Lil has been puton the Hawaiian throne by force, or she is not back there yet. This seems to be the situation. Sensa tional stories are afloat about a change in the administration's Hawaiian policy. It is stated additional instructions are being prepared and will be telegraphed to San Francisco to go out on Thursday's steamer. One democrat of prominence, who heard the report that there might have been a hitch, said : 'I trust to God, for the sake of mv country and for the sake of my party, that Willis has found some excuse for delay. It is our only salvation.' These, however, ate met el y hopes based on guesses of what may not have taken place. Members of the cabinet are as dumb as oysters about today's develop ments, yet it is positively known that tho cipher dispatch received from Willis was not a mere formal announcement of his arrival. As far as can be gleaned, Willis, on his arrival did not find the outlook favorable for a peaceful restora tion of the provisional government likely to bo awed into voluntary sub mission. It is surmised his dispatch to the state department gave his private opinion that he might have to go to the full length of his instructions and call for the co-operation of the marines. That there has been a serious dill'erenco of opinion in the cabinet, admits of not the slightest doubt. Laniont and one or two other members have confessed their fears that the administration can never survive the forcible restoration of Liliuo kalani, and even though who bo got back without force no satisfactory ex planation can bo made. The whirlwind of public sentiment in the United States has literally overpowered tho president and cabinet. They never anticipated such an indignant protest. If Minister Willis found tho situation so hazardous that an immediate restoration of the queen was impracticable, it is certain it would bo infinitely more ha.ardoiiH in future, when public eeiitiment in tho United States is understood on the is lands. Willis had ample authority to reinstate tho 4110011 through tho agency of 000 American marines in tho harbor of Honolulu, and if ho hesitated about doing it, there must have been some good icasoii. A hint is given that tho cipher dispatch from him suggested a counter proposal from the provisional government, and that the question of the form of government should ho loft to the Hawailans to settle by election. "It has been decided not to give out Hlount'ri report." They Am In N"' Vorlf. Ni;w Yoi:k, Nov. .').-Tho Evening WoildsavHi "President Cleveland un expectedly arrived here early UiIh morn ing, and drove to tho Victoria hotel at 1 ;30 a. 111. IIo came alono and took breakfast in his room. Tho object of his visit is a mystery, ilohad not appeared at any down-town place where ho might bo expected to visit up to 2 this after noon." Cut llowers and winter blooming plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish All tlm Whcnt Sold. St. Paul, Nov. 1L Careful inquiry develops the fact that only a small pro portion of tho wheat crop of Minnesota and tho two Dakotas remains on hand. Tho crop was 100,000,000 bushels, of which 80,000,000 bushels wero available for eale. The movement of tho crop has been enormous during the past few weeks, with the result that 52,000,000 bushels of tho 80,000,000 have been sold. The farmers wero compelled to sell because they needed the money, owing to tho low price of wheat they had to sell twico as much as in former years to raiso tho money ne cessary to keep them through tho will' ter and conduct farming operations next spring. Of tho 28,000,000 bushels remaining, nearly all will bo required by the Minneapolis and Duluth mills and this, with the amount needed for consumption and seeding in tho North west, will leave not a bushel for sale outside. Northwestern farmers recognize the necessity of having other crops than wheat, but to make the change more money would be required. This they cannot command, and will therefore be forced to continue raising wheat almost exclusively for a year or two longer. As to I'rendcrgast's Sanity. Chicago, Nov. 15. Lawyer A. S. Trude is preparing an article for a mag azine, presenting a theory as to Pren dergast's responsibility for his action when he assassinated Carter Harrison. Mr. Trude'a theory is that Prendergast was sane when he committed the deed. He cites the fact that the man was ani mated by a sense of fear in fleeing from the servant at the home of Mayor Har rison. He cites cases where men who have committed crimes while insane ap peared to have no sense of fear, and would even rush into danger. The cleverness with which Prendergast soight to insure bis own safety is cited as proof of his sanity. An Ancient UiiKllsh Title. One of the minor titles borne by the sovereigns of England ever sinco the accession of ithc house of Hanover is bacri Roruani imperii, archi-thes- aurus, arch-treasurer of the ltoman empire. The title dates back to Fred erick, the elector palatine, who held the olllce stated, but for ages after his time its duties were performed by a deputy. They do not relate to the treasury, lint to certain mutters con nected with public ceremonies. It was originally the ritfht of this ollieiab to carry the crown before the emperor at the coronation, and to distribute coin as a largess among the people during- the ceremonies. What it Creole In. A creole, strictly speaking, is any person born in this country or the West Indies of European ancestors; also any person born in or near the tropics, and tins is the sense In wlueli the word is usually employed. The use of the word, however, has been