HM' I " I ' " I " I I "J - I T- I 3 - I - I $35.00, $15.00, , $10.00. TO BE G-IVZBItT , AWAY Saturday, Dec. 16th, 1893, TO THE r ChLircli, Cliu.rcti Society, or Charitable Institution, Receiving the greatest number of votes. First Prize, $35.00, to tlie largest number. Second Prize, $15.00, to the next largest number. Third Prize, $10.00, to the next largest number. One vote for every 25 cents of merchandise purchased in our store. Voting commences Wednesday morning, November 15th. Voting closes Saturday at 6 P. M., December 16th. Sec Corner Window. Our Steel of Linen Collars, lOc. Each. ,Vi all goods marked " . VJ IN PLAIN FIGURES. 1V PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. i, matter. t.otHl Ail vn tln!ii;;. i!f Tor Br-it insertion, and b Ouats ,r .. uitwojueut tnvrtioii. oi- i- ir lorn; tlm nolicfs A : oMeca received "tiitr thai) i o'clock VEt'v-WHY, NOV. l.r, 181)3 iV 1-n Ui ami HV'i.v Chronicle may Ufa ' 1 u1e 'U I. '. XickeUen tlorr. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. "or J):illy CIiiiili-up I'rum in ami About tli City. . .if f Jslwl the lat cxtm-M. . 11 t .miner mi tterccm.d bold, tir . .1 the Mi-.rt h)kic of a moment or lib f v. - twanging barp ot gold. ,V jthi-r press has been added to The Cut: s. yjb room. Tt Diamond Mills have now all the wlwa- '.') can handle and will purchase no in Hie c vso of Rock Alery vs. The Dalles laoWv'ug C', is being tried today ho VtAc.rfut court. Mr, Met u lad is in the city today, "i avitlmt thi' farmers are plowing itjtjnins and the neioage will he fully ii t at ear's, If It does not exceed trm nil, ,u.' The 1 y njcial will l given at the acu'li'my Saturday evening. A good prokTaumuf has been prepared. Tho ad mission linn bven placed at IS cents, whirli includes lefreshmonte. Tin; fherill' mid his deputies are very bnsv pplt) these day, serving hubitoe nat'S and the like, and even the prison f Ht a breath of fresh air, as they pass through t)u, norriilor, cyi .ioute to the JUilit'tai presence. T'te jury in the cu-ie of John Thomas '"A J M-jftfa and C. L. Richmond tendered a verdict in favor of Thomas for (L'3s DO damages for a judgment rendered in Justice Doherty'H court and costs ol injunction. Tho a't' going HOUth. Tlie assessor'n rfiort, published in nothfr column, shows that the taxable valuutiull is loss tlmn last year, includ ' indebtedness. But the fact it) easily accounted for by the great depreciation values of property, hows, cattle nnd licep. otin Trona, a constable at tho Can- undertook to Hrreat u dago yeater aa)' wlmn tho UiiIUu'h friends pounced JK" him handled him pretty '"Kidy, bruiHinjc him and tearliiK M I 1 ' Anothu'" tUiupt will likely be d by tlie countable at a more favora- 'e ,ut"'iunt, when a chnrije for relntlin; , Kbr will probably bo added to the "'I'lo complaint, of iihhiiuH, for which Hf to luivu boon arreted. lIloli'e Vltalizer u'whutyou ueod for .IMa, torpid liver, yellow nkin or trouble. H ih Kuurauteed to fj'fwi Hallufnntiou. Pri- 74 Sold ""'Ipei.AKiuerHly.drugKlBtii. 1, w,Ol, WOOD, WIMMI. oca nlir;u,t,4,0f "k' Hlabcord. Wiu' owt market rateo at Jon. T. tttZ., : vmee Decoiid ami Jeaer- "Hi I CONSCIENCE MONEY. A rorilciicr Vuyn Mr. Kkililie After Thrr Yvarr. Saturilay afternoon a Finlander walked into Mr. .Skibbe's hotel, accompanied by his son, a lad of about 17 yeara. He talked very brokenly and was understood witli considerable difficulty. Witliout, other preliminary he asked if Mr. Skibbe remembered buying some dressed hogs of him three years us:o. Mr. Skibbe did j not and then he said something about ' $4.85 in connection with the event, Mr. .Skibbe believing he was trying to collect that amount fraudulently on an old bill, lie paid but little attention to the old fellow and busied himself waiting upon other customers, but Hill tho foreigner hung around, waiting for further atten tion. Witli a view to ridding himself of the collector iau he thought) he seized a Ieus busy moment, and Etepped up to him, Miyinp: "Well, old gent, how is it you never said anything about it all this time?" He either did not understand or ig nored the question, and, still talking, pulled out a purte, and took therefrom if-1.85, and handing it to Mr. Skibbe, said, very brokenly, but which we will give in a traiiHluted form ; "Take this, I have had it over three years now. It is your money. You paid me $-1.35 too much at the time I sold you tho dressed hogs." Mr. Skibbe thanked liim very much, but the old fellow would not accept any thing. Wo will not publish his name, but his residence is in Centerville. It would seem the matter has troubled him greatly ever since he was overpaid, andjiowthata great burden is lifted from his conscience, wo will let him en joy his good actU.nvith as little or as much publicity as hecares to give it. TAYLOR'S NARROW ESCAPE. 1'urnnTK Will KuUo I1ok. - - r Mr. G. W. I,ucaB of Wamic is in tho city. He reports the farmers in his sec tion are very busy plowing and sowing fall wheat, and as the ground is in the finest condition there will be as much or .more winter wheat sown this fall than formerly. The long distance to market and tho low priro of wheat, the farmers will try tho hog enterprise as a branch pf husbandry, and put their grain into pork instead of raising it to sell by the bushel. Wheat raising is largely un profitable where the markets are so un certain. Allulm at tliu 1.01-kH. Cacuauh Locks, Nov. lit. About 50 stone cutteis were laid oil' a week ago at the Locks, but the con tractors have been hiring all the laborers they could got for several days, past There are about 450 men at work there now some say 00. The iiiess house and bunk house are about full. Tomorrow is pay day. The weather has been good for several days except for the east wind which blows hard and cold. Are your children subject to croup? if bo, you should never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and lias never been known to fall. If given freely as booh us tho croupy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It Is the sole reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is 110 danger in giving thia Remedy in largo and frequent doses, as it contaiuH noth ing injurious. 50 cent buttles for sale by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confer. tiouery store, Dl.cliarKfd liy the Grand Jury Only for Lack of Kvlilence. The grand jury rendered "not a true bill" in the case of State of Oregon vs. Irvin Taylor, and defendant was dis charged. The circumstances of the case shold prove the folly of getting too thor oughly under the influence of liquor if the individual is of a quarrelsome nature when so influenced. Mr. Taylor is a model man ordinarily, and universally respected by his associates. A few montliBago, while partly drunk, he quar reled with a Chinaman well known at Antelope, and with a spirit more to frighten than anything else, he pulled out a revolver and discharged it in the floor within a few feet of the Chinaman. The latter thereupon had him arrested for assault with intent to murder, but the grand jury, believing there was not sufficient foundation for tho charge, dis charged Taylor with a warning. There is no doubt that bad whisky is at the root of half the crimes committed, and if Mr. Taylor will profit by his narrow escape from a term in the penitentiary lie will hereafter let it severely alone. It is bad medicine for the passions, and with an individual of his nature, substi tutes recklessness for bravery, insanity for reason, ami makes murder not only possible, but an accident if it is not committed. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Amos Root is in the city today. Mr. I). F. Laughlin went below this morniug. Mrs. Lem. Burgess of Bake Oven is in town todav. Mr. R. K. Hawortli is visiting his brother, J. F., of this city. Mr. T. II. Johnston and A. J. Ander son are in from Dufur today, on court business. Mr. T. 1'. Kelley of Mitchell, Crook Co.. is in tho citv en route to San Fran cisco where ho will remain during the winter. Mr Kelly has several boxes of grasses, which lie is taking down to put on exhibit at the midwinter fair. lCiulorneil by tilt' I'roitN. In tills skeptical hiw hUtcmenU innUo bufnic IjcJiik crodlti'il uto Kwu'rully inquired into. Too 11I0 1110 nlwiiyn found (oino one mid) on the sldu wlieru their intercut Hen, In view of the liut iliimml truth mi IndomMiient from one who I not interonted Khould bo of double vulue, heneo tho following trunk ntuteuivut bhould bo rend ,iKNTi.Klii:N: Tills Is to certify that I have used K muse's Ileudaeho Ciu1ok with satisfac tory results. 1 boiiKht it box which cost 1110 25 cents and one capsule cured 1110 of dreadful tick headache My wife mid myself huvo both used the mullelnes manufactured by tho Norman I.lehtvMI'K l!o, and wo recommend them to tho nubile as being Just what they are represented. 1 Kesiiectfully, W. J, HUTCHINSON, Kd. (iazcttc, I'leasaut Hill, .Mo. Sold by SiiIh-.v Kilierslyi Karly Treat uii-ut of Hiuallpoi. It wan several years ago that Oalla vurdln drew the uttentiou'of French practitioners to the advantages of treating Miiallpox according to the plan originally suggested and carried out by John of (loddesden and Waters. The treutiaent in question consisted simply In keeping the patients abso lutely away from nil solar light, and this solar darkness had to be from first to lust complete and uninterrupted, otherwise no beuellcial results could be looked for. Tho sumo authority has recently published the results of his experience -vitli this method covering a period of some sixteen yearb, show ing thut 1 this plan be earned out the great advautugo ensues of there being no period of btippuruuon, uuu, mu bcquonee, the subsequent bcarriug is, iutiuiteslmah . I Cut dowers and winter blooming' plants for sale by Mrs. Phillip. ( Ute Mexican Silver Slow IViUh 1 ASSESSMENT FOR 1803. Mr. KonntE Arconipanln Ilia Itepnrt wmi KxpintiBtnry Itemarks. The county asseusor. Mr. Joel K. Koontst, has completed his assessment rolls for this year's volnation, and kindly furnishes Tiik Chkonici.k with a com parative statement for the years 1892 and 1893, as follows: AMKSKMKNT FOR 1893. ncres npr. lSS.SfiO I 9S7.18I arva No. land Wason r lnnds M.fijn Town lots . . Improvements Mdse. nnd Im plement. Money, notes, accounts. . Household fur niture .. No. horses . 4,9.1s No. cattle., . Gflia No, hoei....t 130,291 No. swine. . l.'.rji l.Oiti.'.r.w .171,918 250,111 7S, 107,825 C7.r2 200,793 8.04G Gross value Exemptions ,3,.V9,323 . 193,275 Taxable property . t3r3v,0is 1892. 109,038 30,511 4,929 r..r,7i 105,130 1,808 fs7tt,833 7.1,08-2 8'.Mi,707 432,321 375,319 701,790 G 1,203 114,8M C 1,705 1M.992 3,913 ..13,793 777 100,828 . . 892,440 r2,740,.'M Including mortgage notes. tludehtcdnes. In a letter of explanation to the state board of equalization he makes the fol lowing statements : That three-fourths of the deeded land, heretofore placed at a high valuation, is pasture and grazing and cannot be justly assessed as high as that used for agri cultural purposes purely. Horses are assessed at $21.79, which is fully up to their cash value, and many have been sold for less. Cattle have been placed at $10.75, which have often been offered for sale at this figure with no buyers at that. Sheep at $1.50, which cannot be sold for srich sum for lack of buyers. Hogs he has placed at $4.03, which is fully as high as they are worth. He also mentions the fact that he has assessed town property above the current cash prices. From Mr. Koontz' letter, containing these explanations, it would be folly to suppose the state board will exceed the figures in any instance. From Our New I'rlmer. The Little