by some restricted first to children of foroitrn parents born in Louisiana, ami, second, to children ot Spanish or French parents born in Louisiana, and then in the north the word has been perverted so that it is believed to imply some strain of negro niood in a person to whom it is applied. It does not imply anything of the sort. Tin: Hi:st Pi.astkii. Dampen a piece of llaunel with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bind it on over the seat of pain, it is lienor man any piaster. When tho lungs aro soro such an appli cation 011 tho chest and another on the back, between tho shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so good for a lame hack or a pain in the side. A soro throat can nearly always lie cured in 0110 night by applying a tlaiinel bandage dampened with Pain Halm. 50 cent bottles for sale by lilakeley & Houghton, druggists. I'UNturHKO. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any ono who desires 10 avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. lit! Shlloh's Vitalizer is what you need for lyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 71c Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. llest t'rades of oak. fir. and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Ollice Second and .Jcller son streets.. NEWS NOTES. John Johnson, a negro murderer, was electrocuted at Auburn, N. Y., yester day. Servian Minister Georgevich, stabbrd by Anarchist Lauthier Monday night in Paris, is much worse. A schoolhouso at Cooperville, N Y., burned nnd May Porter, tho teacher, and Willard Johnson, aged 4, wero burned to death, Mrs. John Sprague, wife of the well known theatrical manager, committed suicide at her home at 12IJ3 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. She had been married 25 years. In a fight for tho possession of a mill near Mt. Pinion, Ala., between the sheriff and his assistant and two brothers named Smith, tho brothers wero shot and killed, and thosherifl'shot in tho head and badly wounded. A special from New York says Ad miral Mello, commander of the Brazilian rebellion, has declared himself for an empire. A privato cable announces that a monarchy is proclaimed in Brazil. Mello has hoisted tho imperial flag. The Grand Trunk Company is exoner ated from all blame, in tho Battle Creek disaster the jury finding that it had fur nished first-class cars and all the latest improvements for safety. Conductor Scott will hnve a hearing on a charge of murder in tho first degree. The woman white-cap case that caused a sensation in Osceola, Neb., a few weeks ago, when a dozen prominent women were accused of floggiug Osceola girls for alleged laxity of morals, was settled yesterday by tho accused women plead ing guilty to unlawful assembly, and bef ng fined $25 each . Mrs. July Reynolds, of Weston, N. C, has written to Governor McKinley that her 15-year old sou, James E. Hall, is held in slavery in Tangier island. Ho shipped in an oyster schooner from Norfolk. The lad's condition, according to a man who escaped from the island, is worse than that of any black slave be fore the war. The matter will bo investigated. Great excitement prevails at Varnor, rk., on the Iron Mountain railroad, over tho hanging, shooting and burning of a negro named Nelson, who a week ago murdered another negro. Tho mob, consisting exclusively of colored people, who broko down the jail, hung Nelson to a tree, riddled his body with bullets, and then set fire to it. Fragments of the body wero left dangling to the tree. Mrs. Agnes McKinley, a Canadian procuress, imprisoned tor unnging young girls hero from Toronto for im moral purposes, pardoned by tho presi dent on condition she tdiould not again enter tho United States, was released from tho Sing Sing penitentiary. When tho pardon was read, she said : "1 liko the pardon all right, but it has a string with it which I object to." She started at onco for Canada. Look at tho size of tho ordinary pill. Think of all the trouble and disturbance that It causes von. Wouldn't von wel come something easier to take, and easier in its ways, if at I lie same time it lid vou moie eoodr llmt is tlio case with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. 1'hoy'ro the smallest 111 ni.u, the mildest In action, but the most thorough and far- reaching in results They follow nature's methods, and tnev eivtt Help mat lasts. Constipation, indigestion, bilious at tacks, sick and bilious headaches, and all deraiiL'omontH of the liver, stomach and bowels are promptly relieved and permanently cured. 'It' wo can't cure your catarrh, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing, we'll pay you $500 in cash." That is what is promised by the pro prietor of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Uemedy. Doesn't it prove better than any words could, that this is a remedy that cures catarrh'.' Costs only 50 cents. 1,11 1 ilium. Dining the prevalence of the grippe tho past seasons it was a noticeable fact that thobo who depended upon Dr. King's Now Discovery, not only had u speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after olloetH of tho malady. TIiIh remedy scoiiih to have a peculiar power in ellVcting rapid cures not only in eases of la grippe, but lu all diseases of throat, chest ami lungs, and has cured cases of asthma and hay fever of long standlhg. Try it and bo convinced. It won't disappoint. I'reo trial bottles at Snipes A Kinersly's drug stoic. Highest of all in Leavciiiiif; Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, Rcvl Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PIRB Si 3 V si. ii 0.