Joker. Do you see the cat and the kit? At night the cat and the kit sometimes make a great noise under the house. Tho cat is the dam of the kit. Dam the cat and the kit. taetiop po5tpoped. The balance of Our Large Stock We will Close Out A life size crayon free with every dozen cabinet photos. These crayons formerly retailed for $10 each at Herrin's. If you want a crayon for Christmas, join Herrin's Crayon club. It will only cost you 50 cents if you join before Saturday. ooM'otklloct COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old phjElclan. Succestfulti U3cd .monthly 6tf thoiuaniU cf Ixdlci. Is tho only pcr.'ectiy s-fnriil rrllnblo Incdlcltio dis covered. Beware- of unprincipled drussists v.-ho offer Inferior medicine in plsco of this. Ask for Cook'a Cotton Hoot Compound. ta;.-c no suo:i; fuf, cr Inclose 81 and 0 cent3 in pctago in letter and -w-o will 6end, 8qa!ed, by return mall. Full scaled particulars ii plain cavtlopp, to lsdlcsnly, ii Stamps. Addrc-; I o n d Lily l J o in p a n v. ."o. G Flbrr Woe. Dc'rolt. J-.icll. Sold In The Dalles by Ulakeley A: Houston. WOOD! WOOD! WOOW Best grades oak, fir. pine anil slab wood. Ollico 133 Second street. All orders promptly attended to. tt .MA IK I', 1JKNTON. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every day at 4 o'clock. Notice. To All Whom It May Concern, Notice is hereby given mai too common council of Dalles City has pro cured tho use of those certain premises situated at the corner of Fourth and Washington streets, in said city, for tho purpose of tying teams during tho hours of tho day. The use of said premises are free to all persons having teams, and wlio Uo not desire to pui ineir teams up in tho feed yards, or stables of the city. All teams found tied up elsowhere from and after th ditto of this notico will be placed in the public pound of the city. Dan. Mai.on'i:v. City Marshal. Dated this 13th day of Nov., 1893. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. Just IJieiiol Tailor Made Overcoats Ot Superior (Juiillty uuit rininii. TailorMadePants. Hats, Furnishings, Hoots and Shoes. All (III it from the Kuwlern .Muiiufucturers, A. H0NYWILL, toilless of Gofst! GREAT BARGAINS. Store Fixtures for Sale. N. Harris. P. S. Special prices to dealers. SBBSBBBBBBflHBBBJBBo I Ml II Av Just firrivefl from Kew it SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jackets, . FR0fl $3.50 UPWARDS ii & Hi Ml At Kemarkably Low Prices. Splendifl Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF " Winter Dry Goods, E00TS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. yzSTAs we arc forced to SELL lOK CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like ho famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found tho veiwlowest in the market. We invite our friends and customers to examiiii! our t.'oods and prices hoforo purchasing THB CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known IJrowery is now turning out the bet Heer and I'ortei en-.t of the Oaeoades. The latest appliance? for tho manufacture of good health ful IJeer ha'K btn introduced, and mi y the fifst-elnH" article will be p' need on ho market. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DKALF.RS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and DeHlgnc in W jk Ha Xj FA.rESB.- 4SrTriu'lii'al Paimetn mid Paper Hangeih. None but the best brands of tha Sherwiti-Williiuiis and J. W. Mtisury's Paints lined in all .iur work, and iiuiio but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints, No chemical combination or coup mixture. A llrst class article In all colors, Ah orders promptly attended to, Paiut Shoo corner Tliirdantl Washington Sts., The Dalles. Orecoii Mi's I'MWW CI. It costs you 50 cents, $o 'jpi,t if you join before' Saturday.' Every member is guaranteed a Crayon. Now for Christ mas Presents for yourself or friends. Investigate! THE DALLLKs, UH,